I've never really been particularly enthusiastic about OmniMechs as a concept, but I know that in-universe the ability to manufacture them is an important status symbol for a major faction. So I felt that the continuing unity of the FedCom ought to be symbolized by an Omni with capabilities that at least had the potential to be superior to those of the Hauptmann and the Templar, just as the FedCom is meant to be something more than just the sum of the FedSuns and the LyrCom.
This 'Mech is a revisiting of the concept behind the ALI-1A Alliance from BattleTechnology Magazine #07. I was originally inspired by a poster on the CBT forums who called herself Bergstorm before the last big forum crash of a decade ago: she designed a new Level 1 variant of the Alliance armed with dual Standard AC/10s and AC/5s and three Standard Medium Lasers.
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BattleMech Technical Readout
ALI-3O Grand Alliance
Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: NAIS Special
Power Plant: GM 300 XL
Cruising Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Durallex Special Heavy with CASE
52 tons of pod space available
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries, General Motors
Primary Factory: Hesperus II (FC), Kathil (FC)
Communications System: Highpoint System A783
Targeting & Tracking System: RCA Instatrac Mark XXII
In 3064 a barrage of criticism was directed at Archon Prince Victor Steiner-Davion by hawks across the Federated Commonwealth as a result of his actions in voluntarily transferring a number of worlds to the control of the St. Ives Compact. He was accused of needlessly weakening his realm rather than using his position as the current First Lord of the Star League to promote its best interests. Seeking to counter these claims, he decided that the most obvious way to project an image of strength was to commission the creation of a new assault 'Mech. Feeling pressed to obtain some concrete results with this program as quickly as possible, he read up on the records of an abandoned NAIS project from the late 3020s.
With a name chosen to symbolize the ties between the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth, the ALI-1G Alliance had been intended to upgrade the basic design of the chassis used by the legendary BLR-1G BattleMaster to create a 100-ton 'Mech, following the same principle used by Wolf's Dragoons and Blackwell Industries to produce the Marauder II from an upgrade of the chassis used by the Marauder. The designers at the NAIS tested a number of different weapon arrays on the first 20 prototypes before finally settling on the ALI-1G model for mass production, only to have the discovery of the Helm Memory Core suddenly leave all their efforts looking obsolete. The decision to abandon the project was taken soon afterwards.
For their primary weapons the ALI-1G model prototypes had been armed with paired Class-10 and Class-5 autocannons mounted in the side torsos, leaving their hands free to make physical attacks. For secondary weapons the design had three medium lasers. Intending to take full advantage of recovered weapons technology, the NAIS personnel assigned to the resurrected project and their collaborators from Defiance Industries of Hesperus II and General Motors of Kathil decided to upgrade the Class-10 autocannons to LB-X models and replace the Class-5 autocannons with large pulse lasers, increasing firepower while reducing ammunition dependence. Another medium laser was added while two of the existing ones were upgraded to pulse models. Armor protection was also increased, to the maximum the design could support. These improvements were made possible by the weight savings resulting from the switch to an extralight engine and double-efficiency heat sinks.
When the first of the new ALI-2FC model Alliances walked off the production lines, the general knowledge that the creation of these 'Mechs had begun as a PR exercise predisposed MechWarriors and the general public to expect little from them. After the first MechWarriors to be assigned to pilot the new machines began to put them through their paces during training exercises, they began to revise their opinions. The design fared well against most other 'Mechs of comparable weight, having no particular weaknesses even if it perhaps had no outstanding strengths either. The Alliance gradually won general acceptance as a formidable war machine which did its job adequately and then some.
As time went by a number of Alliances underwent field upgrades with new technology. Several new variants were created and Archon Prince Victor was eventually inspired by this development to order the upgrading of the design with modular technology. The first ALI-3O Grand Alliance OmniMech walked off the production lines in 3071.
The loadout of the Primary Configuration is identical to that of the old ALI-3FC field refit model, mounting paired LB 10-X ACs and light AC/5s supplemented with paired ER medium lasers and medium X-pulse lasers. With four tons each of LB-X slug and cluster ammo and four tons of LAC armor-piercing ammo, this configuration has exceptional versatility and endurance for such an ammunition-dependent design.
