January 23, 3053
Engadine system, Federated Commonwealth
During a recent bandit raid on the system ComStar Explorer Corps reported the appearance of an unknown type Jumpship and Dropship entering from an unmapped Pirate point on January 20th 0500 hours local time. All attempts at hailing the ships proved fruitless. Jump Signature suggests size equivalent to Invader class Jumpship. Unknown aerodyne dropship landed on planet and engaged raiding pirates. Size suggests 8 to 10k ton hull.
With an unknown battlearmor variant supported by company of unknown BattleMech designs hostile forces destroyed hostile bandit company with little to no battle damage. Technology compares to LosTech seen in recent years no salvage equipment found to confirm witness reports. After the engagement several unknown personal was reported to sprint from the local woodlands and entered the dropship. Unknown if local slaves or opposing agents. Members of the 22nd Skye Rangers were unable to deploy due to suspected sabotage from either the bandit or unknown power’s forces.
Image attached of forces. Infantry with BattleMech support were only forces spotted. Insignia on low resolution camera from near by hiker indicates a sun or star burst, unable to match to known decals.
Request updated orders on event.
Leftenant General Francisco de Argall
Legionnaire Combat Drone
Mass: 40 tons
Power Plant: 200 XL
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Jump Jets: Standard
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Standard
1 ER Large Laser
2 Medium Laser
1 Flamer
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Cost: 5,716,527 C-bills
Battle Value: 967
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure 4
Engine 200 XL 4.5
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 4
Double Heat Sink 11 [22] 1
Gyro 2
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor 136 8.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 12 18
Center Torso (rear) 5
R/L Torso 10 16
R/L Torso (rear) 4
R/L Arm 6 12
R/L Leg 10 20
Weapons Location Critical Heat Tonnage
ER Large Laser RA 2 12 5.0
Flamer RA 1 3 1.0
Medium Laser RT 1 3 1.0
Medium Laser LT 1 3 1.0
Recon Camera HD 1 - 0.5
Drone Operating System CT 1 - 4.5
Remote Sensors/Dispenser CT 1 - 0.5
ECM Suite LT 2 - 1.5
Double Heat Sink LT 3 - 1.0
Double Heat Sink RT 3 - 1.0
Double Heat Sink RA 3 - 1.0
2 Jump Jets LT 2 - 1.0
2 Jump Jets RT 2 - 1.0
Playing around with new Strato Minis Studio release. Liked the look decided to come up with Battletech fluff for it as its geared for 15mm wargaming.