Ok folks this post will finish the review,
While Streak SRMs are by their very name short range weaponry I consider the Clan versions more mid-range thanks to their improved reach over standard SRMs. While I also considered drakensis H whose Nova like approach with eight Medium Pulses it was the Streak SRM versions which carried the day here. Both Abele I and marauder648 F used the exact same approach in their design pairing four Streak SRM-6s with an ER Large. While their supporting two and a half tons were utilized differently both versions were pretty solid. However drakensis G with five Streak SRM-4s supported by five Small Pulse Lasers linked to a Targeting Computer and defended by three Anti-Missile Systems was my clear winner. A scary police 'Mech for the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone, point two to drakensis!!
With Configuration H we head back to the LRM-15 options put forward earlier in the contest. The most LRMs seen in the entire contest came from drakensis B and his three LRM-15s all tied to Artemis IV FCS with forty eight reloads. Two ER Mediums and two ER Smalls provided excellent support for a very good configuration. Abele B is really good too but suffers from being too close to our new B by Ice which leaves Bradshaw C. With two LRM-15s linked to Artemis IV FCS and thirty two salvos available it is solid but pairing that with two ER Large Lasers is what I really liked best. Yes the heat can be an issue even with an extra Double Heat Sink but the firepower available is formidable and it fills the ER Large gap left by the upgrade of D. Well done, point five Bradshaw!!!!!
Finally for Configuration I there are three concepts I have yet to comment on and would like to do so here. Artillery really never stood a chance here even though I preferred Ice Hellion H to marauder648 G, just not a great fit for this design guys IMO. Several Generalists including marauder648 H, Bradshaw F, Abele D, H and E also received consideration. Of those I liked Abele E best with its LRM-20, Streak SRM-4, ER Large, three Medium Pulses, two Machine Guns, and an Active Probe. However the final them would consist of those entries featuring massed SRMs with some long range support. Two competitors, drakensis F and Ice Hellion I, featured similar mass SRM batteries and twin big energy guns. Ultimately it was Ice's eight SRM-4s together with an ER PPC and an ER Large Laser is a bracket fire master piece that thanks to two extra Double Heat Sinks which can hammer away at long range with its energy weapons then close for devastating close range missile barrages. Point two for Ice Hellion!!
So with an impressive five points and numerous annoying memes the big winner of this contest is Bradshaw. Ice Hellion, drakensis, and marauder648 all finished up the contest with two points, very nice guys! Despite having three of the top concepts and finishing second twice Abele didn't get any points. Alot of good competition here for the eleven available points really squeezed you out bud. I am sorry bud but very appreciative of your participation despite a limited amount of free time. You guys all obliterated existing canon designs upgrading the Summoner for further use by the Clans. Great job and I look forward to seeing you all next week for the Hellcat review. Till then hope everyone is well!