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In Harm's Way
« on: February 20, 2010, 11:23:15 PM »

master arminas
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In Harm's Way
« on: March 02, 2009, 09:25:43 AM »
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Good morning, everyone.  Sorry it has been so long since I updated Blood and Steel, but expect at least one, possibly two, or maybe even THREE new chapters this week.

However, I thought you might want to help me out with a new project on which I am working.  It is titled In Harm's Way, and while it is NOT set in the BattleTech universe, it is a (hopefully) unique and original story that I intend to submit for publication when all the kinks are worked out.

Takiro, if you do not want it posted on the site, I understand.  But if  you let it go, I would appreciate any thoughts and comments you guys might have.  Thanks a million!

Rating is PG-13, for mild sexual content and violence, but nothing too explicit.

Arminas tar Valantil
Grand Master of the Ebon Rose
« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 09:28:46 AM by master arminas »    Report to moderator (?)
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2009, 09:26:40 AM »
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“More wine, Sir?” the steward asked as he lifted the empty plate from the white linen covered table.

“No more for me, Jean-Paul,” the officer answered as he leaned back in his chair.  Lifting his glass, he swirled the amber liquid round twice, and then stopped as his guest frowned at him.  “And for you, my dear?”

“After seeing you abuse your own glass, Jason?  I shudder to think of what my father and brother would say, seeing you mistreat the fruit of the grape in such a horrendous fashion,” the elegantly coifed lady replied from the far end, with a theatrical shudder of her shoulders, one covered with fine white silk, the other bare.

“But, my Lady, they—and you—were raised in an environment that demanded they appreciate the subtleties embedded within each flavor and taste of the wine.  I, on the other hand, am but a humble officer in his Imperial Majesty’s naval service.  The best that I can tell a wines quality is how quickly it can get one drunk.”

“You are an actual barbarian, Admiral Chandler.  But I shall endeavor to forgive you for your faults, my husband,” she said with a smile.

“And for that, Julia, I am most profoundly grateful.”  Jason turned back to his chief steward.  “I do believe that we have finished for the evening, Jean-Paul.  We will ring if we need anything else.”

The steward bowed first to the Admiral, and then to the admiral’s lady, and withdrew with the empty plates from Jason’s private dining room.

Julia raised one eyebrow.  “Rather presumptuous of you; what if I wanted something rich and delightful for dessert?”

Jason stood and walked around the table to where Julia sat, and knelt beside her.  “I believe that something can be arranged to your satisfaction, my love.”  And then he kissed her.


Later, as the two lay in his large bed in his equally large and magnificent sleeping cabin, Julia began to giggle.

He bent his head and kissed her again on her forehead.  “Was it something I said, or perhaps did that has you so amused, love?”

Curling her body tight against his chest and belly, she brought his hand to her mouth and kissed it.  “No, Jason.  I was just thinking—how many Very Important People have shared this bed with you?”

“Well, most of them are distressingly male, my dear Julia.  And none of them, regardless of their exalted Imperial ranks, are my wife.”

He lay there holding her and drew in a deep breath.  “You know, if your father had not pulled strings, my lady love, it would have been four months before we could have shared a bed again—if my duties in Ciria allowed me the chance to go planet-side, that is.”

“I do not use my connections often, Jason, but for this, yes, I had Father arrange it.”

“Hail Caesar,” he whispered into her brown hair, as she began to giggle again, and then lightly hit Jason’s chest.

“It is NOT my fault that I am his only daughter, Jason.  At least he did not have you arrested as a traitor when we told him we were getting married.”

“There is that.”

For several minutes neither said a word in the darkened room.

“Father actually LIKES you, you know.  I was surprised by that.”

“Your father is the Emperor, Julia.  And I serve him—in all but for feelings for you.”

She nodded her head.  “And that is why he likes you, Jas.  For the longest time, he was so afraid that my only suitors would be people who wanted me because I was his daughter—who would not actually care for me.  When I told him I loved you, he was afraid of me getting hurt.  But after he met you, he gave me his blessings.”

“Funny; he told me that I would be drawn and quartered if I ever did anything to injure you.”

She sniffed.  “Of course, I am Caesar’s daughter, after all.  I get only the best of everything.”

“In that case, my love, we will just have to prove that I am . . . “

A sudden loud buzz interrupted Jason in mid-sentence.  He sat up and leaned over his wife to hit the receive button on the intercom.


“Admiral, we have intercepted an emergency transmission from the destroyer Seydlitz in the Tammoran system,” Captain Nathan Serrano, his chief of staff, replied.  “She reports discovering a Confederation base in that system, but the defenses are too heavy for her to penetrate.  Sir, she is sending the message directly to the Sector HQ, but they won’t receive the transmission for another fourteen hours.”

“Distance to Tammoran, Captain?”

“Seventeen point six light years, Admiral.  It will take forty-four minutes to change heading for a trans-light insertion on the proper vector, with a flight time of four hours and fourteen minutes.  If we leave the 501st behind on course for Ciria, we can shave two hours and seven minutes from that.”

“No, I know the transports will slow us, but I do not want to leave them unprotected—this is a front-line sector, after.  Son-in-law or not, Caesar would have my hide if an entire Armored Strike Legion was jumped by raiders when I went gallivanting about with their assigned escorts.”

Nathan Serrano said nothing, but Jason could see in his mind’s eye the corner of his mouth twitching.  Nathan was not the only officer aboard the Imperial Star Ship Reprisal that found his Admiral transporting his wife as ‘essential diplomatic personnel’ amusing.

“I will be on the Flag Bridge in twenty minutes, Nathan.  Assemble the staff, and ask Captain Danislov to attend; electronically will be fine.  And contact General Tuturola; he may appreciate the time to prepare in the event we need his troops.  In the meantime, issue orders for the squadron—and the 501st—to alter vector for trans-light insertion, destination Tammoran.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” he said and then the intercom died.

Julia was already sitting up and pulling on a robe as she turned the lights on the sleeping cabin.

“You do not have to get up, love.”

“I would not be able to sleep, Jas,” she said, giving him a beaming smile.  “Besides, how often do I get you see in action.  Other than in that,” she giggled, pointing to the bed.


“Admiral on the deck!” sang out one of the two armed petty officers flanking the hatchway as they entered the Flag Bridge, trailed by four of the Praetorians assigned to Julia by her father.  He had insisted that it was for her safety and security, but both Caesar and Jason knew the real reason:  many in the Empire of Humanity continued to discriminate against women involved in politics, business, or the military.  Anything but being a living, breathing incubator for future generations, actually.  It was a legacy of humanities first encounter with an alien race.  We won that one, Jason thought, though it took us forty years to do so.  But in a final spasm of fury at their loss, the Ordan-Kraal had managed to dust Old Earth and her five largest colonies with a biological agent.  That agent had rendered sterile 97% of all living women and girls.  What was worse, it altered the DNA of the survivors, making it far more difficult for the few fertile women left to conceive.  Needless to say, the human race had not appreciated the gift.  Seven years later NO Ordan-Kraal remained alive ANYWHERE in the known universe.  And it had not taken any fancy biological tinkering; no, old fashioned nuclear bombardment worked just as well, at least in making a civilization extinct.

That had been four hundred years ago, at the dawn of the 22nd Century.  Mankind—emphasis on MAN—had not handled the situation well.  Women—fertile women—became too precious to risk, and within a generation the need to shelter females from danger had resulted in them losing nearly all of their rights, nearly becoming property.  Until the DNA virus was finally eradicated ninety-seven years ago, women had become very much second-class citizens.  Though public opinion and various governments would grow more lenient and give back some rights, sooner or later the pendulum would swing back, and those rights would be lost again.  Thanks to the vaccine, though, more and more women were regaining their full fertility.  In the past seven decades, the population of the Empire had nearly tripled, and with the vast increase in numbers, the Caesars had slowly—ever so slowly—begun to restore women’s rights.  It was only in the past decade they had regained the right to serve in the military, or to vote.

Many men, even with the human population growing with leaps and bounds, still refused to treat women as equals.  At least, they refused until someone FORCED them to do so.  And in Julia’s case, it would be the Praetorians her father had assigned to her that would do that forcing.  Even the most misogynist of men would behave themselves when those killers fixed their glare upon them.

Jason shook his head, as he waved his hand at his staff, all coming to their feet at the bosun’s announcement.  “As you were everyone.  There is really no need for that every single time I step foot on this deck, PO O’Reilly,” he said to the young petty officer.

The man blushed and mumbled, “Aye, aye, Sir.”  Jason nodded, and clapped the sailor on the upper arm, and then stepped into the compartment.  Scores of high-resolution screens lined the walls, each sub-divided into dozens of individual readouts showing everything from the fuel status of each of his ships to images of the surrounding space.  At the moment his command—the 342nd Imperial Battle Squadron and the 501st Assault Flotilla—was in real-space, still in the process of changing course.

The massive holo-tank in the center of the room showed their current location—the uninhabited Cavanaugh system—in relation to the M class dwarf star and the orbital debris that served instead of planets.  A blinking dot in the tank represented his ships, with a cone connected to the dot.  Off to the side of the tank, the cone expanded, and showed the ten warships of his squadron, along with the eight transports of the 501st.  Of course, even in the expanded view, each was only an icon, but he—and his officers—could read the icons easily enough, after long years—decades, even—of practice.  Four battleships were marked on the display, Leviathan and Vanguard of the old Dreadnought class, alongside Reprisal and Renown, two modern Resolution class ships.

Reprisal, and her sister Renown, were among the largest mobile structures ever conceived of and built by Mankind.  Each ship massed 5.39 million tons, and measured almost three kilometers from the tip of their bow to their stern overhang.  Leviathan and Vanguard were just slightly smaller (4.25 million tons displacement and just under 2,800 meters overall length), but were every bit as deadly, even if they had been in service for nigh upon three centuries.  The icons for two Gladiator class cruisers—Centurion and Lancer—blinked in the tank, one ahead of the four heavy ships, the other watching the rear of the vulnerable transport ships.  Not considered capital ships, the cruisers were faster and more maneuverable in real-space than the battlewagons.  Right at two million tons and nearly 1.9 kilometers in length, the pair provided Jason with his long-range eyes and ears, in a package far more expendable than his battleships, but ones retaining significant firepower.

Many in the Fleet—and the Senate—wanted to replace the battle-line with the lighter, less capable, but also far less expensive cruisers.  They argued that while the ships were individually less powerful; the Fleet could afford to build more of them.  And, after all, most situations did not require the firepower of four Dreadnoughts or Resolutions to resolve.  Luckily, Jason thought, Caesar did not agree.  Nor, in fact, did Jason himself.  Not while the Empire and the Confederation were at war.  Cruisers were excellent ships as escorts, or for long duty missions that required one to cruise through real-space on patrol.  They could even pack enough of a punch to hurt battleships, in large groups at least.  But they were simply too fragile, however, to stand in battle against enemy capital warships, or fixed planetary defenses, for that matter.

Four Alexander class destroyers rounded out the 342nd—Belisarius, Napoleon, Scipio Africanus, and Wallenstein.  The workhorses of the Fleet, the Alexanders barely managed to mass nine hundred thousand tons, and were only 1.2 kilometers in length.  Armed with light weapons and only the barest minimum of armor, the destroyers were still vital to Fleet operations.  Able to generate more thrust than any other ships of the Imperial Fleet, these greyhounds were also agile and easily maneuvered.  And if they lacked large numbers of heavy ship-to-ship guns, they bristled with armaments that could ruin the day of any enemy fighter pilot that closed.  Besides, the destroyers carried a trump card in their massive batteries of torpedoes.  A single salvo of torps could gut even the mightiest battleship in service, if the weapons could hit, that is.  Short-ranged, and notoriously near-sighted, torpedo attacks could decide a battle—once.  That was third problem with torpedoes; while light-weight (relatively speaking), they consumed tremendous amounts of valuable volume within the ship.  Enough at least that no destroyer could afford to carry reloads for its tubes.  Once fired, the tubes were empty, and stayed empty until a munitions ship could reload them.

Many powers—including the Confederation—even mounted torpedo tubes in their cruisers, and Confederation cruisers had the volume to carry three or even four salvoes.  But not the Empire.  They had chosen to devote that space to better electronics, heavier armor, and bigger guns on their cruisers.  For destroyers though, the torps gave them one weapon that was feared by all sailors of the deep black.  And, of course, destroyers were valued as they were the largest vessels capable of entering an atmosphere and landing on a planetary surface.

The eight Dresden class assault transports were troop carriers.  Each of the eight hundred thousand ton, one kilometer long ships were capable of carrying 3,000 troops and over 320,000 tons of vehicles, cargo, supplies, munitions, and fuel.  All eight together could transport and deploy a full Armored Strike Legion in a single movement, and like the Alexanders, the Dresdens could land to load or deploy their lethal cargo.  These Dresdens were carrying the 501st ASL (The Black Panzers), a heavy force with tanks, artillery, and infantry, along with their entire support and service brigade.

Jason finished considering all this as he took his seat at the head of the conference table to one side of the holotank.  “Gentlemen, and ladies, be seated please.  Captain Serrano, what is our current status?”

Nathan—and the other officers took their seats.  “Admiral, we will complete our course vector change in thirteen minutes.  Following that it will require another six to accelerate for trans-light entry.  All ships have reported in at Condition Two, and General Tuturola has alerted the 501st for possible ground assault.”

“Command Hedges?” he turned to his astrogator.  “Is there anything of special interest about Tammoran?”

The tall, sandy-haired officer pursed his lips before answering.  “Yes, sir, Tammoran was included in our nav briefs.  The single star is approaching the end of its life span.  Right now, it is in full-blown Red Giant stage.  Only the outermost planets remain intact, though debris fields range throughout the system.  Radiation output is high, but our armor and shields should counteract most of the effects.  I feel, however, Admiral, that I must advise not entering the Tammoran system.”

Jason leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table.  “Why is that, Henry?”

“Sir, Tammoran had a scientific research team assigned to it for the past thirty years.  Or they did, until two years ago.  There is a red flag on the system in the nav data banks from the last team.  Sir, that star is going to explode any time now—and we won’t have much of a warning if it does.”

“A supernova?” asked Captain Aleksey Danislov from one of the video screens to the side.  The commanding officer of the Reprisal, Danislov was Jason’s Flag Captain, his senior ship commander.

“No, sir, the star is not quite massive enough for that.  However, it will go nova—and if it does no amount of armor or shielding will prevent total destruction of our ships.”

Another officer—Command Leslie Drake, the flag communications officer—spoke up.  “How much warning will we have if it decides to blow?”

“None, if it has already popped before we arrive.  If it hasn’t, then we should have forty or so minutes from the first tachyon flash to the arrival of the leading edge of the expansion shell.  Given where Seydlitz says the Confed base is, it will take us thirty-three minutes to accelerate to minimum safe velocities for trans-light insertion from orbit, Sir.  That is not a lot of spare time.”

Jason sat back and considered.  “No, but there is a margin of error, enough of one at least.  All right, Miles,” he continued as he turned to speak to General Tuturola, “I doubt we are going to want to unload your troops, but keep them updated just in case.  Gentlemen, there is an enemy base in our territory.  If we knew that star was going today or tomorrow, then I would say to hell with it, and let them burn.  But we do not know.  It could be next year; it could be a decade.  And it is our job to travel in harms way.  Nathan, pass the word, next stop Tammoran.”

“The word is given, Admiral.”

“Assume your stations for trans-light insertion,” he finished as he stood, looking at his wife.  And God help us all, he thought.


Forty light minutes from the Red Giant at the heart of the Tammoran system, a small rocky planet silently orbited the sullen swollen star as it had for the past six billion years.  Half the size of Mercury, the ball of rock—planet was far too grandeur a term for such a worthless piece of cosmic debris—featured no significant mineral deposits; it had no atmosphere; nothing really to attract the attention of anyone.  Until the destroyer Seydlitz had stumbled across the hidden base the Confederation had constructed on its surface, that is.  ISS Seydlitz orbited the rock at a distance of a million kilometers, far outside of weapons range from the surface.  From that safe distance she kept watch on the base below, keeping the Confeds pinned up until the Fleet arrived to deal with the problem.

Commander Gaius Scott sat in his command chair upon the bridge of his destroyer as he waited for the arrival of the 342nd.  The Grierson Phased Tachyon Pulse Communications Array (P-Comm, for short) transmission had surprised him when he received it over hours ago.  With the distance between Tammoran and the Sector Headquarters on Jouett, he had not been expecting any help for the next week—possibly even two, given how stretched Imperial forces were out here on the Rim.  He had certainly not expected his transmission to reach a battle squadron in transit at a real-space way point.  If those ships had been under trans-light drive, his message would have missed them completely, for no one traveling faster than light speed could communicate with—or even detect—anyone or anything in real-space.  The Patrick-Sogabe-Kaplov (PSK) drive had given Man the stars, and was far faster than anyone living before its invention could have ever imagined possible.  Commercial vessels and transports without heavy radiation shielding could ‘only’ manage to attain a velocity of around 4.4 light-years per hour; military vessels with their better shielding (and some very few, very expensive civilian ships) could more than double that.  But if the miracle of the trans-light drive had opened the stars to exploration and colonization, it had also been subject to a number of limitations.

First among them, was the fact that there seemed to be a lower limit on how small the PSK drives could be built, limiting their use to ships with enough volume to cram them in.  That lower limit had been reached on vessels a little less than half the size of his own Seydlitz.  Second, the larger the ship (in volume) propelled by the drive, the more raw power the drive required, giving a very real and very hard limit on the upper size of the ship possible.  Third, in order for the PSK drive to function at all, the ship mounting it had to attain a real-space velocity of no less than 42.075 kilometers per second on a direct vector to its destination.  Once insertion speed was reached, the PSK Drive translated the ship and crew into what the Fleet termed ‘t-space’ (or transit space).  How it managed to do so had driven more than one physicist insane.  But the thing worked, and to a Fleet officer that was all that mattered.  But the PSK Drive had one minor flaw associated with it.  For some reason known only to geniuses and God, it overloaded if engaged for longer than 20 hours, 34 minutes, and 48 seconds.

An overloaded PSK Drive threw the ship back into real-space and burnt out the drive systems simultaneously.  The entire trans-light drive had to be replaced if that happened.  It could even overload if consecutive uses of the drive exceeded the governing limit.  But, for every three seconds spent in real-space, the drive seemed to ‘recover’ two seconds that it could then spend in t-space.  No one, not even the physicists, knew why, but it imposed a very real barrier on the use of the drive system.  Imperial ships were hard-wired to prevent a single transit of more than 12 hours; though, of course every chief engineer knew how to disconnect the safeties.  And standard Imperial policy was that for every second spent in transit, a ship had to spend at least two in real-space.  It was a policy with which Commander Scott thoroughly agreed, even if it sometimes meant that he had to spend a full day cooling his heels in the deep black between transits.  After all, there was no auto-club out here in the back of beyond to rescue ships and crews that had abused their drives to the point of failure.

And it was because of that fact that the 342nd had been coasting along in real-space in the Cavanaugh system instead of racing faster than light to their original destination of Ciria.

“Sir, we are picking up the fringes of a t-space emergence wave,” Ensign Rebecca Hastings called out from Tracking, interrupting his reverie.  Scott looked down at the small repeater monitor mounted on the arm of his chair, and saw the wave gaining strength by the second.

“Thank you, Becky.  Ian,” he said as he turned to face his executive officer, “send the ship to Action Stations.  It should be Admiral Chandler, but let’s take no chances.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” Ian Sinclair replied.  Turning back to his own console, he lifted a hand-held phone and pressed a button.  The lights on the bridge turned from normal to red battle lighting, and three whoops of a siren sounded throughout the ship.  “All hands, this is the XO.  Action Stations, Action Stations, all hands.  Set Condition One throughout the ship, this is not a drill.  I repeat, this is not a drill.”

“Talk to me Becky,” Commander Scott said.

“Sir, the numbers are building nicely, we should see t-space emergence in five, four, three, two, one; we have real-space emergence, sir.  Range 3.2 million kilometers, multiple point sources.”

Commander Scott could feel a drop of sweat trickling down his neck.  If this wasn’t the 342nd, then he would have only a few choices available.  Unfortunately, given the number of ship icons on the display, those choices mostly boiled down to running for his life.  “Orin, send the challenge.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” his comm officer said.  “Unknown vessels, this is the Imperial Star Ship Seydlitz, you have entered a restricted area.  Identify yourselves immediately.  I repeat, unknown vessels, this is the Imperial Star Ship Seydlitz, you have entered a restricted area.  Identify yourselves immediately.”

For several moments, Scott and the crewmen on his bridge waited in silence.  Then from the speakers came a voice.  “Seydlitz, this is the Imperial Star Ship Reprisal.  I do believe that we are expected.”

“Query their transponders and confirm the ID, Becky.”

The young officer concentrated on her board and then visibly relaxed.  “Transponder ID confirmed, sir.  Those are Imperial ships, and ISS Reprisal is the one transmitting.”

Scott let out the breath he had not quite realized he was holding.  “Put me on, please, Orin.”

“Hot mike, sir.”

“Reprisal, this is Seydlitz.  Welcome to Tammoran, Admiral Chandler.”

“Roger that, Seydlitz.  We are initiating deceleration for a zero-zero intercept with you in thirty-six minutes from . . . mark.  Admiral Chandler requests that you transmit all pertinent sensor data on the enemy installation and then wishes to speak with you at your convenience, Commander Scott.”

“Acknowledged, Reprisal.  Is there any further traffic this station?”

“Affirmative, Seydlitz.  From the 342nd in general and Reprisal specifically, we extend a hearty well done to the commander and crew of ISS Seydlitz.  Reprisal out.”

“Seydlitz out,” Scott said as he swallowed the sudden lump in his throat.  “Orin, get with CIC and transmit the data-package for Admiral Chandler.  Ian, stand the ship down to Condition Two, and pass along that last transmission from Reprisal to the crew.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” he said.


“We were sweeping the system on a routine patrol, Admiral, when we detected some electronic noise from Tammoran VII.  The Confeds must slipped up on their emcon, but if they did, then they plugged the leak real quick.  With nothing to go on but what could have just been a sensor ghost, sir, I brought Seydlitz in on a high-velocity transit for a look-see at the rock; but I wasn’t expecting to find what we did.  They must have had us on passive the entire time, ‘cause the moment we entered range they opened up.  Their coordination was off a bit, though, and their active sensors came on-line a few seconds before the guns went hot.  They managed to get off a single salvo with the guns, but we had just enough warning to evade to outside their range.  The fault was mine, sir; I should have sent in a drone, but I wasn’t even sure we had really detected anything.  We got lucky, another second or two on our original course and those heavy guns would have gutted Seydlitz like a fish.”

Jason Chandler nodded at the young officer on the view screen.  “Go on, Commander.”

“Well, sir, after that first pass, we decelerated and assumed a geo-stationary orbit from where we could observe the base.  I sent a dozen recon drones in; point defense picked off nine of them, but the three survivors got the data you see there.  Four single 120cm anti-ship guns, forty-eight twin 45cm dual-purpose guns, and one hundred and twenty quad 5.5cm anti-aerospace guns, all in individual hardpoints.  The base itself is carved into a mountain, but they have a nice smooth landing field adjacent.  Three Confed ships—auxiliaries, not warships—were parked there when we arrived, and they have not tried to run.  If they follow standard Confed practices, they should have an aerospace fighter group as well, but they haven’t even tried a sortie against me if they do.”

Scott swallowed.  “Nothing Seydlitz carries is heavy enough to take out the base, Admiral, except my torps.  But to launch I would have to enter range of those 120cm guns, and even a single hit could open my ship up like a tin can.  So I made the call to observe and send for the cavalry.”

“You did well, Commander Scott.  Caesar does not expect his ship commanders to waste the lives of their men just to prove their heroism; he expects his officers to use their heads and spend the Empire’s resources wisely—which you did.  And my report of this incident to Sector HQ will indicate that.  Have you tried to establish communications?”

“Yes, sir, but they have not replied to me.”

“Well, Commander,” Jason said with a grim smile, “they will damn well talk to me if they know what is good for them.”


Leviathan, Renown, Reprisal, and Vanguard steadily closed the range on the enemy base while the rest of Jason’s ships remained at one million kilometers.  Fighters from all the vessels of his command covered the capital ships as they steadily approached.

“Nathan, send the message one more time.  If they refuse to reply,” again, he thought,” then we will continue to close until we reach 13,000 kilometers.  Once we have achieved that range, the battle-line will maintain station and open fire unless I order otherwise.”

Jason pondered the irony of it; against an alien species, he would not have hesitated to simply bombard from orbit.  But the Confederation wasn’t alien.  No, they were humans who had broken from the Empire two hundred and thirty years ago, in protest against the continuing debasement and devaluation of women.  Since then, they and the Empire had been at war—on-again, off-again war—for two centuries.  Even the discovery of the vaccine had not been enough to stop the sporadic fighting between the two; and given human history perhaps nothing would save the collapse of either one government or the other.  Still, he had been raised in a time when humanity could ill-afford large numbers of casualties.  And because of that, he would hesitate before killing those human beings below.  But, if they do not surrender, he thought, then I will kill them.  That is my duty, to the Empire, to Caesar, to my oath.

“Aye, aye, sir.  Confederation facility, this is the Imperial Star Ship Reprisal.  We do not wish to cause excessive loss of life; respond please.  Confederation facility, this is the Imperial Star Ship Reprisal.  You are out-matched.  Do not throw your lives away by making us open fire.  Respond please.”

As the range closed to 20,000 kilometers only silence came from the speakers.  Nathan shook his head at Jason and picked up the phone once again, changing from general broadcast to intra-ship.  “Weapons stand by.  Load targeting package Delta-One and go hot.”

Where the Confederation base mounted 120cm guns, Jason’s Resolutions mounted sixteen 160cm guns in each broadside—far more destructive and with a longer effective range, but slower firing.  Even his older Dreadnoughts outclassed the base, with sixteen 140cm guns per broadside.  The Resolutions could open fire at 15,000 kilometers, but the Dreadnoughts would not enter range until they reached 13,500 kilometers.  However, the 120cm guns of the base below could not respond unless they closed to less than 11,250 kilometers.  And without an atmosphere to interdict the slugs of plasma from the powerful cannons, no mountain in creation could stop those guns from blasting through to the base below, regardless of how much armor they had plastered on.  It might take a while, but Imperial battleships had deep magazines and munitions to spare.

He waited until an officer at the tactical station nodded, and then turned back to Jason.  “Sir, the battle-line is weapons hot, with targeting package Delta-One locked into bombardment protocols.  No response from the . . . “

“Reprisal, this is Confederation Station Freedom.  What are your terms?”

“Weapons hold!” snapped Jason.  “Signal all ships, weapons hold!  Patch me in to the base.”

“You are live, sir.”

“Freedom, this is Reprisal.  We demand your immediate and unconditional surrender.  You will stand down all weapons and evacuate weapon crews from the hardpoints.  We will then land marines to take you into custody and your ships as prizes of war.”

“That is asking a lot, Reprisal.  Some of my officers feel that we should blow the base ourselves before going off to a POW camp for the rest of our lives.”

“Freedom, there are prisoner exchanges on an annual basis.  It is your decision, but that base will be destroyed.  You know that, and you also know that my guns out-range yours.  Blow the base yourself, or I will blow it up from orbit, but I would rather not kill every last one of you down there.”

Nathan leaned down, and Jason cut the mike.  “Sir, you neglected to tell them not to purge their computers.”

“No, I did not, did I.  Nathan, they will purge them regardless of what we tell them to do.  And if I insist on it as a term of surrender, then we will have to either kill them or watch them kill themselves.  Just remember for when you get your own squadron, never give an order—or surrender terms—they you know will not be followed, or accepted.”

He turned the mike on again.  “Freedom, you do not have a lot of time.  What is it going to be?”

A slight hiss came through the speakers for almost a minute.  “Very well, Reprisal.  We are standing down the weapons now.  As commanding officer of Freedom Station, I surrender this facility and its personnel to you.”


The Intruder class assault shuttle gently lowered itself to the surface of the rocky planet known as Tammoran VII.  Once upon a time, such a landing was a risky endeavor, but that had been before contra-gravity generators had been invented.  Now, the two thousand ton craft used just the barest hint of thrust to brake, while the CG generators absorbed the force of the inertia that should have shattered the landing struts like straws.  Three massive doors began to open, filling the red-lit interior with a more stringent shade from the massive star filling the sky.  In the vacuum that filled the troop bay, Centurion Saul Yarrow could not hear the two dorsal turrets whining as they turned to keep the base under their guns; he could feel it through the vibration in the deck and deep inside his bones.  Encased within his battle armor, Saul waited until the bay doors had opened, and then leaped the six meters to ground without waiting for the ramp to deploy.

His Marines followed his lead, and on an auxiliary channel Saul could hear the navy crew chief muttering, “Crazy-ass, damn jar-heads!”

Just like the navy, he thought, always so clean and presentable and polite, with those gay white dress uniforms.  Leave the dirty jobs to the Corps, and wash their hands afterwards.  It wasn’t like they had blood to clean off.  Sure, the Book called for him to wait until the ramps had completely deployed before off-loading.  But the Book wasn’t always right.  And he would much rather be deployed on the surface of this rock in armor than sit on his ass inside the massive target the assault shuttle presented if things went south.  Besides, his armor was rated to withstand far more than dropping six meters under a mere twentieth of a gravity.  Imperial battle armor was form fitting, and worn much like ancient suits of armor had been.  But where those were made from bronze and copper and sometimes iron or steel, his was comprised of Hawkins-Connors Alloy, the same substance that armored the ships of the Fleet; two hundred and fifty kilograms of it, as a matter of fact.  Without the bundles of myomer strands attached to the structure of the suit beneath the armor and the servos that powered the limbs, he would not be able to move.  But when supplied with power from the four grav-fusion fuel cells in the armored pack on his back, the suit responded to his commands as though it was his own flesh and blood.  A heads-up display on the interior of the armored visor showed him all of the tactical data he needed, and a short-range multi-channel p-comm allowed him to communicate with his troopers and higher up.

Miniature CG generators were built into the suit as well.  Not powerful enough to fully counter gravity, they provided an ‘inertial slump’ that would absorb kinetic energy from falls and collisions, at least as long as the power lasted.  While wearing battle armor, he could jump from a bullet train at 200 kph, and the suit would slow him to a mere 30 kph in under half a second.  Designed for high-altitude deployments (parachuting without a parachute, was how the Corps termed it), Marines and army troopers had found many other uses for the system.  No, the six-meter jump wouldn’t even cause his fuel cell power gauge to twitch.

Sealed as it was against chemical, biological, or radiological attack, Battle Armor also made a handy environment suit for the surface of airless rocks such as Tammoran VII.  But unlike naval environment suits, his was armed.  Since Saul was left handed, that hand gripped the handle of the suits main weapon, the Reaper pulse cannon.  Each time he triggered the weapon, it would fire a ‘pulse’ of thirty 8.5mm tungsten slugs in one-tenth of second.  Accelerated to an incredible velocity, the slugs would rip through even the two centimeters of Hawkins battle steel covering his chest with ease.  Absolute range was around 4 kilometers, but accurate fire was a Marine trooper specialty.  Accurate fire, even for him, meant 1,000 meters or less.  His right arm featured an armored glove, allowing him to manipulate items with a dexterity those not accustomed to battle armor would find disturbing.  Along side the armored glove was a pair of much lighter weapons:  a standard 10mm sub-machine gun and a tactical flame projector.  A high-intensity plasma cutting torch was also provided, giving him the ability to literally cut his way through even starship bulkheads if need be.

Perched over his right should was the single shot launcher for his Thunderbolt anti-vehicle missile system.  To use the heavy launcher, he just had to reach up and pull it down into place, which also armed the launcher.  With a range of 2 kilometers, the Thunderbolt packed a punch enough of a punch to devastate most light vehicles with a single hit.  It also served as a fantastic anti-bunker weapon in a pinch, and could be switched to anti-fighter mode for a short-range SAM.  Unfortunately, he had just the one missile for it.  But each and every one of his eight-man command team carried a missile as well.  Two of his team substituted a Ripper auto-grenade launcher for the Reaper he carried.  More of an automatic direct-fire howitzer than a real grenade launcher, the Ripper fired a two-second long, five-round burst of 66mm grenades with each pull of the trigger.  Maximum range was much less (around 800 meters) and the rate of fire was pitifully slow compared to the Reaper.  But it served as purpose, for where the Reaper was a pin-point weapon, each of the Ripper grenades had a blast radius of almost twenty meters.  It forced enemy troops to keep their heads down, and the amount of sheer destructive force it could level against structures was awe-inspiring.  And that constant thunk, thunk, THUNK, THUNK, THUNK of the grenades launching would often break the morale of the enemy long before his Marines were among them.

Seeing his company had finished debarkation, he lifted his right arm high and thrust it forward.  The Marines began low, long, loping bounces across the landscape so reminiscent of the surface of the moon, except for the hellish glare of light from that bloated sun.  They did not worry about reaching escape velocity, for the contra-gravity was programmed for this worlds micro-gravity, and exerted a continual ‘downwards’ force.  Not much of one, but enough when combined with the gravitational pull of the planet itself.  Still, each bounce of his Marines covered meters as they raced across the landing field.  Other companies were tasked with the ships on the field; his mission was the base itself.

On reaching the far side of the field, he could see the massive doors of a tremendous hanger standing open.  According to the Admiral, the Confeds would pressurize the interior after his company entered.  He and his company would sweep the base, making certain that the weapons were disarmed and all small arms secured, then the navy shuttles would begin landing to load prisoners.  Saul shook his head; he didn’t believe it; never before had a Confed base just given up the ghost so easily.  Even as the hanger doors began to close, he watched the inner airlocks, his trigger finger stroking the button that would unleash Hell on Tammoran if they changed their minds about surrender after all.


“Admiral, I’m so disgusted that I could spit.  Sir.”  Saul Yarrow said as he made his report an hour later.  The Marine had taken off his helmet and visor, and rubbed an armored glove over his thinning crown.  “They do not have ONE SINGLE COMBAT trooper present here on this base.  It is a disgrace, Sir.”

On the main projection screen in the base command center, Jason tried hard to keep the smile from his face.  Saul had served with him for several years, and the no-nonsense hard-working Marine absolutely hated it when supposedly professionals acted like they were not.

“It would seem that we are early for the party, Admiral.  This base is not scheduled for completion until next year, and all the Confeds present are a bunch of engineers and technicians and laborers.  No wonder they missed potting Seydlitz when they fired, they were probably reading the damn manual while operating the guns!”

“Seven rifles, sixteen pistols, and two TASERS are all the small arms on the post, Sir.  But,” and his face turned more serious, “they have dug out the space for an entire brigade, complete with rec-rooms, mess-halls, medical facilities, and more.  Hell, two of those ships on the tarmac haven’t been unloaded yet; they are carrying a complete nano-fabrication factory for a section these geeks had almost finished digging out.”

Jason held up his hand.  “Saul, so what you are saying is that we took an entire Sector Command facility from the Confederation without casualties—theirs or ours—and discovered a secret location from which they were going to run the war in our space, thereby preventing them from using it in the future, costing them untold millions, if not billions, of dollars . . . and this is bad thing?”

“Well, its, Sir, god damn it, Admiral!  It just isn’t professional, Sir!”

Jason couldn’t help himself; he burst out laughing, his flag staff shaking their heads as well.  Finally, even Saul Yarrow on the planet below couldn’t help himself, and he gave out a chuckle.

“Well, it really isn’t, Sir.”

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Jason nodded.  “You are right, Centurion, it is not.  But I think that both the Governor-General and Caesar will be happy with it regardless.  How many prisoners do you have for us to transport?”

“Just about two thousand, Admiral, but that is not including the crews of those three ships.  Between our ships in the 342nd and those transports from the 501st, we should have more than enough room to secure them.  The prize crews for those ships, I leave to you and the other navy types . . . Sir.”

“I believe we can handle that, Saul.  I want you to stay in charge down there, and push the operation along.  I do not like this star system and do not want to remain here any longer than absolutely required.  Get those people up-top and secured ASAP, Centurion.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.  Will you be sending down nuclear demolitions charges with the prisoner shuttles?”

“Would a dozen do, Centurion?”

“Works for me, Admiral.  I’ll have my engineers set up so you can scuttle this whole damn base.”

“Get it done fast, Saul.  I want to start pulling out in two hours,” Jason said as he reached forward and the feed from the flagship died.

