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Author Topic: Taurian Thunderbolt  (Read 907 times)

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Taurian Thunderbolt
« on: July 22, 2019, 11:18:58 AM »

Okay I got inspired by MA's project 3000.


Base Chassis
Mass 65 tons
Chassis: Earthwerk TDR 2 Endo
Power Plant:  Vlar 260
   Cruising Speed: 48.3kph
   Maximum Speed: 62.4kph
Jump Jets:   Rawlings 65  (9T only)
 Jump Capacity: 120 Meters (9T only)
Armor: Ryerson 150  with CASE
       Varies by model
Manufacturers: Taurus Territorial Industries, Vandenberg Mechanized Industries, Pinard Protectorates Limited
      Primary Factories: Taurus (TTI), New Vandenberg (VMI), Pinard (VMI & PPL)
Communications System: Neil 8000
Targeting & Tracking System: RCA Instatrac Mark X

Upon assuming the Protectorship of the Taurian Concordat, following the removal of his father, Jeffrey Calderon ordered a massive overhaul of the TDF known as the Men & Machines program.  Gone were the questionable fortifications favored by Thomas Calderon, in it's place was a program that emphasized training and new weapons for the TDF.  One of the earliest successes of the program was an agreement between the Concordat and the St Ives Compact.  While not paranoid like his father, Jeffrey was well aware of the Capellan Confederation's efforts to feed his father's paranoia about the Davion boogeyman.  Falling back on the old adage that the “enemy of my enemy is my friend”, Jeffrey  opened cautious relations with the Compact.  He soon realized that the 2 states shared many of the same values, and a relation built on a mutual enemy soon turned into a true friendship.  As trade relations expanded, the St Ives Compact provided the Concordat with the aid needed to upgrade their factories to produce the advanced weapons recovered from the Helm Core, while the Concordat provided the Compact with a raw materials for it's industries and a variety of mechs to diversify the Compact's mech forces. 

With the acquisition of the new technologies from the Compact, Jeffrey Calderon order the Concordat's weapons manufacturers to develop a new generation of mechs for the TDF. Calling together representatives from Taurus Territorial Industries, Vandenberg Mechanized Industries and Pinard Protectorates Limited he directed them to work together on a new heavy Mech that would become the standard mech for the TDF.  Rather then depend on multiple chassis to fulfill the needs of the TDF, Jeffrey sought a single chassis that could be used to fill every heavy mech role in the TDF.  The logic behind this was that by using a common chassis and motive power system the TDF would not only benefit from lower costs due to higher production volumes, but they would also simplify logistics for the TDF, allowing more funding to be put towards new mechs. 

The designers from the 3 companies quickly settled on using the venerable Thunderbolt as the basis for the new mech.  While some consideration was given to using the Marauder chassis, the Thunderbolt's Earthwerk TDR was found to be more adaptable to the various weapons configurations that were being proposed.  It was also felt that the Thunderbolt was more rugged and better protected then the Marauder, qualities greatly valued by the TDF and the Protector. 

The new Thunderbolt soon entered production in 4 versions with a 5th model currently undergoing testing. 

General Overview:

All of the Concordat's Thunderbolts share a  common chassis, motive power system, cooling system and electronics.  This allows the chassis to be turned out in large numbers and then fitted out with the weapon systems for the model being produced.  While in theory any variant can be produced at any factory build the Thunderbolt in practice the TDR-6T is produced by PPL at Pinard, VMI at New Vandenberg and TTI at Taurus.  The TDR-7T is produced only at VMI's New Vandenberg plant, while the TDR-8T is produced by VMI at Pinard and TTI at Taurus.  The latest model to enter production is the TDR-9T which is only produced at TTI on Taurus.   The TDR-10T is currently undergoing testing, once a final model has been chosen it will enter production at PPL's Pinard plant, most likely replacing the TDR-6T on the production line.

Each model of the Thunderbolt uses an Endo Steel chassis.  While bulkier then the standard chassis, the weight savings allows the mech to carry additional weapons.  The mech is powered by the same Vlar 260 used by the old TDR-5S.  While consideration was given to using a new Extra Light engine, it was felt that the additional vulnerability to damage outweighed the weight savings. 

