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master arminas

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In Harm's Way: Tech Annex
« on: May 07, 2010, 10:33:45 AM »

Here's a working sample of my technical annex for In Harm's Way.  If you guys got any ideas or comments, please feel free to let me know.  Thanks!

Stephen (a.k.a. master arminas)

Appendix 3:  501st Imperial Shock Legion

Caesar’s Black Panzers is an infamous unit with a history extending back to the Ordan-Kraal Wars.  Originally formed from an amalgamation of American, British, and German troops from the shattered remains of NATO following the first Ordan-Kraal strike against Earth, the Black Panzers became one of the most effective and feared ground units during that four-decade long campaign.  Following the second culling wave, the surviving soldiers of the 501st (the unit adopted the numbers of the first German army unit during WW2 to be equipped with the Tiger tank) were so disgusted with their civilian leadership that they led a coup that toppled governments across Europe and North America.  The 501st was the first unit that hailed Marcus O’Connor (an Irish-American from Boston) as Caesar.

In the ten years between the second culling and the arrival of the third, Caesar Marcus used the 501st and other units that swore allegiance to him to finally unite the entire planet once and for all.  Dismayed at the civilian casualties suffered so far, and the ineffectiveness of their governments at defending them, tens and hundreds of millions of frightened and starving people willingly followed the lead of His Imperial Majesty and the Black Panzers.

When the third Culling arrived, Caesar was ready to meet the enemy and managed to drive them out of the solar system, preventing the Ordan-Kraal from landing troops.  He then began the twenty-year long crusade to retake the five outlying colony worlds, liberating the few human survivors and putting the Ordan-Kraal invaders to the torch.  It was in these battles that the 501st would forge their legend, always managing to accomplish their missions, even in the face of dreadful casualties.  On several occasions, the legion was reduced in strength to little more than a single cohort, but Caesar Marcus and his successors always reformed the Black Panzers as quickly as possible.

Stationed on Terra following the conclusion of the Ordan-Kraal Wars, the 501st became the premier military formation of the Empire of Humanity.  Deployed only during times of conflict to where the fighting was hottest, the Black Panzers enforced the will of the Caesars against human rebels and alien races alike.  Only veteran troopers were assigned to the 501st, accepting a reduction in rank of two steps in order to serve.  Often at odds with the Praetorians (formed after the conclusion of the Ordan-Kraal Wars), the officers and men of the 501st consider themselves as the guardians of the Empire, and the sword of Caesar.

The 501st Imperial Shock Legion is comprised of four Shock Brigades and one Service & Support Brigade, plus additional troops assigned directly to the Legion headquarters.  Shock Legions are balanced units comprised of tanks, infantry carriers, and armored infantry in equal proportions; supported by combat engineers, artillery, and assault units.  These Legions are the assault troops of the Empire of Humanity, designed to take hostile worlds no matter how well defended they might be.  With their high proportion of infantry, the Shock Legions are also well able to defend Imperial worlds and hold terrain seized from hostile races.  After the battle is won, Shock Legions hand over responsibility for defense to Infantry Legions, returning to their bases to refit, rearm, and train replacements for the next conflict.

The Legion HQ is deceptively small, officially containing just sixteen grav-thrust command carriers, along with a staff of 64 officers and men, in addition to the 48 crew of the vehicles themselves.  Legion commanders expect to see combat—and most are aggressive enough to prefer to lead from the front.  Because of this, the Empire outfits all members of the HQ command and staff with armored battle suits identical to those of the infantry, from Legion HQ down to Century command sections.  On several occasions, these sixty-four men (and a few very rare women) have been thrown into combat supplementing the line infantry of the Legion.

There are several elements of the Legion that are under the direct command of the HQ, although these elements are often assigned subordinated to one or more Shock Brigades.  They include an Air Defense Century, an Assault Cohort, a Combat Engineer Cohort, a Howitzer Battery, a Military Police Cohort, a Recon Cohort, and a Signals & Electronic Warfare Century.  The majority of Generals who command a Shock Legion retain direct control of the Howitzer Battery, while most of the other units are split up and sent where needed.  Two exceptions are the Assault Cohort and Recon Cohort:  these units are always committed in full strength, with the assault cohort serving as the Legion’s mailed fist—the Recon Cohort as its eyes and ears.

