starting with Myomers I will express my thoughts Myomers, I thought you could have a number of grades of myomers, as they had talked about medical grade in Lost Destiny, why could there not be retro grade myomers which could have one of two flaws one much less powerful, or two takes up twice as much space. Now I would rather have takes up twice as much space as the flaw for this primitive myomers, which would mean that they can not carry as many weapons due to smaller amounts of space I.E nothing in the legs and arms can only carry four open spaces.
- New Dallas Memory Core. While butterflies are flapping hard in the Salient Horizon universe I was planning on having Hanse Davion 'know' of the location of certain fixed objects such as Star League caches. People may change more rapidly then you can anticipate but no such luck with massive finds like on New Dallas. The early discovery of this core should forward many technologies including older RetroTech ones.
New Dallas Memory Core, why not find a number of non military technical manuals which could then be used to improve the military. Lets say Hanse Davion went down to visit some of his relatives, sat down on what was thought to be solid stone, but turns out to have a chamber, which then has sealed boxes with information on Fuel Cell Engines and other types of technology which could speed up the civilian sector, after all for the military to grow there has to be large growth in the civilian sector to pay for the goodies, rather then go into debt.
Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vs. Fuel Cell Engines (FCE). Now I know that the ICE has better range, but since these are meant to be a guardian not attackers, the FCE has far more benefits then the ICE which is why I would always go with them. If you want more range with a FCE use cargo options and add extra fuel this way but for guarding a base they would have more then enough fuel to handle any fight.