The TDR series retains the proven and effective armor configuration of the TDR-5S.  While some consideration was given to switching to the new Ferro-Fibrous armors that were being developed, as the lead designer said “If it ain't broke, don't fix it”  The design team did however include a 2 ton capacity CASE protected ammunition bin in each torso.  Due to the common nature of the chassis, these bins are installed in all models, including the TDR-9T which carries no ammunition based weapons.  This slight weight penalty was willing accepted in the name of commonality.  With all the new weapons being added to the Thunderbolt, the heat dissipation system was greatly improved using the new double strength heat sinks.  This provides enough cooling to allow the Thunderbolt to use most if not all of it's weapons without overheating. 

Thunderbolt TDR-6T
1 Sunglow Type 5 Extended Range Large Laser
1 Delta Dart Long Range Missile 15 Rack with Artemis IV
3 Diverse Optics Type 18 Medium Lasers
2 Pinard Reaper Streak SRM Racks
2 SperryBrowing Machine Guns

The TDR-6T is an upgrade of the basic Thunderbolt and is expected to serve as primary model in TDF service.  The TDR-6T is a fairly straight forward upgrade of the TDR-5S.  The Sunglow Type 2 laser is replaced with a new extended range model, while the LRM gains and Artemis IV Fire Control unit, increasing it's accuracy.  The secondary weapons remain largely unchanged from the TDR-5s, the sole exception in the SRM 2 launcher which is replaced with a more ammo efficient Streak model.  The design team also found room to add a second Streak launcher to the Thunderbolt. Due to space considerations, both SRM launchers have been relocated to the left torso so that they are closer to the ammo bin.

[NOTE: When filling out the record sheets for the heatsinks located outside of the engine, on the TDR-6T, 7T and 8T there are 2 in the left arm, 1 in the left torso and 1 in the right torso.  On the TDR-9T and 10T-A and 10T-B the heat sinks are 2 LT and 2 RT.  The CASE modules have connections in them allowing them to hold heat sinks if they do not have ammo.
The endo steel placement is as follows: all models 2 RL, 2 RL, 2 CT, 1 H, 6 RA, 1 LT]

Code: [Select]
Type TDR-6T
Tonnage 65
Internal Structure – Endo Steel 3.5
Engine: Vlar 260           13.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 14(28) 4
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor 208           13
I.S Armor
Head 3 9
CT 21 30/11
RT/LT 15 24/6
RA/LA 10 20
RL/LL 15 29

Weapons & Ammo:
Type Loc Critical
ER Large Laser RA 2 5
LRM 15 RT 3 7
Ammo  LRM(16) RT 2 2
Artemis IV RT 1 1
CASE RT 1 0.5
3 Medium Lasers LT 3 3
2 SRM 2 Streak LT 2 3
Ammo  SRM (50) LT 1 1
CASE LT 1 0.5
Ammo MG (200) LT 1 1
2 MG LA 1 1

TDR-7T Thunderer
2 Delta Dart Long Range Missile 15 Rack with Artemis IV
4 Diverse Optics Type 18 Medium Lasers

The Thunderbolt TDR-7T, more commonly called the Thunderer is designed to replace the Archer in TDF service.  The Large Laser and most of the secondary weaponry are removed and replaced with a second LRM 15 rack over the left shoulder.  The LRM is mounted in the same pod as the right torso LRM rack, in fact both units are interchangable and identical to the one carried on the TDR-6T.  The pod contains both the LRM launcher and the Artemis IV FCS system.  If the pod is damaged it can simply be removed and replaced.  As both mountings are identical, supply units only need to carry a single type of pod, rather then a unique right and left pod, reducing the amount of replacement parts that they need to stock.  Backing up the LRMs are 4 medium lasers for close in defense.  The only complaint about the design has been the reduction in size of the LRM launchers compared to the Archer. However the ability to use a common launcher across multiple variants was considered enough justification for the reduction in firepower.

