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Optimizing the JagerMech
« on: April 25, 2021, 09:33:08 PM »

The thirty ninth optimizing challenge looks like a trashcan to me. Now I know that the UrbanMech gets that rap but seriously the JagerMech to me looks like garbage disposal. Based on the Rifleman this BattleMech introduced in 2774 during the Amaris Coup was supposed to correct its faults. To this end designers went all ballistic to avoid heat issues and the smaller caliber ACs did carry more shots but even though the JagerMech was five tons heavier it was still lightly armored. Expert spin says it is a long-range support asset and an anti-aircraft serving behind the lines so is unlike to receive much punishment. Somewhat unsurprisingly it became a Davion favorite as it was manufactured in their space and used their favorite weaponry. However, I think we can safely say that it has never been popular outside of the Federated Suns. Liao did fields some captured examples during the Succession Wars and Kurita reluctantly utilized this captured Quentin product following the War of 3039 but I get the picture that they had little choice in the matter. They simply used it cause they had to. The JagerMech was available and truth be told I’d personally have reservations even if it was offered to me. Not one of my personal likes but there is certainly room for improvement which is a good thing cause that is what I am looking for. So go to town folks, I know I have one design here somewhere that I will be entering but what can you come up with? We do have the Mech of the Week article from CBT and BattleTechWiki (links below) to provide us with some inspiration.

Mech of the Week – JM6-* JagerMech

JagerMech – BattleTechWiki

Design Criteria
Design: JagerMech Heavy BattleMech
Era: 3052, just following the Truce of Tukayyid
Tech: InnerSphere Level 2
Mass: 65 tons

Tech Base
The tech base for this enterprise will be InnerSphere Level 2, also known as Star League lostech, circa 3053. Remember some Level 1 standards which Bradshaw and myself think still have value like Large Lasers and PPCs which feature the same damage factor as their higher tech brethren with less range and perhaps most significantly less heat. Here is a list for your design reference. Let me know if there is anything I missed!

Star League LosTech
Anti-Missile System
Arrow IV Artillery Missile System
Extended Range Large Laser (ER Large Laser)
Extended Range Particle Projection Cannon (ER PPC)
Gauss Rifle
Ultra Autocannon/5
LB 10-X Autocannon
One-Shot Missile Packs
Pulse Lasers (Small, Medium, & Large)
Streak SRM-2
Swarm LRMs
Thunder LRMs
Artemis IV FCS
Beagle Active Probe
Guardian ECM Suite
Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry (MASC)
Narc Missile Beacon
Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment (CASE)
Double Heat Sinks
Endo Steel Internal Structure
Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Extra Light (XL) Engine

InnerSphere Low Tech
Blazer Cannon (or Binary Laser)
Recon Camera
Remote Sensor Dispenser

New Innovations
Triple Strength Myomer
C3 Computer

Design Traits of this Setting
Both the Federated Commonwealth and ComStar seem to have gone in the other direction with LRM batteries preferring larger LRM-15s and 20s linked to Artemis IV FCS to enhance accuracy. Facing the technologically superior Clan invaders have caused them to spend vast sums of resources on the finest technology available usually translating into high priced BattleMechs that few other factions can afford.
This is somewhat true for the Draconis Combine which has lost a significant portion of their industrial capacity to the Clans. This has been forced Kurita designers to innovate in new and different ways regardless of traditional warrior ethos which pervades the realm. Many Draconis optimizations have included the C3 System which is accelerated from the canon setting which saw their deployment lag.
The Free Worlds League in particular have embraced massed LRM-5s over the larger batteries to provide closer mass equivalents to Clan LRMs. Thanks to a corresponding increase in NARC units these ‘fire teams’ have become quite effective in the Marik Civil War. Also, the Blazer has made an appearance in the shattered FWLM searching for an advantage over their former brethren.
The Capellan Confederation typically fields cost effective designs at this time thanks to their resource strapped situation. While justifications for high end increases can be made like the Outreach Conference, Wrath of Blake technical aid, spoils of war from Isis forces, and good old Capellan espionage these should be minimized. My advice would be Periphery plus for these designs as the Confederation is under strain supporting Isis right now as it is. Growing stealth tech reflected in the Raven would be appropriate in many cases as sophisticated electronic lostech devices like the Guardian ECM Suite would be a priority for their recon designs. There is also a fire support role which is a hallmark of Liao tactical doctrine. The discovery of Thunder LRMs to deploy minefields and use of Arrow IV Artillery on the Catapult are themes which could be amplified here.
Regional factions like the Draconis March and the Periphery have seen the introduction of some ‘simple’ lostech items like Double Heat Sinks, Ferro-Fibrous, Streak SRM-2s, and Pulse Lasers. Extra-Light (XL) Engines remain too expensive and have drawbacks which make their deployment unlikely here. Advanced orbital facilities needed for EndoSteel manufacturing also remain out of reach at this point. They are not beyond using PPCs and Large Lasers either which they view as more efficient than their ER successors.

Please do your research (think Objective Raids) for available components as this will be another factor in rapid production. I love fluff and your winning designs will be featured in my BattleTech Salient Horizon alternate setting. I'd like to go beyond the refits bought to you by Technical Readout 3050 and delve into extensive redesigns of your BattleTech favorites. Sharpen up your favorite war machines perhaps drawing on past or current variants while remembering the spirit or role of these Mechs. Don't forget to justify the expense of your project and multiple winners are possible. Figure that all entries have to be completed and posted on these forums by Friday May 7th 2021 by 11:59 PM which should give you all a full two weeks for this contest, good luck!!