The Service & Support Brigade (SSB) is also directly under the command of the Legion’s General.  Consisting of non-combat personnel, the SSB is essential to the operation of the Legion in the field.  While the troopers of the SSB are considered non-combatants, each is a trained Imperial Legionnaire who is issued a side-arm and either a sub-machine gun or an assault carbine.  Lacking the powered body armor of line troopers, the SSB seldom sees direct action, but is often called upon to defend itself on recently liberated worlds from insurgents and guerillas.  Some Legion commanders have deliberately used elements of the SSB as bait to draw enemy forces out from hiding, although the Imperial high command takes a dim view of such actions—especially if the SSB suffers extensive casualties as a result.

The four Shock Brigades are the primary maneuver formations of the 501st, with each of the Regiments able to operate independent of the others and Legion HQ if they are assigned proper support elements from the SSB.  Commanded by a Colonel, Shock Brigades are flexible and powerful elements of the Imperial Legions.  The Regimental HQ is identical in size and composition to the Legion HQ and is able to take command of the entire Legion if circumstances require a Colonel to do so.  Supporting the HQ and subordinate to it are an Air Defense Century, an Assault Century, a Combat Engineer Century, a Howitzer Battery, a Military Police Century, a Recon Century, and a Signals/EW Platoon.  All of these units provide support to the primary maneuver elements of the Shock Brigade:  four Shock Cohorts.

The Shock Cohort is the smallest formation normally used for independent operations.  Each Cohort is a self-contained force of 116 grav-thrust combat vehicles along with 804 officers, NCOs, and enlisted personnel, including 436 battle suit armored infantry.  Commanded by a Major, Shock Cohorts contain a HQ Platoon of four vehicles, twelve crew, and sixteen staff, a Recon Platoon, four Shock Centuries, and a Weapons Century.

Centuries are command by Centurions and normally consist of eighteen grav-thrust vehicles, with personnel complements ranging from 114 to 222, depending upon the type of Century in question.  The standard Shock Century contains eight grav tanks, eight grav infantry carriers, and two grav command carriers, along with seventy-two armored infantry and fifty-four vehicle crewmen.

501st Shock Legion Table of Organization & Equipment
HQ Century:  16 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew; 4 x infantry)
Air Defense Century:  2 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew; 4 x infantry),
   16 x Kessler class Air Defense Artillery Vehicles (4 x crew)
Assault Cohort:  76 x Howe class Grav Heavy Tanks (5 x crew)
Combat Engineer Cohort:  12 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew;
   4 x infantry); 32 x St. Vincent class Grav Combat Engineer Vehicles (4 x crew;
   10 x infantry); 32 x St. Vincent class Grav Combat Engineer Vehicles (4 x crew;
   8 x infantry)
Military Police Cohort:  12 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew;
    4 x infantry), 32 x Corey class Grav Infantry Carriers (3 x crew; 10 x infantry),
   32 x Corey class Grav Infantry Carriers (3 x crew; 8 x infantry)
Recon Cohort:  76 x Calderon class Grav Recon Tanks (4 x crew; 4 x infantry)
Signals/EW Century:  2 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew; 4 x infantry),
   16 x Porter class Grav Signal Vehicles (6 x crew)
1st Shock Brigade:  see below for details
2nd Shock Brigade:  see below for details
3rd Shock Brigade:  see below for details
4th Shock Brigade:  see below for details
Howitzer Battery:  see below for details
Service and Support Brigade:  see below for details

Combat Vehicles:  212 x Calderon, 788 x Corey, 398 x Devon, 640 x Gephardt,
   212 x Howe, 144 x Kessler, 32 x Porter, 192 x St. Vincent, 124 x Wainwright
Service and Support Vehicles:  4,286
Total Vehicles:  7,028
Crew:  9,270
Infantry:  10,620
Service and Support Personnel:  21,426
Total:  41,164