Code: [Select]
Type TDR-7T
Tonnage 65
Internal Structure – Endo Steel 3.5
Engine: Vlar 260           13.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 14(28) 4
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor 208           13
I.S Armor
Head 3 9
CT 21 30/11
RT/LT 15 24/6
RA/LA 10 20
RL/LL 15 29

Weapons & Ammo:
Type Loc Critical
LRM 15 RT 3 7
Ammo  LRM(16) RT 2 2
Artemis IV RT 1 1
CASE RT 1 0.5
LRM 15 LT 3 7
Ammo  LRM(16) LT 2 2
Artemis IV LT 1 1
CASE LT 1 0.5
2 Medium Lasers RA 2 2
2 Medium Lasers LA 2 2

TDR -8T Thunder Hammer
2 Donal/Hellstar ER PPCs
4 Diverse Optics Type 18 Medium Lasers
2 Pinard Reaper Streak SRM Racks
2 SperryBrowing Machine Guns

TDR-8T Thunder Hammer was designed as a replacement for the Warhammer in the direct fire support role.    Replacing the arms with arms similar in design to those of the Warhammer, they each carry one of the new Donal/Hellstar Extended Range PPC.  The TDR-8T carries a gun cluster in each torso similar to that of the Warhammer.  Each cluster contains 2 Diverse Optics Type 18 lasers, a Pinard Reaper Streak rack and a SperryBrowning Machine Gun.  The design has proven to be effective in combat, but pilots are cautioned to be aware of their heat situation, even with the new cooling system, the high heat levels generated by the PPCs can over tax the heatsinks.

Code: [Select]
Type TDR-8T
Tonnage 65
Internal Structure – Endo Steel 3.5
Engine: Vlar 260           13.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 14(28) 4
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor 208           13
I.S Armor
Head 3 9
CT 21 30/11
RT/LT 15 24/6
RA/LA 10 20
RL/LL 15 29

Weapons & Ammo:
Type Loc Critical
2 Medium Lasers RT 2 2
1 SRM 2 Streak RT 1 1.5
Ammo  SRM (50) RT 1 1
1 MG RT 1 0.5
CASE RT 1 0.5
2 Medium Lasers LT 2 2
1 SRM 2 Streak LT 1 1.5
1 MG LT 1 0.5
CASE LT 1 0.5
Ammo MG (200) LT 1 1

Note: No hand actuators

TDR-9T Thunder Hopper
1 Donal/Hellstar ER PPCs
3 Diverse Optics Type 3 Medium Pulse Lasers
2 Hotshot Flamers

The latest variant of the Thunderbolt to enter service is heavy raider/urban combat unit.  The TDF has long sought a mech it can use as a raider against pirates or to defend it's many cities and industrial complexes.  The Grasshopper, particularly the -5N variant, was a popular mech, but not in production in the Concordat.  The TDR-9T, which quickly gained the nickname the Thunder Hopper, was designed to fill the role of the Grasshopper.  The most notable feature of the Mech is the so called Jet Pack, which is mounted on the rear torso.  This unit, contains the massive Rawlings 65 Jump Jets, which allow the Thunder Hopper to jump up to 120 meters. The location on the Jet Pack blocks the CASE systems mounted in the torso, but since the Thunder Hopper carries no ammo this is not considered an issue.

The shoulder mounted LRM rack found on the TDR-6T is replaced with a Donal/Hellstar ER PPC.  Shoulder mounting the weapon keeps the Mech's hands free, allowing it to fire the PPC while engaging in physical attacks.  Supplementing the ER PPC are 3 newly developed Diverse Optics Type 3 Medium Pulse Lasers. Ideal for close combat, the high accurate lasers provide a strong punch at close range.  Two Hotshot Flamers are carried,  one in each arm.  These can be used to deal with infantry, as well as to create fires to discourage pursuit.

Lastly the Thunder Hopper carries a massive hatchet in it's left hand.  Developed in response to experience with the Hatchetman, it was felt that the weapon would prove useful, given the Mech's close combat role. 