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2021, 09:34:39 PM »


Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Kallon Type XIV EndoSteel
Power Plant: Nissan 260 XL
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: None
   Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Kallon Royalstar
2 Poland Main Model A Gauss Cannons
2 Magna Mk II Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Kallon Industries
   Primary Factory: Talon
Communications System: Garret T11-A
Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2J

Technicians diligently preforming lostech upgrades to the JagerMech during the Clan invasion discovered that a pair of Gauss Rifles could easily be substituted for the four light Autocannons originally assigned to the project. This replacement turned this second line fighter into a true war machine with real killing power that Mechwarriors quickly grew to love. As Kallon hurriedly moved to develop an official refit kit for existing models another effort began to optimize new JagerMechs for the future. Prince Hanse Davion’s push to improve the quality of Federated Commonwealth BattleMechs cited the JagerMech as an ideal candidate for further development. This Davion favorite with a Germanic name was uniquely suited to generate interest across the massive Federated Commonwealth especially with a fearsome weapon loadout which featured twin Gauss Cannons. With similar refits already improving its image a higher end factory model might just turn the JagerMech into a premier asset of the Steiner-Davions. 

The newly designed Kallon Type XIV EndoSteel was in its initial prototype stages when the effort to redesign the JagerMech began. Thankfully EndoSteel foundries on Talon were already present for the Hornet Corean Model KL77 chassis and were easily expanded to include molds for the new JagerMech. The Nissan 260 XL Engine was retained from the JM6-DD upgrade in order to provide the necessary weight savings that the inclusion of two massive Gauss Rifles required. Arm mounted Poland Main Model A Cannons were chosen for the main guns of the new model and performed exceptionally when mated to the JagerMech’s existing equipment. Two Magna Mk II Medium Lasers returned to provide support at closer ranges which worked especially in terms of heat generated. Even with all these weapons firing continuously and engaged in running maneuvers the old cooling system is fully able to keep up. This inability to overheat upholds one of the original design tenets of the JagerMech which is highly desirable. Most of the weight savings from these modifications went to a more than doubling of the Mechs armor. Twelve and a half tons of the original Kallon Royalstar returned to provide nearly ninety five percent of maximum possible armor protection to this sixty-five-ton BattleMech. Now capable of engaging in front line combat defensively as well as offensive this new JagerMech promises to be a force on the battlefield.

The JM7-SD is far less prevalent than its JagerMech brethren since it is a brand-new build only recently reaching production. While originally slated for the Clan front along with other newly developed heavy Gauss carriers like the Equalizer some have been retained for service in the Capellan March. These deterrents are in service with the Syrtis Fusiliers and should serve as a powerful warning to any would be Capellan aggression. With interest in the new JagerMech model from Cadet Peter Steiner-Davion of the Nagelring demand has quickly risen leading to rumors of a second Lyran production site being considered by Kallon.

Type: JagerMech
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 65 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:          EndoSteel            3.5
Engine:            260 XL            7
   Walking MP:         4
   Running MP:         6
   Jumping MP:         0               0
Heat Sinks:            10               0
Gyro:                              3
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            200               12.5

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            9
   Center Torso           21            30 / 9
   R/L Torso         15            20 / 7
   R/L Arm         10            20
   R/L Leg         15            29

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
Gauss Rifle            Right Arm      7      15
Ammo (Gauss Rifle) 16       Right Torso      2      2
Gauss Rifle            Left Arm      7      15
Ammo (Gauss Rifle) 16       Left Torso      2      2
Medium Laser            Right Torso      1      1
Medium Laser            Left Torso      1      1


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2021, 10:49:33 PM »

The JM7-D is another of the battlemechs being developed in the Draconis March of the Federated Suns as part of Duke Sandoval's Project Aegis. A common mech in the Federation, the original JM6-S Jagermech is being replaced by the upgraded JM6-DD model from Kallon Industries.  As the older models were retired from service, they were sent to mech boneyards across the Federation.  As part of his efforts to strengthen the defenses of the Draconis March, Duke Sandoval convinced First Prince Davion to turn the mechs over to him for the regiments of the Draconis March Militia.  These mechs were sent to Robinson Standard Battleworks, where they were rebuilt into a more effective mech. 

Due to the age of many of these machines, some of which had been in service since the First Succession War, Robinson Standard Battleworks started the upgrades by striping the mechs down to a bare chassis.  This allowed the engineers to recondition the mechs to a like new condition. It also allowed them to make extensive changes that they otherwise could not introduce in a refit.  The most notable is the addition of a CASE system for the mech's ammunition, protecting the pilot against an ammo explosion. 

While the CASE system is the most complicated part of the Mech's upgrade, many other systems were modified.  The weapons array was significantly altered during the refit.  While the mech retains the Mydron Model D autocannons, which are effective at extremely long ranges, the Model Cs have been removed in favor of a pair of ChisComp 43 Special Large Lasers.  Used on a variety of mechs in the DMM, the ChisComp 43 provides a harder punch without requiring ammunition.  The designers also provided the mech with a full ton of ammo for each of the autocannons. While some consider this to be excessive, one of the requirements of the  upgrade program was that the design feature significant endurance on the battlefield.  Having removed the Autocannon ammo from the center torso of the mech, the designers were able to add a pair of medium lasers in that space, providing additional protection at close range.

