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General BattleTech => General Discussion => MechFactory => Topic started by: Gabriel on September 10, 2010, 05:53:15 AM
Overview :
With the success of the Mongoose, designers in Diplan
Mechyards of Ozawa decided to improve upon the 'Mech. It
would contain all the advanced technology possible.The team
came up with two designs. Both were accepted and built into
the same 'Mech design. It was hoped that the Star League
would see value in a 'Mech with two configurations.
The Amaris coup in 2765 brought the design to a halt. As
republic troops stormed the plant a group of designers fled. A
week later they were found. When the designs were not found
on them, they were killed.
It wasn't until 3041 when the designs were found again.
On the plant Ozawa ,a Davion science team were looking in the
ruins of a city. This city was a radioactive 'hotspot', so it had
been untouched for centuries. The team came upon a capsule
embedded in the foundation of a building. After carefully opening
it they found a group of holovid memory crystals and the memory
core of a small but advanced computer. The contents seemed to
have survived the radiation so were rushed to NAIS for further
The Weasel and its counterpart the Wild Weasel were designed
to be the ultimate in speed and technology. The 250 Magna XL gives
them excellent speed without the normal weight. Together with their
Endo Steel with enough weight to equip it for its primary modes.
The Weasel has many roles : Quick Strike and Harassment ,
serving as an escort for its sister the Wild Weasel, and use as
an anti-recon "Mech. With its speed and pulse lasers, it can be capable
of crippling almost any light scouting "Mech or vehicle. It's small laser in
the rear makes any attack from that direction a little more tricky.
The Wild Weasel looks almost identical to its sister. It drops the rear
small laser and uses normal lasers to save weight for its Beagle and Guardian
ECM Suite. Both are tucked inside the torsos of the "Mech. It is not meant
to fight, depending on its speed to keep it out of trouble. The probe and ECM
Suite combination makes it a valuable recon and jamming 'Mech. It cannot use
the probe and ECM at the same time, due to a design flaw in the circuit card
which ties them to the Central Processing Unit. If a careless pilot turns one on
while the other is still operating,the circuit card will short out , rendering both
pieces of equipment inoperable until the warrior gets a chance to replace the card.
Both 'Mechs are equipped with a Crossbow anti-missile system to protect it against
any pilot lucky enough to lock onto this fast-mover in the first place. Both of them have
their AMS ammo protected by cellular ammunition storage. The Wild Weasel holds only
one ton of ammo to save room for its probe.
Variants :
The Federated Commonwealth, already having two prototypes in field testing, has made
only one variant to this "Mech type. It takes the Weasel's pulse lasers and replaces them
with standard medium lasers. Then it exchanges them the small laser for a small pulse laser.
This allows it to add half a ton more AMS Ammo. The use of double heat sinks compensates
for the added heat from the medium lasers. The WS-3-1A does show a lot of promise. Its
Achilles heel is psychological. Its capabilities can fool a pilot into using stand and fight
techniques which are inappropriate for the "Mechs size and armor. A good "Mech if you
don't let it fool you into getting cocky.
WS3-L Weasel
Tonnage: 25 25.0
Internal Structure : Endo Steel 1.25
Engine : 250 Magna XL 6.25
Walk : 10
Run : 15
Jump : 9 4.5
Heat Sinks : 10(20) 0.0
Gyro : 3.0
Cockpit : 3.0
Armor Factor : 80 4.5
Head 3 9
CT 8 11/5
Rt/Lt T 6 8/4
R/L A 4 6
R/L L 6 10
Weapons & Ammo : LOC Crit Tons
Medium Pulse Laser : CT 1 2.0
Small Pulse Laser : RA 1 1.0
Small Pulse Laser : LA 1 1.0
Small Laser : CT/R 1 0.5
Anti Missile System : RT 2 1.5
ammo (18) RT 2 1.5
CASE RT 1 0.5
WS3-L2 Wild Weasel
Tonnage: 25 25.0
Internal Structure: Endo Steel 1.25
Engine: 250 Magna XL 6.25
Walk: 10
Run: 15
Heat Sinks: 10(20) 0.0
Gyro: 3.0
Cockpit: 3.0
Armor Factor:80 4.5
Head 3 9
CT 8 11/5
Rt/Lt Torso 6 8/4
Arms 4 6
Legs 6 10
Weapons & Ammo : LOC Crit Tons
Medium Laser CT 1 1.0
Small Laser RA 1 0.5
Small Laser LA 1 0.5
Anti-Missile System RT 1 0.5
ammo(12) RT 1 1.0
CASE RT 1 0.5
Beagle Probe LT 2 1.5
Guardian ECM RT 2 1.5
(https://obtforum.com/forum/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi118.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fo84%2Fwolfcannon%2FBattletech%2Fth_Weasel.jpg&hash=9805d8b489651cef40900e664a4f1deb271779ed) (http://s118.photobucket.com/albums/o84/wolfcannon/Battletech/?action=view¤t=Weasel.jpg)
Thank You ;D :)