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Author Topic: Optimizing the Spider  (Read 7546 times)

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Re: Optimizing the Spider
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2019, 07:21:48 PM »

Very nice Ice!

This contest is shaping up to be a pretty tough one for me to judge. Two more days left for entries!!


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Re: Optimizing the Spider
« Reply #31 on: October 25, 2019, 06:05:39 AM »

Final day folks!


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Re: Optimizing the Spider
« Reply #32 on: October 26, 2019, 12:16:34 AM »

Figure that all entries have to be completed and posted on these forums by Friday October 25, 2019 by 11:59 PM which should give you all a full two weeks for this contest, good luck!!

And that is that. No more entries please. This contest has been concluded.


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Re: Optimizing the Spider
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2019, 08:14:17 AM »

What a tangled web our six designers wove with their thirty-eight different designs. It was a massive task to untangle all of these challengers which began with a basic summary of each followed by a faction list ranking. After determining which was best in each category everything was grouped together from also rans to near misses and finally the winners.

N/A. SDR-C [Bradshaw]
This Clan tech entry was disqualified as it clearly did not meet the Tech Base requirements for this challenge. What drakensis did with his successful COM-4V Commando was use all InnerSphere equipment and did so in a way that the Clans would get use out of it. This could have been done here with the Spider but unfortunately was not.

37. SDR-6FC3 [Abele]
   This light hitting harasser armed with an AC/5 and a Medium Laser was interesting even if its jump mobility had to be reduced to 6 MP in order to make everything fit. Not too shabby but without fluff gets left all the way down here.

36. SDR-6FC4 [Abele]
While even a lighter hitter than the 6FC3 the increased range of the AC/2 along with the superior mobility of 8 jump jets and another ton of ferro fibrous armor is very intriguing, Unfortunately, there was no fluff which left it here.

35. SDR-6L [Abele]
   This Raven like Capellan sniper has potential with five tons of armor, an ER PPC, Medium Laser and Guardian ECM Suite but once again featured no fluff. Generally didn’t love the slower than 8/12/8 Spiders in this contest but this one wasn’t bad.

34. SDR-6FC2 [Abele]
   One of the FedCom upgrades presented by Abele almost featured better in the ComGuard Large Pulse Laser contest than here. Losing two jump jets and mounting a 240XL Engine allowed him to place one Large Pulse Laser on this machine with four and half tons of armor. Too bad there was no fluff.

33. SDR-6M [Abele]
A slightly faster and more mobile Spider (9/14/9) from House Marik would have presumably used the same Fusion Engine from the Phoenix Hawk. An EndoSteel chassis, five and a half tons of armor were joined by a Medium Pulse, two Medium Lasers, and a Flamer. Just wish there was some fluff.

32. SDR-6K [Abele]
This Spider with its same base movement (8/12/8), an EndoSteel chassis, four and half tons of armor and four Medium Pulse Lasers may be more efficient than the slightly heavier Venom. This might just spark another improve the Venom thread soon!

31. SDR-10K [Abele]
   A faster, more mobile Kurita Spider (10/15/10) uses an EndoSteel chassis, five tons of Ferro Fibrous armor, and a C3 Slave to improve the machines performance. Two Medium Lasers were retained meaning it has the same arsenal however which could be better.

30. SDR-6M2 [Abele]
An even better Marik version of Abele’s slight faster Spider (9/14/9) with EndoSteel chassis and five and a half tons of armor. What I liked best here so much was the damage provided by five Medium Lasers as well as the heat curve. A jumping Alpha Strike generates 24 on the scale which is too hot for the 10 (20) Double Heat Sinks but not enough to produce any negative side effects. A walking Alpha Strike the next turn would eliminate any overheat completely while running would leave a slight +1 overheat. Very manageable. You could have been a contender here Abele with a little bit of fluff.

