With only two configurations going in this OmniMech design could really use some improvement and boy did we get a lot of ideas on how to accomplish that. Four designers, thirty-four possible variants to choose from, and I even found two more canon configurations thanks to BattleTech wiki. I literally had no idea that Record Sheets 3058 contained more useable variants but hey the more the merrier. Of course, I have to cut this all down to just ten configurations so let’s get started.
Unfortunately for fluff Abele’s got cutoff by time constraints which is too bad cause I would have liked to see where he was going with all his Fang configurations. I’m sure it would have been interesting. Marauder648 was simple and straightforward with the Battle Cobra being a rugged design that with materials furnished by Diamond Shark was used to replace invasion losses. Drakensis told us that the Fire Mandrills were responsible for the upgrading of the Battle Cobra studying effective variants used by individual warriors. I liked Red Pins approach the best which stuck to Steel Viper, hit on fluff modifications allowing torso mounted weaponry, and got other Clans onboard to help (Cloud Cobra and Goliath Scorpion) who already use the design as well. Point to Red Pins!
For InnerSphere designation we only received two entries from one contestant which was marauder648. The Nozuchi and the Hooded Cobra both but the Japanese title likely from some sort of resistance cell to the ISF is the clear winner for me, point to marauder648! Now onto the configuration part of our contest.
Primary Configuration – This was an interesting competition which set the twin Large Pulse original up against mainly twin ER Large replacements. Only Red Pins put a ER PPC based option in here and I’ve decided to move that to another possible configuration. While I liked the twin ER Larges and will save them for a later configuration I was surprised to find the original canon Primary in the running as I decided the final tenth variant. Up against Canon F and Red Pins A for this last spot I went with the original which is sound with heat and accurate. It really sums up accurately what the Battle Cobra is ideal at – medium weight long range fire support. Point to canon as this one survives albeit it barely.
Alternate Configuration A – I had a lot of short range energy-based killers to choose from including canon A, drakensis A, Abele E, Red Pins E (which was not a legal entry), and Fang 10 by Abele. The most impressive nasty knife fighter of the bunch was marauder A whose ten ER Smalls, two ER Mediums, and two Small Pulses were all link to a Targeting Computer for accurate close in firepower. Three Double Heat Sinks help dissipate all the heat generated (36) by this tight quarters mauler which can fire everything except its ER Mediums (60 damage) and be heat neutral. Point to marauder648!
Alternate Configuration B – A new canon addition by the Blood Spirits featured two ER PPCs replacing canon Primary’s Large Pulses. Great for ranged damage but holy hotness batman! This hits on one of the Battle Cobra’s shortcoming which is somewhat of a low heat threshold. Fire both PPCs once and it is at least three probably more like four turns before you can think about doing that again. Too hot for me but let’s stick with the ER PPC as the main weapon here. Of the five to choose from there were four with a single ER PPC. Of those Abele A came the closest to winning this spot with a recon package of electronics (Active Probe and ECM Suite) and Jump Jets. It was drakensis whose variant kept both ER PPCs replacing the Small Pulses with two additional Double Heat Sinks which sets up a 2-1-2-1 firing pattern, a nice medium support asset. Point one to drakensis!
Alternate Configuration C – Going with LRM configurations as there is no canon variant which is surprising to me because this might be a nice buddy for the Crossbow. Anyway, there were six entries that featured LRMs as their primary weapon. Fang 8 by Abele had an LRM-20 while by Abele C had two LRM-15s just like Red Pins F which you will see later. Only marauder648 B had LRM-10s with Artemis IV FCS which ran third here in my eyes. Finishing a close second is drakensis C with ten LRM-5 batteries which no doubt influenced Red Pins D whose eight LRM-5s with two ER Mediums was just a tad better. I liked the back up factor so point to Red Pins!
Alternate Configuration D – Going the other way for SRM carriers was slimmer picking with only two entries really qualifying but both bought something to the table. D from drakensis with four SRM-4s, four ER Mediums, six Jump Jets, and two Double Heat Sinks has withering close in firepower with good mobility but with only twenty-five SRM shots was a little too light in the ammo for me. So marauder648’s E was a bit better for me with twin Streak SRM-6s along with two tons of ammo, two Medium Pulses and two ER Mediums. Highly accurate close in support, point two marauder648!!
Alternate Configuration E – Back to our twin ER Large Laser carriers here which I thought were worthy of their own configuration. Third place goes to drakensis Prime whose ER Larges are paired with four Flamers linked to a Targeting Computer with four Jump Jets for some mobility. Not bad but I liked marauder648 Prime with its LRM-10 and a ton of ammo, an ER Small, and two Double Heat Sinks. However, it was Abele Prime with four ER Smalls tied to the ER Larges linked to a Targeting Computer with two Double Heat Sinks helping to dissipate weapons’ fire. I liked the fact you could fire both ER Larges accurately with little worries of overheating. Point to Abele!
Alternate Configuration F – With two LRM-15s, 24 rounds of ammo and a head mounted ER Large Laser this Blood Kite inspired Zombie from Red Pins was a clear winner for me and one of my favorite configurations in the entire contest. Could definitely see Blood Spirit warriors advocating for this long ranged bad boy who can take a beating and keep on ticking. Point two for Red Pins!!
Alternate Configuration G – For the Big Gun or G variant we had some interesting choices but no Gauss! Oh well, I have to profess my love of drakensis E and F especially on Big Trouble in Little China inspired fluff. It was Fang 9 by Abele whose Ultra AC/10 made the most sense as a big gun variant with its firepower and range was superior to all others even a Gauss. With an ER Medium and two ER Smalls back it up I think you have a solid option here for Clan warriors. Point two for Abele!!
Alternate Configuration H – H for ‘hands’ configuration was marauder648 C whose play on the original configurations in addition to adding hand actuatorsI judged to be innovative. A single Large Pulse along with canon configuration A four Medium Pulses makes for a formidable mid- range raider who can use its hands to carry away things as well as adding other useful abilities. Well done, point three to marauder648!!!
Alternate Configuration I – Three LB 5-X AC entries hit me as useful configurations especially against vehicles, infantry, and quite possibly aerospace fighters. Red Pins C was specifically geared to interdict aerospace support with a Targeting Computer and Active Probe backed up by two ER Mediums. I thought Abele’s D with an ER Large might be better at long range interceptions and two ER Smalls provided nice backup. Ultimately I concluded marauder648 D with its four ER Mediums could do the most with minimal heat concerns and also threw in an ECM Suite. Four points to marauder648!!!!
So, I was surprised that no jumpers made it although Abele A and Red Pins A were the closest I suppose. It looks like marauder648 was well rested for the win with five overall points, well done sir! Second place goes to Red Pins with three overall points who tied Abele with two in the design competition but won with the fluff point. You guys almost shutout drakensis who scored just one point. Wow! Although I think it is fair to point out he was the first entrant and suffered at least IMO from a case of refinement by later contributors. Only one canon configuration was even more narrowly retained this time around. Congrats and thanks again everybody!!
Look for the newest contest in just a few hours!!!