Service and Support Brigade
The Legion SSB contains all of the non-combat personnel, including cartographers, construction engineers, food service, intelligence & interrogation specialists, JAG, logistics teams, maintenance & repair, medical, meteorologists, personnel, quartermaster, recovery, recreation, supply, and others.  Rather than list all specific units exactly, we will simply give the total number of personnel and vehicles.  Legion SSB includes 21,426 officers, NCOs, and enlisted personnel, along with 4,286 grav-thrust vehicles of various capabilities, all of which are designed for non-combat roles (although many mount a single anti-personnel weapon such as a Reaper pulse cannon or Ripper grenade launcher on a pintle mount).

Shock Brigade
HQ Century:  16 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew; 4 x infantry)
Air Defense Century:  2 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew; 4 x infantry),
   16 x Kessler class Air Defense Artillery Vehicles (4 x crew)
Assault Century:  18 x Howe class Grav Heavy Tanks (5 x crew)
Combat Engineer Century:  2 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew;
   4 x infantry); 8 x St. Vincent class Grav Combat Engineer Vehicles (4 x crew;
   10 x infantry); 8 x St. Vincent class Grav Combat Engineer Vehicles (4 x crew;
   8 x infantry)
Military Police Century:  2 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew;
   4 x infantry), 8 x Corey class Grav Infantry Carriers (3 x crew; 10 x infantry),
   8 x Corey class Grav Infantry Carriers (3 x crew; 8 x infantry)
Recon Century:  18 x Calderon class Grav Recon Tanks (4 x crew; 4 x infantry)
Signals/EW Platoon:  4 x Porter class Grav Signal Vehicles (6 x crew)
1st Shock Cohort:  see below for details
2nd Shock Cohort:  see below for details
3rd Shock Cohort:  see below for details
4th Shock Cohort:  see below for details
Howitzer Battery:  see below for details

Vehicles:  34 x Calderon, 180 x Corey, 88 x Devon, 160 x Gephardt, 34 x Howe,
   32 x Kessler, 4 x Porter, 32 x St. Vincent, 28 x Wainwright (592)
Crew:  1,978
Infantry:  2,236
Total:  4,178

Shock Cohort
HQ Platoon:  4 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew; 4 x infantry)
Recon Platoon:  4 x Calderon class Grav Recon Tanks (4 x crew; 4 x infantry)
1st Shock Century:  see below for details
2nd Shock Century:  see below for details
3rd Shock Century:  see below for details
4th Shock Century:  see below for details
Weapons Century:  see below for details

Vehicles:  4 x Calderon, 40 x Corey, 16 x Devon, 40 x Gephardt, 4 x Howe, 4 x Kessler,
   4 x St. Vincent, 4 x Wainwright (116)
Crew:  368
Infantry:  436
Total:  804

Howitzer Battery
HQ Section:  2 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew; 4 x infantry)
1st Section:  4 x Wainwright class Grav Howitzers (5 x crew)
2nd Section:  4 x Wainwright class Grav Howitzers (5 x crew)
3rd Section:  4 x Wainwright class Grav Howitzers (5 x crew)
Security Platoon:  2 x Corey class Grav Infantry Carriers (3 x crew; 10 x infantry),
   2 x Corey class Grav Infantry Carriers (3 x crew; 8 x infantry)

Vehicles:  4 x Corey, 2 x Devon, 12 x Wainwright
Crew:  78
Infantry:  44

Recon Century
HQ Section:  2 x Calderon class Grav Recon Tanks (4 x crew; 4 x infantry)
1st Platoon:  4 x Calderon class Grav Recon Tanks (4 x crew; 4 x infantry)
2nd Platoon:  4 x Calderon class Grav Recon Tanks (4 x crew; 4 x infantry)
3rd Platoon:  4 x Calderon class Grav Recon Tanks (4 x crew; 4 x infantry)
4th Platoon:  4 x Calderon class Grav Recon Tanks (4 x crew; 4 x infantry)

