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General BattleTech => General Discussion => MechFactory => Topic started by: Takiro on June 11, 2019, 08:12:41 PM

Title: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 11, 2019, 08:12:41 PM
As my final Clan OmniMech is currently undergoing its final reviews I wanted to throw open a new challenge for the InnerSphere which like Quicksilver will revise all designs for peak performance. First up is the Locust but before we begin on this early 3050 refit project what would my favorite designers like to see?

I'll be adding a few more thoughts here as this is very much a work in progress. So, while I welcome your Locust design submissions please think about and comment on these thoughts...

The tech base for this enterprise will be InnerSphere Level 2, also known as Star League lostech, circa 3053. Here is a list for your design reference. Let me know if there is any thing I missed!

Star League LosTech
Anti-Missile System
Arrow IV Artillery Missile System
Extended Range Large Laser (ER Large Laser)
Extended Range Particle Projection Cannon (ER PPC)
Gauss Rifle
Ultra Autocannon/5
LB 10-X Autocannon
One-Shot Missile Packs
Pulse Lasers (Small, Medium, & Large)
Streak SRM-2
Swarm LRMs
Thunder LRMs
Artemis IV FCS
Beagle Active Probe
Guardian ECM Suite
Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry (MASC)
Narc Missile Beacon
Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment (CASE)
Double Heat Sinks
Endo Steel Internal Structure
Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Extra Light (XL) Engine

InnerSphere Low Tech
Blazer Cannon (or Binary Laser)
Recon Camera
Remote Sensor Dispenser

New Innovations
Triple Strength Myomer
C3 Computer

Don't forget about some Level 1 standards which Bradshaw and myself think still have value like Large Lasers and PPCs which feature the same damage factor as their higher tech brethren with less range and perhaps most significantly less heat. I've also become a fan of massed LRM-5s over the larger batteries (Free Worlds League in particular has gone in this direction) which could provide closer equivalents to Clan LRMs.

Do your research (think Objective Raids) for available components as this will be another factor in rapid production.

Of course I still love fluff and your designs will be featured in my BattleTech Salient Horizon alternate setting. While we will be focusing on the InnerSphere and their efforts to defeat the Clans by matching as best we can their equipment performance don't forget the Periphery. High tech efforts by a rebuilding ComGuard following Tukayyid or their erstwhile brethren the Word of Blake could be your angle. Then you have different Great Houses and their significant Regions or Worlds concentrating on fortifying their militaries ranging from line troops to militia. There are also Corporate concerns which could come into play or lets not forget our favorite mercenaries.

I'd like to go beyond the refits bought to you by Technical Readout 3050 and delve into extensive redesigns of your BattleTech favorites. Sharpen up your favorite war machines perhaps drawing on past or current variants while remembering the spirit or role of these Mechs. Don't forget to justify the expense of your project and multiple winners are possible.

Set Criteria for this Challenge
Design: Locust Light BattleMech
Era: 3052, just following the Truce of Tukayyid
Tech: InnerSphere Level 2
Mass: 20 tons
Cockpit: (3 tons)

What sort of time frame would you guys like to see for these contests?

Here is the Mech of the Week Article from the big boards to get your juices following on this first masterpiece.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Bradshaw on June 14, 2019, 09:37:38 AM
As I said when we spoke about this I think this is challenging as some designs are made by multiple houses so need to be careful about how many each house gets upgraded.

Personally after looking at all the options I really like the 3D variant its perfect for harrassing.

But if I was to create a variant for a fixed role it would be this, based off the 3D frame. I'll come up with fluff next week when I have time.

Locust LCT-4D
Code: [Select]

Base Tech Level: Standard (IS)

Weight: 20 tons
BV: 478
Cost: 2,093,500 C-bills
Source: Clan Invasion

Movement: 8/12
Engine: 160
Heat Sinks: 10
Gyro: Standard Gyro

Internal: 33 (Endo-Steel)
Armor: 44/69 (Ferro-Fibrous)
                     Internal  Armor   
Head                        3      7   
Center Torso                6      5   
Center Torso (rear)                2   
Right Torso                 5      5   
Right Torso (rear)                 1   
Left Torso                  5      5   
Left Torso (rear)                  1   
Right Arm                   3      4   
Left Arm                    3      4   
Right Leg                   4      5   
Left Leg                    4      5   

Weapons       Loc  Heat 
TAG            CT    0   
Small Laser    HD    1   
Medium Laser   CT    3   

Equipment              Loc 
Active Probe (Beagle)   RT 
ECM Suite (Guardian)    LT 

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 14, 2019, 04:02:45 PM
As I said when we spoke about this I think this is challenging as some designs are made by multiple houses so need to be careful about how many each house gets upgraded.

I agree but there also the 3025 (Level 1) variants to guide us plus I feel we know each Houses tendencies as well. The Locust is a good example of this as there are 10 factories producing it as of 3054 according to FASA 1665 - Objective Raids. 6 are building the LCT-1Vs which are old school standard structure, 2 are FedCom model refits (LCT-3D and the LCT-3S) which use EndoSteel chassis, and 2 are LCT-3Ms (this time meaning Marik and not Missiles like the 3025 version) which definitely use EndoSteel. None use an XL Engine and take a look at my next post but I think you can do the most with that upgrade.

Personally after looking at all the options I really like the 3D variant its perfect for harrassing.

But if I was to create a variant for a fixed role it would be this, based off the 3D frame. I'll come up with fluff next week when I have time.

I agree but if I did a 4D it would features a LRMs and a TAG to create the most harassing light Mech you've ever seen raining missiles down from yonder. Does your model use an XL Engine? Just wondering where you got the weight for those electronics.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 14, 2019, 04:10:05 PM
General Thoughts on the Locust Optimization

I was thinking about this one for a couple of days and I wanted to go down the list of what could be done here to present the best possible Locust or Locusts for our project. Please let me know what you think!

Internal Structure. The two-ton Bergan VII standard chassis which composes the core of the Locust isn't a major concern. Given the superior return on mass which Endosteel provides and the enormous amount of free criticals that a Light 'Mech can easily sacrifice such a high-tech upgrade makes sense. The Marik 3M went in this direction however it's only a ton so it's not absolutely vital. Cost wise such a move would quadruple base structure price from 8,000 C-bills to 32,000 C-bills.

Engine. While InnerSphere Extra-Light (XL) Fusion Plants draw a fair amount of design criticism for their increased fragility thanks to their bulkiness could it be a benefit for the Locust? This ubiquitous 20 ton Light Mech can never said to be well protected or survivable in combat due to its low max armor. Describing it as a 'one hit wonder' isn't far from the truth as a single well placed shot can often take a Locust down. Adding an expensive XL Engine would seem to be a poor investment on the surface but let's get a little counter intuitive. Rather than opponents simply pounding this thing to scrap the presence of an XL could disable these high tech Locusts just as fast as their lower tech brethren making desirable salvage. The higher tech Engine would almost double the overall cost of the Locust but this modification would make the most difference for our upgrades.

Jump Jets. While no significant technical advances have been made in mobility at this time I really don't see jump jets on the Locust. Frankly they weigh just too damn much - 4 tons for 8 MPs- and while such high flying maneuvering might be cool it's not a fit for me. I'd go with a heavier Light or Medium 'Mech for a Jumping scout. Also it just seems out of character for me as the Locust is born to run.

Heat Sinks. Because there isn't much room for weaponry and jump jets might be out we could save some money here by sticking with old single Heat Sinks. I guess it depends on how much you pack on here if you need Double Heat Sinks but just remember you'll have to place them all and a 160 rated Engine can only house 6 Heat Sinks. So 4 Double Heat Sinks will cost you an additional 12 critical spaces. Again you might not even need this high tech cooling system but I think this boils down to need. Expense and availability aren't really huge issues to me.

Cockpit & Gyro. Not much can be done here to improve the performance of the machine given the available level of technology. However, both components are plentiful and have proven to be reliable over time.

Armor. Staying with the old 4-ton armor plating isn’t a bad move either as going to Ferro-Fibrous doesn’t get you much. If you have 14 spare criticals lying around and still haven’t maxed out on armor protection then what the hell. I think EndoSteel is the better way to get weight for criticals though even though modifying existing models would be difficult. So Ferro-Fibrous would be easier to refit on existing machines but would provide much less in the way of an advantage IMO.

Weapons & Equipment. Every variant of the Locust appears to me as a super (ultra) light fighter rather than a recon model. Now Level 1 equipment really can't underscore or augment it's scouting capabilities outside fluff but our Level 2 certainly can. I am hard pressed however to find any of this lostech adding to the Locust as a forward element. There are plenty of new advanced components from a TAG, a Beagle Active Probe, a Guardian ECM, a NARC Launcher, a C3 Computer that could all do just that.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: drakensis on June 15, 2019, 02:23:01 AM
Most of the above logic makes sense, but with such a light Mech there's more than enough critical space for endosteel and ferrofibrous, while the cost of ferro is fairly minimal (under 50k) and if you drop to 3.5 tons it saves a convenient half ton given that several electronics packages are 1.5 tons (Beagle, Guardian, C3i).

Below I've replaced the Machineguns with small pulse lasers, keeping the anti-infantry capacity but removing ammo dependency and increasing accuracy. Upping the laser to ER gives the Locust more reach and the increased heat isn't an issue unless running and alpha-striking - and then minimally. I went with the Beagle Active Probe as a sensor package for a scout, but it would be easy enough to have variants with ECM, or TAG and an ER small laser in its place.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-3a

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3052
Cost: 1,890,400 C-Bills
Battle Value: 515

Chassis: Unknown Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Unknown 160 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Ferro-Fibrous
    1  ER Medium Laser
    2  Small Pulse Lasers
    1  Beagle Active Probe
Manufacturer: Unknown
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    33 points                1.00
    Internal Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Engine:             Fusion Engine                160                       6.00
    Walking MP: 8
    Running MP: 12
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LL, 1 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  62                  3.50
    Armor Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT, 4 LA, 4 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            8         
                                        Center Torso     6            10       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  2         
                                           L/R Torso     5            8         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            3         
                                             L/R Leg     4            8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Medium Laser                              HD        5         1         1.00
Beagle Active Probe                          CT        0         2         1.50
Small Pulse Laser                            RA        2         1         1.00
Small Pulse Laser                            LA        2         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 14

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 5
8          2       1       0       0      1     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: PRB, RCN, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 15, 2019, 09:04:12 AM
Thanks drak, I was also thinking of refitting all those Locusts already manufactured out there with Level 2 tech but it seems that will be an extensive process if so desired.

EndoSteel and Ferro-Fibrous is essentially what the 3M, 3S, & 3D have already done so your core upgrade components are readily available. The EndoSteel skeletal work would be a bitch though, cause you have to take the whole Mech apart basically. However, this is a Locust and hence the smallest BattleMech to disassemble for such a project so it might not be that bad. The Ferro-Fibrous upgrade ain't bad but the arm protection gets even weaker, yikes.

Small Pulses is a good swap for Machine Guns as when you account for the ammo they weigh the same. While heat generated is greater there is the added accuracy and the new rules seem to add flavor to the Pulse Laser so I like it.

I also agree with the Beagle Active Probe as the Mech is continual referred to as a Scout plus you can find hidden infantry for your arm mounted [point defense] weapons [be they Machine Guns or Small Pulse].

Swapping the Beagle Active Probe the way that masterarminas frequently does with some of his Clan configurations for a Guardian ECM is certainly possible. A TAG or C3 Slave variation could certainly work as well and both of those could feature an additional Small Laser or Flamer to account for that half ton mass.

Only thing that is a no-no would be ER Mediums and ER Smalls at this time cause the InnerSphere doesn't invent them for another 5 years at least.

This model is a nice simple upgrade and potential competitor for the 3M. Any idea who would be behind it? Your core variant would itself have three other possible variants so who would or could do this?? Mercenaries and some arms corporation offering lostech upgrades might work. Possibly Liao might be a frontrunner here given their experience with surveillance machines like the Raven. Interestingly enough the facility on Ares is a Bergan Industries facility which originally manufactured the Locust in 2499.

Manufacturers (according to Objective Raids)

LCT-1V Locust - Alliance Defenders Limited - Alpheratz (Outworlds Alliance)
LCT-1V Locust - Pinard Protectorates Limited - MacLeod's Land (Taurian Concordat)
LCT-1V Locust - Taurus Territorial Industries - Taurus (Taurian Concordat)
LCT-1V Locust - Bergan Industries - Ares (Capellan Confederation)
LCT-1V Locust - Majesty Metals and Manufacturing - Canopus IV (Magistracy of Canopus)
LCT-1V Locust - Alshain Weaponry - Alshain (Clan Ghost Bear)
LCT-3D Locust - Achernar BattleMechs - New Avalon (Federated Commonwealth)
LCT-3M Locust - Gibson Federated BattleMechs - Gibson (Free Worlds League)
LCT-3M Locust - Corean Enterprises - Stewart (Free Worlds League)
LCT 3S Locust - Defiance Industries - Furillo (FC)
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: marauder648 on June 15, 2019, 01:16:23 PM
Locust 5D

Designed to be produced quickly and cheaply and using the large number of available hulls, the 5D is a simple upgrade of the Locusts weapons. Loosing any form of ammunition vulnerability the machine guns are replaced with  small pulse lasers, whilst the medium laser is upgraded to a medium pulse laser.
A simple upgrade that could be carried out in the field, the 5D was popular with new pilots as well as veterans who preferred the accuracy of the pulse lasers over their older weapons.

Code: [Select]
Locust Retrofit
Base Tech Level: Standard (IS)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3050+
Tech Rating: E/X-X-D-D

Weight: 20 tons
BV: 425
Cost: 1,549,600 C-bills
Source: Clan Invasion

Movement: 8/12
Engine: 160
Heat Sinks: 10
Gyro: Standard Gyro

Internal: 33
Armor: 48/69
                     Internal  Armor   
Head                        3      9   
Center Torso                6      6   
Center Torso (rear)                1   
Right Torso                 5      7   
Right Torso (rear)                 1   
Left Torso                  5      7   
Left Torso (rear)                  1   
Right Arm                   3      3   
Left Arm                    3      3   
Right Leg                   4      5   
Left Leg                    4      5   

Weapons             Loc  Heat 
Small Pulse Laser    LA    2   
Small Pulse Laser    RA    2   
Medium Pulse Laser   CT    4   

Compact Mech<br/>
Narrow/Low Profile<br/>
Cramped Cockpit<br/>
No/Minimal Arms<br/>
No Torso Twist<br/>
Weak Legs

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: lrose on June 15, 2019, 04:42:01 PM
I haven't had time to write up a full entry but here you go.  If you're going to go an upgrade you should either go big or go home.  The LCT-6X increases the speed, swaps the weapons for an LRM 5 (really a locust shouldn't be getting close to anything other then maybe infantry) and adds electronics to turn it into a great scout (BAP, ECM) and an artillery spotter (TAG).  Yes this comes at the cost of armor (I actually considered an unarmored design with a 240XL engine that moved 12/18) but if a Locust gets hit it's probably toast anyway so why worry about it.  The same logic applies to the XL Engine.  Yes it is expensive, yes it makes the mech more vulnerable to damage but if you're getting hit you're already most likely dead anyway.  So you might as well use the XL engine, add the extra speed and equipment and not worry about it. 

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-6X
Tonnage 20
Internal Structure   Endosteel 1
Engine: 220XL 5
Walking MP: 11
Running MP: 16
Jumping MP: 0
Heatsinks 10
Gyro 3
Cockpit 3
Armor      17   Ferrofibrous 1
IS Armor
Head 3 2
CT 6 2/1
RT/LT 5 2/1
RA/LA 3 1
RL/LL 5 2

Weapons & Ammo
LRM 5 RT 1 2
Ammo (24) RT 1 1
TAG H 1 1
Guardian ECM  LT 2 1.5
Beagle Active Probe  LT 2 1.5

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: masterarminas on June 15, 2019, 11:53:28 PM
The venerable Locust BattleMech is produced at two sites in the Taurian Concordat:  Taurus Territorial Industries (on Taurus) and Pinard Protectorates Limited (on MacLeod's Land).  Primarily intended for export (the TDF acquires less than 15% of the annual production for its own use), mercenaries across the Inner Sphere and Periphery sometimes place orders years in advance.

Recovered technology (from the Helm Core as well as that discovered buried on Celano by Taurian researchers) gave the Concordat the option to offer an upgraded Locust to its customer base.

This design (designated as the LCT-2T Locust) utilized a LTV 160 Extra-Light Fusion Engine and a Bergan VIIb Endo-Steel chassis to save as much mass as possible.  Double strength heat sinks were also included in the design.  Armor tonnage (and allocation) remained identical to the LCT-1V Locust so commonly encountered throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery.

Although this approach was costly, even the most expensive of the new Taurian Locust variants still cost less than 2.7 million C-Bills.  And while the Taurian Defense Force may well have balked at such a price tag for a mere Locust, both Taurus Territorial Industries and Pinard Protectorates Limited were salivating in anticipation at the prospects of increased revenue from export models.

The LCT-2T Locust used the massive increase in heat dissipation capacity and the savings in tonnage to combine the LCT-1V and LCT-1E variants into a single model.  Entirely energy based, the LCT-2T featured three Martell Medium Lasers (center torso, right arm, and left arm), supported by four Magna 200P Small Pulse Lasers (two each in the right arm and left arm).  This provided the same anti-personnel capacity as the LCT-1V while mounting only energy based weaponry (eliminating the risk of an onboard ammunition detonation) in a manner similar to the LCT-1E. 

