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Author Topic: Optimizing the Blackjack  (Read 14825 times)

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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #45 on: June 12, 2020, 06:23:36 PM »

Hey guys, I am starting my written review of this BattleMech and was wondering if anyone (Bradshaw, Red Pins, or Ice Hellion) is working on a MegaMek breakdown of the contenders? Might be fun if that happened!

Red Pins

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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2020, 06:45:03 PM »

No, it's something I'd like to learn how to do, but can't sit at my desk right now.  It's going to get worse as I try to catch up with hard work and maintenance stuff as well as work.


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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2020, 08:09:20 PM »

Okay thanks Red Pins! How about you Bradshaw or Ice Hellion?


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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2020, 08:11:56 PM »

I could, I haven't been up keeping my database, too many variants as well. I'd suggest asking for attachments be made of the files if using megameklabs or SSW as knowledge of critical locations are sometimes needed
NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin

Ice Hellion

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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #49 on: June 13, 2020, 02:37:35 PM »

Hey guys, I am starting my written review of this BattleMech and was wondering if anyone (Bradshaw, Red Pins, or Ice Hellion) is working on a MegaMek breakdown of the contenders? Might be fun if that happened!

Not for this one.
Perhaps we could do it for the Hatchetman?

I'd suggest asking for attachments be made of the files if using megameklabs or SSW as knowledge of critical locations are sometimes needed

But in zip as the types of files are limited.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2020, 11:44:34 AM »

This cursed review brought to you by the wanton destruction of computer crashes and lost data which has caused long double-veloping but thank the gods it is done. With twenty-two different entries by six designers (3 Irose, 5 Abele, 3 Red Pins, 2 Takiro, 8 Ice Hellion, 1 drakensis) I got a whole new understanding of the Blackjack. Thanks to you there is a deeper understanding of this BattleMech and its place has been firmly established in the Salient Horizon setting. So, before I lose all this work again let’s get this review posted!


RFL-2-01 (Red Pins)
This one wasn’t even close to be legal for this contest but Red Pins wants a review so here it comes. The Light Autocannon/5s were prototyped in the late 3050s and I have to say I like their abilities. The old ACs are usually too heavy to be advantageous at least in my opinion so a 90 meter or 3 hex reduction for 3 tons is certainly worth it in my opinion. Likewise, the Light PPC is a pretty kick ass weapon with an 18 range, 3 minimum, 5 heat, 5 damage, occupying only 2 criticals at 3 tons. Almost too good in my opinion but this Lite Rifleman would certainly get the job as a long-range sentinel. Not too sure how it would do against Fighters though as anticraft abilities maybe inferior to the Rifleman. InnerSphere ER Lasers on the other hand always struck me as overrated and in this case with Mediums get you 2 more heat for 3 more range. Not really sure they are worth it and I would recommend a return to the old models for a more advantageous feel. Heat wise you are pretty well balanced and armor is nearly full given nine tons. I have become a fan of the standard Fusion Engine over the InnerSphere XL Engine for certain tough designs. Your arm mounted Rifleman Lite of the future here could honestly benefit from an XL but a standard does keep cost down. So, there you are on it. For Salient Horizons currently set in 3053 it is far far away from even a drawing board but those are my thoughts.

BJ-C (Red Pins)
This conjectural design which attempted to create the ultimate bodyguard Mech was another design I had to disqualify. Unfortunately, the A-Pods alone were illegal enough to get you tossed here but this design could be considered experimental in this setting as they will be available in two years’ time. This Komodo-esque modification of a Blackjack certainly abandons all or most of its traditional big two weapons for more Medium Lasers. The FASCAM or Thunder LRMs are an interesting if perhaps Capellan approach but I could see St. Ives spies bringing said innovation to the table for a unified Martial Accords (anti-Clan) effort. Bradshaw and I have debated the worthiness of Anti-Missile Systems on the Komodo but for a bodyguard zombie like you attempt here it could work. You have only six rounds of ammunition (btw I do like the new rules which have extended their usefulness in game) thanks to one ton which actually may now be enough for a ‘shieldbearer’ type Mech. Sorry but if you switched the A-Pods for a Flamer it would have gotten you in the door.

TG-2K (Ice Hellion)
Unfortunately, this referenced in fluff entry (t looks like you doubled the stats on the 2E) was not presented in this contest but I reviewed it based on fluff. Like the rest of the TG-2 series it probably used the standard GM BJ-1 chassis, 180 Fusion Engine (4/6) with Jump Jets (4), 10 (20) Double Heat Sinks, and was protected by 8.5 tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) I think. Functioning as a C3 lance commander with a C3 Master, 2 Large Lasers, and 6 Small Lasers would have been an interesting role reversal for the Blackjack which I view more as an escort. This concept may have worked but I would have preferred 2 Medium Lasers and 2 Smalls for greater reach. It’s a shame that this rare Kurita entry was ultimately unavailable for review and had to ultimately be disqualified.


