When we started this journey back in June I thought there maybe some controversy but never did I think it would be over the Vampire or Assailant class. Maximizing firepower to create an apex Clan design seems like a winning idea on the surface. Looking back over the realities in regards to available weaponry and its impact on space versus mass one can see the problem. Could a 4/6 design have been consider here as long as it had more than half its mass reserved for pod space? It is a tough call cause said design is going to look an awful lot like the Blood Asp which under went a name change here to the Black Mamba. Maybe I should have opened another contest on 90 ton Werewolves cause that design is not fast enough. Whatever the case I believe it worked out because of the great entries reviewed here. A special thanks goes to the designers who worked under pretty harsh restrictions and still bought many viable alternatives to the Vampire class. All those qualified were pretty darn good receiving initial grades of 8.5 out of 10 or higher from me as they came in. Probably one of the highest marks I have given throughout. Everyone should be proud, great job!
N/A. Leviathan (Takiro)
Well I tried to do my very best and after I finished looking back objectively there is one entry that would have beat me. So at best I am thinking silver medal for me, not to shabby! However without an impartial judge I am compelled to disqualify myself because well it just would not be fair. What I hope is that you all enjoyed the design and the art which were really done by Eriance some years ago. When saw the Leviathan on the CBT forums I had to at least try to incorporate it into my BattleTech universe. I believe the original was 100 tons but in order to fit the contest the mass was dropped. Fluff was not that difficult but lacks some of the interesting stuff you guys hit on. In addition to the enjoyment I hope you got out of this project I also wanted to prove such an endeavor was possible. Vampires that carry ridiculous loads of pod space can work but it is not easy to create configurations. Maybe Clan weaponry is too refined for such inordinate amounts of weaponry and speed is preferable at higher weights. It is good we created such an option in opinion cause you never know where the need might arise for such a machine.
Dune Stalker (masterarminas)
I was more than a little disappointed that the Dune Stalker by Clan Goliath Scorpion would not be fluffed out for this contest. Devastated would be the most appropriate word. I do understand the 3/5 bottleneck especially well after putting together the Leviathan. The need to use ballistic weaponry in order to fill all that space is pretty daunting not to mention constant heat concerns. However it really would not have been faithful to the Quicksilver spirit to alter the doctrine set down when we began. I will tell everyone who will listen that this is a formidable design made by one hell of a designer. Take a look at the link below to find more info on this excellent OmniMech. Sorry again and I really hope you will come back for other Quicksilver Trails.
4. Thunderbird (Abele) 8.4
The name is very Snow Raven concept with one part mythical winged creature and another old aerospace fighter. The concept and aesthetic are both very nicely done with a definite Clan feel. I really like the 14.5 tons of Ferro-Fibrous that produce a near perfect 278 armor factor. With 47 tons of pod space you make a pretty mean Vampire and I like the configurations especially X which serves nicely as a supporting element. Basing this new OmniMech on the Pulverizer is a good choice but it does concern me as a radical rebuild is necessary making original models unusable. This could hamper rapid production then there is the 270XL (3/5) engine. While this power plant is available you kind of imply that the Ravens would build that from the ground up not using available supplies. Also this Mech is long out of production and new facilities for manufacturing would have to be established. I am sure these difficulties could be overcome but your competitors I felt better expedited production and utilized existing material. Sorry bud, just puts you outside the medal winnings. I graded you off at a 8.5 out of 10 so nothing you did wrong per say just liked others better.
3. Tyrant (Fitzgerald) 8.7
I love it when a bunch of Goliath Scorpions go all necrosia on an oldie but goodie like the Emperor. This was the first time someone pointed out that the Light Force 270 XL from the Incubus could be used here just like the Shadow Cat’s power plant. Obtaining it from the Hell’s Horses via a trail is plausible and very Clan like. So fitting the 3/5 profile is skillfully done not to mention integral jump jets (3) which keep true to its forerunner’s rate. Topping it off with a near max 278 armor factor thanks to 14.5 tons of ferro fibrous is a great touch. This produces a very formidable 47 tons of pod space and I like the very accurate B Configuration with its Pulse Laser-Streak SRM combo. The name Tyrant is not that bad especially when I got to thinking about the InnerSphere Tyrants the Clans wish to topple and who chased them into Exile. Using such an old design not currently in production could cause problems. However, ready examples of the Titan Super TZ-7EA chassis on cached Emperors could be refitted for service bolstering numbers quickly. Very nice job!
2. Hellstorm (drakensis) 8.9
This Cloud Cobra by way of Nova Cat design would have been perfect if it was Diamond Shark but that is about my only complaint. Even that is a minor one cause this is a really good package. The name after the harsh weather phenomena of Circe is excellent as is using the Supernova as the basis of this OmniMech. Inspired on both counts. Nova Cat could basically do this Mech itself especially because of the RFUM 270 XL (3/5) engine from the Shadow Cat. While Nova Cat still owns Brim Ironworks I could them going to Cloud Cobra for their shared mysticism as well as the fact that the Cobras have not done much during Quicksilver. While 46 tons of pod space is low end (matching the Dune Stalker) the design is pretty good and does fit the Vampire class. I might have gone for ferro fibrous armor but 15.5 tons of standard (248 factor) plating works and does free up the great possible internal space. Not using 7 more critical spaces for EndoSteel or Ferro Fibrous does help equip these massive tubs with weapons. Great job!
1, Clansman (drakensis) 9.7
Well just when you thought you saw it all here comes drakensis with a special request for a second design. He steps forward with perhaps the best name and concept of the entire contest. The Diamond Sharks using the Highlander IIC as a basis really hit a home run on this one. It’s a great Scottish transition from the old Highlander to the new Clansman which works in another way. What Clan warrior is not going to want to pilot a Clansman? With the name representing the Clans as a whole (Clan unity is a big foucs for Quicksilver) and this war machine’s special place in the SLDF (Black Watch and iconic ‘Mech) make it a double hit for me. Marketing genius for Diamond Shark as everyone is gonna want one for their Clan. The second entry to make use of the Light Force 270 XL from the Incubus along with integral jump jets for greater mobility (3/5/3). I could see a deal with Hell’s Horses as they are still thin relatively speaking for Quicksilver. Armor is a little light at 11.5 tons of ferro fibrous (220 armor factor) which is 2 tons shy of total protection. What this war machine has is 50 tons of pod space for weapons and equipment which is the second most in this contest. Congrats bud!
So while we have our medalists and our winner what will get the special Clan BattleMech nod. After thinking long and hard about the BattleMech to replace the Highlander IIC (which are undergoing conversion to OmniMech) it came down to the Thunderbird or the Emperor IIC based on the Tyrant. I got to say the Emperor IIC by Goliath Scorpion likely with Diamond Shark help is probably the better choice but it was close. Thanks again everyone, nice job on the final Vampire contest of Quicksilver.