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2T

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E
Production Year: 3053
Cost: 2,540,800 C-Bills
Battle Value: 662

Chassis: Bergan VII/b Endo-Steel
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: 1s/StarSlab Standard Armor
    3 Martell Medium Lasers
    4 Magna 200P Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Taurus Territorial Industries; Pinard Protectorates Limited
    Primary Factory: Taurus; MacLeod's Land
Communications System: Garret T-10B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    33 points                1.00
    Internal Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             160                       3.00
    Walking MP: 8
    Running MP: 12
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV -  64                  4.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            8         
                                        Center Torso     6            10       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  2         
                                           L/R Torso     5            8         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            4         
                                             L/R Leg     4            8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
2 Small Pulse Lasers                         RA        4         2         2.00
2 Small Pulse Lasers                         LA        4         2         2.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 CT        3         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 12

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 7
8          3       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Three variants on the basic LCT-2T Locust were also designed and produced by TTI and PPL.

The LCT-2T-2 removes all four Magna 200P Small Pulse Lasers and the center torso Martell Medium Laser.  Both arm mounted Martell Medium Lasers were retained.  Replacing these weapons is a Martell Extended-Range Large Laser!  This gives the LCT-2T-2 substantial direct firepower in close, and a reach farther than that of a standard PPC! 

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2T-2

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E
Production Year: 3053
Cost: 2,656,000 C-Bills
Battle Value: 792

Chassis: Bergan VII/b Endo-Steel
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: 1s/StarSlab Standard Armor
    1 Martell ER Large Laser
    2 Martell Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Taurus Territorial Industries; Pinard Protectorates Limited
    Primary Factory: Taurus; MacLeod's Land
Communications System: Garret T-10B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    33 points                1.00
    Internal Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             160                       3.00
    Walking MP: 8
    Running MP: 12
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV -  64                  4.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            8         
                                        Center Torso     6            10       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  2         
                                           L/R Torso     5            8         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            4         
                                             L/R Leg     4            8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
ER Large Laser                               CT        12        2         5.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 15

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 8
8          2       2       1       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

The LCT-2T-3 is the spiritual child of the LCT-1M.  All weapon systems other than center torso mounted Martell Medium Laser have been removed.  Two Holly LRM-5 Long Range Missile Launchers have been installed in their place (one each in the right and left arm).  These missile packs are fed by two tons of ammunition giving the LCT-2T-3 a total of 24 salvoes of ten missiles.  The double strength heat sinks were retained, making it almost impossible for the LCT-2T-3 to overheat, even after being struck by a Flamer or Inferno missiles and suffering critical damage to the engine!

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2T-3

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E
Production Year: 3053
Cost: 2,440,000 C-Bills
Battle Value: 548

Chassis: Bergan VII/b Endo-Steel
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: 1s/StarSlab Standard Armor
    1 Martell Medium Laser
    2 Holly LRM-5s
Manufacturer: Taurus Territorial Industries; Pinard Protectorates Limited
    Primary Factory: Taurus; MacLeod's Land
Communications System: Garret T-10B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    33 points                1.00
    Internal Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             160                       3.00
    Walking MP: 8
    Running MP: 12
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV -  64                  4.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            8         
                                        Center Torso     6            10       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  2         
                                           L/R Torso     5            8         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            4         
                                             L/R Leg     4            8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
LRM-5                                        RA        2         1         2.00
LRM-5                                        LA        2         1         2.00
Medium Laser                                 CT        3         1         1.00
@LRM-5 (24)                                  RA        -         1         1.00
@LRM-5 (24)                                  LA        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 14

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 5
8          1       2       1       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, IF 1

Finally, there is the LCT-2T-4, which is the direct descendant of the LCT-1S.  Once again (like the LCT-2T-3), the center torso Martell Medium Laser has been retained.  But this time, the missile launchers are a pair of Holly SRM-4 Short Range Missile Launchers (one each in the right arm and left arm).  These missile packs are each fed by a ton of ammunition, giving the MechWarrior assigned to this Locust variant a full 25 twin salvoes.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2T-4

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E
Production Year: 3053
Cost: 2,512,000 C-Bills
Battle Value: 522

Chassis: Bergan VII/b Endo-Steel
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: 1s/StarSlab Standard Armor
    1 Martell Medium Laser
    2 Holly SRM-4s
Manufacturer: Taurus Territorial Industries; Pinard Protectorates Limited
    Primary Factory: Taurus; MacLeod's Land
Communications System: Garret T-10B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    33 points                1.00
    Internal Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             160                       3.00
    Walking MP: 8
    Running MP: 12
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV -  64                  4.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            8         
                                        Center Torso     6            10       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  2         
                                           L/R Torso     5            8         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            4         
                                             L/R Leg     4            8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
SRM-4                                        RA        3         1         2.00
SRM-4                                        LA        3         1         2.00
Medium Laser                                 CT        3         1         1.00
@SRM-4 (25)                                  RA        -         1         1.00
@SRM-4 (25)                                  LA        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 14

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 5
8          1       1       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, SRM 1/1/0

Although more expensive than the simple LCT-1V Locust, the new LCT-2T and its three variants are expected to replace the older model completely on the production lines by 3060.  This year alone, both TTI and PPL plan on converting some 40% of their production line capacity to the new and more advanced -2T variants.

Anticipation for these new BattleMechs (or new takes on a rather ancient BattleMech!) has been quite high, with numerous requests for specifications from various mercenary outfits and even from some Inner Sphere manufacturers (including Defiance Industries and Bergan Industries).  Executives at TTI and PPL believe that an offer might soon be made to license the design within the Capellan Confederation and Lyran Commonwealth; perhaps the Free Worlds League as well.  Trade with the Federated Suns, however, is still prohibited by law.

Only the future will tell how this new model of the ancient Locust performs on the battlefield and whether or not these variants will stand the test of time to survive and thrive within the Inner Sphere.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: drakensis on June 16, 2019, 01:35:01 AM
Only thing that is a no-no would be ER Mediums and ER Smalls at this time cause the InnerSphere doesn't invent them for another 5 years at least.
Whoops, my bad. Still, the standard lasers would also work.

This model is a nice simple upgrade and potential competitor for the 3M. Any idea who would be behind it? Your core variant would itself have three other possible variants so who would or could do this?? Mercenaries and some arms corporation offering lostech upgrades might work. Possibly Liao might be a frontrunner here given their experience with surveillance machines like the Raven. Interestingly enough the facility on Ares is a Bergan Industries facility which originally manufactured the Locust in 2499.
I'd be inclined towards one of the FWL factories, since they seem to be quite well advanced in terms of laser technology, thus the switch to pulse lasers in the arm. Possibly they collaborated with the Capellans by virtue of their 3052 alliance, with the Capellans bringing the electronics expertise.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 16, 2019, 05:06:05 AM
The choice is your drak but your variant strikes me (I'd call it the 3L) as very solid but not revolutionary. Your using advanced structure (EndoSteel) and armor (Ferro-Fibrous) which all the existing TRO3050 versions did (Marik, Steiner, Davion). This copy then replaces the Small Pulses which are not only a fit but the tiniest and there for easiest advanced tech weapons to procure. According to Objective Raids the Magna 200P is made on Betelgeuse and therefore readily available for this upgrade. Next you did what no one else did (I still haven't reviewed all the new designs that came in yet) and put a Beagle Active Prove on which gets to the Locust's recon character. The Capellans also manufacture it (on Capella no less) for the Raven I believe which might be an excellent pairing here. I liked the idea of Bergan going back to the Locust's roots for this variant as well, that is why I was thinking of the Confederation here. Its not a massive upgrade but it plays well here for them for the reasons above. Free Worlds League assistance could also be provided thanks to the alliance.

Well as I mentioned I haven't gotten a chance to review everything that came in yet. I did see marauder648's (the Pulse variant or 3P as I call it) and Irose's (tissue paper recon LRM element) entries yesterday. I did go to give some critiques yesterday but computer problems literally shot me down. Suffice it to say that marauder's appears to me as an advanced tech weapon swap for a base 3025 model. No frills for the equipment (unless I am missing something) but a solid anti-infantry variant for users around the InnerSphere. Irose certainly played to a more advanced 3D model in my opinion but went a bit too far in very light armor (a dent may produce a critical) and a massive surveillance package. Very U2 spy plane here bud however don't you have to get close to an extent to use the Guardian ECM (6 hex range) and the Beagle Active Probe (4 hexes). Now I think the LRM and the TAG work well cause they are ranged. Plus you went 220 XL which makes me think of the 3055 Fireball and the LCT-5M. Increasing the Locust speed is desirable mind you  and the 220 XL is available too form Shipil and Skye at this time. I was thinking more of a dumbed down (cause they don't have ER Lasers now) 5M which I call the 4M on my side of musing.

Well I couldn't wait to sit down and look at masterarminas entries and as usual he doesn't disappoint. The Taurian 'drawing board' versions as I call them are really good and while there are fluff reasons that would be need to be addressed in order for the Concordat to overcome a slow lostech rediscovery we might be able to work with this. Besides a 3060 introduction would be plausible as the House or InnerSphere versions here would debut in late 3052 or 3053. I like how you integrated the 3025 variants in your base model which certainly has bite against infantry and 'Mechs. You then double down on that anti-Mech bite with version two which has scary reach. While I could see ComStar or another faction go here as well it is a nasty little Locust with a big gun.

Variant three is quite near what I was thinking for the 4D but I would remove a ton of ammo for a TAG (CT mounted) so that this Davion harasser would not only run around at long range nailing you with LRM fire but can serve as a spotter for Arrow IV Artillery assets. I see neither of us used a CASE too (so much for pilot safety) and my advanced Davion version lacked Double Heat Sinks. I like your fourth variant too and it goes somewhat near my Steiner variant but is different in concept. Still very solid. The only thing is production and testing would be painfully slow. The Taurians might be forced to watch as others field their concepts before they can which sucks.

Actually got another submission via CBT private message from Daryk this morning which was quite similar to what drakensis has proposed over here on OBT. This big difference is that his had a Recon Camera and Remote Sensor Dispenser plus a ton of Ferro-Fibrous armor in place of a Beagle Active Probe. I did not list those items or a Blazer Cannon as available tech for this challenge but thinking about it they would be acceptable. So I will add those items to the available list as possibilities.

I have some of my own ideas (advanced Steiner, Davion, Marik versions) to post and will do so when I have time hopefully soon. Ice Hellion too is on the way with an entry of his. Nice little design discussion developing here folks so please keep those Locust concepts and thoughts coming. Feedback is welcomed!
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Abele on June 16, 2019, 10:48:05 AM
First up is an upgrade to the LCT1E and sees the speed go up to 10/15 with the use of an XLFE. It gets the bog standard Endo and ferro upgrades. A medium pulser gets added to the CT while the !E's small get upgraded to small pulsers.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2Er

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3052
Cost: 2,818,400 C-Bills
Battle Value: 689

Chassis: Bergan VII Endo-Steel
Power Plant: LTV 200 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 108.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 162.0 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    1  Medium Pulse Laser
    2  Medium Lasers
    2  Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    33 points                1.00
    Internal Locations: 1 HD, 1 CT, 2 LT, 2 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             200                       4.50
    Walking MP: 10
    Running MP: 15
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  62                  3.50
    Armor Locations: 4 LT, 4 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            8         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            7         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            5         
                                             L/R Leg     4            7         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Pulse Laser                           CT        4         1         2.00
Small Pulse Laser                            RA        2         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
Small Pulse Laser                            LA        2         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 6

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 7
10         3       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

A minor variant of this model sees the medium pulser replaced by a standard medium laser and a TAG unit. This variant is eeing growing acceptanc in units with Arrow IV artillery systems

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2Era

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3052
Cost: 2,854,400 C-Bills
Battle Value: 684

Chassis: Bergan VII Endo-Steel
Power Plant: LTV 200 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 108.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 162.0 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    3  Medium Lasers
    2  Small Pulse Lasers
    1  TAG
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    33 points                1.00
    Internal Locations: 1 CT, 2 LT, 2 RT, 3 LA, 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             200                       4.50
    Walking MP: 10
    Running MP: 15
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  62                  3.50
    Armor Locations: 4 LT, 4 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            8         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            7         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            5         
                                             L/R Leg     4            7         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
TAG                                          HD        0         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 CT        3         1         1.00
Small Pulse Laser                            RA        2         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
Small Pulse Laser                            LA        2         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 5

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 7
10         3       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: TAG, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: lrose on June 16, 2019, 11:00:02 AM
I know the armor is no existent- I had to give up something (firepower, armor, mobility or electronics) and armor lost.  As for the Beagle Active Probe - I know how the rules read but from a real world perspective I figure they would be constantly scanning and give off warnings when you passed anything, not just at the end of the movement phase (I mean in the real world we don't have movement phases).

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Abele on June 16, 2019, 11:22:24 AM
The Locust-2S is a refit of the standard 1V model that uses a 180XL engine to attain greater speed. It's armed with a Cyclop model ER Large Laser in the center torso. this allows for long-range attack and makes for a great backstabbing weapon especially agains tthe poorly armored Clan light Mechs.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2S

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3052
Cost: 2,722,200 C-Bills
Battle Value: 700

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 180 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 97.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 151.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    1  ER Large Laser
    2  Small Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             180                       3.50
    Walking MP: 9
    Running MP: 14
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 2 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  62                  3.50
    Armor Locations: 1 HD, 3 LT, 2 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            8         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            8         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            4         
                                             L/R Leg     4            7         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
ER Large Laser                               CT        12        2         5.00
Small Laser                                  RA        1         1         0.50
Small Laser                                  LA        1         1         0.50
                                            Free Critical Slots: 18

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 7
9          2       1       1       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

A variant of the Locust-2S draws on the Locust 1S and replaces the SRM2 launchers with Streak varianst and moves the launchers from the arms to the center torso giving greater access to the ammo bin in the left torso. Two standard medium lasers are mounted in the arms.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2S2

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3052
Cost: 2,587,200 C-Bills
Battle Value: 625

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 180 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 97.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 151.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    2  Medium Lasers
    2  Streak SRM-2s
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             180                       3.50
    Walking MP: 9
    Running MP: 14
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 2 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  62                  3.50
    Armor Locations: 1 HD, 3 LT, 2 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            8         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            8         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            4         
                                             L/R Leg     4            7         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
2 Streak SRM-2s                              CT        4         2         3.00
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
@Streak SRM-2 (50)                           LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 17

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 6
9          2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

The Locust-2OA is a refit of Locusts built within the Outworlds Alliance. Lushann Industries through an agreement between the Aliance and the Federated gained the ability to produce pulse lasers of all sizes with excess production being sold to the Federated Suns at cost for the next ten years. With this new technology and the purchase of Ferro-Fibrous armorkits from Federated Suns it opened up the opportunity to upgrade about ten percent of the Alliance's total battlemech force and the switch of new Locusts to this new standard. Amedium pulse laseer laser replaces the standard while two small asers replace the machine guns. A variant that swaps the medium pulse back to a standard while upgrading the Small lasers to pulse technology is also being considered. Alliance Defenders Limited which produce the Qv model is making a concerted effort to acquire the ability to produce the ferro-fibrous armor to eliminate the purchasing of armor kits. they are also seeking the ability to produce XL engines for the 160 and 120 fusion engines for use on all three light Mechs they produce.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2OA

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-D-A
Production Year: 3054
Cost: 1,598,200 C-Bills
Battle Value: 487

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    1  Medium Pulse Laser
    2  Small Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                160                       6.00
    Walking MP: 8
    Running MP: 12
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LL, 2 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  69                  4.00
    Armor Locations: 1 HD, 1 CT, 3 LT, 3 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            9         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            8         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            6         
                                             L/R Leg     4            8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Pulse Laser                           CT        4         1         2.00
Small Laser                                  RA        1         1         0.50
Small Laser                                  LA        1         1         0.50
                                            Free Critical Slots: 30

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 5
8          2       1       0       0      1     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA


Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2OA-2

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-D-A
Production Year: 3054
Cost: 1,585,600 C-Bills
Battle Value: 495

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    1  Medium Laser
    2  Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                160                       6.00
    Walking MP: 8
    Running MP: 12
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LL, 2 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  69                  4.00
    Armor Locations: 1 HD, 1 CT, 3 LT, 3 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            9         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            8         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            6         
                                             L/R Leg     4            8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Laser                                 CT        3         1         1.00
Small Pulse Laser                            RA        2         1         1.00
Small Pulse Laser                            LA        2         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 30

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 5
8          2       1       0       0      1     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

A notional Locust-3OA would use a 160XL engine along with ferro-fibrous armor and is armed twin medium and small pulsers and maximum armor protection

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-3OA

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3054
Cost: 2,449,600 C-Bills
Battle Value: 555

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    2  Medium Pulse Lasers
    2  Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             160                       3.00
    Walking MP: 8
    Running MP: 12
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LL, 2 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  69                  4.00
    Armor Locations: 1 HD, 4 LT, 3 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            9         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            8         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            6         
                                             L/R Leg     4            8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
2 Small Pulse Lasers                         CT        4         2         2.00
Medium Pulse Laser                           RA        4         1         2.00
Medium Pulse Laser                           LA        4         1         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 23

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 6
8          2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Abele on June 16, 2019, 11:42:11 AM
Leftenant Ricard Roubidoux of the 7th Crucis Lancers sunk a large chunk of his family fortune in upgrading his family's Locust to its current configuration. Using the 140 SFE (salvaged from a downed Panther) that has been in the Locust for the better part of a century, he replaced all of the medium lasers that had been mounted on the reconstructed Mech with a pair of medium pulsers while a standard medium laser replaced all of the small lasers.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-1V 'Roubidoux'

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-D-A
Production Year: 3054
Cost: 1,635,200 C-Bills
Battle Value: 554

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 140 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    2  Medium Pulse Lasers
    1  Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                140                       5.00
    Walking MP: 7
    Running MP: 11
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 HD, 2 LL, 2 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  53                  3.00
    Armor Locations: 4 LT, 4 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            8         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  2         
                                           L/R Torso     5            6         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            4         
                                             L/R Leg     4            5         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Laser                                 CT        3         1         1.00
Medium Pulse Laser                           RA        4         1         2.00
Medium Pulse Laser                           LA        4         1         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 29