The Large Lasers, while doing more damage the the old Mydron Model Cs, also generate significantly more heat then the Autocannons.  To cope with this the mech carries 10 double strength heatsinks, allowing it to maintain a steady rate of fire.  The removal of the Model C autocannons and their heavy feed systems allowed the mech to carry 2 additional tons of armor. The designers also switched to a new Kallon Unity Weave Ferro-Fibrous armor, providing additional protection compared to the sane amount of standard armor.

The JM7-D retains the excellent Garret D2j targeting system and during trials has performed well in the anti-aircraft role.  Mechwarriors assigned to the Jagermech greatly appreciate the improved firepower of the mech.   

Model JM7-D
Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Kallon Type XII
Power Plant: Magna 260
Cruising Speed: 43.2kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets:  None
Jump Capacity: 0
Armor: Kallon Unity Weave with CASE
   2 ChisComp 43 Special Large Laser
   2 Mydron Model D Light Autocannon
   4 ChisComp 39 Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Robinson Standard Battleworks (Refit)
Primary Factories:  Robinson
Communications System: Garret T11-A
Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2j

Type: JM7-D
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Tonnage:  65 tons

Equipment:                 Mass
Internal Structure            6.5
Engine      260         13.5   
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:  6
   Jumping MP: 
Heatsinks       10 (20)   
Gyro                  3
Cockpit               3
Armor Factor      179      10
         IS      Armor
Head         3      9   
CT         21      27/5
R/L Torso      15      24/3
R/L Arm      10      19
R/L Leg      15      23

Weapons & Ammo   Location   Critical   Tonnage
Large Laser      RA      2      5
AC/2            RA      1      6
Medium Laser      RT      1      1
Ammo (45)      RT      1      1
CASE         RT      1      0.5
Medium Laser      CT      1      1
Medium Laser      CT      1      1
Ammo (45)      LT      1      1
CASE         LT      1      0.5
Medium Laser      LT      1      1
AC/2            LA      1      6
Large Laser      LA      2      5



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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2021, 11:06:48 PM »

I assumed that someone (=Abele) would post a double-Gauss design immediately, because it's not only the obvious upgrade, but the canon DG variant is so suboptimal.  So I came up with some variants of the double-Gauss design.  I initially wanted to recreate the Carronade in 3053, but the Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle isn't Level 2 technology, even if it's available in 3051.  So I tried the Level 2 alternatives, both of which I tried out below.  They're not bad, and each have their place, but I think I prefer the two weapons to have matching ranges, so I wrote up the obvious Silver Bullet upgrade below as a "future" variant, when the weapon becomes widely available in 3080.

Type: JM6-DX and JM6-DAP JagerMech
Production: Federated Suns (Kallon Industries/NAIS prototype, Talon)
Combat Value: 1601 (DX), 1389 (DAP)
Total Cost: 11,631,126 C-Bills (DX), 11,231,001 (DAP)

Internal Structure: Endo: 3.5t
Engine: (Magna 260 XL): 7t
  Walking: 4            
  Running: 6
Heat Sinks: (Single): 10
Gyro/Cockpit (standard): 6t
Armor Factor (Standard): 13t

Head   3/9
Center Torso 21/30/9
R/L Torso 15/21/9
R/L Arm 10/20
R/L Leg 15/30
Quirks: Anti-Aircraft Targeting, Arms Flip, No Torso Twist

1x Gauss Rifle (7cr/15t) RA
2x Ammo (Gauss) 16 (2cr/2t) RT
2x Ammo (LBX) 20 (2cr/2t) RT
1x Ammo (LRM) 24 (1cr/1t) RT
1x CASE (1cr/0.5t) RT
1x LB10-X (6cr/11t) LA
1x LRM-5 (1cr/2t) LA
2x Medium Lasers (2cr/2t) CT

1x Gauss Rifle (7cr/15t) RA
2x Ammo (Gauss) 16 (2cr/2t) RT
1x Ammo (TAP) 20 (1cr/1t) RT
1x CASE (1cr/0.5t) RT
1x Thumper Artillery (15cr/15t) LA/LT
2x Medium Lasers (2cr/2t) CT

When Kallon Industries began working with recovered Star League technologies in the 3040s, the design engineers at the Talon facility quickly recreated the classic Galahad design using the company’s Jagermech design as a base chassis.  By using an extra-light fusion engine matched to a Kallon Type XIV Endo-Steel frame, they were able to dramatically improve on the performance of both the Jagermech as a direct-fire support ‘Mech, as well as the high-maintenance Galahad.  This popular variant would quickly gain popularity, particularly with the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth, but a small team of designers would remain unsatisfied with the design, arguing that it was far too highly specialized as a heavy unit sniper to be truly versatile on the battlefield.

Designers were interested in a single ‘Mech that could combine the armor-penetrating power of the Gauss Rifle with the ability to cause a mass of internal component damage by taking advantage of the armor breach caused by the initial attack, while Kallon executives were just as interested in designs that would not put undue stress on their ability to produce and supply high-demand Gauss Rifles. Initial tests of the DX prototype used a Silver-Bullet Gauss Rifle paired with a Poland Main Model A Gauss Cannon, but Kallon’s manufacturing division was unable to mass produce a reliable variant of the LB-X style Solaris custom weapon.  Instead, the Kallon team settled on two different solutions, both of which saw a modest 120 to 150 meter reduction in effective range.