Vehicles:  18 x Calderon
Crew:  72
Infantry:  72

Shock Century
HQ Section:  2 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew; 4 x infantry)
1st Platoon:  4 x Gephardt class Grav Tanks (3 x crew)
2nd Platoon:  4 x Gephardt class Grav Tanks (3 x crew)
3rd Platoon:  2 x Corey class Grav Infantry Carriers (3 x crew; 10 x infantry),
   2 x Corey class Grav Infantry Carriers (3 x crew; 8 x infantry)
4th Platoon:  2 x Corey class Grav Infantry Carriers (3 x crew; 10 x infantry),
   2 x Corey class Grav Infantry Carriers (3 x crew; 8 x infantry)

Vehicles:  2 x Devon, 8 x Corey, 8 x Gephardt
Crew:  54
Infantry:  72

Weapons Century
HQ Section:  2 x Devon class Grav Command Carriers (3 x crew; 4 x infantry)
Air Defense Platoon:  4 x Kessler class Air Defense Artillery Vehicles (4 x crew)
Assault Platoon:  4 x Howe class Grav Heavy Tanks (5 x crew)
Combat Engineer Platoon:  2 x St. Vincent class Grav Combat Engineer Vehicles
   (4 x crew; 10 x infantry), 2 x St. Vincent class Grav Combat Engineer Vehicles
   (4 x crew; 8 x infantry)
Howitzer Section:  4 x Wainwright class Grav Howitzers (5 x crew

Vehicles:  2 x Devon, 4 x Kessler, 4 x Howe, 4 x St. Vincent, 4 x Wainwright
Crew:  78
Infantry:  44

Appendix 4:  Imperial Legion Combat Vehicles

The Imperial Legions employ a wide variety of combat vehicles, each with a specific role to play in field operations.  The more common models are listed below.

Calderon class Grav Recon Tank
Crew:  4 (commander, driver, gunner, sensor tech) plus 4 Recon Armored Infantry
Engine:  Laser-ignited fusion reactor (exact specifications classified)
   Ground-effect Speed:  140 kilometers per hour+
   High Altitude Speed:  660 kilometers per hour+
   Maximum Altitude:  10,000 meters+
   Fuel:  1,742 kilograms frozen lithium hydride
   Operating Duration:  192 standard hours
Armament:  1 x 7cm L31/7 Series Mass Drive Cannon (220 rounds); 1 x Ripper 60mm
   Automatic Grenade Launcher—coaxial (220 rounds); 1 x Reaper 7mm Rotary
   Pulse Cannon—pintle (1,700 rounds); 2 x Quad Box Launcher for Striker
   Missiles (8 missiles)
Defensive Systems:  classified
Armor:  Hawkins-Conner Composite Alloy VIII/e (thickness classified)
   Overall Length (main gun forward):  10.2 meters
   Hull Length:  9.2 meters
   Width:  4.6 meters
   Height (overall):  2.8 meters
   Height (turret roof):  2.3 meters
Weight:  78.6 metric tons (loaded), 74.9 metric tons (empty)
Notes:  Calderon class Recon Tanks are the eyes and ears of an Imperial Shock Legion.  Armed with a battery of sensors that few other planetary combat vehicles can boast, these light and swift vehicles can also serve as light tanks if that is required.  But their principle role is to provide their Cohort, Regiment, and Legion commanders with real-time data on enemy forces.  Augmenting their own impressive onboard sensor arrays, the Calderon carries a 4-man team of Recon Infantry—all of whom are specialists in stealth and observation.  Although Recon Infantry are equipped with battle armor, their armor is quite a bit lighter than standard Legion or Marine Infantry armor and lacks any heavy integral weapon systems.  Regardless of that lack, the Recon Infantry teams are among the most highly trained and valued members of a Shock Legion, along with the crews of their assigned vehicles.  In Imperial doctrine, Calderon’s and their Recon Infantry serve much the same role as conventional armored cavalry units do today—recon, flank protection, and screening of friendly units.  In order to carry infantry and the sensor arrays their job requires, the Calderon’s have had to sacrifice both armor and extensive weaponry.