Saul turned to the men of his command group.  “You heard him, we’ve got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it.  Get to work.”

As the officers and staff NCOs began to disperse, Saul grabbed one Marine by the shoulder.  “Not you, Peters.”

“Sir,” the Marine said as he snapped to attention.

“Peters, I want you to go down and suck ever last byte of data from their recreational computers.”


Saul sighed.  “Corporal, they wiped their main data-banks, but I’m betting no one thought of the rec-systems.  Get down there and burn the whole damn thing into a storage unit.”

“But, sir, most of it is just movies and music and games and such?”

“Well, that is what it SHOULD be, Marine; but what if these sneaky Confed sons-of-bitches secretly hid important data in there.  I know it is a sacrifice, son, but we Marines will have to go through that data-bank file by file just to confirm there isn’t anything hidden.  No sense making the navy computer geeks go through it all, they have enough on their platter.  You get me?”

The Marine began to smile as he realized what else might be in the rec-system, and then came to attention with a salute.  “Aye, aye, Sir!”

As Saul returned the salute, and the young marine departed, he leaned back against a desk and lit a cigar from the base commander’s humidor with his flame projector.  Besides, he thought, we could use some new porn.  I’ve seen just about all the stuff we got on board, and word is these Confeds make some pretty good ones.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2009, 12:33:04 PM »
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Hey Master Arminas! Good to hear from you again. I'll have to give this one a read certainly as your novelizations always seem excellent. However I'm going to redirect it to a new board I was considering bringing into existence anyway. You see I've been considering crafting my own sci-fi universe myself and I could use I place to post as well. Right now I'm not feeling well so those plans are on hold.

First glance I love the title as it is one of my favorite John Wayne movies. Question, can you give us a backdrop for this universe or setting in general? I look forward to reading this, thanks.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2009, 01:38:56 PM »
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Four centuries from now, Man has left our little blue world behind and settled the Stars.  Along the way, has has faced peril and near extinction.  The first Contact between humans and an alien species resulted in one dead species, and another crippled.  The DNA plague left among humanity reduced fertility among women to the point that the species itself nearly perished.  This had drastic effects on mankind, as women were stripped of their rights and became little more than slaves.  Fertile women especially HAD to be protected as the only hope of the human race.  Eventually, after three centuries of rule under an string of authoritarian Caesars and an increasing corrupt and bureaucratic Imperial Senate, a cure for the plague was found.

The damage had been done however.  For more than 300 years, women had been little more than property.  Now, as human population explodes in numbers, rights are slowly being restored, but many men want things to remain as they always have.  In the midst of a war with the Confederation of Free Worlds (once part of the Empire of Humanity), the conflict between those who would emancipate women and those who would enslave them threaten to rip the Empire asunder.  In the midst of this burgeoning crisis, we join an Admiral and his wife, and their loyal (and disloyal followers) on a journey of epic proportions, whose end-game may well alter the fate of billions across the universe and through time itself.

There you go, Takiro, basic short synopsis.

Arminas tar Valantil
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2009, 03:33:00 PM »
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Wife? If I read your synopsis, they are no longer that or was there some evolution already?
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2009, 06:48:38 AM »
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  Hell of an opener, looking forward to more.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2009, 06:25:41 PM »
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I agree. Out of curiosity, did you make up the 501st, or did you get it from somewhere else?
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Dear Humanity,
We regret bein' alien bastards. We regret comin' to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!   -Sgt. A.J. Johnson

They're farmers. You're elite troops. With the gloves off, this would have taken you no time at all.  -Jedi General Etain Tur-Mukan

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2009, 09:08:18 AM »
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I borrowed from the WW2 German Army 501st Heavy Panzer Battalion (one of the first units to use the Tiger I tank).  Hence their nickname, the 'Black Panzers'.

Arminas tar Valantil
Grand Master of the Ebon Rose
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2009, 08:47:34 AM »
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Just another day in the Corps, thought Corporal Frasier Blenheim as he made one final sweep of the deserted Confed base.  Ahead of him roamed Private Charles N’Buta, a Marine so new he still squeaked.  Not that Charlie was a bad kid, Frasier mused, but he was just so damn eager.  Still, he supposed he had been much the same when he first enlisted ten long years back.  But ten years had proven more than enough of this shit for him.  Twenty-three days and a wake-up were all that remained until he returned to civilian life.  But he would not be a mere ‘civie’, for he would return an Imperial Citizen with full voting privileges.  That, plus the land-grant he had earned in twenty-seven separate engagements, and the separation bonus Caesar awarded for honorable completion of a term of service would prove enough to set him up in comfort for the rest of his life.  At least he hoped that it would.

With the booming population, land-grants awarded on even the outer worlds were becoming worth real money; Frasier smiled as he remembered the shark from the realty office before they departed on this assignment.  The man had offered to buy his land-grant—sight unseen, no less—for a quarter of million talents.  But he would wait, for some land-grants were worth far more than that.  As a decorated veteran of ten years, he might well be awarded several thousand hectares of prime land, albeit most likely on a remote world.  But his separation bonus and pension would let him live, even if he did not sell a single square meter.  Of course, it depended on the climate of the grant, for Frasier detested the cold.  If it were some snow-covered forest of pine, or an alpine valley besides a lake, or even just a high-latitude spread on grassy plains, then it would be up for sale to the first interested party.  On the other hand, if his grant included a nice sandy beach on a warm tropical sea—that would be a whole new ball game.

Hell, he might have enough to buy a wife, even.  That sort of thing wasn’t supposed to happen anymore, but who really enforced the new rules in the outer worlds?  Some poor dumb plebian struggling to make ends meet would have too many daughters and not enough sons—and the opportunity to marry into the family of a Citizen?  Some of these outer worlds were pretty liberal in their marriage laws; he might even be able to find a pair of twins for sell.  Red-headed twins, tall and curvy, that was a sure ticket to happiness.  A third pair of hands on a new homestead would not hurt either.  But it was getting harder and harder to find women who would be content to stay home and obey their husbands and masters.  Too much was changing, he thought as he shook his head.

“Corp, I’ve got something hinky up here,” Charlie called out from ahead, breaking Frasier out of his reverie.

Frasier sighed as he shook his head.  This whole place had been swept—twice—and this was the final sweep before bugging out back to the shuttles for the taxi-ride back aboard ship.  What wonderful new discovery had his rookie made now?  “What have you got, Charlie?”

The Marine turned to face him, and Frasier could just see the kid trying to shrug his shoulders inside the armor.  The armor, of course, did not shrug.  Twenty-three days, he thought, just another twenty-three days.  “Corp, this section of the wall, well, my scanners show nothing.”

“Private, nothing is not what we are looking for.  Any signs of life?”

“No, but . . .”

“Any power emissions?”

“No, Corp, but . . .”

“So your instrumentation is showing nothing unusual at all, right kid?”

“Corp, my system is working fine—I can see you like a tree at Christmas time.  But when I scan this section of the wall, I got nothing.”

Frasier slowly counted to ten.  “And?”

“Well, I could detect the rock behind the wall in the previous section, Corp.  But here, I got nothing.”

Frasier frowned and dialed in his own sensor array, focusing on the wall the private waved his armored glove at.  The scanners detected the wall—standard ferro-crete building material, power lines, air lines, water lines, air ducts—just fine, but it was like nothing at all existed behind the wall.  Just like his rookie had said.  And he had been so concentrated on his future instead of his job, he had completely missed it.  At least he had not been the first to miss, since the two previous sweeps had not noted it on the log, but that was cold consolation.  Frasier considered, and then activated the company p-comm channel.

“Central, Patrol Twelve.  Private N’Buta has located what may, I say again, may be a scan-shielded compartment not on the compound schematics.  Level three, section 27.  Shall I ring the bell or wait for reinforcements?”

“Patrol Twelve, Yarrow here.  Third platoon and HQ are now en route to your location.  Stay put until I arrive.”

“Aye, aye, Sir, Patrol Twelve awaiting your arrival.  Out.”

As the circuit clicked off, Frasier closed his eyes; I will never live this down in the NCO club, he thought.  “Good eyes, Charlie; you done good kid, you done good.”


Saul examined the sensor data on the section of the corridor wall himself when he and his command team arrived two minutes later at the head of the thirty-six battle-armored troopers of Third platoon.  Sure enough, the space behind the wall was non-existent.  Either the laws of the universe had suddenly changed, or someone had not fine-tuned their scan shielding to match the mineral composition of the mountain surrounding this facility.

“Gunny, find out who swept this corridor earlier and remind me to rip a few strips right off of their fat lazy rumps.  Corporal Blenheim, good job.”

“Sir, it was Private N’Buta who detected the anomaly, Sir.  I missed it on my scan, Sir.”

“Short-time or not, Corporal, you are still a Marine.  I will not have you written up for slackness—this time—but it best not ever happen again.  Private N’Buta, excellent job, son,” Saul said as he clapped the Marine on the shoulder.

“Thank you, Sir.  Sir, I would not have even known what to look for if the Corp; Corporal Blenheim, that is; had not drilled me on search protocol on the voyage, Sir.”

Saul’s lips twitched inside his helmet.  This kid is going to make a fine Marine, he thought.  “Is that so, Private?  Well then, Corporal Blenheim, thank you for doing your job—at least some of the time.  Gunny, why don’t we stand back and let Parsons here play Ali Baba?”

Frasier grabbed Charlie’s arm and yanked the armor-clad trooper to one, pressing him flat against the wall as the company HQ team moved back down the corridor.  The four squads of Third also pressed as close to the wall as they could, leaving just Lance Corporal Parsons to affix the demolitions.  After placing the final segment of the breaching charge in place, the Marine yelled “Fire in the Hole!” and bolted down the corridor.  Five seconds later, the charges blew, smoke and debris filling the corridor as the lights flickered on and off.  Frasier’s sensors saw the breach—wide enough and tall enough for two suits abreast—and then it saw the hidden corridor beyond.

Two of the Marines from Third rushed into the passage way, then another two, and two more.  The fourth pair had just cleared the breach when the Imperial sensors of every trooper present suddenly detected Confederation battle armor rapidly moving ahead of them.


Jason splashed the cold water on his f


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 11:24:00 PM »

master arminas
Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2009, 08:47:34 AM »

Just another day in the Corps, thought Corporal Frasier Blenheim as he made one final sweep of the deserted Confed base.  Ahead of him roamed Private Charles N’Buta, a Marine so new he still squeaked.  Not that Charlie was a bad kid, Frasier mused, but he was just so damn eager.  Still, he supposed he had been much the same when he first enlisted ten long years back.  But ten years had proven more than enough of this shit for him.  Twenty-three days and a wake-up were all that remained until he returned to civilian life.  But he would not be a mere ‘civie’, for he would return an Imperial Citizen with full voting privileges.  That, plus the land-grant he had earned in twenty-seven separate engagements, and the separation bonus Caesar awarded for honorable completion of a term of service would prove enough to set him up in comfort for the rest of his life.  At least he hoped that it would.

With the booming population, land-grants awarded on even the outer worlds were becoming worth real money; Frasier smiled as he remembered the shark from the realty office before they departed on this assignment.  The man had offered to buy his land-grant—sight unseen, no less—for a quarter of million talents.  But he would wait, for some land-grants were worth far more than that.  As a decorated veteran of ten years, he might well be awarded several thousand hectares of prime land, albeit most likely on a remote world.  But his separation bonus and pension would let him live, even if he did not sell a single square meter.  Of course, it depended on the climate of the grant, for Frasier detested the cold.  If it were some snow-covered forest of pine, or an alpine valley besides a lake, or even just a high-latitude spread on grassy plains, then it would be up for sale to the first interested party.  On the other hand, if his grant included a nice sandy beach on a warm tropical sea—that would be a whole new ball game.

Hell, he might have enough to buy a wife, even.  That sort of thing wasn’t supposed to happen anymore, but who really enforced the new rules in the outer worlds?  Some poor dumb plebian struggling to make ends meet would have too many daughters and not enough sons—and the opportunity to marry into the family of a Citizen?  Some of these outer worlds were pretty liberal in their marriage laws; he might even be able to find a pair of twins for sell.  Red-headed twins, tall and curvy, that was a sure ticket to happiness.  A third pair of hands on a new homestead would not hurt either.  But it was getting harder and harder to find women who would be content to stay home and obey their husbands and masters.  Too much was changing, he thought as he shook his head.

“Corp, I’ve got something hinky up here,” Charlie called out from ahead, breaking Frasier out of his reverie.

Frasier sighed as he shook his head.  This whole place had been swept—twice—and this was the final sweep before bugging out back to the shuttles for the taxi-ride back aboard ship.  What wonderful new discovery had his rookie made now?  “What have you got, Charlie?”

The Marine turned to face him, and Frasier could just see the kid trying to shrug his shoulders inside the armor.  The armor, of course, did not shrug.  Twenty-three days, he thought, just another twenty-three days.  “Corp, this section of the wall, well, my scanners show nothing.”

“Private, nothing is not what we are looking for.  Any signs of life?”

“No, but . . .”

“Any power emissions?”

“No, Corp, but . . .”

“So your instrumentation is showing nothing unusual at all, right kid?”

“Corp, my system is working fine—I can see you like a tree at Christmas time.  But when I scan this section of the wall, I got nothing.”

Frasier slowly counted to ten.  “And?”

“Well, I could detect the rock behind the wall in the previous section, Corp.  But here, I got nothing.”

Frasier frowned and dialed in his own sensor array, focusing on the wall the private waved his armored glove at.  The scanners detected the wall—standard ferro-crete building material, power lines, air lines, water lines, air ducts—just fine, but it was like nothing at all existed behind the wall.  Just like his rookie had said.  And he had been so concentrated on his future instead of his job, he had completely missed it.  At least he had not been the first to miss, since the two previous sweeps had not noted it on the log, but that was cold consolation.  Frasier considered, and then activated the company p-comm channel.

“Central, Patrol Twelve.  Private N’Buta has located what may, I say again, may be a scan-shielded compartment not on the compound schematics.  Level three, section 27.  Shall I ring the bell or wait for reinforcements?”

“Patrol Twelve, Yarrow here.  Third platoon and HQ are now en route to your location.  Stay put until I arrive.”

“Aye, aye, Sir, Patrol Twelve awaiting your arrival.  Out.”

As the circuit clicked off, Frasier closed his eyes; I will never live this down in the NCO club, he thought.  “Good eyes, Charlie; you done good kid, you done good.”


Saul examined the sensor data on the section of the corridor wall himself when he and his command team arrived two minutes later at the head of the thirty-six battle-armored troopers of Third platoon.  Sure enough, the space behind the wall was non-existent.  Either the laws of the universe had suddenly changed, or someone had not fine-tuned their scan shielding to match the mineral composition of the mountain surrounding this facility.

“Gunny, find out who swept this corridor earlier and remind me to rip a few strips right off of their fat lazy rumps.  Corporal Blenheim, good job.”

“Sir, it was Private N’Buta who detected the anomaly, Sir.  I missed it on my scan, Sir.”

“Short-time or not, Corporal, you are still a Marine.  I will not have you written up for slackness—this time—but it best not ever happen again.  Private N’Buta, excellent job, son,” Saul said as he clapped the Marine on the shoulder.

“Thank you, Sir.  Sir, I would not have even known what to look for if the Corp; Corporal Blenheim, that is; had not drilled me on search protocol on the voyage, Sir.”

Saul’s lips twitched inside his helmet.  This kid is going to make a fine Marine, he thought.  “Is that so, Private?  Well then, Corporal Blenheim, thank you for doing your job—at least some of the time.  Gunny, why don’t we stand back and let Parsons here play Ali Baba?”

Frasier grabbed Charlie’s arm and yanked the armor-clad trooper to one, pressing him flat against the wall as the company HQ team moved back down the corridor.  The four squads of Third also pressed as close to the wall as they could, leaving just Lance Corporal Parsons to affix the demolitions.  After placing the final segment of the breaching charge in place, the Marine yelled “Fire in the Hole!” and bolted down the corridor.  Five seconds later, the charges blew, smoke and debris filling the corridor as the lights flickered on and off.  Frasier’s sensors saw the breach—wide enough and tall enough for two suits abreast—and then it saw the hidden corridor beyond.

Two of the Marines from Third rushed into the passage way, then another two, and two more.  The fourth pair had just cleared the breach when the Imperial sensors of every trooper present suddenly detected Confederation battle armor rapidly moving ahead of them.


Jason splashed the cold water on his face from the sink in his personal lavatory just outside the Flag Bridge.  Ten minutes until the Marines finish the sweep, another thirty to recover the troops below, and then we can leave this dying system, he thought as he looked at himself in the mirror.  Not a bad haul; two prize ships with full loads of cargo, plus a couple of thousand prisoners.  The Sector Governor should be rather pleased with us.  He wiped the drops and wetness from his face, and then checked his uniform again.  Presentable, good.  Turning around, he opened the hatch and reentered the Flag Bridge.

“Nathan, get the staff to work on a least-time course for trans-light insertion, destination Ciria.  Marius,” he asked his tactical officer, “what is the latest ETA from Centurion Yarrow?”

“Another six minutes should do it, Sir.  I will contact . . .”

“Admiral Chandler?  Captain Danislov is asking to speak with you immediately, sir,” Commander Drake called out from his comm station.

Jason moved over to his command station and sat, putting the wireless headset on, as he flipped a switch.  On a small screen to his right, Captain Danislov appeared.

“What is it, Aleksey?”

“Sir, our Marines have located a scan-shielded compartment on the base below—one not present on any surrendered schematics.  They are preparing . . . “

A sudden yell from behind Danislov on the bridge caused him to stop and turn away.  For several seconds, Jason could hear nothing, then Danislov was back.

“Sir, Centurion Yarrow reports contact with Confederation Marines, number indeterminate.  He is under fire and is engaging the enemy.  Also, a Kitredge class Escort has just launched from a hidden hanger bay on the planetary surface.  They are attempting to use the planet to shield themselves from our guns and are not responding to hails.”

“Vector the CAP to intercept and engage the Kitredge, Nathan.  Aleksey, advance the battle-line by division on separate orbits until we have a clear field of fire on the enemy vessel.  All ships are to engage with secondaries only—and aim for the engines.  Nathan, make certain the fighters have those orders as well.  Marius order Marine reaction teams to the surface to support Yarrow—remaining Marines prepare to board and take that vessel once it is disabled.  And someone contact the Master-at-Arms and have him escort the Confed commander to my bridge; I have a few questions for him.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” a chorus of voices replied.


“Black Sheep, Black Sheep, this is Ramrod.  Come to heading 251 mark 119 and go weapons hot.  Target is Kitredge class Escort designated Bandit One.  Intercept soonest.  Command requests you target engines only, repeat engines only.  Over.”

Lieutenant Commander William Wallace—known by the call-sign Highlander among his flight crews—spotted the flashing red strobe of the enemy vessel in his heads-up display.  “Roger, Ramrod, moving to engage, Highlander out.  Black Sheep, you heard the man, throttle up and follow me in, attack pattern Delta-Four.”  Several clicks on the transmission channel confirmed that they had heard the order as he banked his two hundred and twenty-seven ton Havoc fighter-bomber onto the new heading and pressed his throttles to the stops.  The quad engines that took up fifty percent of his fighters mass responded instantly, hurling him forward at 15-g’s of acceleration.  Even with the inertial limiters functioning correctly, Will still sank back into his acceleration couch as his body temporarily doubled in mass.  Behind him, the fifteen other Havocs of the Black Sheep squadron completed their own turns and accelerated in his wake.  The squadron spread out into four four-ship flights, each in their own diamond configuration, as they caught up to their leader.

As the powerful engines built up thrust on the new course, Will reached down and flipped three manual switches on his control panel.  The first armed the eight mass driver cannons mounted in the leading edge of his wings.  Basically out-sized Reaper pulse cannons, the Mark VII mass-drivers fired 12.7mm projectiles instead of the 8.5mm rounds the Marines and Army used.  Almost useless beyond knife-fighting range, the Mark VIIs were standard on nearly every Imperial fighter or bomber in service for two reasons.  First of all, while they might well be out-dated technology, they were capable of extremely high rates of fire.  Together, all eight guns could fire almost five thousand rounds per second.  And while they were short-ranged, they gave pilots a substantial ability to strafe enemy ships or ground targets—or defend against other fighter craft.  The second reason was their sheer hitting power.  Each of the 12.7mm tungsten slugs were accelerated to incredible velocities and the sheer kinetic energy when they impacted a target could crack open armor like a watermelon.

The second switch powered up the four 3cm plasma guns mounted in the nose.  Far lighter than any plasma guns mounted by capital warships—indeed among the lightest ever constructed—they could reach farther and hit harder than the Mark VIIs.  A direct hit from all four of the plasma guns could tear the wing from almost any fighter in service, or gut a tank.  They could even crater capital armor, and would certainly play, well, havoc, against any surface fixtures, such as radar and communications arrays, secondary turrets, and the like.  The only reason that the Mark IX plasma guns had not completely replaced the Mark VII mass drivers in service was their rather low rate of fire.  Each gun could fire only one round every two seconds.  The four mounted in the nose of his Havoc would alternate fire every half-second, ensuring a continuous stream of plasma bolts towards his target.  But still, for a craft designed to engage at the velocities the Havocs could attain, a half-second delay between shots could mean a miss.

The third and final switch brought to life the ten missiles carried in bays beneath his fuselage and wings.  Four were the massive Vanquisher anti-ship missiles, each with a range of 4,500 kilometers.  Designed to penetrate capital ship point-defense and shielding, the Vanquishers included a 10 kiloton gravity-triggered fusion warhead.  Pure stand-off weapons, they were—rather unfortunately—easily identified by tracking systems and targeted by hostile point-defense guns.  One missile alone, or even two or three, would not penetrate the defenses of any warship, even one as light as an Escort.  But the odds of probability almost assured that sixty-four such missiles—launched simultaneously by the sixteen Black Sheep Havocs—would result in two, three, or maybe even four of the missiles slipping through the point-defense fire, penetrating the shields, and striking home.

The other six missiles were Scorpion anti-fighter missiles, designed for anti-fighter and anti-shuttle work.  Their shorter-range (2,250 kilometers) and far lighter warheads (2,000 kilograms of conventional high explosives) meant that they could inflict little damage to capital ships.  But against fighters, the Scorpions shined.  Able to generate a higher thrust than any fighter in existence, they were very hard to spoof, and almost impossible to engage with point defense, a feature most fighters lacked anyway.  In a pinch, they could be used against ground targets or capital ships, but their lack of shield penetration gear and the low power of their warhead meant that few would hit, and of those that did only light damage would result.

Unfortunately for the Black Sheep, the instruction to target the enemy engines, to attempt to disable the Escort, meant that they could not use their Vanquishers against the target.  The big missiles were not accurate enough to ensure hits only on the engineering section of the ship.  No, for this strike, the Black Sheep would have to do this the old fashioned way, with guns and precise missile strikes from the Scorpions.  If they got lucky, if they survived, maybe one or two of Will’s fighters would disable the drive system.

Will began to weave his fighter as he crossed into the 7,500 kilometer range of the Escorts main guns.  Designed as dual-purpose weapons, the rapid-fire 45cm plasma guns began to spit bolts of plasma at the strike squadron.  As each bolt reached its maximum range, the magnetic containment field failed, and explosions erupted around the fighters are they bored in towards their target.  The lighter 5.5cm point-defense guns were tracking the fighters as well, but they would not be able to fire until the range closed to 2,250 kilometers.  The Imperial Fighters, on the other hand, could not open fire with their plasma guns until they reach 1,500 kilometers; or the mass drivers until a mere 250,000 meters.

“Steady, boys, steady; stay loose, if they can’t track you they can’t hit you,” Will said into his mike.  Unless you are just unlucky enough to fly right into the path of a bolt, he thought.  Adjusting his targeting systems with his free hand, he highlighted the engines of the enemy, and then locked his missiles on that one specific target.  “Ripple-fire all Scorpions at the engines only, Black Sheep, say again, engines only.  We will follow the birds in and finish the job with plasma and tungsten, people.”

More plasma bolts streaked past the armored canopy of his fighter as the range steadily fell.  Visible to the naked eye, the bolts glowed with their white-hot heat as they streaked by at half light speed.  Keeping one eye on the range indicator on his HUD, Will jerked the craft through the sky with random vector and speed changes, as did the other pilots arrayed around him.  As he closed to just over 2,300 kilometers, a shrill warbling sounded in his helmet.  “Tone, I’ve got tone; Scorpions are locked on the target.”

Clicks of transmitters answered him, and his HUD lit green with the information that his entire squadron was now locked.  As the fighters cross the range threshold, he cried, “FIRE!” and triggered the birds.  Beneath his Havoc eight weapon bays opened, and one by one, the Scorpions lit off their drives and accelerated towards the Kitredge at 50-g’s.  The point-defense guns of the enemy vessel also opened fire, but then immediately targeted the incoming missiles.  They must have a green crew over there, Will thought.  Scorpions possessed such a high thrust that it was nearly impossible to shoot them down, even with a warships point-defense.  Almost in response to his thought, their fire shifted back to his fighters, and two of them exploded.

Ninety-six Scorpions were launched at the target; two were killed by point-defense fire.  Then the remainder hit the shields.  Modern shields could be penetrated by heavy enough fire, but light warheads such as those hitting the Confederation ship now were almost always unable to burst through.  Eighty-nine of the missiles flared and died on the shields, but five broke past.  All five impacted on the starboard engine housing, and the enemy vessel heaved as ten metric tons of explosives detonated inside the ship.  Against a warship heavier than an Escort, that would not have even dented the armored skin—but Escorts were too light-weight to carry armor.  Normal steel and titanium and ceramic alloys and composites formed the outer hull of the vessel instead.  All five of the missiles penetrated the outer hull and detonated inside the engine housing.

A massive plume of air erupted form the breach, scattering debris and bodies as the ship bled air, heat, and life into the void.  The starboard engine died, and suddenly the fire directed at the Black Sheep squadron was cut in half.

“Engines only, Black Sheep, ENGINES ONLY.  One pass, then clear the area for the big boys,” Ramrod sent over the squadron tactical net.  On his display, Will could see Reprisal and Resolution clear the horizon of the planet, almost in range of their secondary battery of 50cm plasma guns.

As his targeting reticule turned green, Will pulled the trigger on his stick.  Bolts of incandescent plasma streaked away from his fighter, each shot hammering him back into his seat with the force of the recoil.  Still accelerating, it him took only forty-three seconds to pass over the stern of the enemy ship.  In that time, he fired eighty-seven plasma bolts into the vessel, as did each of the other pilots of his squadron.  The light bolts splattered against the shields, but collectively delivered too much energy for the shield to hold.  Twenty-three from him—three hundred and seventeen in total—slammed into the bare hull of the Kitredge.

Even light plasma bolts packed tremendous energy into their magnetic containment fields.  The explosions literally ate their way through the starboard engine, into the port engine and out the hull opposite.  The escort shuddered as its sub-light drives cut out and she began to drift helplessly without power.  The hail of fire from the mass drivers shredded what was left of her stern as they swooped past.

Will let out his breath, and check his displays.  Thirteen of his fellow pilots were still with him, but seven fighters were flashing yellow-orange in his display—damaged by near-by plasma detonations, they needed to return to base to repair, refuel, and rearm.  Transponders from his two destroyed fighters were flashing on the display—both pilots had managed to eject.

“Ramrod, this is Highlander.  Black Sheep is Winchester, RTB to Reprisal.  Seven damaged birds; have emergency crews and medical personnel on stand-by.  Request immediately launch of Search and Rescue.”

“Highlander, Ramrod.  Copy your traffic to Reprisal.  SAR are launching now.  Command says well done, Black Sheep, come on home.  Ramrod out.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2009, 09:05:38 AM »
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Damn your excellent writings distracting me! Wink
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2009, 10:48:46 AM »
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Woo hoo! Excellent reading! More, more! Grin
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All I want is just a nibble of 'Mech armor & myomer... is that so wrong? Wink
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2009, 03:23:33 PM »
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Good writing.
Just a question (no offence meant): why are Marines always so honest?
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2009, 03:38:15 PM »
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Quote from: master arminas on March 24, 2009, 09:08:18 AM
I borrowed from the WW2 German Army 501st Heavy Panzer Battalion (one of the first units to use the Tiger I tank).  Hence their nickname, the 'Black Panzers'.
Oh. I was about to say you got it from Star Wars: Battlefront 2, but they're just infantry.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2009, 03:46:36 PM »
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Quote from: Ice Hellion on March 26, 2009, 03:23:33 PM
Just a question (no offence meant): why are Marines always so honest?

Jarheads are blunt and straight to the point. If you don't like that tough ****! No offense meant.  Grin
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2009, 01:37:48 PM »
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I did not say I liked it or not (I like good guys as most people) but I was just trying to understand.


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2010, 11:24:44 PM »

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2009, 09:04:21 AM »
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A sleet of tungsten filled the corridor as the six Imperial Marines that had managed to get inside exchanged fire with their Confederation counterparts.  Well-trained, mostly veterans of other deadly skirmishes, five of the Marines found shelter behind the structural supports.  The sixth, a new recruit fresh from basic training died as he stood his ground in the center of the corridor, firing at the Confeds.  Caught in the holocaust with nowhere to go, the two Marines in the breach also fell, their armor shattered in dozens of spots by the Confed pulse cannons.  A pair of Confed troopers also went down, one to the essentially random fire from the five veterans; the other to the steady aimed fire of the recruit just before his own death.

Both the Confeds and the Imperials were now each sheltering behind solid cover, extending their arms out just far enough to send a hail of slugs towards the others.  Saul could see it on his helmet display, clear enough.  Stalemate.  I can break through this holding group, but who knows how many more of them there are out there.  But doing so, he thought, would eat his men like paper thrown into a furnace.  He sucked on his lower lip; well, Marine, it is time to improvise, adapt, and overcome.  Never mind that it breaks a dozen close-quarters regulations and utterly throws away the Book.  His lip twitched, not that the idiots who wrote the Book had ever been in the midst of a real fire-fight.

“Third Platoon, prepare to rush and clear the corridor,” he said over the suits p-comm array, “but wait for the big boom.  FIRE IN THE HOLE!” he yelled as he leapt towards the breach.  Charlie looked up, twisting his body away from the wall as the Centurion flew past him, and then he slammed down hard on the floor as Frasier shoved him down and covered him with his own body.  Third Platoon—and Saul’s headquarters team—quite sensibly hunkered down; waiting for whatever crazy stunt their commander was attempting now to happen.

Saul threw his weight on his right hip, and bent his knee.  Slamming his knee into the floor, the heavy suit shattered tile and left a short trench behind, but the act also brought him to a complete halt directly facing the breach.  As he skidded across, with slugs of tungsten whizzing past his head, but mostly above his head (even veteran troopers had a tendency to shoot high, after all), he pulled down the Thunderbolt launcher with his right hand.  Even before the click of the launcher told him the weapon was locked and armed, he was pulling the firing trigger.  As it clicked into place, the solid-fuel motor ignited, the flames and fumes striking the corridor wall behind him, and splashing away to both sides.  With a whoosh, the missile streaked forward down the corridor.

All of the troopers in the shielded corridor before Saul—Imperial and Confederation alike—muttered “Oh shit” at the same time, and immediately dropped to the floor.

Saul was already ahead of them, and as the missile reached the ‘T’ junction at the corridors end, he was face first on the ground, armored arms and gloves covering his head.  The 110 kilogram primary warhead detonated upon striking the far wall.  Designed to gut armored vehicles, the main charge formed into a stream of plasma that ate through fifteen meters of reinforced ferro-crete and solid rock.  The secondary effect of the Thunderbolt occurred a fraction of a second after the main charge detonated.  Around the outer hull of the missile casing, just behind the primary, four more charges were positioned.  Each of these four contained just 22.5 kilos of high explosives, but were covered in pre-fragmented tungsten and ceramic plates; ten overlapping plates almost five inches thick.  The four secondaries showered the corridor with lethal fragments, razor sharp and with just enough kinetic energy to maybe penetrate full-up battle armor.

The shock-wave from the concussion of the detonation threw EVERYONE to the ground as it reverberated from the walls, floor, and ceiling.  Dust and shattered tiles rained down on all of the troopers, even those on Saul’s side of the breach, and the remainder of the concealing shielded down shattered, peppering him with chunks of debris.  As the blast rolled past him, pressing him down to the ground, Saul pushed himself up and charged into the corridor, firing long bursts from his Reaper into the helpless Confederation troopers, stunned by the concussion and wounded by the shrapnel.

“On your feet, Marines, get on your feet!  FORWARD!” he yelled as he sprinted towards the far junction.  Third Platoon was pouring into the breach behind him as Frasier pulled Charlie up.

“Corp, did he just do what I think he did?”

Frasier Blenheim cycled his pulse cannon to clear any debris from the barrel and shoved the private towards the breach in the wall.  “Private, if it is stupid and it works, then it ain’t stupid.  Now follow that maniac, Marine.”


“Reprisal, Ramrod.  Assault team is docking with Bandit One now.”

Leslie Drake turned around to face Jason.  “Sir, the boarding team is there, and we have confirmation that the Marines from Leviathan and down and en route to reinforce Centurion Yarrow.  Vanguards troopers will ground in two minutes.”

“Thank you, Leslie,” Jason said as he peered at the holographic display.  Currently, it showed a schematic of the base, along with icons representing each of the forty-six Marines in the field of view.  Each suit of battle armor was equipped with an inertial mapper, and each one reached out with its sensor array, transmitting data on what they found.  The mapper consolidated that data into a real-time three-dimensional map, and the p-comm system uploaded it to the flagship, through the breach in the scan-resistant walls.

Three of his Marines were dead, according to the display; another four were severely wounded—all four had been in the corridor when Saul fired his heavy missile.  But, their armor also reported that drugs had been administered and the troopers stabilized.  They could wait for the navy corpsmen accompanying the reinforcements.  Saul had slowed his pace, letting the grunts take point as they sealed off size corridors with demolition charges and headed towards the large open area the sensors had detected.  Dozens of red icons showed on the display in that chamber—each icon representing electronic emissions from a Confederation suit of armor.

“I always knew he was a madman, Admiral,” Nathan said, “but this takes the cake.  What was he thinking, firing a Thunderbolt inside an enclosed space?”

“I imagine that he wanted to save the lives of the Marines that would have died to take the corridor in a more conventional way, Nathan.  And it worked, remember?  If it is stupid and it works . . . “

“Then it ain’t stupid,” his chief of staff finished.  “Got it, boss.  What are you thinking, sir?”

“This chamber here, where the Confeds are holed up in.  How much rock would you say is overhead?”

Nathan read the data from one of the console screens nearby, and compared it to the scans taken of the area by the battleships own sensor arrays.  “Two hundred and, call it twenty meters, sir?”

Jason nodded.  “That looks about right.  Reckon they laid on any heavy armor in that scan-shielded section?”

“No sir, that would go against their doctrine; besides it really, really hard to shield that much HCA against ship-based systems.”

The Admiral nodded again, and turned to look at his communication officer.  “Commander Drake, ask Centurion Yarrow to set up a blocking and containment point at the next junction.  He is to halt the advance,” as the Commander bent to pass along the order, Jason turned back to Nathan.  “Captain Serrano, ask Captain Danislov if the main battery would like to show these people why a false flag of surrender is generally considered to be a bad idea.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” the junior officer replied with a grin.


The rear of the Kitredge was twisted, shattered metal, with clusters of flotsam and debris drifting all about.  The pair of Intruders ignored the single boat bay of the enemy Escort, and instead clamped themselves to the outer hull of the forward section.  A sixteen-man section of marine combat engineers swarmed out from the port-side hatch and they immediately began erecting a three layer pressure curtain around the shuttle’s hatch.  Sealed to the side of the derelict vessel, the pressure curtains would prevent the explosive decompression of the ships interior when the boarding party cut their way inside.  Working as team, the engineers rigged the curtain in less than two minutes from when the hatch opened.  The engineering Gunnery Sergeant and two of his experts floated across to the hull and began setting out a pattern of breaching charges.  Behind them, another six Marines fixed heavy plates of HCA armor plating atop the demolitions, bonding them to the ships hull.  It took another two minutes to finish setting the charges, and then the Gunny yelled, “FIRE IN THE HOLE.”