The first variant, the production DX variant, matches the right-arm Gauss Rifle with an Imperator Code Red LB10-X autocannon in the left-arm bracket, with a slight boost in firepower and versatility provided by a Delta Dart LRM-5, also in the left-arm bracket.  The ammunition, and the Gauss Rifle itself, are both protected by a right torso CASE system, and backup firepower provided by the classic pair of Magna Mk II Medium Lasers of the original Jagermech design.

The second variant, the production DAP variant, replaces the entire left arm with a massive torso-mounted Thumper Artillery Piece, providing truly impressive direct-fire capability at ranges up to 510 meters, although at the cost of overall accuracy, especially compared to the LB10-X of the DX variant.  Ammunition on this variant is also stored in the CASE-protected right-torso, with the same pair of backup Medium Lasers. 

Both variant designs are being received positively by on-field commanders. The Thumper is particularly effective against conventional and battle-armor infantry, and is (of course) still an artillery piece capable of supporting units up to 10.5 kilometers away.  It is also quite easy to manufacture and supply with ammunition, putting very little strain on Kallon’s manufacturing capcity.  Meanwhile, the LB10-X (in combination with the Jagermech’s native anti-aircraft targeting capability, courtesy of the Garret D2j tracking system, is quite effective against VTOLs, and is moderately effective against Aerospace fighters and battle-armor as well.

Although all three variants of the Gauss-equipped Jagermech were popular enough to remain in production throughout the 31st century, Kallon’s engineers continued to experiment with the Silver Bullet Gauss concept, finally managing to perfect a production-grade variant in 3080.  The JM6-SBG eclipsed all prior variants in popularity, enough that StarCorps released an obvious competitor in 3102, the slightly better-armored and slightly harder-hitting Carronade.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 11:54:07 PM by fabulousorcboy »


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2021, 11:47:54 PM »

With double heat sinks available, a quick and dirty way to upgrade AC5s is to swap them out for PPCs -- identical range, double the hitting power, and no ammo bomb in your 'Mech.  I squeezed out a few extra tons to throw at the armor problem of this 'Mech, and although this variant does overheat if you're not careful, I like it much better for the fire-support role that the classic Jagermech claims to do :)

Type: JM6-K JagerMech
Production: Draconis Combine (Independence Weaponry, Quentin)
Combat Value: 1510 BV
Total Cost: 6,064,026 C-Bills (including x1.65 tonnage premium)

Internal Structure: Endo: 3.5t
Engine: (Magna 260): 13.5
  Walking: 4            
  Running: 6
Heat Sinks: 11(22): 1t
Gyro/Cockpit (standard): 3t
Armor Factor (Ferro): 11.5t

Head 3/9
Center Torso 21/30/11
R/L Torso 15/20/10
R/L Arm 10/20
R/L Leg 15/29

Quirks: Anti-Aircraft Targeting, Arms Flip, No Torso Twist

2x PPC (6cr, 14t) RA/LA
2x AC-2 (2cr, 12t) RA/LA
1x Ammo (AC) 45 (1cr/1t) RT
1x CASE (1cr/0.5t) RT
2x Medium Lasers (2cr/2t) RT/LT

Having acquired an entire Jagermech line (the JM6-DD) after recapturing Quentin in 3040, the Draconis Combine tasked the new employees with cutting down on redundant production lines and producing more cost-effective ‘Mechs – focusing in particular on the fragile and easily self-jamming DD Jagermech variant in production at the time of Quentin’s capture.  Several lances of factory-fresh DD’s had defended the plant from the 40th Dieron Regulars, and had not impressed the DCMS in the slightest.

Independence Weaponry’s surviving engineers decided to streamline production through two different methods: first, by taking advantage of the existing stockpiles of older weapons stored at the facility, including the Magna Hellstars no longer used in the company’s Marauder line, which had been upgraded to use Defiance 1001 ER PPCs.  These replaced the bulky and ammunition-hungry Model C Medium Autocannons of the original Kallon design, something only possible because of the use of lostech double heat sinks, with all but one of the sinks built directly into the reliable Magna 260 engine.  The Model D Light Autocannons were retained for their extreme effective range, and utility as an anti-aircraft weapon, while the Magna Mk II Medium Lasers, also surplus from the Marauder lines, were installed in the side torsos of the newly redesignated JM6-K, replacing the heavier (and shorter-ranged) Sutel Precision Line Medium Pulse Lasers of the DD.

The second streamlining effort was done by merging production facilities on site.  The major weakness of the original Jagermech design, one not really addressed in the expensive DD upgrade, was the thin armor, even when upgraded to Kallon Unity Weave Ferro-Fibrous composite.  Again borrowing from the Marauder lines, the new Combine variant of the Jagermech would be fitted with CASE technology, and a near-maximum of eleven and a half tons of the Durallex Ferro-Fibrous would protect the new design.   The structural framework of the JM6-K, on the other hand, would no longer utilize a Kallon Type XII chassis, but instead an Alshain Class 920 Endo-Steel frame, utilizing spare capacity from the Victor-9K line.