19. TG-2AG (Ice Hellion)
For some reason Blackjacks with missile racks in an arm in place of a big gun or large energy weapon just don’t cut it for me. I liked the core of your TG-2 series with the original GM BJ-1 chassis and classic 180 Fusion Engine (4/6) plus Jump Jets (4). Ten Double Heat Sinks and eight tons of ferro-fibrous (143 factor) with CASE provide for a solid performance. However, I just didn’t care for the Large Pulse paired with three LRM-5s (48) supported by two Medium Lasers and a TAG. Perhaps if you guys had gone with arm mounted ER Larges and torso mounted LRMs for a pure long-range fire support BattleMech I could have gotten into it but even that probably doesn’t work. Anyway, thanks but no thanks on this one Ice.

17 & 18. BJ-2LB & BJ-2LB2 (Abele)
With the LRM-5 and SRM-4 swap fresh in our minds from the Whitworth contest I know where at least part of this variant came from. Not a bad semi-modular switch to keep in mind for future designs but not sure if missiles work with the Blackjack. I know the canon 3050 upgrade does use Streak SRM-2s quite effectively but not really as part of the main arsenal more of a supporting role. I like the LB 10-X AC usage here as one of my concepts included this larger autocannon as part of the Blackjack approach but your model sort of leaves it with a single big gun. I like two for the Blackjack with other smaller supporting weapons but thanks for playing this time around.

16. BJ-1B (Red Pins)
This artillery model from Blouschitz Enterprises is certainly outside the box. I like the idea of utilizing disfavored chassis in a new way but this one started out with a new EndoSteel internal structure. When building off an old design starting with ‘new bones’ strikes me as super odd but I suppose that utilizing old 180 Fusion Engines (4/6) is somewhat more practical. I really miss the jump jets of the Blackjack here too for their maneuverability especially on fire support or artillery ‘Mechs. This lack of mobility prevents them from setting up on advantageous terrain or escaping pursuers without them. The massive Arrow IV Launcher with ten reloads and a single Medium Laser compose its only weaponry which certainly provides it a role that the AFFC would need to fill. A dozen Single Heat Sinks do the job of cooling the Mech while it moves and fires so no objection there. I really enjoyed the fluff which was spot on in my opinion but the design was a bit off starting with the EndoSteel. Ultimately I see the Blackjack as an escort for such Artillery ‘Mechs but not one of these Mechs.

15. BJ-2N (Abele)
This Hesperus manufactured design by Defiance Industries is based on the same Abele 2S model
More of a missile boat with arm mounted LRM-10s with Artemis IV FCS replacing the main guns of the Blackjack which makes it feel very much out of character to me. An ER Large Laser mounted in the center torso really transforms it into a fire support machine which could use an escort like the Blackjack to defend it at close range. Granted it does have a Medium Laser but this new design which is intriguing on face value and reminds me of a TRO3055 Hammer somewhat. Unfortunately, it now needs a bodyguard unit like the original Blackjack for folks who get in too close.

14. BJ-2AC (Abele)
While purportedly a very simple upgrade the 2AC is no doubt something that could be considered by lostech advocates but its ultimate usefulness is somewhat debatable. I like the eight and half tons of ferro-fibrous armor (152 factor) which provides near max protection for the Blackjack but the 180 XL Engine brings several issues. One, the proposed refit is not simple and quite expensive even if the component is readily available. Plus, the Extra Light Engine makes it vulnerable to disabling damage from ammunition explosions even with the new torso CASEs included. While the AC/2s do provide long range pop it isn’t much more than harassing level damage which doesn’t put off too many BattleMechs especially the Clans. For that reason, the Streak SRM-2 addition seems rather pointless as most opponents (including those Spheroid based ones) are just going to trade long range volleys. So, while passable I really didn’t love this design.

13. BJ-2B (Irose)
This speed over armor model which featured the larger 225 XL Engine was a nice entry but was not worth it in my opinion. Not only is the Extra Light Engine more vulnerable to destruction but it also makes the Mech’s price tag much higher. For a bodyguard unit this is somewhat undesirable because I feel you want a tough but somewhat expendable guard at least in my opinion. Higher speed is good for quicker reactions to threats but I was a little disappointed that this faster model didn’t have a corresponding boost in jumping as well. The heat dissipation is better with fifteen Double Heat Sinks helped by a higher rated engine that can mount two more of these bulky freezers internally. I understand you did get victimized by a three-ton gyro and a larger engine with more integral heat sinks does help deal with all that energy weapon heating but the corresponding fragility is too much for me. 