Code: [Select]
Type TDR-9T
Tonnage 65
Internal Structure – Endo Steel 3.5
Engine: Vlar 260           13.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 4
Heat Sinks: 14(28) 4
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor 208           13
I.S Armor
Head 3 9
CT 21 30/11
RT/LT 15 24/6
RA/LA 10 20
RL/LL 15 29

Weapons & Ammo:
Type Loc Critical
CASE RT 1 0.5
2 Jump Jets RT 2 2
1 Medium Pulse Laser RA 1 2
1 Flamer RA 1 1
2 Medium Pulse Lasers LT 2 4
CASE LT 1 0.5
2 Jump Jets LT 2 2
Hatchet LA 5 5
1 Flamer LA 1 1

TDR-10T-A Thunder Rifle
1 Sunglow Type 5 Extended Range Large Laser
1 Diverse Optics Type 18 Medium Laser
2 Pontiac Light Autocannon

TDR-10T-B Thunder Rifle
2 Sun Glow Type 5 Extended Range Large Lasers
1 Diverse Optics Type 18 Medium Laser
1 Pontiac LB-10X Autocannon

The TDF has long suffered from a shortage of Aerospace pilots.  The result is that the TDF ground forces are vulnerable to enemy fighters, since there are not enough pilots to establish air superiority during operations.  The TDR-10T is expected to help solve this problem.  Based loosely on the highly successful Rifleman, the TDR-10T is expected to provide air defense for TDF formations, countering any fighter threat.  Currently 2 models are undergoing testing, it remains to be seen which model will enter production.  Given the role of this model, and the its arms which are similar in appearance to those of the Rifleman, this model has gained the nickname of the Thunder Rifle.

The TDR-10T-A is the more conventional design and is further along in development.  Using a pair of Pontiac Light Autocannons as it's main anti-fighter weapon, the 10TA solves one of the biggest short comings of the Rifleman by providing 2 tons of ammunition for the autocannons.  Backing up the autocannons are a Sunglow Type 5 Extended Range Laser and a Diverse Optics Type 18 Laser.  The design is currently being tested at the TDF proving grounds on Taurus.  While the design is largely trouble free, the Mechwarriors testing the design are less then thrilled with the “pop gun” fire power of the autocannons.

Code: [Select]
Type TDR-10T-A
Tonnage 65
Internal Structure – Endo Steel 3.5
Engine: Vlar 260           13.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 14(28) 4
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor 208           13
I.S Armor
Head 3 9
CT 21 30/11
RT/LT 15 24/6
RA/LA 10 20
RL/LL 15 29

Weapons & Ammo:
Type Loc Critical
2 AC/5 LA 8 16
Ammo (40) LT 2 2
CASE LT 1 0.5
CASE RT 1 0.5
ER Large Laser RA 2 5
Medium Laser RA 1 1

Note: No hand actuators

The TDR-10T-B is not as far along in development.  The main issue with the design is the new LB-10X autocannon that is being developed for the mech.  There have been numerous delays with weapon, which have slowed the development of the mech.  It is hoped that a production quality model of the LB-10X will be available in the next few months. 

While the LB-10X is larger then the Pontiac Light used on the TDR-10T-A, it is smaller then the paired autocannons used on the TDR-10T-A, allowing the addition of a second Sunglow Type 5 ER Laser, greatly increasing the mechs fire power.

Despite the issues with the LB-10X, the TDR-10T-B is the preferred model.  The heavier firepower of the LB-10X and it's ability to fire flak rounds is seen as a huge benefit.  Barring any unexpected further delays with the LB-10X, it is expected that the TDR-10T-B will be selected for production.

Code: [Select]
Type TDR-10T-B
Tonnage 65
Internal Structure – Endo Steel 3.5
Engine: Vlar 260           13.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 14(28) 4
Gyro: 3
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor 208           13
I.S Armor
Head 3 9
CT 21 30/11
RT/LT 15 24/6
RA/LA 10 20
RL/LL 15 29

Weapons & Ammo:
Type Loc Critical
LB-10X LA 6 11
ER Large Laser LA 2 5
Ammo (20) LT 2 2
CASE LT 1 0.5
CASE RT 1 0.5
ER Large Laser RA 2 5
Medium Laser RA 1 1

Note: No hand actuators
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 11:20:49 AM by lrose »


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Re: Taurian Thunderbolt
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2019, 11:55:27 AM »

Great inspiration!!


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Re: Taurian Thunderbolt
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2019, 01:08:20 PM »

Love it.
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