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Honey Badger Mass: 100 tonsTech Base: ClanChassis Config: BipedRules Level: Experimental TechEra: Dark AgesTech Rating/Era Availability: F/X-X-FProduction Year: 3135Cost: 11,810,000 C-BillsBattle Value: 3,110Chassis: Bergan Version 12.6 Endo Steel Endo-SteelPower Plant: Vlar 300 Fusion EngineWalking Speed: 32.4 km/hMaximum Speed: 54.0 km/hJump Jets: None Jump Capacity: 0 metersArmor: Compound A2F with CASE Ferro-FibrousArmament: 1 Aesalon Streak LRM-20 2 Omega 12-coil Gauss Rifles 1 Kolibri Delta Series Large Pulse Laser 2 Series 2a ER Medium LasersManufacturer: Bergan Industries Primary Factory: AlshainCommunications System: Garret T10BTargeting and Tracking System: RCA Instatrack Mark VIOverview:The collapse of the HPG network came as a surprise to the Rasalhague Dominon, but the resulting military conflicts did not. If anything, they expected to face another Ghost Bear-Combine war and were pleasently surprised to avoid one. Nonetheless, the need to reinforce the Ghost Bear touman was obvious and Bergan Industries dusted off a design that had ceased development sortly after the Second Ghost Bear-Combine war.Capabilities:Built on a simple, proven chassis and using the age-old Vlar 300 fusion engine (a model that was used on some late-production Mackies!), the Honey Badger is deceptively old-fashioned. This doesn't make it any less deadly on the battlefield - it fits perfectly with the Ghost Bear's fondness for resilience and massive firepower.With a full speed of only 54kph the Honey Badger is unlikely to obtain strategic position, but it can boast a superior array of medium- and long-range firepower. Each arm carries a Gauss Rifle and an extended-range laser more than enough to ward off light units attempting to outflank it. The bulky torso contains a large pulse laser and its most advanced weapon, the Aesalon Streak Long Range Missile launcher.Of course none of this firepower matters if the Honey Badger can't survive on the battlefield. With seven tons of ammunition, the 'Mech has ample staying power and without equivalent firepower employed against it, the sixteen tons of ferro-fibrous armour is likely to give it plenty of time to use that crushing firepower.Battle History:The Honey Badger has thus far only seen internal use within the Dominion. During its the final trials, a pair were tested against a pair of Kodiak assault 'Mechs in a particularly savage battle that saw one Kodiak's leg almost shattered in the first salvo (despite two and a half tons of armour protecting the limb) and its pilot killed when the cockpit was destroyed. The second Kodiak, now outnumbered, requested hegira after the ruptured Gauss Rifle coil caused major internal damage. Both Honey Badgers walked off the battlefield still fit for battle, the surviving Kodiak pilot later winning a Trial of Possession for the right to use the first production model.Deployment:Relatively inexpensive for its size, the Honey Badger has been rushed into production and is now widely seen in Clusters redeployed to the Combine and Wolf borders, replacing units shipped to peacekeepers in the former Republic of the Sphere. While this was primarily to avoid having to ship parts for them such a distance, it has also kept the Honey Badger from serious action so far, making them a nasty surprise for anyone clashing with Ghost Bear assault clusters on these apparently quiet fronts.Variants:A short run of Honey Badgers replaced the Kolibri Delta Series with an extended range large laser and a rear-mounted pulse laser. While this has not proven to be seriously superior it has enough popularity that it is likely more of this configuration will be constructed.================================================================================Equipment Type Rating Mass --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Internal Structure: Endo-Steel 152 points 5.00 Internal Locations: 7 LTEngine: Fusion Engine 300 19.00 Walking MP: 3 Running MP: 5 Jumping MP: 0 Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 15(30) 5.00 Heat Sink Locations: 1 CT, 1 LL, 1 RLGyro: Standard 3.00Cockpit: Standard 3.00 Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA R: SH+UA+LAArmor: Ferro-Fibrous AV - 307 16.00 Armor Locations: 3 LT, 4 RT CASE Locations: RT, LA, RA 0.00 Internal Armor Structure Factor Head 3 9 Center Torso 31 47 Center Torso (rear) 15 L/R Torso 21 32 L/R Torso (rear) 10 L/R Arm 17 34 L/R Leg 21 42 ================================================================================Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Streak LRM-20 RT 6 5 10.00Large Pulse Laser LT 10 2 6.00ER Medium Laser RA 5 1 1.00Gauss Rifle RA 1 6 12.00ER Medium Laser LA 5 1 1.00Gauss Rifle LA 1 6 12.00@Streak LRM-20 (18) RT - 3 3.00@Gauss Rifle (16) RA - 2 2.00@Gauss Rifle (16) LA - 2 2.00 Free Critical Slots: 1BattleForce StatisticsMV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 10 Points: 313 7 8 7 0 4 0 Structure: 8Special Abilities: CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA
Nice, I'd make a few comments but you wouldn't give a ****.
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.
Its a solid PGC Mech for sure. Got any chunkier legs for the lower half. Upper torso says heavy or assault but the lower section looks heavy to medium if that makes sense.