I am sorry Ice, that really stinks. Hopefully that will not happen again. I always scroll to the end of my big posts to make sure everything is there.
Just finished the Executioner review. I still have some additional things to do here before moving on to the Turkina but the review has been concluded.
I wanted to look at some short-range configurations for Alternate G which included some SRM boats. Abele Iota and marauder648 E both utilize four Streak SRM-6s with four tons of ammo to deliver an impressive punch. Abele backed this arsenal up with Pulse Lasers while marauder648 went for ERs and mounted jump jets for mobility. Not bad guys but I liked Bradshaw D which embraced the masses SRM battery (10 in this case) paired with a Narc. Backed by an ER PPC it's drawback seems to be heat as only four additional Double Heat Sinks are included. Still not that bad however it was masterarminas G which overcame the SRM challenge. Eight Medium Pulses and a Small Pulse linked to a 4 ton Targeting Computer makes for an impressive short range arsenal capable of incredibly precise short damage. Four additional Double Heat Sinks help cool this offense which is mobile thanks to four Jump Jets. An Anti-Missile System and Active Probe just add to this hard charger’s effectiveness. Point three to masterarminas!!!
Alternate H is for headcappers this time around we will look at all variants that mount three big guns which can do 15 damage a piece. I just mentioned Bradshaw E as the best harassing headcapper around but there were other takes on this theme. Reminding me a lot Duke Topi's personal configuration seen in the Trial of Restoration drakensis Prime went with 2 ER PPCs and a Gauss. Instead of Jump Jets though drak has an LRM-10 with Artemis IV FCS, not too shabby. Others went the way of triple ER PPCs even though I had thoughts of a Hellstar configuration dancing through my head it was just not practical (26 DHS max, darn it). That didn’t stop Ice Hellion A from getting all hot and bothered with 3 ER PPCs, 8 ER Mediums, an ER Small, plus nine Double Heat Sinks. Of course, my friend the Bracketeer doesn’t want to fire everything at once but alternate weaponry depending on the situation. Not bad at all but I thought masterarminas E with its three ER PPCs and Medium Pulse all linked to a four ton Targeting Computer and cooled by ten additional Double Heat Sinks was the best. Its accuracy and continuous cool operation stand out to me plus an Anti-Missile System thrown in helps increase your defenses especially against missiles. Point four to masterarminas!!!!
Finally, Alternate I took me on a review of all class 10 Autocannon models remaining in this contest which could be quite effective in their own right. While masterarminas B with its dual Ultra AC/10s already managed to win a place among the Executioner’s top ten most common configurations there were two other variants which utilized one of those weapons. Both marauder648 G (ER PPC, LRM-15 with Artemis, 2 Medium Pulses, 2 Machine Guns, ECM, 3 DHS) and Bradshaw G (2 LRM-10s with Artemis, Streak SRM-6, ER Medium, 2 Medium Pulses, Anti-Missile System, TAG, ECM, Active Probe) were pretty solid combatants in their own right but so are the LB 10-X variants which could really do a number on infantry or Elementals. Abele B with two LB 10-X ACs, four Medium Pulses, and an Anti-Missile System was a bit too much here though as the two big guns take up so much weight and don’t inflict that much punishment. Ice Hellion G with a single LB 10-X AC, Large Pulse, LRM-15, ECM, Active Probe, and two Jump Jets is better but I didn’t love the three Small Pulses. What I thought was best was drakensis A with an LB 10-X AC, eight ER Mediums, ER Small, seven Double Heat Sinks, and four Jump Jets which created a hard hitting Elemental killer. Point two to drakensis!!
Once again it is masterarminas with four design points and a bonus fluff point (5 total) who comes out on top. For second place there is a log jam with three contestants (drakensis, marauder648, Bradshaw) each finishing with two design points. Unfortunately, this means that Abele and Ice Hellion got shut out this time around despite some solid entries. The good news is that you guys combined to shut out canon and, in my estimation, create a far better final product then we began with. Well it will be onto the Turkina and Dire Wolf reviews following the first battle of Sadurni for me folks. Thanks again to everyone who participated, great job!