12. TG-2GW (Ice Hellion)
The God of War here is my preferred approach to Blackjack Artillery Mechs if there was such concept. It retains the Jump Jets (4) for mobility and the core chassis remains unaltered along with the GM 180 Fusion Engine (4/6). Ten Double Heat Sinks are the big difference allowing you to save two tons and, in my opinion, more ably use existing core equipment of the Blackjack in an upgrade. Eight tons of ferro-fibrous (143 factor) with CASE provide pretty solid protection for this mobile Arrow IV System (10 reloads). I didn’t care for two Small Lasers however because of their short-range and would have liked a single Medium Laser as Red Pins did with his ArtyJack. As I said to him though I feel like you need a Blackjack to guard this variant and so to me anyway the concept isn’t that desirable.

11. TG-2HP (Ice Hellion)
While I didn’t tend to like the unbalanced Blackjack this one with a LB 10-X AC (20) and five Medium Lasers had potential especially for whacking Elementals. With ten Double Heat Sinks you can really fire away with impunity as overheating is not really a concern. The 180 Fusion Engine (4/6) with Jump Jets (4) only produce a slight spike while Alpha Striking and Jumping. This all mounted on the classic GM BJ-1 chassis and protected by eight tons of ferro-fibrous (143 factor) with CASE is pretty solid. It reminds me more of the Snake than a Blackjack and I do miss a second big gun (perhaps a Large Laser may have worked) but this was a good contender.

10. BJ-4D (Irose)
While I was busy coming up with my own concepts Irose drew first blood on the twin Ultra AC/5 concept. His design pretty similar to mine but had some differences which I didn’t care for as much as my own. Doubling your ammunition is nice sure especially in light of the double shot capabilities of the Ultra ACs but it seemed to take a lot away from yours. Sure, having only twenty shots per AC cuts your available ammo for double fire down to ten rounds but I also fear ammo explosions. You did have CASEs which I didn’t but I’d rather combine three tons of ammo into a single location to save weight for a single CASE optimally. Most notably the secondary close-range arsenal was cut to a single Medium Laser and even the jump jets were cut by one which I don’t really love. All in all, I liked mine better but I feel this concept was a real contender.

9. TG-2 (Ice Hellion)
Seems like we were thinking with the same brain on this one Ice as the fluff elements from my BJ-2S and this one share much it common. Using the core GM BJ-1 chassis and the 180 Fusion Engine (4/6) with Jump Jets (4) was solid in every variant you presented. Ten Double Heat Sinks did a good job at dispersing most weapon fire heat generated but I really preferred the eight and a half tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) armor present on all energy-based entries you made. Especially thick-skinned energy boats were my escorts of choice here for the Blackjack and this one went for it. Two Large Lasers were well suited for a longer-range bracket while six Medium Lasers made up a short-ranged arsenal that was joined by two Small Pulses at knife range. All and all not too shabby here bud. You just got beat by better designs at least in my opinion.

8. TG-2E (Ice Hellion)
E is for Easy as this fairly simple refit using Ferro-Fibrous, a CASE, and Double Heat Sinks basically takes the old Blackjack and polishes it up. Remaining nearly identical to its predecessor in terms of weaponry this would be a first step in lostech recovery or a simple Periphery upgrade. So nice you posted it twice it surprises me that nobody attempted a similar bump up of the BJ-3 with at least the full protection Ferro-Fibrous armor. Would have been nice for St. Ives forces and such a low-tech upgrade would have been great for mercenary forces around the InnerSphere not to mention the Robinson aka Draconis March. Such a simple 3 plus variant could have been in widespread demand easily. Here the AC/2s just fail to impress the hell out of me as their weak harassing fire seems easily ignored in the Clan War environment of the 3050s. While I did consider it higher on the list this design placed here.


7. BJ-2S (Takiro)
My initial concept for the new and improved Blackjack was to try a mix of energy and ballistic weaponry at least in regards to its main guns that worked so well with my Stormbringer upgrade of the Warhammer. Accomplishing this with an LB 10-X AC (20) and Large Pulse mounted in either arm makes for a perfect Elemental killer or light AA defender. Going so large however with the main weaponry cost me as I had to curb two Medium Lasers to Smalls plus a new EndoSteel frame and XL Engine were also necessary. Ten Double Heat Sinks are enough to deal with weapon fire but movement can be somewhat tricky. Admittedly the Small Lasers aren’t going to be firing often so that isn’t too bad plus the fluff came together well. Nine tons of armor (144 factor) and the fluff were pretty good. However, must say that my Steiner Blackjack was defeated by a superior concept. I would like to add my fluff however.

