Way back in July we conducted the Vindicator contest which ultimately drew eighteen entries [3 Irose, 1 fabulousorcboy, 1 drakensis, 3 Ice Hellion, 1 Takiro, 7 Abele, 1 Bradshaw, 1 Irose/Takiro]. Every single one of these submissions qualified for the competition making this contest extremely close and tough to grade. Thank you all again for your terrific efforts in this challenge and lets get down to the review.
14. VND-3R & VND-4R (Takiro)
My own takes on a Capellan upgrade of the Vindicator again utilizes the standard Ceresplex IV chassis as EndoSteel is hard for the Confederation to come across at this time unfortunately. Instead of embracing the 'L' for Liao designation I went back to the original 'R' designator which is a concept that maybe kept. The 3R retained the venerable GM 180 Fusion Engine (4/6/4) which provides InnerSphere Heavy 'Mech maneuverability. My supertech 4R utilizes the TRO3055 SNK-1V Snake's newly developed VOX 225 XL Engine (5/8/5) to really boost performance. While expensive and far less rugged it does incorporate two more Double Heat Sinks than the old 180 (9 opposed to 7) as well improving speed and maneuverability. Both have a dozen Double Heat Sinks which is great for the 3R but not as good for the higher speed 4R which has to carefully monitor its scale. For the 3R its armament consists of an ER PPC, LRM-10 (with 24 shots), a Medium Laser, and a Small Laser which isn't too bad. The 4R replaces the Small Laser with a second Medium Laser. Lastly, eight and a half tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) with CASE grant these Vindicators near total armor protection. Not such a bad couple of entries but fortunately for us several other contenders knock it all the way down here.
13. VND-3SIC & VND-4SIC (Abele)
These upgraded St. Ives variants didn't feel right to me for a couple of reasons despite being good from a design standpoint. One, the Vindicator's rugged Ceresplex IV chassis seems to be a poor design choice for pairing with the 225 XL Engine (5/8/5). Yup, my advanced 4R variant did this using the Snake's new power plant but I feel it fits the Capellans better than St. Ives. Two, the breakaway Capellan province seems to have made a conscious choice to move away from the BattleMech. We can argue about the wisdom of this choice it should be addressed by your fluff which it was not. I like the eight and a half tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) with CASE producing the best possible protection. Double Heat Sinks [12 for the 3SIC and 13 for the 4SIC] and the armament [3SIC has ER Large, LRM-10 w/ Artemis IV FCS (24), 2 Medium Lasers, Small Pulse while the 4SIC featured an ER PPC, 4 Medium Lasers, 2 Streak SRM-2s (50)] all seem good but there was stiff competition so unfortunately, I have to place these entries here.
12. VND-3LB (fabulousorcboy)
This Capellan anti-infantry model presented by fabulousorcboy felt a lot like a precursor of the SNK-1V Snake. Using the standard Ceresplex IV chassis upon which the Vindicator and the Snake were built makes sense. It retains the GM 180 Fusion Engine (4/6/4) of the original Vindie but upgrades to ten lostech Double Heat Sinks. This wisely frees up six tons for an LB 10-X AC (30) mainly which is backed up by twin Medium Lasers. I don't love the Vehicle Flamer (10) but using it does make a certain amount of Capellan logic given its availability. Nine tons of standard armor (144 factor) remain along with a CASE for protection against ammo explosions. Not a bad vision for an upgraded Vindicator as it does feel realistic but I was looking for more of an optimized design. Maybe Ferro-Fibrous armor could have been used to squeze out a little more from this one. Nice try fabulousorcboy but ultimately not good enough especially because of the competitors you faced here.
11. VND-1RX (Bradshaw)
Easily the most radical Liao upgrade of the Vindicator was presented here by Bradshaw who turned the Mech into a Hatchet wielding monster. First off, I like the base chassis teamed with a 225 Fusion Engine (5/8/5) gleaned from a Draconis Wakazashi. Solid dependable core which you pair up with a Triple Strength Myomer (6/9) which is definitely good in tandem with the Hatchet. Ten Double Heat Sinks do a nice job of dispersing some heat from movement and weaponry (ER PPC and three Medium Lasers) but leave off enough to activate the TSM. Nice touch especially when protected by nine tons of standard armor (144 factor) for a pretty high defense threshold. Surprised you didn't go with Ferro-Fibrous here or really go all out with EndoSteel, talk about Maximum Tech! I could certainly see this Mech in the arenas of Solaris, perhaps, used by some special personage. The Chancellor's Champion or some such gladiator aimed at glory to the state or taking down some vaunted enemy such as Kai Allard-Liao. However, this highly specialized cutting-edge example of Liao superiority really makes it a singular unique example rather than an upgrade of the whole class. This is the primary reason it placed here and did not grab the top spot in this challenge but it certainly is an interesting entry which has given me something to think about. Do you think Kai could defeat it??