The engineers swarmed back aboard the shuttle, and the marines in the open bay hunkered down facing away from the ship.  Two dozen explosions erupted beneath the armor plates cemented to the enemy vessel.  Prevented from expanding towards the shuttle by the HCA plates, the fury the explosions turned inwards, ripping through the outer hull of the vessel, and shattering it into small chunks of debris.  The debris began to enter the ship, but quickly reversed course and peppered the interior of the shuttle, and the marines taking cover there.  However, it lacked the force required to penetrate their battle armor, or to seriously damage the armored shuttlecraft.

The commander of the boarding team, Centurion Danny Tibbs, stood and began barking orders, “Commence boarding operations.  First Platoon secure CIC, Second and HQ the main bridge; Third the ordnance magazines, Fourth remains in reserve.  GO.”

One hundred and fifty-two Imperial Marines, a full-strength Line Company, all clad in battle armor, stormed aboard the drifting vessel.  The sixteen combat engineers, attached from the battalion HQ still aboard Reprisal remained, patching the holes in the pressure curtain the breaching charges had created.

The Confederation naval personnel were not idiots.  Outfitted with lightly armored pressure suits for emergencies only, and armed with sidearms—or perhaps even sub-machineguns—they knew they had neither the firepower nor the defenses to hold off the marine assault.  Perhaps if the Kitredge had been a larger ship it might have been different, but she was an Escort, and Escorts did not carry a Marine complement.  In less than three minutes, the ship was taken, with but two exchanges of violence.

In the forward magazines serving the point-defense 5.5cm plasma guns, a squad of Marines from Third Platoon arrived just in time to kill the Confed officer attempting to set of the plasma munitions and scuttle the ship.  Not wanting to set off the ordnance themselves, the squad leader turned off his contra-gravity generator and bull-rushed the officer.  Three hundred kilos of battle armor, contained another hundred or so kilos of Marine, slammed into the desperate man at almost thirty-five kilometers per hour, and then proceeded to slam into the bulkhead behind.  The Marine was slightly stunned by the impact; the remains of the Confederation officer had to be peeled from the bulkheads of the magazine.

On the main bridge, a woman—wearing rank tabs of a Confederation Commodore—opened fire on Danny and his troopers with a pistol as they entered.  She might as well have been shooting spitballs, as the rounds bounced off the armored plates and ricocheted across the bridge.  Screaming at the top of her lungs, “NO, you can’t; you can’t; NOT YOU!” over and over and over again, she emptied her magazine, causing no casualties among the Imperial forces, but four among her own personnel.

Danny Tibbs shook his head and walked across the deck as she reloaded, and reached out and grabbed her forearms, and then twisted his armored gloves.  With a sickening CRACK, all four bones broke, and the women went limp from the sudden pain and shock.  “Sorry about that ma’am, but the Admiral wants answers.  And that means you get to survive until interrogation.  Any one else want to play,” he asked as he looked around the bridge.

Dozens of ratings and several officers quickly shook their heads in an empathic NO.  And Danny grinned.  “Top, inform the Flag we have taken the ship and require transport for prisoners.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” replied First Sergeant Harper.


Colonel Marcus Warren was led onto the flag bridge of ISS Reprisal by the Master-of-Arms of the ship, escorted by two armed naval ratings.  Clearly visible in the center of the compartment was the holographic schematic of the base—showing the section that his engineers had spent months shielding against detection.  Joy, the Confederation officer thought to himself.  How cocked-up can this operation get?

“Ah, Colonel Warren,” said Jason from his seat as he stood.  “I would say a pleasure to see you again, Colonel, but I fear that it is not.”

“As you can see, we have discovered that you have not been entirely truthful with us.  And because of that, Sir, men under my command have given their lives.  But perhaps I am being ill-mannered, Colonel.  Allow to introduce you to this gentleman, here.”

Jason laid his hand on another Imperial officer that Warren had not yet met.  Dressed in the uniform of the Fleet, he looked much the same as any other of the officers in Imperial service.  Than Warren saw the collar insignia, and he swayed slightly.

“Colonel Warren, this is Inquisitor Kim of Imperial Intelligence; but currently attached to my command for this deployment.  He will be taking you aside in a short time and asking you some very, well, pointed questions.  Questions that you, Sir, will answer, regardless of your willingness to do so.  But first, Colonel, why does your facility have a scan-shielded area, that includes a hidden hanger, Confederation marines, and a Kitredge class escort that you neglected to tell me about?”

“I, well, Admiral, I was following my instructions from my superiors in concealing that fact from you.”

“I see.  And did your superiors also order you to falsely surrender your command, Colonel?”

“They did, they did.  And all for nothing.”

“Not quite nothing, Colonel—my people died because of it.  And many of yours have joined them.  We have taken that ship—mostly intact, mostly—along with an officer that out-ranks you.  She is being escorted over to my Flag now, where she will join you in interrogation.”

Warren crumpled, but the two ratings held him upright by his arms.

“At the moment, I am about to deliver a message to your Marines down below, Colonel.  Would you care to watch?  Captain Serrano, ask Captain Danislov to execute the orders he was given.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”


ISS Reprisal and ISS Resolution pivoted in order above Tammoran VII, presenting their broadsides to the base below.  They steadied on their target, and then sixteen ports opened in the flanks of each of the ships, and gaping maws of heavy plasma guns extended out.  Two guns on each of the ships erupted in a blinding flash of light as what appeared to miniature stars streaked down to the surface.  As the four 16cm plasma bolts impacted, each of them released the equivalent of 15,000 tons of conventional explosives, carving massive impact craters on the surface.  Four seconds later, the next two guns fired, deepening the craters.  And four seconds after that, the next pair; and then the next, and the next.  By the time all eight pairs aboard each of the two ships had fired, the crater was over 150-meters deep, glowing white hot as the rock absorbed the heat from the impacts and explosions.


“As you well know, Colonel, our guns require sixty seconds to cool and recycle between shots.  That leaves you with, oh, call it twenty seconds, to explain to me why I should not just finish digging out that section and vaporizing both it and your men.”

Jason lifted his left arm and bent his head down, staring at a wristwatch, as he tapped his foot.  “Time is a-wasting, Colonel.”


A full company of Confederation Marines, less the seven dead and two wounded that tried to hold up Saul’s assault knelt on the floor of the corridor, their armored hands locked together behind their helmets.  The order to surrender had arrived just seconds before the next barrage had been scheduled, for which he was profoundly grateful.  The heavy impacts from the plasma bolts had shaken the entire complex, and Saul had not quite been sure they could have survived if the next barrage had cut through.

In accordance with the surrender, the Confeds had thrown down their weapons, but Saul had not satisfied with that.  Confederation battle armor was nearly identical to its Imperial counter-part, right down to the grav-fusion fuel cells worn on the back.  So, once the Confeds were on their knees, with their fingers intertwined behind their heads, he had his troops yank the cells.

Oh, they had sufficient battery power for life support, but without the cells they could not move.  Their armor had become their prison.

“Gunny, get some troopers to carry these shitheads back to the shuttles, and have the engineers lay the nuclear demo charges.  MARINES!  We are leaving!”

“OOH-RAH!” dozens of voices responded.


Colonel Warren was strapped into a chair, beads of sweat running down his face.  Each of his bare arms had been pierced with IV tubes, feeding mild sedatives and muscle relaxers into his blood-stream, along with a drug cocktail that reduced his ability to conceal the truth.  Reduced, but not completely eliminated, it.  Kim sat besides him, manipulating the controls on the other device Warren was attached to as he asked the questions.

“This facility, Colonel, this base; what is its purpose?”

“This was to be a base to conduct operations in your space, Admiral.  But those plans died a year ago, when we found out just how ready to go this star is.  Work on the base ceased, but High Command sent us out a new commanding officer,” Warren answered before he was gently interrupted.

“Commodore Amanda Palik?” softly asked Inquisitor Kim.

“Yes.  The Commodore is from the Defense Advanced Research Projects and Analysis Agency.  She is not a line officer—never has been.  But she brought a dozen civilian scientists and researchers out here from our Core worlds.  Some of them are actually Imperial citizens that she had somehow ‘acquired’ and forced to work for her.”

“To what end, Colonel, was this project on which she was working focused?”

“Tammoran is going to blow real soon, as in this week maybe.  We can not forecast it precisely, but when it does . . . “

“What will happen when it does,” interjected Jason, earning a glare of reproach from his interrogation specialist.

Warren looked up, his eyes wide and leaking tears, as the skin near the attached wires quivered and jumped.  “She is crazy, but I had no choice; orders are orders.”

“What was she crazy about, Colonel,” Kim asked as he dialed back the setting on the device.  Warren visibly relaxed as his nerves quit broadcasting pain signals through his entire body, and Kim reached out to gently wipe the sweat away from his forehead.  “What was the big secret?”

“She had a theory, Admiral.  A theory that when a star goes nova, its effects reach into t-space.  The gravitational pulse of the star is so extreme at the instant it goes that it twists t-space back on itself, and can send a ship through time.”

“Through time, Colonel?” Jason asked, not even bothering to keep the astonishment from his voice.  Kim’s eyes widened at the response as well.

“Through time.  She has all sorts of equations and hypotheses and theories and, damn it, I may be a Ground Force officer, but even I know it is not possible.  She believes it, though, and convinced High Command to send her out here.  And for all my sins, I got to ride herd on her—like herding a bunch of cats.”

“And I suppose the nano-factories onboard the two captured ships are going to build her little time machine, Colonel?”

“No,” Warren said, shaking his head.  “You don’t understand.  She believes that a ship in or entering t-space at or near the time of the nova will come out of translation in a different time.  She was planning on taking all the ships through, with my troopers and engineers as her escort.”

“Why would even your High Command try something so fantastic?”

“We are losing this war, Admiral.  Oh, we don’t want to admit it, but the facts are not in dispute among our officials still in touch with reality.  We have just a fraction of the number of worlds that you do, and our Fleet and Ground Forces are far too small when compared to the Imperial military.  We will fight, but we will also eventually lose.  Commodore Palik’s equations seem to indicate that if her theory works, the ships will be sent back in time almost five hundred years—to the early 21st century.  She intended to go back and change the past—keep the Empire from ever forming in the first place.  And the High Command was desperate enough they let her try.  After all,” and here he giggled, on the verge of hysteria, “if we go down, what does it matter if she rewrites history to also prevent YOU from ever coming in existence?  They intend to—if it works—erase the past five centuries from happening.  If it works.”

Jason and Kim looked at each other.  It was impossible; physics simply did not work that way.  Did it?

“I know that it is crazy, Admiral,” Warren continued into silence, the pain and drugs keeping him talking even without direct questions.  “I have spent a year living with that loon and her researchers.  But on the chance that she is not crazy, that she may well be right, you really should get your ships out of Tammoran now; before that star starts to go nova.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2009, 10:32:09 AM »
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Desperate times call for desperate measures, and as the marines said if it's stupid and it works then it ain't stupid. Interesting.
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Captain Bruce Gilmour
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2009, 03:03:17 PM »
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Now time travel  Grin
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2009, 05:04:32 PM »
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Interesting. Could this be the ironic beginnings of the Empire and the good intentioned hero actually be fulfilling a destiny you don't want. Huh
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2009, 01:19:08 PM »
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This is no time to worry about the time line!
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2009, 08:58:47 AM »
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Good morning, all.  I made some PRETTY BIG errors when it came to estimating weight and mass on my ships.  So, I have spent some time crunching numbers and will now post the hopefully cleaned up and edited portion of In Harm's Way that I have completed.  Sorry for the inconvience.  By the way, really BIG ships, such as those that I am dealing with in this story, are almost unbelievably massive; if they are made of anything except Weber foam, it seems.  Hope this looks better.

Arminas tar Valantil
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #21 on: April 09, 2009, 09:00:22 AM »
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Chapter One

“More wine, Sir?” the steward asked as he lifted the empty plate from the white linen covered table.

“No more for me, Jean-Paul,” the officer answered as he leaned back in his chair.  Lifting his glass, he swirled the amber liquid round twice, and then stopped as his guest frowned at him.  “And for you, my dear?”

“After seeing you abuse your own glass, Jason?  I shudder to think of what my father and brother would say, seeing you mistreat the fruit of the grape in such a horrendous fashion,” the elegantly coifed lady replied from the far end, with a theatrical shudder of her shoulders, one covered with fine white silk, the other bare.

“But, my Lady, they—and you—were raised in an environment that demanded they appreciate the subtleties embedded within each flavor and taste of the wine.  I, on the other hand, am but a humble officer in his Imperial Majesty’s naval service.  The best that I can tell a wines quality is by how quickly it can get one drunk.”

“You are an actual barbarian, Admiral Chandler.  But I shall endeavor to forgive you for your faults, my husband,” she said with a smile.

“And for that, Julia, I am most profoundly grateful.”  Jason turned back to his chief steward.  “I do believe that we have finished for the evening, Jean-Paul.  We will ring if we need anything else.”

The steward bowed first to the Admiral, and then to the admiral’s lady, and withdrew with the empty plates from Jason’s private dining room.

Julia raised one eyebrow.  “Rather presumptuous of you; what if I wanted something rich and delightful for dessert?”

Jason stood and walked around the table to where Julia sat, and knelt beside her.  “I believe that something can be arranged to your satisfaction, my love.”  And then he kissed her.


Later, as the two lay in his large bed in his equally large and magnificent sleeping cabin, Julia began to giggle.

He bent his head and kissed her again on her forehead.  “Was it something I said, or perhaps did that has you so amused, love?”

Curling her body tight against his chest and belly, she brought his hand to her mouth and kissed it.  “No, Jason.  I was just thinking—how many Very Important People have shared this bed with you?”

“Well, most of them are distressingly male, my dear Julia.  And none of them, regardless of their exalted Imperial ranks, are my wife.”

He lay there holding her and drew in a deep breath.  “You know, if your father had not pulled strings, my lady love, it would have been four months before we could have shared a bed again—if my duties in Ciria allowed me the chance to go planet-side, that is.”

“I do not use my connections often, Jason, but for this, yes, I had Father arrange it.”

“Hail Caesar,” he whispered into her brown hair, as she began to giggle again, and then lightly hit Jason’s chest.

“It is NOT my fault that I am his only daughter, Jason.  At least he did not have you arrested as a traitor when we told him we were getting married.”

“There is that.”

For several minutes neither said a word in the darkened room.

“Father actually LIKES you, you know.  I was surprised by that.”

“Your father is the Emperor, Julia.  And I serve him—in all but for feelings for you.”

She nodded her head.  “And that is why he likes you, Jas.  For the longest time, he was so afraid that my only suitors would be people who wanted me because I was his daughter—who would not actually care for me, who would use me for political gain.  When I told him I loved you, he was afraid of me getting hurt.  But after he met you, he gave me his blessings.”

“Funny; he told me that I would be drawn and quartered if I ever did anything to injure you.”

She sniffed.  “Of course, I am Caesar’s daughter, after all.  I get only the best of everything.”

“In that case, my love,” he said as he began to nibble on her earlobe, “I shall just have to prove that I am indeed the best you will . . . “

A sudden loud buzz interrupted Jason in mid-sentence, and mid-nibble.  He sat up and leaned over his wife to hit the receive button on the intercom.


“Admiral, we have intercepted an emergency transmission from the destroyer Seydlitz in the Tammoran system,” Captain Nathan Serrano, his chief of staff, replied.  “She reports having discovered a Confederation base in that system; however the defenses are too heavy for her to penetrate.  Sir, she is sending the message directly to the Sector HQ, but they won’t receive the transmission for another fourteen hours.”

“Distance to Tammoran, Captain?”

“Seventeen point six light years, Admiral.  It will take forty-four minutes to change heading for a trans-light insertion on the proper vector, with a flight time of eight hours and twenty-eight minutes.  If we leave the 501st behind on course for Ciria, we can shave two hours and fourteen minutes from that.”

Jason frowned as he considered the idea, and then shook his head.  “No.  I know the transports will slow us, but I do not want to leave them unprotected—this is a front-line sector, after.  Son-in-law or not, Caesar would have my hide if an entire Armored Strike Legion was jumped by raiders when I went gallivanting about with their assigned escorts.”

Nathan Serrano said nothing, but Jason could see in his mind’s eye the corner of his mouth twitching.  Nathan was not the only officer aboard the Imperial Star Ship Reprisal that found his Admiral transporting his wife as ‘essential diplomatic personnel’ amusing.

“I will be on the Flag Bridge in twenty minutes, Nathan.  Assemble the staff, and ask Captain Danislov to attend; electronically will be fine.  And contact General Tuturola; he may appreciate the time to prepare in the event we need his troops.  In the meantime, issue orders for the squadron—and the 501st—to alter vector for trans-light insertion, destination Tammoran.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” he said and then the intercom died.

Julia was already sitting up and pulling on a robe as she turned on the lights in the sleeping cabin.

“You do not have to get up, love.”

“I would not be able to sleep, Jas,” she said, giving him a beaming smile.  “Besides, how often do I get you see in action.  Other than in that,” she giggled, pointing to the bed.


“Admiral on the deck!” sang out one of the two armed petty officers flanking the hatchway as they entered the Flag Bridge, trailed by four of the Praetorians assigned to Julia by her father.  He had insisted that it was for her safety and security, but both Caesar and Jason knew the real reason:  many in the Empire of Humanity continued to discriminate against women involved in politics, business, or the military.  Anything but being a living, breathing incubator for future generations, actually.  It was a legacy of humanities first encounter with an alien race.  We won that one, Jason thought, though it took us forty years to do so.  But in a final spasm of fury at their loss, the Ordan-Kraal had managed to dust Old Earth and her five largest colonies with a biological agent.  That agent had rendered sterile 97% of all living women and girls.  What was worse, it altered the DNA of the survivors, making it far more difficult for the few fertile women left to conceive.  Needless to say, the human race had not appreciated the gift.  Seven years later NO Ordan-Kraal remained alive ANYWHERE in the known universe.  And it had not taken any fancy biological tinkering; no, old fashioned nuclear bombardment worked just as well, at least in making a civilization extinct.

That had been four hundred years ago, at the dawn of the 22nd Century.  Mankind—emphasis on MAN—had not handled the situation well.  Women—fertile women—became too precious to risk, and within a generation the need to shelter females from danger had resulted in them losing nearly all of their rights, becoming little more than property.  Until the DNA virus was finally eradicated ninety-seven years ago, women had been very much second-class citizens.  Thanks to the vaccine, though, more and more women were regaining their full fertility.  Since wide-spread introduction of the vaccine began, the population of the Empire had nearly tripled, and with the vast increase in numbers, the Caesars had slowly—ever so slowly—begun to restore women’s rights.  It was only in the past decade they had regained the right to serve in the military, or to vote.

Many men, even with the human population growing with leaps and bounds, still refused to treat women as equals, however.  It had become ingrained in the social customs of humanity—this branch, at least—and some elements of society had responded badly.  Rape—a crime once considered so heinous it warranted the death penalty (for fertile women, at any rate)—was rapidly on the rise.  Many officials in the government turned a blind eye to harassment, to persecution, even to vile criminal acts.  The entire social compact of the Empire was changing, and some people hated that change with a mortal vengeance, refusing to accept it.  At least, they refused until someone FORCED them to do so.  And in Julia’s case, it would be the Praetorians her father had assigned to her that would do that forcing.  Even the most misogynist of men would behave themselves when those killers fixed their glare upon them.

Jason shook his head, as he waved his hand at his staff, all coming to their feet at the bosun’s announcement.  “As you were everyone.  There is really no need for that every single time I step foot on this deck, PO O’Reilly,” he said to the young petty officer.

The man blushed and mumbled, “Aye, aye, Sir.”  Jason nodded, and clapped the sailor on the upper arm, and then stepped into the compartment.  Scores of high-resolution screens lined the walls, each sub-divided into dozens of individual readouts showing everything from the fuel status of each of his ships to images of the surrounding space.  At the moment his command—the 342nd Imperial Battle Squadron and the 501st Assault Flotilla—was in real-space, still in the process of changing course.

The massive holo-tank in the center of the room showed their current location in the uninhabited Cavanaugh system.  The M class dwarf star was projected in the center, with the rings of debris that served it instead of planets.  A blinking dot in the tank represented his command, with a cone connected to the dot.  Off to the side of the tank, the cone expanded, and showed the ten warships of his squadron, along with the four transports of the 501st.  Of course, even in the expanded view, each was only an icon, but he—and his officers—could read the icons easily enough, after long years—decades, even—of practice.  Four battleships were marked on the display, Leviathan and Vanguard of the old Dreadnought class, alongside Reprisal and Renown, two modern Resolution class ships.

Reprisal, and her sister Renown, were among the largest mobile structures ever conceived of and built by Mankind.  Each of the 1,200-meter diameter ships massed 57.42 billion tons.  Leviathan and Vanguard were just slightly smaller (1,100-meters and 44.26 billion tons), but were every bit as deadly, even if they had been in service for nigh upon three centuries.  The icons for two Gladiator class cruisers—Centurion and Lancer—blinked in the tank, one ahead of the four heavy ships, the other watching the rear of the vulnerable transport ships.  Faster and more maneuverable than his battle-line, cruisers provided the crucial inner ring of his escorts.  At 800-meters in diameter and massing 1.57 billion tons, they were far more vulnerable than the battleships, and lighter-armed to boot.  Despite that weakness against true capital ships, they could overpower any lesser vessel in existence—and their secondary and point-defense batteries were as intense as the battle-wagons own.  Plus, with their lighter layers of armor, the sensor arrays of the cruisers were capable of better resolution and range than that of capital ships.

All in all, the cruisers gave Jason his eyes and ears, in a fleeter-footed and more agile package.  Many in the Fleet—and the Senate—wanted to replace the battle-line with the lighter, less capable, but also far less expensive cruisers.  They argued that while the ships were individually less powerful; the Fleet could afford to build more of them.  And, after all, most situations did not require the firepower of four battleships of the line to resolve.  Luckily, Jason thought, Caesar did not agree.  Nor, in fact, did Jason himself.  Not while the Empire and the Confederation were at war.  Cruisers were excellent ships as escorts, or for long duty missions that required one to cruise through real-space on patrol.  They could even pack enough of a punch to hurt battleships, in large groups at least.  But they were simply too fragile, however, to stand in battle against enemy capital warships, or fixed planetary defenses, for that matter.

Four Alexander class destroyers rounded out the 342nd—Belisarius, Napoleon, Scipio Africanus, and Wallenstein.  The workhorses of the Fleet, the Alexanders were a mere 600-meters in diameter, massing just 650 million tons.  Lacking anything resembling a primary weapon, they instead carried secondaries and point-defense guns.  Combined with the—relatively—light armor protection and shielding, this should have meant that few would have any use for such fragile vessels.  Those few would be wrong, however, for if they were easily destroyed by capital guns, they were also the Greyhounds of the Fleet.  Nimble and easily maneuvered, with the largest maneuver sphere of any warship, a destroyer commander required an aggressive nature—balanced by the wisdom to know when aggression had gone too far.  But for those skippers who were capable, the destroyers held a trump card in their massive banks of torpedo launchers.  Short-ranged and notoriously near-sighted, a destroyer had to close to almost suicidal range to loose a torpedo salvo on his enemy.  But once fired, the torps could gut even a battleship as powerful and tough as Reprisal.  A full spread of torps was worse than even a Rithagrani carrier strike wing, and more difficult to stop.  The heavy thermo-nuclear warheads could overload shielding in an instant, and carve out armor like it was butter, and their onboard ECM degraded point-defense fire.  If even two or three torps—out of the hundred plus fired—slipped through; well, then normally a ship died.

But, if torps could be decisive, they were also a one-shot weapon.  Unlike the massive plasma cannons mounted aboard cruisers and battleships, individual torps were very low-mass, making them perfect for destroyers.  But they consumed tremendous amounts of surface area across the ship—and a vast amount of volume.  Adding automatic reloading equipment and magazines was just too much for the small ships to handle—they simply were not big enough for more than a single salvo.  Once fired, the tubes were empty, and stayed empty until a munitions ship could reload them.  Many powers—including the Confederation—had chosen to mount torpedoes on their cruisers, which were large enough to carry the reloading machinery and multiple salvoes stored in magazines.  In order to do so, however, such ships were forced to forgo the heavy 70-, 80-, or 90-cm plasma guns cruisers normally carried.  In effect, such cruisers were little more than big destroyers with better armor.

The Empire had decided against that path.  Instead, they devoted the space of the torpedo tubes and magazines to bigger and better guns, more electronic warfare gear and faster computers, thicker armor and heavier shields.  The cost of multiple salvoes was simply too much, at least in the opinion of the Empire.  But for destroyers they still made sense.  Torps gave them one weapon that was universally feared by all sailors of the deep black.  And, of course, destroyers were prized as the largest warship capable of entering an atmosphere and landing on a planetary surface.

Cape Town, Moscow, Perth, and Sofia, the Dresden class assault transports, were troop carriers.  Built on the same 600-meter diameter hull as the Alexanders, these 620 million ton ships were more lightly armored, and lacked any weapons other than point-defense guns.  But like the destroyers, they too could enter an atmosphere and land on the surface below.  And each of the four ships carried a fourth part of an entire Armored Strike Legion—6,000 troops and over a million tons of vehicles, cargo, supplies, munitions, and fuel.  Designed from the core out as dedicated assault ships, the Dresdens also carried nano-factories aboard that could construct any component or weapon—provided the factories had the correct elements in the proper proportions.  A Legion supported by four Dresden class ships could remain in combat indefinitely, so long as the ships had power and supplies for the factories, that is.  These particular assault ships were carrying the 501st Armored Strike Legion—the Black Panzers.  Bound for Ciria to serve on the front, the 501st was a heavy formation, with tanks, artillery, and battle-armored infantry, along with their entire support and service brigade.  An elite unit normally deployed on Terra, General Miles Tuturola had personally requested the assignment from his Imperial Majesty.  After all, the boys were getting rusty, he had bluntly told Caesar, over the objections of other, higher-ranking officers.  Caesar had been amused, and released the Black Panzers with orders to hone their edge.  I really pity the people of Ciria if peace has been declared by the time they arrive, Jason thought.

Jason finished considering all this as he took his seat at the head of the conference table to one side of the holotank.  “Gentlemen, and ladies, be seated please.  Captain Serrano, what is our current status?”

Nathan—and the other officers took their seats, even the ones attending via comm-screen.  “Admiral, we will complete our course vector change in thirteen minutes.  Following that it will require another six to accelerate for trans-light entry.  All ships have reported in at Condition Two, and General Tuturola has alerted the 501st for possible ground assault.”

“Command Hedges?” he turned to his astrogator.  “Is there anything of special interest about Tammoran?”

The tall, sandy-haired officer pursed his lips before answering.  “Yes, sir, Tammoran was included in our nav briefs.  The single star is approaching the end of its life span.  Right now, it is in full-blown Red Giant stage.  Only the outermost planets remain intact, though debris fields range throughout the system.  Radiation output is high, but our armor and shields should counteract most of the effects.  I feel, however, Admiral, that I must advise not entering the Tammoran system.”

Jason leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table.  “Why is that, Henry?”

“Sir, there is a red flag on the system in the nav data banks from the last research team to visit the system.  That star is going to explode any time now—and we won’t have much of a warning if it does.”

“A supernova?” asked Captain Aleksey Danislov from one of the video screens to the side.  The commanding officer of the Reprisal, Danislov was Jason’s Flag Captain, his senior ship commander.

“No, sir, the star is not quite massive enough for that.  However, it will go nova—and if it does than no amount of armor or shielding will prevent total destruction of our ships.”

Another officer—Command Leslie Drake, the flag communications officer—spoke up.  “How much warning will we have if it decides to blow?”

“None, if it has already popped before we arrive.  If it hasn’t, then we should have forty or so minutes from the first tachyon flash to the arrival of the leading edge of the expansion shell.  Given where Seydlitz says the Confed base is, it will take us thirty-three minutes to accelerate to minimum safe velocities for trans-light insertion from orbit, Sir.  That is not a lot of spare time.”

Jason frowned as he sat back and ran through the options.  He shook his head, “No, but there is a margin of error, enough of one at least.  All right, Miles,” he continued as he turned to speak to General Tuturola, “I doubt we are going to want to unload your troops, but keep them updated just in case.  Gentlemen, there is an enemy base in our territory.  If we knew that star was going today or tomorrow, then I would say to hell with it, and let them burn.  But we do not know.  It could be next year; it could be a decade.  And it is our job to travel in harms way.  Nathan, pass the word, next stop Tammoran.”

“The word is given, Admiral.”

“Assume your stations for trans-light insertion,” he finished as he stood, looking at his wife.  And God help us all, he thought.


Forty light minutes from the Red Giant at the heart of the Tammoran system, a small rocky planet silently orbited the sullen swollen star as it had for the past six billion years.  Half the size of Mercury, the ball of rock—planet was far too grandeur a term for such a worthless piece of cosmic debris—featured no significant mineral deposits; it had no atmosphere; nothing really to attract the attention of anyone.  Until the destroyer Seydlitz had stumbled across the hidden base the Confederation had constructed on its surface, that is.  ISS Seydlitz orbited the rock at a distance of five hundred thousand kilometers, far outside of weapons range from the surface.  From that safe distance she kept watch on the base below, keeping the Confeds pinned up until the Fleet arrived to deal with the problem.

Commander Gaius Scott sat in his command chair upon the bridge of his destroyer as he waited for the arrival of the 342nd.  The Grierson Phased Tachyon Pulse Communications Array (P-Comm, for short) transmission had surprised him when he received it over eight hours ago.  With the distance between Tammoran and the Sector Headquarters on Jouett, he had not been expecting any help for the next week—possibly even two, given how stretched Imperial forces were out here on the Rim.  He had certainly not expected his transmission to reach a battle squadron in transit at a real-space way point.  If those ships had been under trans-light drive, his message would have missed them completely, for no one traveling faster than light speed could communicate with—or even detect—anyone or anything in real-space.  The Patrick-Sogabe-Kaplov (PSK) drive had given Man the stars.  Commercial vessels and transports without heavy radiation shielding could ‘only’ manage to attain a velocity of around 2.2 light-years per hour; military vessels with their better shielding (and some very few, very expensive civilian ships) could more than double that.  But if the miracle of the trans-light drive had opened the stars to exploration and colonization, it had also been subject to a number of limitations.

First among them, was the fact that there seemed to be a lower limit on how small the PSK drives could be built, limiting their use to ships with enough volume to cram them in.  That lower limit had been reached on vessels little more than half the size of his own Seydlitz.  Second, the drive consumed more and more power as the ship increased in mass, which, given the current state of power production, produced a very real and very hard limit on the upper size of the ship possible.  The law of diminishing returns had proven that past a certain point—somewhere around 94 billion or so tons—a larger vessel would be weaker than a smaller one, in terms of absolute armor and shield protection, firepower, and speed.  The third limitation was in the nature of the drive itself.  In order for the PSK drive to function at all, the ship mounting it had to attain a real-space velocity of no less than 42.075 kilometers per second on a direct vector to its destination.  Once insertion speed was reached, the PSK Drive translated the ship and crew into what the Fleet termed ‘t-space’ (or transit space).  How it managed to do so had driven more than one physicist insane.  Regardless, now matter how the thing worked, it worked, and to a Fleet officer that was all that mattered.  But the PSK Drive had one minor flaw associated with it.  For some reason known only to geniuses and God, it overloaded if engaged for longer than 20 hours, 34 minutes, and 48 seconds.

An overloaded PSK Drive threw the ship back into real-space and burnt out the drive systems simultaneously.  The entire trans-light drive had to be replaced if that happened.  It could even overload if consecutive uses of the drive exceeded the governing limit.  But, for every three seconds spent in real-space, the drive seemed to ‘recover’ two seconds that it could then spend in t-space.  No one, not even the physicists, knew why, but it imposed a very real barrier on the use of the drive system.  Imperial ships were hard-wired to prevent a single transit of more than 12 hours; though, of course every chief engineer knew how to disconnect the safeties.  And standard Imperial policy was that for every second spent in transit, a ship had to spend at least two in real-space.  It was a policy with which Commander Scott thoroughly agreed, even if it sometimes meant that he had to spend a full day cooling his heels in the deep black between transits.  After all, there was no auto-club out here in the back of beyond to rescue ships and crews that had abused their drives to the point of failure.

And it was because of that fact that the 342nd had been coasting along in real-space in the Cavanaugh system instead of racing faster than light to their original destination of Ciria.

“Sir, we are picking up the fringes of a t-space emergence wave,” Ensign Rebecca Hastings called out from Tracking, interrupting his reverie.  Scott looked down at the small repeater monitor mounted on the arm of his chair, and saw the wave gaining strength by the second.

“Thank you, Becky.  Ian,” he said as he turned to face his executive officer, “send the ship to Action Stations.  It should be Admiral Chandler, but let’s take no chances.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” Ian Sinclair replied.  Turning back to his own console, he lifted a hand-held phone and pressed a button.  The lights on the bridge turned from normal to red battle lighting, and three whoops of a siren sounded throughout the ship.  “All hands, this is the XO.  Action Stations, Action Stations, all hands.  Set Condition One throughout the ship, this is not a drill.  I repeat, this is not a drill.”

“Talk to me Becky,” Commander Scott said.

“Sir, the numbers are building nicely, we should see t-space emergence in five, four, three, two, one; we have real-space emergence, sir.  Range 3.2 million kilometers, multiple point sources.”

Commander Scott could feel a drop of sweat trickling down his neck.  If this wasn’t the 342nd, then he would have only a few choices available.  Unfortunately, given the number of ship icons on the display, those choices mostly boiled down to running for his life.  “Orin, send the challenge.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” his comm officer said.  “Unknown vessels, this is His Imperial Majesty’s Starship Seydlitz, you have entered a restricted area.  Identify yourselves immediately.  I repeat, unknown vessels, this is the His Imperial Majesty’s Starship Seydlitz, you have entered a restricted area.  Identify yourselves immediately.”

For several moments, Scott and the crewmen on his bridge waited in silence.  Then from the speakers came a voice.  “Seydlitz, this is the His Imperial Majesty’s Starship Reprisal.  I do believe that we are expected.”

“Query their transponders and confirm the ID, Becky.”

The young officer concentrated on her board and then visibly relaxed.  “Transponder ID confirmed, sir.  Those are Imperial ships, and ISS Reprisal is the one transmitting.”

Scott let out the breath he had not quite realized he was holding.  “Put me on, please, Orin.”

“Hot mike, sir.”

“Reprisal, this is Seydlitz.  Welcome to Tammoran, Admiral Chandler.”

“Roger that, Seydlitz.  We are initiating deceleration for a zero-zero intercept with you in thirty-six minutes from . . . mark.  Admiral Chandler requests that you transmit all pertinent sensor data on the enemy installation and then wishes to speak with you at your convenience, Commander Scott.”

“Acknowledged, Reprisal.  Is there any further traffic this station?”

“Affirmative, Seydlitz.  From the 342nd in general and Reprisal specifically, we extend a hearty well done to the commander and crew of ISS Seydlitz.  Reprisal out.”

“Seydlitz out,” Scott said as he swallowed the sudden lump in his throat.  “Orin, get with CIC and transmit the data-package for Admiral Chandler.  Ian, stand the ship down to Condition Two, and pass along that last transmission from Reprisal to the crew.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” he said.


“We were sweeping the system on a routine patrol, Admiral, when we detected some electronic noise from Tammoran VII.  The Confeds must slipped up on their emcon, but if they did, then they plugged the leak real quick.  With nothing to go on but what could have just been a sensor ghost, sir, I brought Seydlitz in on a high-velocity transit for a look-see at the rock; but I wasn’t expecting to find what we did.  They must have had us on passive the entire time, ‘cause the moment we entered range they opened up.  Their coordination was off a bit, though, and their active sensors came on-line a few seconds before the guns went hot.  They managed to get off a single salvo with the guns, but we had just enough warning to evade to outside their range.  The fault was mine, sir; I should have sent in a drone, but I wasn’t even sure we had really detected anything.  We got lucky, another second or two on our original course and those heavy guns would have gutted Seydlitz like a fish.”

Jason Chandler nodded at the young officer on the view screen.  “Go on, Commander.”

“Well, sir, after that first pass, we decelerated and assumed a geo-stationary orbit from where we could observe the base.  I sent a dozen recon drones in; point defense picked off nine of them, but the three survivors got the data you see there.  Four single 120cm anti-ship guns, forty-eight twin 45cm dual-purpose guns, and one hundred and twenty quad 4.5cm anti-aerospace guns, all in individual hardpoints.  The base itself is carved into a mountain, but they have a nice smooth landing field adjacent.  Two Confed ships—fleet auxiliaries, not warships—were parked there when we arrived, and they have not tried to run.  If they follow standard Confed practices, they should have an aerospace fighter group as well, but they haven’t even tried a sortie against me if they do.”

