Bruce (Playing rough and rescuing princesses.) Say what?
I stood there in shock, listening to that fool Donner whine because I’d stolen away two (It turned out to be fifteen year old.) girls he was trying to hang because they didn’t say no when an Amaris captain grabbed the off the street at gun point for his troops “useâ€. Nicole had told me later and I’d had them picked up by the Medevac team that had just passed through. Doc. Wynndham our Magistracy born CMO, would know what to do with them.
Alex just busted out laughing. Donner seeing this looked about to snap. Before he could I did. Grabbing Donner by the back of his suit I dragged him to the garage, he’s a big man and he struggled but he’s still a Turtle.
I whispered softly in his ear “That look like aiding to you.â€
I won’t describe the entrance to you but some of the RimJobs tried to get out.
They didn’t make it. I spun him around in the heat and choking stench and stuck my Colt in his nose.
“Those girls had no choice in what they done you fuck, but you did, I spun him back around.
“That makes you no better than those dead assholes.â€
I felt the panic in him build and tossed him away from me just as he puked all over himself.
Turning away form Donner, I noticed Alex’s eyes were huge, but both Nicole and Singh looked smug. This guy must have been some piece of work.
“They don’t know us in our own hometown ,I thought, But they will soon enough.â€
Alex got his act together and took a call over the TACNET. When he got off he looked at me with that tight smirk he gets when he had to do something he finds unpleasant.
“Yeah B, my dad’s lost his mind.â€
“Come again?â€
“First you’re now a Captain.â€
“Yea me, this is bad why?â€
“No, not that , I’m taking what’s left of 3 Batt and going to assist 2nd, the Huscarl’s are causing real problems, oh I’m a Major now.â€
“I’ve always known you were a Major Ass..â€
“This is serious B, you’re not going.â€
“WHAT!†Okay twice today I’ve lost it.
“You’ve got no ride, and I’m going into a ‘Mech fight, but that Infantry badge you wear ain’t for show is it?â€
I shook my head something was up now, I could smell it.
“The Old Man wants you to head over with an SAS team, no NightHawks, to a building a couple blocks away and liberate this chick.â€
He passed me his pocketcomp and I looked over the mission stats after transferring it to my comp.
A fucking Davion, great, old broad this one, still a veteran from a decent unit. Hopefully knows to stay out of my hair, okay number two.
Sarah??? WTF.
I looked up stunned, Alex nodded, “The Colonel knew you knew her from the League posting on New Avalon your dad had.â€
“RimJobbers got her holed up in the hotel there so go get her out, this is an Alpha priority mission, Captain."
“Gotcha Major RootBeer, Sir.â€
“Get the hell out of here.†He turned to Rod Singh who’d just found himself reactivated and began doing Major type work.
I got.
Collecting Dido Moran and her band of shooters, and Nicole Osis and went as it turned out to a hotel a block away on 27th street. I let Didi lead, despite what Alex had said my job was to put an officer on the scene. Besides Didi’s got Mad Skillz as they say.
We went in through a service entrance let in by the concierge and got too where the Rimmers were holding their captives. In a whispered voice the mousy little man told me Major Dupre, the Amaris officer who was in charge had changed rooms three times when he thought nobody was looking but the hotel staff had managed to keep tabs on them.
I couldn’t help but respect him and his staff they’d risked their lives without knowing why. Thanking him I got him to safety, and slipped back to where Didi wanted me. We entered just like it said in the manual, popping two Rimmers just in the suite’s doorway a third guarding a woozy Gladys Davion, the old bird. I slipped through the bedroom door to see a tall blond guy standing over the prostrate form of a slender redhead, he was ripping away her dress when I came in tho’ I don’t know how he hadn’t heard something going on outside. Her eyes were glazed and a bruise stood out on her right cheekbone.
“Sarah, what the hell did he do.â€
Sarah (Unexpected reunions)Sarah felt like she was dreaming, after getting to the hotel, changing rooms three times and sitting around listening to the sounds of battle coming closer, Dupre had finally snapped, muttering something about finally owning a noble bitch, he’d beaten aunt Gladys and dragged Sarah into the suite’s bedroom, Some part of her mind noticed she was in the honeymoon suite and found this hysterically funny.
Dupre didn’t share the joke because he backhanded her across the cheek. Her mind shut down as the Major ripped her dress off, but she still noticed a tall slender form glide silently into the room. A snapping sound followed a flash of light that connected the man, she saw it was a man now, and Dupre. Without even looking at the fallen Major, her rescuer knelt before her wrapping her torn dress around her. After ten years Sarah Davion recognized just who it was who had rescued her.
A slightly crazed laugh tinged with relief escaped her, as she threw her arms around him.
“Bruce, you’ve lost your eye, I’ve lost Daddy and Aunt Gladys.â€
She pulled away to arms length the wrinkling her nose.
“Why are you all dirtyâ€
Her childhood friend looked at her and smiled.
“Lost my ‘Mech too, and had to fight my way to get to you so I got dirty.â€
He turned to the door where a short rough faced woman with a nasty looking carbine in her hand nodded and smiled.
“As to your aunt, she’ll be fine, didn’t know about Uncle Paul tho’ I’m sorryâ€
He started to say more but, Sarah cried then, so he just held her close.
He did that for a long time.
The mind goes sometimes.