Corey class Grav Infantry Carrier
Crew:  3 (commander, driver, gunner) plus 8-10 Armored Infantry
Engine:  Laser-ignited fusion reactor (exact specifications classified)
   Ground-effect Speed:  140 kilometers per hour+
   High Altitude Speed:  660 kilometers per hour+
   Maximum Altitude:  10,000 meters+
   Fuel:  1,681 kilograms frozen lithium hydride
   Operating Duration:  192 standard hours
Armament:  1 x 3cm L24/3B Series Mass Drive Cannon (660 rounds); 1 x Ripper
   60mm Automatic Grenade Launcher—coaxial (220 rounds); 1 x Reaper 7mm
   Rotary Pulse Cannon—pintle (1,700 rounds); 2 x Quad Box Launcher for Striker
   Missiles (8 missiles)
Defensive Systems:  classified
Armor:  Hawkins-Conner Composite Alloy VIII/e (thickness classified)
   Hull Length:  7.4 meters
   Width:  4.6 meters
   Height (overall):  2.8 meters
   Height (turret roof):  2.3 meters
Weight:  63.9 metric tons (loaded), 52 metric tons (empty)
Notes:  The Corey is the standard Infantry Carrier of the Imperial Legions.  Designed to carry and deploy an eight-man squad of Battle Armor Infantry into combat, and then to give their troopers direct supporting fire, these light vehicles are indispensible.  The infantry squad bay is in the rear of the vehicle, accessed by a ramp dead astern.  Interior compartments for additional fuel-cells, munitions, and life support are spaced along the overhead and sides of the infantry bay.  Additional space for two battle-armored individuals was provided, in order to ensure that the four-man platoon command team would be able to accompany their platoon into combat, and to allow the extraction of wounded and dead personnel while under fire.  To carry out their job of supporting the infantry, Corey class vehicles carry an extensive array of light weaponry ideally suited to combating hostile infantry, along with a limited array of heavy missiles to deal with enemy armor and fortifications.  Armor protection is, however, quite light when compared to most other Imperial combat vehicles.

Devon class Grav Command Carrier
Crew:  3 (commander, driver, gunner) plus 4 Armored Command personnel
Engine:  Laser-ignited fusion reactor (exact specifications classified)
   Ground-effect Speed:  140 kilometers per hour+
   High Altitude Speed:  660 kilometers per hour+
   Maximum Altitude:  10,000 meters+
   Fuel:  1,681 kilograms frozen lithium hydride
   Operating Duration:  192 standard hours
Armament:  1 x 3cm L24/3B Series Mass Drive Cannon (660 rounds); 1 x Ripper
   60mm Automatic Grenade Launcher—coaxial (220 rounds); 1 x Reaper 7mm
   Rotary Pulse Cannon—pintle (1,700 rounds); 2 x Quad Box Launcher for Striker
   Missiles (8 missiles)
Defensive Systems:  classified
Armor:  Hawkins-Conner Composite Alloy VIII/e (thickness classified)
   Hull Length:  7.4 meters
   Width:  4.6 meters
   Height (overall):  2.8 meters
   Height (turret roof):  2.3 meters
Weight:  63.9 metric tons (loaded), 57.1 metric tons (empty)
Notes:  The Devon class Command Carriers are based upon the frame of the Corey class Infantry Carriers.  Devon’s serve as mobile command posts for centuries, cohorts, regiments, and legions in the field.  Retaining the armor and weaponry of the Corey, the Devon replaces the infantry bay in the rear with a command and communications center that is capable of transporting up to five battle-armored individuals; four officers, NCO’s, and staff personnel are far more common, however, as space is quite cramped with a fifth individual aboard.  Access is from a single ramp on the rear of the Devon.  The remainder of the once spacious interior is consumed by C3 (command, communications, and control) equipment and stations that can monitor all units subordinated to each headquarters.  HQs range in size from two command carriers and eight command/staff personnel (Century) to sixteen command carriers and sixty-four command/staff personnel (Regiment/Legion).