Scott swallowed.  “Nothing Seydlitz carries is heavy enough to take out the base, Admiral, except my torps.  But to launch I would have to enter range of those 120cm guns, and even a single hit could open my ship up like a tin can.  So I made the call to observe and send for the cavalry.”

“You did well, Commander Scott.  Caesar does not expect his ship commanders to waste the lives of their men just to prove their heroism; he expects his officers to use their heads and spend the Empire’s resources wisely—which you did.  And my report of this incident to Sector HQ will indicate that.  Have you tried to establish communications?”

“Yes, sir, but they have not responded to my attempts.”

“Well, Commander,” Jason said with a grim smile, “they will damn well talk to me if they know what is good for them.”


The fifteen ships under Jason’s command steadily closed the range on the enemy base.  Leviathan, Renown, Reprisal, and Vanguard—the only ships with guns that outranged the base below—were in the lead, with the cruisers, destroyers (including Seydlitz), and the transports ten thousand kilometers behind.  Strike bombers and interceptors from all the vessels of his command covered the capital ships as they steadily approached.

“Nathan, send the message one more time.  If they refuse to reply,” again, he thought,” then we will continue to close until we reach 130,000 kilometers.  Once we have achieved that range, the battle-line will maintain station and open fire unless I order otherwise.”

Jason pondered the irony of it; against an alien species, he would not have hesitated to simply bombard this facility from orbit, without either hesitation or remorse.  But the Confederation wasn’t alien.  No, they were humans who had broken from the Empire one hundred and thirty years ago, in protest against the continuing debasement and devaluation of women.  Since then, they and the Empire had been at war—on-again, off-again war—for more than a century.  Recently, the war had heated up yet again.  Even the discovery of the vaccine had not been enough to stop the sporadic fighting between the two; and given human history perhaps nothing would save the collapse of either one government or the other.  They should have learned by now; each and every time they provoke a fight, they lose even more worlds.  Still, he had been raised in a time when humanity could ill-afford large numbers of casualties.  And because of that, he would hesitate—slightly—before killing those human beings below.  But, if they do not surrender, he thought to himself, I will give the order, I will kill them all.  That is my duty, to the Empire, to Caesar, to my oath.

“Aye, aye, sir.  Confederation facility, this is the His Imperial Majesty’s Starship Reprisal.  We do not wish to cause excessive loss of life; respond please.  Confederation facility, this is the His Imperial Majesty’s Starship Reprisal.  You are out-matched.  Do not throw your lives away by making us open fire.  Respond please.”

As the range closed to 200,000 kilometers only silence came from the speakers.  Nathan shook his head at Jaso


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 11:26:21 PM »

Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2009, 09:01:24 AM »

Chapter Two

Just another day in the Corps, thought Corporal Frasier Blenheim as he made one final sweep of the deserted Confed base.  Ahead of him roamed Private Charles N’Buta, a Marine so new he still squeaked.  Not that Charlie was a bad kid, Frasier mused, but he was just so damn eager.  Still, he supposed he had been much the same when he first enlisted ten long years back.  But ten years had proven more than enough of this shit for him.  Twenty-three days and a wake-up were all that remained until he returned to civilian life.  But he would not be a mere ‘civie’, for he would return an Imperial Citizen with full voting privileges.  That, plus the land-grant he had earned in twenty-seven separate engagements, and the separation bonus Caesar awarded for honorable completion of a term of service would prove enough to set him up in comfort for the rest of his life.  At least he hoped that it would.

With the booming population, land-grants awarded on even the outer worlds were becoming worth real money; Frasier smiled as he remembered the shark from the realty office before they departed on this assignment.  The man had offered to buy his land-grant—sight unseen, no less—for a quarter of million talents.  But he would wait, for some land-grants were worth far more than that.  As a decorated veteran of ten years, he might well be awarded several thousand hectares of prime land, albeit most likely on a remote world.  But his separation bonus and pension would let him live, even if he did not sell a single square meter.  Of course, it depended on the climate of the grant, for Frasier detested the cold.  If it were some snow-covered forest of pine, or an alpine valley besides a lake, or even just a high-latitude spread on grassy plains, then it would be up for sale to the first interested party.  On the other hand, if his grant included a nice sandy beach on a warm tropical sea—that would be a whole new ball game.

Hell, he might have enough to buy a wife, even.  That sort of thing wasn’t supposed to happen anymore, but who really enforced the new rules in the outer worlds?  Some poor dumb plebian struggling to make ends meet would have too many daughters and not enough sons—and the opportunity to marry into the family of a Citizen?  Some of these outer worlds were pretty liberal in their marriage laws; he might even be able to find a pair of twins for sell.  Red-headed twins, tall and curvy, that was a sure ticket to happiness.  A third pair of hands on a new homestead would not hurt either.  But it was getting harder and harder to find women who would be content to stay home and obey their husbands and masters.  Too much was changing, he thought as he shook his head.

“Corp, I’ve got something hinky up here,” Charlie called out from ahead, breaking Frasier out of his reverie.

Frasier sighed as he shook his head.  This whole place had been swept—twice—and this was the final sweep before bugging out back to the shuttles for the taxi-ride back aboard ship.  What wonderful new discovery had his rookie made now?  “What have you got, Charlie?”

The Marine turned to face him, and Frasier could just see the kid trying to shrug his shoulders inside the armor.  The armor, of course, did not shrug.  Twenty-three days, he thought, just another twenty-three days.  “Corp, this section of the wall, well, my scanners show nothing.”

“Private, nothing is not what we are looking for.  Any signs of life?”

“No, but . . .”

“Any power emissions?”

“No, Corp, but . . .”

“So your instrumentation is showing nothing unusual at all, right kid?”

“Corp, my system is working fine—I can see you all lit up like a tree at Christmas time.  But when I scan this section of the wall, I got nothing.”

Frasier slowly counted to ten.  “And?”

“Well, I could detect the rock behind the wall in the previous section, Corp.  But here, I got nothing.”

Frasier frowned and dialed in his own sensor array, focusing on the wall the private waved his armored glove at.  The scanners detected the wall—standard ferro-crete building material, power lines, air lines, water lines, air ducts—just fine, but it was like nothing at all existed behind the wall.  Just like his rookie had said.  And he had been so concentrated on his future instead of his job, he had completely missed it.  At least he had not been the first to miss, since the two previous sweeps had not noted it on the log, but that was cold consolation.  Frasier considered—for just a moment—not reporting it, but then he sighed and activated the company p-comm channel.

“Central, Patrol Twelve.  Private N’Buta has located what may, I say again, may be a scan-shielded compartment not on the compound schematics.  Level three, section 27.  Shall I ring the bell or wait for reinforcements?”

“Patrol Twelve, Yarrow here.  Third platoon and HQ are now en route to your location.  Stay put until I arrive.”

“Aye, aye, Sir, Patrol Twelve awaiting your arrival.  Out.”

As the circuit clicked off, Frasier closed his eyes; I will never live this down in the NCO club, he thought.  “Good eyes, Charlie; you done good kid, you done good.”


Saul examined the sensor data on the section of the corridor wall himself when he and his command team arrived two minutes later at the head of the thirty-six battle-armored troopers of Third platoon.  Sure enough, the space behind the wall was non-existent.  Either the laws of the universe had suddenly changed, or someone had not fine-tuned their scan shielding to match the mineral composition of the mountain surrounding this facility.

“Gunny, find out who swept this corridor earlier and remind me to rip a few strips right off of their fat lazy rumps.  Corporal Blenheim, good job.”

“Sir, it was Private N’Buta who detected the anomaly, Sir.  I missed it on my scan, Sir.”

“Short-time or not, Corporal, you are still a Marine.  I will not have you written up for slackness—this time—but it best not ever happen again.  Private N’Buta, excellent job, son,” Saul said as he clapped the Marine on the shoulder.

“Thank you, Sir.  Sir, I would not have even known what to look for if the Corp; Corporal Blenheim, that is; had not drilled me on search protocol on the voyage, Sir.”

Saul’s lips twitched inside his helmet.  This kid is going to make a fine Marine, he thought.  “Is that so, Private?  Well then, Corporal Blenheim, thank you for doing your job—at least some of the time.  Gunny, why don’t we stand back and let Parsons here play Ali Baba?”

Frasier grabbed Charlie’s arm and yanked the armor-clad trooper to one side, pressing him flat against the wall as the company HQ team moved back down the corridor.  The four squads of Third also pressed as close to the wall as they could, leaving just Lance Corporal Parsons to affix the demolitions.  After placing the final segment of the breaching charge in place, the Marine yelled “Fire in the Hole!” and bolted down the corridor.  Five seconds later, the charges blew, smoke and debris filling the corridor as the lights flickered on and off.  Frasier’s sensors saw the breach—wide enough and tall enough for two suits abreast—and then it saw the hidden corridor beyond.

Two of the Marines from Third rushed into the passage way, then another two, and two more.  The fourth pair had just cleared the breach when the Imperial sensors of every trooper present suddenly detected Confederation battle armor rapidly moving ahead of them.


Jason splashed the cold water on his face from the sink in his personal lavatory just outside the Flag Bridge.  Ten minutes until the Marines finish the sweep, another thirty to recover the troops below, and then we can leave this dying system, he thought as he looked at himself in the mirror.  Not a bad haul; two prize ships with full loads of cargo, plus a couple of thousand prisoners.  The Sector Governor should be rather pleased with us.  He wiped the drops and wetness from his face, and then checked his uniform again.  Presentable, good.  Turning around, he opened the hatch and reentered the Flag Bridge.

“Nathan, get the staff to work on a least-time course for trans-light insertion, destination Ciria.  Marius,” he asked his tactical officer, “what is the latest ETA from Centurion Yarrow?”

“Another six minutes should do it, Sir.  I will contact . . .”

“Admiral Chandler?  Captain Danislov is asking to speak with you immediately, sir,” Commander Drake called out from his comm station.

Jason moved over to his command station and sat, putting the wireless headset on, as he flipped a switch.  On a small screen to his right, Captain Danislov appeared.

“What is it, Aleksey?”

“Sir, our Marines have located a scan-shielded compartment on the base below—one not present on any surrendered schematics.  They are preparing . . . “

A sudden yell from behind Danislov on the bridge caused him to stop and turn away.  For several seconds, Jason could hear nothing, and then Danislov was back.

“Sir, Centurion Yarrow reports contact with Confederation Marines, number indeterminate.  He is under fire and is engaging the enemy.  Also, a Kitredge class Escort has just launched from a hidden hanger bay on the planetary surface.  They are attempting to use the planet to shield themselves from our guns and are not responding to hails.”

“Vector the CAP to intercept and engage the Kitredge, Nathan.  Aleksey, advance the battle-line by division on separate orbits until we have a clear field of fire on the enemy vessel.  All ships are to engage with secondaries only—and aim for the engines.  Nathan, make certain the fighters have those orders as well.  Marius order Marine reaction teams to the surface to support Yarrow—remaining Marines prepare to board and take that vessel once it is disabled.  And someone contact the Master-at-Arms and have him escort the Confed commander to my bridge; I have a few questions for him.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” a chorus of voices replied.


“Black Sheep, Black Sheep, this is Ramrod.  Come to heading 251 mark 119 and go weapons hot.  Target is Kitredge class Escort designated Bandit One.  Intercept soonest.  Command requests you target engines only, repeat engines only.  Over.”

Lieutenant Commander William Wallace—known by the call-sign Highlander among his flight crews—spotted the flashing red strobe of the enemy vessel in his heads-up display.  “Roger, Ramrod, moving to engage, Highlander out.  Black Sheep, you heard the man, throttle up and follow me in, attack pattern Delta-Four.”  Several clicks on the transmission channel confirmed that they had heard the order as he banked his five thousand six hundred and fifty ton Havoc strike bomber onto the new heading and pressed his throttles to the stops.  The quad engines that took up fifty percent of his fighters mass responded instantly, hurling him forward at 15-g’s of acceleration.  Even with the inertial limiters functioning correctly, Will still sank back into his acceleration couch as his body temporarily doubled in mass.  Behind him, the fifteen other Havocs of the Black Sheep squadron completed their own turns and accelerated in his wake.  The squadron spread out into four four-ship flights, each in their own diamond configuration, as they caught up to their leader.

“Rambler, spin up the missiles and targeting systems.  Petey, we are going toe-to-toe with a warship,” albeit a small one, he thought, “I want you jamming their tracking the whole way in, comprende?”

“Roger, Highlander,” Lieutenant Morris ‘Rambler’ Simpson replied from the cockpit behind him.  The RIO—radar intercept officer—maintained the missiles carried by the Havoc and also kept a watchful eye on the tracking systems.  While Will flew the craft, Morris Simpson was his eyes and ears.  A moment later, and a new bank of lights came to life on his console as Ensign Pavel Petrovich—‘Petey’—brought the strike bombers powerful electronic warfare gear on-line.  “Roger, Highlander,” the new EW officer said, from his cramped, isolated compartment below and behind the two other crewmen, deep in the bowels of the swept-wing needle-like craft.

Will settled the strike bomber down on its new course, and then reached down and flipped two manual switches on his control panel.  The first armed the eight mass driver cannons mounted in the leading edge of his wings.  Basically out-sized Reaper pulse cannons, the Mark VII mass-drivers fired 12.7mm projectiles instead of the 7.5mm rounds the Marines and Army used.  Almost useless beyond knife-fighting range, the Mark VIIs were standard on nearly every Imperial fighter or bomber in service for two reasons.  First of all, while they might well be out-dated technology, they were capable of extremely high rates of fire.  Together, all eight guns could fire almost five thousand rounds per second.  And while they were short-ranged, they gave pilots a substantial ability to strafe enemy ships or ground targets—or defend against other fighter craft.  The second reason was their sheer hitting power.  Each of the 12.7mm tungsten slugs were accelerated to incredible velocities and the sheer kinetic energy when they impacted a target could crack open armor like a watermelon.

The second switch powered up the four 3cm plasma guns mounted in the nose.  Far lighter than any plasma guns mounted by capital warships—indeed among the lightest ever constructed—they could reach farther and hit harder than the Mark VIIs.  A direct hit from all four of the plasma guns could tear the wing from almost any fighter in service, or gut a tank.  They could even crater capital armor, and would certainly play, well, havoc, against any surface fixtures, such as radar and communications arrays, secondary turrets, and the like.  The only reason that the Mark IX plasma guns had not completely replaced the Mark VII mass drivers in service was their rather low rate of fire.  Each gun could fire only one round every two seconds.  The four mounted in the nose of his Havoc would alternate fire every half-second, ensuring a continuous stream of plasma bolts towards his target.  But still, for a craft designed to engage at the velocities the Havocs could attain, a half-second delay between shots could mean a miss.

On his heads-up display, Will could see the ten missiles carried in their bays beneath the wings and fuselage of his lithe little craft come to life.  Four were the massive Vanquisher anti-ship missiles, each with a range of 45,000 kilometers.  Designed to penetrate capital ship point-defense and shielding, the Vanquishers included a 10 kiloton gravity-triggered fusion warhead.  Pure stand-off weapons, they were—rather unfortunately—easily identified by tracking systems and targeted by hostile point-defense guns.  One missile alone, or even two or three, would not penetrate the defenses of any warship, even one as light as an Escort.  But the odds of probability almost assured that sixty-four such missiles—launched simultaneously by the sixteen Black Sheep Havocs—would result in two, three, or maybe even four of the missiles slipping through the point-defense fire, penetrating the shields, and striking home.

The other six missiles were Scorpion anti-fighter missiles, designed for anti-fighter and anti-shuttle work.  Their shorter-range (22,500 kilometers) and far lighter warheads (2,000 kilograms of conventional high explosives) meant that they could inflict little damage to capital ships.  But against fighters, the Scorpions shined.  Able to generate a higher thrust than any fighter in existence, they were very hard to spoof, and almost impossible to engage with point defense, a feature most fighters lacked anyway.  In a pinch, they could be used against ground targets or capital ships, but their lack of shield penetration gear and the low power of their warhead meant that few would hit, and of those that did only light damage would result.

Unfortunately for the Black Sheep, the instruction to target the enemy engines, to attempt to disable the Escort, meant that they could not use their Vanquishers against the target.  The big missiles were not accurate enough to ensure hits only on the engineering section of the ship.  No, for this strike, the Black Sheep would have to do this the old fashioned way, with guns and precise missile strikes from the Scorpions.  If they got lucky, if they survived, maybe one or two of Will’s fighters would disable the drive system.

Will began to weave his fighter as he crossed into the 75,000 kilometer range of the Escorts main guns.  Designed as dual-purpose weapons, the rapid-fire 45cm plasma guns began to spit bolts of plasma at the strike squadron.  As each bolt reached its maximum range, the magnetic containment field failed, and explosions erupted around the fighters are they bored in towards their target.  The lighter 4.5cm point-defense guns were tracking the fighters as well, but they would not be able to fire until the range closed to 22,500 kilometers.  The Imperial Fighters, on the other hand, could not open fire with their plasma guns until they reach 10,000 kilometers; or the mass drivers until a mere 250,000 meters.

“Steady, boys, steady; stay loose, if they can’t track you they can’t hit you,” Will said into his mike.  Unless you are just unlucky enough to fly right into the path of a bolt, he thought.  “Highlander, we are locked on engines,” Morris said, as Will’s display changed, carating the grav-thrust plates on the stern of the enemy ship.  “Ripple-fire all Scorpions at the engines only, Black Sheep, say again, engines only.  We will follow the birds in and finish the job with plasma and tungsten, people.”

More plasma bolts streaked past the armored canopy of his fighter as the range steadily fell.  Visible to the naked eye, the bolts glowed with their white-hot heat as they streaked by at half light speed.  Keeping one eye on the range indicator on his HUD, Will jerked the craft through the sky with random vector and speed changes, as did the other pilots arrayed around him.  As he closed to just over 23,000 kilometers, a shrill warbling sounded in his helmet.  “Tone, I’ve got tone; Scorpions are locked on the target,” Morris called out from the rear-seat.

Will’s HUD lit green with the information that his entire squadron was now locked.  As the fighters cross the range threshold, he cried, “FIRE!” and triggered the birds.  Beneath his Havoc six weapon bays opened, and one by one, the Scorpions lit off their drives and accelerated towards the Kitredge at 50-g’s.  The point-defense guns of the enemy vessel also opened fire as the strike bombers entered their range, but then immediately targeted the incoming missiles.  They must have a green crew over there, Will thought.  Scorpions possessed such a high thrust that it was nearly impossible to shoot them down, even with a warships point-defense.  Almost in response to his thought, the rapid-fire guns shifted their fire back to his fighters, and two of them exploded.

Ninety-six Scorpions were launched at the target; only one was killed by point-defense fire.  Then the remainder hit the shields.  Modern shields could be penetrated by heavy enough fire, but light warheads such as those hitting the Confederation ship now were almost always unable to burst through.  Eighty-nine of the missiles flared and died on the shields, but six broke past.  Four impacted on the upper starboard plate, while two hit the lower, and the enemy vessel heaved as twelve metric tons of explosive detonated, each detonation sending a self-forging penetrator deep into the hull.  Against a warship heavier than an Escort, that would not have even dented the armored skin—but Escorts were too light-weight to carry much armor, and the little they did carry was not enough to stop the fifteen thousand degree stream of molten metal as it burned inside.

At least one of the missiles hit something important, and a massive plume of air erupted as a fireball leapt out of the hull, scattering debris and bodies as the ship bled air, heat, and life into the void.  The two starboard engines died, and the ship sharply veered to one side.

“Engines only, Black Sheep, ENGINES ONLY.  One pass, then clear the area for the big boys,” Ramrod sent over the squadron tactical net.  On his display, Will could see Reprisal and Renown clear the horizon of the planet, almost in range of their secondary battery of 50cm plasma guns.

As his targeting reticule turned green, Will pulled the trigger on his stick.  Bolts of incandescent plasma streaked away from his fighter, each shot hammering him back into his seat with the force of the recoil.  Still accelerating, it him took only forty-three seconds to pass over the stern of the enemy ship.  In that time, he fired eighty-seven plasma bolts into the vessel, as did each of the other pilots of his squadron.  The light bolts splattered against the shields, but collectively delivered too much energy for the shield to hold.  Twenty-three from him—three hundred and seventeen in all together—slammed into the bare, broken hull of the Kitredge, directly over where the missiles had torn a gap in the armor.

Even light plasma bolts packed tremendous energy into their magnetic containment fields.  The explosions literally ate their way through the starboard engine, into the port engine and out the hull opposite.  The escort shuddered as its sub-light drives cut out and her fusion power plants went into emergency shutdown.  Lights on the outer hull flickered and died, and her guns went silent as she began to drift helplessly without power.  The hail of fire from the mass drivers shredded what was left of her stern quadrant as the squadron swooped past.

Will let out his breath, and checked his displays.  Twelve of his squadron-mates were still with him, but seven fighters were flashing yellow-orange in his display—damaged by near-by plasma detonations, they needed to return to base to repair, refuel, and rearm.  Transponders from his two of destroyed fighters were flashing on the display—both crews had managed to eject; the third Havoc had not been quite so lucky.

“Ramrod, this is Highlander.  Black Sheep is Winchester, RTB to Reprisal.  Seven damaged birds; have emergency crews and medical personnel on stand-by.  Request immediately launch of Search and Rescue.”

“Highlander, Ramrod.  Copy your traffic to Reprisal.  SAR are launching now.  Command says well done, Black Sheep, come on home.  Ramrod out.”


A sleet of tungsten filled the corridor as the six Imperial Marines that had managed to get inside exchanged fire with their Confederation counterparts.  Well-trained, mostly veterans of other deadly skirmishes, five of the Marines found shelter behind the structural supports.  The sixth, a new recruit fresh from basic training died as he stood his ground in the center of the corridor, firing at the Confeds.  Caught in the holocaust with nowhere to go, the two Marines in the breach also fell, their armor shattered in dozens of spots by the Confed pulse cannons.  A pair of Confed troopers also went down, one to the essentially random fire from the five veterans; the other to the steady aimed fire of the recruit just before his own death.

Both the Confeds and the Imperials were now each sheltering behind solid cover, extending their arms out just far enough to send a hail of slugs towards the others.  Saul could see it on his helmet display, clear enough.  Stalemate.  I can break through this holding group, but who knows how many more of them there are out there.  But doing so, he thought, would eat his men like paper thrown into a furnace.  He sucked on his lower lip; well, Marine, it is time to improvise, adapt, and overcome.  Never mind that it breaks a dozen close-quarters regulations and utterly throws away the Book.  His lip twitched, not that the idiots who wrote the Book had ever been in the midst of a real fire-fight.

“Third Platoon, prepare to rush and clear the corridor,” he said over the suits p-comm array, “but wait for the big boom.  FIRE IN THE HOLE!” he yelled as he leapt towards the breach.  Charlie looked up, twisting his body away from the wall as the Centurion flew past him, and then he slammed down hard on the floor as Frasier shoved him down and covered him with his own body.  Third Platoon—and Saul’s headquarters team—quite sensibly hunkered down; waiting for whatever crazy stunt their commander was attempting now to happen.

Saul threw his weight on his right hip, and bent his knee.  Slamming his knee into the floor, the heavy suit shattered tile and left a short trench behind, but the act also brought him to a complete halt directly facing the breach.  As he skidded across, with slugs of tungsten whizzing past his head, but mostly above his head (even veteran troopers had a tendency to shoot high, after all), he pulled down the Thunderbolt launcher with his right hand.  Even before the click of the launcher told him the weapon was locked and armed, he was pulling the firing trigger.  As it clicked into place, the solid-fuel motor ignited, the flames and fumes striking the corridor wall behind him, and splashing away to both sides.  With a whoosh, the missile streaked forward down the corridor.

All of the troopers in the shielded corridor before Saul—Imperial and Confederation alike—muttered “Oh shit” at the same time, and immediately dropped to the floor.

Saul was already ahead of them, and as the missile reached the ‘T’ junction at the corridors end, he was face first on the ground, armored arms and gloves covering his head.  The 110 kilogram primary warhead detonated upon striking the far wall.  Designed to gut armored vehicles, the main charge formed into a stream of plasma that ate through fifteen meters of reinforced ferro-crete and solid rock.  The secondary effect of the Thunderbolt occurred a fraction of a second after the main charge detonated.  Around the outer hull of the missile casing, just behind the primary, four more charges were positioned.  Each of these four contained just 22.5 kilos of high explosives, but were covered in pre-fragmented tungsten and ceramic plates; ten overlapping plates almost five inches thick.  The four secondaries showered the corridor with lethal fragments, razor sharp and with just enough kinetic energy to maybe penetrate full-up battle armor.

The shock-wave from the concussion of the detonation threw EVERYONE to the ground as it reverberated from the walls, floor, and ceiling.  Dust and shattered tiles rained down on all of the troopers, even those on Saul’s side of the breach, and the remainder of the concealing shielded down shattered, peppering him with chunks of debris.  As the blast rolled past him, pressing him down to the ground, Saul pushed himself up and charged into the corridor, firing long bursts from his Reaper into the helpless Confederation troopers, stunned by the concussion and wounded by the shrapnel.

“On your feet, Marines, get on your feet!  FORWARD!” he yelled as he sprinted towards the far junction.  Third Platoon was pouring into the breach behind him as Frasier pulled Charlie up.

“Corp, did he just do what I think he did?”

Frasier Blenheim cycled his pulse cannon to clear any debris from the barrel and shoved the private towards the breach in the wall.  “Private, if it is stupid and it works, then it ain’t stupid.  Now follow that maniac, Marine.”


“Reprisal, Ramrod.  Assault team is docking with Bandit One now.”

Leslie Drake turned around to face Jason.  “Sir, the boarding team is there, and we have confirmation that the Marines from Leviathan and down and en route to reinforce Centurion Yarrow.  Vanguards troopers will ground in two minutes.”

“Thank you, Leslie,” Jason said as he peered at the holographic display.  Currently, it showed a schematic of the base, along with icons representing each of the forty-six Marines in the field of view.  Each suit of battle armor was equipped with an inertial mapper, and each one reached out with its sensor array, transmitting data on what they found.  The mapper consolidated that data into a real-time three-dimensional map, and the p-comm system uploaded it to the flagship, through the breach in the scan-resistant walls.

Three of his Marines were dead, according to the display; another four were severely wounded—all four had been in the corridor when Saul fired his heavy missile.  But, their armor also reported that drugs had been administered and the troopers stabilized.  They could wait for the navy corpsmen accompanying the reinforcements.  Saul had slowed his pace, letting the grunts take point as they sealed off size corridors with demolition charges and headed towards the large open area the sensors had detected.  Dozens of red icons showed on the display in that chamber—each icon representing electronic emissions from a Confederation suit of armor.

“I always knew he was a madman, Admiral,” Nathan said, “but this takes the cake.  What was he thinking, firing a Thunderbolt inside an enclosed space?”

“I imagine that he wanted to save the lives of the Marines that would have died to take the corridor in a more conventional way, Nathan.  And it worked, remember?  If it is stupid and it works . . . “

“Then it ain’t stupid,” his chief of staff finished.  “Got it, boss.  What are you thinking, sir?”

“This chamber here, where the Confeds are holed up in.  How much rock would you say is overhead?”

Nathan read the data from one of the console screens nearby, and compared it to the scans taken of the area by the battleships own sensor arrays.  “Two hundred and, call it twenty meters, sir?”

Jason nodded.  “That looks about right.  Reckon they laid on any heavy armor in that scan-shielded section?”

“No sir, that would go against their doctrine; besides it really, really hard to shield that much HCA against ship-based systems.”

The Admiral nodded again, and turned to look at his communication officer.  “Commander Drake, ask Centurion Yarrow to set up a blocking and containment point at the next junction.  He is to halt the advance,” as the Commander bent to pass along the order, Jason turned back to Nathan.  “Captain Serrano, ask Captain Danislov if the main battery would like to show these people why a false flag of surrender is generally considered to be a bad idea.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” the junior officer replied with a grin.


The rear quadrant of the Kitredge was twisted, shattered metal, with clusters of flotsam and debris drifting all about.  The pair of Intruders ignored the single boat bay of the enemy Escort, and instead clamped themselves to the outer hull of the forward section.  A sixteen-man section of marine combat engineers swarmed out from the port-side hatch and they immediately began erecting a three layer pressure curtain around the shuttle’s hatch.  Sealed to the side of the derelict vessel, the pressure curtains would prevent the explosive decompression of the ships interior when the boarding party cut their way inside.  Working as team, the engineers rigged the curtain in less than two minutes from when the hatch opened.  The engineering Gunnery Sergeant and two of his experts floated across to the hull and began setting out a pattern of breaching charges.  Behind them, another six Marines fixed heavy plates of HCA armor plating atop the demolitions, bonding them to the ships hull.  It took another two minutes to finish setting the charges, and then the Gunny yelled, “FIRE IN THE HOLE.”

The engineers swarmed back aboard the shuttle, and the marines in the open bay hunkered down facing away from the ship.  Two dozen explosions erupted beneath the armor plates cemented to the enemy vessel.  Prevented from expanding towards the shuttle by the HCA plates, the fury the explosions turned inwards, ripping through the outer hull of the vessel, and shattering it into small chunks of debris.  The debris began to enter the ship, but the air pressure of the ships interior quickly reversed changed its course and peppered the interior of the shuttle, and the marines taking cover there.  However, it lacked the force required to penetrate their battle armor, or to seriously damage the armored shuttlecraft.

The commander of the boarding team, Centurion Danny Tibbs, stood and began barking orders, “Commence boarding operations.  First Platoon secure CIC, Second and HQ the main bridge; Third the ordnance magazines, Fourth remains in reserve.  GO.”

One hundred and fifty-two Imperial Marines, a full-strength Line Company, all clad in battle armor, stormed aboard the drifting vessel.  The sixteen combat engineers, attached from the battalion HQ still aboard Reprisal remained, patching the holes in the pressure curtain the breaching charges had created.

The Confederation naval personnel were not idiots.  Outfitted with lightly armored pressure suits for emergencies only, and armed with sidearms—or perhaps even sub-machineguns—they knew they had neither the firepower nor the defenses to hold off the marine assault.  Perhaps if the Kitredge had been a larger ship it might have been different, but she was an Escort, and Escorts did not carry a Marine complement.  In less than three minutes, the ship was taken, with but two exchanges of violence.

In the forward magazines serving the point-defense 4.5cm plasma guns, a squad of Marines from Third Platoon arrived just in time to kill the Confed officer attempting to set of the plasma munitions and scuttle the ship.  Not wanting to set off the ordnance themselves, the squad leader turned off his contra-gravity generator and bull-rushed the officer.  Five hundred kilos of battle armor, containing another hundred or so kilos of Marine, slammed into the desperate man at almost thirty-five kilometers per hour, and then proceeded to slam into the bulkhead behind.  The Marine was slightly stunned by the impact; the remains of the Confederation officer had to be peeled from the bulkheads of the magazine.

On the main bridge, a woman—wearing rank tabs of a Confederation Commodore—opened fire on Danny and his troopers with a pistol as they entered.  She might as well have been shooting spitballs, as the rounds bounced off the armored plates and ricocheted across the bridge.  Screaming at the top of her lungs, “NO, you can’t; you can’t; NOT YOU!” over and over and over again, she emptied her magazine, causing no casualties among the Imperial forces, but four among her own personnel.

Danny Tibbs shook his head and walked across the deck as she reloaded, and reached out and grabbed her forearms, and then twisted his armored gloves.  With a sickening CRACK, all four bones broke, and the women went limp from the sudden pain and shock.  “Sorry about that ma’am, but the Admiral wants answers.  And that means you get to survive until interrogation.  Any one else want to play,” he asked as he looked around the bridge.

Dozens of ratings and several officers quickly shook their heads in an empathic NO.  And Danny grinned.  “Top, inform the Flag we have taken the ship and require transport for prisoners.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” replied First Sergeant Harper.


Colonel Marcus Warren was led onto the flag bridge of ISS Reprisal by the Master-of-Arms of the ship, escorted by two armed naval ratings.  Clearly visible in the center of the compartment was the holographic schematic of the base—showing the section that his engineers had spent months shielding against detection.  Joy, the Confederation officer thought to himself.  How cocked-up can this operation get?

“Ah, Colonel Warren,” said Jason from his seat as he stood.  “I would say a pleasure to see you again, Colonel, but I fear that it is not.”

“As you can see, we have discovered that you have not been entirely truthful with us.  And because of that, Sir, men under my command have given their lives.  But perhaps I am being ill-mannered, Colonel.  Allow to introduce you to this gentleman, here.”

Jason laid his hand on another Imperial officer that Warren had not yet met.  Dressed in the uniform of the Fleet, he looked much the same as any other of the officers in Imperial service.  Than Warren saw the collar insignia, and he swayed slightly.

“Colonel Warren, this is Inquisitor Kim of Imperial Intelligence; but currently attached to my command for this deployment.  He will be taking you aside in a short time and asking you some very, well, pointed questions.  Questions that you, Sir, will answer, regardless of your willingness to do so.  But first, Colonel, why does your facility have a scan-shielded area, that includes a hidden hanger, Confederation marines, and a Kitredge class escort that you neglected to tell me about?”

“I, well, Admiral, I was following my instructions from my superiors in concealing that fact from you.”

“I see.  And did your superiors also order you to falsely surrender your command, Colonel?”

“They did, they did.  And all for nothing.”

“Not quite nothing, Colonel—my people died because of it.  And many of yours have joined them.  We have taken that ship—mostly intact, mostly—along with an officer that out-ranks you.  She is being escorted over to my Flag now, where she will join you in interrogation.”

Warren crumpled, but the two ratings held him upright by his arms.

“At the moment, I am about to deliver a message to your Marines down below, Colonel.  Would you care to watch?  Captain Serrano, ask Captain Danislov to execute the orders he was given.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”


ISS Reprisal and ISS Renown began to rotate on their central axis in their orbit above Tammoran VII, aligning their primary weapons with the base below.  They steadied on their target, and then sixteen ports opened in the flanks of each of the ships, and gaping maws of heavy plasma guns extended out.  Two guns on each of the ships erupted in a blinding flash of light as what appeared to miniature stars streaked down to the surface.  As the four 16cm plasma bolts impacted, each of them released the equivalent of 15,000 tons of conventional explosives, carving massive impact craters on the surface.  Four seconds later, the next two guns fired, deepening the craters.  And four seconds after that, the next pair; and then the next, and the next.  By the time all eight pairs aboard each of the two ships had fired, the crater was over 150-meters deep, glowing white hot as the rock absorbed the heat from the impacts and explosions.


“As you well know, Colonel, our guns require sixty seconds to cool and recycle between shots.  That leaves you with, oh, call it twenty seconds, to explain to me why I should not just finish digging out that section and vaporizing both it and your men.”

Jason lifted his left arm and bent his head down, staring at a wristwatch, as he tapped his foot.  “Time is a-wasting, Colonel.”


A full company of Confederation Marines, less the seven dead and two wounded that tried to hold up Saul’s assault knelt on the floor of the corridor, their armored hands locked together behind their helmets.  The order to surrender had arrived just seconds before the next barrage had been scheduled, for which he was profoundly grateful.  The heavy impacts from the plasma bolts had shaken the entire complex, and Saul had not quite been sure they could have survived if the next barrage had cut through.

In accordance with the surrender, the Confeds had thrown down their weapons, but Saul had not been satisfied with that.  Confederation battle armor was nearly identical to its Imperial counter-part, right down to the grav-fusion fuel cells worn on the back.  So, once the Confeds were on their knees, with their fingers intertwined behind their heads, he had his troops yank the cells.

Oh, they had sufficient battery power for life support, but without the cells they could not move.  Their armor had become their prison.

“Gunny, get some troopers to carry these shitheads back to the shuttles, and have the engineers lay the nuclear demo charges.  MARINES!  We are leaving!”

“OOH-RAH!” dozens of voices responded.


“This was to be a base to conduct operations in your space, Admiral.  But those plans died a year ago, when we found out just how ready to go this star is.  Work on the base ceased, but High Command sent us out a new commanding officer,” Warren was saying as he was suddenly interrupted.

