On request:
Type: Asp Mass
Tonnage: 9 tons
Internal Structure: 700
Engine: 100 3000
Walking: 7
Running: 11
Jumping: 7
Heatsinks: 5 1250
Cockpit: 500
Armour Factor: 37 1850
Internal Armour
Structure Value
Head: 2 5
Torso: 9 16
Rt./Lt. Arm: 2 4/4
Legs: 5 8
Weapons and Ammo:
Type Loc. Mass.
ER Medium Laser T 1000
JumpJets - 700
The Asp was developed by Clan Star Adder based on Clan Smoke Jaguar's pioneering work in developing the ProtoMech, something that the Star Adders had discovered by accident and obtained discreetly from the Jaguars scientist caste. The Star Adders designed their own first ProtoMech to complement their Assassin IIC BattleMech in the role of securing their large Inner Sphere domains. As such it is capable of keeping up with its larger cousin, making it faster than almost any other Protomech despite being at the larger end of the weight scale for such units. Even alone, Asps pose a considerable threat to light equipment used by resistance groups and their speed and agility make them an excellent reaction force. A variant model swaps the ER Medium Laser for an ER Small Laser, a single SRM tube and 25 SRMs, typically used alongside garrison forces to hunt tanks or infantry.
Type: Fang Mass
Tonnage: Heavy 1475 kg
Chassis: 400
Ground 1 0
Jump 2 250
Armour Factor: 1+14 350
Weapons and Ammo:
Type Loc. Mass.
Jump Booster B 125
Basic Manipulator LA 0
Basic Manipulator RA 0
ER Small Laser RA 350
The first model of battle armor developed by the Star Adders is essentially a simplified and reinforced Elemental suit, lacking the SRMs but significantly upgrading the arm mounted laser and armour. Although a successful suit of Battle Armor, the Fang has proved expensive and it was replaced by the lighter and cheaper Ape for garrison units.
Type: Long Fang Mass
Tonnage: Assault 1950 kg
Chassis: 700
Ground 1 0
Armour Factor: 1+18 450
Weapons and Ammo:
Type Loc. Mass.
Basic Manipulator LA 0
Basic Manipulator RA 0
ER Medium Laser RA 800
The Long Fang was an effort to provide a battle armor suit capable of carrying the medium laser standard to the Star Adder's battlemechs on Sinclair. Although rather sluggish, the Long Fang is actually very effective as fire support against conventional vehicles and infantry, making it quite popular with garrison troops fighting insurgents. They have no place in frontline units since Asps are much more effective, although the Khans sometimes assign units to their bodyguards.
Type: Ape Mass
Tonnage: Light 725 kg
Chassis: 150
Ground 1 0
Jump 3 75
Armour Factor: 1+6 150
Weapons and Ammo:
Type Loc. Mass.
Basic Manipulator LA 0
Basic Manipulator RA 0
ER Small Laser RA 350
The Ape is the mass produced battle armor for the Star Adders second line forces and is deployed on almost all their conquered worlds in the inner sphere. Although quite effective against unarmored infantry or unarmored vehicles, it is not considered adequate for frontline deployment. However, as the Star Adders found their resources stretched to breaking point, Apes were often relied on to counter the infantry contingent of AFFC RCTs. AFFC doctrine has come to regard a single Star of the suits as at least equal to a battalion of conventional infantry.