The loadout of Alternate Configuration A is identical to that of the old ALI-2FC production model, mounting paired LB 10-Xs and large pulse lasers supplemented by paired medium lasers and medium pulse lasers.
Alternate Configuration B replaces the LB 10-Xs with standard AC/10s, with two tons of standard and four tons of armor-piercing ammo, enough for ten shots of each ammo type for each weapon. The lasers are unchanged from the A Configuration except that space constraints required the large and the medium pulse lasers to swap places.
Alternate Configuration C is similar to the B Configuration, but replaces the standard AC/10s with Ultra AC/10s. Even with four tons of ammo, pilots must conserve their shots carefully.
Alternate Configuration D was the first to break with the autocannon-centered theme running through all the previous configurations, having originally been created by pilots from Steiner space who railed against the obsession with autocannons that many people consider rampant in Davion space. Drawing some inspiration from the Clan Stone Rhino (or Behemoth), the loadout consists of two light Gauss rifles, two large and two medium X-pulse lasers and two ER medium lasers, along with two additional double heat sinks.
Alternate Configuration E departs even further from the autocannon-centered theme by using missile rather than ballistic weapons as its primary armament. Two experimental extended LRM-20s with four tons of ammunition each allow opponents to be subjected to a sustained withering bombardment at extreme range. With only two ER medium and two medium X-pulse lasers for secondary weapons, its ability to defend itself against an opponent who survives long enough to engage it up close is limited. This configuration is best deployed alongside supporting units rather than being used to engage enemies alone.
Finally, Alternate Configuration S is a reversion to the autocannon-centered theme, with a loadout consisting of two experimental hyper-velocity AC/10s and two reverse-engineered experimental large VSP lasers.
Type: ALI-3O Grand Alliance
Technology Base: Inner Sphere Level 3 Omni 3080
Tonnage: 100
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 10.0
Engine: 300 XL 9.5
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 12 [24] 2
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 312 19.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 31 46
Center Torso (Rear): 16
R/L Torso: 21 32
R/L Torso (Rear): 10
R/L Arm: 17 34
R/L Leg: 21 42
Fixed Configuration
BV 1: 994 Cost: 25,182,500 C-Bills
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Mass
CASE RT 1 0 0.5
CASE LT 1 0 0.5
Primary Configuration
BV 1: 1,600 Cost: 29,412,500 C-Bills
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Mass
ER Medium Laser H 1 5 1.0
Ammo (LB-X) 20 RA 2 0 2.0
Ammo (LB-X Cluster) 20 RA 2 0 2.0
Medium X-Pulse Laser RA 1 6 2.0
Ammo (LB-X) 20 LA 2 0 2.0
Ammo (LB-X Cluster) 20 LA 2 0 2.0
Medium X-Pulse Laser LA 1 6 2.0
LB 10-X AC RT 6 2 11.0
Light AC/5 RT 2 1 5.0
CASE RT 1 0 0.5
LB 10-X AC LT 6 2 11.0
Light AC/5 LT 2 1 5.0
CASE LT 1 0 0.5
ER Medium Laser CT 1 5 1.0
Ammo (LAC AP) 20 RL 2 0 2.0
Ammo (LAC AP) 20 LL 2 0 2.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA 3 0 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA 3 0 1.0
Alternate Configuration A
BV 1: 1,455 Cost: 28,907,500 C-Bills
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Mass
Medium Laser H 1 3 1.0
Ammo (LB-X) 20 RA 2 0 2.0
Ammo (LB-X Cluster) 20 RA 2 0 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser RA 1 4 2.0
Ammo (LB-X) 20 LA 2 0 2.0
Ammo (LB-X Cluster) 20 LA 2 0 2.0
Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 4 2.0
LB 10-X AC RT 6 2 11.0
Large Pulse Laser RT 2 10 7.0
CASE RT 1 0 0.5
LB 10-X AC LT 6 2 11.0
Large Pulse Laser LT 2 10 7.0
CASE LT 1 0 0.5
Medium Laser CT 1 3 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA 3 0 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA 3 0 1.0
Alternate Configuration B
BV 1: 1,652 Cost: 27,857,500 C-Bills
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Mass
Medium Laser H 1 3 1.0
Ammo (AC) 10 RA 1 0 1.0
Ammo (AC AP) 10 RA 2 0 2.0
Large Pulse Laser RA 2 10 7.0
Ammo (AC) 10 LA 1 0 1.0
Ammo (AC AP) 10 LA 2 0 2.0
Large Pulse Laser LA 2 10 7.0
Autocannon/10 RT 7 3 12.0
Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 4 2.0
CASE RT 1 0 0.5
Autocannon/10 LT 7 3 12.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT 1 4 2.0
CASE LT 1 0 0.5
Medium Laser CT 1 3 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA 3 0 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA 3 0 1.0
Alternate Configuration C
BV 1: 1,560 Cost: 28,307,500 C-Bills
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Mass
Medium Laser H 1 3 1.0
Ammo (Ultra) 20 RA 2 0 2.0
Large Pulse Laser RA 2 10 7.0
Ammo (Ultra) 20 LA 2 0 2.0
Large Pulse Laser LA 2 10 7.0
Ultra AC/10 RT 7 4 13.0
Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 4 2.0
CASE RT 1 0 0.5
Ultra AC/10 LT 7 4 13.0
Medium Pulse Laser LT 1 4 2.0
CASE LT 1 0 0.5
Medium Laser CT 1 3 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA 3 0 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA 3 0 1.0
Alternate Configuration D
BV 1: 1,626 Cost: 28,317,500 C-Bills
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Mass
ER Medium Laser H 1 5 1.0
Large X-Pulse Laser RA 2 14 7.0
Large X-Pulse Laser LA 2 14 7.0
Light Gauss Rifle RT 5 1 12.0
Ammo (Gauss) 32 RT 2 0 2.0
Medium X-Pulse Laser RT 1 6 2.0
CASE RT 1 0 0.5
Light Gauss Rifle LT 5 1 12.0
Ammo (Gauss) 32 LT 2 0 2.0
Medium X-Pulse Laser LT 1 6 2.0
CASE LT 1 0 0.5
ER Medium Laser CT 1 5 1.0
2 Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA 6 0 2.0
2 Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA 6 0 2.0
Alternate Configuration E
BV 1: 1,532 Cost: 29,142,500 C-Bills
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Mass
ER Medium Laser H 1 5 1.0
Ammo (ELRM) 16 RA 4 0 4.0
Medium X-Pulse Laser RA 1 6 2.0
Ammo (ELRM) 16 LA 4 0 4.0
Medium X-Pulse Laser LA 1 6 2.0
Extended LRM-20 RT 8 12 18.0
CASE RT 1 0 0.5
Extended LRM-20 LT 8 12 18.0
CASE LT 1 0 0.5
ER Medium Laser CT 1 5 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA 3 0 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA 3 0 1.0
Alternate Configuration S
BV 1: 1,372 Cost: 28,887,500 C-Bills
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Mass
Large VSP Laser RA 4 10 9.0
Large VSP Laser LA 4 10 9.0
Hyper-Velocity AC/10 RT 6 7 14.0
Ammo (HVAC) 16 RT 2 0 2.0
CASE RT 1 0 0.5
Hyper-Velocity AC/10 LT 6 7 14.0
Ammo (HVAC) 16 LT 2 0 2.0
CASE LT 1 0 0.5
Dbl Heat Sink(s) RA 3 0 1.0
Dbl Heat Sink(s) LA 3 0 1.0
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Yes, I do know just how badly-designed a weapon system the HVAC concept is. But this is a 'Mech built by House Steiner-Davion. They can't have mere Capellans developing a new type of Autocannon, even a thoroughly ill-conceived one, without needing to prove that they can duplicate it! Blame the Haseks and their patented brand of Capellan March jingoism for making poor Victor feel that he has to authorize the waste of resources represented by the development of Alternate Configuration S.
Again, feel free to suggest additional configurations.