Gephardt class Grav Battle Tank
Crew:  3 (commander, driver, gunner)
Engine:  Laser-ignited fusion reactor (exact specifications classified)
   Ground-effect Speed:  140 kilometers per hour+
   High Altitude Speed:  660 kilometers per hour+
   Maximum Altitude:  10,000 meters+
   Fuel:  3,456 kilograms frozen lithium hydride
   Operating Duration:  192 standard hours
Armament:  1 x 11 cm L35/5 Series Mass Drive Cannon (110 rounds); 1 x Ripper
   60mm Automatic Grenade Launcher—coaxial (220 rounds); 1 x Reaper 7mm
   Rotary    Pulse Cannon—pintle (1,700 rounds); 2 x Quad Box Launcher for Striker
   Missiles (8 missiles); 2 x Vertical Launch System for Striker Missiles (8 missiles)
Defensive Systems:  classified
Armor:  Hawkins-Conner Composite Alloy VIII/e (thickness classified)
   Overall Length (main gun forward):  12.4 meters
   Hull Length:  11.2 meters
   Width:  5.2 meters
   Height (overall):  2.7 meters
   Height (turret roof):  2.2 meters
Weight:  117.4 metric tons (loaded), 106.8 metric tons (empty)
Notes:  The standard Legion battle tank is the Gephardt class.  Combining heavy armor protection and firepower with a high turn of speed, the Gephardt is capable of defeating almost any other vehicle in known space.  Featuring a high-powered 11cm Mass Driver Gun as its primary weapon, this tank also carries a battery of Striker missiles for anti-armor, anti-fortification, and anti-air work.  The L35/5 Series MDC is one of the most reliable mass drivers in service today and is capable of striking targets at altitudes of less than 100 kilometers.  Despite its incredible firepower and heavy armor protection, the Gephardt remains able to maintain pace with other elements of the Shock Legion.

Howe class Grav Heavy Tank
Crew:  5 (commander, driver, gunner, sensor tech, systems engineer)
Engine:  Laser-ignited fusion reactor (exact specifications classified)
   Ground-effect Speed:  100 kilometers per hour+
   High Altitude Speed:  510 kilometers per hour+
   Maximum Altitude:  1,000 meters+
   Fuel:  19,336 kilograms frozen lithium hydride
   Operating Duration:  192 standard hours
Armament:  1 x 20cm L40/1 Series Mass Drive Cannon (82 rounds); 1 x Mk XI Series
   3cm Plasma Gun—coaxial (486 rounds); 3 x Ripper 60mm Automatic Grenade
   Launcher—right/left/rear remote turret (220 rounds ea); 4 x Reaper 7mm
   Rotary Pulse Cannon—pintle, right/left/rear remote turret coax (1,700 rounds ea);
   4 x Quad Box Launcher for Striker Missiles (16 missiles); 4 Vertical Launch
   System for Striker Missiles (32 missiles); Hauberk 2cm Rotary Point Defense
   Mass Driver—autonomous remote upper turret (2,600 rounds)
Defensive Systems:  classified
Armor:  Hawkins-Conner Composite Alloy VIII/e (thickness classified)
   Overall Length (main gun forward):  31.7 meters
   Hull Length:  30.6 meters
   Width:  14.4 meters
   Height (overall):  5.6 meters
   Height (turret roof):  5.1 meters
Weight:  724.6 metric tons (loaded), 649.9 metric tons (empty)
Notes:  Three times as massive as the Gephardt, the Howe class Grav-Thrust Heavy Tank is the primary assault element of the Shock Legion.  Slower than any other combat vehicle in service, and capable of achieving a much lower maximum altitude, the Howe is unequaled in firepower and armor protection.  This is the only Legion combat vehicle with enough internal volume and power production to allow it to mount a shield generator for additional defensive protection.  In addition to its impressive armor and shielding, the Howe carries an autonomous point-defense gun in a remote turret atop the main turret, primarily to engage hostile missile threats, but is capable of engaging both hard and soft ground and air targets if that is required.  An extensive battery of Striker missiles provides indirect fire capabilities, while the L40/1 Series MDC can destroy virtually any ground combat vehicle with a single shot.  This weapon makes the Howe a serious threat to any vessel in orbit—even light- and medium-weight warships need to be wary of the danger presented by a full cohort of these heavy tanks firing in concert.

