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Author Topic: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech  (Read 2034 times)

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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2014, 06:04:27 PM »

 The team of Clan Fire Mandrill and Blood Spirits have issued a Trail of Grievance against the Ilkhan and his Quicksilver challenge and Will use the Blood Fury(Fire Fury if ur facing Fire Mandrill) -> http://www.solaris7.com/TRO/Design.asp?Type=Battlemech&ID=19264


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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2014, 06:46:19 PM »

Very nice two new designs and LordGrayson throws down with a slower then criteria entry I will accept. I like the attitude. Very nice! One more day to go gang and things are getting very interesting.


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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2014, 08:00:17 AM »

Sixteen hours left in this contest gang so get those designs finished and posted.


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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2014, 01:18:06 PM »

Nice Fluff Grayson....
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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2014, 12:07:36 AM »

Agreed JP. This contest is officially closed. Hopefully the results will be up tomorrow. Good luck everyone!


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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2014, 10:16:43 AM »

Well another contest has come and gone this time with ten entries by seven designers. I would like to thank everyone again for their participation and make special note of our first joint entry! I really hope to see more cooperation between designers and the entries seem to be just getting better and better. Now onto the review!

N/A. Dire Fox (drakensis)
First up I have to address this Level 3 entry put forward by the Diamond Sharks which really pushed the boundaries. Its massive oversized 420 XL engine propels this 60 ton Omni forward at an incredible 7/11 movement rate. Unfortunately it has only 16 tons of pod space for weapons and equipment which is the same as its much lighter forebearer, the Kit Fox. Its configurations are pretty good despite the mass shortage with Beta as an interesting missile boat but one that only has 12 shots a piece for its LRMs. There is also the staggering 139 million c-bill cost, that’s a lot of Kerenskys!! So while this high tech entry can not qualify for our contest at large I want to thank drak for going outside of the box. On a side note I am seriously considering the establishment a united Clan research organization or facility based on the capital world that would center on highly experimental designs like the Dire Fox, the Blur (Quicksilver 5), and the Sabre Kraken (Quicksilver 7).

9. Hellcat (Dragon Cat)
This Hell’s Horses Quad is an interesting entry but the fluff is pretty thin especially overview. Additionally the name makes me think of the aerofighter and there really is no explanation behind it. Not that you need one cause the name works but it would have helped. The 6/9/6 movement rating really brings mobility to this contest which is something I like. While 10.5 tons of standard armor produce a descent protective coating this design may have been one of the most vulnerable. 17 tons of pod space seems pretty sparse but you do a good job with configurations. I like the simple main gun feel of some like the Ultra AC/20 and the Gauss Rifle. Nice try Dragon Cat but I need more fluff next time.

8. Boreal Wildcat (Master Arminas)
Awesome design but fluff failure for this joint Ice Hellion and Hell’s Horses project. I didn’t care for the story of the stolen Linebacker which seemed real out of place given this Omnis basis on the Lancelot. I am still scratching my head on that. Maybe you were trying to write in too much but it seems contradictory to me. Why steal plans to one design only to turn around and base your design on something different? Another major grip was the rebuilt Lancelot XL engines which doesn’t seem easy to me or a way to facilitate production. I will get real nitpicky with the name which is very Clan like but the Boreal Wildcat just didn’t have the right ring to it for me. The actual design is the best part with blazing 6/9 speed with bursts of 12 thanks to a MASC. You got 201 max armor factor thanks to 10.5 tons of ferro fibrous and 21 tons of pod space (more than one-third) available for weapons and equipment, very nice. The configurations are neat and I do like the artillery model along with the obligatory heavy scout. Eighth place.

