Unfortunately, marauder648 couldn’t make it this week but so much the better for our other four competitors and their forty-one different entries who can take advantage of his absence to earn some points. Of course, they will have to defeat the existing canon configurations in the main part of our contest here but I am sure they are up to the challenge. Let’s get down to business here with a review of the bonus points available this week for fluff and InnerSphere designation.
I couldn’t find any name suggestions from Abele and he had no fluff overview which sort of ruled him out making it a three-way contest. While I did have a story in mind for Coyote it was more about them rejected Linebacker gifts from the Wolves in objection to their strengthening ties to the Star Adders. Plus, while the Little Charger was funny I didn’t really love it for a place here so drak I placed your fluff and name suggestion in third place. Bradshaw gets second for his solid fluff and Okami name suggestion which I would have liked to seen explained a little more. That means Ice Hellion gets 2 points right off the bat for his superior fluff which was a little different yes but by far the best as well as his Sleipnir name suggestion. I liked them both buddy, nice job!!
Primary Configuration featured two ER PPCs and that is really a good weapon selection for the Linebacker with its high heat sinks and low weapon pod space. Ultimately the heat produced by the ER PPCs overwhelms the Linebacker’s integral cooling systems and there isn’t much you can do about it without impacting performance. With that in mind I really like Ice Hellion Prime who says damn the heat lets make it hotter with five more ER Mediums and an ER Small to guarantee a shutdown from a single Alpha Strike! However, that isn’t the intent here rather a bracket fire effect which I have to say is very intriguing. In the end I thought drakensis Prime which doubled the Streak SRM 4s was a bit better but it was a very difficult choice. Very narrow win for drak here!
Alternate A from canon really confuses the stuffing out of me with those strange mixed LRM batteries but the twin ER Large Lasers is a good base. Bradshaw A was the first to balance out the LRMs here using two 10s but then drakensis A came along with a single LRM-15 tied to an Artemis with two ER Mediums in support. Not bad but the heat is a little bit much there drak which is why I liked Ice Hellion A the best which perfects Bradshaw’s original submission using two additional Double Heat Sinks to cool the two ER Larges and two LRM-10 batteries. Point to Ice Hellion!
While the Gauss Rifle is a fine weapon capable of long range sniping it might not be the best fit for the Linebacker. It takes up so much weight and produces so little heat that is sort of prohibitive despite of Bradshaw’s endorsement I have to pass. Don’t get me wrong it isn’t a bad configuration I just think that there is better for Alternate B out there. Ultimately, I thought that was Abele C whose Accurate Generalist was the way to go here. Love how he uses an LRM-15 with an Artemis IV, a Streak SRM-6, and five ER Mediums tied to a Targeting Computer to produce a pretty effective combination for the Linebacker. Point to Abele!
Researching canon C I found the Ultra AC/5/ER Large combination along with its supporting four ER Mediums, two Machine Guns, and a Flamer is actually pretty solid. Damage at all ranges and the heat while high isn’t all that bad. While there were other small caliber Ultra AC and LB-X entries along with some mid-size cannons I thought that canon C was still better but what about the big boys? As drakensis B points out with its Ultra AC/20, two ER Mediums, and an ER Small it was a better choice then the Gauss. I think that it is the best choice here though for a combination of a ballistic gun with some energy weapons which really isn’t the Linebackers forte. Here though the heat scale is perfectly balanced for this fast-hard charging option which can smash enemy units close up. Point two drakensis!!
I have to say that coming into this contest I think that canon D with its four Streak SRM-6s, two ER Mediums, and a rear facing ER Small stood the best chance at being retained. The heat scale is very balanced and it produces solid mid-range for the Linebacker. There are other Streak options offered here like Abele D which tries to cut the SRMs in half and pair them with a single ER PPC but ultimately, I thought that canon was still the best option. Point canon!
With Alternate E I went to the familiar fire support niche for a massed LRM battery which we saw four different entries take a shot at. Bradshaw E went with two LRM-20s for its firepower while Bradshaw F went with two LRM-15s paired with Artemis IV FCS for a bit more accuracy. It was a three battery of LRM-15s however that I felt would provide the most down range fire support for the Linebacker which Ice Hellion E and drakensis D took a swing at. While Ice’s combo might be more optimal I liked drak’s a bit more for its slightly better staying power, approximately three rounds more. So point three drakensis!!!
The winner of Alternate F went to Bradshaw who wanted to win that configuration so bad he put in twice for it. Seriously though his Massed ER Medium and ER Small Lasers tied to a Targeting Computer along with some extra heat sinks produces a Nova (Black Hawk) like design which is faster and pretty effective. There are some heat concerns (8 overheat on just those weapons not including movement or the Flamer) but it can really pack an accurate punch (76 damage). Not too shabby and a point for Bradshaw!
For the Heavy or Hardiest hitting Configuration that is H I really have to go with drakensis G which turn in another solid SRM Narc concept which can produce 84 possible damage at 28 weapon heat. Only movement takes you over heat but there are still some concerns with this variant like only eight rounds of ammunition is available and let’s face it the range is not all that terrific. However, it definitely fills a niche and opponents should really be wary of screwing with the new Linebacker H. Honorable mention here to Ice Hellion G which pairs an ER PPC and ER Large linked to a Targeting Computer with three SRM-6s. Very nice Ice and I could see it being used by an individual Clan warrior certainly but as a general configuration I didn’t think so. Point four drakensis!!!!
I is for Interceptor or Interdictor here as I looked at twin Large Pulse Laser entries for their anti-aircraft capability. An honorable mention goes to Abele Prime here with its twin Medium Pulse and four Machine Guns which I thought excellent for anti-infantry work. However, I liked Ice Hellion F with four LRM-5s and a ER Small for close in support. The heat curve is good and it has long range firepower which thanks to the Pulses can be accurate. Design point two for Ice Hellion!!
Finally let’s jump for joy with Alternate Configuration J which obviously will have some inherent mobility. While there were several entries which mounted Jump Jets it boiled down to two for this last spot. Filling the Heavy Mobile Recon role was drakensis C which had six Jump Jets, an ECM Suite, an Active Prove, four ER Medium Lasers, four Machine Guns, and a Streak SRM-6. Pretty freaking good but I liked Abele A slightly better with two Streak SRM-4s, two ER Medium Lasers, two Medium Pulse Lasers, an ER Small, and six Jump Jets to produce a fine Mobile mid-range fighter. Point two for Abele!!
Counting up the points we have a first-place tie with drakensis and Ice Hellion who each scored four. Abele was next with two while Bradshaw and canon each got one for a highly competitive contest. Well folks this wraps up our 65-ton OmniMech category which thanks to the Hellbringer II, Ebon Jaguar, Crossbow, and Linebacker was a long but ultimately fruitful affair. Next week we will be getting heavier and heavier which means more pod space for you designers very soon. See you tonight for the start of something bigger!