Kessler class Grav Air Defense Artillery Vehicle
Crew:  4 (commander, driver, gunner, sensor tech)
Engine:  Laser-ignited fusion reactor (exact specifications classified)
   Ground-effect Speed:  140 kilometers per hour+
   High Altitude Speed:  660 kilometers per hour+
   Maximum Altitude:  10,000 meters+
   Fuel:  1,312 kilograms frozen lithium hydride
   Operating Duration:  192 standard hours
Armament:  4 x Mk XI 3cm Plasma Gun (486 rounds ea); Mantis Air Defense Missile
   Vertical Launch System—rear deck (24 missiles in individual cells); 1 x Reaper
   7mm Rotary Pulse Cannon—pintle (1,700 rounds)
Defensive Systems:  classified
Armor:  Hawkins-Conner Composite Alloy VIII/e (thickness classified)
   Hull Length:  9.2 meters
   Width:  4.6 meters
   Height (overall):  3.1 meters
   Height (turret roof):  2.5 meters
Weight:  73.5 metric tons (loaded), 58.0 metric tons (empty)
Notes:  The Kessler was designed for one purpose and one purpose only:  to protect the Shock Legion from hostile air attack.  And it accomplishes that mission very, very well.  Based upon the frame of the Calderon class Recon Tank, the Kessler replaces the rear infantry compartment with twenty-four vertical cells, each of which contains a single Mantis air defense missile.  The Mantis is a shorter-ranged, ground-based variant of the Scorpion air-to-air missile used by the Fleet Air Arm.  The turret mounts a quad array of four Mark XI 3cm Plasma Guns for close action as well.  Although designed to engage hostile air threats, the quad plasma guns are also quite effective against ground targets—at least as long as the ammunition lasts.  However, the Kessler is lacking in any significant armor protection against heavy attack, with only enough HCA to defend against infantry scale light weapons.  An expansive array of air defense sensor arrays and tracking systems complete the equipment of this vehicle.

Porter class Grav Signals/Electronic Warfare Vehicle
Crew:  6 (commander, driver, gunner, 3 x signal intercept/electronic warfare techs)
Engine:  Laser-ignited fusion reactor (exact specifications classified)
   Ground-effect Speed:  140 kilometers per hour+
   High Altitude Speed:  660 kilometers per hour+
   Maximum Altitude:  10,000 meters+
   Fuel:  1,681 kilograms frozen lithium hydride
   Operating Duration:  192 standard hours
Armament:  1 x 3cm L24/3B Series Mass Drive Cannon (660 rounds); 1 x Ripper
   60mm Automatic Grenade Launcher—coaxial (220 rounds); 1 x Reaper 7mm
   Rotary Pulse Cannon—pintle (1,700 rounds)
Defensive Systems:  classified
Armor:  Hawkins-Conner Composite Alloy VIII/e (thickness classified)
   Hull Length:  7.4 meters
   Width:  4.6 meters
   Height (overall):  2.8 meters
   Height (turret roof):  2.3 meters
Weight:  62.7 metric tons (loaded), 60.4 metric tons (empty)
Notes:  Yet another vehicle based upon the chassis of the Corey, the Porter replaces the infantry compartment with very powerful electronic jammers, counter-measures, and computer capable of decrypting hostile signals.  These lightly armed and armored vehicles are invaluable upon the modern battlefield where they use their ECM and EW counter-measures to shield Legion elements from detection by non-friendly sensor systems.  The highly trained specialists of a Porter use code-breaker computers to hack into hostile information nets as well, stealing data on operations, logistics, and a variety of other subjects.  The ‘techno-geeks’, as Porter crews are often referred to, can even occasionally slow down or cripple the computer systems of hostile forces by introducing viral software into their information networks.

« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 10:35:55 AM by master arminas »
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