29. SDR-6FC [Abele]
   While I am not a fan of Small Pulse Lasers over Medium Lasers this FedCom variant which split the armament between two Small Pulses and four Mediums ain’t bad. It certainly upgrades the Spiders firepower and makes it useful versus infantry which is a bonus. Five and half tons of armor protect it well and it retains the Spiders fine movement profile (8/12/8) thanks to an XL Engine and an EndoSteel chassis. Again, it is most regrettable that this design had no fluff it might have won with almost anything as the design is so good.

28. SDR-6KSI [Ice Hellion]
   While nine Machine Guns are ammo reliant I don’t object to that so much as the dramatic loss of range here. Three hexes being your max this is almost exclusively an anti-infantry machine which is helped along by the Beagle Active Probe. Neat concept but also hurting you here is no C3 system. Nice proof of concept try though.

27. SDR-6KD [Ice Hellion]
   One of Ice Hellion’s many Kurita variants featuring a 240 XL Engine, EndoSteel chassis, Double Heat Sinks, along with five and a half tons of armor. First of let me complement you on the use of the C3 system which is a definite plus for the Spider. The reason I landed this design here is the twin SRM-4s don’t feel very Spider like. The all energy weapon nature of the Spider is a really plus to me as it doesn’t require ammunition that needs resupply. Keeping the Medium Laser here helps that a bit but chalk it up to excellent competition. Fluff is first rate Ice and builds on past contests as well as putting out some tantalizing plot hooks.

26. SDR-6KC [Ice Hellion]
   Again, love the fluff here in even a small mention explaining that it is too match some of the Davion designs we’ve already done. The C3 system was a great choice I have to say as it allows this machine to hang back and take advantage of its range advantage. However, I just don’t see this as a Spider despite the identical movement profile because of its ammo dependency.

25. SDR-6KE [Ice Hellion]
   With three Medium Lasers I like this one a bit better than Ice’s other would be Spidey missile carriers. Pluses for fluff, C3 integration on a Draconis design, and keeping most of the Spider feel. Except for the SRMs I do like this design a bit better.

24. SDR-6KF [Ice Hellion]
   Armed with two Medium Lasers and five Small Lasers this ambusher can get close thanks to its maneuverability (8/12/8) and Guardian ECM Suite. A C3 Slave allows for it to coordinate with lance mates while five and a half tons of armor can help it survive. Not bad.

23. SDR-6KG [Ice Hellion]
   While we lose two Machine Guns for a C3 Slave it could certainly be worth it. Its Beagle Active Probe can help find trouble and its lance mates could help out. Dangerous job though but possible for this upgrade.

22. SDR-6KS [Ice Hellion]
   Well overcoming some of the tiny range objections with eleven Small Lasers this may be the hardest hitting Spider yet. While there is no C3 system I do like the addition of the Guardian ECM Suite which in combination with its high movement rate (8/12/8) makes this machine a truly scary ambush predator. Not bad.

21. SDR-6KR [Ice Hellion]
   Of your ones that just didn’t make it Ice this mobile ER PPC armed sniper equipped with a C3 Slave is most intriguing. Long range hitting power could certainly help C3 Spider Lances working as a team. While I suppose a Spider could function in this way perhaps other designs might be better suited to function in this fashion.

20. SDR-6K [Bradshaw]
   This pretty tame refit utilizing only EndoSteel, Double Heat Sinks, and four tons of Ferro Fibrous armor as lostech upgrades. Don’t let me forget the C3 Slave too as a new innovation all of which is done pretty well. Two Medium Lasers remain with this slight upgrade which was really only beat out by more sophisticated competition here.

19. SDR-7M2 [Bradshaw]
This max armor Spider reminds me a lot of your 6K Bradshaw as it doesn’t use much lostech in the way of upgrades. Not a bad thing overall but when the high tech designs come out to play here you got left behind, sorry.

18. SDR-1Sb [Bradshaw]
    I appreciate this historic could have been Bradshaw but it may be overlooked on the modern battlefield. Don’t get me wrong it could have been effective even against the Clans as it is faster (9/14/9) and well equipped with an EndoSteel chassis, four tons of armor, three Medium Lasers, Small Laser, and a Beagle Active Probe. Not a huge fan of the Anti-Missile System either but without a current faction it is hard to place this one.

