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BattleMech Technical ReadoutType/Model: Defiler (Base)Tech: Clan / 3070Config: Biped OmniMechRules: Level 2, Standard design Mass: 100 tonsChassis: York AT Endo SteelPower Plant: 300 Ylar FusionWalking Speed: 32.4 km/hMaximum Speed: 54.0 km/hJump Jets: None Jump Capacity: 0 metersArmor Type: Beta 6 Alloy Ferro-FibrousArmament: NoneManufacturer: York Y3 Facility Location: YorkCommunications System: York Y3-ComTargeting & Tracking System: York T&T 55EOverview:Clan Blood Spirit was left tottering by the vicious fighting on York, their long held isolation broken by the Star Adder assault.In a bid to overcome their enemies, Khan Schmitt ordered her techs to design an assault omnimech that can compete with any in clan space.They came up with a stunning design, the Defiler. Costing only 50% of a Dire Wolf, the Defiler can pack almost as much weaponry, and is also much more durable. Strategically speaking, its appearance enabled the Blood Spirits to gain the upper hand.Capabilities:Unwilling to use the expensive and hideously vulnerable XL engine on their new omnimech, the Blood Spirits had to resort to other means to make the mech competitive.By using endo steel and ferro fibrous armor, they actually managed to get close to the Dire Wolf's pod space of 50 tons. By keeping the number of heat sinks in the chassis to what was internally contained in the engine itself, the Defiler actually has a larger pod space than the Dire Wolf!The primary configuration is a deadly long range slugger, with gauss rifles and large pulse lasers, along with a ATM rack to provide firepower at all ranges.The alpha variant uses jump jets, a targeting computer, and pulse lasers to create a frightening behemoth that has destroyed many a Star Adder mech, even with green pilots at the controls. This is the singularly most feared assault mech in the Blood Spirit touman.Beta configuration employs ATMS and pulse lasers in a devastating array to savage all enemies, while gamma mounts a super heavy autocannon for close up work.Delta uses 6 LRM 15 racks for incedible long range punch, backed up by two ER PPCs when the missiles run out, or when enemies get close. Epsilon uses a mix of large lasers to pummel its enemies at selected ranges.DeploymentDefilers have been spotted in all Blood Spirit units, and they have also started offering the mech to some selected clans, most notably the Cloud Cobras, known to be Star Adder allies. The Fire Mandrills and the Goliath Scorpions have also received a few in exchange for mineral resources, as well as promises to exert more pressure on the Star Adders via continued Trials of Possession for Star Adder territory while its attention is fixed on the Blood Spirits.Type/Model: Defiler (Base)Mass: 100 tonsEquipment: Crits MassInternal Structure: 152 pts Endo Steel 7 5.00 (Endo Steel Loc: 1 HD, 2 LT, 2 RT, 1 CT, 1 LL)Engine: 300 6 19.00 Walking MP: 3 Running MP: 5 Jumping MP: 0 Heat Sinks: 12 Double [24] 0 2.00Gyro: 4 3.00Cockpit, Life Support, Sensors: 5 3.00Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H, R: Sh+UA+LA+H 16 .00Armor Factor: 307 pts