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 6
7          2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Old Roubidoux Locust for reference

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-1V 'Roubidoux' [Old]

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Introductory
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: D/X-X-D-A
Production Year: 3054
Cost: 1,597,700 C-Bills
Battle Value: 605

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 140 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Standard Armor
    3  Medium Lasers
    3  Small Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             Fusion Engine                140                       5.00
    Walking MP: 7
    Running MP: 11
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 CT, 2 LL, 2 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV -  56                  3.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            8         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            7         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            4         
                                             L/R Leg     4            5         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Small Laser                                  HD        1         1         0.50
Medium Laser                                 CT        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
Small Laser                                  RA        1         1         0.50
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
Small Laser                                  LA        1         1         0.50
                                            Free Critical Slots: 40

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 6
7          3       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Abele on June 16, 2019, 01:15:12 PM
The Locust-2M is based on the LRM-equipped LCT-1M. It features a 160XL engine allows for greater armor protection and short-range weaponry. Only one LRM5 -s now carried but it is equipped with Artemis IV FCe for increased accuracy. Support weapons include a medium pulse laser and a pair of standard medium lasers. The LRM launcher resides in the center torso to give a better field of fire. Armor tonnage has been doubled and is made of ferro-fibrous materials. Armor protection, while still paltry, has more than doubled. A skilled mechwarrior who still wants to live will still have to maintain distance and use his lasers only when extremely necessary.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2M

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3054
Cost: 2,543,200 C-Bills
Battle Value: 566

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    1  LRM-5 w/ Artemis IV FCS
    1  Medium Pulse Laser
    2  Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             160                       3.00
    Walking MP: 8
    Running MP: 12
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 2 LL, 2 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  35                  2.00
    Armor Locations: 4 LT, 4 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            6         
                                        Center Torso     6            5         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  2         
                                           L/R Torso     5            3         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  1         
                                             L/R Arm     3            3         
                                             L/R Leg     4            4         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Pulse Laser                           HD        4         1         2.00
LRM-5                                        CT        2         1         2.00
    Artemis IV FCS                           CT        -         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
@LRM-5 (24)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 21

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      1    Points: 6
8          2       3       1       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

A more cost effective version of the Locust 2M, the 2M2 is more of a brawler with its three standard medium lasers and Streak SRM2 launcher. Four tons of standard protect the Locust and a additional heat sink has been added to help dissipate the heat of the lasers.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2M2

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3054
Cost: 2,377,600 C-Bills
Battle Value: 587

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Standard Armor
    3  Medium Lasers
    1  Streak SRM-2
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             160                       3.00
    Walking MP: 8
    Running MP: 12
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             11                        1.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV -  56                  3.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            8         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            5         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            5         
                                             L/R Leg     4            6         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Laser                                 HD        3         1         1.00
Streak SRM-2                                 CT        2         1         1.50
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
@Streak SRM-2 (50)                           LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 35

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 6
8          2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Based on the failure that was the experimental TSM-equipped Locust-1L, Ares Industries, with the discovery of new technologies, has rekindled the project. Using a 180XL powerplant as its new engine, the Locust 2L is armed with four standard medium laser and one medium pulse laser. This makes it a formidable striker even on the Clan battlefield. It is protected by four tons of ferro-fibrous armor. The major drawback to the design is the continued use of single heat sinks. However, this necessary to activate the triple strength myomers.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2L

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3030
Cost: 2,983,200 C-Bills
Battle Value: 868

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 180 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 97.2 km/h (108.0 km/h)
Maximum Speed: 151.2 km/h (162.0 km/h)
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    1  Medium Pulse Laser
    4  Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             180                       3.50
    Walking MP: 9 (10)
    Running MP: 14 (15)
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 CT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
    TSM Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  62                  3.50
    Armor Locations: 1 HD, 4 LT, 3 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            8         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            6         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            5         
                                             L/R Leg     4            8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Pulse Laser                           CT        4         1         2.00
2 Medium Lasers                              RA        6         2         2.00
2 Medium Lasers                              LA        6         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 17

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 9
9          2       2       0       0      1     1   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: TSM, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

A variant of the 2L downgrades the engine to a 160XL. A Guardian ECM is added at the expense of the medium pulse laser which is replaced by a small pulse laser.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2L2

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
Production Year: 3030
Cost: 3,042,400 C-Bills
Battle Value: 839

Chassis: Bergan VII Standard
Power Plant: LTV 160 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h (97.2 km/h)
Maximum Speed: 129.6 km/h (151.2 km/h)
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Ferro-Fibrous
    4  Medium Lasers
    1  Small Pulse Laser
    1  Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Standard                      33 points                2.00
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             160                       3.00
    Walking MP: 8 (9)
    Running MP: 12 (14)
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
    TSM Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  62                  3.50
    Armor Locations: 4 LT, 4 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            8         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            6         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            5         
                                             L/R Leg     4            8         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Small Pulse Laser                            HD        2         1         1.00
Guardian ECM Suite                           CT        0         2         1.50
2 Medium Lasers                              RA        6         2         2.00
2 Medium Lasers                              LA        6         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 14

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 8
8          2       2       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: TSM, ECM, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA[code]
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 16, 2019, 04:18:49 PM
I know the armor is no existent- I had to give up something (firepower, armor, mobility or electronics) and armor lost.  As for the Beagle Active Probe - I know how the rules read but from a real world perspective I figure they would be constantly scanning and give off warnings when you passed anything, not just at the end of the movement phase (I mean in the real world we don't have movement phases).

I hear ya Irose but me personally I'd probably make a cut in the surveillance package somewhere to get a little armor. I know a solid hit will usually doom a Locust but at least it could take a hit from machine gun fire, flamers, and small lasers before. I think a 5 point armor threshold is a good defense to have everywhere even though Clan weapons tend to do 7 points.

Holy designs Abele!!! Let me sort through these all, nice job!!!!
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Abele on June 16, 2019, 08:08:05 PM
A precursor to what would become the Owens OmniMech, the Locust-2K uses the cutting edge of electronic warfare weaponry including TAG, ECM and the new Beagle Active Probe. It can travel at speeds in excess of 150 kph and has adequate armor protection for machine of its size. Offensive weaponry is limited to a pair of medium lasers and a small pulse laser. It has been battle-tested in a raids against the Nova Cat and Smoke Jaguar holdings. Like many designs of the new technology era, this Kuritan design lacks double heat sinks. fortunately it has no need for them at this time.

Code: [Select]
Locust LCT-2K

Mass: 20 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: All Eras (non-canon)
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/E-F-E-A
Production Year: 3030
Cost: 3,025,200 C-Bills
Battle Value: 608

Chassis: Bergan VII Endo-Steel
Power Plant: LTV 180 Fusion XL Engine
Walking Speed: 97.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 151.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarSlab/1 Standard Armor
    2  Medium Lasers
    1  Small Pulse Laser
    1  Beagle Active Probe
    1  TAG
    1  Guardian ECM Suite
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries, Alliance Defenders Limited, Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
    Primary Factory: Ares (Bergan), Alpheratz (ADL), Canopus IV (Majesty)
Communications System: Garrett T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    33 points                1.00
    Internal Locations: 3 LT, 3 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA, 1 LL, 1 RL
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             180                       3.50
    Walking MP: 9
    Running MP: 14
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 CT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV -  55                  3.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     6            7         
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     5            6         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  2         
                                             L/R Arm     3            4         
                                             L/R Leg     4            6         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
TAG                                          HD        0         1         1.00
Small Pulse Laser                            CT        2         1         1.00
Beagle Active Probe                          RT        0         2         1.50
Guardian ECM Suite                           LT        0         2         1.50
Medium Laser                                 RA        3         1         1.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 20

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 6
9          2       1       0       0      1     0   Structure:  1
Special Abilities: PRB, RCN, TAG, ECM, ENE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 16, 2019, 10:35:03 PM
Well looking over all 14 of Abele’s entries for general comment was a lengthy task but here are my initial thoughts.

LCT-2Er Locust
A super high-end upgrade of the LCT-1E with EndoSteel, Ferro-Fibrous, a 200 XL Engine which allows you to match the Dasher’s base speed, Double Heat Sinks, and quite a weapons array. A Medium Pulse, 2 Medium Lasers, and 2 Small Pulses gives you an all energy arsenal just as the original. Pretty effective but it most be expensive. Once I saw you went with a Dasher movement profile (is a 200 XL Engine available at this time? Where would it come from?) I assume your story is based around an InnerSphere nation trying to match the performance of the Clan 20 tonner. If so where is the MASC? I see it as more of an experimental testbed built to gauge the ability of Star League tech to match the Clan’s biggest advantage.

LCT-2Era Locust
A variant of your first entry this one swaps out the Medium Pulse for a Medium Laser and a TAG which I like as the Laser gives you greater range than the Pulse and so does the TAG. Like I said with the base model it real works as a InnerSphere experiment built to gauge the ability of Star League tech to match Clan tech.

LCT-2S Locust
Abele ups the speed profile of the Locust again here using a 180 XL Engine which may or may not be available at this point in time. Speed is life and if you can go faster than I say do it. I like going with the standard chassis as it provides a good basis for modification of existing models. Ferro-Fibrous also makes sense here again. The ER Large Laser mounted center torso reminds me of masterarminas first Taurian variant but this is certainly a little different. I like this ultralight sniper and think that such a machine just might make it here. Nice job!

LCT-2S2 Locust
Not such a fan of this variant as the LCT-3S is sort of similar. Streak SRM-2s on a Locust might not go well at least in comparison to regular SRMs plus there is no CASE on this version so one well placed shot and it is a very expensive explosion.

LCT-2OA Locust
This limited Periphery refit from the Outworlds Alliance is very well done and thanks to its Medium Pulse upgrade plus a Small Laser exchange from Machine Guns it is pretty effective. It use Ferro-Fibrous which is the second high tech advance featured here for maximum protection. I like the fluff, the diplomatic trading, and minimal yet effective upgrade. Very nice!

LCT-2OA-2 Locust
An inside out weapon swap from the first Outworlds refit works just as well exchanging a Medium Laser for the base’s Medium Pulse and upgrading the Small Lasers to Small Pulses. Would be kind of cool to see both models serving together complementing each other in combat. Another very nice job!

LCT-3OA Locust
By going with a XL Engine you drastically upgrade the weaponry to 2 Medium Pulses and 2 Small Pulses. While a nice pipe dream and projected plan this variant is probably way to advanced for the poor Outworlds Alliance to field. There might be one in their whole military for a VIP or some testing group but mass deployment – I doubt it.

LCT-* Locust ‘Roubidoux’ (2)
Downgrading to a 140 Fusion Engine after salvaging it from a Kurita Panther is a nice story. I like it as a one off custom job for a Mechwarrior but nothing beyond that. As I said before, speed is life for the Locust and slowing it down at all might be a fatal decision. Still like your story and could see this minor character showing up a time or two in my universe.

LCT-2M Locust
With the presence of the 3D an advanced LRM carrier like the one you have here (which also reminds me of Irose's Locust LCT-6X) is going to happen. Unfortunately I don’t like the presence of an Artemis on a  LRM-5 (kind of a waste to me) and while the rest of the weaponry is impressive it doesn’t have much armor for a medium or short range engagement. Not one of my favorites bud, sorry.

LCT-2M2 Locust
You up the armor to max for a Streak SRM-2 and a trio of Medium Lasers which makes for a nasty short-range fighter. Like the fact it can do almost as much damage as its weight and it is definitely better than its base model here. Not my favorite by any means but not bad.

LCT-2L Locust
Not a bad experimental Liao version with a 180 XL Engine and Triple Strength Myomer. I’d want to Double Heat Sinks for this one and all its energy weapons but I suppose you want to overheat for the myomer. Not bad but I don’t see mass production here.

LCT-2L2 Locust
Simply XLing the original 160 Engine and going Triple Strength Myomer is probably better or perhaps more likely than the base model before it. Plus, I like the use of the Guardian ECM by Liao as well. Still a test bed and not production worthy but very nice!

LCT-2K Locust
Presumably the advanced Kurita version of the Locust and hence not bad at all. I like the electronic bonanza included with a Beagle Active Probe, Guardian ECM Suite and TAG all being present although replacing the TAG with a C3 Slave might be more DCMS. Weaponry is good and the speed has been raised thanks to a 180 XL Engine. Not bad.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: masterarminas on June 17, 2019, 01:48:05 AM
Well I couldn't wait to sit down and look at masterarminas entries and as usual he doesn't disappoint. The Taurian 'drawing board' versions as I call them are really good and while there are fluff reasons that would be need to be addressed in order for the Concordat to overcome a slow lostech rediscovery we might be able to work with this. Besides a 3060 introduction would be plausible as the House or InnerSphere versions here would debut in late 3052 or 3053. I like how you integrated the 3025 variants in your base model which certainly has bite against infantry and 'Mechs. You then double down on that anti-Mech bite with version two which has scary reach. While I could see ComStar or another faction go here as well it is a nasty little Locust with a big gun.

Variant three is quite near what I was thinking for the 4D but I would remove a ton of ammo for a TAG (CT mounted) so that this Davion harasser would not only run around at long range nailing you with LRM fire but can serve as a spotter for Arrow IV Artillery assets. I see neither of us used a CASE too (so much for pilot safety) and my advanced Davion version lacked Double Heat Sinks. I like your fourth variant too and it goes somewhat near my Steiner variant but is different in concept. Still very solid. The only thing is production and testing would be painfully slow. The Taurians might be forced to watch as others field their concepts before they can which sucks.

Well, if the Taurians are a "bridge too far", then the designs can be developed by Achernar BattleMechs of New Avalon (House Davion).  With the NAIS assisting them, they are certainly capable of putting these designs into production.  All it takes is a change in the fluff text.  As to the LCT-2T-3, I wouldn't lose a ton of missile ammo for a TAG; rather, I'd go ahead and lose the Medium Laser.  Sure, it means less direct damage, but it does fit the concept a wee bit better (at least in my opinion).  24 LRM salvoes, plus on call Arrow IV rounds?  Yeah, that would be a Davion's dream come true!

Anyway, that was just my take on the Locust as it should have been in 3050.  Hope you liked it.

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 17, 2019, 06:33:34 AM
Well, if the Taurians are a "bridge too far", then the designs can be developed by Achernar BattleMechs of New Avalon (House Davion).  With the NAIS assisting them, they are certainly capable of putting these designs into production.  All it takes is a change in the fluff text.  As to the LCT-2T-3, I wouldn't lose a ton of missile ammo for a TAG; rather, I'd go ahead and lose the Medium Laser.  Sure, it means less direct damage, but it does fit the concept a wee bit better (at least in my opinion).  24 LRM salvoes, plus on call Arrow IV rounds?  Yeah, that would be a Davion's dream come true!

Anyway, that was just my take on the Locust as it should have been in 3050.  Hope you liked it.

I did, I liked it a lot!

Achernar BattleMechs of New Avalon does fit especially with help from NAIS for the LCT-4D as we will call the LCT-2T-3 if that is ok. However, knowing the Davies they'd want the TAG and the Medium Laser plus cause lets face it they'd want it all. Not sure how to go about that though so I will think about it as there are benefits to both. The Medium Laser is this Mechs weapon of last resort as it has the shortest range. Ideally you'd never want to get closer than 14 or 15 hexes so you can maximize your harassment.

Similarly I'd like to go with the Locust LCT-2T-2 as a new ComGuard ultralight sniper made on Terra. Not sure of the variant number (probably a 4) or ID (B for Blake, CS for ComStar, E for Extended Range T for Terra, etc.) but it would appear after the 4D at a reactivated factory to help rebuild the ComGuards after Tukayyid. Once in manufacture these sniper bugs could quickly replace fallen Light Mechs operating independently without support for long periods.

Your LCT-2T-4 would be a contender for the new LCT-4S slot for the Lyrans but I have my reservations. Don't get me wrong I still like it but would the Heavy minded Social Generals want to spend money on an XL Engine for a Locust?! I mean that is a waste, its gonna get squashed by a heavier opponent anyway and the Clans can easily negate any advantage. Don't get me wrong they are definitely onboard ditching the high tech Davion inspired Streak SRM-2 for what the troops desire regular SRMs which are capable of carrying infernos. Mated with the Firestarter in 'Fire Lances' these BattleMechs could be very effective rear guard pieces. So I was thinking SRM-2s and Flamers in the arms and no XL Engine for the 4S, what do you think??

