I wanted to post a few of my own versions of this Mech which were inspired by entries here which resulted in a couple of unique new characters. Please let me know what you think!
I loved aspects of Bradshaw (Targeting Computer), masterarminas (Artemis IV FCS), and Ice Hellion (Flamer) Prime so much that I decided to create a custom configuration for a notable Mechwarrior.
2 ER Large Lasers (one in each arm) linked to a two ton Targeting Computer (torso)
2 LRM-15s with Artemis IV FCS (24 rounds or three tons of ammunition) (torsos)
Flamer (CT)
5 Double Heat Sinks (various mainly arms)
Brandon Shaw of Clan Wolf is an older warrior rivaling only Khan Natasha Kerensky on the active Touman. Once a Gunslinger who reached the rank of Star Colonel in command of the 352nd Assault Cluster this former protégé of Khan Kerlin Ward has recently been reborn. With a comeback mirroring his new OmniMech this extremely skilled Mechwarrior is now a close advisor to Loremaster George Kerensky in the Clan Homeworlds. Admittedly he has lost a step over time and certainly is not what he used to be physically but Brandon has learned much in his time. Nicknamed Old School this former sibko instructor who was dismissed to Solamha service by Loremaster Conal Ward for his Warden teachings was restored to active service by the George Kerensky subsequent reorganization. Testing revealed that this now Star Captain is perhaps the most skilled Mechwarrior in Clan space.
Also loved Abele D and Ice Hellion D which both featured a Gauss Rifle, two tons of ammo, two ER Larges, and a Double Heat Sink. However, I would have gone with a four ton Targeting Computer and a Flamer which might look something like this.
Gauss Rifle (16 rounds or two tons of ammunition)
2 ER Large Lasers
Targeting Computer (four tons)
Double Heat Sink
Abele Dinour of Clan Goliath Scorpion is a young ristar who recently discovered a long- forgotten cache during his first ever Seeker ritual which contained a Woodsman. Reactivating the ancient war machine this superb marksman outfitted it with a hard-hitting long-range arsenal which he has already made deadly use. Abele literally disarmed his opponents in a series of trials against the Fire Mandrill Clan to avenge the death of Ethan Moreau. Some of his opponents that he judged guilty were executed in the same fashion as his Clan’s first Loremaster was.