TRO:3100 is one of my unfinished projects. Never got around to finishing it or getting art for it -- partly due to financial reasons and partly due to real life intervening -- but it's basically a collection of all sorts of variants and designs (some originally from other fan-TROs themselves) dating to about 3100. A lot of 'em use non-canon weaponry and equipment, as you can see from the previous posts.
Plotwise, the TRO:3100 timeline can be assumed to follow canon despite the additional tech, with a few minor additions around the edges. For instance, there's a Blakist attack on Furillo in 3071, and an unexpected attack by Syrtis partisans on St. Ives in 3095, which still has a lot of people in-universe scratching their heads (among them Angela Hasek herself, who had no idea said partisans existed until after the attack was over). There's also a closer degree of cooperation between the Regulans and Marians than in canon.
That whole thing is distinct from the
Vaults AU timeline, which veers off from canon in 3022, and which I'm working on
far more actively.
Anywho, back to Protos. Here's a Clan one.
Mass: 15 tons
Chassis: ProtoMech PLM
Power Plant: 90 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: ProtoMech Standard P-15Q
- 1 ER Micro Laser
- 1 Series 7M ER Medium Laser
- 1 LRM-10 Rack
Manufacturer: Swedenborg Heavy Industries
Primary Factory: Kirchbach
Communications System: Proto Type-4
Targeting and Tracking System: Proto-Enhanced, Model 5-A
Equipment Mass (kg)
Internals: Adv. Composite 1500
Engine: 90 Fusion 3000
Walk MP: 5
Run MP: 8
Jump MP: 5 750
Gyro: n/a 0
Control Sys: Clan Heavy 750
Armor Factor: 60 pts Standard 3000
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 4 9
Torso 15 25
Main Gun 2 6
Legs 16 20
Equipment Location Mass (kg)
cLRM-10 MG 2500
@LRM (9) T 750
cerMLAS MG 1000
5 HS 1250
cerµLAS T 250
1 HS 250
Overview: Despite their Abjuration, the Nova Cats have produced a number of impressive 'Mech designs -- impressive enough that the other Inner Sphere Clans will (often grudgingly) admit it and attempt to emulate it. One such design was the 75-ton
Sphinx, well-respected even by traditionalist Clan warriors for its withering firepower and logistical efficiency.
The Hell's Horses Clan attempted first to emulate the
Sphinx, which became troublesome due to the limited availability of the extra-light 375 engine. Though Khan Kabrinski was confident his warriors could win some of these engines in Trials of Possession against the Bears or Sharks, an alternative plan became more attractive.
It was pointed out to the Khan that, while a modified
Sphinx-analogue would likely perform fairly well, it would be far easier and cheaper to mass-produce ProtoMechs which, collectively, would have more redundancy, less heat buildup, and more armor.
This mentality led to the
Procyon Quad-Proto, the radical
Svartalfa glider Protomech, and its terrifying missile-support variant (nicknamed
"SvartBeta" by a young analyst). The Horses attempted to pioneer Omni technology on Protomechs with the
In a fit of whimsy, Khan Kabrinski decided that his "Proto-Sphinx" idea hadn't yet been emulated well enough, and ordered the creation of the
Palomino, which was meant to provide the functionality of such a 'Mech, distributed amongst a full Point of Proto's.
Capabilities: Because the Omni technology on the
Unicorn had not yet been perfected, the
Palomino was designed as a standard quadrupedal ProtoMech. As such, it lacks the prestige level of the earlier Proto, but as proven technology it also lacks the recurring glitches that have plagued the
Unicorn and kept its production low.
First and foremost in the technicians' minds, however, was coming as close to the performance of a 75-ton BattleMech as a Point of Protos could. To this end, they built the heaviest ProtoMech the frame could handle -- fifteen tons -- and added an engine sufficient to push it to 86 kilometers per hour. A quintet of jumpjets, one in each leg and another in the "belly", gives the
Palomino impressive tactical maneuverability as well.
However, the Horses' technician caste could not deal with all the waste heat associated with an all-energy loadout. As such, they had to instead base the weaponry around an off-the-shelf LRM ten-rack, and an extended-range
medium laser, with a micro-laser in the torso to deal with infantry. Even without large energy weaponry, the combined weight of the heat sinks means that the LRM rack can only fire nine volleys before the pilot must reload. This was seen as a desirable trait, though; the Khan realized it was prudent to minimize the pilots' time in combat, and hopefully slow their mental destabilization somewhat.
Palomino's armor is heavily stylized, resembling (as one would expect) an idealized equine. The armor is also incredibly thick for a 15-ton combat unit; the torso armor is able to stop even a Heavy Gauss slug, while the reinforced leg armor is proof against assault-class autocannons.
The preferred tactic for
Palomino pilots is pack-hunting. Lighter 'Mechs and vehicles can be taken down with near impunity, given their general lack of weapons that can hurt such thickly-armored ProtoMechs. Larger targets that can't be outranged or effectively swarmed, can usually be outrun.
Deployment: Fairly soon after the
Palomino's debut, Horse ProtoMech pilots began petitioning the Khan to make the design a totem design of the Clan, much as the
Balius is for the Clan's 'Mech forces. Though the pilots' fervent mutterings about becoming "majestic hoofbeasts" somewhat unnerved the Khan, he acquiesced to their request, seeing it as another useful symbol to rally the Clan behind.
With the ongoing pullback from the former Pirate Kingdoms eating up their logistics, the Horses have only recently begun outfitting their units with the
Palomino. The 71st Mechanized Cavalry and the 22nd Mechanized Asssault have received the majority of these units, though a few have filtered into other units, mainly along the Wolf border.
The Diamond Sharks -- now Sea Foxes once again -- briefly attempted to win rights to the
Palomino in a few Trials of Possession. However, between the Horses' zealous defense, and the fact that the Foxes have found ProtoMech sales generally lacking, they have given up and allowed the Horses to retain exclusivity.
Variants: The most common variant (besides the standard one) fields an extended-range large laser in the turret. It removes the jump jets and a quarter ton of armor from the torso and legs to free up weight for the heat sinks.
Jump MP: 0 0
Armor Factor: 55 pts Standard 2750
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 4 9
Torso 15 22
Main Gun 2 6
Legs 16 18
Equipment Location Mass (kg)
cerLLAS MG 4000
12 HS 3000
Another minor variant keeps the main weaponry intact, but switches out the micro laser for a machine gun and ammo, so as to be more useful against enemy infantry.
Equipment Location Mass (kg)
cLRM-10 MG 2500
@LRM (9) T 750
cerMLAS MG 1000
5 HS 1250
cLMG T 250
@LMG (50) 250
The Horses occasionally field a variant that strips all the weaponry in favor of a turret-mounted Protomech AC/8. The gun has enough ammo for five volleys, which, between a Point of Protos, is enough for a short Clan Trial against a 'Mech or vehicle opponent. It's not expected that this variant will show up much, outside of the heavily ritualized trappings of Clan honor duels.
Equipment Location Mass (kg)
cPAC-8 MG 5500
@PAC (5) T 500