I meant to take a lot more pictures... I MEANT to, but then I skipped to the final product. the hardest part was the damned sword. no lying I SUCK at scultping my own pieces, so I was not about to attempt making one out of green stuff and wire. with no good substitutes for the broadsword I wanted, I resoted to clipping off the tip of a Shiro's Naginata. boring a hole through the hand and sliding it in with gule was easy peasey lemon squeezy.
the Jump Jets are re-purposed from a Mad Cat Mk II Model 6. I left the jets off of my version to retain a look similar to the Clickwarrior days (that and they are a pain in the ass) simple hole boring, pinning and gluing. then it was on to painting. I chose to make this mech part of the Buena Jagers and act as a "Bodyguard" to a lance of Hardened armor Clad Assault Mechs namely a Stalker II, Viking IIC (represented by a conventional Viking), and Trebaruna fortunatly the Titan Vengence lent it self well to checkerboarding thanks to deep lines for well measured out squares...