The updates JM6-K Jagermech stepped off the production lines in 3049, just in time to be tested in the crucible of the Clan Invasion.  With far better armored protection, harder hitting long-ranged firepower, and precision long-range AC2 sniping, the Dragon’s own variant of the Jagermech acquitted itself well, proving to be a reliable support-fire design, and its relatively low cost (at just over 6 million C-Bills per model) allowed Independence to churn out quite a sizable quantity of the design throughout 3050 and 3051, and rush them to the Clan Front to reinforce battered DCMS regiments.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 11:50:53 PM by fabulousorcboy »


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2021, 12:38:47 AM »

This is intended to be the direct ancestor to the official Jagermech III series.  I don't know if Victor SD will ever be First Prince in this AU, given that Hanse got a full preview of just how useless he is, but I assume that the Jagermech III series will still be produced, because it's such a massive improvement on the standard JM6.  With 5/8 speed, it's worth putting shorter-ranged weapons on, like Large Pulse Lasers or (here) Blazers -- especially if the FedCom is trying to come up with some viable Clanbusters.  I'll see if I can come up with a LPL version that makes sense to me in the next two weeks.

Type: JM6-D2 JagerMech
Production: Federated Commonwealth (Kallon Industries, Talon)
Combat Value: 1754 BV
Total Cost: 13,955,424 C-Bills (including x1.65 tonnage premium)

Internal Structure: Endo: 3.5t
Engine: (VOX 325XL): 12t
  Walking: 5            
  Running: 8
Heat Sinks: 17(34): 7t
Gyro/Cockpit (std): 7t
Armor (Standard): 13t

Head 3/9
Center Torso 21/30/11
R/L Torso 15/20/10
R/L Arm 10/20
R/L Leg 15/29

Quirks: Anti-Aircraft Targeting, Arms Flip, No Torso Twist

2x Blazer (8cr/18t) RA/LA
1x Guardian ECM (2cr/1.5t) CT
3x Medium Lasers (3cr/3t) RT/H/LT

The D2 variant of the venerable Jagermech was first developed in the 3040s, alongside the JM6-DD that was put into mass production.  However, although the DD was a triumph of Kallon engineering and marketing, it was a lackluster battlefield ‘Mech, with its thin armor and modest top speed of 64.8kph proving to be significant liabilities against the Clan invaders.

Accordingly, designers at the prestigious Talon facility came under some significant pressure to upgrade a Suns favorite design, with a number of different options suggested (and produced) during the early 3050s.  The D2 design is notable for two major design elements that eventually became standardized as the “Jagermech III” – it used a massive and powerful Vox 325 XL engine to transform the Jagermech into an 86.4kph speed cavalry design, and it used a Kallon Type XIV Endosteel chassis to free up weight for heavier armaments and thicker armor plating.

Unlike most Jagermech designs, the D2 is not a fire-support ‘Mech, but rather a mid-range striker, with a pair of hard-hitting, high energy Defiance B33B Binary Laser Cannons replacing all four Mydron autocannons – a single blast from one of these intimidating weapons can theoretically blow a hole straight through the head of any standard ‘Mech.  The design uses standard Magna Mk II Medium Lasers in place of the Sutel Precision Line Medium Pulse Lasers of the underwhelming DD, and marries a Garret-Guardian Interface 2B ECM system to the Garret T11-A comms, significantly hampering many Clan advanced missile targeting systems. 

Although only several dozen of the D2 variant were produced in the lull following the Tukayyid, most of the major design improvements were incorporated into the Jagermech III, which was officially unveiled in 3058, with a long-range fire support mission restored with the D3, and the superior D4 variant (with all energy weaponry) finally released in 3073 and becoming the new standard for the series.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 12:43:06 AM by fabulousorcboy »


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2021, 05:40:57 AM »

One from Irose and three from fabulousorcboy, good start boys!!!!


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2021, 06:56:19 PM »

Type: JM6-MH JagerMech
Production: Marian Hegemony (Marian Arms refit, Alphard)
Combat Value: 1483 BV
Total Cost: 5,549,226 C-Bills (including x1.65 tonnage premium)

Internal Structure: 6.5t
Engine: (Magna 260): 13.5t
  Walking: 4            
  Running: 6
Heat Sinks: 17(34): 7t
Gyro/Cockpit (Std): 6t
Armor Factor (Ferro): 12t

Head   3/9
Center Torso 21/31/11
R/L Torso 15/20/10
R/L Arm 10/20
R/L Leg 15/30

Quirks: Anti-Aircraft Targeting, Arms Flip, No Torso Twist

4x Large Lasers (8cr,20t) 2RA/2LA)

Under the new leadership of Caesar Sean O’Reilly in 3048, the Marian Hegemony rapidly rebuilt much of its antiquated military armaments industry as the Periphery realm focused on expanding their military, with the clear aim of attacking and conquering their smaller neighbor, the Lothian League.  Although Marian Arms Incorporated, the only Battlemech production facility in the Hegemony, could supply Locusts natively, under Caesar O’Reilly’s leadership, the facility expanded to producing unlicensed Commandos, and began localized refits of heavier ‘Mechs.  The Hegemony acquired stripped-down heavy ‘Mech frames, often with nothing more than a damaged engine and basic myomer bundling, focusing on low-cost Succession War era frames like Whitworths and Jagermechs.  The refit program would really begin to ramp up in the later 3050s (after the Taurian Concordat cut ties to the Hegemony following the annexation of the Lothian League), but early dividends are clearly visible with one of the earliest Jagermech refits produced by Marian Arms.

