I found this design that I did years ago,
LB-1R Liberator
Mass: 40 tons
Chassis: kallon Type IV Mod
Power Plant: Pitban 200
Crusing Speed: 54.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 87.2 kph
Jump Jets: None
Armor: Kallon Royalstar
2 Magna Mk III Heavy Lasers
2 Magna Mk II Medium Lasers
2 SperryBrowning Machine Guns
Manufacturer: SLDF Quartermaster Corps/Kallon Industries
Primary Factories: Circinus
Communications System: Garret T10B
Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2j
Type: LB-1R Liberator
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Tonnage: 40
Equipment: Mass
Internal Structure 4
Engine 200 8.5
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 0
Heatsinks 10(20)
Gyro 2
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor 136 8.5
IS Armor
Head 3 8
CT 12 20/4
R/L Torso 10 16/4
R/L Arm 6 12
R/L Leg 10 20
Weapons & Ammo Location Critical Tonnage
Large Laser LA 2 5
Medium Laser LA 1 1
Large Laser RA 2 5
Medium Laser RA 1 1
Machine Gun RT 1 0.5
Machine Gun LT 1 0.5
Ammo (100) LT 1 0.5
Case LT 1 0.5
The Liberator has it’s origins in the Committee for Corporate Restoration (CCR). With the capture of the Terran Hegemony by the forces of the Usurper, Kallon lost a number of key facilities. Despite this the company continued to produce mechs for the SLDF from it’s factories in Free Worlds League, Capellan Confederation, Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth. The company even went so far as to begin developing a new version of their signature mech, the Rifleman. Following the capture of the Rim Worlds Republic and the formation of the CCR, Kallon was offered aid to help survive the loss of so many vital assets in the Hegemony. The CCR offered Kallon the small mech factory that was captured on Circinus. Up until it’s capture this factory had produced the Phoenix Battlemech for the Rim Worlds Republic Army. With the SLDF unwilling to use a mech that was so closely associated with the Rim Worlds Republic, Kallon sought to retool the factory for a different design. Plans to build the Rifleman at this factory had to be scrapped when it was discovered that the factory could only handle mechs weighing 50 tons or less. Rather then develop an entirely new mech to produce at the factory, or license an existing design, Kallon chose to build a modified version of the Rifleman. The new design is lighter then the Rifleman but uses many of the same components, which helped to shorten the design cycle. The new design, called the Liberator, entered service in 2771 and were assigned to the Loyalist Regiments, which were training on Circinus.
The Liberator was designed to be a cheap mass produced mech that could be built at the existing factory on Circinus. While it was not possible to build the Rifleman at the factory due to size constraints, the Liberator uses many of the same components as the Rifleman. The Liberator was also designed to be simple to operate and maintain as many of the mechwarriors assigned to the mech were volunteers who had little, if any, experience and military training before arriving on Circinus.
The Liberator uses a modified version of the Rifleman chassis. Because of the changes made to the chassis, the design team was able to mount an additional ton of Kallon Royalstar armor plating. Most of this protection was added to the legs of the mech. Several minor changes were also made to the armor configuration of the torso. These changes were necessitated by the changes to the engine and gyro. The Liberator uses the smaller Pitban 200 Fusion engine rather then the larger Pitban 240 of the Rifleman. Even so, the smaller engine provides the Liberator with a 25% speed increase over the Rifleman.
The Liberator retains the distinctive arms of the Rifleman. However the Imperator-A Autocannons were removed due their weight, and replaced with the Magna MkII Medium Lasers that were mounted in the torso of the Rifleman. In place of the torso mounted medium lasers, the Liberator has a SperryBrowning Machine Gun in each torso to deal with any infantry it mat encounter. While the Rifleman did not originally carry a CASE system for it’s ammunition, the redesign of the torso allowed the designers to add one for the Machine Gun ammunition, increasing the pilots chances of surviving an ammunition explosion.
The Liberator retains the very effective Garret D2j targeting system, which is very accurate, especially against aerial targets. However the Garret T11-A communication system has been replaced by the Garret T-10B due to concerns coming from the field that the distinctive antenna of the T-11A could be easily damaged.
With all of the lasers carried by the Liberator, the design team chose to use double strength heatsinks. One of the most difficult aspects of combat for new recruits to learn is heat management. As most pilots assigned to the Liberator would have only limited training, the designers decided that the benefits of the double heatsinks would outweigh the increased costs. The 10 double strength heatsinks provide adequate cooling for all but the most prolonged firing of the Liberator’s main guns.
The Liberator was deployed exclusively with the Loyalist Regiments. The mech served well, it’s combination of speed, firepower and endurance made it popular with the troops assigned to it. However despite the relatively strong armor and firepower carried by the Liberator, the mechs suffered tremendous losses during the Coup. The Loyalist regiments fought harder then any other unit in the SLDF and suffered the highest loss rates. Many of the survivors of the Loyalist regiments, credit the Liberator with saving their lives. Production of the Liberator halted shortly before the invasion of Terra and most of the few Liberator’s to survive the Coup went with General Kerensky.