That leads me back to the base Locust LCT-2T which I have two thoughts on. Would the Taurians sell their advanced ideas via Defiance during the Clan War in order to finance the base model? I mean yeah they hate the Davions sure but the Clans which are the returning SLDF gotta scare the hell out of the them. Plus if they could bring home hard currency and tech for their own Locust project well then maybe. Love to see what you and Irose think here. Two, would there be a lesser model or bridge gap to the XL Engine for them? This is probably the item I see as too advanced.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Bradshaw on June 17, 2019, 12:15:33 PM
A combination of ideas of the Locust LCT-2T-2 of Masterarminas and Abeles LCT-2Er

I give you the Locust-DSH

Modeled to keep up with the Clans Dasher but being unable to maintain equivalent firepower goes for the Extended Range capabilities of the ER Large Laser

Locust LCT-DSH
Code: [Select]

Weight: 20 tons
BV: 834
Cost: 3,092,000 C-bills
Source: Clan Invasion

Movement: 10/15(20)
Engine: 200 XL
Double Heat Sinks: 10 [20]
Gyro: Standard Gyro

Internal: 33 (Endo-Steel)
Armor: 62/69 (Ferro-Fibrous)
                     Internal  Armor   
Head                        3      9   
Center Torso                6      9   
Center Torso (rear)                2   
Right Torso                 5      7   
Right Torso (rear)                 2   
Left Torso                  5      7   
Left Torso (rear)                  2   
Right Arm                   3      5   
Left Arm                    3      5   
Right Leg                   4      7   
Left Leg                    4      7   

Weapons         Loc  Heat 
ER Large Laser   CT   12   

Equipment  Loc 
MASC        RT 

And the Urban Explorer Variant

Locust LCT-URB

Code: [Select]
Weight: 20 tons
BV: 454
Cost: 1,837,000 C-bills
Source: Clan Invasion

Movement: 8/12
Engine: 160
Heat Sinks: 10
Gyro: Standard Gyro

Internal: 33 (Endo-Steel)
Armor: 62/69 (Ferro-Fibrous)
                     Internal  Armor   
Head                        3      9   
Center Torso                6      9   
Center Torso (rear)                2   
Right Torso                 5      7   
Right Torso (rear)                 2   
Left Torso                  5      7   
Left Torso (rear)                  2   
Right Arm                   3      5   
Left Arm                    3      5   
Right Leg                   4      7   
Left Leg                    4      7   

Weapons      Loc  Heat 
Small Laser   RA    1   
Small Laser   RA    1   
Small Laser   LA    1   
Small Laser   RA    1   
Small Laser   LA    1   
Small Laser   LA    1   

Equipment              Loc 
Active Probe (Beagle)   CT 

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: lrose on June 17, 2019, 01:26:22 PM
My quick take on the TC and selling the design to Defiance - not gonna happen during Thomas' rule.  He was paranoid about the FC, was being fed lies by the CC and IIRC though the Clan Invasion was made up by the FC as a ruse to lull the TC into complacency and open them up to attack by the Davions. 

During Jeffrey's era that would be a different story- the TC operated on the theory of spending their military funds on Men & Machines, and that everything else (fortifications, etc) was a waste.  if Jeffrey saw a way to get effectively free funding from the FC I think he might take - especially if it can via Defiance (in the old LC) or maybe the St Ives Compact (where it might be FC dollars but by going through an intermediary it wasn't from the FC). 
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 17, 2019, 04:00:25 PM
My quick take on the TC and selling the design to Defiance - not gonna happen during Thomas' rule.  He was paranoid about the FC, was being fed lies by the CC and IIRC though the Clan Invasion was made up by the FC as a ruse to lull the TC into complacency and open them up to attack by the Davions. 

During Jeffrey's era that would be a different story- the TC operated on the theory of spending their military funds on Men & Machines, and that everything else (fortifications, etc) was a waste.  if Jeffrey saw a way to get effectively free funding from the FC I think he might take - especially if it can via Defiance (in the old LC) or maybe the St Ives Compact (where it might be FC dollars but by going through an intermediary it wasn't from the FC).

What if this design or research team went through ComStar to achieve this perhaps as mediators? Alternatively these Taurians could go rogue because of their high tech research being stifled. Later these concepts could return to the Concordat in a post-Thomas reign. Just trying to think of a that masterarminas original story angle could fit if just a little.

A combination of ideas of the Locust LCT-2T-2 of Masterarminas and Abeles LCT-2Er

I give you the Locust-DSH

Modeled to keep up with the Clans Dasher but being unable to maintain equivalent firepower goes for the Extended Range capabilities of the ER Large Laser

It is an interesting idea and feels like a nice concept Bradshaw. Such experiments would likely be common during the Clan Invasion but would they be put into full production?
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 17, 2019, 07:24:22 PM
Ok, here is my first. Tell me what you think. Very similar to the 5M, yes. But using the 240 XL gets us towards our engine minimum as it is a versatile power plant.


Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Corean-II Delux Endo Steel
Power Plant: Hermes 240 XL (from the RFL-5M Rifleman on Thermopolis)
Cruising Speed: 130 kph
Maximum Speed: 194 kph, (?) kph w/MASC
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Kallon FWL Special Ferro Fibrous (unchanged)
Armament: 2 Martell Medium Lasers
   1 Magna Small Laser
Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises
   Primary Factory: Stewart
Communications System: Garret T10-B (shipped from Dalton – Oriente)
Targeting and Tracking System: Corean CalcMaster (ships from Stewart)

Type: Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:          EndoSteel            1
Engine:            240 XL            6
   Walking MP:         12
   Running MP:         18 (24)
   Jumping MP:         0               0
Heat Sinks:            10               0
Gyro:                              3
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            63               3.5

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            8
   Center Torso        6            9 / 2
   R/L Torso         5            8 / 2
   R/L Arm         3            4
   R/L Leg         4            8

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
Small Laser             Center Torso      1      .5
MASC               Center Torso      1      1
Medium Laser            Right Arm      1      1
Medium Laser            Left Arm      1      1
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: lrose on June 18, 2019, 08:48:06 AM

What if this design or research team went through ComStar to achieve this perhaps as mediators? Alternatively these Taurians could go rogue because of their high tech research being stifled. Later these concepts could return to the Concordat in a post-Thomas reign. Just trying to think of a that masterarminas original story angle could fit if just a little.

No way they go through Comstar- Thomas would consider any contact with the FS treason.  It's more likely they go rogue.  Periphery 2e talks about this era - one of the comments is that many Taurians (especially those in the military) were tired of Thomas' paranoia and felt he needed to focus on the real threat - pirates, not the Davion boogeyman.  Therefore I could see some of them getting pissed and leaving - much like how the Far Lookers secretly conducted colonization efforts during Thomas' reign.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 18, 2019, 04:38:12 PM

What if this design or research team went through ComStar to achieve this perhaps as mediators? Alternatively these Taurians could go rogue because of their high tech research being stifled. Later these concepts could return to the Concordat in a post-Thomas reign. Just trying to think of a that masterarminas original story angle could fit if just a little.

No way they go through Comstar- Thomas would consider any contact with the FS treason.  It's more likely they go rogue.  Periphery 2e talks about this era - one of the comments is that many Taurians (especially those in the military) were tired of Thomas' paranoia and felt he needed to focus on the real threat - pirates, not the Davion boogeyman.  Therefore I could see some of them getting pissed and leaving - much like how the Far Lookers secretly conducted colonization efforts during Thomas' reign.

I'd love it if you and masterarminas (my two favorite Taurians) come up with some in character names as well as a design team name for this potential fluff. I really like the idea of Taurian designers working on advanced designs to defeat real threats and after years of frustration leave hoping one day to return.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 20, 2019, 06:31:35 AM
Alrighty folks, just waiting on Ice Hellion for his optimized Locust variant then I will kick off round two. In the meantime enjoy my 'Fire' Locust.


Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: (Endo Steel)
Power Plant: 160 LTV
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: (Ferro Fibrous)
Armament: 2 SRM-2s
        1 () Medium Laser
        1 () Flamer
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries
        Primary Factory: Furillo
Communications System: Garret T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

Many ‘traditional’ Lyrans were unsatisfied with fancy FedCom upgrades like the LCT-3S which usually went overboard with ‘Davion doozies’. While Streak SRM-2s found on that ‘Mech were undoubtedly more advanced than their predecessors improved accuracy had its costs. Unable to use specialized munitions like infernos certain operational permeameters were limited by the lostech enhancements. Further proposals like mating an XL Engine on the Locust further upset heavier minded Social Generals who lashed out against the squandering of resources on such a Light ‘Mech. Rather than spending money on a completely new package these Steiner patriots proposed a simpler refit addressing the problems of the troops.
Based off the LCT-3S this model essentially replaces the Streak SRM-2s with their lower tech predecessors. These regular SRMs which are capable of carrying inferno rounds could be mated with Coventy built Firestarters which lead engineers to utilize the remaining tonnage on a Flamer. These BattleMechs could then prove very effective at their new fire role.

Type: Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                                                                   Mass
Internal Structure:                        EndoSteel                              1
Engine:                          160                            6
        Walking MP:                 8
        Running MP:                 12
        Jumping MP:                 0                                     0
Heat Sinks:                            10                                   0
Gyro:                                                                             2
Cockpit:                                                                 3
Armor Factor:                               54                                   3

                               Internal Structure         Armor Value
        Head                              3                             5
        Center Torso                  6                             7 / 4
        R/L Torso                       5                             7 / 2
        R/L Arm                 3                             5
        R/L Leg                   4                             5

Weapons and Ammo:         Location         Criticals  Mass
Medium Laser                           CT                1                1
Flamer                                       CT                 1                1
SRM-2                                        RA                 1                1
SRM-2                                        LA                 1                1
Ammo (SRM) 50                        RT               1                1
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Bradshaw on June 20, 2019, 02:15:14 PM
IS flamers weigh one ton, vehicle flamers with fuel cost half a ton.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 20, 2019, 05:06:03 PM
IS flamers weigh one ton, vehicle flamers with fuel cost half a ton.

Quite right Bradshaw, my mistake. Suppose I'll go down to one Flamer for the modification.

Corrections made, I'll be working on another one tonight which I will double check before posting.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 20, 2019, 08:24:23 PM
Here is my take on a high tech Draconis version of the Locust, still waiting on Ice Hellion. ;)


Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Bergan VII
Power Plant: () 160 XL
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: (Ferro Fibrous)
Armament: 4 Martell Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries
        Primary Factory: N/A
Communications System: Garret T10-B with C3 Slave and Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

The fall of Alshain during the Clan Invasion left the Draconis Combine without any Locust production lines. With the threat remaining and hundreds of these Light ‘Mechs still in-service House Kurita was very interested in possible upgrades. When Bullrun Engineering approached anti-Clan forces with their LCT-4 variants the DCMS was intrigued. The Dragon faced a unique set of circumstances and had some new technology that these designers had not seen. Quickly recognizing the potential of the C3 Network especially when paired with the fast Locust they quickly set to work on a new Draconis variant.


Type: Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                  Mass
Internal Structure:               2
Engine:         160 XL      3
        Walking MP:                 8
        Running MP:                 12
        Jumping MP:                 0                                     0
Heat Sinks:                            10 (20)                            0
Gyro:                                                                             2
Cockpit:                                                                         3
Armor Factor:                        63                                   3.5

                               Internal Structure         Armor Value
        Head                              3                             7
        Center Torso                  6                             8 / 2
        R/L Torso                       5                             8 / 2
        R/L Arm                         3                             5
        R/L Leg                          4                             8

Weapons and Ammo:         Location         Criticals        Mass
C3 Slave          H      1      1
Guardian ECM Suite               CT      2      1.5
2 Medium Lasers      RA      2      2
2 Medium Lasers      LA      2      2
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 23, 2019, 10:00:34 AM
Okay folks, I am going to call an end to this contest at 12 AM ET tonight which is fourteen hours away from now. I've had a lot of fun looking at our first Big Mech here and hope you have as well.

For an untimed phase two of this challenge anyone can submit their Level 3 Locusts now. These experimental units really are not meant for full scale production but to push the bounds of the Mechs capabilities. As always have fun with these concepts.

My 'Super Locust' which I have yet to actually design out will be 25 tons probably from the same minds at NAIS which gave us the 'Super Wasp' and 'Super Griffin'. However, there are two other inspirations for me to go there (enlarging the chassis to improve the basic concept). One is the Locust IIC which does the same thing for the Clans and while not seen in bulk by the InnerSphere at this time they would at least know of it to draw inspiration. Two is masterarminas old maxim for the Clans who in his alternate realized 20 tonners just couldn't take the pounding of modern combat. That really got me thinking about why some crackpot in the InnerSphere could come to the same conclusion and even go so far as to reclassifying 20 tonners as Ultra Light 'Mechs. The proposal is more in depth than just this single reclass but a whole sale rethinking of Mech weights which is why it fits here.

So you still have fourteen hours to submit your 3052 level 2 designs for the Locust or go outside the box for any and all Level 3 concept, enjoy folks!
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 26, 2019, 04:10:20 PM
Well the review of these 28 designs continues folks but created something based on the conversation below. Love to hear what you all think!

What if this design or research team went through ComStar to achieve this perhaps as mediators? Alternatively these Taurians could go rogue because of their high tech research being stifled. Later these concepts could return to the Concordat in a post-Thomas reign. Just trying to think of a that masterarminas original story angle could fit if just a little.

No way they go through Comstar- Thomas would consider any contact with the FS treason.  It's more likely they go rogue.  Periphery 2e talks about this era - one of the comments is that many Taurians (especially those in the military) were tired of Thomas' paranoia and felt he needed to focus on the real threat - pirates, not the Davion boogeyman.  Therefore I could see some of them getting pissed and leaving - much like how the Far Lookers secretly conducted colonization efforts during Thomas' reign.

I'd love it if you and masterarminas (my two favorite Taurians) come up with some in character names as well as a design team name for this potential fluff. I really like the idea of Taurian designers working on advanced designs to defeat real threats and after years of frustration leave hoping one day to return.

Bullrun Concepts
Led by Doctor Samuel Rosa of New Vandenberg University this BattleMech design team were the finest lostech researchers of the Taurian Concordat during the Clan Invasion. While stories of the Return of Kerensky and his descendants fielding fantastic weaponry mowing down the armies of the Successor States seemed far off the technological renaissance of the InnerSphere hit much closer to home. The Ministry of Defense directed Rosa and his designers to investigate ways of modernizing the Taurian Defense Force as fast as possible. The team unearthed a plethora of vintage ideas from the Star League era as well as undertaking new projects. While actual lostech remained elusive to undertake such efforts it was the paranoia of some countrymen that dictated their actions. Funding was withdrawn and the team ordered to disband in order to work on more practical defense endeavors. Disturbed by heavy handed traditionalists and unwilling to see the Concordat fall behind technologically they decided to leave. Branded as traitors they fled to the InnerSphere and if not for some lucky circumstances they may well have been killed. Thankfully they made it to Solaris and received funding from members of the Martial Accords to help optimize the Locust. Their work to engineer a new 160 XL Engine led them to become the creators of most of the LCT-4 series. Their ranks swelled by other Taurian renegades on the Game World this team continues to work on upgrading designs hoping one day to return to the Concordat and complete their original mission.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 27, 2019, 10:00:09 PM
I am still working on this as well as ranking the 28 entries.

For an untimed phase two of this challenge anyone can submit their Level 3 Locusts now. These experimental units really are not meant for full scale production but to push the bounds of the Mechs capabilities. As always have fun with these concepts.

My 'Super Locust' which I have yet to actually design out will be 25 tons probably from the same minds at NAIS which gave us the 'Super Wasp' and 'Super Griffin'. However, there are two other inspirations for me to go there (enlarging the chassis to improve the basic concept). One is the Locust IIC which does the same thing for the Clans and while not seen in bulk by the InnerSphere at this time they would at least know of it to draw inspiration. Two is masterarminas old maxim for the Clans who in his alternate realized 20 tonners just couldn't take the pounding of modern combat. That really got me thinking about why some crackpot in the InnerSphere could come to the same conclusion and even go so far as to reclassifying 20 tonners as Ultra Light 'Mechs. The proposal is more in depth than just this single reclass but a whole sale rethinking of Mech weights which is why it fits here.

So you still have fourteen hours to submit your 3052 level 2 designs for the Locust or go outside the box for any and all Level 3 concept, enjoy folks!

LCT-25 LOCUST II (Super Locust)

Mass: 25 tons
Chassis: (Super LCT) Endo Steel
Power Plant: Nissan 200 Fusion Engine
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: () Ferro Fibrous
Armament: 5 tons for weaponry and equipment
Manufacturer: NAIS / Wolf Dragoons
   Primary Factory: New Avalon / Outreach
Communications System: ()
Targeting and Tracking System: ()



Armor protection goes up to an 89 which is the max for the weight class
Given the limitation of the 20-ton chassis, 69 max (77.5% of the 25 ton max)
This is a 22.5% improvement in overall protection but more importantly the endurance of individual locations is markedly better
Most areas can now take a hit without an automatic penetration

Experimental model
Wolf Dragoons

Type: Locust II
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 25 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:          EndoSteel            1.5
Engine:            200               8.5
   Walking MP:         8
   Running MP:         12
   Jumping MP:         0               0
Heat Sinks:            10               0
Gyro:                              2
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            89 max               5

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            9
   Center Torso           8            12 / 4
   R/L Torso         6            10 / 2
   R/L Arm         4            8
   R/L Leg         6            12

Weight and Space Allocation
Location            Fixed            Spaces Remaining
Head                              1
Center Torso                           2
Right Torso           Double Heat Sink            3
                  3 EndoSteel
               3 Ferro-Fibrous 
Left Torso           Double Heat Sink            3
                  3 EndoSteel
               3 Ferro-Fibrous 
Right Arm           No lower arm or hand actuators         3
                  3 EndoSteel
               4 Ferro-Fibrous 
Left Arm           No lower arm or hand actuators         3
                  4 EndoSteel
               3 Ferro-Fibrous 
Right Leg                           2
Left Leg                           2

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass

Any recommendations here with five tons available? We could also XL the engine but in doing so would be out of space in the side torsos and the price tag would jump.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Abele on June 28, 2019, 08:03:07 AM

Any recommendations here with five tons available? We could also XL the engine but in doing so would be out of space in the side torsos and the price tag would jump.
I would switch back to standard armor and add the XL. With the freed up internal space you have more room to mount more gear and eight tons to play with.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Bradshaw on June 28, 2019, 08:32:10 AM
If this was Wolf Dragoons wouldn't it technically have clan equipment or was that not until later that they used that.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 28, 2019, 09:12:45 AM
Technically I guess it could Bradshaw but I'd like to stick to what the InnerSphere could field here as the objective is to help them defeat the Clans.

