Little experiment in building my first superheavy using MegaMekLab. No fluff yet, but my intention was to use a reinforced MSK-7A chassis, which is an Introtech Mackie, which has the added benefit of using the same 300 Vlar standard fusion engine.
Retained the AC/20, swapped the PPC for a Heavy PPC, and the twin large lasers for a single Blazer cannon center torso. I couldn't get the software to let me add a command console, so I instead added a Guardian ECM and 7 tons of communications equipment, allowing it to provide its own ECM screen and gaining the comm gear benefits for initiative, ECCM, etc. With 26 single heat sinks, you still need to do bracket firing, but it should be manageable.
Mackie MSK-11A
Base Tech Level: Experimental (IS)
Level Era
Experimental -
Advanced 3145+
Standard -
Tech Rating: E/X-X-F-F
Weight: 150 tons
BV: 2,445
Cost: 13,817,500 C-bills
Source: RS 3075U
Movement: 2/3
Engine: 300
Heat Sinks: 26
Cockpit: Superheavy Cockpit
Gyro: Superheavy Gyro
Internal: 227
Armor: 456/457
Internal Armor
Head 4 12
Center Torso 45 68
Center Torso (rear) 22
Right Torso 32 48
Right Torso (rear) 16
Left Torso 32 48
Left Torso (rear) 16
Right Arm 25 50
Left Arm 25 50
Right Leg 32 63
Left Leg 32 63
Weapons Loc Heat
AC/20 RA 7
Heavy PPC LA 15
Binary Laser (Blazer) Cannon CT 16
Ammo Loc Shots
AC/20 Ammo RA 5
AC/20 Ammo RA 5
AC/20 Ammo RA 5
AC/20 Ammo RA 5
Equipment Loc
Communications Equipment (7 ton) CT
ECM Suite (Guardian) CT
Easy to Maintain<br/>
Protected Actuators<br/>
Rugged (1 Point)<br/>