Ferro-Fibrous 7 16.00 (Armor Crit Loc: 1 LA, 1 RA, 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LL, 2 RL) Internal Armor Structure Value Head: 3 9 Center Torso: 31 46 Center Torso (Rear): 16 L/R Side Torso: 21 32/32 L/R Side Torso (Rear): 10/10 L/R Arm: 17 34/34 L/R Leg: 21 42/42Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Crits MassTOTALS: 0 45 48.00Crits & Tons Left: 33 52.00Calculated Factors:Total Cost: 10,545,000 C-BillsBattle Value: 1,130Cost per BV: 9,331.86Weapon Value: 0 / 0 (Ratio = .00 / .00)Damage Factors: SRDmg = 2; MRDmg = 0; LRDmg = 0BattleForce2: MP: 3, Armor/Structure: 8/8 Damage PB/M/L: 2/-/-, Overheat: 0 Class: MA, Point Value: 11 Specials: omniPrimary ConfigurationEquipment: Crits MassHeat Sinks: 14 Double [28] 4 4.00 (Heat Sink Loc: 1 LA, 1 RA)Actuators: L: Sh+UA, R: Sh+UA 12 .00Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass1 Gauss Rifle RA 1 32 10 16.00 (Ammo Loc: 4 LT)1 Gauss Rifle LA 1 6 12.001 Large Pulse Laser RT 10 2 6.001 Adv. Tact. Msl. 12 RT 8 15 8 10.00 (Ammo Loc: 3 LT)1 Large Pulse Laser LT 10 2 6.00TOTALS: 30 73 100.00Crits & Tons Left: 5 .00Calculated Factors:Total Cost: 14,897,500 C-BillsBattle Value: 2,680Cost per BV: 5,558.77Weapon Value: 5,343 / 5,343 (Ratio = 1.99 / 1.99)Damage Factors: SRDmg = 45; MRDmg = 46; LRDmg = 27BattleForce2: MP: 3, Armor/Structure: 8/8 Damage PB/M/L: 9/7/6, Overheat: 0 Class: MA, Point Value: 27 Specials: omniConfiguration AEquipment: Crits MassHeat Sinks: 20 Double [40] 16 10.00 (Heat Sink Loc: 2 LA, 2 RA, 1 LT, 3 RT)Actuators: L: Sh+UA, R: Sh+UA 12 .00Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass2 Large Pulse Lasers RA 20 4 12.001 Streak SRM 2 RA 2 50 2 2.00 (Ammo Loc: 1 LA)2 Large Pulse Lasers LA 20 4 12.001 Large Pulse Laser RT 10 2 6.001 Targeting Computer LT 6 6.003 Standard Jump Jets: 3 6.00 (Jump Jet Loc: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 CT)TOTALS: 52 78 100.00Crits & Tons Left: 0 .00Calculated Factors:Total Cost: 13,685,000 C-BillsBattle Value: 2,996Cost per BV: 4,567.76Weapon Value: 6,234 / 6,186 (Ratio = 2.08 / 2.06)Damage Factors: SRDmg = 43; MRDmg = 39; LRDmg = 29BattleForce2: MP: 3J, Armor/Structure: 8/8 Damage PB/M/L: 7/5/5, Overheat: 1 Class: MA, Point Value: 30 Specials: omniConfiguration BEquipment: Crits MassHeat Sinks: 14 Double [28] 4 4.00 (Heat Sink Loc: 2 RT)Actuators: L: Sh+UA, R: Sh+UA 12 .00Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass1 Adv. Tact. Msl. 12 RA 8 50 15 17.00 (Ammo Loc: 9 LT, 1 CT)2 Large Pulse Lasers RA 20 4 12.001 Adv. Tact. Msl. 12 LA 8 5 7.001 Large Pulse Laser LA 10 2 6.001 ER Medium Laser LA 5 1 1.001 Adv. Tact. Msl. 12 RT 8 5 7.00TOTALS: 59 77 100.00Crits & Tons Left: 1 .00Calculated Factors:Total Cost: 16,772,500 C-BillsBattle Value: 2,425Cost per BV: 6,916.49Weapon Value: 3,558 / 3,558 (Ratio = 1.47 / 1.47)Damage Factors: SRDmg = 29; MRDmg = 28; LRDmg = 17BattleForce2: MP: 3, Armor/Structure: 8/8 Damage PB/M/L: 7/5/3, Overheat: 4 Class: MA, Point Value: 24 Specials: omniConfiguration CEquipment: Crits MassHeat Sinks: 20 Double [40] 16 10.00 (Heat Sink Loc: 2 LA, 2 RA, 3 LT, 1 RT)Actuators: L: Sh+UA, R: Sh+UA 12 .00Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass1 ER PPC RA 15 2 6.001 Large Pulse Laser RA 10 2 6.001 Ultra AC/20 RA 7 15 11 15.00 (Ammo Loc: 3 LT)1 ER PPC LA 15 2 6.001 Large Pulse Laser LA 10 2 6.001 ER Medium Laser LA 5 1 1.001 ER Large Laser CT 12 1 4.00TOTALS: 81 78 100.00Crits & Tons Left: 0 .00Calculated Factors:Total Cost: 15,150,000 C-BillsBattle Value: 2,468Cost per BV: 6,138.57Weapon Value: 4,334 / 4,334 (Ratio = 1.76 / 1.76)Damage Factors: SRDmg = 49; MRDmg = 32; LRDmg = 20BattleForce2: MP: 3, Armor/Structure: 8/8 Damage PB/M/L: 6/5/3, Overheat: 4 Class: MA, Point Value: 25 Specials: omniConfiguration DEquipment: Crits MassHeat Sinks: 16 Double [32] 8 6.00 (Heat Sink Loc: 1 LA, 1 RA, 1 LT, 1 RT)Actuators: L: Sh+UA, R: Sh+UA 12 .00Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass1 ER PPC RA 15 2 6.001 LRM 15 RA 5 72 11 12.50 (Ammo Loc: 2 LA, 2 RA, 2 LT, 2 RT, 1 CT)1 Medium Pulse Laser RA 4 1 2.001 ER PPC LA 15 2 6.001 LRM 15 LA 5 2 3.501 Medium Pulse Laser LA 4 1 2.002 LRM 15s RT 10 4 7.001 ER Medium Laser RT 5 1 1.002 LRM 15s LT 10 4 7.001 ER Medium Laser LT 5 1 1.00TOTALS: 78 78 100.00Crits & Tons Left: 0 .00Calculated Factors:Total Cost: 16,665,000 C-BillsBattle Value: 2,523Cost per BV: 6,605.23Weapon Value: 4,504 / 4,504 (Ratio = 1.79 / 1.79)Damage Factors: SRDmg = 52; MRDmg = 33; LRDmg = 19BattleForce2: MP: 3, Armor/Structure: 8/8 Damage PB/M/L: 6/5/4, Overheat: 4 Class: MA, Point Value: 25 Specials: omni, ifConfiguration EEquipment: Crits MassHeat Sinks: 24 Double [48] 24 14.00 (Heat Sink Loc: 3 LA, 3 RA, 3 LT, 3 RT)Actuators: L: Sh+UA, R: Sh+UA 12 .00Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass1 ER Large Laser RA 12 1 4.001 Large Pulse Laser RA 10 2 6.001 ER Large Laser LA 12 1 4.001 Large Pulse Laser LA 10 2 6.001 ER Large Laser RT 12 1 4.001 Large Pulse Laser RT 10 2 6.001 ER Large Laser LT 12 1 4.001 Large Pulse Laser LT 10 2 6.00TOTALS: 88 77 100.00Crits & Tons Left: 1 .00Calculated Factors:Total Cost: 14,410,000 C-BillsBattle Value: 2,455Cost per BV: 5,869.65Weapon Value: 5,469 / 5,469 (Ratio = 2.23 / 2.23)Damage Factors: SRDmg = 47; MRDmg = 36; LRDmg = 25BattleForce2: MP: 3, Armor/Structure: 8/8 Damage PB/M/L: 6/5/5, Overheat: 4 Class: MA, Point Value: 25 Specials: omniConfiguration FEquipment: Crits MassHeat Sinks: 20 Double [40] 16 10.00 (Heat Sink Loc: 2 LA, 1 RA, 3 LT, 2 RT)Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA, R: Sh+UA 13 .00Weapons & Equipment: Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass1 Gauss Rifle RA 1 24 9 15.00 (Ammo Loc: 3 RT)1 Medium Pulse Laser RA 4 1 2.002 ER Large Lasers LA 24 2 8.001 Large Pulse Laser LA 10 2 6.001 ECM Suite RT 0 1 1.001 Large Pulse Laser LT 10 2 6.003 Standard Jump Jets: 3 6.00 (Jump Jet Loc: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 CT)TOTALS: 49 78 100.00Crits & Tons Left: 0 .00Calculated Factors:Total Cost: 14,612,500 C-BillsBattle Value: 3,021Cost per BV: 4,836.97Weapon Value: 5,416 / 5,416 (Ratio = 1.79 / 1.79)Damage Factors: SRDmg = 47; MRDmg = 40; LRDmg = 26BattleForce2: MP: 3J, Armor/Structure: 8/8 Damage PB/M/L: 7/5/5, Overheat: 1 Class: MA, Point Value: 30 Specials: omni, ecm