I wasn't sure I had anything for this contest and then inspiration hit.
The VTR-10SIC is the latest version of the Victor being built by HildCo on St Ives. While the model features a few minor upgrades that improve the mech's firepower, protection and endurance, what is notable is the source of some of the equipment used on the mech. The original VTR-9D used components from the St Ives Compact and the Federated Commonwealth. With the restoration of Tao Mechworks on Styk, HildCo found themselves having difficulty acquire some of the components needed for the production of the Victor, which seems to be getting priority for components from the AFFC. The biggest problems were the O/P 3000 COMSET and O/P 1500 ARB, both of which were produced By Doering Electronics in the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth and the Durallex Heavy armor, which was sourced from Defiance Industries. Unfortunately they could only seem to source enough of these components to complete the Victors which were sold to the Federated Commonwealth. [Editors Note: The original contract called for the FC to have the right to purchase all of the Victor's produced by Hildco in exchange for provide the SIC with access to recovered Star League technology. Recently the AFFC has agreed to allow the SIMC to purchase 25% of the production output of the St Ives plant, but at the same time "shipping problems" reduced the supply of components from FC manufactures so that only the units designated for the AFFC could be completed.] Frustrated with the situation, HildCo began looking for alternative suppliers. They found a surprise match with the Taurian Concordat.
O/P Computer Electronics on Brinton produced the O/P 3000 COMSET and O/P 1500 ARB that were used on the VTR-9D. While initial efforts to purchase the systems was meet with suspicion by the Taurians, as talks progressed the two sides found a common ground. Both sides were unhappy with the Davions, the Taurians due to their traditional paranoia about the Federated Suns, and the St Ives due to their anger with the AFFC causing supply issues that threatened the safety of the Compact. Soon an agreement was reached between the two sides. The Concordat would supply HildCo with the necessary electronics for the Victor, as well as Ryerson Armor and Pinard Reaper Streak launchers. In exchange, the Compact would help the Concordat develop and introduce advanced Star League technologies, starting with speeding up the introduction of the Streak Launcher [Editor's Note: It is believed that the SIC aid saved about 2 years] and the development of CASE system needed by the Victor.
In addition changing the sourcing of several systems, the VTR-10SIC features several other improvements designed to make the Victor more effective in the urban areas that cover many compact worlds. By removing 5 heatsinks and switching to double strength models, the engineers freed up significant tonnage for other improvements, while simultaneously improving the mech's cooling system. The bulk of the freed up mass was used to increase the armor to 15 tons, making the Victor as well protected as the famed Awesome. The ammo bin for the Gauss Rifle was increased to 3 tons, increasing battlefield endurance, while a Ceres Arms Medium Laser was mounted in the rear right torso to protect the mech from any units that try to get behind it. The old Holly SRM launcher was switched to a Pinard Reaper Streak Rack, sacrificing 2 missile tubes for better ammo efficiency. Lastly a Sutel Precision Line Small Pulse Laser has been added to deal with infantry.
Having removed most of their dependence on equipment from the FC, production of the VTR-10SIC is running at max capacity. The only remaining imported item is the Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle. HildCo and the SIC have made it clear that the continued supply of HildCo Model 12 Jump Jets to Corean Enterprise, which are needed for the Valkyrie, are dependent on HildCo receiving the Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle. So far their have been no issues. Interestingly, despite the AFFC showing some interest in the -10SIC model, HildCo has, to date, refused to produce the mech for them, instead continuing production of the VTR-9D for the AFFC.
Model VTR-10SIC
Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: HildCo Type V Endo Steel
Power Plant: Pitban 320
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8kph
Jump Jets: HildCo Model 13
Jump Capacity: 120 M
Armor: Ryerson 150 with CASE
1 Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle
1 Pinard Reaper Streak Rack
2 Sutel Precision Line Medium Pulse Lasers
1 Ceres Arms Medium Laser
1 Sutel Precision Line Small Pulse Laser
Manufacturer: HildCo Interplanetary
Primary Factories: St Ives
Communications System: O/P 3000 COMSET
Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 1500ARB
Type: VTR-10SIC
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Tonnage: 80 tons
Equipment: Mass
Internal Structure Endo 4
Engine 320 22.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 4
Heatsinks 10 (20)
Gyro 4
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor 240 15
IS Armor
Head 3 9
CT 25 37/10
R/L Torso 17 26/8
R/L Arm 13 26
R/L Leg 17 32
Weapons & Ammo Location Critical Tonnage
Gauss Rifle RA 7 15
Ammo (24) RT 3 3
CASE RT 1 0.5
Medium Laser RT (R) 1 1
Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 2
Medium Pulse Laser LA 1 2
Small Pulse Laser LT 1 1
SRM2 Streak LT 1 1.5
Ammo (50) LT 1 1
CASE LT 1 0.5
Jump Jets CT 2 2
Jump Jet RL 1 1
Jump Jet LL 1 1