I have no clue what I am going to do for stats for this beast. She's not done being developed yet, I just ran out of time at present to work on her. I am liking some parts and disliking others, though I am hesitant to make any more sweeping changes. I like the head, I just don't know if I like it here, and the torso is turning out to be way more like a breastplate than I had imagined. Reworking sections at this point is less work than it would appear because I am doing it digital, but more work then I'd lie to add at this moment.
When it comes to stats, it looks like. Heavy to me. It's got a very solid foundation and legs built for kicking. Also, it's got big guns, and the potential for more, but what are the guns? I thought the load out looked like a standard Rifleman, two long barrel auto cannon and under slung large lasers, with a medium in each side torso. Those were more of a happenstance, but they can all be replaced while keepin the look. I was thinking ultra 5s if possible, but I do not know.
I am not even sure if this thing looks clan or is. It doesn't look omni, thanks to its arms unless this config is incredibly common. This could, again, be changed. I like the idea of a fire support mech(obviously) late Fwl or Capellan. If Capellan, I'd like to add jump jets. Being as I don't currently have a designer and construction rules are in books at home(where I won't be til Wednesday), anyone wanna take some cracks at giving her stats? I like the two identicle main guns, but honestly you could call it a light and make those over over and unders mediums and small lasers for All the difference it makes, lol. Just look at the pic, get some ideas, and tell me a out them here. If we need more equipment, the torso is beggin to get reworked IMHO. Have fun:)