Was putting together an Ultra AC-5 Warhammer, and threw together an LB 10X variant as well. Not trying to step on drakensis's design, which is much more versatile than mine, but anything less than near-max armor (only 11.5t on his version) on a heavy 'Mech gives me the willies.
Type: WHM-7D Warhammer
Production: Federated Commonwealth (StarCorps Industries)
Combat Value: 1492 BV (Ultra-S), 1616 BV (Ultra-L), 1584 BV (LBX)
Total Cost: 6,393,899 C-Bills (Ultra-Streak variant, including x1.7 tonnage premium)
Total Cost: 6,536,274 C-Bills (Ultra/Laser variant, including x1.7 tonnage premium)
Total Cost: 7,114,274 C-Bills (LBX variant, including x1.7 tonnage premium)
Internal (Endo): 3.5t
Engine: GM 280: 16t
Walking: 4
Running: 6
Heat Sinks: 10(20): 0t
Gyro/Cockpit (std): 6t
Armor Factor (Std): 13.5t (216 pips)
Head 3/9
Center Torso 22/32/11
R/L Torso 15/22/8
R/L Arm 11/22
R/L Leg 15/30
Quirks: Rugged (2), Searchlight, Stable, Ubiquitous
Warhammer WHM-7D-Ultra-S
2x Ultra AC-5 (10cr, 18t), RA/LA
4x Ammo (UAC) 80 (4cr, 4t), RT/LT
2x CASE (2cr, 1t) RT/LT
3x Streak-2 (3cr, 4.5t) RT
1x Ammo (Streak) 50 (1cr, 1t) RT
2x Medium Lasers (2cr, 2t) RT/LT
1x Small Laser (1cr, 0.5t) H
Warhammer WHM-7D-Ultra-L
2x Ultra AC-5 (10cr, 18t), RA/LA
4x Ammo (UAC) 80 (4cr, 4t), RT/LT
2x CASE (2cr, 1t) RT/LT
1x Large Laser (2cr, 5t) RT
3x Medium Lasers (3cr, 3t) RT/H/LT
Warhammer WHM-7D-LB
2x LB10-X (12cr, 22t) RA/LA
4x Ammo (LBX) 80 (4cr, 4t) RT/LT
2x CASE (2cr, 1t) RT/LT
4x Medium Lasers (4cr, 4t)
Long considered one of the most reliable and brutal heavy ‘Mechs in the Inner Sphere, the venerable Warhammer was a favorite among the armies of the Federated Commonwealth (especially the former Lyran half), with both StarCorps Industries on Son Hoa, Crofton, and Loburg, as well as Olivetti Weaponry on Sudeten manufacturing a steady quantity of new WHM-6R ‘Mechs throughout the Succession Wars, with Olivetti upgrading to the twin-ERPPC toting WHM-7S in 3050, right at the start of the Clan Invasion. Clan Jade Falcon seized the planet later the very same year, and the Federated Commonwealth suddenly found itself facing a sizable loss in Warhammer procurement, particularly lostech upgraded ‘Mechs.
StarCorps Industries had already been slowly upgrading their many facilities, but the effort had been somewhat uneven and hodge-podge, subject to the byzantine internal politics of the vast multinational firm. The AFFS put heavy pressure on StarCorps to upgrade its Crofton facility’s Warhammer lines, picking Crofton specifically because it was far from any of the Commonwealth’s lengthy borders with potentially hostile nations – Son Hoa and Loburg were passed over for this reason in the initial financial investments. An emphasis was placed on quickly upgrading the classic Succesion Wars-era Warhammer with lostech armaments, to better face off against the Clan Invaders. After an aggressive facilities rebuild and design shakedown, the new WHM-7D was released in the middle of 3052, after a mere 14 months development and production period.
The WHM-7D uses a StarFrame Heavy EndoSteel Chassis, a materials formula originally developed for the SLDF Royal Guard Battlemasters in 2760, and detailed on the Helm Memory Core – this would eventually be used for other StarCorps products in the future, such as the WHM-8D (released in 3066) and the Carronade. As it has for centuries, the Crofton design is powered by a GM 280 fusion engine in place of the more common VOX 280, a result of long-ago licensing schemes that virtually no-one alive today still remembers the point of. The lightweight EndoSteel chassis frees up considerable tonnage, as does the removal of eight of the WHM-6R’s standard heat sinks, and the 7D puts that weight into thirteen and a half tons of Durallex Heavy armor, a near-maximum optimal arrangement of ‘Mech armor for a 70-ton heavy. The additional protection includes integrated CASE in both side torsos, with a highly reliable internal ammunition feed that supplies ballistic weapons in the arms.
StarCorps released three variants of the WHM-7D, both intended to appeal to Davion ‘Mechwarriors and their love of autocannons. The 7D-Ultra-S fits a General Motors Nova-5 Ultra Autocannon in each arm-mount (produced on Talon by Kallon Industries, and initially prototyped and developed by the legendary Team Banzai in the late 3020s), each fed by a generous two tons of ammunition. Three Harpoon-2S Streak launchers replace the Holly-6 of the classic Warhammer, delicately sipping at the single ton of Streak SRM ammunition, and three Diverse Optics lasers (two mediums and one small) round out the weapons array. A nearly identical variant, the 7D-Ultra-L has a Diverse Optics large laser in place of the Streaks, and all three backup lasers are mediums.
The 7D-LB instead equips a brace of Imperator Cod Red LB 10-X Autocannons, particularly effective against conventional forces but fair heavier in tonnage than the Nova-5s. Four tons of ammunition, both cluster and solid shot, feed these cannons as well, and the 7D-LB does not fit any missile weapons, instead uses five Diverse Optics medium lasers spread across the front torso of the ‘Mech as close-in weapons.
StarCorps ultimately used the same 7D chassis in their 8D design, released in 3066. The major changes were in the sourcing and placement of armaments – the 8D relies much more heavily on energy weapons than ballistic ones, and uses ER lasers as secondary weapons, sourced from Defiance Industries and Johnston Industries, due to StarCorps being involved in corporate skirmishes with Diverse Optics in the 3060s.