“Commodore Amanda Palik?” softly asked Inquisitor Kim.

“Yes.  The Commodore is from the Defense Advanced Research Projects and Analysis Agency.  She is not a line officer—never has been.  But she brought a dozen civilian scientists and researchers out here from our Core worlds.  Some of them are actually Imperial citizens that she had somehow ‘acquired’ and forced to work for her.”

“To what end, Colonel, was this project on which she was working focused?”

“Tammoran is going to blow real soon, as in this week maybe.  We can not forecast it precisely, but when it does . . . “

“What will happen when it does,” interjected Jason, earning a glare of reproach from his interrogation specialist.

Warren looked up, his eyes wide and leaking tears, as the skin near the attached wires quivered and jumped.  “She is crazy, but I had no choice; orders are orders.”

“What was she crazy about, Colonel,” Kim asked as he dialed back the setting on the device.  Warren visibly relaxed as his nerves quit broadcasting pain signals through his entire body, and Kim reached out to gently wipe the sweat away from his forehead.  “What was the big secret?”

“She had a theory, Admiral.  A theory that when a star goes nova, its effects reach into t-space.  The gravitational pulse of the star is so extreme at the instant it goes that it twists t-space back on itself, and can send a ship through time.”

“Through time, Colonel?” Jason asked, not even bothering to keep the astonishment from his voice.  Kim’s eyes widened at the response as well.

“Through time.  She has all sorts of equations and hypotheses and theories and, damn it, I may be a Ground Force officer, but even I know it is not possible.  She believes it, though, and convinced High Command to send her out here.  And for all my sins, I got to ride herd on her—like herding a bunch of cats.”

“And I suppose the nano-factories onboard the two captured ships are going to build her little time machine, Colonel?”

“No,” Warren said, shaking his head.  “You don’t understand.  She believes that a ship in or entering t-space at or near the time of the nova will come out of translation in a different time.  She was planning on taking all the ships through, with my troopers and engineers as her escort.”

“Why would even your High Command try something so fantastic?”

“We are losing this war, Admiral.  Oh, we don’t want to admit it, but you are twice as large, twice as powerful, and we will eventually lose.  Commodore Palik’s equations seem to indicate that if her theory works, the ships will be sent back in time almost five hundred years—to the early 21st century.  She intended to go back and change the past—keep the Empire from ever forming in the first place.  And the High Command was desperate enough they let her try.”

Jason and Kim looked at each other.  It was impossible; physics simply did not work that way.  Did it?

“I know that it is crazy, Admiral.  I have spent a year living with that loon and her researchers.  But on the chance that she is not crazy, that she may well be right, you really should get your ships out of Tammoran now; before that star starts to go nova.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2009, 09:02:03 AM »
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HIMS Reprisal (BB-312)

Class:  Resolution class Battleship
Hull Diameter:  1,200 meters
Total Mass:  57.42 billion tons
Flag Complement:  22 officers, 98 enlisted and NCO [Not present on all vessels]
Crew Complement:  125 officers, 4,371 enlisted and NCO
Marine Complement:  40 officers, 600 enlisted and NCO
Parasite Complement:  253 officers (including warrants), 588 enlisted and NCO
   32 x Banshee Interceptors
   32 x Havoc Strike Bombers
   4 x Intruder Assault Shuttles
   2 x Hawkeye AWAC Shuttles
   6 x Hercules Heavy Shuttles
   12 x Hermes Light Shuttles
Passenger Accommodations:  403
Primary Sensor Array:  SPQ-14/d Phased Array Tachyon Pulse Direction and Ranging
Secondary Sensor Array:  SPR-23/f Phased Array Tachyon Pulse Direction and Ranging
Fire Control System:  ARG-17/b Multi-Spectrum Tracking and Targeting Array
Weapon Systems:
   16 x 160cm Plasma Cannons (Anti-ship/Bombardment) [4,800 rounds]
   32 x 50cm Plasma Cannons (Dual Purpose) [16,000 rounds]
   64 x 5cm Plasma Cannons (Anti-fighter/Point-Defense) [128,000 rounds]
   64 x 3.5cm Mass Driver Cannons (Point-Defense) [128 million rounds]
Shield Generator:  Scutum Type 2/g Barrier System
Main Armor Belt:  16m Hawkins-Connors Composite Alloy VIII/e
Sub-light Engines:
   4 x Delmar Systems CEV-2600 Millennium Gravity Thrust Drives
Maximum Sub-Light Thrust:  2-g’s sustained, 6-g’s emergency
FTL Engines:  Imperial Fleet Mark XLIV Patrick-Sogabe-Kaplov Drive Core
Maximum FTL Velocity:  4.4 light-years per hour
Power Generators:
   24 x General Electric FTPG-88 15 Tera-watt Lithium-Hydrogen Fusion
   Power Reactors (Grav Assisted)
Fuel Supply:  1 million tons frozen lithium hydride
Maximum Operating Duration:  1 year at maximum power output
Total Life Support, Food, and Water:  6,500 persons for 5 years
Cargo Storage Space:  1,000,000 cubic meters [4 bays]

The Resolution class Battleship has been in service since 2477 with the Imperial Fleet.  Designed and deployed in response to the Confederation of Free World’s Bellerophon class ships, they serve alongside the older Dreadnought class, typically seeing service in mixed squadrons of two Dreadnoughts and two Resolutions.  With the introduction of the Resolution class, the Imperial Fleet quickly retired the ancient Warrior class ships that remained on active duty since the Ordan-Kraal conflict in the early 2200s.  Like all faster-than-light vessels, the Resolutions are based upon a spherical hull, this having been proven to the be the most effective means to squeeze equipment into the volume of space affected by the PSK transit drive which is the heart and soul of the ship.  The PSK Core of the Resolution lies at the very center of the vast vessel, measuring 200-meters in diameter.  Due to the high levels of lethal radiation output when in operation, the Core is surrounded by a five meter thick layer of ‘battle steel’, the popular name given to Hawkins-Conners Composite Alloy VIII/e armor plating.  Virtually impervious to penetration by radiation, this inner belt of armor also protects the Drive Core from damage in all but the most dire of circumstances.

For sub-light travel, the ship relies upon four Delmar Systems CEV-2600 Millennium Gravity Thrust Drives.  This drive system takes advantage of the particular gravitational ‘gradient’ of the space-time around a vessel to provide acceleration and deceleration.  Unlike the primitive systems of earlier times, the gravity thrust drive requires no reaction mass, but does require a substantial amount of power.  This power is provided by no fewer than 24 General Electric FTPG-88 Fusion Reactors.  Supplied by lithium hydride fuel pellets—frozen into solid form for storage, and returned to liquid form for injection—each of these generators can provide a constant 15 tera-watts of power to the ship.  Using contra-gravity generators built into the reactor housing, these generators initiate fusion under the force of more than a thousand gravities.  While the Resolution class ships can operate at full capacity on the output of sixteen reactors, the addition of the other eight provide redundancy against malfunctions or damage.

Featuring 16 meters of battle-steel covering the outer hull, these battleships are the best protected of any Imperial vessel produced to this date.  Battle steel grew out of the old cobham composite armors of the late 20th century, but as materials science developed, newer techniques of assembling the armor plating also came into being.  With the development of the nano-forge component assembly factories in 2384, the final development of HCA armor composite appeared.  Using nanites to interweave carbon-fibers, ceramics, and tungsten steel on the molecular level, Messers Hawkins and Conners were able to construct the first plates of modern battle steel in 2389.  Massing more than twice that of standard steel plates, this material proved to be almost three orders of magnitude better are resisting penetration—both kinetic and plasma.  Despite being harder than diamond, the plates feature some flexibility, being able to absorb blows by deforming, rather than shattering.

With 16-meters of the composite, the Resolution class ships are nearly invulnerable to single penetrating hits of any known weapon, short of a 240cm or 300cm plasma bolt or high-intensity nuclear-tipped torpedoes.  Of course, as with any other known substance, enough plasma fire can eventually carve its way through the armor plating.  However, to even reach the armored skin of the Resolution, such fire has to penetrate its Scutum Type 2/g Barrier System.  This defensive energy shield is generated by thirty-two projectors located in armored bunkers across the ship’s outer hull.  Able to absorb energy from kinetic impacts—as well as from high-energy sources such as plasma bolts and lasers—these shields are among the finest of the Empire.  Lighter caliber bolts and kinetic penetrators are either destroyed by the shields or absorbed into them.  But, as with all shield generators, they can be overloaded by multiple impacts at the same location in a short period of time.

Primary weapons consist of sixteen 160cm plasma guns, mounted in two rings circling the ship’s ‘equator’.  Positioned every 45-degrees around the vessel, each pair of heavy guns is housed internally.  In order to be fired, the gunports in the hull must be opened, and the barrels extended.  Each gun has a limited degree of traverse, but the ship can bring up to six to bear on any single target simultaneously.  When conducting bombardment operations, the commanders of Imperial battleships will often hold station and slowly rotate the ship, bringing fresh guns to bear on the target below.  Occasionally, they will even do this in battle.

Above and below the main guns are the two banks of secondaries.  Thirty-two 50cm dual-purpose plasma guns, once again mounted in pairs, spaced every 45 degrees across the ship’s hull at the 30-degree latitude line.  These guns are off-set 22.5 degrees from the main cannons in order to eliminate interference with their operation.  Serving as the main long-range defense of the battleship, the 50cm guns are faster firing and more effective against smaller targets.

The third and fourth layers of armament consist of sixty-four 5cm plasma guns and sixty-four 3.5cm mass drive cannons.  Circling the ship at the 60-degree latitude line—both north and south—and set every 22.5 degrees in banks of four, these guns form the final line of defense of the ship.  Designed for point-defense and anti-fighter work, they alternate between plasma guns and MDCs in each of the barbettes.  While almost incapable of serious damage to a capital warship, they have the highest rate of fire of any weapons carried aboard and pose a serious threat to enemy aerospace assets.

As a Fleet Battle Ship, the Resolution class carries its own aerospace contingent as well.  Eighty-eight fighters and shuttles are carried aboard, along with a full battalion of Battle Armor equipped Marines.  Even though some powers—such as the Rithagrani Hegemony—might prefer to operate aerospace assets from a dedicated carrier platform, Imperial doctrine insists that by combined aerospace support with heavy armor and guns, the effectiveness of the ship itself can be increased.  Certainly, Imperial battleships can sustain—and inflict—far more damage than an Kelneroon class Carrier, but that same carrier can deploy six times the number of fighters of any single Imperial ship in service.  It is, perhaps, noteworthy that the Illustrious Caesar has recently approved production of two prototype carrier vessels for the Imperial Fleet, rumored to be based heavily on existing Rithagrani designs.

That will not stop production of the Resolution class, however.  Entering the Fleet at the rate of 2 per year, they have already completely replaced the Warrior class on active duty.  Only a handful of those ancient and sadly obsolete vessels remain, and those that do are reduced to moth-ball status while awaiting disposal.  Additional ships of the Resolution class are expected to begin expanding the Fleet as they are delivered.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2009, 03:35:10 PM »
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   While I would never have caught the math, It was nice to see what you've done so far compiled in one section, good stuff.
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Captain Bruce Gilmour
13th Assault Company "The Black Cats"
90th Heavy Assault Regiment

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #25 on: April 09, 2009, 03:41:48 PM »
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Yes, very good stuff.
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Dear Humanity,
We regret bein' alien bastards. We regret comin' to Earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!   -Sgt. A.J. Johnson

They're farmers. You're elite troops. With the gloves off, this would have taken you no time at all.  -Jedi General Etain Tur-Mukan

Burnin' to burn 'em, ma'am! -Confederate Firebat PFC Fetu "Cutter" Koura-Abi

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2009, 09:20:16 AM »
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Chapter Three

Jason grabbed the phone from the wall-mounted speaker and barked into it, “This is the Admiral.  Get me Captain Serrano.  NOW.”

As he waited for Nathan to pick up, he watched Inquisitor Kim unhook Colonel Warren and inject him with a cocktail of pain-killers and sedatives.  The Confederation officer slumped over as he quickly lost consciousness.  Standing aside, Kim looked at Jason and shook his head.

“He actually believes that it could work, as much as he does not wish to, Admiral.”

“I know Inquisitor; that is what frightens me about this.”

“Flag Bridge, Captain Serrano,” spoke a voice from the phone.

“Nathan, how long will it take to complete recovery of all troops and prisoners from the planet?”

“Forty minutes, Admiral.”

“Order them to expedite and lay in a course plot on least time to t-space from orbit for all ships.  If we begin departure now, can the shuttles catch us?”

“Not at best speed, Sir.  We would have to hold acceleration down to 2-g’s until they catch us and we recover them.  Then we could take the formation to up to max.”

“How much time would that save?”

“One moment, Sir, we are running those numbers.  Breaking orbit right now at 2-g’s, and then increasing to 6-g’s after shuttle recovery saves eleven minutes on our time to t-space velocity.”

“Do it.  And tell the Marines dirtside to get their asses back aboard ASAP, because we are not waiting around.”

Jason racked the phone and turned back to the intelligence officer.  “As soon as she is able, Kim, grill Palik.  In the meantime, . . . “

“In the meantime, Sir, I should begin with the research scientists,” Kim finished for Jason.  “Admiral, I do not tell you how to run your ships; please show me the same courtesy, after all, we are both professionals at what we do.”

“Inform me immediately if you uncover any information, Inquisitor, I will be on the Flag Bridge.”


“SHAG YOUR ASSES, MARINES!” Saul bellowed in the main hanger bay of the facility, directed as the last members of his company to come tearing up to the shuttle ramp.  Four Intruders crouched in the pressurized bay, engines already spun up and ready to go once the last of the Marines were loaded.  “GO, GO, GO!”

Gunnery Sergeant Josef Laramie counted each Marine as he passed by, the computer in his armor keeping an independent count.  As the last trooper streaked up the ramp, he compared totals:  149 to 149.  The three dead Marines had already been loaded, and the prisoners; well frak the prisoners if they had missed a few.  “That’s all, Centurion,” he snapped as he headed up the ramp.

Saul turned and followed him as the navy crew chief began retracting the ramp and closing the hatch.  “MAKE A HOLE, MARINES,” he yelled as he headed for the cockpit at the forward end of the shuttle.  Armor clad Marines squeezed back against each other as they cleared a path for the Centurion to the cockpit hatch.  Reaching it, he stuck his head in.  “We are loaded, Warrant, lift us off now.”

“No can do, Centurion, we have to let the bay depressurize . . . “

“Frak that, Warrant; the Admiral said ASAP.  “WILKENS!” he boomed into his helmet microphone.

“Sir,” the heavy weapons specialist answered.

“You riding in Dorsal 1?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Blow that frakkin hanger door out of our way, Marine!”

“Aye, aye, Sir!”

The flight officer—and the co-pilot, and the flight engineer—turned to look at Saul with widening eyes.  “You can’t just . . .”

The whine of the rotating turret interrupted him, and then the quad plasma guns fired in sequence.  The explosion ripped apart the doors, and a hurricane force gale of air erupted into the vacuum  The shuttle rocked violently on its landing legs and a hideous screech—like fingernails across a chalk board—echoed throughout the interior as it was dragged twenty meters across the ferro-crete hanger floor.

“Consider us depressurized for flight, Warrant.  Now lift this puppy off.”

Perhaps it was coincidence, but Saul’s pulse cannon was pointing at the pilot as he said this.  The crew turned back to their stations, and the shuttle lifted up and roared out past the shattered doors, the other three following in their wake.

As the shuttle lifted for orbit, Saul watched the flight engineers console depicted the steadily increasing range from the Confederation facility.  As the last shuttle passed the five kilometer mark, Saul yelled, “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” and transmitted the detonation command to the dozen nuclear scuttle charges his Marines had rigged.

Twelve 100-kiloton detonations devoured the base behind them, but the shuttles were too far down-range to suffer more than a minor scorching of their paint.  “Bet the Admiral forget we laid the charges, gentlemen, but hey; waste not, want not, I always say.”   


“Nuclear detonations!  Multiple detonations on the planetary surface!” sang out Mari


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2010, 11:27:35 PM »

Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2009, 09:20:16 AM »
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Chapter Three

Jason grabbed the phone from the wall-mounted speaker and barked into it, “This is the Admiral.  Get me Captain Serrano.  NOW.”

As he waited for Nathan to pick up, he watched Inquisitor Kim unhook Colonel Warren and inject him with a cocktail of pain-killers and sedatives.  The Confederation officer slumped over as he quickly lost consciousness.  Standing aside, Kim looked at Jason and shook his head.

“He actually believes that it could work, as much as he does not wish to, Admiral.”

“I know Inquisitor; that is what frightens me about this.”

“Flag Bridge, Captain Serrano,” spoke a voice from the phone.

“Nathan, how long will it take to complete recovery of all troops and prisoners from the planet?”

“Forty minutes, Admiral.”

“Order them to expedite and lay in a course plot on least time to t-space from orbit for all ships.  If we begin departure now, can the shuttles catch us?”

“Not at best speed, Sir.  We would have to hold acceleration down to 2-g’s until they catch us and we recover them.  Then we could take the formation to up to max.”

“How much time would that save?”

“One moment, Sir, we are running those numbers.  Breaking orbit right now at 2-g’s, and then increasing to 6-g’s after shuttle recovery saves eleven minutes on our time to t-space velocity.”

“Do it.  And tell the Marines dirtside to get their asses back aboard ASAP, because we are not waiting around.”

Jason racked the phone and turned back to the intelligence officer.  “As soon as she is able, Kim, grill Palik.  In the meantime, . . . “

“In the meantime, Sir, I should begin with the research scientists,” Kim finished for Jason.  “Admiral, I do not tell you how to run your ships; please show me the same courtesy, after all, we are both professionals at what we do.”

“Inform me immediately if you uncover any information, Inquisitor, I will be on the Flag Bridge.”


“SHAG YOUR ASSES, MARINES!” Saul bellowed in the main hanger bay of the facility, directed as the last members of his company to come tearing up to the shuttle ramp.  Four Intruders crouched in the pressurized bay, engines already spun up and ready to go once the last of the Marines were loaded.  “GO, GO, GO!”

Gunnery Sergeant Josef Laramie counted each Marine as he passed by, the computer in his armor keeping an independent count.  As the last trooper streaked up the ramp, he compared totals:  149 to 149.  The three dead Marines had already been loaded, and the prisoners; well frak the prisoners if they had missed a few.  “That’s all, Centurion,” he snapped as he headed up the ramp.

Saul turned and followed him as the navy crew chief began retracting the ramp and closing the hatch.  “MAKE A HOLE, MARINES,” he yelled as he headed for the cockpit at the forward end of the shuttle.  Armor clad Marines squeezed back against each other as they cleared a path for the Centurion to the cockpit hatch.  Reaching it, he stuck his head in.  “We are loaded, Warrant, lift us off now.”

“No can do, Centurion, we have to let the bay depressurize . . . “

“Frak that, Warrant; the Admiral said ASAP.  “WILKENS!” he boomed into his helmet microphone.

“Sir,” the heavy weapons specialist answered.

“You riding in Dorsal 1?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Blow that frakkin hanger door out of our way, Marine!”

“Aye, aye, Sir!”

The flight officer—and the co-pilot, and the flight engineer—turned to look at Saul with widening eyes.  “You can’t just . . .”

The whine of the rotating turret interrupted him, and then the quad plasma guns fired in sequence.  The explosion ripped apart the doors, and a hurricane force gale of air erupted into the vacuum  The shuttle rocked violently on its landing legs and a hideous screech—like fingernails across a chalk board—echoed throughout the interior as it was dragged twenty meters across the ferro-crete hanger floor.

“Consider us depressurized for flight, Warrant.  Now lift this puppy off.”

Perhaps it was coincidence, but Saul’s pulse cannon was pointing at the pilot as he said this.  The crew turned back to their stations, and the shuttle lifted up and roared out past the shattered doors, the other three following in their wake.

As the shuttle lifted for orbit, Saul watched the flight engineers console depicted the steadily increasing range from the Confederation facility.  As the last shuttle passed the five kilometer mark, Saul yelled, “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” and transmitted the detonation command to the dozen nuclear scuttle charges his Marines had rigged.

Twelve 100-kiloton detonations devoured the base behind them, but the shuttles were too far down-range to suffer more than a minor scorching of their paint.  “Bet the Admiral forget we laid the charges, gentlemen, but hey; waste not, want not, I always say.”   


“Nuclear detonations!  Multiple detonations on the planetary surface!” sang out Marius Valentine from the Flag tactical plot.

Jason smiled crooked as the remainder of his staff began trying to determine who was shooting at whom.  “Centurion Yarrow strikes again,” he said.

Nathan Serrano nodded, “The nuclear demo charges?”

“I forget to tell them not to bother.  Oh well, I always did enjoy fireworks.  Use this as an unscheduled drill for the tactical team, Nathan; I will deal with Saul when they get back on board.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”

“Sir,” said Commander Hedges from astrogation.

“What is it, Henry,” Jason asked, his stomach suddenly knotting.

“We have just received a massive tachyon flash from the Red Giant.  It has begun to collapse, Sir.”

“Time to t-space insertion?”

“Twenty-three minutes at current heading and thrust; including the increase in thrust after recovering the shuttles.”

“How long before the shock-wave arrives?”

“Thirty-nine minutes, Admiral.  It seems we began departure in the nick of time.”

God, let her be wrong, Jason thought to himself.  Let her be wrong.  “Nathan, send all ships to General Quarters, and put me on the speaker; all-hands, all-ships.”

“You’re hot, Admiral,” Nathan said after adjusting a few controls.

Picking up the phone, Jason closed his eyes.  “This is Admiral Chandler.  We are preparing for t-space insertion on a course to Ciria.  Unfortunately, the Red Giant has also picked this moment to explode.  We will enter t-space well before the shock wave can reach us, and our shielding and armor can handle any radiation output before it arrives.  Unfortunately, recent studies by the Confederation personnel at the base on Tammoran VII indicate that this event may have some effect on ships in t-space near Tammoran.  I can not tell you what those effects might be.  I will only ask that you trust your officers and carry out their commands.  To the officers of the Fleet and the Legions, remain calm and do your jobs.  This is Confederation research after all; it may well prove to be nothing.  However, I want all ships to stand by at action stations with damage control teams ready.  Soldiers and sailors of the Empire!  HAIL CEASAR!”

“HAIL CEASAR!” rang out in answer from the men of the Flag Deck as Jason racked the phone.

Jason turned back to Nathan, whose face had gone pale.  “Effects, Admiral?  What sort of effects can affect us in t-space?”

“Just pray the mad Confed woman is exactly that, Nathan.  Pray.”  He began to head towards the hatch.  “I will be in my quarters, if needed, Nathan.”  With my wife, he thought to himself.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2009, 11:12:27 AM »
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Woo hoo! Methinks they will be in for an interesting ride...
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All I want is just a nibble of 'Mech armor & myomer... is that so wrong? Wink
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2009, 04:40:31 PM »
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Time for a little travel in the universes  Cheesy
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2009, 11:30:25 AM »
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At the center of the system, the Red Giant was in full collapse.  Starved of fuel for the fusion reaction that kept the star bloated and swollen, filled with molecules of iron fused together from hydrogen and helium and lithium and other lighter elements, it suddenly could no longer sustain itself.  As it collapsed, the gravity of the star soared, heat output increased wildly, and it no longer knew what exactly to do.  Exploding, however, seemed like a good idea.


The jump clock in CIC slowly counted down the minutes and seconds as Reprisal and her brood raced for the magic velocity to enter t-space.  Jason leaned on the edge of the holo-tank and watched it flicker from one number to the next.  Time itself seemed to stand still.  Minutes were hours, and seconds were minutes, and beads of sweat began to pop out onto his forehead.

He stood straight, and adjusted his uniform jacket as he wiped his brow.  His staff—the hand-picked staff he had chosen for this assignment—was doing their job and doing it well.  No panicked voices sounded out from their stations, each of his men and women were performing their duties like the professionals they were.  He looked back up at the clock:  2 minutes to go.

The armored hatch to the Flag Bridge opened, letting his wife and her entourage into the cavernous space, and he watched her cross the bridge towards him.  The admiral swallowed a sudden lump in his throat as he did.  God in heaven, if anything went wrong, she would die here with him—or be stranded centuries in the past; all because of his selfish needs and desire to have her with him.

The Praetorians stopped well short, and her ladies-in-waiting stood back, but she walked up next to him, looking up with nervous eyes.  Ignoring the need for protocol, he placed one arm around her, and pulled her tight against his chest, and she laid her head on his breast.

Time now raced, and only seconds were left until the Fleet engaged its PSK drives.  Jason closed his eyes, and he held Julia tight against him.


Seventeen ships—fifteen Imperial and two Confederation—disappeared from our universe as the drives engaged.  Flung into a different dimension of space-time, they hurtled faster-than-light away from Tammoran.  Yet it was not enough of a head-start.  For the Confederation Commodore had been RIGHT about the effects of the nova—and a shock-wave expanding throughout T-space as well as normal space hit the ships almost immediately.


Reprisal rocked hard to one side, with the lights flickering on and off.  Alarms began to sound, and red emergency lights began to shine.  Jason barely kept his footing as he held the two of them upright, even as the ship lurched yet again, and then a massive BANG caused the vessel to jump, and both of them hit the deck.

“FTL OFF-LINE!” his flag engineer cried out from his station, amid dozens of other emergency reports.  “WE HAVE EMERGENCE IN NORMAL SPACE!”

Jason knelt on the deck, and touched Julia’s cheek.  “You all right, love?”

She nodded her head, but her eyes were full of fear.  “Never been better, Jase.  Best you see to your ships, Admiral.”

“Hail Caesar,” he whispered, causing her to giggle and hit him on the arm.  But then he stood, helping her up to her feet as well, and turned to face the central tank once more.  “STATUS REPORT!”

“FTL is off-line, Admiral,” Nathan said from behind him as he listened to the reports streaming into his ear-bug.  “Comm reports all ships of the squadron and attached auxiliaries are in normal space—sporadic damage reports throughout.  Mostly minor damage—except in engineering, and we are still waiting on reports from there.  Weapons are good with minor shock damage, shields are on-line and ready to engage, life support is at 100%.”

Jason nodded.  “Get me the engineering reports ASAP on the status of the drive, Nathan.  Confirm with all vessels their status and instruct them to stand by for instructions.  Navigation,” he said, stepping over towards Commander Hedges, “where are we?”

Henry Hedges, flag astrogator stared as his board display in disbelief, his jaw dropped and his eyes wide.  He did not answer.

“Henry,” Jason continued softly and gently.  “Henry.”

Finally, the astrogator turned to look at the Admiral and he shook his head, gathering his senses back together.  “My apologies, Sir.”

“Where are we, Henry?”

“According to this, Sir, we are in Tammoran—right where we started.  But this CAN’T be right.  There is no sign of the nova—none.”

“I see,” he said, woodenly.  “Thank you, Henry.”

He hung his head—and then lifted it again, his face fixed and stony with determination.  No—our time or the past or the future or whatever, I will not let myself be driven down by an event beyond my control.  I will NOT be defeated by a quirk of fate, nor let myself or my people be destroyed in the process, he thought.  He nodded to himself, and marched across the bridge to Nathan.

The chief of staff looked up at his approach.  “Admiral, Engineering reports the PSK Drives can be restored to full function—but will take at least an hour to conduct repairs.  Apparently, there was a massive surge through the system that shut down the entire unit—all ships are reporting the same.  All other systems are operational, with only minor damage.”

“Excellent, Captain Serrano; get me a channel all-hands, all-ships, if you would please.”

Nathan nodded, and keyed in a few commands on the console, and then handed Jason a phone.

“All personnel, this is the Admiral,” Jason began as he looked at the men and women—his men and women—on the Flag Bridge turning to look and listen to him.  “We have suffered an event unlike any other in the history of our race.  We have been thrown out of T-Space due to the gravitic interference of a star going nova—an event that has never been considered as a possibility.  Except by one researcher in the Confederation.  She believed that such an event would form a bridge through time—into our past.  I do not know if that is what has happened—but we will find out, and we will find this out together.”

“As of this moment, we are in space-normal conditions in the Tamaron System.  As you are aware, when we entered T-Space, that star was in the process of dying in a nova.  Now, it is not.  I do not know WHEN we are—but WE STILL ARE.  All of us are here NOW, whenever NOW is.  We will discover exactly how far back we have gone, and when we do—when I DO—you will be told.  Until then, you are Imperial officers and spacers and marines of the Fleet; you are tankers and troopers and warrants of the Legion; YOU ARE THE EMPIRE.  We will overcome, as Mankind has ALWAYS overcome.  Carry out your orders, and remain ready for action.  Chandler out.”

As he disconnected from the live broadcast, he could see the shocked expressions on the faces of his crew, his friends, his wife.  “Nathan,” he whispered.

“Yes, Admiral?”

“As soon as all ships report restored PSK Drive function, set course for Earth at our best speed.  We are going home.”


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2010, 11:28:04 PM »

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2009, 04:13:34 PM »
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How did I know it was going to happen?  Roll Eyes
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #31 on: August 11, 2009, 11:11:42 AM »
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Chapter Four

President Barak Obama nodded at the Prime Minister of Estonia, smiling as the cameras of the White House Press Corps clicked and flashed, capturing the two leaders on film for all of posterity.  He knew what the photographers were waiting for, and after giving them several long seconds to get nervous, he reached out and extended his hand.  The Prime Minister took it and they shook, as scores of flashes erupted around them.

The money shot, he thought as he kept smiling.  It makes me feel like a porn star at times, all of this attention.

“Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for coming today,” the President of the United States said as the two walked towards the door of the Oval Office.

“No, Mr. President, thank you for the opportunity to discuss our concerns.  Estonia seeks greater ties to the West—not to Russia—but to the democratic nations such as your own land of dreams, the United States of America.”

The reporters caught all of the exchange, of course, preserving even the minutiae of this event for archives that would in all likelihood never again be played or read.  The good-byes took another five minutes, and then the press was escorted out, leaving Barak and his Chief of Staff alone in the Oval.

Circling his desk—the same desk used by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Fitzgerald Kennedy—he sat down and leaned back, twirling a pen in his right hand.

“What is next on the agenda, Rahm?”

“Well, Mr. President,” Rahm Emmanuel replied, “in one hour you have the meeting with Majority Leader Reid and Speaker of the House Pelosi about health care.  Neither of them can seem to get the blue dogs in line, and they do not think they have the votes to push it through.  They are backing out, Mr. President, and we need to push them—hard.”

Barak sat up and placed his elbows on the desk, a thoughtful look on his face.  “Would it help to set up a meeting here between me and the blue dogs?  Give them a little private face-time to try to bring them back to the reservation?”  The again went unspoken.

Rahm winced.  “You’ve already met with all of them—and they are still not on message.  Several are worried about reelection, and some of the freshmen are genuinely concerned with the costs.  A few—the more conservative ones that are acting on their principles and not their political future—agree with the GOP that it is the first step in socializing our medical system.  I don’t know—we might get a few, but we need more than a few if we want this to happen this year.”

“It can’t hurt, Rahm, and it might help,” the President replied as he leaned back.  “Set it up for tomorrow if possible, Friday if we need to push it back a day.  Maybe we can work out a deal with them on this whole package and . . .”

The door to the outside world opened and several officers of the uniformed armed forces of the United States walked into the room.  Barak frowned as they approached him; and he felt his stomach lurch.  Israel probably just hit the Iranian nuclear program, he thought.  They wouldn’t barge in unless it was something that had gone horribly wrong somewhere in the world.

“Mister President,” General Karl Hamilton, United States Marine Corps, said.  “We have a situation, sir; one that requires your immediate attention.”

Rahm stood and motioned with his hand towards the door, but Barak waved him back down.  Whatever this was about, he wanted the keen minded Emmanuel to remain in order to advise him.  “Go ahead, General.”

“Mister President, twenty-two minutes ago, NORAD and NASA independently detected a gamma-ray burst originating from within our solar system.  As you may be aware, such bursts are watched for because they are generated from nuclear detonations.  This one, however, was massive, and occurred inside the orbit of Jupiter.”

Barak slowly nodded.  “Can’t these also be caused by natural phenomena?”

An Air Force officer answered.  “Yes, sir.  However, natural occurring GRBs are catastrophic in scale—this one is merely very large.  And the only way we know of for a GRB to occur as a force of nature involves black holes and dying stars.  That is not very likely so deep within the solar system.”

Hamilton broke in.  “NASA trained the Hubble on the location where the burst originated, Mister President.  These photographs were downloaded to the White House six minutes ago,” he said as he laid a folder marked classified on the desk and opened it.

The photos showed a number of objects—spherical objects that immediately struck Barak as too regular to be something that occurred naturally.  Each photograph showed the objects in greater and greater magnification, and each one made it more clear that the structures were obvious crafted by someone.

Barak leaned back in his chair and opened his mouth, and then he closed it.  Opening his desk drawer, he extracted a pack of cigarettes and took one out, lighting it and drawing in a deep lungful of smoke.

“Please tell me that this is a practical joke, General Hamilton.”

“Mister President, NASA has—in conjunction with NORAD—confirmed that these objects are accelerating on a vector that might place them in geo-synchronous orbit above the earth in four days time.  No, sir, this is no joke.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #32 on: August 11, 2009, 11:19:30 AM »
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This I had not foreseen.
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #33 on: August 11, 2009, 12:01:25 PM »
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OK... this one's a zinger. Shocked Please, please don't make us wait in suspense for the next installment. Smiley
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #34 on: August 11, 2009, 07:58:46 PM »
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A rude intersection with real life, nice job!
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2009, 11:43:46 AM »
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Colonel Ernie Gavin focused on the image on the multi-function display before him.  Freedoms airlock was centered in the image as the cameras showed the shuttle Endeavor slowly closing the distance.  Closure rate good, trajectory good, he thought as he glanced up at Lt. Commander Gabrielle Corker.  The navy pilot had a good hand on the stick, and her concentration was focused on the docking procedure—as it should be.

“Looking good, Gabby,” he softly said, “just two more meters and we can park this thing.”

“Aye, aye, skipper,” she mumbled as she fired the port RCS thrusters once, then twice, in quick succession, swing the nose of the orbiter perfectly in line with docking port of the International Space Station.  “We’re drifting.”

“You’re fine, Gabby—one more squirt should do it.”

Once again the hiss of the thrusters sounded inside the shuttle, and then there was a sudden bump and a loud clang.

“CONTACT!” the rookie pilot exclaimed, flipping the control switches that activated the docking clamps.  Endeavor pulled itself flush against the skin of Freedom and Gavin’s board went green.

“Okay, we have hard seal.  Freedom, Endeavor,” he said, over the comm-channel, “shutting down all flight operations and preparing to crack the hatch.  Houston, STS-128 reports docking complete.  Confirm.”

“Endeavor, Houston.  Our board is green, confirm hard seal with Freedom.  Secure for station-keeping and open her up.  Cargo transfer scheduled to begin in two—repeat zero-two—hours.”

“Thanks, Houston.  Endeavor out.”

Ernie watched as one-by-one, each of the panels of status lights on his board began to go dark.  Gabby had already begun the shut-down procedures.  Leaving her to it, the Air Force officer pulled himself up and out of the commander’s seat, and then—floating in zero-g—he twisted around and pushed off for the ladder descending to the main deck.

The crowded main deck.  STS-128 had been hurriedly rushed into orbit less than eleven hours after NASA received orders from the President; its original mission to deliver a new station module scrapped.  Instead, his ‘mission specialists’ included two linguists, a handful of diplomats, and a full squad of close-combat Marines.  And then there were the six Navy weapons specialists responsible for the Trident D-5 missiles loaded in his cargo bay—just in case.

The Trident was compact enough—barely—to let the ground crew squeeze four into the cargo section; no other ICBM could possible fit.  And with the extreme ranges in space, the experts had determined that nothing smaller than ICBM featured enough reach if things turned nasty.  Each of the D-5s mounted eight W88 nuclear warheads, each with a nominal yield of 475 kilotons.

Discovery would be launching in thirty minutes from Vandenberg out in California, while Atlantis was being moved at this very moment to the launch pad at Kennedy.  For the first time in history, all of America’s shuttle fleet would be in orbit simultaneously—along with a dozen Tridents.

Ernie shook his head.  He had expected the Russians to go ballistic—he winced at the inadvertent pun—at the mere thought of putting ninety-six nuclear tipped reentry vehicles in orbit, but they had instead agreed to the mission.  In fact, the last four members of his team for this flight were Russian—and they were suiting up now.