Abele while I was reluctant to use an Extra Light (XL) Engine here because of increased cost and the current lack of production models the space gained is just too valuable to pass up. I am running with it now. Ferro-Fibrous could also be used as you still have plenty of internal space but it only frees up a half ton of weight for a real increase of just one armor point which might not be enough to justify its use.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: lrose on June 28, 2019, 07:42:32 PM
For the LCT-25 I would use an XL Engine.(again light mech- if you're hit it's a problem so you might as well get the extra 4 tons of equipment).  Move 2 Endo Steel crits to each leg.  with the 9 tons left I would do the following:
2 LRM-5s (one in each arm)
2 tons of ammo (one in each torso)
1 Medium Laser in the CT
1 Flamer in the CT

Yes it is a lot of ammo but you have to figure the locust is being used as a scout or raider so a long endurance is a good thing.  Have 2 tons of ammo also allows you to use specialized ammo like thunder rounds which can be used to set traps or to discourage pursuit if the Locust is detected. 

Alternatively the LRMs could be replaced with an ER PPC.  Or if you want electronics, an ER Large Laser, a Beagle Active Probe and Guardian ECM (requires removing the Medium Laser).

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on June 28, 2019, 10:41:23 PM
Not bad Irose and very Davion but this is what I envisioned -

Armed exclusively energy weapons and electronic jamming equipment the Locust II is intended to operate as a light harasser for extended periods. Perfect for the current heavy raiding of the Clan Occupation Zone orders for this new premier Light ‘Mech have skyrocketed. AFFC regiments and contracted mercenaries fighting against the Jade Falcons have been most impressed with this ‘Locust on Steroids’.

ER Large Laser         Center Torso      2      5
Medium Laser            Right Arm      1      1
Medium Laser          Left Arm      1      1
Guardian ECM Suite         Right Torso      2      1.5

I figured while a Beagle Active Probe is great for recon this Mech being a hellraiser has an ECM to screw with enemy electronics. The Medium Lasers in the arm can flip while the ER Large gives you a good sniper weapon which can hang out at long range and they never run out of ammo.

Although we could go more Locust IIC.....

I am really liking this idea more and more as a full out production model because the Dragoons can manufacture it alongside the Marauder II and develop it with NAIS as a throwback to the Super Wasp/ Super Griffin.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on July 03, 2019, 10:12:50 PM
The Review

Well we had a total of twenty-eight design entries from eight designers on two different forums. There were nine winners overall which will join the older One Series (LCT-1V, LCT-1M, LCT-1S, LCT-1E) and the newer Three Series (LCT-3M, LCT-3D, LCT-3S) in service currently for my Salient Horizon setting. Well lets get right down to it as there is plenty to go over here.

28. LCT-3F Locust (Takiro)
As Bradshaw quite correctly pointed out this Steiner protest model could only have one Flamer of the originally envisioned two. While I liked the idea of this ‘Fire Bug’ operating with traditional Lyran Firestarters it would have a hard time overcoming the LCT-2S or the LCT-2T-4 (to be known as the LCT-4S) which were more appropriate as the Steiner FedCom variant. It could have been a viable option as a variant but my initial overestimation of Flamers soured that possibility as well so it finishes in last place here. Got to be toughest on myself.

27. LCT-6X Locust (Irose)
This tissue paper recon LRM element had too much in the way of advanced electronics at least in my opinion. I really fear putting all those systems on such a lightly armored Mech and sending it off for an enemy for bountiful salvage. I do like the increase in speed which almost makes me think of this as a proof of concept model for the Fireball (TRO3055). I know it is a tough place to finish here but I thought most of the other designs were better.

 26. LCT-2M Locust (Abele)
One of the biggest wastes at least in my opinion is to pair an LRM-5 with an Artemis IV FCS. Better to go with a Narc Missile Launcher which would have been a far better option here at least to me. While the rest of the design isn’t bad it was the Artemis IV with the LRM-5 that really placed it here.

25. LCT-2S2 Locust (Abele)
Was never such a fan of this variant as the LCT-3S is sort of similar. Streak SRM-2s on a Locust might not go well at least in comparison to regular SRMs plus there is no CASE on this version which means you could have a very expensive explosion here.

24. LCT-3OA Locust (Abele)
While I absolutely loved its lower tech variants this XL Engine version is something of a pipe dream. Yeah it would be nice to have this variant in the Outworlds arsenal one day but right now it is way too advanced for them. I could see one being built for a wealthy Avellar Mechwarrior Scion or as an experimental upgrade, perhaps both. But in the overall scheme of rankings here it is twenty forth and the start of the custom or singular existing models.

23. LCT-* Locust ‘Old Roubidoux’ (Abele)
While the downgrading of a Locust power plant to a 140 Fusion Engine after salvaging it from a Kurita Panther is a great hook I don’t love the idea of slowing this fragile Mech down. It is a nice story however and I can certainly see it as a one off custom job for the Davion Mechwarrior. Interestingly enough the infamous Davion PPC variant is supposed to be a lot of this angle so good job even though you are too slow for my tastes.

22. LCT-* Locust ‘LosTech Roubidoux’ (Abele)
The upgraded version of the 7/11 Locust or what you get when you cross a Locust and a Panther is better than the 3025 version. I will have to remember this Notable Mechwarrior for my universe and try to work this Mech in if only once.

21. LCT-URB Locust (Bradshaw)
The so-called Urban Explorer is an interesting concept but the firepower is a tad underwhelming with six Small Lasers. You have to get so close in order to engage targets with any effectiveness it would put this Light ‘Mech in constant danger of being annihilated. Would have rather three Medium Lasers or two Mediums and two Smalls to make it better. Probably would have had more of a chance with better weaponry, sorry bud!

20. LCT+ Locust (Daryk)
This entry from the CBT forums via PM was pretty simple and relatively straight forward. Daryk went with EndoSteel and Ferro- Fibrous and swapped the Machine Guns for Small Pulses. The ton he saved was allocated to a Recon Camera and Remote Sensor Dispenser which all cost less than 100,000 c-bills over a LCT-1V Locust. Not bad at all but I thought others were better.

19. LCT-4D Locust (Bradshaw)
My strategy for developing new variants here was not to put all my eggs into one basket and this variant much like Irose’s 6X does the opposite. I like the more protection and long range weaponry but the potential boon for enemy salvage efforts is just too much for me to green light this variant.

18. LCT-2K Locust (Abele)
I was looking for a Kurita variant of the Locust but this model proved to be too much for me again but this time it was more than just sophisticated electronics. Not sure Kurita could get their hands on a 180 XL Fusion Engine at this time for widespread manufacturing which is further hamstrung by their loss of the Alshain factory. Also, a C3 Slave would have helped your case here so I am sorry bud this variant is being placed here.

17. LCT-2Er Locust (Abele)
The start of our three entry Dasher clone series which could see as a super high tech and largely experimental effort to match the 20-ton Clan OmniMech. While pretty effective this model lacks a MASC which would only cost one ton and see a significant movement increase. So I am going to place it in last place for our Dasher imitators.

16. LCT-2Era Locust (Abele)
I liked this second variant of your Dashing Locust better than the first as it swaps out the Medium Pulse for a Medium Laser and a TAG which I like as the Laser gives you greater range than the Pulse and so does the TAG. Like I said with the base model it real works as a InnerSphere experiment built to gauge the ability of Star League tech to match Clan tech.

15. LCT-DSH Locust (Bradshaw)
My winner of the experimental Locusts which could match the terrific speed of the Clan Dasher which almost certainly would have been undertaken by the Great Houses during the Clan War. Love the movement profile of this Light Clan Omni matched with the InnerSphere ER Large. While expensive and given the fact there is no 200 XL Engine currently in production any effort to start widespread construction would never likely be undertaken. However, I think there would be a handful around at various training grounds in the Successor States but no production model.

14. LCT-2L Locust (Abele)
One of two experimental Liao models featuring a Triple Strength Myomer presented by Abele. Since the 180 XL Engine could indeed be obtained from the Hatchetman upgrade (raid or covert theft) this variant is certainly possible. Again, I don’t see mass production by any means but this model could certainly be seen on a Liao Proving Grounds somewhere with its highly advanced materials being the pride of the state.

13. LCT-2L2 Locust (Abele)
This one I liked a little better and with especially with the winners to come I think you will see why the use of a 160 XL Engine is a ok. Still at best a test bed for high tech stuff like the Triple Strength Myomer and the Guardian ECM but very nice!

12. LCT-2M2 Locust (Abele)
The start of our three near misses this hard hitter which can almost as much damage as it weighs at medium range is a solid option. While I criticized the Streak SRM-2 and there might have been a better option for more firepower here it does the job and keeps the Mech running pretty cool. Could have been better but not bad.

11. LCT-2S Locust (Abele)
Looking into the availability of the 180 XL Engine it was nice to see it in use already on the Hatchetman. This fact plus the boost in speed which is life for the Locust is a great touch and nearly won you the Steiner model. Plus you used the old standard chassis which would provide a great basis for modification of existing models. The twin Streak SRM-2s and the two Medium Lasers pack a solid punch – unfortunately you got beat by a slightly better concept even though your use of available parts was better. Very close!

10. LCT-2T Locust (masterarminas)
Love the concept but this is just too advanced for the Taurians as of now. Perhaps there is hope for the future and thanks to Irose for giving more Concordat input which helped you here. The rest of Bullrun concepts did make it so perhaps this will lay the foundation for this model one day.

9. LCT-4M Locust (Takiro)
The first of the winners per say or entries approved is my primitive version of the 5M which is something inspired by this contest. This honestly wasn’t on my mind going in but going over everything including the availability of the 240XL at this time and the Project Phoenix variant it just made sense. This version recaptures the speed title for the traditional champion so I like it.

8. LCT-4K Locust (Takiro)
I was looking for a Kurita version of the Locust with a C3 Slave and after not getting exactly what I wanted I did the best I could. Think it came out alright and fits with the Bullrun storyline that came out of this contest.

7. LCT-2T-3 Locust (masterarminas)
The LCT-4D as I will be calling it here is the first of the Four Series (Locust variants with an XL Engine) which in its modified form was accepted by me. This Davion harasser from hell is not only going to run around you firing its twin LRM-5s but with a center torso mounted TAG it can call as a spotter for Arrow IV Artillery assets. While the 160 XL would have to be fabricated, I think it is possible especially for the Davions here and NAIS nearby.

6. LCT-2T-4 Locust (masterarminas)
The LCT-4S as it will now be called narrowly overcame some stiff competition but the two up rated regular old SRM-4 racks can do a lot of damage or heat if you want to utilize inferno rounds. With the Medium Laser mounted in the center torso this model can do more damage than it weighs at medium range. Very nice!

5. LCT-2T-2 Locust (masterarminas)
My favorite of the Bullrun Concepts as the storyline will flow is gonna be this one now known as the LCT-4F. Used by a rebuilding ComGuards this ER Large sniper is ideal for future operations against the Clans. Very nice!

4. LCT-5D Locust (marauder648)
Adding to the Three Series (non-XL Engine Locusts) will be this simple upgrade from marauder648. I was thinking a generic mercenary upgrade here but it is cheap and straightforward with components readily available for new kits. Nice job!

3. LCT-3a Locust (drakensis)
The bronze medal goes to another Three Series (non-XL Engine Locusts) which is my favorite InnerSphere version put forward. The 3L (which will be made at Ares) and the 3G (mounting a Guardian ECM will be made at Gibson) are ideal refits in my opinion. These are what the Three Series (in TRO 3050) should have been. Great job drak!

2. LCT-2OA Locust (Abele)
The silver goes to this Periphery refit from the Outworlds Alliance which was a surprise for one and was super well done. Its Medium Pulse upgrade plus a Small Laser exchange from Machine Guns were pretty effective. Its use of Ferro-Fibrous armor is the only other high tech advance featured here for maximum protection. Design wise simple but the fluff playing on Kurita and Davion diplomacy as well as an unstated need created by the Clans makes this minimal yet effective upgrade second to only one. Great stuff Abele!!!

1. LCT-2OA-2 Locust (Abele)
Topped only by his weapon swap here which sees a Medium Laser paired with two Small Pulses these two variants now designated the LCT-3A will probably work best together complementing each other on the battlefield. Pure gold Abele, keep up the great work!!!!

I’d like to thank everybody for participating in this contest and hopefully the next one will go up in a week or so as real-life permits. Thanks again everyone!
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Abele on July 04, 2019, 08:06:37 AM
Woohoo! Silver and Gold! Then again I threw a lot of stuff at the proverbial wall, something was bound to stick. Stinger or Wasp should be next.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on July 04, 2019, 09:00:32 AM
Congrats Abele, not only did you submit the most designs but your fluffy were the best and needed the least work. Also I wanted existing component availability. I felt I failed you a little bit with LCT-2S especially when I found the 180XL was already in production but felt the Four Series as bought to us by Bullrun Concepts (my thanks to masterarminas and Irose for those ideas) was better. The creation and proliferation of the 160XL Engine are easier if everyone does it for the Four Series (New Avalon, Terra, Furillo, and Solaris) so it kind of got screwed in the process.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Bradshaw on July 05, 2019, 08:49:05 AM
Congrats abele

I actually looked up the 200xl I thought Nissan made it a few places
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on July 05, 2019, 04:31:56 PM
Congrats abele

I actually looked up the 200xl I thought Nissan made it a few places

The 200XL first appears in mass production with the Tarantula circa 3054 at Corean Enterprises on the world of Stewart. This facility does also make the Locust. So in the new future this could have happened justifiably if not for the 4M which I created that uses a 240XL Engine to achieve a higher speed.

The Power Plant really achieves wide spread usage after the Blackjack-O (OmniMech) is introduced in 3057 at several different facilities.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on December 31, 2021, 02:59:45 PM
So here is the start of what I've been working on lately. Rather than putting together one giant tome (which is the goal eventually) i thought I'd detail a design a time. The first is of called the Book of Locusts written from the Wrath of Blake perspective. Articles on each variant will be  by ComStar but sympathizers have passed them to these terrorists. Love to hear what you think!


The proliferation of these BattleMechs to every corner of the known worlds can aptly be called a plague like its namesake. First produced on the planet of Ares in 2499 this speedy little Bug Mech is currently manufactured at ten known locations, listed below. This makes the design the most produced BattleMech in existence which coupled with its small size and five-hundred plus year service life the most common you can find just about anywhere in the Human Sphere. Estimates of the number in use are quite impossible to make given the collapse of the Star League and possibility countless number of custom builds are acknowledged to exist. Hidden manufacturing by the Usurper and other Periphery worlds which now includes the dimly lit corners of space such as the Clan Invaders call home is also a distinct possibility that cannot be overlooked. Also, in spite of its slight frame and relatively fragile nature, in comparison to other BattleMechs, we also know that the Locust is resilient. Thanks to its small stature, ease of maintenance, and readily available parts countless models have been rebuilt from battlefield salvage. This practiced honed during the stark days of the Succession Wars insured that the sheer number of these war machines currently under arms is quite impossible to accurately calculate. Therefore, the proliferation of these BattleMechs in particular can aptly be called a plague just like its namesake. Countless thousands of these war machines in service of Bandit Kings and House Lords would therefore be my best guess. Its range can accurately be described as stretching from the fringes of the unknown to the core worlds of the InnerSphere.

Bergan Industries – Ares (Capellan Confederation)
Achernar BattleMechs – New Avalon (Federated Commonwealth / Davion)
Defiance Industries – Furillo (Federated Commonwealth / Steiner)
Gibson Federated BattleMechs – Gibson (Free Worlds / Principality of Gibson)
Corean Enterprises [MacAdams- Suharno] – Stewart (Free Worlds / Stewart Commonality)
Clan Ghost Bear – Alshain (Clan Occupation Zone)
Alliance Defenders Limited – Alpheratz (Outworlds Alliance)
Pinard Protectorates Limited – MacLeod’s Land (Taurian Concordat)
Taurus Territorial Industries – Taurus (Taurian Concordat)
Majesty Metals and Manufacturing – Canopus (Magistracy of Canopus)

According to our sources more facilities like the central one on Solaris will come online soon. Bullrun Concepts has had tremendous backing from the Martial Alliance since its appearance in the InnerSphere. These Taurian renegades have teamed with OmniTech Industries in order to setup a small factory in order to manufacture the new 4F model for the ComGuards and other interested parties. This enterprise will likely see gradual expansion as demand for their BattleMechs continues to increase. Additionally, they refit existing models of the Locust at nearby MechBays even though the upgrades are quite extensive.
   The Draconis Combine has gone to some lengths recently in order to ensure that Bergan Industries will be able to complete the refit of their new 4K model to the DCMS. Setting aside an area of Dieron for this task this appears to tie into the growing strength of the new Martial Alliance. Since the signing of the Accords and the opening of Terra the entire corridor has undergone dramatic development aimed at replacing production lost to the 3rd Marik Civil War. House Kurita for its part has been surprisingly welcoming to these foreign inroads in part due to the need created by the Clan Invasion. Without a doubt the recent purge of the reactionary Black Dragon Society elements and the Coordinator’s public endorsement of the deal have done much to advance the cause of cooperation. Currently Bergan has established a refit facility on world but it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that this industry will be eventually upgraded to full scale production one day.
It is difficult to get a read on exactly what the Ghost Bear Clan is doing with Bergan Industries former factory on Alshain as that insular group of invaders has made a point of strengthening its position there. The capital of their InnerSphere holdings this should come as no surprise to observers but the fierceness in which they have guarded installations there is quite different from their other worlds and the Clans in general. Obviously, they value the line which still appears active but it is unclear if they are making any more LCT-1V models for garrison troops or somehow upgrading it. We can only presume the later given what other Clans have done but the cautious nature displayed here bears careful examination.
Other more revolutionary designs inspired by the Locust on New Valencia seem further off

   An exceptional recon asset and raider the Locust is usually at the vanguard of any force it is a component of. Serving as the tip of the spear this ‘Mech is often at the point of contact between opposing sides in battle. Aside from probing enemy defenses or responding to initial threats the Locust can also be seen as an explorer out on the edges of civilization. Locust Mechwarriors tend to be younger and more aggressive than their brethren with rookies often being derisively called ‘Nymphs.’ While the design’s age and simplistic nature lends itself to be an excellent trainer the sad fact is that the life of a Locust pilot can be a short one. The inherent armor limitations of a twenty-ton ‘Mech always meant that any hit could be the last for its operator. Thankfully the Locust could rely upon its tremendous speed for superior protection which other BattleMechs simply cannot match. Having to be always on the move and requiring superior reflexes in order to course correct frequently leads of its Mechwarriors to become erratic and twitchy. Those who survive usually site burn out as the reason why they opted to graduate to a heavier ride. During the Succession War it was a common practice for more experienced Mechwarriors to trade up to more durable war machines. Some senior Mechwarriors who have ‘earned their wings’ following a number of successful missions do stick with the design becoming fluid masters of their art. With the Lostech Renaissance ushered in by the recovery of the Helm Memory Core and Clan Invasion this is becoming rarer and rarer. It should therefore come as no surprise that this latest attempt to modernize and optimize the Locust is being dedicated to those most experienced Mechwarriors to enhance their operations.