10. VND-4L & VND-4L2 (Abele)
These high tech Capellan upgrades are excellent designs but perhaps beyond the Confederation's manufacturing capabilities at the time. The new EndoSteel chassis while a great design concept maybe slightly ahead of time in 3053. Not sure if House Liao had production access to this materiel but if they did the Vindicator may indeed be the recipient. So, more of a nitpick there and as my 4R shows the 225 XL Engine (5/8/5) would be available for this cutting edge Vindie thanks to the Snake. The eleven Double Heat Sinks combined with the nine and a half tons of standard armor (152 factor) with CASE makes a lot of sense. I like the ER PPC, LRM-15 (16), and Medium Laser which both models feature in a definite upgrade from the original Vindicator. I prefer the L2's TAG over the L1's Flamer which makes it my favorite model of the two presented here. Unfortunately, there was a lot of excellent competition here and IMO they beat you out, sorry bud!
9. VND-4T & VND-5T (Abele)
These Taurian Concordat variants of the Vindicator based on the standard Ceresplex IV chassis are pretty solid design wise. Both feature the venerable 180 Fusion Engine (4/6/4), eleven Double Heat Sinks, eight tons of ferro-fibrous (143 factor) with CASE, a Medium Laser, and a Medium Pulse. This effective combination of old and new technology alternates main weaponry with the 4T showcasing a Large Pulse for short range power while an LRM-10 (24) keeps opponents off balance at long range. The 5T sticks with the old PPC and the LRM-5 (24) for longer range engagements while adding a SRM-6 (15) for additional short range pop. I'd probably prefer the 5T over the 4T but could see a case for both especially the 4T as a testbed for Pulse technology in the Concordat. Fluff wise I am not sure that the Taurians would build a new factory line for the Vindicator. I would have played up the salvage angle and despite the direction canon went I doubt the Taurians would love the Liao Vindicator enough to replicate it. Still not bad overall but I liked other designs better.
8. VND-3M (Ice Hellion)
The latest Capellan upgrade featuring a Blazer this time around again is based around the standard Ceresplex IV chassis and the GM 180 Fusion Engine (4/6/4). The Binary Laser Cannon is complemented by twin Streak SRM-2s (50) and a Medium Pulse which are accurate short support if required. Eleven Double Heat Sinks do have trouble keeping up with Alpha Strikes when combined with movement but this heat buildup can be managed. Eight and a half tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) with CASE provide the maximum amount of protection which is further amplified by a Guardian ECM Suite. I liked the pro-Liao fluff with alternative views although the 'M' designation made me think Marik which could have worked in my mind perhaps with an Isis tie in. Swapping the PPC for a Blazer is always a good approach. Not a bad design all in all but I just preferred others better, thank you for a Blazer wielding Vindicator.
7. VND-2R (drakensis)
Another solid entry from drakensis is this Capellan workhorse ordered by Romano and now just entering production. I really liked this one which again uses the standard Ceresplex IV chassis along with the old GM 180 Fusion Engine (4/6/4). A dependable basis for a Vindie upgrade which then gets a little lostech with thirteen Double Heat Sinks which might be a bit much. This is a major nitpick on an excellent design but perhaps one less may have been more appropriate? This could have made room for a TAG or second Medium Laser which could have been bracket fired at shorter ranges where PPCs have that pesky minimum problem. Still, I can see the Alpha strike argument, which I often adhere to, that enables you to fire everything (two PPCs and a Medium Laser) and maneuver. The weaponry is old and reliable as well which is an aspect, I also enjoyed to this 'lower tech' Capellan refit. Eight and a half tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) is the other half of the recovered Star League tech utilized here which is very nice as well. Ultimately drak you were narrowly beaten out in this highly competitive challenge. Better luck next time!
6. VND-2T (Irose)
This Taurian refit of captured Capellan Vindicators using a 225 Fusion Engine (5/8/5) from the Sabre Aerospace Fighter which was developed over the years and expedited by the rediscovery of lostech was a real good one. The ten Double Heat Sinks in particular make the design possible and aside from the eight tons of ferro-fibrous (143 factor) are the only lostech present. The armament consists of a PPC, two LRM-5s (48), and Medium Laser which is pretty close to the original adding another battery of missiles. I really like this entry and it was on track to make it into the winners’ circle but it is just too close (design wise) to your Davion Vindicator plus I found one other Periphery Vindicator I liked better. Very close.