6. BJ-2D (Takiro)
Being the hardest on myself this twin Ultra AC/5 (40) concept was pretty solid but failed to land a spectacular win here. The upgrade of the main ballistic weaponry to the next size and lostech up required some significant sacrifices. Got most of the weight from a new EndoSteel structure and the readily available 180 XL Engine, thanks Hatchetman! Ten Double Heat Sinks do a great job at dissipating weapon fire from its new double shot main cannons and four old Medium Lasers. Even when combined with maximum movement (4 jump) continuous fire remains heat neutral which is fantastic. Eight tons of armor (128 factor) though together with the XL Engine do present a costly hazard for this high-tech Blackjack. Fluff was good although I feel I could have done better given more time. To be honest this was always my second favorite concept although I feel it came out better than my BJ-2S.

5. BJ-2S (Abele)
This model from the Furillo division of Defiance Industries certainly fulfills the original infantry suppression role of the Blackjack. With two Large Pulses, two Medium Pulses, and two Flamers it certainly would be death to all troopers unlucky enough to approach it in battle. While some might point out the range limitations of such an approach the only drawback that really matters to me is the high heat generated by this all energy array. Alpha Striking and running (not jumping) will put you over by fourteen which is way too much for me. I suppose bracket firing is a possible approach to relieve this ‘heat wave’ but this takes a lot of the teeth or damage potential out of this Blackjack which is disappointing. I really don’t see a better way to address the heat management issue as I like the eleven Double Heat Sinks which is better than average. Still there is a lot to like here which includes a max amount of armor (9.5 tons) protection and nothing else really outlandish to this Blackjack.

4. BJ-2DB (Ice Hellion)
This bracket fire special creates a dual wall of fire thanks to a Blazer, Large Pulse and four Medium Lasers. Using the headcapping Binary Laser Cannon to clip opponents at long range could indeed cause them to charge into a heavier shorter-range barrage from the Pulse and four Mediums. Tough choice to make because you can get pounded to death at either. Eight and a half tons of armor (136 factor) provides pretty solid protection for this Blackjack which retains the same movement rate. The use of the standard GM 180 Fusion Engine to achieve this maneuverability also provides a level of durability and low cost. Ten Double Heat Sinks do a pretty nice job dispersing weapons fire especially if the intended bracketing is carried out. Nice job on the fluff to from the story about its appearance in the Solaris arenas to the other GM PR stunt with Ubodo. Very, very close but I feel like this a limited-edition Solaris Mech.


3. BJ-2C (drakensis)
This Capellan model taps into the original twin PPC concept of the St. Ives BJ-3 and I could certainly see Sun Tzu pressing the Mech back into service just because of the CCAF’s need to field whatever it can at this time. Its similarity to the Vindicator and Liao familiarity could certainly help in the Blackjacks’ reintroduction. Although I am picturing a tiny armed BJ-2C (L?) with Medium Lasers alone being a lot less impressive then Autocannons or ER PPCs (now mounted into the side torsos) this model could be quite effective as fire support for other units. It may face something of a heat buildup problem as its fourteen Double Heat Sinks are not enough to disperse weapon fire from its main two weapons and movement alone but this can be managed by alternating fire (2 -1 pattern). Manufacturing a new EndoSteel structure would be the major obstacle but the Snake is soon to be rolling out of Ceres Metals so that materiel would likely be available so you’d just have to create the appropriate molds. Good enough for the bronze this time around drak, congrats on the BJ-2L of the Salient Horizon universe!

2. BJ-2A (Irose)
This simple all energy possible refit which uses eight and half ton of advanced Ferro-Fibrous armor is just very solid to me. While slower than Irose’s 2B it is just a tough little zombie that retains the same speed and mobility of the original. Using fourteen Double Heat Sinks to cool the all laser arsenal which includes two ER Larges and four Mediums is quite enough to Alpha Strike but good enough for smart bracket firing. While heat spikes could be a problem any possibility for ammunition explosion is removed also meaning this Blackjack could stay in the field indefinitely watching your back against almost any opposition. A true enduring bodyguard unit which this escort design maybe most truly suited. I am officially naming this one the BJ-2D for the Salient Horizon setting and congratulations on the silver medal!!