   Bullrun Concepts led by Doctor Samuel Rosa of New Vandenberg University has led in the modernization of the Locust. This BattleMech design team were some of the finest lostech researchers in the Taurian Concordat during the Clan Invasion. While stories of the Return of Kerensky and his descendants fielding fantastic weaponry mowing down the armies of the Successor States seemed far off the technological renaissance of the InnerSphere hit much closer to home. The Ministry of Defense directed Rosa and his designers to investigate ways of modernizing the Taurian Defense Force as fast as possible. The team unearthed a plethora of vintage ideas from the Star League era as well as undertaking new projects. While actual lostech remained elusive to undertake such efforts it was the paranoia of some countrymen that dictated their actions. Funding was withdrawn and the team ordered to disband to work on more practical defensive endeavors. Disturbed by heavy handed traditionalists and unwilling to see the Concordat fall even further behind technologically they decided to leave. Branded as traitors they fled to the InnerSphere and if not for some lucky circumstances they may all have been killed. Thankfully these engineers made it to Solaris and received generous backing from the new found Martial Alliance to help optimize the Locust. Their work to create the LTV 160 Extra Light (XL) Engine led them to become the originators of the LCT-4 series. Their ranks swelled by other Taurian renegades on the Game World this team continues to work on upgrading designs hoping one day to return to the Concordat and complete their original mission.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Hominid Mk II on December 31, 2021, 03:25:54 PM
This is... interesting! :)
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: drakensis on January 01, 2022, 03:10:53 AM
The proliferation of these BattleMechs to every corner of the known worlds can aptly be called a plague like its namesake. First produced on the planet of Ares in 2499 this speedy little Bug Mech is currently manufactured at ten known locations, listed below. This makes the design the most produced BattleMech in existence which coupled with its small size and five-hundred plus year service life the most common you can find just about anywhere in the Human Sphere. Estimates of the number in use are quite impossible to make given the collapse of the Star League and possibility countless number of custom builds are acknowledged to exist. Hidden manufacturing by the Usurper and other Periphery worlds which now includes the dimly lit corners of space such as the Clan Invaders call home is also a distinct possibility that cannot be overlooked. Also, in spite of its slight frame and relatively fragile nature, in comparison to other BattleMechs, we also know that the Locust is resilient. Thanks to its small stature, ease of maintenance, and readily available parts countless models have been rebuilt from battlefield salvage. This practiced honed during the stark days of the Succession Wars insured that the sheer number of these war machines currently under arms is quite impossible to accurately calculate. Therefore, the proliferation of these BattleMechs in particular can aptly be called a plague just like its namesake. Countless thousands of these war machines in service of Bandit Kings and House Lords would therefore be my best guess. Its range can accurately be described as stretching from the fringes of the unknown to the core worlds of the InnerSphere.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 01, 2022, 09:50:18 AM
Thanks for the editing drak! Work continues on it this weekend. Hopefully get a text version of the book (20 to 30 pages) I imagine by the end of the month.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 01, 2022, 09:51:49 AM
Would anyone like to take a shot at the wrath of Blake intro? Think word of Blake toyama on the run. 
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 01, 2022, 09:18:39 PM
Think I've got an idea for the intro now but I could still use some helping refining this short fanbook which is about 40 pages at most. In order to expedite development I’ve asked Bradshaw to obtain some Locust art which we will give for in said product while drakensis seems to be our editor thus far - which is awesome. Still gotta make the corrections. Your comments are welcomed of course and please let me know if you’d have suggestions or additions. Also, winning designers input on their winning entries would be awesome. Thanks guys!
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on January 02, 2022, 08:08:03 AM
Watch out for InnerSphere instead of Inner Sphere.

And if you need help, I am here.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 09, 2022, 07:37:27 AM
Still working on everything here folks when time permits. Here is the latest winning entry I've completed from drakensis. Enjoy!


Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Corean-II Delux Endo Steel
Power Plant: 160 LTV
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 130 kph
Jump Jets: None
       Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Hellespont Lite Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Martell Medium Laser
       2 Magna 200P Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries
       Primary Factory: Ares
Communications System: Ceres Metals Model 666 with Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

       One of the results of the Outreach Conference of 3051 was the Liao-Marik Alliance which saw Isis Marik betrothed to Sun Tzu Liao. This sparked a degree of renewed cooperation between the on again off again allies of the Free Worlds League and Capellan Confederation. Trade and technical exchanges commenced soon afterwards despite of lingering ancient animosity that remains on both sides of the border. Efforts to maximize the performance of the lostech 3M by design teams in both nations resulted in a couple of new Locust concepts. Both testbeds featured advanced supplemental electronics that enhance the BattleMech's role. The 3rd Marik Civil War provided to be the deciding event in the development of these new Locusts. The Capellans elected to build off the success of their Raven by focusing in on electronic warfare options that disrupt enemy operations on the battlefield. The resulting LCT-3L rolled off Bergan Industries assembly lines on Ares in late 3052 and quickly went into service in the CCAF.

       The new 3L is heavily based on the lostech 3M as well as the venerable 1V which preceded it. Using the advanced Corean-II Delux Endo Steel chassis obtained from House Marik before its collapse it factionalism the Liao variant saves valuable design mass in return for interior space. Likewise, three and a half tons of Hellespont Lite Ferro-Fibrous previously used on the RVN-3L Raven made the same weight for space exchange which typically benefits Light BattleMechs using bulky high-tech construction materials. However, like the rest of the '3 series Locusts' it uses the standard 160 LTV Fusion Engine which is heavier than lostech Extra-Light (XL) models. This substantially reduces the overall cost of the 'Mech and allows for more rapid design proliferation among the CCAF.
       Liao engineers then choose to outfit their creation with two arm mounted Magna 200P Small Pulse Lasers previously utilized on the UM-R63 UrbanMech. Replacing the Sperry Browning Machine Guns of the 1V for essentially the same mass and less space these point defense energy weapons retain the anti-infantry capacity which the Locust traditionally possesses. The centrally mounted Martell Medium Laser of the original model has been relocated from the center torso to the head of the LCT-3L. Without the need for reloading these lasers allow this BattleMech to operate independently for an indefinite period of time. What makes the new Capellan Locust truly unique is the addition of the Guardian ECM Suite. Mounted securely in the center torso this sophisticated lostech equipment has been mated with the same Ceres Metals Model 666 communications gear featured on the Raven. It allows the 'Mech to either shield itself and nearby friendlies from electronic jamming or disrupt enemy communications.
     The LCT-3L is essentially a lighter cheaper version of the RVN-3L Raven which is being rapidly integrated into Capellan units. Since imports of the Hermes 210 XL Engine have been halted by the Marik Commonwealth slowing the deployment of the Raven this new Locust has been temporarily replacing the Raven in CCAF regiments. While this policy has not yet effected premier commands like the Capellan Hussars or the Warrior Houses other Liao Regulars have yet to see a dramatic difference. The Reserve formations as well as the Periphery Guard have seen the greatest allocation of this new variant to make good for this current shortfall. Refit kits are also being assembled to upgrade existing Locusts that are already in frontline service to the Capellan state. In the future the Confederation plans to use both the LCT-3L and the Raven together in so-called Interdiction Lances which will be attached directly to Headquarters Companies. This will undoubtedly enhance the growing proficiency of Capellan 'electronic warfare' on the modern battlefield. It should also be noted that certain Isis forces originating from the Confederation, like McCarron's Armored Cavalry, have been spotted using this new model as well.

Type: LCT-3L Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:          EndoSteel            1
Engine:            160               6
   Walking MP:         8
   Running MP:         12
   Jumping MP:         0               0
Heat Sinks:            10               0
Gyro:                              2
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            63               3.5

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            8
   Center Torso           6            9 / 2
   R/L Torso         5            8 / 2
   R/L Arm         3            4
   R/L Leg         4            8

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
Medium Laser          Head         1      1
Guardian ECM Suite         Center Torso      2      1.5
Small Pulse Laser         Right Arm      1      1
Small Pulse Laser         Left Arm      1      1

Cost = 1,890,400 C-Bills
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: drakensis on January 10, 2022, 03:48:17 AM
obtained from House Marik before its collapse it {into?} factionalism the Liao variant

be noted that certain Isis {of Isis Marik's?} forces originating from the Confederation
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: namar13766 on January 10, 2022, 01:36:18 PM
What about something more…bizarre?

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 10, 2022, 09:06:04 PM
Nice VTOL Mech!
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on January 11, 2022, 01:21:16 AM
Nice VTOL Mech!

A Transformer?
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 11, 2022, 05:41:34 AM
No, its a War Helicopter Air Mech or WHAM!  ;D

Conceptually pretty cool but a bit beyond the scope of what I was looking for unfortunately.

As of now I've modified an existing picture for the cover.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 11, 2022, 03:21:22 PM
Another piece of art I want to use is this slightly modified blueprint of the Locust from FASA.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 13, 2022, 05:06:50 AM

Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Corean-II Delux Endo Steel
Power Plant: Magna 160
Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Kallon FWL Special Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Martell Medium Laser
   2 Magna 200P Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Gibson Federated BattleMechs
   Primary Factory: Gibson
Communications System: Garret T10 B
Targeting and Tracking System: Corean CalcMaster with Beagle Active Probe

   Among the many changes that have been wrought to the Free Worlds League by the 3rd Marik Civil War was the dissolution of Free Worlds Defense Industries. Gibson Federated BattleMechs instigated by the Regional Rights Movement of Regulus broke away from this ‘federally backed corporation’ and began to look for its own unique products. Ironically, they stumbled upon pre-war Liao-Marik design plans begun after the Outreach Conference to further optimized the Locust. At the time, both Capellan and Free World allied engineers took lessons from the venerable LCT-1V and the recent LCT-3M to create two newly enhanced concepts. With Regulan forces looking to improve their arms work quickly commenced on completing their favored scouting testbed which became known as the LCT-3G.

   Regulan engineers committed to the use of what components they had at hand to create a new recon model in the Locust ‘3’ series which continues to use standard Fusion Engines. While utilizing a normal power plant this BattleMech is considered fully modernized with only the Garret T10 B communications gear remaining from the venerable 1V. The Magna 160 replaced the Locust’s old 160 LTV Engine on the 3M which carried over to this Regulan design. Advanced structural components like the Corean-II Delux Endo Steel chassis and Kallon FWL Special Ferro-Fibrous also carried over from the 3050 Marik upgrade. Three and a half tons of this high-tech armor nearly equals the protection factor of the older 1/Star Slab plating which weighed four tons on the 1V. The Corean CalcMaster was mated successfully with a Beagle Active Probe for superior reconnaissance capabilities. Two Magna 200P Small Pulse Lasers used on the Cicada replaced the Machine Guns of the 1V maintaining anti-infantry capacity but removing ammo dependency and increasing accuracy. Finally, the Martell Medium Laser remained unchanged from the original Locust and serves as the Light ‘Mechs main weapon when squaring off against most opponents it can’t outrun.

   While made on Gibson by Gibson Federated BattleMechs the new locally established Gibson Fusiliers have not fielded any LCT-3Gs. This highly mobile force requires its BattleMechs to be equipped with jump jets which the Locust does not. As a result, the lionshare of production has gone to the Regulan Hussars, the Tarmanid Janissaries, and the Stimson Guard. These members of the new Tetarchy have received this new scout 'Mech in return for jump capable units that continue to strengthen the Fusiliers. Exports have also gone to the recently renamed Andurien Legionnaries who are struggling to holdoff the main body of Isis Marik's forces. This generous support comes as no surprise to many who recognize continued Regulan support for their traditional 'anti-Marik' ally. Both Provinces also have little love for House Liao whose LCT-3L will likely soon square off the 3G somewhere on the Andurien front. 

Type: LCT-3G Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:          EndoSteel            1
Engine:            160               6
   Walking MP:         8
   Running MP:         12
   Jumping MP:         0               0
Heat Sinks:            10               0
Gyro:                              2
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            63               3.5

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            8
   Center Torso           6            9 / 2
   R/L Torso         5            8 / 2
   R/L Arm         3            4
   R/L Leg         4            8

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
Medium Laser          Head         1      1
Beagle Active Probe         Center Torso      2      1.5
Medium Laser            Right Arm      1      1
Medium Laser            Left Arm      1      1

Cost = 1,842,400 C-Bills
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 13, 2022, 07:54:42 PM

Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Bergan VII
Power Plant: Nissan 160
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 130 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: AMG Special Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Diverse Optics Type 2 Medium Laser
   2 Diverse Optics Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Alliance Defenders Limited
   Primary Factory: Alpheratz
Communications System: Garret T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

   The Clan Invasion radically altered many diplomatic relationships in the InnerSphere which rippled outward into the Periphery. The Outworlds Alliance had struggled for most of its existence to strike a careful balance between the Federated Suns and the Draconis Combine. Being trapped next to the two most powerful Great Houses always seemed to prevent development but that began to change in 3051. The detente advanced by the Outreach Conference in order to defeat the Clans grew steadily until the Terran Summit of 3053. President Neil Avellar was beckoned to the talks by what was a unique joint request from Coordinator Takashi Kurita and First Prince Hanse Davion. Avellar responded positively to the respectful request for high level discussions and travelled to Earth where all the parties agreed to work together against the Clan Invaders. As part of the Martial Accords, the Outworlds committed to provide what war materiel it could to support the cause as well as invaluable aerospace instructors. In return the backwater Periphery nation that stood guard at the InnerSphere's Spinward flank would receive much needed financial investment and technological access. This became the basis for the Alliance's first true lostech produced design, the LCT-3A Locust.

   The LCT-3A is in actuality a relatively simple upgrade of the venerable LCT-1V Locust which has been in the field for over five and a half centuries. Four tons of 1/Star Slab armor plating was removed in favor of advanced AMG Special Ferro-Fibrous now manufactured by Alliance Mining and Geology of Sevon. This lostech plating was developed thanks to technical assistance provided by House Davion who also covered the initial venture capital for the endeavor. Designers were pleased to provide this twenty-ton BattleMech with the maximum amount of protection thanks to four tons of this newly manufactured materiel even though it resulted in a slight armor overage. The two-arm mounted Sperry Browning Machine Guns of the original model were also replaced by Diverse Optics Small Pulse Lasers. These high-tech weapons were developed thanks to an investment agreement reached between Lushann Industrials Limited and the Draconis Combine. These new Pulses eliminated the need for resupply and the danger of ammunition explosions. The rest of the BattleMech remains basically unchanged from its well-aged predecessor with components all produced in the Outworlds Alliance.   

   The Alliance Military Corps (AMC) hopes to upgrade about ten percent of their total BattleMech force initially thanks to the new LCT-3A. Subsequent new Locusts built by Alliance Defenders Limited on Alpheratz will only continue to enhance the operating performance of the Outworlds military for years to come. The only thing more significant than the actual ‘Mech itself is the revenues it is generating for the Alliance. Sales and licensing of refit kits for garrison units in the Federated Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine are progressing rapidly. Ironically a majority of these units are facing off across the border with each other as the Locust has replaced heavier elements sent to check the Clan Invaders.
Unfortunately, the agreement that helped create this design has alienated some of its traditional Periphery allies. Taurian paranoia seems to have stymied any attempts at a Concordat license in the near future. Protector Thomas Calderon has called the Alliance’s decision to embrace the InnerSphere for a few technical baubles a tragic mistake which may ultimately cost them their independence. Canopian involvement in the 3rd Marik Civil War has also dashed hopes that the Magistracy will reach a similar agreement. Some frugal mercenary commands have expressed interest in value lostech upgrades like the LCT-3A which does raise hope for future sales.

   The LCT-3Ap is a simple weapons swap designed to complement the base Alliance model in combat. The arm mounted Diverse Optics Small Pulse Lasers are exchanged for Diverse Optics Type 10 Small Lasers while the central Diverse Optics Type 2 Medium Laser is upgraded to a Diverse Optics 20P Medium Pulse Laser. Designed to supplement the main model at shorter ranges, especially against infantry, the plan is to produce every one in four Locust as a 3Ap.

Type: LCT-3A Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:                         2
Engine:            160                6
   Walking MP:         8
   Running MP:         12
   Jumping MP:         0
Heat Sinks:            10               0
Gyro:                              2
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            69               4

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            9
   Center Torso           6            10 / 2
   R/L Torso         5            8 / 2
   R/L Arm         3            6
   R/L Leg         4            8

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
Small Pulse Laser         Right Arm      1      1
Small Pulse Laser         Left Arm      1      1
Medium Laser            Center Torso      1      1

Cost = 1,585,600 C-Bills
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Hominid Mk II on January 14, 2022, 03:10:10 AM
Protector Thomas Calderon has called the Alliance’s decision to embrace the InnerSphere for a few technical baubles a tragic mistake which may ultimately cost them their independence.

