Perhaps the Burrocks would hope to discredit the Diamond Sharks and Warrior series by supplying the Dark Caste with these OmniMechs . . . perhaps even with a few tangled threads pointing at their source of supply being the Sharks or another Warden Clan?
Nefarious as always, I love that as a plot point.
The Trials of Merit or Conquest or Crusade whatever you'd what to call them could take place on the Tanite Worlds and this could be a major plot point to it. Figure it rolls like this - the Cloud Cobra Khan suspects some foul play between the Dark Caste and/ or Burrock - and comes to Kerlin with an offer to host these Trials. Part of the concept is to expose any connections between the Clans and the Dark Caste as well as show the Homeworlders just how truly naïve they are when it comes to fighting a real world. The Cobras in particular have always had to deal with low level resistance that most find repugnant. This grand event which will draw the entirety of the Clans could help establish a lasting peace on these worlds.
The embittered Burrocks are furious and are out to ruin these plans however as they view half of the Tanite Worlds as their own. Their Khan intends to win a place in the invasion while gutting a few Clans along the way.
My mistake on the Coyotes - they are so strict I assumed the worst in my brief summation this morning. They'd love this campaign then completely. Fascinating to see how it works out between them and the Cobras. The Warrior series could help enable a goal (or at least a vision of mine) for them of Total Modularity in their Touman.
The Fire Mandrills could show internal Trials of Merit between individuals and Kindraa just in order to qualify for the Grand Event on Tanis.
The Bears would be curious enough to test the Warrior series but not embrace it and given how they work in canon could eventually fold elite native soldiers into their Touman this way.
True, the Scorpions do lack cash but one thing I see the Sharks wanting to trade for is able warriors in order to bolster their Touman.
Good point for the Horses using these OmniMechs to transport their Battlearmor more efficiently.
Ice Hellion would be wise to incorporate the Warrior series, too bad they have little wisdom at least IMO.
With Nova Cat your always one vision away from going 180 degrees in the other direction.
I wonder how eager the Adders will be to participate in the Grand Trial on Tanis. Perhaps they just continue to train with an eye on bigger things.
I think internal fighting between the Crusader majority and the sizable Warden minority which might be more evenly split at this time could be larger than Tanis. By my calculations they'd be the ninth Crusader Clan if they could be swayed marking a clear majority to invade.
One major canon oversight we could address in this setting would be the size of the Wolf touman especially in comparison to their territory. Arming a second major freeborn force which the Clan did already with the Wolf Dragoons and arming it with the Warrior series could really fix this plot hole.
How do you see the victory conditions for these Trials? How individual wins or goals achieved mark the winning side? Does internal fighting within certain Clans limit participation? While our overall concept is sound I'd like to chart out some specifics