The fourth of the Falcon four (including the Fire Falcon, Black Lanner, and Night Gyr) from Technical Readout 3058 is the Turkina. Built at the Ironhold Beta Complex which may have previously produced the Executioner (Gargoyle) for the Clan prior to the invasion [NOTE: This is my contention as the Falcons have so many of those OmniMechs in their Assault forces. At some point during the early 3000s the Clan must have defeated Ghost Bear for rights to produce the Executioner helping to spread it throughout Clan space prior to the invasion]. Development continued throughout the invasion with four apparent prototypes joining the Touman during the Year of Dread. Full scale production began in 3052 giving the Clan ample resources with which to rebuild from following Tukayyid.
The Jade Falcon Sourcebook (FASA1644) had four Elite Mechwarriors [Star Commander Withyn Koga – CO Alpha Talon 3, MechWarrior Corbin Mattlov – Command Star, MechWarrior Kipps – Alpha Talon 1, MechWarrior Okin – Alpha Talon 2] all serving in Turkina Keshik during this epic clash with the ComGuards. Serving alongside other Falcon Heavy and Assault OmniMechs the Turkina performed well during the battle even if the Clan as a whole achieved only a draw. Just one of the four pilots were wounded in action and presumably all of these field testers returned to service with little delay.
Two more of these brand-new war machines were deployed with the newly enhanced 5th Battle Cluster for the Trial of Restoration. Both serving in the Cluster Command Star [Mechwarrior Kevon and Mechwarrior Bakar] were piloted by elite Falcon Mechwarriors freshly graduated from their sibkos. These Assault OmniMechs saw some of the heaviest fighting and each claimed one kill (each taking down a Timber Wolf from their Clan’s greatest rival) before the battle over the direction of the invasion drew to a close. Kevon in a Turkina A was WIA and his Mech lost a leg but continued to fight effectively till Trial’s end. Mechwarrior Bakar also WIA was claimed as a bondsman by Khan Jonathon Clarke of the Diamond Sharks. His Turkina Primary was destroyed (the first OmniMech of its kind to be lost) during the battle leaving little to be studied.
As a result of these impressive battlefield debuts the ilKhan pre-selected the Turkina as the 95-ton Vampire OmniMech for the Clans prior to the start of the Quicksilver Trials. The Falcons jealously guard their new premier Assault OmniMech and have let no Clan save one claim any thus far. Smoke Jaguar merchants were able to acquire a small production share for their own use thanks to their traditional Crusader alliance and other friendly overtures made during this time. Khan Osis and saKhan Montizima have assigned these to elite Assault Stars were they primarily serve along side the Dire Wolf. The ten Clans (Diamond Shark, Coyote, Goliath Scorpion, Cloud Cobra, Nova Cat, Steel Viper, Hell’s Horses, Snow Raven, Fire Mandrill, Blood Spirit) that made up the Provisional Half Cluster continue to study the wreckage left from the Restoration Trial Field but have been unable to rebuild this fearsome new war machine.
As the Clans upgraded their existing designs in the wake of the Quicksilver Trials it was determined by Scientists and Technicians that dropping four Fixed Double Heat Sinks could be easily accomplished. This modification expanded pod space to an impressive forty-six tons and made further improvements possible. While removing the fixed Jump Jets was also considered here these thruster packs proved difficult to remove from the base chassis. It did not help matters that the Jade Falcons were quite reluctant to make said alterations pointing to a desire for integral mobility on their OmniMechs going forward. This evolution in tactical doctrine can be seen in their designs and with the Turkina’s already impressive capabilities efforts to pod mount the boosters were dropped.
A Norse theme has already been applied to InnerSphere Naming Conventions for Jade Falcon OmniMechs. Invasion era examples such as the Uller for the Kit Fox, Loki for the Hellbringer, and Thor for the Summoner have now been joined by Quicksilver models like the Skadi for the Fire Falcon, Habrok for the Black Lanner, and Vidar for the Night Gyr. Vintion2 already proposed a name (link below) during the Fire Falcon upgrade competition, the Odin. This makes a lot of sense being just about the largest Falcon OmniMech deployed in the InnerSphere but I’d like to put forth a variation on that theme. Wotan seems to be even more appropriate as not only is it another name for Odin but the world of the same name serves as Jade Falcon’s OZ capital at this time., please discuss what you like about the existing configurations (would you keep them as is Quicksilver fluff will give you half a point now) and introduce your alternatives. Please explain why yours is best, what role it plays with your modifications, etc. Remember I love fluff. Again, you are not allowed to alter the base design itself but the configurations are opened game. Clan Level 2 is the tech level for this contest just after Tukayyid so no ATMs, AP Gauss, Heavy Lasers, or Light Active Probes! Teamwork is also very welcomed so if you have an idea it is acceptable to collaborate. Since multiple configurations can win whoever gets the most wins, wins! Bonus point for the best new Quicksilver fluff! If you don’t like the Odin or Wotan as the InnerSphere designation please give me your better option as a bonus point is available.
Design: Turkina (Odin?/Wotan?) Assault OmniMech
Era: 3052, just following the Truce of Tukayyid
Tech: Clan Level 2
Mass: 95 tons
Internal Structure: Standard (9.5 ton)
Engine: 285 XL (8.5 tons)
Movement: 3/5/3
Heat Sinks: 11 (22) [-4 fixed Double Heat Sinks]
Gyro: (3 tons)
Cockpit: (3 tons)
Armor: Standard (18 tons – 288 armor factor)
Armament: 46 tons available for pod space (+4 tons from fixed DHS)
You have two weeks to complete this challenge so please have your entries in by Friday February 1st, 2019 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, good luck!!