7. Thunder Cat (Abele)
Ho! The background story of the Snow Leopard being researched by the Smoke Jaguars off the Hell’s Horses is believable but you do not really say how the Horses got this failed prototype back to base the Thunder Cat on. I understand why you and Dragon Cat both went with standard armor over ferro fibrous. Quads really get hurt by the loss of 12 criticals especially when your using an XL engine which consumes more internal space. EndoSteel is a better weight saving bargain so you did a good job with the design. The 10.5 tons of standard provides a descent job protecting the war machine. The 6/9 MP with a MASC gives this 60 ton quad boosts of 12. The 360 XL power plant being developed from the Cyclops and Ymir is interesting but not particularly useful. While it might reduce lead time somewhat I doubt there would be much actual savings. I am looking for existing Clan built models from something in production already or mothballed perhaps that can go right on your new design. 21 tons of pod space is pretty darn good and your configurations are not bad although C refers to the Sleipnir which maybe a typo. So overall not a bad job. You had a great name with some art and even a theme song unfortunately I thought there were six better.

6. Black Talon (Abele)
Somebody is trying out a different writing perspective? This Cloud Cobra, Snow Raven, and Nova Cat effort is presented as an intelligence report by the Star Adder Watch. I like the Lancelot and Griffin IIc basis but the 360 XL engine from the Lancelot comes up again. Repurposed lower tech gear does not make sense to me. The 6/9 movement rate is good along with the max 201 armor factor thanks to 10.5 tons of ferro fibrous. 23 tons of pod space for weapons and equipment is pretty high for this contest and the configurations are really nice including the Lancelot copy Prime. Plus the name is very solid - nice job Abele!

5. Blood Tick (Master Arminas)
This sucker can move! With a 6/9/6 movement factor enhanced by a MASC this 60 ton entry is the best werewolf one could possibly design under Level 2 rules. Also you got the max 201 armor factor thanks to 10.5 tons of ferro fibrous. The big side affect is the 15 tons of pod space which is pretty tiny but I really like what you did with the configurations. The deployment as a command element for light and medium Stars is a big plus which I really liked. The background story of hate motivating the Star Adders and Burrocks to make this entry is right on although I am not sure why Diamond Shark would get involved. Very nice entry but there were four better in my opinion.

4. Kidon (JP Arbiter)
I love the basis of this OmniMech being the Exterminator. Your introduction is spot on for this Hell’s Horses entry. Sparing no expense is a difficult proposition for the Clans to follow but acceptable in this case. The design is just what I was looking for at 6/9 with a MASC for 12 MPs at times. Your 181 armor factor is a ton short of max protection for a 60 tonner mounting ferro fibrous but is still high end in my opinion. 20 tons of pod space reserves a third of this war machines mass for armament which is right at the acceptable level. The configurations are pretty good too (more artillery and a spotter) although I would have liked to have seen a sniper variant with a Gauss or ER PPC capable of capping some unsuspected sod. The name is a major drawback for me and while I understand your reasons for it the Quicksilver Program should embody Clan society and the Kidon does not fit for me in 3052. If it was named the Headhunter for missions conducted during Operation Revival and to facilitate such future operations it would have been the winner hands down. As it is you just missed out on the medals.

3. Blood Fury (LordGrayson)
This late in your face ilKhan entry was very good. While this Blood Spirit-Fire Mandrill entry violates the criteria it makes a good show of saving resources. Normally I would say that both of these Clans lack the wherewithal to make good on this werewolf design LordGrayson does a great job. The Clan 300 XL (5/8) is readily available and fits nicely with a MASC for boosts of 10 MP. Maxing out the armor protection with a 201 factor thanks to 10.5 tons of ferro fibrous is a nice touch. 27 tons of pod space is the most impressive feature about this design which can bring a huge amount of firepower to the table. Basing the new OmniMech on an up scaled Stooping Hawk is not a bad idea. I would like to use this design as a basis for a new standard BattleMech deployed by the Spirits and Mandrills. So congrats LordGrayson you not only placed third for a bronze but created a capable new BattleMech for the Clans. Great stuff!