1. TG-2EW (Ice Hellion)
Using the GM BJ-1 chassis along with its tried and true 180 Fusion Engine along with ten Double Heat Sinks was a solid basis for the entire TG-2 series. Eight and a half tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) armor makes for near max protection which is great for any bodyguard unit. I like replacing the two light arm cannons with two Large Lasers which may seem backwards to some but there is a big increase in firepower. Plus they don’t inflict as much of a heat bloom as ER models might give and the four Medium Lasers remain for much needed short range pop. What I really liked is the addition of an advanced electronics warfare package which runs the gambit from a Beagle Active Probe, Guardian ECM Suite, and TAG. With the appearance of the Clans a very effective EW bodyguard is effective in more ways than one and was the big concept clincher to me. First prize and the gold medal to Ice Hellion for a similar but different Steiner Blackjack design!!! I would like to combine our fluff if permissible for the best possible BJ-2S, congratulations and thanks again everyone.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #51 on: June 30, 2020, 03:39:53 PM »

TG-2K (Ice Hellion)
Unfortunately, this referenced in fluff entry (t looks like you doubled the stats on the 2E) was not presented in this contest but I reviewed it based on fluff. Like the rest of the TG-2 series it probably used the standard GM BJ-1 chassis, 180 Fusion Engine (4/6) with Jump Jets (4), 10 (20) Double Heat Sinks, and was protected by 8.5 tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) I think. Functioning as a C3 lance commander with a C3 Master, 2 Large Lasers, and 6 Small Lasers would have been an interesting role reversal for the Blackjack which I view more as an escort. This concept may have worked but I would have preferred 2 Medium Lasers and 2 Smalls for greater reach. It’s a shame that this rare Kurita entry was ultimately unavailable for review and had to ultimately be disqualified.

Oh I missed my double entry  :'(

Code: [Select]
Blackjack TG-2K

Mass: 45 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3052
Dry Cost: 5 466 500 C-Bills
Total Cost: 5 466 500 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1 091

Chassis: GM BJ-I Standard
Power Plant: GM 180 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43,2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64,8 km/h
Jump Jets: Whitworth Jetlift
    Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: StarGuard CIV Ferro-Fibrous Ferro-Fibrous
    2 Maltex Corporation/Nightwind Large Lasers
    6 Achernar BattleMechs/ChisComp 32 Small Lasers
    1 Kallon Industries/Kallon Sure-Shot C3-MU C3 Computer (Master)
Manufacturer: General Motors Blackjack refit facility
    Primary Factory: Talcott
Communications System: Dalban Micronics
Targeting and Tracking System: Dalban AQ

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      75 points                4,50
Engine:             Fusion Engine                180                       7,00
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 4 Standard
    Jump Jet Locations: 2 LL, 2 RL                                         2,00
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0,00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 2 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2,00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3,00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV - 152                  8,50
    Armor Locations: 1 HD, 2 CT, 3 LT, 4 LA, 4 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     14           18       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  9         
                                           L/R Torso     11           16       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     7            14       
                                             L/R Leg     11           22       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
C3 Computer (Master)                         RT        0         5         5,00
Small Laser                                  RT        1         1         0,50
Small Laser                                  LT        1         1         0,50
Large Laser                                  RA        8         2         5,00
2 Small Lasers                               RA        2         2         1,00
Large Laser                                  LA        8         2         5,00
2 Small Lasers                               LA        2         2         1,00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 9

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 11
4j         4       2       0       0      2     0   Structure:  4
Special Abilities: C3M, TAG, ENE, MHQ5, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA


"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ice Hellion

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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #52 on: June 30, 2020, 03:43:33 PM »

First prize and the gold medal to Ice Hellion for a similar but different Steiner Blackjack design!!! I would like to combine our fluff if permissible for the best possible BJ-2S, congratulations and thanks again everyone.

I won? With a slow 'Mech? :P

And you can do as you want with the fluff.

Congratulations for everyone (I think I won because I spammed with 8 designs ;)).

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #53 on: June 30, 2020, 04:30:36 PM »

Spamming does not equal win. I think if more focus was placed on certain entries quality would defeat quantity. Your concept of an EW Escort here is perfect in this time and place. Congratulations!

Red Pins

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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #54 on: June 30, 2020, 04:31:59 PM »

Not much to do with 4/6.  Frankly I wanted practice with MML more than anything.  It is maddening that I can't seem to get the contest rules though my head, though.

So, what comes next after the Hatchetman?


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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #55 on: June 30, 2020, 04:33:19 PM »

The Phoenix Hawk bud, it has been up for a week now.

Red Pins

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Re: Optimizing the Blackjack
« Reply #56 on: June 30, 2020, 05:54:41 PM »

Yup.  Saw it, kinda following it, but that's it.  I really like the classic, don't think it can be improved much.
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