Near Misses

17. SDR-6C [Bradshaw]
   The runner up in the Liao category was somewhat of a sniper with its single ER Large Laser. I won’t make too much out of not using the correct prefix for the Capellans which is ‘L’ not ‘C’ but what I don’t love is the Anti-Missile System. I would have rather more armor or an advanced electronic like a Guardian ECM in its place. That being said you were beat out by one other Capellan Spider.

16 & 15. SDR-6K1 & 6K2 [masterarminas]
   This Kurita sniper variant is a bit better with either a Beagle Active Probe or Guardian ECM depending on the model. Only thing I didn’t love here was your lack of a C3 system which could have really aided these long-range variants. In short you got beat by a model that did a bit better.

14. SDR-7M [Bradshaw]
   Another simple 240 Fusion upgrade using EndoSteel and three tons of Ferro-Fibrous which I liked with four Medium Lasers which are generally but not always preferable to Medium Pulses. However, you were beat out by other Marik upgrades even though yours were perhaps the easiest to pull off.

13. SDR-6M [Bradshaw]
    Nice job using the upgraded Orion’s 300 XL Engine for a superfast and highly mobile (10/15/10) Spider. Four tons of Ferro Fibrous offers pretty good protection in addition to the superior speed and maneuverability. Plus, you retained the two Medium Lasers and even added a Small Laser which is not bad. Unfortunately, a couple of Marik entries were slightly better in my estimation.

12. SDR-6KA [Ice Hellion]
   Wow, six Medium Lasers and a C3 Slave on a Spider with its traditional movement profile (8/12/8) and five and a half tons armor. Very impressive with a running Alpha strike resulting in max damage (30) and heat natural status. Unfortunately, you just got beat out by other Kurita Medium Laser carriers in this contest bud.

11. SDR-7CS [Bradshaw]
   Armed only with a Beagle Active Probe, a Guardian ECM Suite, and a TAG this high tech ComGuard Spider reminds me a lot of the NARC JVN-10C Javelin outlined by drakensis in our last contest. Both aren’t bad ideas especially for the Battle of Tukayyid where Focht was surely looking for an edge but in a post Truce environment I am really looking for equipment that takes the next step in fighting the Clans rather than a one trick pony which is relatively easy to adapt to even for our honor bound friends of Kerensky.

10. SDR-6V [drakensis]
   This twin Large Laser carrier is certainly worthy of a top ten placement drakensis. The concept is very intriguing even though the lose of one jump jet is slightly irritating to my design OCD. In the end concerns about three tons of armor kept me from awarding you the top Marik price as this heavier hitter might draw more attention during battle. I am really sorry bud, this is a good one.

9. SDR-6D [Bradshaw]
The best FedCom design works off the same twin Large Laser concept as drakensis’ 6V but reduces the speed which is a design choice I didn’t care for. Sure, getting the Hatchetman engine to work here is plausible since it is available but I just didn’t like the slower Spider. That being said it still has its advantages but I would have liked to have seen the armor maxed which wasn’t done here instead of a TAG.

8. SDR-6R [Abele]
   You could have been a contender but without fluff this generic mercenary variant languishes just outside the winner’s circle. A damn shame too as this recon specialist with Guardian ECM Suite and Beagle Active Probe could have placed really easy. Two Medium Lasers, two Small Pulses, and four tons of Ferro Fibrous armor make for a pretty solid machine. Too bad there was no fluff!!

7. SDR-Katipo [Bradshaw]
   How do you come so close without winning here? Well just ask Bradshaw as this axe wielding Solaris Gladiator really doesn’t make it for a refit model which is what I am looking for but as a one-shot design it ain’t bad. Reducing the speed and mobility (7/11/7) by using a 210 Fusion Engine wasn’t something I was looking for but it works on the Game World. The EndoSteel chassis is available as are the four tons of armor and four Medium Lasers. Throw in a Hatchet and you have a nice gimmick Mech which we will probably see in our campaigns. Unfortunately it doesn’t give birth to a big line of variants bud, sorry.