“Hard seal, Dmitri, we have two hours until they want us to float the firecrackers out into position.”

“Da, comrade Colonel.  My team will be ready when you need us.”

Dmitri Federov and the remainder of this team were Russian EVA—extra-vehicular activity—specialists, the same ones that had done the lion’s work on the last two modules of the station.  It would be up to them to man-handle the Tridents to their designated launch points several hundred meters out.  The task was exceptionally risky—no safety lines, no connection with either the shuttle or the station.  The four men would be operating with only their thruster packs, with rescue only a remote possibility.  Each one of them had volunteered for the assignment, risking their lives to give Earth a remote chance at defending itself.  At least the other two teams would be able to spell them once they arrived.

“Ok people, we know what we are here for,” he said as Gabby floated down the ladder and pulled herself across to the main hatch.  “Open her up and lets get this show on the road.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2009, 12:17:04 PM »
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Firing before speaking or speaking before firing?  Grin
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2009, 05:27:00 PM »
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Eighty-six very hectic and terror-filled hours later, Ernie was once again seated in the command seat of Endeavor, Gabby at his side.  The Trident deployment had been every bit as hairy as he thought it would be—even with the additional EVA specialists from Discovery and Atlantis.  But no one had died, and all twelve of the big missiles were now parked in orbit almost a kilometer ahead of Freedom.  Three Russian heavy lift rockets had carried aloft additional cargo, and three Soyuz launches had assembled the final members of the American shuttle fleets crew.  Strapped in down below, on the main was Walter Kincaid—but he was not an astronaut, nor was he a member of the military.  Kincaid was one of the chief engineers at Boeing; one of the principle minds behind the development of the Air-Borne Laser system.

The heavy lifters had carried three ABLs into orbit, and somehow—God only knew exactly how—the astronauts and engineers had managed to install the weapons in their cargo bays.  Now, having siphoned off fuel from Freedom, the orbiters—Endeavor, Discovery, and Atlantis—had taken up their positions between the visitors (as they were being called) and Earth.

As the small Fleet waited, Ernie could see the radar reflections from the immense craft decelerating for High Earth Orbit.  Holy mother of God, he thought to himself.  The little ones were seven hundred meters across!  Four of those craft measured either just below or right at two thousand meters!  And the probe they had launched to get a birds-eye view showed no—none—zip—nada—drive flares.  The damn things were using some sort of reactionless drive system.

“Colonel,” he heard in his ear-piece, “the ABL is on-line and all systems are green.  Do I have your permission to extend the boom?”

Since the shuttle fleet had never been designed to use the ABL, the firing port of the system had to be fitted on the end of the extendable boom-arm of the cargo bay, a heavy cable connecting it to the actual weapon itself.  Until the boom was deployed, the ABL could not be fired.  Ernie considered, and then he shook his head.  “Negative, Doctor.  Until we are given weapons release, keep the boom inside the orbiter.  I’d rather have the weapon on stand-by than risk us firing the first shot.”

“Understood, out,” the scientist answered, but then not realizing his mike was still hot, “though personally I think we should be ready to go the millisecond these guys make the wrong move.”

Gabby grinned.  “Doc,” she said, “you are still live.”

“Oh.  Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it none, Doc,” she cheerfully answered.  “If we have to fire the ABL, it probably means we’ve already lost.  Unless that thing can burn through a kilometer or two of steel, that is.”

“No, it can’t.  But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.”

Ernie broke in, “No it doesn’t, Doctor.  And if they pull the slightest hostile move, then we will fry ‘em and nuke ‘em at the same time.  Go ahead and clear the channel.”

“Got it.”

Ernie muted his mike and turned to face Gabby, seeing his own strained face reflected in hers.  The alien craft ended their deceleration and entered orbit, several hundred thousand kilometers away.  “What is the flight time for the Tridents at this range, Lt. Commander?”

“One hundred and ninety-seven seconds, sir,” she answered.

God help us, he thought.


Aboard Freedom, Jane Hamilton—senior member of the United States State Department—nodded at the astronaut (or was it a cosmonaut?) floating beside the radio transmitter.

“Attention, unidentified vessels, this is the International Space Station Freedom.  You have entered the orbit of a world that we call Earth.  We wish to begin a dialogue with you—a peaceful dialogue.  Be warned, however, if your intentions are hostile then you will be met with lethal force.”

Hamilton winced at the last sentence the man spoke.  She had argued with the President himself, but the normally liberal minded Obama had been adamant.

“Jane, this is our world.  And we are going to make that clear from the very start—they want to begin something, they had best be ready to finish it; because we will.”

It reminded her too much of W’s cowboy actions, but Barak was the President; it was his call to make.  She—and the other diplomats, and the linguists, and the astronauts/cosmonauts/what-have-you—waited as static whispered out from the wall (floor?  ceiling?) speaker.  We don’t even know if they will understand what we are saying, she thought.  But surely we can eventually learn to talk to . . .

“Freedom, this is Her Imperial Majesty’s Starship Reprisal,” a smooth lightly accented voice rang out through the command center.  “Our intentions are not—repeat not—hostile.  And we appreciate the offer to begin a dialogue.  We are prepared to meet with a member of your government—or governments—to discuss why exactly we are here.  We can meet aboard Reprisal, or if you would prefer, aboard your station, or even on planet at a location of your choosing.  And just for the record, make certain those Trident D-5s are safed—we would not to have any unfortunate incidents, now would we?”

Jane’s jaw dropped, and she picked up the microphone.  “My name is Jane Hamilton, and I am a senior member of the government of the United States of America.  I have been empowered to speak with on behalf of our President and the United Nations—but I am have not been given the authority to negotiate.  Would that be satisfactory?”

“Miss Hamilton, that would be most satisfactory.  I am Admiral and Prince-Consort Jason Chandler, Warlord of the Imperial Fleet.  As they say, take me to your leaders.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2009, 09:22:34 PM »
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Ah you can't get any better than the tried and true "take me to your leaders".  Wink
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"It is better to be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt."
    U. S. Grant

"Don't think about what I say, cause I don't."
   John Luther
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2009, 11:56:03 AM »
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Nine days earlier in the Alpha Centauri system . . .

Jason tapped his fingers on the conference table of his briefing room aboard Reprisal.  To his right sat Julia, to the left stood Nathan.  Aleksey Danislov and Miles Tuturola were present, along with Commodores Liam Kennedy, Ethan Howell, and Liu Teng-Hui (the commanders of his two battleship divisions and his cruiser division, respectively), Captains Gianfranco Veltroni and Antonio Vargas (his destroyer division commander and the commander of the 501st Transport Flotilla), Brigadier Erwin Godwin (deputy commander of the 501st Armored Strike Legion), and Inquisitor Kim So-yeon.

“. . . admittedly, the transmissions are more than four years out of date, and we only have fragments, but it dovetails with the astronomical data.  Gentlemen, madame,” Nathan said with a smile towards Julia, “we are in the year 2009.”

“The question thus becomes, what next?” Jason said as Nathan sat.  “The Empire is not even a glimmer at this particular junction in time—Earth has yet to become united.  They are still fragmented, still fighting each other; and they are in the dawn of the Age of Terror.  In one way, we are lucky, because they are not yet picking up the pieces from the destruction of New York, London, and Paris—and we do not have to deal with the entire Middle East being a smoldering pile of radioactive sand.”

“Admiral,” Kennedy interjected, “we still have almost a century before the Ordan-Kraal find Earth—ninety-seven years before the war begins.  Our duty, in my own opinion, is clear; we must stop this atrocity from occurring.”

“It may be too late for that, Commodore,” interjected Kim.  “Our emergence at Tamaron in this time-line created a massive t-space signature, one that the Ordan-Kraal—and other races—could not have failed to notice.  Our very presence has already altered the course of history.  Who knows when—in the now which we now live—the Ordan-Kraal will find Earth?  And despite our superior technology, we have just eleven warships, matched against seventeen industrialized systems and a Fleet of more than four hundred vessels.”

“We could settle New Earth here in Alpha Cent,” said Godwin.  “Build up our own industrial base, and keep on an eye on when and if the Ordan-Kraal locate Earth.  We—or our descendents can then intervene decisively on the side of humanity.  After all, we do have not only the Legion’s nano-forges, but the pair we captured aboard the Confed ships.”

Jason nodded.  “I considered that and had Captain Serrano run the numbers.  Nathan?”

“Sir.  Including the Legion and the Confederation prisioners, we have a grand total of 61,342 personnel aboard the ships of the squadron.  1,841 of which are female.  That is three percent of our total population, gentlemen.  Unless many of our people are willing to become celibate or select a homosexual life style, isolating ourselves will cause incredible tension in any society that we create.  Over the next century, we would have to use the few women we have as baby-machines, while carving out a virgin world, locating resources, and dealing with all of the dangers inherent in the colonization effort.  The nano-forges are limited in what they can produce—they certainly cannot produce new ships or shipyards, and we do not have any naval engineers to design them if they could.  If we isolate ourselves, within a century we will have back-slid to the point where we could well lose our ability to traverse the stars.”

“Also, this is an Imperial Battle Squadron.  We lack any of the supplies and equipment a proper colony needs, like seeds and domesticated animals in hibernation sleep.  How many of our people actually know how to farm?  Weave clothing?  Mine rare minerals?  We are simply too few—and far too specialized—to make a successful go at colonizing Centauri without outside assistance.”

“Agreed,” grumbled Miles Tuturola.  “We must make contact with the Earth of this time and boot-strap them into being able to contribute to their own defense.”

Vargas shook his head.  “And what about us?  Are we to become mercenaries in service of these Earth governments?  Disband and spread out our knowledge?  We have more firepower aboard the ships of this squadron than that entire planet.  I say we force them into the Empire.”

“What Empire, Antonio?” snorted Liu Teng-Hui.  “The Empire does not exist, we do have a Caesar nor do we have the Imperial Senate.”

“We make them,” the junior officer bluntly answered.  “Admiral Chandler is married to Caesar’s daughter.  Take the crown, Sir, take the crown and we will follow you to Hell and back.”

The table exploded as the assembled officers began speaking and arguing at once, voices rising and Jason could feel the temperature of the exchange beginning to soar.

“ENOUGH!” he yelled.  “Remember who and what we are, gentlemen, and conduct yourselves accordingly.  Captain Vargas, I will not usurp the laurels of Caesar.  Not now, not ever.  But we are still Imperial officers and subjects, gentlemen.  And we have a monarch—an Empress—that we shall follow.”

Vargas’s eyes grew wide.  “You can not be serious—the men won’t stand for it.”

Jason stood and placed his clenched fists on the table.  “You will make them accept it, gentlemen.  The Imperial Laws of Succession are quite clear, and with Caesars recent reforms, they allow women to ascend to power.  Accept that and support that and make your people understand that.  If you refuse, then gentlemen you are committing TREASON against the Throne of Man.”

The briefing room became quiet, so quiet that Jason imagined he could hear the beats of the hearts of his men.  Several looked away as he glared at them, a few met his gaze evenly; some even smiled.  “What will be your choice, gentlemen?  Make your decision.”

A second passed, and then two, and then three.  And then Ethan Howell stood and turned to face Julia.  “HAIL CAESAR,” he barked as he came to attention and saluted.  Quickly each of the others rose to their feet and repeated the salutation.  Finally, Jason himself rose and joined them in swearing oath to his wife.  “HAIL CAESAR.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #40 on: August 16, 2009, 04:34:21 PM »
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I knew they were going to betray us.
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2009, 02:38:36 PM »
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Betray us?  Huh?

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #42 on: August 18, 2009, 10:41:03 AM »
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“And we are once again live with coverage of the Presidential address.  I am Brian Williams reporting for NBC news; with me is senior correspondent and former anchor Tom Brokaw.  Tom, what can we expect from the President tonight?”

“The country, Brian, the entire world is in a state of shock over the events of two days ago.  We have already seen public hysteria take hold in sections of the nation as everything that we thought we knew three days ago has been turned upside down.  President Obama has a difficult challenge tonight; he must urge our citizens to remain calm, to not panic over the arrival of these so-called Imperials, but he must also project strength and restore confidence.”

The old white-haired man took off his glasses and shook his head as he sat across from Brian in the studio, a mosaic image of the White House filling the screen behind the two newsmen.

“I never expected this day to come; certainly not in my own lifetime, Brian.  Visitors from other worlds—from the future—and they are human beings.  Flesh and blood just like you and me.  And for them to ask us—the people of Earth—for refuge, for a place to call their home; well, we need to remember that these are people, not aliens.”

“But there are aliens out there, Tom, according to their spokesman.  And in the future that would have been, they will attack Earth in slightly less than a century.  How far can the President go in order to gain the technology of the Imperial Remnant?  And how will other nations react if they see the United States making deals for this technology?

“With billions of lives potentially at risk?  How far is too far?  Russia, China, most of the industrialized world—and a good portion of the third world as well—have all been contacted by these visitors.  They will be landing in the United States tomorrow—in New York City, but only so that their leader, the Empress Julia, can address the United Nations.”

“NBC News will be covering the arrival of Empress Julia and her entourage live, as well as her address to the General Assembly of the United Nations,” Brian chimed in with a fixed smile on his face.  “She will then be meeting with representatives from the US, Russia, China, India, England, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, Australia . . . the list goes on and on.  Those meetings will be behind closed doors, but the world is watching and listening.”

The younger anchorman lifted one hand to the earbud he wore.  “Tom, we are getting word that the President is about to begin.  And we take you there live; this is Brian Williams, for NBC News.”

On millions of screens across the country—across the world—the backdrop changed to display the seal of the President of the United States, and then showed President Barak Obama seated at his desk in the Oval Office.

“My fellow Americans; today is a day that we will never forget, a day . . .”


Police Commissioner Timothy Hackett watched the four massive landing ships gently set down on the plaza outside of the United Nations, his jaw slightly ajar in disbelief.  Mother-of-God, he thought as it gently touched down, the concrete and asphalt compressing beneath its massive weight.  They are bigger than a 747!

“Will you look at that?” Lt. Colonel Greg Davis said with a whistle.

Hackett followed the gaze of the Army officer to where the first craft was disgorging soldiers wearing some sort of full-body armor.  One of the armor-clad troopers was standing at the base of a ramp, holding a pair of brightly lit red wands in his hands, directing the vehicle descending onto the city streets.  Low-slung, sleek, the vehicle was larger than an M1 Abrams, with a blocky turret sporting a long and powerful looking gun set dead center.  Half-shrouded by the bulk of the alien tank, two more armored figures stood in hatches atop the vehicle, watching the clearance to either side, while the head of a third protruded from yet another hatch in the lower hull, directly beneath the cannon.

But unlike the tanks of Earth, this vehicle lacked any wheels, tracks, or treads.  It floated down the ramp a couple of feet above the metal surface.

One of the armored individuals that had already disembarked bounded across the plaza towards Hackett and Davis, each stride carrying him across ten meters of space in a single bounce.  The thud of his feet slamming into the ground shook both men as he came to a halt ten feet away.  Hackett’s mouth went dry as he got his first good look at an Imperial trooper.

The metallic armor was blended in shades of gray and black, and stood well over six and a half feet tall.  The burly arms and legs were thicker around than those of a NFL lineman, and the helmet was a featureless expanse of dark mirrored glass.  Gadgets covered the outside of the suit, and Hackett could make out three barrels extending from the suits left forearm, the weapons themselves concealed within the armored shell.  The individual’s right arm, however, gripped the handle of a deadly and menacing five-barreled Gatling fixed to the armor.  And over the left shoulder rested what could only be a missile, pointed straight up towards the sky, with yet another handle a foot or so above the shoulder.

The trooper reached up with his left hand and removed his helmet, revealing a sandy-haired men who grinned at the police chief and the colonel.  “Commissioner Hackett?  Colonel Davis?  I am Centurion Nat Turner, commanding officer Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 501st Armored Strike Legion.  We have been assigned to assist your troops and the NYPD with security for the Empress.  Where do you want us?”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2009, 01:18:00 PM »
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Throngs of people crowded against the barriers erected by the NYPD around the United Nations building.  Many were protestors holding signs and posters and banners that showed their disagreement with allowing these alien beings (they only SAID they were human, after all) to set foot on Earth.  Many more were members of the world-wide press, cameras—both still and video—recording the event for all posterity.  But the majority were simply New Yorkers who wanted to see for themselves what would happen.

Within the barriers, police—NYPD, New York State Troopers, and federal agents of all stripes and denominations—in riot gear stood by, their plexiglas shields and black batons ready to respond if the crowd surged forward.  Intermixed with the men and women of law enforcement were Army troopers in their desert camo, incongruous as it was in the streets of the Big Apple.  Regulars and reservists alike, the soldiers were clumped together in small units around the perimeter prepared to back up the police if they needed the assistance.  On the rooftops of nearby buildings, sniper teams tracked the crowd and watched the windows of high-rise skyscrapers, while Coast Guard cutters patrolled off-shore.

Only the sky above was free of congestion, a no-fly zone having been ordered by the FAA hours beforehand.  Not even press choppers were allowed into the designated zone, but those vultures hovered and buzzed just outside of the perimeter.

One of the many, many people in the crowd spotted the descending ship first, and he raised his arm to point at the heavens.  One by one, the citizens of America’s largest city turned their gaze skyward.  A mass of metal silently descended with no roar of engines, no noxious exhaust, no contrails through the clouds high above.  Smaller than the vehicles that had delivered Fox Company earlier, the Hermes class shuttle quickly closed the distance, descending to less than a hundred feet and approaching from the water’s edge towards the hastily marked landing grid in the center of the Plaza.

Around the grid waited the eight Striker light tanks, eight Lancer armored personnel carriers that were only slightly smaller in scale, and two Gavin armored command vehicles of Fox Company, along with their seventy-two battle-armored infantry troopers.  The Imperial forces kept their eyes on the crowd, and the surrounding buildings, and their sensors—armor or vehicle based, depending on who was doing the looking—and unlike the NYPD, FBI, ATF, and US Army, these men bore lethal weaponry pointed outwards.

The Hermes silently drifted over the plaza and deployed its thick, heavy landing struts, and then set down on the softly onto the ground.  As the contra-gravity generators aboard the shuttle spun down, the broad feet at the base of each of the six landing struts slowly sank into the concrete and asphalt, compressing and compacting the ground beneath the almost inconceivable weight of ship—about three feet, on average.

In the rear half of the ship, two hatches swung open, and a pair of ramps extended and lowered themselves to meet the ground below.  From each hatch, a line of armor-clad men exited, slowly marching in unison.  Unlike the troopers of Fox Company, these warriors were not clad in gray-and-black camo; instead the Praetorians wore suits of glistening crimson and gold, along with sweeping silk cloaks clasped to their armor with golden chains.  Sleeker than the armor of the infantry, the Praetorians lacked the Reaper pulse cannon and Thunderbolt missile launchers, but each of the ceremonial guards instead carried a polished rifle, and from both forearms additional weapons muzzles exuded menace and lethality.

Seventy-two of the guards formed into two lines on each side of the main hatch of the Hermes, while most of the other half turned to face outwards towards the crowd.  The final eight waited at the end of the line, next to the entrance to the UN.  The hatch opened, and a man—a HUMAN BEING—dressed in an ornate uniform of red and black, gilded with golden thread and decorations, emerged.  He looked over the crowd, and then turned back towards the hatch and bowed his head, lowering himself down to one knee.

As one, the Praetorians flanking the hatch knelt as well, and bowed low, their helmets nearly touching the ground.  The second group of Praetorians did not bow; no, they kept watching the surrounding crowds.

From the hatch stepped a woman, dressed in a gown of gleaming white, secured around the waist with a heavy wide gold belt.  The gown left one of her shoulders bare, though the alabaster skin was only a few shades darker than the gown itself.  She had long hair of a mahogany shade, intricately woven into braids and laces, and upon her brow she wore a laurel wreath of fine gold.

As the man before her did, she gazed over the now hushed crowd; and then she smiled and waved to them.  That simple gesture caused the crowd to roar with delight.  The man at her feet rose and extended his arm, and the Empress—the Caesar Julia—took his arm and they walked down the line of Praetorians and entered the Headquarters of the United Nations of Earth.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #44 on: August 18, 2009, 03:21:39 PM »
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“NO!  We will not be denied access while the United States makes secret deals with you.  Accepting their invitation is unacceptable!” the Ambassador of Russia to the United Nations bellowed.

Across the table, squabbling broke out as more than two dozen ambassadors, Ministers of State, and heads of government—depending on who could actually get to New York in time—began arguing and shouting with each other.  Not to mention the seething delegates from the Third World countries that had been removed earlier.

Jason frowned at the chaos before him as he sat beside his wife and Empress.  They are like children fighting over a toy, he thought.  He turned his head and glanced at the eight Praetorians standing behind Her Imperial Majesty, each of them still wearing full ceremonial armor.  And then he looked at his wife again.

She wasn’t happy.  Her face had gone sallow and she swallowed a lump in her throat.  She glanced over at him and Jason cocked one eyebrow in question.  Hesitating, she finally nodded her head in resigned agreement.  Jason smiled and lifted Julia’s hand, kissing it lightly in the center of the palm, and then he stood.

Only a handful of delegates stopped their bickering as they noticed him rising, but the overall noise level was unabated.  The Imperial Warlord reached down and unbuttoned the flap on his service pistol, and then he drew the weapon and pointed it towards the ceiling.

He pulled the trigger three times, the explosion of sound bringing the so-called debate to a sudden and fearful halt as dust drifted down from the ceiling along with shattered tile that crashed onto the table.

In the ringing silence immediately afterwards, Jason could hear a scuffling at the door, but he knew the Praetorians stationed outside would not allow any to pass; not while they lived, at least.

“Gentlemen, and ladies,” he began calmly as he holstered his still-smoking weapon and resealed the synthetic leather flap.  “You seem to be all laboring under a misconception.  Yes, we are refugees.  Yes, we are seeking to make our home here on Earth.  But we are not just going to hand over our technology to whoever gives us that home.  And we are not things to be fought over like an old bone.”

“Her Imperial Majesty is willing to make a few certain technologies available to all of you—as a gesture of good-will.  As she stated earlier, these include medications you do not currently have that will allow you to cure most forms of cancer, AIDs, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and a veritable host of other illnesses.  These will NOT include military technology of any sort, nor will it include fusion power generators.”

“Furthermore, we will not—as either individuals or as a group—swear allegiance to anyone at this table, or anyone on this planet.  We are already oath-sworn, gentlemen and ladies, to the Empress of Humanity.  Admittedly, there are fewer than sixty-four thousand of us left, but we will uphold our oath until we are dead and buried.  We are not asking you to subordinate yourselves to her authority, but we are asking that you cooperate.  The Ordan-Kraal are coming; make no bones about it.  And when they arrive, you will wish that you had listened to us, those of you who survive, at least.”

“What do you propose then, Admiral Chandler?” asked the British Prime Minister as he brushed the white ash-like debris from his suit coat.

“I propose nothing.  My Empress—Caesar Julia—suggests this.  We will buy Vancouver Island and the surrounding islets from the Canadian government and set up our own enclave as a free and independent government, fully sovereign.  Or, if Canada is not willing to sell, Tierra del Fuego.  Or the Falkland Islands.  Or part of New Zealand.  Or any of a hundred other locations.”

The Chinese President shook his head.  “Out of the question.  We will not allow you to establish your own government; that is unacceptable to the People’s Republic of China.”

“You don’t a have a frakking choice,” Jason answered bluntly.  “I’ve had about as much of this shit as I can take—and I know that Her Imperial Majesty has as well.  United Nations?  What a load of crap.  The only thing you people are united in is your hatred for each other.  We will find a place to land and remake the Empire; we will not interfere with your government unless you provoke us.  But provoke us, and your government will cease to exist.  That is something I can promise each of you.”

Each of the delegates bristled, but then President Obama leaned forward.  “And how do you propose paying Canada or Argentina or Chile for the land?”

Jason smiled, but it was a cold, cold smile.  “Mister Prime Minister,” he said, directly addressing the Canadian at the table.  “How would you a fifty-percent share in the greatest gold strike in history?”


“Easy, Janos, easy,” Gaius Scott whispered, “too much thrust and you will tear the tractors right out of the hull.”

“Aye, aye, sir.  Coming to 2% percent on the mains now,” the sweating helmsman said as he concentrated on his controls.  Ian Sinclair looked up from his own bank of controls and nodded at Scott.  “Looking good, Skipper.”

ISS Seydlitz was operating in tandem with ISS Wallenstein, their tractors locked onto the immense asteroid between them.  Designated SGK-01/997C, the misshapen rock measured some seven kilometers in length and almost four kilometers across at its widest, tallest point.  Normally this was a job for dedicated Fleet tugs, but since they had no more tugs, the two destroyers were manhandling the rock from the Belt all the way into a stable Earth-moon orbit.  SGK-01/997C was just another lifeless rock floating in the Belt between Mars and Jupiter, albeit a big one.  But, two hundred years from now—in that otherwhen that had been—a survey team had struck it big on the asteroid.  Renamed Motherlode, the asteroid was found to contain incredible amounts of gold, silver, tungsten, platinum, iridium, and other rare and valuable minerals and metals.

But that was in a future that would never happen.  The records clearly showed which precise rock Motherlode was, however, so Admiral—Warlord—Chandler had sent Seydlitz out here to fetch it home.  The problem was that Motherlode was so massive that it would take days to shepherd it into its proper place around the moon.  Like all Imperial Fleet ships, Seydlitz mounted two heavy-duty tractors that allowed her to rescue damaged vessels in combat and drag them out of the line of fire.  But Motherload was far, far past their rated capabilities.

Too much acceleration, and the tractors would rip themselves right out of the hull.  It was a delicate balancing act that would take several weeks to arrive in orbit.

“How much gold does Motherlode contain, Captain Scott?” asked his guest, a mining engineer of the Canadian government.

“They managed to extract over thirty-five thousand metric tons of gold from that rock, sir, along with sixty-three kilotons of silver, ninety-four of tungsten, nineteen of platinum, and well over four million metric tons of iron.  Even managed to get just a hair more than ten thousand tons of iridium, which is a damn sight rarer than any of the others.  Of course, it took the government almost thirty years to extract all of that, but that one rock damn near bought a hundred ships of the line before it was said and done.”

The geologist blinked as he turned his gaze back on the rock, and Sinclair moved over by Scott.  Leaning down, he whispered something in the captain’s ear, and Scott grinned.

“Mister Holbrook,” the youthful ship commander said, “if you will turn your attention to the center screen on that console, please.”

The mining expert turned to the screen, which projected a live image from the surface of Motherlode.  A small team of armored individuals—and one in a bulky, white, ex-NASA spacesuit—were pictured in the center, clustered around two metal poles embedded in the surface of the asteroid.  As Holbrook watched, the white-suited astronaut attached the Canadian flag to the first pole, and then one of the armored men placed the Imperial standard on the second.  Both men withdrew a half-dozen paces, and saluted the two flags.

“Congratulations, Mister Holbrook.  It appears that Canada has just hit the jackpot.  It’s been a pleasure doing business, Sir.”


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2010, 11:28:36 PM »

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #45 on: August 18, 2009, 04:17:50 PM »
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You are the only one that makes me look for words.  Wink
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #46 on: August 19, 2009, 05:41:55 AM »
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Guess whose coming to diner. Nice to strike it rich so easily. Wink
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    U. S. Grant

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   John Luther
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #47 on: August 20, 2009, 01:30:11 PM »
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“If I had known how much of this bureaucrat manure Father had to deal with—and that you expect ME to deal with, Jas, I swear I would have never agreed to this.”

“Love, this is not even one-hundredth of one percent of what your illustrious father dealt with on a daily basis.  Just wait until we get a proper Imperial Senate seated once again—and then you will really experience what a headache the job is.  And it was for that,” he said with a beaming smile, “as much as having no desire to usurp the Imperial laurel that I refused the job in the first place.  Hail Caesar.”

His wife’s answer came in the form of a plush sofa cushion smashing into his face at a reasonably high rate of speed.

“Feel better, love?”

“No . . . yes . . . hell, I don’t know,” she answered sourly.  “There is this whole matter of the population down there to deal with.  Three-quarters of a million residents on Vancouver Island?  My God, Jas; that is twenty times what I expected.”

The admiral, warlord, and prince-consort shrugged his shoulders.  “The whole bloody planet is seriously overpopulated by our standards, Julia.  The last census put our Earth’s total population at 1.2 billion, and the older Senators were grumbling about us taxing the environment and resources.  There are more than SIX billion people on this planet right now.  That is almost one-tenth the entire population of the EMPIRE in our time.”

“It is just something we have to deal with, along with setting up the fuel processing facility on the moon, organizing the first colonial expedition to Alpha Cent, boot-strapping this chaotic hot-bed of insurgency to produce enough of our technology to defend against the Ordan-Kraal and any other predatory race, convincing the nearly TWO HUNDRED individual governing bodies and who-the-hell knows how many political factions it is in their best interests to unite, and just as a side-note reform the Senate and reestablish civilian control over the Imperial Fleet and Legion.”

“And I suppose you have more items for the week after next as well?” the Empress of Humanity asked acidly as she frowned at her husband.  And then she began to giggle; the giggles rapidly descending to full-blown guffaws of laughter.  Jason stood from his chair and moved across his cabin to sit down beside his wife, and he took her in his arms to hold her tightly against him.

The laughter turned to sobs and tears, as Julia buried her head in his chest, and he slowly stroked her back and her hair and made a soft, gentle hushing sound.

“I don’t know if I can do this, Jas,” she whispered.  “Why did this happen?”

“That, love, I don’t know.  God moves in mysterious ways, it is said.  But I do know one thing—you can do this.  And you will be no mere figurehead, Julia.  You learned from Caesar Nicolas and your brothers more about politics than you think, and you are a scion of the House of O’Conner, the last O’Conner of the Imperial line in the now in which we live.”

“You really think so?” she asked, looking up at him with tears still trickling down her cheeks.

He smiled, and used one thumb to brush a tear aside, and then gently caressed her check.  “I know that the woman I married and that I love can.  Are you still her?”

The young woman nodded her head, and Jason lowered his head and softly kissed her lips.


“If this twenty-something bimbo is their leader, then we have learned one thing about these so-called Imperials; her husband—Admiral, Warlord, and Prince-Consort Chandler—must be the real power and authority.  Did you SEE that gown she wore in New York to address the UN?  Shameful, shameful, shameful,” Nancy Grace said to her guests.  “I’ve seen street walkers wearing more venue appropriate clothing than that.”

“Nancy, all of you so-called liberal feminists are just pissed off that this young woman, this lady, happens to be more attractive than all the rest of you combined.  Can you drop the cat-fight you want to provoke?” replied Professor Emmett Leshy, head of the political science department of New York University.

“This is no cat-fight, Professor, and it has nothing to do with her beauty,” Grace replied hotly.  “This is about morals and respectability.  You could see her breasts underneath that gown—she wasn’t wearing anything beneath it, for sure.  That sort of thing might go over in Hollywood or some mid-east harem, but if she wants to be taken seriously as an actual leader, she needs to quit being such a floozy.”

She turned back to face the cameras.  “And for another view point of this issue and all of the others arising from the arrival of our Imperial guests, we will bring in our next guest.  In a CNN exclusive, this show has managed to arrange for Captain Nathan Serrano, the chief of staff for the afore-mentioned power behind the throne, Admiral and Prince-Consort Chandler.  Captain Serrano, welcome to New York.”

Nathan walked out onto the stage, his face flushed and tight, his hands balled into tightly clenched fists at his side.  Ignoring the chair, he crossed the stage until he stood directly in front of Nancy Grace.  “Captain Serrano, if you will take . . .”

The sharp crack of his open hand striking her cheek echoed across the studio and over the live CNN feed to millions of homes across the globe.  The woman anchor looked up in shock as he swung another blow—this one back-handed—and toppled her from her chair onto the carpeted studio floor.

“How dare you, you miserable jealous hag, speak of her Imperial Majesty in that manner?  In my presence, no less.”

A half-dozen staffers came running onto the stage, one of them wiping the blood of Grace’s split lip from her face.  She sputtered, and tried to stand, but fell, and then—helped by two of aides—managed to get her feet underneath her.

“SECURITY!  I want this man arrested!” she shrieked, as the cameras continued to roll.

Nathan’s mouth turned up in crooked grin.  “You call those spineless thugs security?  My own detail is real security, Miss Grace.  This interview is over,” he said as he turned away and began to walk off-stage.

“I’ll sue you,” the anchor screamed at his back.  “I’ll sue you and your Empress-whore alike.”

Nathan stopped and shook his head.  And then he turned back to face Grace again.  “Are you really that much of an idiot?  As I have always said, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”  And then he moved back towards her, his fist balled and his arm cocked back.

The staffers took one look at the furious officer and lifted Grace aloft and rushed her from the stage—away from the man about to beat her (and maybe them) into a senseless pulp.

The Imperial officer stopped and unclenched his hand, and released his breath.  And then her turned to face the cameras, still carrying the images and sounds live across the world.  “Remember this, people of Earth.  We don’t play by your rules.  To all of the commentators and journalists out there, consider this your first and last warning before you insult Caesar Julia again publicly.  I went easy on Miss Grace since she is just a woman.  Neither I, nor any other Imperial, will be so lenient next time.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #48 on: August 20, 2009, 03:19:28 PM »
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Cultural problems?  Grin
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #49 on: August 20, 2009, 03:34:41 PM »
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“Mister President, Warlord Chandler is here,” Rahm said as he walked into the Oval Office.  He grinned as he continued, “and he even agreed to hand his sidearm over to the Secret Service and leave the Praetorians behind.”

Barak sat back in his chair, frowning as he mused over that course he hoped that this meeting would take.  The Canadian deal still struck him as wrong—selling part of their territory, like that.  And the fact that the tremendous amount of hard currency it would infuse into their economy would make them the single richest nation on Earth caused his stomach to churn with acid.  Now, the Canadian Prime Minister was talking about returning to the gold standard—even with the depressed prices that Motherload was causing, it would mean that Canada’s economic forecast was far, far brighter than that of the United States.

Didn’t Chandler and his Empress realize what they were doing to the global economy?  To America—specifically, to Barak’s vision of America?

“Show him in, Rahm, and then pull up a chair,” he finally said as he stood and walked over towards the twin sofas in the center of the Oval.

Moments later, the door opened once more and his political strategist and chief of staff ushered in his guest.  Barak forced himself to smile and he extended his hand in welcome.  Jason nodded and took the hand in a firm grip, shaking it once, and then he sat down from the President, facing him across the low table.

“Care for some coffee or refreshment, Admiral Chandler?” the President asked as he sat as well.

“No, but thank you anyway, Mister President.  I should also thank you for granting me this audience on Her Imperial Majesty’s behalf.  My own staff laid odds of 4-to-1 against after I shot out the ceiling in New York.”

Barak and Rahm both politely chuckled, and then the President leaned forward.

“Speaking of New York, you do realize there is a warrant out for the arrest of Captain Serrano?”

“Yes,” Jason coldly replied.  “But unless the local police grow wings it will be a cold day in Hell before he appears before them.”

Barak held up one hand in a calming gesture.  “I understand, really I do.  But, you must understand, he committed assault and battery on live television.  He has to stand trial for that.”

“Bullshit.  Issue him a pardon, Mister President—that is within your purview.”

“Why would I do that, Admiral?”

Jason mirrored the President, resting his own elbows on his thighs, interlacing his fingers and leaned forward.  “Because we are about to make a deal, Mister President.”

“What kind of a deal, Admiral?”

“The kind of deal that will have you and yours singing hosannas about the forces under my command.  The kind of deal that will let you keep one of those campaign promises you made, and will cost you very, very little in the short term.”

“And in the long-term?”

Jason shrugged.  “It might bite you on your ass, but not if you deal with us fairly.  Do you know how we Imperial subjects and citizens feel about terrorism, Mister President?”

“Not really, no.”

“It is an abomination before God and mankind.  Random violence directed at civilians going about their daily lives—none of us like it, and we’ve got a lot of experience combating it.  The Age of Terror in which you live is ramping up to get a whole lot worse, Mister President.  In the future which I used to live, our history books teach us that in just three years New York, London, and Paris will be hit by Al-Qaeda using nuclear weapons produced in Iran with Pakistani assistance.  Los Angeles, Washington, and Berlin will also be targeted, but those weapons will be either intercepted or fail to detonate.  Millions will die from the initial blast and the fall-out—and you will be blamed for letting it happen.  Twelve days before the next Presidential election you will suffer the greatest tragedy ever to befall this nation, and the voters will blame you for failing to protect them.”

