The Cell, Maskirovka Compound, Forbidden City
Capellan Confederation
19 January, 2785
Gregory Varnay looked up from his computer terminal as his liege lord swept in. Barbara Liao pinned him with a raw almost feral stare.
"So it's true, Kerensky's gone." She said coolly.
"So it appears, Celestial Wisdom. We have few assets in Combine space, but as far as we can tell the Star League Defense Force armada has left known space. This concurs with the Statement provided us by the Draco ambassador"
The Chancellor nodded digesting the information; "Have you gotten a chance to review CASE CHERRY BOMB?"
"I have indeed, with the League troops gone, I would recommend using either the Turin Light Cavalry or your husband's own Highlanders to handle this operation, given the information supplied by or assets on Chesterton, the Tigers will be off world on training exercises with both the Chesterton Dragoons and the 5th Davion Guards after the Terran Regent's conference. The only opposition will be this Chesterton Training Battalion and the local Militia. Our troops under the guise of pirates should be able to overwhelm the local forces and leave behind a substantial core of operatives to set up CHERRY BOMB."
"Set it up, John has been agitating for some action anyway, have we any more information on the CTB?"
"No Highness, their commander still has them isolated from the general population, but unless they are getting far more support then we can see, their makeup is mostly mechanized infantry with about a battalion of BattleMechs."
Liao nodded a pensive look on her face.
"Still, their commander is a sneaky bastard, have him terminated as the Highlanders jump in. John can handle him but I'd rather not take chances."
"By your command."
Varnay sent out a pre planned command to go in under diplomatic cyphers to his operatives on the Davion possession.