The final light unit of Project 3000, the PTR series Patriot is the second
Taurus Territorial offering made to the Concordat and the Defense Force.
Intended to serve as a replacement for the venerable Locust as a swift
open-terrain scout and light striker, the Patriot combines high speed, good
armor protection, and a potent array of weaponry to acheive performance that
many though impossible in such a light BattleMech.
Although lacking jump-jets, the Patriot prototypes passed all trials with
flying colors and the TDF ordered Taurus Territorial to place the 'Mech in
limited production. Used sparingly by the Defense Force--mainly to replace
available Locusts on an as-needed basis--the Patriot has carved a niche for
itself in the export market among mercenaries who know the value of quality
Taurian gear.
At 30 standard tons, the Patriot is not a large BattleMech by any stretch of
the imagination, but it has proven itself as highly capable in its intended
role. Six tons of Renault Composite 96 standard armor gives the design more
than ample protection against enemy fire (50% more than that of the Locust,
for example) and the 210 GM Fusion engine allows for a maximum speed of 118.8
kilometers per hour. While not quite as fast as the ancient LCT series (max
speed of 129.6 kph), the Patriot handily outpaces virtually all other designs
in common use today. Only the Locust, Spider, Ostscout, and Cicada are
faster, while a mere two other designs (the Jenner and Assassin) can match its
rate of movement.
Despite the high speed and heavy armor protection, TTI was able to make some
six tons available for the installation of weaponry on the Patriot. In the
standard model, a hard-hitting Aurora Missiliers Hemlock SRM-6 short-range
missile launcher with 15 salvoes of missiles is the primary weapon system.
Backing up the missiles are a pair of Martin-Gordan Rapier medium lasers,
mounted one in both the right and left arms for maximum coverage.
Ten standard heat sinks are fitted to the design, giving the Patriot enough
heat dissipation to fire all three weapons simultaneously with only movement
generating excess overheat. Having only fifteen shots with their main gun,
the pilots of most Patriots tend to conserve their SRM fire, relying on the
pair of medium lasers the majority of the time, also reducing the heat burden
generated created by running at maximum speeds. The Hemlock is used to
deliver the coup-de-grace, or when extra firepower is badly needed. However,
even in the thickest, hottest skirmishes, the MechWarrior assigned to a
Patriot should be more than able to maintain a very high tempo of fire with
both missiles and beams, even when operating at maximum speed.
==Battle History:==
In TDF service, the Patriot has yet to see serious combat; among mercenaries,
the story is quite different.
Randolph's Raiders is a short battalion consisting of two companies, currently
under contract to Maximllian Liao and the Capellan Confederation. Recently,
the Raiders managed to purchase a dozen newly manufactured Patriots from TTI
and incorporated the 'Mechs into their light company, supporting the Shadow
Hawks, Wolverines, Crusaders, and Thunderbolts of their heavy company.
Assigned to raid Bell in 3014, the Raiders landed eighty kilometers away from
their objective--a small manufacturer of high quality heat sinks. As the
local Capellan March Militia responded to their incursion, the light company
used their speed to bypass the defenders and strike at the plant. The single
lance of defenders left behind was unable to deal with the combined speed and
firepower of the Patriots, and after a short, sharp engagement withdrew.
Quickly, the men and women of Randolph's light company unloaded bundles of
high-tensile strength netting, and bagged up seventy-two tons of heat sinks in
bundles of three. With each Patriot carrying two of the sacks, the Raiders
then withdrew to their DropShips at high speed.
Furious with the success of the raid, the commander of the Davion forces
on-world assembled an ad-hoc unit of Locusts, Spiders, Cicadas, and a single
ancient Ostscout to catch and destroy Randolph's Light Company before it could
rendevous with the DropShips and escape offworld.
The Davions did manage to catch the slower Patriots, but in doing so they
discovered that they were outgunned. The Raiders set down the bundles of
heat-sinks and turned to engage the Davions with missiles and laser fire,
relying on their armor as well as their speed for protection. Within minutes,
the volume of fire from the Raiders had thinned the Davion ranks, and the
senior suriviving Fed Suns MechWarrior made the decision to pull back and wait
for heaiver reinforcements.
Letting the Davions go, the Raiders once again took up their burden and
continued on, arriving at their DropShips five minutes ahead of the pursuing
Davion forces. Not wanting to overstay their warm welcome, the Raiders then
lifted off, leaving a fuming Davion commander to compose his report to New
Although the loss of seventy-two tons of heat sinks caused little long-term
loss to the Davions, Chancellor Liao was quite pleased with the results of the
raid. Since the raid on Bell, TTI has received a formal request by the
Capellan government inquiring as to the purchase of several Patriots for their
own use. That request is under review by the Protector's office.
The -1B model Patriot replaces the left-arm Rapier medium laser with a
Jamestown Incendiaries Flamelord flamer for both incendiary and anti-personnel
work, keeping all other weaponry the same. Roughly 20% of all Patriots
produced are the -1B model, to accompany the 60% of -1As.