As of 3053, the Hegemony has reconstructed over a dozen Jagermechs from a wide range of centuries-old ‘Mech parts and a variety of salvaged pieces purchased from resellers all over the Inner Sphere.  Their signature JM6-MH refit is designed to be a durable machine, completely untethered from ammunition resupply concerns.  It is fitted with four Sunglow Type 2 Large Lasers – produced by Hadrian Mechanized at their Pompey facility for their Laser Carrier support vehicle – in place of the original design’s Mydron autocannons.  The armor has been completely replaced by a massive layer of Aldis Heavy Ferro-Fibrous, imported from Kalidasa via the Kali-Yama-Alphard-Trading joint venture with the Free Worlds League manufacturer – Kali Yama began early production runs of the material in 3051, and although early versions of their Aldis brand suffers minor cracking issues, Marian Arms “resolved” the problem by simply applying twelve tons of the protective coating – more than a full theoretical maximum – of the ferro-fibrous weave around the core chassis.

Marian Arms technicians have been extremely creative about fitting a variety of different Magna 260 engines – sourced from salvaged Rommels, Pattons, Crusaders, and Thunderbolts – into the cavernous barrel body of the Jagermech.  The massive heat of the Sunglow large lasers is handled by no less than seventeen double heat sinks, produced on Alphard by Marian Arms Incorporated, the first (and so far only) lostech component produced in the Hegemony, and by the nation’s premiere armament company.  The resulting MH is a brutally simple and easily maintained design – a massive slab of armor that can keep up an unrelenting stream of laser fire as it advances, without experiencing any significant loss in firepower due to overheating.  SAFE and MIIO analyses suggest that the MH would be a credible threat to most Inner Sphere heavy ‘Mechs, and against lighter and more irregular Periphery opponents, it is likely to give the MHAF a significant advantage in both direct engagements, as well as longer and sustained military campaigns.


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2021, 08:57:04 PM »

A cheap Flashman. ;)


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2021, 09:01:59 PM »

Now that you point it out, you could actually make a mini-Flashman at 65 tons that is almost as good as the original, and I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it because (a) I love the Flashman to bits, and (b) I'm obsessed with making lighter and cheaper versions of canon Mechs.  The Jager even has the same basic Trash-can torso design.  I don't have the spare time to fluff it out tonight, but I'll try to think of a producer or refitter and throw something together later this week :)


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2021, 09:02:13 PM »

Over the course of the Succession Wars, the Taurian Concordat has captured a number of Jagermechs from the Federated Suns and the Capellan Confederation.  Never a popular mech in the TDF, due to its high ammo dependance and light armor, the Jagermechs were relegated to secondary roles or stored in various mech depots.  In the late 2900s, the Concordat captured several JM6-A models with LRMs in place of the medium autocannons.  These proved to be more popular but were the Concordat only possessed one or 2 of these mechs.  Efforts to convert more of the -6S variant to the the -6A met with indifference from many in the TDF, it was felt that the resources used in the project could be better used elsewhere. 

Another modification that was undertaken in the early 3000s attempted to replace the Jagermech's arms with the missile drums found on the Longbow. This was considered a partial success.  The mech was able to rain down significant numbers of missiles on enemies, and as is common in the TDF was supplied with a generous ammo supply, allowing for extended deployments.  The armor was increased by 50% improving survivability while 2 added heat sinks helped deal with the added heat out of the LRM racks.  Approximately 15-20 Jagermechs were converted to this model, the limiting factor being the availability of Longbow arm assemblies [Editor's Note; The "de-armed" Longbows were refitted with new arms and turned into heavy assault units for the TDF]. 

In the 3040s, the TDF discovered the Omega Cache on New Ganymede, which contained tools and materials hidden by Taurus WarWorks prior to the Uprisings.  Among the materials in the Cache were approximately 25 Magna 260XL engines.  Originally used on advanced technology Thunderbolts that were built on Taurus, the Concordat was unsure what to do with these engines.  While some in the TDF suggested using them in a new model of the Thunderbolt, this was quickly rejected.  The time and effort to convert the Thunderbolt line on Taurus to produce the new model would be wasted as the TDF lacked the ability to build any additional engines. One engineer suggested that the engines could instead be used to further upgrade the JM6-T Jagermech.  Realizing that this made the most sense, the TDF began converting the JM6-T into a new model, the JM7-T at the Laconis Arsenal. 

The weight savings of the extra light engine allowed the addition more armor and weapons to the mech.  3 Delta Dart LRM 5 launchers were added to the Jagermech.  This allowed the Jagermech to lay down a barrage of 55 missiles. With huge ammo bins, the Jagermech is able to sustain this fire for extended periods of time.  Further aid the mech in maintaining its prodigious rate of fire, the cooling system was improved through the use of double strength heatsinks.  Despite removing 2 heatsinks, the Jagermech's cooling capability was nearly doubled.  The designers also managed to improve the protection of the Jagermech.  An additional half ton of armor and a switch to the new Durallex Heavy Ferro-Fibrous armor provides an almost 20% improvement in protection. 

During field trials the new mech proved very popular with the mechwarriors assigned to test it.  The only complaint was the at the Concordat would not be able to put the mech into production due to an inability to produce more of the XL engines.