6. SDR-6KB [Ice Hellion]
   This was the best Kurita sniper in my opinion as it swaps a Medium Laser for an ER Large and keeps the other Medium Laser in addition to a C3 Slave. Firepower was better than masterarminas 6K1 & 6K2 as well as the fact it can join this Spider C3 Lance that you’ve both created. Overheat is not a huge problem and is very manageable with movement. Big plus for you was the fluff bud which while encompassing eleven different non-omni designs was in my view the best. Tantalizing plot hooks, elimination of the no ejection system (nice job Mr. Wayne), and a solid base storyline is a good example of how you do it folks. You just managed to overcome my concerns about these snipers being light hitters with that Medium Laser and squeak this variant with acceptable firepower in, congrats!

5. SDR-10L [Irose]
   Great way to fill a need with this Liao TAG asset which is key for utilizing their upgraded Arrow IV carrying Catapult. It certainly is plausible to think that a Marik company would do business with their new ally and hence have a source to get 300 XL Fusion Engine from the new Orions thereby upgrading the Spider’s speed and mobility (10/15/10). The EndoSteel frame already exists as does the rest of this faster more maneuverable Spider’s venerable components. In universe there maybe more than a few supply disruptions keeping overall numbers down but I think this variant is here to stay. Good fluff and nice job!

4. SDR-9M [Irose]
   I never thought about utilizing the 270 XL Engine from the Phoenix Hawk to improve the Marik Spider’s quickness (9/14/9) but I wish I had. Combined with a Guardian ECM Suite that really fits the BattleMech’s role this concept was a winner to me. The EndoSteel chassis is already available and five tons of armor is a nice upgrade. Not sure I would have mounted a Flamer but I see where you are going with the three Medium Lasers perhaps being replaced one day with Extended Range models. Fluff is spot on here bud, really nice job, well done!

3&2. SDR-6K3&6K4 [masterarminas]
   For our bronze and silver medal Spiders I give you a two variant masterarminas electronic swap which I’ve seen him pull off so well before. The 6K3 and 6K4 work well together and in tandem with the other two Spider lance mates as detailed by Ice Hellion. Both of these forward operators have great armor protection thanks to six tons of standard plating and are the hardest hitting with four Medium Lasers. They also make use of existing components like EndoSteel and the 240 XL Engine (8/12/8) to maintain the classic performance of the Spider. The only difference is one model serves as a scout with the Beagle Active Probe and the other as a ECM or ECCM specialist with its Guardian ECM Suite. Fluff was straight on and well done!

1. SDR-6KM [Ice Hellion]
   The most innovative concept to me was this one by Ice Hellion which makes the Spider into an effective Command asset with the inclusion of a C3 Master. Now this is unorthodox for sure as such elements are often heavier because of their high target value but the superior mobility of the Spider (8/12/8) and the improved armor protection of this upgrade (5.5 tons) gives this unit reasonable survivability in my opinion. Plus, with the base two Medium Lasers there is a chance it could be discounted by an enemy as an older variant. Additionally, the C3 Master Computer’s TAG ability adds another aspect to this Spider which is super useful. Again, the fluff is superb and even goes on to discount any Command variants existing which the Dragon would be wise to do. The four winning Kurita variants presented here by Ice Hellion and masterarminas are all tied together by this one so the big winner is right here. Very well done!!

Great job everybody and I am working hard on a new contest which will surprise our designers a bit but it is mentioned in the review for those who want a head start. Hopefully it will be up tonight and should go on for a week. Thanks again for all your hard work and I look forward to seeing you soon on the next design contest.


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Re: Optimizing the Spider
« Reply #34 on: November 03, 2019, 04:05:26 PM »

Congrats all. No love for antimissiles huh I love them now that I know the new rules.
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Ice Hellion

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Re: Optimizing the Spider
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2019, 04:23:30 PM »

I won and with my least powerful variant?  8)

And for fluff, I do my best :P
« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 05:16:48 PM by Ice Hellion »

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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