5. VND-4MC (Abele)
Abele nearly hit on this Magistracy of Canopus variant which uses the standard Ceresplex IV chassis as well as the 180 Fusion Engine (4/6/4) to create a dual ER Large Lasers platform. Cooled by thirteen Double Heat Sinks this BattleMech could fire these main long-range weapons and run without overheating. Jumping (4 heat), a SRM-4 (25), a Medium Laser, and a Small Laser are also present for supplemental short range firepower along with trademark Vindicator mobility. Of course, you can't fire one of the ER Larges while you engage with this close in weaponry and jump jets but it’s an acceptable tradeoff. Protected by eight and a half tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) with CASE this 45-ton design can take it as well as dish it out. Great design especially as I envision it as a Canopain answer to the PXH-3M Phoenix Hawk. If these Vindie's were salvage finally utilized from the Canopian-Andurien Invasion with a need for new machines created by the 3rd Marik Civil War (Salient Horizon storyline) which has seen a Sun Tzu, Isis, and Centrella alliance develop than you'd have a definite winner.
4. VDN-3LD (Ice Hellion)
Capellan retooling efforts during the Clan War yielded this new Liao BattleMech which is more of a defensive minded electronic warfare variant. Love the standard Ceresplex IV chassis along with the 180 Fusion Engine (4/6/4) for any Vindicator variant. You just can't get more Vindie than that solid core to build around which adds some lostech goodies. A dozen Double Heat Sinks can be overwhelmed by the all-energy armament (PPC and five Medium Lasers) not to mention movement. However, since the PPC has minimum range issues an argument can be made for bracket fire here which would be very reasonable. Plus, it is nice to have the option of all of those Medium Lasers firing as well for a big Alpha Strike potential (35 damage for 25 heat). Eight and a half tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) provide near total protection for this BattleMech which also features an impressive electronics package. A Beagle Active Probe, a Guardian ECM Suite, and a TAG give this 'Defender variant' a Ravenesque level of capabilities which is an interesting concept for the Vindicator. Not bad at all but I think I will pass on this one but very very close.
3. VND-2D & VND-3D (Irose)
These low cost Draconis March refits of captured Capellan machines nicknamed the Guardian were favorites of mine. I liked the idea of the Sandovals putting these salvaged Mechs to use after the Clan Invasion augmenting their thinned defenses. The standard Ceresplex IV chassis and the GM 180 Fusion Engine (4/6/4) is ruggedly dependable. Both variants are armed with a PPC, three Medium Lasers, two Small Pulses, and a Flamer. That is a good mix of energy weapons which don't require ammunition and fill a number of combat roles. The simpler, mostly level one, 2D uses fourteen Single Heat Sinks along with nine and a half tons of standard armor (152 factor) to complete a rather effective BattleMech. The more advanced VND-3D uses a 225 Fusion Engine (5/8/5) to achieve greater speed and mobility. Much of the space for this improvement was made possible by the eleven Double Heat Sinks which are all incorporated into the larger engine. Eight tons of ferro-fibrous (143 factor) round this advanced Guardian out. Nice job with this bronze medal winner Irose, congratulations!
2. JST-3R (Irose/Takiro)
This Free Capella covert asset was an outgrowth of concepts by Irose and myself which uses the Vindicator as a basis. The Ceresplex IV chassis is paired with a 225 Fusion Engine (5/8/5) for greater speed and mobility. Its all-energy armament of an ER Large, two Medium Lasers, two Small Pulses, and a Flamer is ideal for raiding and deep strikes. A dozen Double Heat Sinks do a good job of cooling the design and its defenses are solid with eight and a half tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) which are further augmented by a Guardian ECM Suite. Love the story, development, and teamwork that went into this second-place entry. Very nice silver medalist!!
1. VDN-3LU (Ice Hellion)
Capellan retooling efforts during the Clan War yielded this new Liao BattleMech which is a pretty solid update of the original. Once again, the standard Ceresplex IV chassis goes well with the GM 180 Fusion Engine (4/6/4) to form the core of a very reliable combat machine. An ER PPC, two LRM-5s (24), a Medium Laser, and a Medium Pulse make up the enhanced arsenal of this improved Vindie which also has a TAG. This piece of equipment which spots for artillery is very appropriate given Capellan assets and tactics of the time. Nice addition there! Ten Double Heat Sinks deal with most of the heat generated but Mechwarriors should carefully monitor their rate of fire and movement. Its defenses are excellent with eight and a half tons of ferro-fibrous (152 factor) with CASE and an Anti-Missile System (12). Great job and congratulations on the gold medal Ice Hellion!!!