Model JM6-T
Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Kallon Type XII
Power Plant: Magna 260
Cruising Speed: 43.2kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets:  None
Jump Capacity: 0
Armor:  Kallon Royalstar
   2 Delta Dart LRM 20 Racks
   2 Magna Mk II Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Laconis Arsenal (Refit)
Primary Factories:  Laconis
Communications System: Garret T11-A
Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2j

Type: JM6-T
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Tonnage:  65 tons

Equipment:                 Mass
Internal Structure            6.5
Engine      260         13.5   
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:  6
   Jumping MP:  0
Heatsinks       12         2   
Gyro                  3
Cockpit               3
Armor Factor      144      9
         IS      Armor
Head         3      9   
CT         21      22/5
R/L Torso      15      19/3
R/L Arm      10      14
R/L Leg      15      18

Weapons & Ammo   Location   Critical   Tonnage
LRM 20         RA      5      10
Ammo (18)      RT      3      3
Medium Laser      RT      1      1
LRM 20          LA      5      10
Ammo (18)      LT      3      3
Medium Laser      LT      1      1

Model JM7-T
Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Kallon Type XII
Power Plant: Magna 260XL
Cruising Speed: 43.2kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets:  None
Jump Capacity: 0
Armor:  Durallex Heavy Ferro-Fibrous Armor.
   2 Delta Dart LRM 20 Racks
   3 Delta Dart LRM 5 Racks
   2 Magna Mk II Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Laconis Arsenal (Refit)
Primary Factories:  Laconis
Communications System: Garret T11-A
Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2j

Type: JM7-T
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Tonnage:  65 tons

Equipment:                 Mass
Internal Structure            6.5
Engine      260XL         7   
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:  6
   Jumping MP:  0
Heatsinks       10 (20)   
Gyro                  3
Cockpit               3
Armor Factor      170      9.5
         IS      Armor
Head         3      9   
CT         21      26/5
R/L Torso      15      23/3
R/L Arm      10      18
R/L Leg      15      21

Weapons & Ammo   Location   Critical   Tonnage
LRM 20         RA      5      10
LRM 5         RT      1      2
Ammo (18)      RT      3      3
Medium Laser      RT      1      1
LRM 5         H      1      2
Ammo (48)      CT      2      2
LRM 20          LA      5      10
LRM 5         LT      1      2
Ammo (18)      LT      3      3
Medium Laser      LT      1      1



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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2021, 10:19:51 PM »

Nice, we could call it the Recurve Bow. ;)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 10:30:17 PM by Takiro »


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2021, 07:13:06 PM »

This is totally a Big Mac style 'Mech.  Perfect for the Capellans, and I tied it into Shengli Arms and the eventual development of the Jinggau.  Plus Third Marik Civil War shout-out!

Type: JM6-F “Flashjager” JagerMech
Production: Capellan Confederation (Shengli Arms refit, Victoria)
Combat Value: 1758 BV
Total Cost: 13,769,799 C-Bills (including x1.65 tonnage premium)

Internal Structure: (Endo): 3.5t
Engine: (VOX 325XL): 12t
  Walking: 5            
  Running: 8
Heat Sinks: 17(34): 7t
Gyro/Cockpit (Std): 7t
Armor (Standard): 13t

Head   3/9
Center Torso 21/30/11
R/L Torso 15/20/10
R/L Arm 10/20
R/L Leg 15/29

Quirks: No Torso Twist

3x Large Laser (6cr, 15t) RA/CT/LT
5x Medium Lasers (5cr, 5t) RA/RT/LT/LT-r/LA
1x Anti-Missile (1cr, 0.5t) RT
1x Ammo (AMS) (1cr, 1t) RT
1x Flamer (1cr, 1t) H

In the mid-3020s, the Confederation discovered a Star League era Mech facility in an underground bunker on the remote world of Victoria – most likely the centuries-old remnants of the Carlos Dangmar Lee Center that was an annex to the SLDF military base placed on the world.

After the severe losses inflicted to the CCAF in the Fourth Succession War, Chancellor Romano Liao diverted quite a few resources to Victoria to recover as much of the technology as possible, and to return the facility to operation ASAP.  Although the Federated Commonwealth targeted the facility during the War of 3039, they never realized that they had actually destroyed a secondary decoy structure, and the core facility was not only undiscovered, but came online by the early 3040s.  The Confederation lacked the expertise to expand to full ‘Mech production until the mid-3050s, when Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao increased ties with the Word of Blake, but the facility that would later be known as Shengli Arms was a fully operation ‘Mech repair and refit facility by 3042, capable of producing limited quantities of Star League era material and components.

With Capellan engineers tasked by Romano Liao with finding ways to update four cutting-edge ‘Mech designs found in the facility, and facing dire consequences for failure, the lead engineers decided to focus on refitting existing and long-established ‘Mech designs of comparable tonnage, in order to test the designs, particularly as none of them (the 25t Sling, 65t Siren, the 70t Donner, and the 90t Horus) had never progressed past the prototype stage.  Designers ultimately focused on the two lightest-weight ‘Mechs, using captured Commando chassis as a component testbed for the Sling design, and captured Jagermech chassis to test the Siren components, as those two common FedCom designs were very similar in overall framing to the ancient prototypes.  (Ceres Metals as given responsibility for bringing the 70t Donner to production, ultimately succeeding with the Thunder in 3055).

