As the I continue to review our recent AC/20 contest lets go back and see what transpired with the Stooping Hawk. This was a real good one as several folks pointed out canon had solid configurations and there was plenty of competition. Four designers submitted twenty different variants to challenge four very good canon options. Unfortunately, there was a point left on the table which no one took a shot at – the InnerSphere designation. Also, please check your designs before you submit them – Bradshaw I am talking to you. Three of your four were off in regard to math and pretty thin all the way through so I had to disqualify them which was a shame cause you had a few nice concepts. Finally, I hope marauder648 will get back into the contest next time around.
Fluff point goes to Ice Hellion this time around beating out drakensis. I’d like to use some of your story Abele about Star Captain Fumiyo Vardanyanof and her Stooping Hawk as well but that was clearly third place. Bradshaw way too thin even though you had a decent approach based on Mechwarrior variants which we have seen before but it is a good way to go just need a bit more next time around. Again, I didn’t see anyone take a crack at InnerSphere designation which leaves a point unaccounted for. I would suggest Condor for its bird like appearance with the Ghost Bears in the Free Rasalhague Republic.
Prime came down to three competitors with canon’s Ultra AC/10 fed by 30 rounds of ammo, 2 ER Mediums, 2 Medium Pulses, and 5 Jump Jets setting the pace. Not a bad shot at all by drakensis prime which went all ER Medium (four in total) and added two Double Heat Sinks for longer ranged firepower even if it was not accurate. Ice Hellion though narrowly beat you in my opinion with the same 4 ER Medium strategy coupled with a three-ton Targeting Computer not more Double Heat Sinks. Now this does leave his version vulnerable to overheating but it is not all that bad if you monitor your movement and rate of fire. Abele J starts his strategy of not outwardly challenging canon configurations but rather trying to gobble up supplemental variants. Nice try here Abele but not good enough although the gambit might just pay off in the long run. 😉 Bradshaw has a nice Anti-Aircraft option here that weighs in at 18.5 tons which is really unfortunate. ☹ Your winner by a narrow margin here is Ice Hellion Prime, point to you bud!
Easily my toughest decision came with Configuration A which is my favorite Stooping Hawk going in with its two ER PPCs. Again, Bradshaw had a nice Kodiak light idea going for his A but only weighed in at 19 tons and had to be disqualified. Take heart though cause his fourth submission did make it and challenges canon A. Very similar to Ice Hellion A it shorts the Double Heat Sinks to four and makes room for a Targeting Computer. However, this is where the differences start to become apparent as Bradshaw has two ER Mediums and an ER Small while Ice retains the five Jump Jets. Both ran a bit too hot for me which brings up drakensis prime which drops the Jump Jets and a Double Heat Sinks for a three-ton Targeting Computer and an ER Small. Very, very tough decision as they are all so good but ultimately canon barely hangs on, oh and look for Abele K down the road folks. 😉 Point to canon!
Canon B is the quintessential Blood Spirit configuration with its three LRM-15s all tied to an individual Artemis IV FCS with a total of 32 reloads supported by an ER Large Laser. Both drak (who switched 4 ER Mediums for the ER Large) and Ice Hellion (who dropped the Artemis IVs for more ammo and 2 ER Mediums) took able aim at this canon stalwart but in my estimation came up a bit short. Bradshaw’s massed SRM package is a nice thought but weighs in at only 17 tons meaning another disqualification. Again, Abele’s L will be found later on I imagine but once more point to canon!!
Finally, canon C with its twin ER Larges and dual ER Mediums linked to a Targeting Computer while cooled by seven additional Double Heat Sinks as five Jump Jets help transport it around the field is another solid entry. Only Ice Hellion took direct aim at it switching out three Double Heat Sinks for two additional ER Mediums and a heavier Targeting Computer. Sorry to say that canon wins here again bud but look for the other ‘C’ contenders later on. Third point to canon!!!
For a new Configuration D we had two contenders of which I will begin with Ice Hellion’s. Holy heat Batman!!! This thing’s all energy arsenal adds just one Double Heat Sink to deal with a Jumping Alpha Strike of 57 heat. Now I know your nuts if you choose to go over by 35 but even if you don’t jump you can still shutdown if you fire everything. Sorry bud just too much heat. Especially when compared to drakensis D which nicely eludes to the Summoner with its LB 10-X AC fed by 30 rounds, ER Large Laser, Streak SRM-4 with 30 rounds, and an Anti-Missile System with 24 shots. It’s a nice mix and heat friendly. Point to drakensis!
Following on the heels of that is drakensis C with two Large Pulses tied to a Targeting Computer for our new E Configuration. This is the perfect blend of canon A and C featuring three additional Double Heat Sinks, two ER Small Lasers, and five Jump Jets for maximum mobility. I might fool with the final entry a little putting the Pulses in the arms where they can ideally serve as part of an anti-aircraft package whose extreme accuracy makes it crazy good. Point number two for drakensis!!
Ice Hellion F featured five Medium Pulses and a Streak SRM-4 cooled by four additional Double Heat Sinks. Supplemented by five Jump Jets for maximum mobility this close in assassin features an advanced electronics package (Active Probe and ECM Suite) to make it an exceptional scout and Elemental hunter. Very nice job, design point number two for Ice Hellion!!
For the final three configurations I think you will see that Abele’s alphabet soup paid off. First up is Abele K which will be the new Configuration K which reminded me of the Star League Wyvern. Armed with two ER Medium Lasers, LRM-10 with Artemis, SRM-6 with Artemis, and a Large Pulse Laser. Two additional Double Heat Sinks and five Jump Jets complete the new K which I like a lot. Point to Abele!
Next up Abele L gave us our sole Gauss Rifle configuration backed by two Medium Pulse Lasers and a Small Pulse Laser. While different from what I would have done this loadout works with the added mobility of five Jump Jets. Point two for Abele!!
Finally, Abele M is a nice alternative to the Stooping Hawk B with twin LRM-20s each linked to an Artemis IV with deep ammo bays (3 tons each). Three ER Medium Lasers and an ER Small Laser support this medium weight Archer configuration which rounds out the Quicksilver Stooping Hawk. Point three for Abele!!!
Tallying up our points I see we have a three-way tie with canon, Abele, and Ice Hellion all claiming three wins. No clear winner folks even in regards to pure design points canon and Abele remain tied with each earning three design points. Too bad no bad volunteered an InnerSphere designation. Very close to the top was drakensis with two points and Bradshaw you had some nice concepts you just need to fill them out a bit more. Show your math and I am sure you’ll start piling up the points too. Thanks again everyone! Only one more Medium OmniMech left to go and that should be up tomorrow night at this time. Look forward to seeing you all again for another challenge then.