The fire-support model is the -2A. Taurus Territorial removed the left-arm
Rapier and the torso mounted Hemlock launcher in order to mount a pair of
Aurora Missiliers Privet LRM-5 launchers, one each in both the right and left
torsos. A single one-ton missile magazine with 24 salvoes in the center torso
feeds both launchers. Detractors of the -2A are concerned with the speed in
which the missile magazine is depleted, although they do recognize the potency
of the long-range missile battery on such a light 'Mech.
The -3A removes all standard weapons of the Patriot. A Martin-Gordan Lance
large laser serves as the main gun in the right arm, with only a Jamestown
Incendiaires Flamelord flamer on the left arm as back-up. Nearly 30% of all
production Patriots are the model -3A, which combines range, striking power,
survivability, speed, and anti-personnel capability into one rugged and
capable design. Only the lack of jump-jets has prevented the PTR-3A from
becoming the primary light-weight BattleMech of the TDF.
==Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:==
Captain Dawn Gibson piloted her PTR-3A Patriot "Chicken Little" during
Randolph's Raiders strike against Bell. As commander of Randolph's Light
Company, she was the women in charge of the successful theft of the heat
sinks--and the humiliation of the Davion forces on world. Captain Gibson was
personnally decorated by the hand of Chancellor Liao upon her return, who was
greatly impressed with not only her ability, but her beauty as well. Rumor
has it that the Chancellor's wife was not quite so pleased, and has since
placed a sizable bounty on the head of Captain Gibson.
Taurian doctrine calls for light-weight BattleMechs to use jump capability to
harass and interdict hostile 'Mech and vehicle forces, while the medium and
heavy ground-based 'Mechs serve as the offensive fist. Yet, the TDF has
always included a sizable number of Locusts and Commandoes (both designs
without jump-jets) in its ranks.
With the introduction of the Patriot, the TDF has slowly replaced its stock of
existing LCT and COM series units. Once a unit has received its Patriots,
these 'Mechs are assembled into lances comprised soley of other Patriots
(although they are sometimes matched with Grenadiers instead), providing TDF
commanders with fast-moving recon and light striker formations. Typically,
the TDF attempts to deploy one lance of Patriots and Grenadiers in each
medium-weight company as a scout and flanker lance.
Light companies instead tend to use the Bandit and Scout series, both of which
rely on the use of jump-jets. At the time of this writing, there are no light
companies in the TDF which use more than one or two Patriots or Grenadiers.
Mercenary units are less concerned with doctrine, and often simply make-do
with what is available. At least one merc unit with which the Concordat
reguarly deals has purchased a dozen Patriots and formed a Striker company
around those twelve light 'Mechs. Members of that unit (Randolph's Raiders)
prize the new Patriot as an exceptional raider. The inclusion of two
functional hand actuators on 'Mech capable of reaching speeds of nearly 120
klicks is widely regarded by Randolph's personnel as one of the major selling
points of the design.
BattleMech Technical Readout
Type/Model: Patriot PTR-1A
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2989
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 1, Custom design
Mass: 30 tons
Chassis: Concordat Light 30 Standard
Power Plant: 210 GM Fusion
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Renault Composite 96 Standard
2 Martin Gordan Rapier Medium Lasers
1 Aurora Missiliers Hemlock SRM 6
Manufacturer: Taurus Territorial Industries
Location: Taurus
Communications System: Wintershaven Comm IVIS Mk IX
Targeting & Tracking System: Bell & Sun Phalanx Silver
Type/Model: Patriot PTR-1A
Mass: 30 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 51 pts Standard 0 3.00
Engine: 210 Fusion 6 9.00
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 2 .00
(Heat Sink Loc: 1 LL, 1 RL)
Gyro: 4 3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA+H 16 .00
Armor Factor: 96 pts Standard 0 6.00
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 8
Center Torso: 10 13
Center Torso (Rear): 3
L/R Side Torso: 7 10/10
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 3/3
L/R Arm: 5 10/10
L/R Leg: 7 13/13
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Medium Laser RA 3 1 1.00
1 Medium Laser LA 3 1 1.00
1 SRM 6 RT 4 15 3 4.00
(Ammo Locations: 1 RT)
TOTALS: 10 38 30.00
Crits & Tons Left: 40 .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 2,578,940 C-Bills
Battle Value: 631
Cost per BV: 4,087.07
Weapon Value: 399 / 399 (Ratio = .63 / .63)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 14; MRDmg = 2; LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 7, Armor/Structure: 2/3
Damage PB/M/L: 2/2/-, Overheat: 0
Class: ML; Point Value: 6
BattleMech Technical Readout
Type/Model: Patriot PTR-1B
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2989