President Obama sat back heavily against the sofa, his mouth agape.  Jason nodded his head.  “Yes, your defeat is only a small part of what happens afterwards.  Your successor—and no, I will not tell you his or her name—will order two Ohio class missile subs to strike Iran, and then Syria will hit Israel in retaliation.  The IDF will respond, so will Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Iraq will explode in violence and following the destruction of Jerusalem by a nuclear weapon, a renegade Israeli pilot will drop another weapon on Mecca.”

Barak blinked.  What the man sitting across from him was describing was nothing less than Armageddon.

“It doesn’t have to happen,” Jason said as he sat back, crossing his arms across his body.

“How can we stop it?” the President whispered.

“You can’t.  I can.  And my Empress has authorized me to make the following proposal to you—take it or leave it, but it stands as is.”

“Go on.”

“You will schedule a national address for tonight or tomorrow in which you will announce that all United States forces and all NATO forces will withdraw from Afghanistan within the next thirty days.  In their place, the 501st will deploy and we will destroy Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.  You will make no public criticism of our methods, nor will you issue any protests when we cross the Pakistani border to finish the job.  Selected elements of the 501st and the Fleet Marines will also hit every last single terrorist site on the planet—regardless of which country it might lie within.  Once again, we expect you silence, if you find that you cannot stomach actively supporting our methods.”

“You and the NATO countries will initiate an immediate shutdown of all trade with Iran while the Empire of Humanity ‘negotiates’ with them on nuclear disarmament.  I expect that negotiation to result in the death of the ruling council of mullahs and the current government—probably most of the Revolutionary Guards will have to go as well.”

“Within sixty days, Mister President, we will disable the current Iranian nuclear production program, dismantle their facilities, and either kill or capture nine out of every ten current members of every terrorist organization on the planet.  Once we go through the intelligence windfall we expect to find, rolling up the remaining ten percent should be fairly easily done.  After that, the Empress will address the world live.  She will declare war against any who—in the future—use terrorism to accomplish their goals, regardless of any national boundaries.  However, she will also offer amnesty to any surviving terrorists who renounce all further violence.”

“Furthermore, as we speak, representatives of Her Imperial Majesty are meeting with the Prime Ministers of Israel and Palestine, as well as the King of Saudi Arabia.  We are offering Israel and Palestine both a defense treaty with the Empire of Humanity.  Any attack—on either country, by anyone—will be seen as a directly attack on the Empire itself.  Even if it is Israel or Palestine doing the attacking.”

Jason bared his teeth.  “You people have had sixty years to fix the damned mess in the Middle East, but you just seem to muck it more.  The Ordan-Kraal are coming, Mister President, and quite frankly neither I nor Her Imperial Majesty have time for this continued bullshit.”

Barak nodded.  “And in return, you want what?”

“A treaty between the USA and the Empire of Humanity, approved by your Senate and signed into law by you.  The United States will not prevent any of its citizens or residents who wish to emigrate to the Empire from doing so.  Nor will they prevent any its citizens or residents from joining the Imperial military, even if they reside inside your borders.  The United States will erect no artificial trade barriers with the Empire—or with any corporation registered within its lawful borders.  You may neither attempt to tax any Imperial subject—even if he remains a United States citizen or resident—nor may you tax any corporate entity based on Imperial soil.”

“You will award full diplomatic protection to all those Imperials who arrived in orbit with me and my wife, effective the day the treaty is signed.  And you WILL pardon Captain Serrano and any other of my personnel accused of a crime in your borders.  Any crimes committed by my people, I will deal with, according to our laws.”

“So what will it be, Mister President?  I’m giving you the chance to end this war now and prevent massive bloodshed on a scale that will scar the survivors for life.  Is it worth those few things to be the man who won the War on Terrorism your predecessor began?  Is it?”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #50 on: August 20, 2009, 05:16:51 PM »
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Oh boy, don't do it!
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"It is better to be thought a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt."
    U. S. Grant

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #51 on: August 21, 2009, 01:53:24 PM »
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A bit harsh, no?
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #52 on: August 24, 2009, 11:14:57 AM »
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I reworked the previous section (Jason meeting with the Pres and Rahm) into something I hope works better.  Let me know if you prefer version A or version B, all right?


“Mister President, Warlord Chandler is here,” Rahm said as he walked into the Oval Office.  He grinned as he continued, “and he even agreed to hand his sidearm over to the Secret Service and leave the Praetorians behind.”

Barak sat back in his chair, frowning as he mused over that course he hoped that this meeting would take.  The Canadian deal still struck him as wrong—selling part of their territory, like that.  And the fact that the tremendous amount of hard currency it would infuse into their economy would make them the single richest nation on Earth caused his stomach to churn with acid.  Now, the Canadian Prime Minister was talking about returning to the gold standard—even with the depressed prices that Motherload was causing, it would mean that Canada’s economic forecast was far, far brighter than that of the United States.

Didn’t Chandler and his Empress realize what they were doing to the global economy?  To America—specifically, to Barak’s vision of America?

“Show him in, Rahm, and then pull up a chair,” he finally said as he stood and walked over towards the twin sofas in the center of the Oval.

Moments later, the door opened once more and his political strategist and chief of staff ushered in his guest.  Barak forced himself to smile and he extended his hand in welcome.  Jason nodded and took the hand in a firm grip, shaking it once, and then he sat down from the President, facing him across the low table.

“Care for some coffee or refreshment, Admiral Chandler?” the President asked as he sat as well.

“No, but thank you anyway, Mister President.  I should also thank you for granting me this audience on Her Imperial Majesty’s behalf.  My own staff laid odds of 4-to-1 against after I shot out the ceiling in New York.”

Barak and Rahm both politely chuckled, and then the President leaned forward.

“Speaking of New York, you do realize there is a warrant out for the arrest of Captain Serrano?”

“Yes,” Jason coldly replied.  “But unless the local police grow wings it will be a cold day in Hell before he appears before them.”

Barak held up one hand in a calming gesture.  “I understand, really I do.  But, you must understand, he committed assault and battery on live television.  He has to stand trial for that.”

“Bullshit.  Issue him a pardon, Mister President—that is within your purview.”

“Why would I do that, Admiral?”

Jason mirrored the President, resting his own elbows on his thighs, interlacing his fingers and leaned forward.  “Because we are about to make a deal, Mister President.”

“What kind of a deal, Admiral?”

“The kind of deal that will have you and yours singing hosannas about the Empire of Humanity.  The kind of deal that will let you keep one of those campaign promises you made, and will cost you very, very little in the short term.”

“And in the long-term?”

Jason shrugged.  “It might bite you on your ass, but not if you deal with us fairly.  Do you know how we Imperial subjects and citizens feel about terrorism, Mister President?”

“Not really, no.”

“It is an abomination before God and mankind.  Random violence directed at civilians going about their daily lives—none of us like it, and we’ve got a lot of experience combating it.  The Age of Terror in which you live is ramping up to get a whole lot worse, Mister President.  In the future which I used to live, our history books teach us that in just three years New York, London, and Paris will be hit by Al-Qaeda using nuclear weapons produced in Iran with Pakistani assistance.  Los Angeles, Washington, and Berlin will also be targeted, but those weapons will be either intercepted or fail to detonate.  Millions will die from the initial blast and the fall-out—and you will be blamed for letting it happen.  Twelve days before the next Presidential election you will suffer the greatest tragedy ever to befall this nation, and the voters will blame you for failing to protect them.”

President Obama sat back heavily against the sofa, his mouth agape.  Jason nodded his head.  “Yes, your defeat is only a small part of what happens afterwards.  Your successor—and no, I will not tell you his or her name—will order two Ohio class missile subs to strike Iran, and then Syria will hit Israel in retaliation.  The IDF will respond, so will Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Iraq will explode in violence, and following the destruction of Jerusalem by a nuclear weapon, a renegade Israeli pilot will drop yet another weapon on Mecca.”

Barak blinked.  What the man sitting across from him was describing was nothing less than Armageddon.

“It doesn’t have to happen,” Jason said as he sat back, crossing his arms across his body.

“How can we stop it?” the President whispered.

“You can’t.  I can.  And my Empress has authorized me to make the following proposal to you—take it or leave it, but it stands as is.”

“Go on.”

“We will share any information we have on those who will be responsible for the attacks with your intelligence services—along with those of several other nations that we believe we can trust.  Knowing how they smuggle the devices in, you should be able to intercept them and heighten your own security; or failing that, you can just kill the terrorists ahead of time.”

“Of course, that doesn’t mean the attacks will not happen—the time-line is already changed by our very presence.  But knowing the hows and whys will let you stop this attack—or similar attacks—in our present time.  Regardless of what you do or do not agree to today, that information is yours; the Empress insisted upon that.  Personally, I would have used it as a bargaining chip, but she feels differently.”

As Jason paused, the President and his Chief of Staff exchanged and glance, and then Rahm nodded and the President looked back at Jason and motioned for him to continue.

“We are already looking ahead at integrating our technology with your own—but not at the expense of being rendered irrelevant.  I believe other than military technology—which we will NOT be distributing among you people—the second item you desperately want is fusion power generation technology.  What the Empire of Humanity has decided to do is this.”

“We will form a corporate entity, based within the enclave, with the Empress holding a twenty-five percent share and a further twenty-five percent share equally divided among all individuals that arrived with the ships of my command.  Discussions are already taking place with several local experts native to this world who will direct the day-to-day operation of the company—Wintershaven Imperial Fusion Products—and will control an additional fifteen percent stake in their own names.”

“The remaining thirty-five percent will be available for investment, but the company will be run by a board selected by vote of majority share-holders, which will—for the time being—result in a board selected by us.  WIFP will agree to build, maintain, and operate fusion power generation stations for anyone who wants them:  under certain conditions, of course.”

“The facilities will be leased, not sold, and will remain the property of the Empire of Humanity in perpetuity.  The land required for each facility will be given to the Empire and be legally recognized by the governing body as Imperial soil for the duration that the facility is present, the same as if it were an embassy or consulate.”

“WIFP will ensure its own on-site security, emergency procedures, et cetera, in accordance with Imperial—not local—law.  In addition, all of our employees will be Imperial subjects and citizens that we will train and assign to each facility.  These employees will be granted the same diplomatic immunity as that granted to accredited diplomats.  The employees will be free to live, shop, and travel in whatever country they live, but are under diplomatic protection even outside of the facility.  The nation accepting such a facility must agree that the Empire will take the lead in investigating any crimes against our personnel.”

“In exchange for all of this, we will provide cheap, almost unlimited power generation on a scale that only your science-fiction authors have heretofore dreamed of.  Best of all, from your point-of-view, Mister President, is that you can tell the left-wing of your own party that the energy production is zero-emission, so there will be virtually no environmental pollution.”

Jason smiled.  “Can I go ahead and get that cup of tea while you mull that over, Mister President?”

Rahm stood and walked to the door while Barak considered carefully the full extent of what Chandler had just said.  It would reduce green-house emissions by a huge margin, depending on how fast they could build the facilities.

“How long until you could begin?” he asked.

“We are looking at a year until we are ready to begin on-site construction, with another six-to-nine months at each site until power production begins.”

“That won’t help with our need for foreign oil in the short-run, then.”

“No, but the second part will.  A second company—same type of structure as before—will also be set up, this one producing highly advanced batteries for general sale.  Less capable of power storage than the grav-fusion fuel cells we use in our military tech, Mister President, we still are several orders of magnitude further advanced in battery development.  This new electric car—the Volt—that has been so acclaimed in the media, this vehicle will be obsolete when we start selling our stuff.”


“Yes.  Imagine batteries half the size of the ones in the Volt, a quarter of the weight, and with the capability to store a charge twenty-five times greater.  That would be one thousand miles on a single charge.  Include a small liquid-fueled engine to recharge the system and a pull-in connection for overnight and I think you might begin to see the advantages.”

Rahm walked back in with a cup of tea on a saucer.  Jason nodded at him and took it, and then drank a sip and set down the cup on the table.  “We can be ready to ship the batteries in less than four months—enough to refit all of Detroit’s annual production.  Within another two months, we can be producing enough for every car produced in the USA, Japan, and South Korea—and within a year the entire world.  A year after that, we can begin to refit older vehicles with battery systems and electrical engines.  You can be the President to completely remove the internal-combustion engine from the American culture, Mister President.”

Barak suddenly felt light-headed.  It was what they all wanted—what they had dreamed of for years.  An America that was free of foreign oil, using non-polluting technologies to generate energy and move people around the country.  And then he looked up at Chandler again.

“This will kill some of our manufacturing and mining jobs—even more so than your deal with the Canadians over that asteroid have.”

Jason shrugged.  “That can’t be helped.  But it will—in the long-term—let your people develop new technologies based upon what they have, which will spur your manufacturing and economy, provided your government gets out of their way.  But that is outside of my discussions with you for today.”

“I am certain that you will consider our offer for the power facilities and batteries very carefully, but the thing we are most concerned over is the situation in Afghanistan and the Pakistani border—and Iran’s nuclear program.  North Korea can be easily contained—if the Chinese agree, and for the right terms they will agree.  Iran is not quite so easily dealt with.”

“How would you like to pull all of your troops in Afghanistan home, Mister President—now, not next year, not in four years, not in a decade, but NOW?”

“We can’t, Admiral Chandler.  We have an obligation to those people—and to our own to get Al Qaeda.”

“What if I agree to commit the 501st to get them for you?”

The President suddenly sat back and stared across the table as Jason picked up the cup of tea and took another sip.  Rahm was almost bouncing in his seat, and Barak nodded at him to go on.

“How do you propose doing this—with less than thirty thousand men, Admiral?” the political advisor asked, in a rather scornful tone of voice.  “That is less than one-third the total number of troops our generals tell us we need.”

“Actually less than twenty-five thousand, if we are just considering the 501st, Mister Emmanuel,” Jason replied as he sat down the teacup again.  “We do have some experience with insurgency in our century long off-again on-again war with the Confederacy from our time.  Believe me when I say we’ll get the job done.”

“But if we do this—IF WE DO THIS—we want a free hand.  No protesting over our methods, no official denouncements of our policies, not so much as a single e-mail complaining in the slightest.  Give us six months, and the Taliban will be shattered forever, in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, and then we will take care of Iran if it is still attempting to build WMD.”

“It will also give you—and the rest of the world—a good hard look at what my boys can do when riled up.  And it will give the 501st something to shoot at, which is always a good thing, since I don’t think you really want them among your civilians right now, not in the mood they are in.”

“Caesar Julia will make an announcement later this week, gentlemen, in which she will declare war between the Empire of Humanity and all terrorists, regardless of where they are located.  We intend to stamp out this disease cell-by-cell if we have to, and we have the capability to do it.  Captain Serrano is in Moscow tonight, discussing this same thing with Mister Putin—the real power behind the throne.  We are going to solve their little problem in Chechnya if they agree, and I believe they will.  Same with the Filipino government and their problem, and the Malaysians, and the . . . well, you get the idea.”

“And in return, what exactly do you want?”

“Diplomatic immunity for all of my people when on US soil.  Retroactively from the day we arrived in orbit—that is non-negotiable.  No interference with any US citizen or resident that seeks to join the Imperial armed forces.  No interference with any US citizen or subject that wishes to emigrate to the Imperial enclave.  You will make no attempt to tax any Imperial subject or citizen—including those who retain US citizenship, nor will you attempt to tax or lay tariffs against any Imperial Corporation.  Any Imperial subject or citizen that violates your laws will be turned over to us, where we will determine whether or not to hold him or her responsible in accordance with our laws.”

“The United States will recognize that any current governing body on this planet—or part thereof—that asks to be incorporated into the Empire of Humanity and whose requested is accepted as an integral part of the Empire, and subject solely to our laws and regulations.  We will not join your United Nations, nor will be subject to any procedure of your International Courts.  Any treaties the Empire enters into, you will respect and acknowledge as valid.”

“And for all of this, we will end the threat of nuclear terrorism, end the jihad against the West, and hopefully bring some sanity back to you people.  Not to mention beginning to work with your defense companies and military to plan operations against the Ordan-Kraal—for they are coming, Mister President.  And this planet has to be ready, unless you want to see three or four billion dead and the survivors fertility reduced to the point the survival of our entire species is endangered.”

“So tell, Mister President:  deal or no deal?”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #53 on: August 24, 2009, 01:34:34 PM »
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So a military option or an economical/military one?
Why do I feel it would not end things?

What about protesters for freedom? against invasion? and so on?
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #54 on: August 24, 2009, 02:18:17 PM »
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Quote from: Ice Hellion on August 24, 2009, 01:34:34 PM
Why do I feel it would not end things?

Because if it did end things, master arminas would have no more to write and the story would be over. Wink
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All I want is just a nibble of 'Mech armor & myomer... is that so wrong? Wink
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #55 on: August 24, 2009, 02:19:03 PM »
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Both an economic and military option (which I meant to convey in the original; oops).  Jason & Julia are going to try their hardest to bring as much as the world willingly into the Empire as they can; after all their force option is limited, unless they want to cause as much damage as the Ordan-Kraal attack would/could/did.  They don't.

I think it is safe to say that you will see protestors against the Imperials, especially in the East and West coasts of the USA and in Europe.  China and India will also have serious qualms about laying aside their social norms and laws beneath a 'foreign' power, as will Russia.

Now, some counties--smaller, less developed, and hopelessly poor nations mostly--might well jump on the chance if it improves their current prospects.  Some will refuse, either from pride or a desire to be left alone.  All of that we will get to in the chapters ahead.

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #56 on: August 26, 2009, 02:47:30 PM »
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Chapter Four

“Ridiculous, Mister President!” exclaimed the Speaker of the House from her seat across the table.  “This is nothing less than the surrender of our sovereignty to a gang of high-tech barbarians!  You are not seriously considering this proposal, are you?”

“Nancy, we have to take a hard look at what they are offering, and then determine what points we will—and will not—contest,” Barak answered calmly, even as the remainder of the congressional delegation finished reading their copy of the succinct report Rahm had prepared on his instructions.

Senator Reid—the majority leader of the Democratic party in the Senate—was also shaking his head.  “Somehow, I am reminded of the fact that we bought Manhattan Island from the Native Americans for forty dollars worth of glass beads.  This deal has that specific odor to it.”

Barak nodded as he leaned back in his chair, one arm propped up on its elbow.  “The batteries and power plants are something we need, and this offer of help in Afghanistan needs to be carefully considered as well.  Things are not going so well over there, at the moment.”

“No, Mister President, they are not,” wheezed his former rival for the presidency.  McCain smoothed out the top sheet of the report, and then he continued.  “And while I agree that their offer of help is quite generous, this provision about any current governing body on this planet—or part thereof—that asks to be incorporated into the Empire of Humanity and whose requested is accepted as an integral part of the Empire, and subject solely to our laws and regulations, ladies and gentlemen,” he said as he shook his head, “this could balkanize our nation.”

Nancy Pelosi snorted.  “It is the red states that are liable to go, Senator McCain, being gun-nuts and right-wingers and half-savage themselves.  Good riddance to them,” and their counter-productive elected representatives standing in the way of real progress, she thought.

“Do you think this will stop at Alabama and Arkansas and Alaska, Madam Speaker?” the old man sharply replied.  “What happens to this country when they agree to put a new factory in Ohio—if Ohio asks to join up?  Or if California jumps ship if the Imperials agree to absorb their debt?  The entire country is one nation, whether you like it or not, and this provision is the single most dangerous idea I have ever seen.”

“I agree, John,” the President said, “and so does Rahm.  We cannot sign any treaty with them that includes that provision, but to tell the truth I am a little more than concerned about this part covering diplomatic immunity—and that they want us to look the other way in their handling of the Afghan problem.  Are we sure that we really want to deal with these people?”

“It’s like making a deal with the devil, Mister President,” Joe Biden, Vice-President of the United States, said from his end of the table.  “What they are offering could launch us into a period of prosperity unparalleled in our history—but there are loophole and catches, and God help us if we fail to parse their words exactly.  We need to establish a working group—Justice, State, Defense, Commerce, Treasury, Homeland Security, NSA, and CIA—and determine exactly what we can accept and what we can not.  I’d be happy to head that up for you, Mister President.”

And the bickering began as seven Democrats, four Republicans, and one Independent began to argue over who would chair the committee and present its recommendations to the President.  Barak shook his head and loosened his tie; time to roll up the sleeves and go to work, he thought.


Across the globe, other meetings by governments—democratic, autocratic, and theocratic alike—took place in similar, if less familiar, rooms.  Leaders of nations throughout the world argued over the points of what would become known in the days ahead as ‘The Proposal’.


“Corp, why did they pick us for this detail?” Charlie asked as the ramp of the Intruder slowly lowered itself towards the ground.

Frasier Blenheim, Corporal in Her Imperial Majesty’s Marine Corps, sighed inside his armor.  It wasn’t fair, he thought.  He had been short-time; and suddenly this load of crap?  Discharges were delayed for the immediate future, he had been told; but at least Centurion Yarrow had not taken away his fire-team—even if that did mean he still got to ride herd on the kid.

“Well, last time Her Imperial Majesty had me over for tea and crumpets Charlie, I remember her telling me just that . . . NO, WAIT!  She’s never had me, and I’ve never had tea and crumpets.”

The two other members of his team chuckled, and Frasier could just picture the kid blushing again inside his armor.  “Seriously, Private, it doesn’t matter why they picked us—we are Marines and we have a job to do.  Focus on that and leave the worrying to people who actually get paid for that.”

“Corp,” one of others chimed in, “does that mean I can submit a payroll voucher for time spent worrying?”

“You go right ahead and do that Johansson,” Frasier replied.  “I’ll make sure it gets to Centurion Yarrow first thing tomorrow, and then maybe I can get a real Marine as a replacement while you are in the body shop.”

More chuckles erupted across the squad tactical net as the ramp made contact with the ground below and locked into place.

“Heads up, Marines!” Frasier called out.  “Fire Team Bravo, disembark and form up on the ready line.”

The four Marines—and the other one hundred and forty-eight troopers of Centurion Yarrow’s Delta Company—moved quickly down the ramp and into formation beneath the outstretched wing of the shuttle in the middle United States Army base in the heart of the Mojave Desert.

Camp Irwin was the home of the US National Training Center, the primary base where the Regular Army honed their war-fighting skills against the men (and now women) of the Opposition Force—OpFor for short.  It seemed that someone on high wanted to impress to the Americans (and through them, their NATO allies) just how effective Imperial equipment was.  So Delta got tagged to come down and play soldier against the full Brigade sized OpFor.

152 officers, NCOs, and men against more than two thousand; Imperial infantry battle-armor against local IFVs, Main Battle Tanks, and Artillery.

But before the games could begin, Delta had to demonstrate how deadly their weapons were—so that the referees could assign a damage value to them in the base computer network.  When the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had proposed the war-game, Warlord Chandler knew what he was really wanted—real-world tactical information on their systems.  But Jason just smiled and agreed; after all, there was little enough that the locals could do to replicate the systems in question.  And he knew exactly the unit to send to Death Valley.

So, now—as payment for the repeated sins of their Centurion—Delta was once again at the sharp end of the stick while the other jarheads aboard Reprisal were lounging in their bunks or watching Confed porn.  Life sucks, thought Frasier sourly.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #57 on: August 26, 2009, 03:45:20 PM »
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Remember that quantity has a quality on its own.
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #58 on: August 26, 2009, 03:49:36 PM »
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As we will see, Ice.

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #59 on: August 26, 2009, 03:53:02 PM »
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Quote from: master arminas on August 26, 2009, 03:49:36 PM
As we will see, Ice.

Guess what? I am always in a rush  Wink


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2010, 11:29:13 PM »

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #60 on: August 28, 2009, 10:07:55 AM »
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“I was rather impressed with your equipment, General Tuturola,” Brigadier General Kelly Tantaros said as the two stood in the center of the dimly lit Operations Center of the NTC.  Dozens of wall-mounted screens surrounded them, showing icons representing units—both US and IMC—as well as terrain, weather, and much, much more.  Specialists manned consoles, monitoring the equipment that would measure the engagement when it began.

“Not my equipment, General Tantaros,” replied.  “I’m a tanker by trade, not some jar-head gun-bunny.”

“But you use basically the same gear, right?”

“To some degree, yes, that is true.  The standard Marine infantry battle armor is basically the same as that of my own infantry troops.  But those troopers are light infantry, Gen . . . oh, hell.  What do say I call you Kelly and you call me Miles?”

“Begging the General’s pardon,” the American replied with a wide grin, “but my understanding of Imperial ranks is that yours is superior to my own.  It just wouldn’t be proper for me to call you anything but ‘General’ or ‘Sir’.  Now, I have no problem with you calling me by my first name—and really couldn’t complain to anyone if you did.”

Miles Tuturola frowned as he pulled a small metal case from his jacket pocket and tapped it into his palm twice.  “Bullshit.  That pale blue ribbon with the stars means you rate a salute from any man, any service, regardless of rank.  Oh, yes,” he continued as he nodded his head at Kelly’s surprised expression, “we remember what that little patch of cloth and metal means.  Hell, we consider the Imperial Medal of Honor its direct spiritual descendent.  So call me Miles.”

The Imperial General opened the case, and extracted a single brown cigarette from within.  He put the case back inside his jacket, and placed the stick in his mouth, the end automatically igniting as he sucked in air and—soon enough—smoke.

“This is a no-smoking area, Miles,” Kelly said with a chuckle.

“The smoke is bad for the equipment?”

“No, sir.  The Federal government of the United States of America has decreed no smoking in any building owned by the aforementioned government.  Including this one.”

“You are joking.”

“No, sir.”

Miles shook his head, and took another drag.  “Good think I outrank you and those MPs outside.  Want one?” he asked, reaching for his jacket again.  A grinning Kelly shook his head.

“Next thing you’ll tell me is they don’t allow liquor on ships,” he said, and stopped suddenly at Kelly’s expression.  “On second thought, don’t tell me.  Back to the point, Marine infantry expects to be involved primarily in close-quarters combat—boarding actions and the like.  Oh, they have several big formations like my Legion that go in and take a landing zone, but by and large, the majority of the Corps is comprised of smaller cohort-sized—battalion in your terms—units aboard ship, if not even smaller.  They operate with very little support—and by support I mean engineers, artillery, and tanks—quite often for extended periods of time.”

“Because of that, they expect to have to carry everything they need on their backs.  My boys are heavy infantry, with their own integral armored carriers.  The APCs carry the heavy weapons and support elements that the Marines have to haul around, and they can also recharge spent grav-fusion fuel cells from their onboard reactors.  Our suits have about half the endurance without dedicated support, but because of that we can—and do—pack on even more armor and ammunition than the Marines.”

“Your infantry are more heavily armored than those Marines?” the American asked with a shocked expression.  “How much more?”

“About twenty percent—give or take.  The Legion suits are tougher than those of the Marines, and we carry roughly a third again as much ammunition, plus a few of our own tricks and trade secrets.  The down-side is that we are not quite as nimble as the Marine suits—unburdened Marine suits—but the difference is not too bad, especially considering we can take—and lay down—heavier fire.”

Kelly frowned as he considered what the Imperial had said.  Tests here at the NTC had confirmed that the suits of battle armor worn by the Marines were nearly invulnerable to small arms fire—only a .50 caliber armor-piercing machine-gun round had a chance to penetrate the chest, back, or head.  If the suits used by the Legions were even tougher . . .

He shook his head.  “I think tonight’s exercise is going to be interesting,” he finished quietly, not wanting to consider what lay at the end of that stream of thought.

“Interesting?  I think you could say that,” Miles answered with a wide smile.  “The Centurion commanding those Marines out there in the desert; well, let’s just say he is about as unconventional as they come.  Interesting.  Lord yes.”


“Corp, are we going to use all this stuff?”

“What?  You mean you actually believe that Centurion Yarrow cleaned out ships stores just so you could lug an extra two hundred kilos on your back half-way across this desert and spend an extra two hours cleaning it before you turned it back in to the armory?” Frasier sarcastically replied.

“Yes,” chimed in Johansson and Belk, the fourth member of his team.

“Stow it, you two apes—and keep your eyes peeled for the locals.  Look, Charlie, we are going up against one of best trained units on this dirt-ball and they got tanks.  They might be shitty tanks, but they are real honest-to-God tanks.  About a hundred of those damned ground-crawlers.  How many Thunderbolts do we have assigned to our unit?”

“One hundred and fifty-two in the Century, Corporal; one per man.”

“Correct.  Now, they also got around two hundred of their tracked infantry carriers, plus some fifty-odd helicopters.  How many is that in total?”

“About three fifty, Corp.”

“Once again, you are right.  Belk, give the kid a cigar!”

The Marine grunted in reply as he scanned the desert terrain they were racing across.

“Now, do you think we can take out that many armored vehicles with one hundred and fifty-two Thunderbolts, Charlie?”

“No, Corporal,” the rookie whispered over the comm.

“Good, we might make you into a Marine yet, kid.  Yes, this gear is heavy.  Yes, it is draining your power reserves hauling it.  But it just might make the difference between winning and losing.  I’ve lost a time or two before, Charlie, but I’ve never acquired the taste for it.  Have you?”


“Uh-rah, Marine.  And if I’m not mistaken, right over there is the hilltop Gunny Valjean told us to set up the observation post on.”

Fifty meters ahead of the rest of the fire-team, Johansson suddenly raised his right fist, and came to a halt, crouching down low in the dark night.  Behind him, the three other Marines stopped as well, their weapons covering all around them.

“Talk to me, Johansson,” Frasier whispered, even as beads of sweat slowly rolled down his neck.

“Seems like we are not the only ones who thought this bit of terrain was pretty good, Corp—I’ve got movement on the hill.  Infantry and vehicles—and they are digging in deep.”

“Delta Two-Six, Two-Bravo Six.  Hill 403 occupied by enemy forces.”  Frasier did a thermal sweep with his sensors, and his suit display indicated between forty and sixty shifting man-sized signatures—and more than dozen vehicle sized ones.  “Estimate one company—infantry and vehicles, type unknown.  Over.”

“Delta Two-Bravo, Two-Six.  Copy your last.  Delta Two diverting to 404.  Dig in and keep eyes on hostiles.  Over.”

“Digging in and keeping watch, Two-Six.  Two-Bravo out.”

Frasier looked at the menacing, low-slung vehicles on the hill twelve hundred meters away and swore.  “All right, you heard the LT, let’s get cracking—sun is up in four, and I don’t think it would be healthy for any of us if they spot us then.”

Each suit of Marine armor featured a small plate magnetically locked against one thigh.  Frasier reached down, and activated the unit.  It released from the armor and locked onto his left hand, transforming it into a miniature makeshift spade.  Slowly sinking down to the ground, and laying flat against it, he began to move earth, forming a shallow firing pit with a low berm of raised soil between it and the enemy.  The others did the same, moving slowly and cautiously, so as not to be spotted.

When it was deep enough, the Corporal rolled into the depression in the desert floor and returned the shovel head to his leg.  Opening yet another compartment, he extracted and then unfolded a four meter square of camouflage netting, and using the half-dozen composite telescoping spikes that came with it, suspended the thin material above and around him.  Taking the free end of a cable attached to the netting, he plugged it into a port on his armor, activating the reactive camo.  His suit computer thought for a micro-second as it compared stored patterns with the terrain though which Bravo Team had traveled—and then it picked one.  Within a minute, the netting had shifted color, blending into the desert sand and rocks and brush around him.  To his sides, and behind him, the edges of the netting lowered itself to the ground and micro-gravity generators locked them in place, leaving only the ground in front of him open.  The computer send a second command and the supple material stiffened, appearing to anyone outside as nothing more than irregular boulder protruding from the sandy desert floor.

Frasier raised his right arm, and extended it—and with it, the Reaper pulse cannon—over the lip of the small berm; the muzzle and rotating barrels free of all obstruction.  Switching his sensors to the gun camera located in the center of the Reapers five-barrels, he scanned the hilltop once more.  Satisfied that his field of fire was clear, he sent one more command to the netting, and the forward opening drew itself closed.  His sensors could still see out in every direction, but—hopefully—no one could see in.

He took a sip of water from the nipple inside of his helmet, and looked at the status of his team on his secondary monitor.  Each of whom had finished erecting their own hide.  Now, if they didn’t spot us getting into position, maybe we are home free, he thought.  Maybe.

“Belk, Johansson.  Get some shuteye—two hours.  Charlie, I’ve got the hill; you stay put and use your sensors—PASSIVE MODE ONLY—to watch for anyone else.  If you see so much as two rats that decide to get freaky I want to know if he satisfied her.  Got it?”

Three voices quietly whispered in reply.  “Aye-aye, Corp.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #61 on: August 31, 2009, 01:48:03 PM »
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An explosion of white smoke, streaked with bits of soil and rock erupted six meters away from Saul Yarrow as he dove for the cover of a boulder.  Cursing, he waited for his armor to shut down—but the computer ruled he had managed to avoid most of the shrapnel, suffering only than minor damage.

“Gunny, I do believe these boys have a hard-on for us,” he spoke over the company tactical net.

“They are a mite aggressive, Sir.”


“Their infantry is inconsequential—even with their anti-tank missiles.  Our suits are too fast and mobile; any hit is pure luck if we keep moving.  It’s this damnable artillery that’s murdering us, Sir.”

“Agreed,” Saul said sourly as he scanned the HUD showing his company status.  Twenty men down, but the remainder was moving from position to position, ripping into the Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles charging at them upslope.  Still more of the desert covered armored vehicles sat hull-down behind a distant ridge, giving covering fire to the charge.

Damn, he thought to himself.  I warned the boys not to get overconfident, and what do I do?  Get stuck in good—too deep to extract and not close enough for them to suffer friendly fire.  All right, you screwed up, Saul, but its time to change the game plan.

“PARSONS!” he bellowed.

“Sir!” answered the marine from forty meters away, his Reaper spitting fire into the side of a Bradley.  As the MILES gear aboard the vehicle registered the hits, the NTC mainframe ordered it to shut down and the snow generator began to pour thick, oily, black smoke into the air.

“You still got the package?”

“Yes, sir,” the Marine replied.

“All Delta units, lay down covering fire and then hunker down.  Evac ten seconds after computer simulated detonation.  Parsons, you know what to do.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”

More than one hundred Imperial marines rose up and poured pulse cannon rounds and grenades into the oncoming wave of American tanks and infantry carriers.  A dozen Thunderbolt missiles were triggered, the training warheads screaming down-range towards the heavy tanks of their foes.  The Imperials moved as they fired, even as more simulated artillery rounds impact across the ridge, causing five more suits to shift in Saul’s HUD to ‘destroyed’.  Dozens of vehicles began to spew smoke, red flashing lights indicating they had been killed in the barrage, even as their compatriots on overwatch renewed their fire.

“Choppers!” screamed out one voice over the tac-net.  Overhead, Saul saw the Apaches swarm in, salvoing pods of rockets, 30mm cannon, and Hellfire missiles into the melee, and more of his Marines went off-line.

But the Imperial Centurion ignored the attack helicopters as he watched one individual suit of Marine armor as it dodged across the kilometer wide valley, evading the enemy fire as he began to zoom up the opposite slope.  “Come on, Parsons,” he whispered.  “Go, go, go.”

The Marine reached the summit, and a hail-storm of light weapons fire splattered against his armor.

“DELTA!  Cover now, now, NOW!” Saul yelled as he ceased firing and dropped to the ground, followed by all of the Marines except Lance Corporal Olin Parsons.  Caught in the cross-fire of a full battalion of the OpFor, Parsons armor jerked as its computer simulated the damage it was taking, but the Marine had prepared for that.  The bomb was set to detonate when his onboard systems finally failed.


“WHAT THE HELL!” one of the controllers in the NTC command center blurted as every screen watching the battle suddenly filled momentarily with static.  As each monitor came back to life, the computers considered what had happened, and reached a conclusion.  Every US vehicle and soldier on the ridge, or the valley below, or the sky above, began to flash the red strobe of a destroyed unit, along with one single suit of Imperial Battle Armor.

Two full battalions—actually armored cavalry squadrons, but battalions was how Kelly thought of them—of the OpFor were gone.  And the seventy-six surviving Marines were rapidly moving away from the engagement zone.  Kelly turned to look at Miles, who shrugged.

