The next challenge should be up tonight. I just found another Banshee in my files that is different so I will post it. However, it will not be an entry as it is too late. Comments are welcomed.

Mass: 95 tons
Chassis: Star League XT
Power Plant: Edasich Motors 380 XL
Cruising Speed: 43 kph
Maximum Speed: 65 kph, 86 kph w/MASC
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: None
Armor: Starshield
2 Imperator-Zeta Class Autocannon/20s
1 Octagon Missile-Magnet Narc Beacon
2 Magna Mk II Medium Lasers
Manufacturer: Star League Weapons Research
Primary Factory: Hesperus
Communications System: Dalban Commline
Targeting and Tracking System: Dalban HiRez-B
House Marik produced a variant of the Banshee known as the 3Q in 2915 largely because of a PPC shortage during the Third Succession War. Replacing the 3E’s Magna Hellstar PPC and Imperator-A Autocannon/5 with an Imperator-Zeta Autocannon/20 created a fast Assault ‘Mech with a massive punch. While a lack of ranged firepower and secondary weapons bought with it a share of criticism the BNC-3Q remained a uniquely Free Worlds League design. Pride in this model lead to the creation of the 5Q during the Marik Civil War which effectively mixed the 3Q with the new 5S.
Using lostech Marik engineers were able to design a new Banshee which could rapidly close on threats and deliver devastating damage. While much of ‘their model’ was based on the Lyran BNC-5S like the 380 Extra Light Engine and Double Heat Sinks this new League variant integrated other Star League era innovations. With the weight saved from their modifications designers were able to fit two enormous Imperator-Zeta Class Autocannon/20s on the Banshee. These big guns are able to devastating firepower at close range which can eliminate most opposition in a matter of moments. A massive five-ton MASC enabled the already fast Banshee to go even faster for short bursts which would enable its short-ranged weaponry to engage targets and destroy them. Mounting a Narc Missile Beacon Launcher in place of the Steiner SRM-6 allows the Marik Banshee to mark its target for supplemental missile support. Finally, two Magna Mk II Medium Lasers round out this war machines arsenal giving the Banshee some complementary firepower. Other than that internal structure, cockpit, gyroscope, venerable electronics, and armor remains almost wholly unchanged from the 3E. Fifteen tons of Starsheild armor provides eight one percent of maximum protection for this ninety-five-ton chassis.
New Marik Banshees began appearing in numbers during the Civil War and spread from the Lyran border region to Andurien by conflict’s end.
Type: Banshee
Technology Base: InnerSphere Level 2
Tonnage: 95 tons
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 9.5
Engine: 380 XL 20.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6 (

Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 10 (20) 0
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 240 15
Internal Structure Armor Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 30 40 / 17
R/L Torso 20 30 / 10
R/L Arm 16 21
R/L Leg 20 26
Weapons and Ammo: Location Criticals Mass
Autocannon/20 RT/CT 9/1 14
Ammo (AC) 10 Right Leg 2 2
Autocannon/20 LT/CT 9/1 14
Ammo (AC) 10 Left Leg 2 2
Narc Missile Beacon Right Arm 2 3
Ammo (Narc) 6 Right Arm 1 1
2 Medium Lasers Left Arm 2 2
MASC Left Arm 5 5