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 1, Custom design
Mass: 30 tons
Chassis: Concordat Light 30 Standard
Power Plant: 210 GM Fusion
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Renault Composite 96 Standard
1 Martin Gordan Rapier Medium Laser
1 Jamestown Incendiaries Flamelord Flamer
1 Aurora Missiliers Hemlock SRM 6
Manufacturer: Taurus Territorial Industries
Location: Taurus
Communications System: Wintershaven Comm IVIS Mk IX
Targeting & Tracking System: Bell & Sun Phalanx Silver
Type/Model: Patriot PTR-1B
Mass: 30 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 51 pts Standard 0 3.00
Engine: 210 Fusion 6 9.00
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 2 .00
(Heat Sink Loc: 1 LL, 1 RL)
Gyro: 4 3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA+H 16 .00
Armor Factor: 96 pts Standard 0 6.00
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 8
Center Torso: 10 13
Center Torso (Rear): 3
L/R Side Torso: 7 10/10
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 3/3
L/R Arm: 5 10/10
L/R Leg: 7 13/13
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Medium Laser RA 3 1 1.00
1 Flamer LA 3 1 1.00
1 SRM 6 RT 4 15 3 4.00
(Ammo Locations: 1 RT)
TOTALS: 10 38 30.00
Crits & Tons Left: 40 .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 2,536,690 C-Bills
Battle Value: 566
Cost per BV: 4,481.78
Weapon Value: 292 / 292 (Ratio = .52 / .52)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 11; MRDmg = 2; LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 7, Armor/Structure: 2/3
Damage PB/M/L: 2/1/-, Overheat: 0
Class: ML; Point Value: 6
BattleMech Technical Readout
Type/Model: Patriot PTR-2A
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2989
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 1, Custom design
Mass: 30 tons
Chassis: Concordat Light 30 Standard
Power Plant: 210 GM Fusion
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Renault Composite 96 Standard
1 Martin Gordan Rapier Medium Laser
2 Aurora Missiliers Privet LRM 5s
Manufacturer: Taurus Territorial Industries
Location: Taurus
Communications System: Wintershaven Comm IVIS Mk IX
Targeting & Tracking System: Bell & Sun Phalanx Silver
Type/Model: Patriot PTR-2A
Mass: 30 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 51 pts Standard 0 3.00
Engine: 210 Fusion 6 9.00
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 2 .00
(Heat Sink Loc: 1 LL, 1 RL)
Gyro: 4 3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA+H 16 .00
Armor Factor: 96 pts Standard 0 6.00
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 8
Center Torso: 10 13
Center Torso (Rear): 3
L/R Side Torso: 7 10/10
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 3/3
L/R Arm: 5 10/10
L/R Leg: 7 13/13
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Medium Laser RA 3 1 1.00
1 LRM 5 RT 2 24 2 3.00
(Ammo Locations: 1 CT)
1 LRM 5 LT 2 1 2.00
TOTALS: 7 37 30.00
Crits & Tons Left: 41 .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 2,504,840 C-Bills
Battle Value: 640
Cost per BV: 3,913.81
Weapon Value: 311 / 311 (Ratio = .49 / .49)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 8; MRDmg = 5; LRDmg = 3
BattleForce2: MP: 7, Armor/Structure: 2/3
Damage PB/M/L: 1/1/1, Overheat: 0
Class: ML; Point Value: 6
Specials: if
BattleMech Technical Readout
Type/Model: Patriot PTR-3A
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2989
Config: Biped BattleMech
Rules: Level 1, Custom design
Mass: 30 tons
Chassis: Concordat Light 30 Standard
Power Plant: 210 GM Fusion
Walking Speed: 75.6 km/h
Maximum Speed: 118.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Renault Composite 96 Standard
1 Martin Gordan Lance Large Laser
1 Jamestown Incendiaries Flamelord Flamer
Manufacturer: Taurus Territorial Industries
Location: Taurus
Communications System: Wintershaven Comm IVIS Mk IX
Targeting & Tracking System: Bell & Sun Phalanx Silver
Type/Model: Patriot PTR-3A
Mass: 30 tons
Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 51 pts Standard 0 3.00
Engine: 210 Fusion 6 9.00
Walking MP: 7
Running MP: 11
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 2 .00
(Heat Sink Loc: 1 LL, 1 RL)
Gyro: 4 3.00
Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 3.00
Actuators: L: Sh+UA+LA+H R: Sh+UA+LA+H 16 .00
Armor Factor: 96 pts Standard 0 6.00
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 8
Center Torso: 10 13
Center Torso (Rear): 3
L/R Side Torso: 7 10/10
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 3/3
L/R Arm: 5 10/10
L/R Leg: 7 13/13
Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
1 Large Laser RA 8 2 5.00
1 Flamer LA 3 1 1.00
TOTALS: 11 36 30.00
Crits & Tons Left: 42 .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 2,475,590 C-Bills
Battle Value: 599
Cost per BV: 4,132.87
Weapon Value: 287 / 287 (Ratio = .48 / .48)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 7; MRDmg = 4; LRDmg = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 7, Armor/Structure: 2/3
Damage PB/M/L: 2/1/-, Overheat: 0
Class: ML; Point Value: 6