The Confederation built a small orbital facility around Victoria’s third moon, Jennifer, designed to produce Chariot Type II Endosteel.  They were able to begin production of Omni 175 XL engines (for the 25t testbed), and Vox 325 XL engines (for the Jagermech testframe), and were able to mass-produce sizable quantities of double heat sinks, earning engineers a reprieve from Romano Liao’s murderous rages despite the numerous design delays.  Apart from lacking full on-site production facilities, their major technological obstacles including recreating a combat-ready Ferro-Fibrous armor composite, not succeeding until 3079 with their original Dola design.  And even with assistance from the Helm Memory Core schematics, engineers were unable to create a reliable manufacturing process for Star League era armaments, only able to handcraft examples of (for example) the Painkiller Gauss Rifle or Victory ER PPC, until getting final critical assistance from the Word of Blake in the mid 3050s.  At that point, the rebranded Zhi-tong-yao Gauss Rifle, and Shengli ER PPC, became centerpieces of the new designs coming out of newly christened Shengli Arms.

But in late 3050, facing increasing pressure from Sian, engineers decided to release an interim design that would showcase the incredible 86mph speed of their modified Jagermechs.  Using designs licensed from Capellan laser armaments firm Firmir Weaponry, they released the JM6-F “Flashjager”, a 65t ‘Mech comparable in performance to the legendary SLDF mainstay, the Flashman 8K.  The JM6-F has stripped out the Garret systems of the Jagermech (losing its anti-aircraft capabilities), instead equipping the recovered Standart Comms design (later rebranded the Dian-bao), married to a Dynatec T&T “Special” targeting system.  The older Siren used a variety of ER laser weapons, but designers simply copied the classic Flashman layout, with Firmir Standard medium lasers scattered across the arms and torsos, and three Firmir MaxiLase large lasers, one in each articulated arm structure and one mounted in the center torso.

An Olympus brand ‘Mech Flamer was mounted in the head of the ‘Mech, and an LFN Lindblad Shotgun anti-missile system fitted to the right torso, with both designs licensed from Earthwerks Limited, the Capellan branch of the multinational firm.  With seventeen double heat sinks, and wrapped in 13 tons of Standart “Star Shell” standard-grade ‘Mech armor, the JM6-F runs much cooler than its classic Flashman inspiration, and was welcomed by new Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao when it first became available to CCAF forces in 3052.  McCarron’s Armored Cavalry has been granted the first dozen examples of the speedy ‘Mech, and it has already proven its worth in the early phases of the Third Marik Civil War.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2021, 07:14:11 PM by fabulousorcboy »


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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2021, 09:07:22 AM »

During the War of 3039 the Draconis Combine captured Quentin, home of Independence Weaponry.  While the Atlas, Victor and Marauder battlemechs were greatly appreciated by the DCMS, the Jagermech proved to be less popular. While production continued of the upgraded JM6-DD, the DCMS considered alternate variants. On proposal that was made was to turn the Jagermech into a baby Mauler. 

This design called for removing the balky and jamming prone Ultra class auto cannons and replacing them with the Imperator Smoothie-2 Autocannon.  The paired Smoothie-2 autocannons in each arm provided the mech with the ability to provide fires support at extreme ranges, while still being an effective air defense platform.  The weight savings from the smaller autocannons allowed the medium pulse laser to be upgraded to Victory Nickel Alloy Extended Range Large Lasers.  This provided the mech with a significant punch that did not depend on ammo, a feature that has become very popular with mechwarriors assigned to the Jagermech. 

The high heat of the extended range lasers required significant changes to the mech's cooling system.  Taking advantage of an experimental Endo Steel Chassis that was developed by Alshain Weapons and produced under license by Independence Weaponry, the designers were able to add 3 heat sinks, while switching to double strength models. This allows the mech to maintain a significant rate of fire with only limited overheating.  The use of the bulky Endo Steel frame precluded the use of Ferro-Fibrous armor.  To compensate for the change to the less effective Durallex Heavy with CASE armor plating, the designers added 2 additional tons of armor. 

The new Jagermech has proven popular with the mechwarriors of the DCMS.  While still able to fill the support role, it is also a serve as a light assault unit, although mechwarriors are warned to be cautious as the Jagermech does have the armor protection to go against heavier units.

Model JM6-K
Mass: 65 tons
Chassis: Alshain Class 650ES
Power Plant: Nissan 260XL
Cruising Speed: 43.2kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets:  None
Jump Capacity: 0
Armor:  Durallex Heavy with CASE
   4 Imperator Smoothie-2 Autocannons
   2 Victory Nickel Alloy Extended Range Large Lasers
Manufacturer: Indépendance Weaponry
Primary Factories:  Quentin
Communications System: Garret T11-A
Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2j

Type: JM6-K
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Tonnage:  65 tons

Equipment:                 Mass
Internal Structure      Endo      3.5
Engine      260XL         7   
   Walking MP:   4
   Running MP:  6
   Jumping MP:  0
Heatsinks       13 (26)      3
Gyro                  3
Cockpit               3
Armor Factor      136      8.5
         IS      Armor
Head         3      9   
CT         21      20/5
R/L Torso      15      18/3
R/L Arm      10      14
R/L Leg      15      16

Weapons & Ammo   Location   Critical   Tonnage
AC/2            RA      1      6
AC/2            RA      1      6
Ammo (45)      RT      1      1
CASE         RT      1      0.5
ER Large Laser      RT      2      5
AC/2            LA      1      6
AC/2            LA      1      6
Ammo (45)      LT      1      1
CASE         LT      1      0.5
ER Large Laser      LT      2      5



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Re: Optimizing the JagerMech
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2021, 10:57:29 PM »

Oh very nice Jagers guys!!
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