2. Drop Bear (Smegish with Master Arminas)
Love to see the cooperation between Smegish and Master Arminas here. There is no rule against you guys getting together and submitting a joint design. Fantastic job of working together on this Ghost Bear war machine. Smegish does another job of presenting this design from a third party point of view once again and Master Arminas helps jazzing up the name. Like how you fit your Quasar entry in here too. Based on the Vulture this machine moves at the 6/9 fast minimum for this heavy werewolf. The sole drawback is the engine basis on the Lancelot. I am looking for existing Clan sources not InnerSphere or Star League era museum pieces. 8.5 tons of ferro fibrous armor is two tons shy of max but pretty darn solid. 25 tons of pod space is pretty impressive and your configurations are good especially their resemblance to its forebearer while employing lessons learned from the invasion. Good enough for second place!

1. Hellfury (drakensis)
This Star Adder entry is clearly head and shoulders above the rest. The fluff is blended excellently with canon and alternate themes present. It uses the Lupus as a base model and draws on canon story elements perfectly to create a solid new OmniMech. Not only did this design parallel the Hellfire which was fielded in canon to test bed the Heavy Lasers but you cited the development of the Blood Asp (which will be renamed the Black Mamba in this alternate) and used its engine. You also allude to the Lupus possibly being restarted, very well done! Competition between Adder design teams is a nice touch. Love the tension between the Adders and Coyotes. The story of the chalcas Tech Brutus is sure to be a key debate in the Grand Council something we have not heard the end of. The design is just as good with top level 6/9 speed enhanced with a MASC for bursts of 12. While 8.5 tons of ferro fibrous armor is two tons shy of max this level of protection seems pretty solid to me for a fast moving heavy. 23 tons of pod space is not too shabby either and the configurations are pretty darn good with prime sticking with its missile boat forerunner. Excellent job drak, first prize!

Great job everyone, thanks again for making another design challenge a good one. Now get ready to try and beat the Lupus!
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 10:17:49 AM by Takiro »


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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2014, 11:41:41 AM »

Congratulations to Drakensis, Smerish, and Lord Grayson.  Now to the standings:

Master Arminas:  3 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze
Abele:  2 Gold, 3 Silver, 0 Bronze
Drakensis:  2 Gold, 0 Silver, 4 Bronze
Smerish:  1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze
Fitzgerald:  1 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze
JPArbiter:  0 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze
Lord Grayson:  0 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze

Drakensis is now in the lead with six, Abele and Master Arminas are tied for second in the medal count with a total of 5 each, trailed by JPArbiter with 4, Lord Grayson with 3, and then both Fitzgerald and Smerish with 2 apiece.

Drakensis:  6
Abele:  5
Master Arminas:  5
JPArbiter:  4
Lord Grayson:  3
Fitzgerald:  2
Smerish:  2

« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 11:42:23 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2014, 12:00:56 PM »

First, congrats to our medalists, you did superior work with such tight criteria.

Second, I really disliked how we were pigeon-holed into only doing one possible design, with only variations in armor. Personally I hated both of my designs because there was so little to work with, IMO. The effort was, ultimately, wasted for me.

Here's hoping the next design gives us more creative latitude.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 12:09:43 PM by Abele »
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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2014, 12:32:50 PM »

Congratulations to the winner! The hardest part of this is contest is the creating/blending of the story to the Mech design.  Off to the next category.   :)


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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2014, 02:55:57 PM »

Second, I really disliked how we were pigeon-holed into only doing one possible design, with only variations in armor. Personally I hated both of my designs because there was so little to work with, IMO. The effort was, ultimately, wasted for me.

Here's hoping the next design gives us more creative latitude.

Well the design parameters were pretty narrow because of the circumstances and LordGrayson made a real good show of violating the speed requirements. Armor was a variation but integral heat sinks were as well. I expected to see a maxed out energy boat but hey... and no one looked to the Scytha for a 360XL engine? I do think you will like the next contest better as it is different and somewhat wider in scope.


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Re: Quicksilver Program #9: 60 ton Werewolf (Speedster) OmniMech
« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2014, 02:47:04 AM »

Drakensis dances the dance of sweet sweet victory.

(Okay, maybe I'm taking this a little too seriously).

It was difficult to stand out with the top engine size so obvious so I'm very pleased, but we did actually get some decent diversity.

Well done to everyone.
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