Nice touch of subtle irony there. In the canon timeline that's pretty much what the TC itself came very close to doing, through the disastrously ill-fated alliance with the CC agreed by his virtual reincarnation Grover Shraplen.

And a strong case can be made that the MoC has (and I'm emphatically not trying to be snide, crude or sexist here) as a nation been - for want of a better word - prostituting itself and especially its military forces to the agendas of the CC for nearly a century.

So what lesson should we draw from that? IMO, it's that when Periphery powers try to elevate themselves to the status of military peers of the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere at all costs, they'll probably end up compromising so many of their core values so badly along the way that they eventually become nothing more than second-rate imitations of the amoral Successor States themselves. :(

To quote probably the only genuine profound insight the power-worshipping Friedrich Nietzsche ever had:

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster." :-\

Or to quote a rather less profound insight that I and countless other people have all arrived at independently over the years:

"Thomas Calderon and Grover Shraplen were world-class paranoid, hypocritical, self-righteous jerks." >:(

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Bradshaw on January 14, 2022, 07:28:08 AM

To quote probably the only genuine profound insight the power-worshipping Friedrich Nietzsche ever had:

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster." :-\

Freaky this is the third time I've seen this quote in 24 hours.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Hominid Mk II on January 14, 2022, 07:29:32 AM
Freaky indeed! :P
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on January 16, 2022, 01:49:17 AM

Protector Thomas Calderon has called the Alliance’s decision to "embrace the Inner Sphere for a few technical baubles a tragic mistake which may ultimately cost them their independence".
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 18, 2022, 03:35:07 PM

Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Bergan VII
Power Plant: LTV 160
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 130 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Jolassa 328 Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 1 Magna 400p Medium Pulse Laser
   2 Magna 200p Small Pulse Lasers
Manufacturer: Majesty Metals and Manufacturing
   Primary Factory: Canopus IV
Communications System: Garret T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

   Born in the crucible of Andurien's latest conflict this BattleMech was designed by mercenaries picked up by the Magistracy of Canopus. Examples of collaboration between soldiers of fortune and House Centrella is replete through history. From the meritorious service of Buquoy's Bandits during the Reunification War to the special relationship the realm has today with Ramilie's Raiders there is undoubtely some friendly dealings here. The story of what would become the LCT-3P mirrors more closely the 4th Succession War tenure of Bileygr's Kampfgruppen who customized many designs for the Magistracy. While none of those lower tech concepts ever truly reached mass production, they laid the ground work here. As the ostensibly privatized Ladybugs volunteered to answer the call to liberate Canopian worlds under the yoke of the Free Worlds League they encountered many different designs utilizing lostech. One such personalized BattleMech was the 'Pulse Locust' that substantially aided the battlefield operations of its Andurien pilot. Utilizing early gains made in the 3rd Marik Civil War as well as drawing on the Magistracy's new association with the Liao-Marik alliance this new Locust took shape quickly.

        Majesty Metals and Manufacturing has reproduced the core of the Locust for generations as both the Bergan VII chassis and the LTV 160 Engine adhere to the original specifications. These venerable components in addition to the existing electronic systems proved more than adequate to the task. The key to the new upgrade is the replacement of the old weaponry with the centrally mounted Magna 400p Medium Pulse Laser and the arm mounted Magna 200p Small Pulse Lasers. These commonly manufactured lostech lasers were massed produced by both the Free Worlds League and the Capellan Confederation during the Clan War. Mechwarriors, often for hire, on both sides of the border were quick to perform this switch early in the conflict as did the Ladybugs. Assistance from the Liao-Marik Alliance helped House Centrella not only acquire these highly accurate lostech energy weapons but produce them as well. A new assembly line located on Canopus IV is set to open in a year which will supply all the Magistracy's immediate needs. It was the acquisition of the Kerr-McGuiness facility on Umka that allowed the Canopians to include three tons of Jolassa 328 Ferro-Fibrous. Laid out identically to the 3M this second step to the 3P upgrade was not part of the relatively straightforward Pulse weaponry swap first carried out on the battlefields of Andurien. Rather it was a clear-cut case of reverse engineering and corporate espionage the Magistracy intelligence agency seem to have pulled off successfully. Technical assistance from devoted Isis and Capellan engineers can also not be overstated with the rapid success of this lostech effort. 

   The 'Pulse Locust' was engineered to be a quick and cheap upgrade of the original which could be carried out in the field. While the LCT-3P is a bit more complex thanks to its new lostech armor plating its improved protection and inherent accuracy are can't miss aspects. Despite its lack of weapon range this model which isn’t reliant on ammunition can easily retrofitted to existing hulls maximizing its value. Popular with new pilots as well as veterans who prefer the hard-hitting reliability of the pulse lasers over older weaponry it is rapidly proliferating the Canopian ‘Mech forces. It is also a favorite of many mercenaries, nobles, and militia who can afford this improved Locust more easily than other more costly models. The 3P is not without its critics however as the design has been officially condemned by the loyalist forces of Paul Marik and the insular Taurian Concordat as a growing scrouge.

Type: LCT-3P Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:                         2
Engine:            160               6
   Walking MP:         8
   Running MP:         12
   Jumping MP:         0
Heat Sinks:            10               0
Gyro:                              2
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            54               3

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            7
   Center Torso           6            7 / 2
   R/L Torso         5            6 / 2
   R/L Arm         3            4
   R/L Leg         4            7

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
Small Pulse Laser         Right Arm      1      1
Small Pulse Laser         Left Arm      1      1
Medium Pulse Laser         Center Torso      1      2

Cost = 1,585,600 C-Bills
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on January 20, 2022, 08:31:01 AM
Bileygr  8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 25, 2022, 03:00:58 PM
Bileygr  8) 8) 8)


No problem Ice, I thought it was only appropriate.

Working on the 4D and 4S still but let me post the 4F for your review.


Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Bergan VII Modified Endo Steel
Power Plant: LTV 160 XL
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 130 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: 1s/StarSlab Standard Armor
Armament: 1 Martell Extended Range Large Laser
   2 Martell Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Bullrun Concepts
   Primary Factory: Solaris VII
Communications System: Garret T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

   The 3rd Marik Civil War threatened to derail any rebuilding the InnerSphere militaries hoped to accomplish in the near term. The Free Worlds League which had served as the main supplier of advanced lostech weaponry to the Great Houses since the Outreach Conference in 3051. The nation’s factional breakdown following the assassination of Captain-General Thomas Marik altered this arrangement. While a very small number of Marik industries continue to keep up their foreign contracts at this time most have diverted all military items to their own domestic war goals. Thankfully ComStar stepped forward to help fill this void by opening Terra and its numerous mothballed factories to its new anti-Clan allies. As part of the recently established Martial Accords the Order has agreed to provide Star League equipment in return for raw materials delivered from nearby Federated Commonwealth and Draconis Combine worlds. This new exchange in the Terran Corridor is rapidly replacing the missing equipment which the League would have provided. The situation also made possible some interesting opportunities for newcomers like Bullrun Concepts who have been granted sanctuary on Solaris VII. Their flagship redesign of the Locust, the LCT-4F, is now being built in partnership with OmniTech Industries on the Game World for the ComGuards and their allies.

   With ComStar assistance Bullrun engineers were able to obtain proper licensing from Bergan Industries as well as its partners in order to manufacturer the Locust on Terra. Thankfully this included rights to the Bergan VII Modified Endo Steel chassis which was introduced just a few years ago. This advanced lightweight frame based on the original Bergan VII provides crucial weight savings for the design and was made possible by existing orbital foundries long maintained in the Sol system. Like all the new ‘4 series’ Locusts the LCT-4F is built around an Extra Light Engine namely the LTV 160 XL. Newly manufactured on Solaris VII for this BattleMech it allows the Locust to maintain its traditional movement profile while saving even more mass for weaponry and equipment. The bulky nature of these lostech innovations which are high priced is a drawback for some who also cite the XL Engine’s fragility. Advocates respond that the already fragile nature of the twenty-ton BattleMech requires such an investment for survival on the modern battlefield and its vastly improved arsenal proves that. Mounting a Martell Extended-Range Large Laser in the center torso gives this Locust substantial direct firepower in close, and a reach farther than that of a standard PPC. In each arms a Martell Medium Laser was placed to provide supplemental fire for the new main laser making this Light BattleMech a real threat on the battlefield. Additionally, the heat sinks were doubled in strength to high-tech Star League ‘freezers’ which dissipate all waste heat on a running Alpha Strike. As a heat neutral design with its all-energy weapon arsenal means that this war machine can operate independently indefinitely making it an exceptional raider. Bullrun also made a point of modularizing what it could like the 4D and 4S designs allowing for relatively fast swaps of weapons if so desired. The 4F also returned to the somewhat superior protection of the four ton 1s/StarSlab armor plating which was featured originally on the 1V. While this is ninety-three percent of the theoretical maximum the limitations inherent to twenty-ton BattleMechs really prevent any amount of armor from being effective. So, while it is better than the 3M its speed and longer-range weaponry offer it the best protection such a design can get. The LCT-4F also retains the traditional electronic systems of the Locust which are still highly reliable after all these years of service.

   Previously the ComGuards utilized the LCT-1V Locust only sparingly as they primarily relied on the Star League Mercury and Thorn as their primary twenty-ton BattleMechs. Tukayyid altered that equation as this model is rapidly entering their depleted ranks as a tiny sniper. Divisions of the 12th Army were the first to receive new shipments of this BattleMech and the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. Welcomed by many as an ideal raider in future operations against the Clans it seems to be paired well with its light brethren in the Order. While some advocate for the discontinuation of these ultra-light designs in favor of heavier twenty-five ton designs their rapid construction provides a continuous source of replacement equipment.
   While the AFFC sees this in much the same way it utilizes the 4F less than its natively manufactured 4D and 4S Locusts. While these designs are available to its anti-Clan allies production realities and native pride do play a significant factor in its deployment outside the Order. This can be clearly seen in AFFS and LCAF units who prefer their own Locusts over those of outsiders. What is left of the Rasalhague Kungsarme being more dependent on ComStar for any assistance that it may provide has incorporated a number of these Locusts into its remaining units. Select mercenaries in the service of ComStar like Brion’s Legion and the Bluecoats also have been spotted utilizing the LCT-4F. Once refits for the Martial Alliance have been completed and eventual expansion of this new facility occurs it is assumed that Solaris Gladiators will be seen piloting this new ‘4’ series model in the arenas.

Type: LCT-4F Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:          EndoSteel            1
Engine:            160 XL            3
   Walking MP:         8
   Running MP:         12
   Jumping MP:         0
Heat Sinks:            10 (20)               0
Gyro:                              2
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            64               4

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            8
   Center Torso           6            10 / 2
   R/L Torso         5            8 / 2
   R/L Arm         3            4
   R/L Leg         4            8

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
ER Large Laser         Center Torso      2      5
Medium Laser            Right Arm      1      1
Medium Laser            Left Arm      1      1

Cost = 2,656,000 C-bills
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Hominid Mk II on January 25, 2022, 08:49:35 PM
I'm guessing the LCT-4F draws at least a little inspiration from the Hussar? If so, that's a definite plus, in my book at least. (Second favourite light 'Mech and all that.)
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on January 25, 2022, 10:12:27 PM
I'm guessing the LCT-4F draws at least a little inspiration from the Hussar? If so, that's a definite plus, in my book at least. (Second favourite light 'Mech and all that.)

Essentially it is a lighter version of the Hussar. You are correct sir!
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on January 26, 2022, 03:53:06 PM
is for me Inner Sphere.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 01, 2022, 03:52:25 PM
Well folks I am sorry to say that I failed to meet my January deadline but we are that much closer here in February. Work is coming together as you can see here with another Locust writeup completed today for your review. That is 6 out of 9 completed although corrections still have to be made. So please be patient, things are coming along. 
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 01, 2022, 03:53:45 PM

Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Bergan VII Modified Endo Steel
Power Plant: LTV 160 XL
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 130 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: 1s/StarSlab Standard Armor
Armament: 1 Martell Medium Laser
   2 Holly LRM-5s
Manufacturer: Achernar BattleMechs
   Primary Factory: New Avalon
Communications System: Garret T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

   The Federated Suns have preferred to use the ‘LRM Locust’ since the official creation of the LCT-1M variant during the first days of the Star League. Using the fast BattleMech’s speed while maintaining distance dramatically enhanced its tactical effectiveness and survival. The AFFS, in particular, successfully employed this variant for over four hundred and seventy-five years spreading it throughout the Inner Sphere. The enduring Davion fondness for this light harasser could be seen in the lostech development of the LCT-3D which debuted just before the start of the Clan Invasion. Bullrun Concepts came up with their own enhanced LRM model and eventually approached Achernar BattleMechs with a plan to license it. Impressed by the potential of this optimized design and with the full blessings of Prince Hanse Davion both companies quickly agreed to terms. This decision has not been without controversy as certain conservative elements in the Draconis and Capellan Marches still prefer the 3D. While Achernar has quickly shifted to full production of the 4D to meet the demands of the Regular Army it has continued manufacturing refit kits for the 3D. This approach has thus far satisfied everyone involved but could cause a conflict if demand for the 4D continues to rise.

   Using the Bergan VII Modified Endo Steel chassis originally developed for the LCT-3D allowed for a readily available skeletal BattleMech structure. The rapid creation of new LTV 160 XL Engine for this and the other Locust Four series models was made possible by handsome support from the Martial Alliance and the New Avalon Institute of Science (NAIS). Together these two components compose the core of this light fast BattleMech which has been modernized for today’s battlefield. Other things like the 1s/StarSlab Standard Armor and the electronic systems remain unchanged from the original LCT-1V. Of course, the 4D is more comparable to the LCT-1M variant and the more recent lostech LCT-3D. Like those long-range missile carriers the centrally mounted Martell Medium Laser has been retained along with Holly LRM-5 Long Range Missile Launchers located in each arm. These missile packs are fed by a ton of ammunition each giving this Locust two dozen rounds of sustained fire. This is considered a major improvement especially in light of the Clan deficiency in that area as the previous versions only featured half as much ammo. Critics are quick to point out the fragility of the design which could be poorly suited for more ordinance. However, considering its designated battlefield role as a raider and harasser this enhanced logistical endurance seems very proper. Another cause for criticism is the inclusion of Double Heat Sinks which are expensive and unnecessary for the concept itself. These ‘freezers’ make it impossible for the BattleMech to overheat, even after being struck by a Flamer or Inferno missiles and suffering critical damage to the engine. More importantly is their mere presence on this design which facilitates semi-modular weapon swaps. Rapid switching to the shorter-ranged 4S is relatively easy while the laser heavy 4F requires a bit more work. While not a true OmniMech, like the Clans field, this pre-modular configuration allows for easier maintenance and operation.

   All new LCT-4D Locust production has been slated for premier light units in the AFFS and AFFC units like the Davion Light Guards and Deneb Light Cavalry. A majority of these forces are currently serving along the remainder of the Tamar March where they frequently raid positions in the Clan Occupation Zone. After action reports from the first wave of Operation White Knight are still coming in as of this writing but we know that the Light Guards as part of the Davion Expeditionary Forces (DEF) took part in at least one such attack. Aimed at the liberation of FedCom prisoners and disruption of Clan operations in the InnerSphere these efforts will hopefully seize the momentum from the now Truce bound Invaders.
   It should be noted that the LCT-3D is still preferred by more conservative elements in the Federated Suns. Duke Sandoval and the Draconis March are by far the largest of these vocal dissidents but there is also a new group along the Taurian border. The Citizen for Davion Purity (CDP) are very wary of Taurian involvement with the LCT-4D and have repeatedly cited heavy raiding by the Concordat in the wake of the Landmark Incident as a reason to stick with ‘native designed Davion’ products. The newly reconstituted LCAF seems to share some of these concerns and is stubbornly sticking with its own 4S. None of this seems to have not stopped the ComGuards, the St. Ives Compact, the Rasalhague Kungsarme, and various mercenary groups from ordering future production of the 4D.

Type: LCT-4D Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:          EndoSteel         1
Engine:               160 XL         3
   Walking MP:         8
   Running MP:         12
   Jumping MP:         0
Heat Sinks:            10 (20)         0
Gyro:                           2
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            64            4

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            8
   Center Torso        6            10 / 2
   R/L Torso         5            8 / 2
   R/L Arm         3            4
   R/L Leg         4            8

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
LRM-5            Right Arm      1      2
Ammo (LRM) 24         Right Arm      1      1
LRM-5            Left Arm      1      2
Ammo (LRM) 24         Left Arm      1      1
Medium Laser         Center Torso      1      1

Cost = 2,440,000 C-Bills
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Hominid Mk II on February 02, 2022, 12:56:19 AM
Big improvement over the LCT-1M. But then pretty much anything would be an improvement over that deathtrap! :P
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Bradshaw on February 02, 2022, 09:01:42 AM
Too much ammo imo
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: muttley on February 02, 2022, 04:03:25 PM
Drop to 1 ton total instead of 1 ton per launcher and add another medium laser?
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 02, 2022, 05:07:10 PM
You could also go to a Medium Pulse Laser too. ;)


Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Bergan VII Modified Endo Steel
Power Plant: LTV 160 XL
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 130 kph
Jump Jets: None
   Jump Capacity: None
Armor: 1s/StarSlab Standard Armor
Armament: 1 Defiance B3M Medium Laser
   2 Holly SRM-4s
Manufacturer: Defiance Industries
   Primary Factory: Furillo
Communications System: Garret T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

   The LCT-4S is the direct descendant of the LCT-1S and the 3S who followed that in 3049. This new design has been completely optimized with modern technology by Bullrun Concepts for the best possible performance. This ‘4’ series model which is now entering production on Furillo has been welcomed by Defiance Industries and some within the reassembling Steiner El-Caf. However, certain Lyran traditionalists who are perhaps the most reluctant to accept any such ‘new Ultra-light’ designs have been easily the most vocal critics of the entire upgrade process. Some assert that the 3S was solid enough and further investment should have been made in more effective heavier ‘Mechs which could in theory push back against the Clans. While such disapproval was expected certain elements who are seeking to undermine the Federated Commonwealth alliance and the recently concluded Martial Accords have cited the development of the 4S specifically as part of their increasingly harsh political rhetoric. Led by Duke Ryan Steiner of Porrima this potentially subversive group has been thus far been stymied by the Archon’s full-throated endorsement. Backing her words with actions Melissa has directly slated the immediate assignment of this new Locust to specific Lyran units. Only time will tell who will ultimately triumphant in this growing war of words.

