Well I still haven't gotten a chance to work on fluff for my three Quickdraws but the final design is done. This one the Marik Narc variant reminds me of a super 5A version. Short ranged but deadly.
QKD-5N QUICKDRAWMass: 60 tons
Chassis: Technicron Type E
Power Plant: Vlar 300 XL [upgrade]
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86 kph
Jump Jets: Chilton 460
Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor: Kallon FWL Special Ferro-Fibrous with CASE [upgrade from 5M]
2 [] SRM-6s
4 Omicron 4000 Medium Lasers
1 Diverse Optics Type 10 Small Laser
Manufacturer: Technicron Manufacturing
Primary Factory: Savannah
Communications System: Garret T12E with Guardian ECM Suite
Targeting and Tracking System: Dynatec 2180 with Beagle Active Probe
FWLM Narc version
Type: Quickdraw
Technology Base: Inner Sphere - Level 2
Tonnage: 60
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 6
Engine: 300 XL 9.5
Walking MP: 5
Running MP: 8
Jumping MP: 5
Heat Sinks: 12 (24) 2
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 197 11
Internal Structure Armor Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 20 27 / 9
R/L Torso 14 20 / 8
R/L Arm 10 20
R/L Leg 14 28
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Tonnage
SRM-6 Right Torso 2 3
Ammo (SRM) 15 Right Torso 1 1
SRM-6 Left Torso 2 3
Ammo (SRM) 15 Left Torso 1 1
2 Medium Lasers Right Arm 2 2
2 Medium Lasers Left Arm 2 2
Narc Missile Launcher Left Torso 2 3
Ammo (Narc) 6 Left Torso 1 1
Guardian ECM Suite Right Torso 2 1.5
Beagle Active Probe Right Torso 2 1.5
Small Laser Center Torso 1 .5
Jump Jet Center Torso 1 1
2 Jump Jets Right Leg 2 2
2 Jump Jets Left Leg 2 2