   Like its sister Four Series designs the 4S uses the Bergan VII Modified Endo Steel chassis that was originally developed for the LCT-3S. Mating this readily available skeletal structure with the newly manufactured LTV 160 XL was expertly carried out by Bullrun Concepts of Solaris VII. This enabled the best possible weight savings that the Locust could benefit from at this time for maximum design capability. There were older components from the LCT-1V that have been retained like the four tons of 1s/StarSlab Standard Armor and the electronic systems. Defiance did upgrade the centrally mounted Medium Laser with their own model and choose two Holly SRM-4s to provide the main firepower. This move away from the Streak models of the 3S can do more damage or heat if Mechwarriors choose to utilize inferno rounds. Most preferred this exchange despite the loss of accuracy not to mention the semi-modularity of the weapon mounts. This allows for rapid swaps of the arm mounted missile racks and even switching of the central mount to alternative energy weapons which includes TAGs. To facilitate this possible substitution ten Double Heat Sinks were included on the 4S, that like the 4D, makes it impossible for the BattleMech to overheat. Engine damage combined with external fire from inferno rounds or flamers unless extreme will not produce negative consequences for this Locust.

   Two new units currently assembling on Tharkad and Bolan were the first to receive the new LCT-4S. The Steiner Huscarls and the Bolan Scouts are both attempting to build on the proud Lyran traditions of the Stealths and Tamar Tigers. These elite regiments expertly fielded such light BattleMechs long ago and Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion has decreed that their high-speed tactics shall return to the reforming LCAF once more in these latest formations. Duke Ryan Steiner backed by other traditionalists have used these plans as fodder for their own propaganda. According to them fool hearty policies like this will result in further deaths for Lyran Mechwarriors who will be increasingly sacrificed to the Clan juggernaut. 
   These LCT-4S designs might not be the first to see battle however as some have been routed to friendly mercenary unit accustomed to using such light ‘Mechs like Eridani Light Horse. The Deneb Light Cavalry of the AFFC has also received a shipment as of this writing and as both commands are serving in the remainder of the Tamar March on the Clan border it is likely they will see action first. Significant foreign sales have also been scheduled in the future for both the ComGuards and the Rasalhague Kungsarme who are rebuilding following the Clan invasion. Limited sales have also been slated for the AFFS and the St. Ives Compact who are also looking to augment their forces as well.

Type: LCT-4S Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:          EndoSteel            1
Engine:            160 XL            3
   Walking MP:         8
   Running MP:         12
   Jumping MP:         0
Heat Sinks:            10 (20)               0
Gyro:                              2
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            64               4

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            8
   Center Torso           6            10 / 2
   R/L Torso         5            8 / 2
   R/L Arm         3            4
   R/L Leg         4            8

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
SRM-4               Right Arm      1      2
Ammo (SRM) 25         Right Arm      1      1
SRM-4               Left Arm      1      2
Ammo (SRM) 25         Left Arm      1      1
Medium Laser            Center Torso      1      1

Cost = 2,512,000 C-Bills
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Bradshaw on February 02, 2022, 05:14:41 PM
That gets into your rear you're feeling sore in the morning  ;)

Would do same with ammo. A TAG might work
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Hominid Mk II on February 02, 2022, 06:20:38 PM
For both the LCT-4D and the LCT-4S concepts, I think I'd halve the quantity of ammo, add CASE protection for what remains and add another half-ton of armor. Won't really make a lot of difference to combat effectiveness, but it could make the difference between life and death for the pilot.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on February 03, 2022, 03:34:17 PM
but there is also a new group along the Taurian border. The Citizen for Davion Purity (CDP) are very wary of Taurian involvement with the LCT-4D and have repeatedly cited heavy raiding by the Concordat in the wake of the Landmark Incident as a reason to stick with ‘native designed Davion’ products.

I think they are more in the Periphery border (the one not bordering the Taurian Concordat) and weren't they focusing more on Davion-Steiner?
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on February 03, 2022, 03:35:45 PM
That gets into your rear you're feeling sore in the morning  ;)

Would do same with ammo. A TAG might work

Or a MASC!!!

But what else did you expect from an Ice Hellion? 8)
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 05, 2022, 09:11:20 AM
but there is also a new group along the Taurian border. The Citizen for Davion Purity (CDP) are very wary of Taurian involvement with the LCT-4D and have repeatedly cited heavy raiding by the Concordat in the wake of the Landmark Incident as a reason to stick with ‘native designed Davion’ products.

I think they are more in the Periphery border (the one not bordering the Taurian Concordat) and weren't they focusing more on Davion-Steiner?

FM Federated Suns says differently, in fact under the Warren CMM their infantry brigade commander is suspected of having ties to the group.

That gets into your rear you're feeling sore in the morning  ;)

Would do same with ammo. A TAG might work

Or a MASC!!!

But what else did you expect from an Ice Hellion? 8)

Don't worry, will get there soon Ice Hellion. ;)
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 05, 2022, 09:12:54 AM

Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Bergan VII
Power Plant: LTV 160 XL
Cruising Speed: 86 kph
Maximum Speed: 130 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Durallex Nova Ferro Fibrous
Armament: 4 Martell Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Bergan Industries
   Primary Factory: Dieron (refits only)
Communications System: Garret T10-B with C3 Slave and Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 911

   The fall of Alshain during the Clan Invasion left the Draconis Combine without any Locust production lines. With the threat remaining and hundreds of these Light ‘Mechs still in-service House Kurita was very interested in possible upgrades. When the Martial Alliance approached its membership with Bullrun Concepts LCT-4 variants the DCMS was intrigued. The Dragon faced a unique set of circumstances and had some new technology that these designers had not seen. Quickly recognizing the potential of the C3 Network especially when paired with the fast Locust they quickly set to work on a new Draconis variant. The availability of certain industrial facilities and materials along with their lack of others would mark the Dragon’s modernized Locust. This model while sharing some design similarities with its Four-series brethren would also be quite unique. Ultimately, a profitable licensing agreement was concluded between Bergan Industries and Bullrun Concepts that allowed the parent company of the Locust to endure in Kurita space. Buoyed by this contract Bergan opened its latest facility on Dieron in late 3052 to expedite the creation of the LCT-4K. For the time being this new design will consist exclusively of existing Locusts retrofitted at this complex. It is hoped that this burgeoning industry will one day give birth to a dedicated BattleMech factory on planet capable of manufacturing new Locusts for the DCMS. 

   With new construction impossible at this time the basis for the 4K continues to be the venerable Bergan VII internal structure. While EndoSteel was unavailable for this overhaul the introduction of the newly produced LTV 160 XL by Bullrun Concepts on Solaris did save a significant amount of mass. This was supplemented by three and a half tons of Durallex Nova Ferro Fibrous manufactured on Quentin. This bulky lostech armor generates nearly the same protection as the original four-ton armored belt did on the original LCT-1V. The inclusion of Double Heat Sinks occupied most of the rest of the unclaimed internal slots in the BattleMech. These ‘freezers’ dissipated all the waste heat generated by movement and weaponry which was composed entirely of lasers. Four Martell Medium Lasers provide limitless short-range firepower which can be pretty substantial. While this offensive punch is impactful it is the sophisticated electronics equipment that makes this BattleMech special. The Garret T10-B communications has been successfully mated with the C3 Slave and Guardian ECM Suite. The proprietary C3 technology allows Draconis units in a lance or company sized network concentrate their attacks. Together with the Electronic Countermeasures, which safeguard friendly C3 transmissions, this Locust can effectively serve as the point ‘Mech for Kurita contingents giving them a powerful edge on the modern battlefield. As this is exclusive technology fielded only by the Combine at this point this design lacks the semi-modular nature of the other Bullrun Four Series Locusts.

   Initial refits of the LCT-4K Locust were immediately tasked for the light battalions of the Sword of Light units. The 2nd, 5th, and 7th regiments all feature these formations which have now been augmented by active C3 linked lances. Company level organization is proving a bit more difficult but the Dragon has recently prioritized the creation of such units. The next troops which may see the 4K in their ranks maybe the Dieron Regulars who are home to this refit effort. Many of these units are serving as so-call Draconis Irregulars along the Clan Occupation Zone. This informal designation denotes the unprecedented redeployment of District forces from their native lands to the Pesht and Benjamin Military commands. With all the highly sensitive C3 technology involved on this build it is unlikely that any models will be available beyond the Combine’s borders. This is a warning sign to some critics of the Martial Alliance who have condemned the Dragon’s lack of total commitment to the anti-Clan treaty.

Type: LCT-4K Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:                         2
Engine:            160 XL             3
   Walking MP:         8
   Running MP:         12
   Jumping MP:         0               0
Heat Sinks:            10 (20)               0
Gyro:                              2
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            63               3.5

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            8
   Center Torso           6            9 / 2
   R/L Torso         5            8 / 2
   R/L Arm         3            4
   R/L Leg         4            8

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
C3 Slave            Head         1      1
Guardian ECM Suite         Center Torso      2      1.5
2 Medium Lasers         Right Arm      2      2
2 Medium Lasers         Left Arm      2      2

Cost = 3,059,200 C-bills
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on February 05, 2022, 03:51:06 PM
The proprietary C3 technology allows Draconis units in a lance or company sized network concentrate their attacks.

to concentrate

The next troops which may see the 4K in their ranks maybe the Dieron Regulars who are home to this refit effort.

may be
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 06, 2022, 07:49:11 AM

Mass: 20 tons
Chassis: Corean-II Delux Endo Steel
Power Plant: Hermes 240 XL
Cruising Speed: 130 kph
Maximum Speed: 194 kph, 259 kph w/MASC
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Kallon FWL Special Ferro Fibrous
Armament: 2 Martell Medium Lasers
   1 Magna Small Laser
Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises
   Primary Factory: Stewart
Communications System: Garret T10-B
Targeting and Tracking System: Corean CalcMaster

   While there was significant resistance to invest in any further upgrade to the LCT-3M Locust the drive toward design optimization by the Federated Commonwealth and the subsequent breakdown of order in the Free Worlds League quickly altered that thinking. Focusing on maximizing the speed of this iconic Light ‘Mech the designers at Corean together with renegade ComStar Techs hit upon an engine that was readily available and would dramatically increase the movement profile of the Locust. This upgrade would restore the BattleMech’s traditional place in the Inner Sphere as the fastest around. While schematics were quickly drawn up negotiations to procure necessary components now spread across three separate Provinces proved more complex during the 3rd Marik Civil War. Luckily enough parts were available in order to manufacturer a limited first run which proved to all parties that such an endeavor was in fact highly desirable.

   Largely based off the 3M this new faster Locust shares many of its predecessor’s components. This ranged from older parts like the Martell Medium Laser and the Magna Small Laser as well as myomers and other core electronics to advanced technologies like Corean-II Delux Endo Steel and Kallon FWL Special Ferro Fibrous. While there were minor snags in obtaining consistent supplies for certain items, like the Garret T10-B electronics manufactured in the Dalton system which was under the aegis of Oriente, all components were available. Perhaps the most important of these was the Hermes 240 XL original used on the RFL-5M Rifleman manufactured on Thermopolis. This lostech power plant in production since 3049 had proliferated quickly throughout the Free Worlds League and were obtained relatively easily for this upgrade. Weighing as much as the old LTV 180 Fusion Engine this new reactor enabled the new 4M Locust to walk as quickly as the 1V ran. While a three-ton gyroscope had to replace the older ton model in order to maintain balance this slight increase was considered worth it in order to improve the design. With a maximum speed approaching two hundred kilometers per hour the only thing more impressive was the nearly two hundred and sixty kilometer per hour speed burst provided by its Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry. The General Motors MASC-B is made on Irian and is mounted in the center torso to provide the best possible speed for this twenty-ton BattleMech. Each arm is equipped with a Martell Medium Laser and one Magna Small Laser is fitted to the center torso for weaponry. This all-energy arsenal while small and short range does not require reload allowing for extended deployments behind enemy lines. Ten standard Heat Sinks were retained to cope with any waste heat generated from movement and weapons fire. These time-tested devices do an able job in dispersing all such overheating keeping this new Locust cool in battle. Finally, three and a half tons of Kallon FWL Special Ferro Fibrous is a slight improvement over the 3M. This armor protection is very near that of the original LTV-1V which is near maximum for a twenty-ton chassis. Still its best defense against various battlefield threats is its massive speed advantage which now exceeds even the Clan Dasher.

   First sent to Minister-General Paul Marik’s loyal forces in the 3rd Marik Civil War this new Locust was soon doled out to other friendly supporters. Making technical specs for in the field retrofitting available to certain regional factions who pledged themselves to his daughter’s, Corrine Marik, cause assured their loyalty. One of these worlds was Stewart whose Dragoons were well outfitted as a result of their special relationship to the Marik. Rumors also say that a few also were destined for Wrath of Blake Divisions being assembled in the Marik Commonwealth. This may account for the small number originally destined for Oriente but held up by ‘interstellar shipping issues caused by the Civil War’. Many suspect that Paul is wary of offending the Capellan Chancellor who currently holds Corrine Marik captive somewhere in the Confederation.

Type: LCT-4M Locust
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 20 tons

Equipment                           Mass
Internal Structure:          EndoSteel            1
Engine:            240 XL            6
   Walking MP:         12
   Running MP:         18 (24)
   Jumping MP:         0               0
Heat Sinks:            10               0
Gyro:                              3
Cockpit:                           3
Armor Factor:            63               3.5

            Internal Structure      Armor Value
   Head            3            8
   Center Torso           6            9 / 2
   R/L Torso         5            8 / 2
   R/L Arm         3            4
   R/L Leg         4            8

Weapons and Ammo:      Location      Criticals   Mass
Small Laser             Center Torso      1      .5
MASC               Center Torso      1      1
Medium Laser            Right Arm      1      1
Medium Laser            Left Arm      1      1

Cost = 3,553,500 C-bills
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on February 06, 2022, 12:57:37 PM
Apart from the Small Laser, it is perfect.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 06, 2022, 03:20:43 PM
Great, I'll make the grammar corrections you guys pointed out and start complying this thing.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Bradshaw on February 07, 2022, 12:24:51 PM
Something that fast, I'd replace small laser with recon camera or remote sensors.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Hominid Mk II on February 07, 2022, 10:03:21 PM
Put me down for the Recon Camera.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 08, 2022, 05:18:20 PM
Which cover do you guys like better?
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Hominid Mk II on February 08, 2022, 08:06:17 PM
Number 1.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: David CGB on February 08, 2022, 08:16:30 PM
#2 is much better then #1
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 08, 2022, 08:47:56 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll also add this 3rd version for your consideration.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: drakensis on February 09, 2022, 03:10:26 AM

the designers at Corean, together with renegade ComStar Techs, hit upon an engine that was readily available

While schematics were quickly drawn up, negotiations to procure necessary components now spread across three separate Provinces proved more complex during the 3rd Marik Civil War, with sources spread across three separate provinces. Luckily, enough parts were available in order to manufacturer a limited first run, which proved to all parties that such an endeavor was in fact highly desirable.

Largely based off the 3M, this new faster Locust shares many of its predecessor’s components.

Weighing as much as the old LTV 180 Fusion Engine, this new reactor enabled the new 4M Locust to walk as quickly as the 1V ran.

While a three-ton gyroscope had to replace the older two ton model in order to maintain balance, this slight increase was considered worth it in order to improve the design.

With a maximum speed approaching two hundred kilometers per hour, the only thing more impressive was the nearly two hundred and sixty kilometer per hour speed burst provided by its Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry.

Each arm is equipped with a Martell Medium Laser and one Magna Small Laser is fitted to the center torso for weaponry. This all-energy arsenal, while small and short range, does not require reload allowing for extended deployments behind enemy lines.

These time-tested devices do an able job in dispersing all such overheating keeping this new Locust cool in battle.

Still Its best defense against various battlefield threats is still its massive speed advantage, which now exceeds even the Clan Dasher.

First sent to Minister-General Paul Marik’s loyal forces in the 3rd Marik Civil War, this new Locust was soon doled out to other friendly supporters.

Making technical specs for in the field-retrofitting available to certain regional factions who pledged themselves to his daughter's, Corrine Marik, cause assured their loyalty.

One of these worlds was Stewart, whose Dragoons were well outfitted as a result of their special relationship to the Marik.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on February 09, 2022, 05:11:46 AM
Not 3.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 09, 2022, 05:35:16 AM
Not 3.

Can you be more specific?
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Ice Hellion on February 09, 2022, 03:51:28 PM
Can you be more specific?

Yes. The title is more difficult to read because of the writing and the choice of colours.
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 09, 2022, 04:04:43 PM
What color or colors would you prefer for the title?
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Bradshaw on February 10, 2022, 09:03:36 AM
the main image is way to blurry imo, what was the size of your base image and did you make it bigger or smaller?
Title: Re: Optimizing the Locust!
Post by: Takiro on February 10, 2022, 01:06:48 PM
That is the PNG effect to get it posted here. It looks better in full.