“Lesson number six:  never push an Imperial Marine too hard.  I had wondered why he had your geeks load the stats for that man-pack fusion warhead in your computers.”

“He used a NUKE?” Kelly whispered, his jaw dropping.

“We use ‘em all the time, General, because we play to win.  Of course, ours don’t use fissile material so there is a lot less radiation—but each of my Legion’s mobile guns carry ten hell-rounds apiece.  Yarrow didn’t have artillery, so it was a suicide charge, but I think he made his point.”


“What is your problem?  It was a clean, small tactical device—about twenty kilotons all together.  Cost him one Marine who would have probably been killed anyway to take our more than half your total command.  Now, if Yarrow had had air-support, he wouldn’t have had to use a suicide charge like that.  Your boys would have been ash long before now.”


Miles smiled as he placed another cigarette in his mouth.  “Yeah, Saul loves the damn things.  Sometimes I think he sleeps with them—in a perverted way.  But that’s Marines for you—more balls than brains sometimes.”

The Imperial general slapped Kelly on the shoulder.  “Cheer up; you’ve still got that third battalion and what’s left of your airborne force—and all of your artillery.  I doubt even Saul brought more than two or three of those firecrackers to the party, so your team has still got a good chance to pull victory from the jaws of defeat.”


“Mother of God,” the OpFor operations officer whispered from inside the air-conditioned Tactical Operations Command vehicle.  His glassy eyed expression was mirrored by many of the staff.

“Pull it together,” snapped the executive officer.  “Do we have any drones still functional in the area?”

“Yes, sir,” one of the enlisted staff members said.  “It was far enough out to survive the blast with only minor systems damage.”

“So we still have those bastards on camera?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Get me the rocket battery CO.  NOW, people.”


On Hill 403, six MLRS launchers received the fire order and unlocked the launchers from their travel position.  Sirens sounds as the twelve-cell rocket pods began to swivel to face south-east, towards the fleeing Imperial Marines.  Seventy-two 227mm rockets would have been fired in a normal battle, but this was an exercise.  Still, the computers treated the simulated launch just as if the actual weapons were in the air.


In the mind’s eye of the computer, 1s and 0s representing the hundreds of armor-piercing bomblets began to rain down on the Imperial Marines of Delta Company.  No single charge could penetrate the suits armor—on the chest, back, or head that is.  Suits began to shut down as they registered hits to the arms and legs, and lethal wounds to the Marines within.


“Delta Two-Bravo Six, Delta Two-Six.  Over.”

Frasier instantly woke as he heard his platoon leaders voice.  “Two-Six, Two-Bravo Six.  Go ahead.”

“Centurion Yarrow is down—so is most of the company.  We need to take out that damned artillery.  Over.”

“Roger that, Two-Six.  When can we expect support?  Over.”

“Negative on support, Two-Bravo Six.  Remainder of Delta Two will be engaging other targets.  Can you take out the rocket launchers on 403?  Over.”

“Uh-rah, Two-Six.  Over.”

“Good hunting, Two-Bravo Six.  Delta Two-Six out.”

Frasier shook the last of the sleep from his head as he ran the passive sensor sweep one more time.  Six tracked rocket launchers, nine tanks, thirteen infantry carriers, and two mortar carriers sat on the crest of the hill before, along with sixty-to-eighty infantry.  Schiess.

“All right, boys.  You heard the man; Delta is in trouble and we gotta take that frakking hill.  Thunderbolts on the rocket launchers—Belk and N’Buta take the remaining two with Reaper fire.  Johansson, cover us with your Ripper as we advance.  Ignore the grunts and mortar tracks, we take out the rest with the satchel charges Yarrow had us haul.  Understood?”

Three voices came back, all answering in the affirmative.  “Uh-rah, Marines.  Charlie, you stick to me like glue—where I go, you go.  Belk, do what you do best.”

“Why sure, Corp, but where are we going to find women to seduce out here?”

“You mean you actually find women, Belk?  We go in five.”


The four Marines suddenly emerged from their hide, a quartet of Thunderbolts streaking down-range.  Their Reapers and the Ripper spat fire as they closed the distance at speed of almost forty kilometers per hour.

The battery—and its security troop—were taken completely off-guard, for nothing had been in range just moments before.  As one, four of the MRLS launchers began pouring out smoke amid flashing lights, joined by the last two.  The reloading vehicles were then hit—and NTC computers judged the resulting explosion as powerful enough to kill not only them but the battery fire-direction control center, two Bradleys, and a dozen infantry.

And then the Marines were among them.  Weaving and dodging like iron butterflies, the four began slapping satchel charges on the hulls and turrets of the vehicles.  Each of the twenty-kilo charges magnetically locked onto the target and then detonated, sending a plume of hot plasma deep inside—simulated, of course.  But more and more of the American vehicles were flashing red.


“Where the Hell did they come from?” shrieked a sergeant from the gunners seat of one of the Abrams.

“Pull it together!” snapped the staff sergeant in the commander’s seat, as he traversed the turret.  “TARGET, armored infantry!”

“Target, armored infantry,” the gunner replied.  “Load Beehive!”

“UP!” yelled the loader as he slammed the fifty pound shell into the breech of the 120mm gun.

“ON THE WAY!” the gunner screamed as he jerked the firing trigger.


The Beehive round was technically no longer in use by the United States Army; at least not since the end of the Vietnam War.  However, the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq had convinced several key procurement officers to quietly arrange for a limited number of the shells to be produced for the Abrams main gun.  Nothing more elaborate than the canister shells fired in the Napoleonic and Civil Wars, the Beehive contained two hundred and forty half-inch diameter steel balls, propelled by fifteen pounds of gun-power.  When fired, it turned the 120mm smoothbore gun of the Abrams tank into the worlds biggest shotgun.


“Belk is down—the tanks have canister!” Charlie reported, even as another two tanks sprayed him with machine-gun fire, and a Bradley began coughing out twenty-five millimeter shells in his footsteps.

“Finish the tanks, GET THEM, GET THEM, GET THEM!” Frasier screamed as three Bradleys caught him in a cross-fire of their Bushmaster cannon and his suit went dead.

Charlie raked the three carriers with his Reaper, even as his contra-gravity assisted leap landed atop the Abrams that killed Belk.  Slapping the satchel charge in place, he failed to notice when Johansson killed the vehicle tracking him with his Ripper.  Diving to the side, the rookie Marine triggered the charge, and the last Abrams died amid the smoke and confusion.  Slowly, the sounds of combat died away.  From out of the smoke, Johansson emerged, his grenade launcher smoking with the heat caused by the continuous fire.

“Two-Six wants us to link with Able team, Private.  We’ve got ‘em on the run.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #62 on: August 31, 2009, 03:34:43 PM »
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #63 on: August 31, 2009, 04:42:38 PM »
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“Show them in,” the President said quietly as he closed the door to the bedroom where his wife was still asleep.  The secret service agent walked over to the door as Barak pulled his bathrobe tight against himself and sat down—a steaming cup of coffee already waiting for him on the table.  He smiled—as President he had possibly the finest staff in the entire world; not his political staff, but the permanent White House personnel.  Presidents came and went, but the staff stayed on.

Admiral Mullen and Rahm were ushered in and Barak set down the cup and pointed at two chairs.  “How did the exercise go?”

The navy officer drew in a deep breath as he winced, and Barak felt a shiver deep inside at his expression.  Not good, apparently.

“Mister President,” Admiral Mullen began, “the exercise was called two hours ago.  At the time it ended, casualties for the OpFor—which is quite possibly the best trained and equipped force we have—had reached 92%; the vast majority of those were KIA, simulated KIA, of course.”

“And the Imperial forces?”

“They had forty-three surviving infantry out of an initial force of one hundred and fifty-two—or about 72% casualties.  However, almost half of their own were either damaged suits of armor or wounded that could be recovered.”

“So we can kill them if we have to,” the President mused.

“Mister President.  That exercise was one company of their unsupported infantry against what amounted to one of our heavy brigades.  They have twenty-five companies of Marines aboard their ships.  We do not have twenty-five heavy brigades.  And that does not include their Armored Strike Legion which does have heavy tanks and artillery.  Yes, we can hurt them; the question is will either of us have anything left when it is over?”

“And something else we need to consider, Sir,” Rahm interjected.  “They used simulated nuclear weapons in the exercise.”

“They WHAT?” Barak nearly came out of his chair.

“According to General Tantaros at the NTC, they seem to regard it as normal operating procedure.  General Tuturola—his Imperial counterpart—made an offhand comment about his Legion having ten ready-to-fire nuclear shells for each of his mobile artillery units.  Mister President,” said Admiral Mullen, shaking his head in disbelief, “that is over one thousand for his Legion alone.”

Rahm nodded in agreement.  “It does not include any air-to-surface munitions, or even orbital bombardment.  It reflects what their loadout for normal day-to-day operations—Tuturola even said that if ‘heavy’ combat is expected, they will triple or quadruple the number of so-called  ‘hell-rounds’ his vehicles carry.”

“How big are these weapons?”

“Twenty kilotons, give or take, Mister President,” answered the Admiral.  “Or just about the same size as the bomb that leveled Nagasaki.”

“Are they crazy?” Barak asked, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide.  “Or do they just not care about the environment at all?”

“In their defense, Mister President, the weapons that they have in their arsenals are much cleaner than any that exist on the planet today,” Mullen replied, even as Rahm snorted in disagreement.  “Mister Emanuel, there are NO fissile materials in those warheads, meaning that any radiation is quickly dissipated and there is little—if any—fallout.  In a way, it is an elegant solution they have engineered, and when you take away the radiation,” the Admiral shrugged, “then it really is just one hell of a big bomb.”

“There are NO clean nuclear weapons, Admiral,” Rahm retorted, but he closed his mouth as the President waved him down.

“Admiral, do you think they are planning to use these in Afghanistan and perhaps Pakistan and Iran?”

“If we agree and they intervene in any of those theatres, Mister President, and if they follow their own doctrine; then yes, they will use these weapons as much as they feel they need to.  And if Empress Julia DOES declare war on terrorists across the globe, they will probably use them elsewhere.”

The Admiral paused and looked down at the floor.

“Was there something else you needed to tell me?”

“Sir, in the exercise, the Imperial Marines lacked air support or artillery to deliver the warhead.  A volunteer carried it into the middle of a full battalion of our troops and detonated it.  There was no way he could have survived the blast—but he did so anyway.  And quite frankly, that is the thing that scares the hell out of me the most about this whole damned mess.  The Imperial observers simply shrugged, and said sometimes one man has to make a sacrifice—anyone wearing the uniform has to be ready to step up and do what has to be done.  It is a mindset we haven’t seen in centuries, Mister President.  Do we really want to get into bed with these people?”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #64 on: September 02, 2009, 03:46:10 PM »
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Imperial fanatics with nukes...
Why does it remind me of Word of Blake fanatics with nukes?  Grin
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #65 on: September 15, 2009, 01:18:12 PM »
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Chapter Five

“I’m a fisherman, ma’am,” the old man said as he took the microphone.  He looked nervous as he stood amongst the thousand-strong crowd in the cramp secondary school auditorium, questioning the Empress of Humanity.  “I’ve lived here on the Island my entire life; my family lives here; my home is here.  What is going to happen to me?”

The crowd applauded the question as the fisherman sat back down, and Julia beamed a smile towards them.

“You—and everyone else currently living on Vancouver Island—will have a choice to make.  If you want to stay, you may do so; provided that you swear allegiance to the Empire of Humanity as one of my subjects.  Our laws are not so very different from your own, and our Grand Charter accords all subjects with rights that no one, not even Caesar, can lightly discard.  I would like for you—for all of you—to stay, but we will force no one to take an oath to which they object.”

“If you choose to leave, the Empire will pay you full market value—in gold—for your home and land, as well as provide you with a compensatory package to help you in your move off the Island.”

Another man stood, his face pinched and tight.  “Market value?  Have you paid no attention to the financial meltdown?”

“Market value,” replied Julia calmly, “as of four years ago today.  I will not take advantage of you, nor will I allow you to be cheated of your possessions.”

The crowd began to murmur and whisper as those present conversed with their neighbors, friends, and families.  After several long minutes, a third man stood.

“Your Majesty,” he began, “you said we would become subjects if we stayed.  Can you explain that to us?”

“Certainly, Sir.  The Empire has three categories for people living within its jurisdiction:  residents, subjects, and citizens.  Residents are those who have NOT sworn fealty and allegiance to the Empire, and through it to Caesar.  This stratum of society features the fewest rights and liberties, but they pay only a value-added tax on goods purchased.  Residents may not benefit from any Imperial program, and they are not allowed to own weapons or land—though they may rent—nor may they vote in local, planetary, or Imperial elections.”

“They are however, assured of certain rights, including the freedom to peacefully assemble, to protest; the right of free speech and the guarantee of freedom of worship; the right to privacy both against governmental entities and private individuals.”  She paused, and smiled again at the crowd.  “Privacy; that is a major concern on this world, in this time, is it not?  We take our laws seriously, and we enforce them unflinchingly.  No one, not even Caesar, may intrude upon the private affairs of anyone—even a resident—that has not been formally accused of a crime.  We are forbidden by law from looking at your computer files, your work records, your medical records—unless you are accused.  And so are private individuals, as I have said.  These private investigators and paparazzi your world seems to have spawned in such great numbers?  They will be without a job in Imperial territories.  And our courts tend to impose prohibitedly large fines against anyone outside our territory that intrudes upon the privacy of our people—if our armed forces do not send them quite a different message first, that is.”

“But back to the subject of subjects,” she said as a twitter of laughter burst through the hall.  “Subjects may own land and weapons, but they do not have the right to vote.  That right is reserved for citizens only.  Subjects pay five percent of their gross annual income in taxes, plus the VAT on goods purchased, while citizens pay ten percent.  Both subjects and citizens receive free health care, provided for by the Imperial government—residents do not.  All Imperial subjects and citizens are afforded access to primary and secondary education for their children with the funds dedicated by the Imperial government.  The actual schools and curriculum are managed by local jurisdictions which answer directly to the parents of the children attending.”

“How do you become an Imperial citizen,” a woman called out from the audience.

“Excellent question, madame,” Caesar said as she nodded solemnly.  “Citizens are those who devoted their lives to the Imperial cause, defending our subjects and residents with their own if need be.  Law enforcement, fire-fighter, soldiers and sailors of our armed forces; all of these are paths to earning the rights of a citizen of the Empire, as are doctors and nurses, paramedics, and many other methods of public service.  Before we grant the franchise to anyone, we expect him or her to prove they are willing to put their own lives on the line for others.  Citizens pay higher taxes, but they are the only members of Imperial society that may vote or hold office above purely local jurisdictions.  Also, only citizens may become educators in our schools.”

A woman stood, her face white from shock.  “Teachers have to serve as myrmidons before they can teach?” she exclaimed.  “That is ridiculous!”

“You are a teacher, I take it?” asked Julia, her smile vanishing.  “I have seen your so-called educational system; it is nothing less than criminal.  It is more indoctrination than education, and it is you and those like you that have created it.  The purpose of school is not to teach children WHAT to think, but to teach them HOW to think; how to reason and to apply logic; how to ask questions and find answers for themselves.  You idiots teach by rote and discourage free-thinking, and then you are surprised when so many fail?  The freedom to make a decision for yourself is—in the end, madame—the only real freedom anyone has.  And it is a freedom that you have been destroying for the past century.”

From the front of the auditorium, sudden noise erupted as a group of protestors, carrying hand-painted banners stormed inside.  “ALIENS GO HOME!” they shrieked.  “NO NUKES!  NO NUKES!  NO NUKES!” they chanted.

Julia shook her head in disgust as the dirty and unkempt mod swept forward towards the stage; towards her Praetorians waiting patiently.  A three meter wide space had been cleared around the stage, with the assembled crowd kept back behind a simple rope barrier one would expect to see in a theater.  The protestors ignored that rope and crossed over towards the stage.

The first one across—a shaggy-head man with a long beard—was met by an advancing Praetorian in full battle armor.  His eyes bulged outwards as the Empress’s guard slammed the butt of rifle deep into the man’s stomach, doubling him over before he collapsed to the ground.  A woman was backhanded by another guard; the SNAP of her jaw breaking echoing across the town-hall meeting.  Dozens, scores of protestors crossed the barrier, but each one was beaten bloodily to the ground; seven would die before the day was over.

And then the surviving protestors stopped short of the rope, their survival instincts warring with outrage.

“I do believe that my guards asked nicely at the beginning to please not cross that line.  If you want to stay and participate you may; but I warn you now, I will tolerate no outbursts or demonstrations in here,” Julia sweetly said to the crowd with a cold smile.  “You can take that behavior outside, or you can go to the morgue—your choice.”
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master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #66 on: September 15, 2009, 02:25:33 PM »
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“Shall we wait for the Empress?” Barak asked Jason from across the conference table in the Cabinet room of the White House.  Beside the President sat Vice-President Biden, and then to either side the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader.  Lesser representatives of the democratic government filled out the dozen or seats on his side.

Facing them sat Jason and Nathan, along with his legal affairs officer, Lt. Commander Webster Lewis, the remainder of the chairs forlorn and empty.

“No, Mister President, Her Imperial Majesty has another engagement at this moment,” Jason replied.

“Another engagement?” the Speaker asked, her prickly voice sounding to Jason’s ear as something akin to fingernails on a chalkboard.  “This is a meeting with the President of the United States; she couldn’t be bothered to attend?”

“Madam Speaker,” the Consort of Caesar answered, “she is speaking with the people of Vancouver Island about how we are going to handle the transition.  Some of those men, women, and children WILL become our people; that alone makes them far, far more important to her—and to me—than any bloviating assembly of politicians.”  He turned his gaze back towards the President.  “Regardless, Sir, I am here on my wife’s behalf.  You called this meeting, so the floor is yours.”

“Admiral Chandler, we,” and Barak gestured around the room, “have considered carefully the specifics we discussed at our last meeting.  There are a . . .”

“Your pardon, Mister President,” Jason interrupted.  “But I do not need the entire history of your reasons for calling this meeting.  What is your decision?”

“All right, Mister Chandler, you want it blunt, you will so have it.  We will not surrender our sovereignty to you or to anyone else.  While I will pardon Captain Serrano for the incident in New York, only accredited diplomatic personnel will receive immunity from prosecution.  We agree—in principle—to your proposal to intervene in Afghanistan, but there are numerous concerns.  Specifically, we will require that you not use any of your tactical nuclear devices.  We will not . . . what are you doing?” Barak blurted as Jason and his two officers stood and began to walk out of the room.

Jason turned back towards the table and placed both hands on the oak surface, glaring across the polished top at the world’s most powerful man.  “I told you then, Mister President, take the terms or leave it.  You have chosen the latter, apparently, as have Russia and China.  So be it.  Fight your own war, then.  Just stay the hell out of our way.”

He stood straight and turned to leave once again, as the table began to erupt in bursts of outraged shock.

“Admiral!  Surely we can discuss this issue; there must be some room for compromise,” Barak spat out.

Jason stopped just before he arrived at the door, and gave Web a wink, and then he slowly turned around, a scowl on his face.  “Don’t frak with me, Mister President.  If you want us to solve your problem, do NOT—for one damned instant—believe that you can dictate to me and my troopers how we solve it.  Ninety days and the war in Afghanistan will be over and done, and you will be the President of the United States that brings the boys home.  But don’t you ever presume to tell me how to fight that war, Sir.”

Barak nodded slowly.  “If we can talk about the rest . . . ?”

“Captain Serrano,” Jason said to his Chief of Staff, “inform Reprisal we may run a little late.”


Six hours later, as the Hermes class shuttle accelerated out of the atmosphere and into orbit, Nathan shook his head.  “I didn’t believe they would give away so much, Sir.”

“Never forget the allure of an individual’s quest for power, Nathan.  Even their President suffers from it, wanting to go down in history as a ‘great man’.  History has yet to be written, but they are not concerned with the future; they all want to seen TODAY as great.  It gets in the way, that ambition, and prevents them from taking decisive action that would make them great.  They are all condemned to mediocrity because they don’t dare take a risk.”

“Still, we got most of what you and the Empress demanded, Sir; everything, in fact, but the blanket immunity and the recognition of individual portions of terrestrial powers joining the Empire.”

Jason chuckled.  “They were never going to give us that, Nathan.  But they wanted the rest of the carrot pretty damn badly.  By including those ‘demands’, I could compromise by giving them up, not that we ever really wanted them in the first place.  But, in return, I held on to what we really, really needed.  And we got it.”

“Yes, Sir.  You did, Sir,” replied his Chief of Staff.

“Signal General Tuturola, Nathan, the word is given:  land the landing force.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #67 on: September 16, 2009, 03:33:54 AM »
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Machiavelli's Heirs  Grin
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #68 on: September 16, 2009, 02:16:21 PM »
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The village was quiet.  Hours before, the sun had set over the mountains to the west, marking the border with Afghanistan, and in the dry chilly night air, even the dogs were silent.  Gusting winds blew down from the peaks above, swirling dust across streets that had never been paved, not even with cobblestones.  A few men, their head scarves covering their mouths and noses against the dust, walked the streets, AKs in their hands.  They did not fear the Americans—except for their unmanned drones that dealt death from out nowhere—but the Pakistani government had recently turned against them and the tribes who supported them.  So far, they had not dared to come to this valley, seventy miles north-west of the great city of Peshawar, to fight the Taliban directly; but why take chances?

In this quiet village, high on the shoulder of the great peaks of rock raised by Allah himself, they watched with special intent.  For tonight was a great celebration.  They had the honor of sheltering the two men who had done more in one short morning to harm the vile Americans than any other.  Two great leaders of the movement, come here to discuss operations for the future with young leaders of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda.  The sentry moved slowly down one street, watching and listening—but he never saw the hands that grabbed him from behind, nor the blade that pierced deep into his kidney, the pain keeping him from crying out as his life faded into blackness.


“By next year, my friends, we will have available weapons such you have only dreamed of in the past,” the old white-haired man said to those men seated around him.  “Omar has assured me that the Faithful working for this treacherous government will deliver the material we need to utterly destroy the Great Satan.  With his cities ablaze and poisoned, he will have no choice but to abandon the House of Peace.  And then we shall put our own House in order, eliminating those who would be puppets to the West and their false gods.”

The young men nodded their agreement, several softly uttering prayers to Allah, even as they stroked their rifles that even here—in the company of holy men—they never laid aside.

“When Dar-es-Salaam is set to right, our Jihad will once again raise swords in the House of War.  The infidels will learn to fear God; they will serve him or they will perish.  There is no God but God, and Allah is his prophet.”

The door and both windows to the house exploded inward, even as several of the armed men jerked, their chests erupting in a splatter of gore.  Horrific figures—demons of Shaitan—entered the house that sheltered Osama bin Ladin and Mullah Omar.  The metal skin was blacker than the deepest night, seeming to absorb the light around it; each stood taller than the Great Leader, three times as broad at the shoulders, and from their forearms fire spat into their midst.

In seconds, the Imperial SpecOps squad had eliminated all of the armed men and taken the two wanted criminals into custody.


“My god,” the CNN correspondent aboard ISS Reprisal whispered as he realized just who the old man sitting on the floor of the cell was.

“Not exactly,” the frowning Legion officer to his right said.  “Her Majesty thought that you would like the exclusive on this; of course if not, I can go back to the press pool we have aboard . . .” his voice trailed off suggestively.

“NO!” the reporter snapped, as he turned to face his camera-man.  “Get that damn thing rolling!”


Barak’s jaw dropped as his recognized the captive man on the television screen that Rahm had just turned on after rushing into the Oval Office.

“This is John Roberts, reporting live from the brig aboard the Imperial battleship ISS Reprisal, in geosynchronous orbit 22,300 miles above the Canary Islands.  Just moments ago, I was brought here to witness and report on the capture of terrorist mastermind Osama bin-Ladin by special operations forces attached to the 501st Armored Strike Legion.”

“Earlier this evening, a small team of soldiers from the 501st infiltrated the mountainous border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan.  They have captured alive both bin-Ladin and Mullah Omar, the head of the former Taliban regime of Afghanistan.  The Imperials have asked CNN to broadcast this event live, and it appears that they are ready.”

On the screen, the camera showed bin-Ladin, still wearing the same dirty, dusty robes that featured in so many of his video tapes, but his hands were bound behind him, and he was seated on a metal stool in an empty cell.  The cell door opened, and an Imperial officer entered the cell, along with a member of the Saudi royal family.  The Saudi nodded, and then spat on the floor before he left.  Then the Imperial Legion officer spoke.

“Osama bin-Ladin, I am Major Jamil al-Saud, of Her Imperial Majesty’s 501st Armored Strike Legion.  More so, I am a chaplain to the Imperial Legions—a mullah of the Faithful.  You have been brought to judgment before a duly constituted tribunal of officers of the Empire of Humanity for your actions in contributing to the murder of thousands.  Do you wish to pray with me before I inform you of their decision?”

“Heretical dog!” the old man spat.  “Traitor before God, Allah, and your people!”

“No, old man; no traitor am I, but a loyal son of Islam.  The true Islam; the religion that you and the other sons of Shaitan pervert by slaughtering innocent men, women, and children.  Does not the Book tell us that we are all children of God—Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike?  Does not He—though his prophet Allah—teach that all men have worth, regardless of their faith or lack thereof?”

The fanatic spat on the uniform al-Saud wore, and the Imperial officer solemnly nodded.

“Very well, then.  Osama bin-Ladin, you have been found guilty of the crimes of which you have been accused.  Your own words confess to the world your actions; your inability to repent and seek forgiveness shows that you lack the very mercy that the Lovingkind, the Triumphant, would have you accept.”

“Guilty of your laws, perhaps, but not those of God or Allah!  What now, heretic?  Will I be kept as a trophy in your prisons as a sign of your mercy?  Will I be chained like an animal in a circus for you parade the Faithful past in your attempts to destroy Islam?”

“We are not the Americans, old man.  Nor are we Europeans, or Arabs, or any other people of this world.  We are Imperial Terrans; and for your crimes there cannot be justice.  Too much blood has been spilled by your hands for any punishment to be enough.  You will not be confined; you will not be given a public forum to speak your hateful words.  The sentence upon you, Osama bin-Ladin is death.  May Allah grant unto your soul the mercy you failed to show others in life, though you deserve it not.”

“I die a martyr to the Faith!” the prisoner exclaimed.

“No,” al-Saud replied, his voice a whisper as he drew his sidearm.  “You simply die, old man.”

And then he raised the pistol and fired one shot into bin-Ladin’s forehead, broadcast live across the world by CNN.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #69 on: September 16, 2009, 04:04:59 PM »
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Bit of wishful thinking here. Cool Kudos for meshing the real world with the clearly fantastic.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #70 on: September 16, 2009, 04:08:14 PM »
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Perth led the way as the four assault transports descended into the atmosphere.  Alerted beforehand, radars from almost every nation on Earth, and not a few telescopes, tracked them as their hulls glowed white-hot during reentry.  The mammoth 900-meter diameter ships plunged deep in the atmosphere, created immense pressure waves from the heat and speed of their passage.

Slowly, the fireballs in the sky dissipated, and the hulls began to cool as they crossed over the Black Sea heading south-east towards Afghanistan.  They streaked across the sky above Iran, but though some members of the Revolutionary Guards wanted to fire missiles, cooler heads (and a dozen headless generals) prevailed in the end, war between the Islamic Republic and the Empire was narrowly avoided.  Entering Afghani airspace, massive hanger doors on the sides of the ships cracked open, and hundreds of light vehicles were ejected while still six kilometers above the ground.  Light, that is, in relatively comparison to the ships.

Strikers, Lancers, and Gavins were in that first wave, none of which were smaller or lighter than an American Abrams tank.  The Imperial light vehicles spread out ahead of and to the flanks of the assault ships, their turrets seamlessly tracking anything that might be hostile.  Far overhead, the Havocs and Banshees of the Fleet rolled to dive nose-first into the atmosphere, within minutes, the fighters and strike bombers had swooped down to assume top-cover over the vulnerable transport ships.

Still the quartet continued to fall, and at three thousand meters they began to disgorge medium-weight tanks, APCs, command vehicles, signal vehicles, engineering vehicles, and mobile artillery guns.  Twice the size of the ‘light’ Imperial units, each of these monsters flew through the air far slower, but their hundred-ton turrets carried serried ranks of lethal-looking weaponry, and they were far, far better armored.  A second wave of mediums followed, then a third, and a fourth, and a fifth, until more than a thousand contra-gravity vehicles filled the air around the transports.

The vehicles split into their cohorts and sped off in all directions of the compass, securing the perimeter of the landing zone seventeen kilometers outside Bagram airbase.  Five kilometers out from their destination, Perth and her sister ships each fired a single heavy missile from a port on their upper surface.  The size of many ICBMs, the missiles flashed across the distance and dove deep into the ground, where their gravity-fused fusion warheads detonated as one.  Unlike most missiles, these included a powerful shield generator that contained the explosion—for almost two seconds, at least, before it failed.  The heat and pressure, forced DOWN into the earth by the shield carved out a perfectly hemi-spherical crater of fused rock, soil, and sand, and then the torrent of energy exploded outwards, carrying away the remaining debris.  The four assault ships gently slowed until they were directly above the field-expedient landing pits, and then lowered themselves on contra-gravity drives until they came to a rest in contact with the rapidly cooling fused surfaces of the pit.

From the wide bays of the hangers, the last of the Legions vehicles emerged—the heavy shock elements.  More massive than some World War I era naval destroyers, these behemoths simply massed too much to fly high or fast, but could still outpace any ground-bound tank in existence on the Earth of now.  Protected by almost a meter of HCA battle steel and their own integral shield generator, these vehicles could take and absorb the damage of a nuclear detonation with just minor damage to their paint.  Each carried weaponry more in line with a battle-cruiser than a tank.  Over eighty of the massive machines (a full cohort of heavy tanks) glided down the ramps, their weapons turrets searching for targets.

Six kilometers away from the now-grounded ships, General Miles Tuturola walked down the ramp of his Braddock command vehicle, joining his staff in setting up the temporary command post.  He placed his hands on his hips, and took in a deep breath of the air around him.

“Smell that, boys?” he asked theatrically.  “This whole frakkin’ country just shat itself—I love my job.”

The 501st Armored Strike Legion—Caesar’s Black Panzers—had arrived in-country.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #71 on: September 17, 2009, 08:55:41 AM »
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The full-bird colonel was shaking his head in disgust and private disquiet as he heard a voice call out his name from down the hall.

“Colonel Nash, may I introduce to you Inquisitor Kim?” Captain Paul Stanley of the Imperial Legions asked.

Nash stopped and looked up at the two, well, aliens was too harsh a word, time-travelers.  Stanley he knew, if not well, from their meetings over the past twenty-four hours, but Kim . . . the small, slim, immaculately uniformed Asian he had never before met.  Then the title Stanley used hit him.

“Inquisitor?” he blurted.

Stanley smiled and nodded his head.  “Yes, Sir.  Inquisitor Kim is a member of Imperial Intelligence—not the Legion—and is currently on loan from the Fleet.  His equivalent rank, in both my service and your own would be the same as yours, Sir.”

“You must the torturer in chief that we have been waiting on then,” Nash stated bluntly.

“My methods bear little resemble to the monks of the historical Inquisition, Colonel,” Kim replied in return.  “And they are certainly far more effective in their results.”

“Colonel,” Stanley interrupted, “Inquisitor Kim is a senior member of Intel.  He gained his posting—and his rank—through sheer ability, and he is far more skilled than any Imp Intel agents assigned to the 501st.  That is merely one of the reasons why the Admiral asked him to supervise the interrogations.”

“What can you find out that we couldn’t?” Nash was unable to stop himself from asking the question—the rancor at being replaced as the CO of the captured Afghans still gnawing at him.

“Quite a lot, actually, if I had the time to do the job correctly,” Kim politely answered with a slight bow.  “Alas, Colonel Nash, time is very much a finite resource.  I will presume that you and your people have done an adequate job at extracting information, and quite frankly it is highly unlikely that anyone here knows much of great import in any case.  I will—today, at least—be asking only one question of each detainee.”

“And what might that question be?” Nash asked, his curiosity outweighing his indignation.

“Quite a simple one, I assure you.  Have you used a weapon—with the intent to kill or wound or intimidate—against either a member of the Coalition or any unarmed civilian?”

Nash barked out a burst of laughter.  “Sure, they will just up and tell you the answer to that one.”

Kim shrugged.  “They will answer while connected to one of our truth-detectors—the machine will tell me if they are lying or speaking truthfully.”

“Without a base-line?”

“Such as your polygraph requires?” Kim responded, shaking his head.  “No, that technology is quite antiquated and unreliable as well.  And one can be trained to defeat any polygraph your civilizations have so far produced.  Our machine works on a different principle, measuring the pattern of synaptic activity within the brain.  Truth produces one result, a lie something quite different.  And there is no method to trick the machine.  None.”

“And if the detainee refuses to answer the question?”

“For our purposes today, Colonel, no answer is as good as a confession.  If I had a fully-trained support staff and a dozen other Inquisitors, perhaps I could spend four-to-five hours using machine- and chemical-interrogation tactics to discomfort and disorient them enough to answer.  That, however, is for another day—and for prisoners with more valuable information.”

“You are talking ab


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2010, 11:30:51 PM »

master arminas
Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #71 on: September 17, 2009, 08:55:41 AM »

The full-bird colonel was shaking his head in disgust and private disquiet as he heard a voice call out his name from down the hall.

“Colonel Nash, may I introduce to you Inquisitor Kim?” Captain Paul Stanley of the Imperial Legions asked.

Nash stopped and looked up at the two, well, aliens was too harsh a word, time-travelers.  Stanley he knew, if not well, from their meetings over the past twenty-four hours, but Kim . . . the small, slim, immaculately uniformed Asian he had never before met.  Then the title Stanley used hit him.

“Inquisitor?” he blurted.

Stanley smiled and nodded his head.  “Yes, Sir.  Inquisitor Kim is a member of Imperial Intelligence—not the Legion—and is currently on loan from the Fleet.  His equivalent rank, in both my service and your own would be the same as yours, Sir.”

“You must the torturer in chief that we have been waiting on then,” Nash stated bluntly.

“My methods bear little resemble to the monks of the historical Inquisition, Colonel,” Kim replied in return.  “And they are certainly far more effective in their results.”

“Colonel,” Stanley interrupted, “Inquisitor Kim is a senior member of Intel.  He gained his posting—and his rank—through sheer ability, and he is far more skilled than any Imp Intel agents assigned to the 501st.  That is merely one of the reasons why the Admiral asked him to supervise the interrogations.”

“What can you find out that we couldn’t?” Nash was unable to stop himself from asking the question—the rancor at being replaced as the CO of the captured Afghans still gnawing at him.

“Quite a lot, actually, if I had the time to do the job correctly,” Kim politely answered with a slight bow.  “Alas, Colonel Nash, time is very much a finite resource.  I will presume that you and your people have done an adequate job at extracting information, and quite frankly it is highly unlikely that anyone here knows much of great import in any case.  I will—today, at least—be asking only one question of each detainee.”

“And what might that question be?” Nash asked, his curiosity outweighing his indignation.

“Quite a simple one, I assure you.  Have you used a weapon—with the intent to kill or wound or intimidate—against either a member of the Coalition or any unarmed civilian?”

Nash barked out a burst of laughter.  “Sure, they will just up and tell you the answer to that one.”

Kim shrugged.  “They will answer while connected to one of our truth-detectors—the machine will tell me if they are lying or speaking truthfully.”

“Without a base-line?”

“Such as your polygraph requires?” Kim responded, shaking his head.  “No, that technology is quite antiquated and unreliable as well.  And one can be trained to defeat any polygraph your civilizations have so far produced.  Our machine works on a different principle, measuring the pattern of synaptic activity within the brain.  Truth produces one result, a lie something quite different.  And there is no method to trick the machine.  None.”

“And if the detainee refuses to answer the question?”

“For our purposes today, Colonel, no answer is as good as a confession.  If I had a fully-trained support staff and a dozen other Inquisitors, perhaps I could spend four-to-five hours using machine- and chemical-interrogation tactics to discomfort and disorient them enough to answer.  That, however, is for another day—and for prisoners with more valuable information.”

“You are talking about torture!”

“Am I?  Colonel Nash, the men I interrogate will receive no permanent injury due to my procedures—directly, at least.  But the information I can obtain will save lives.  The point is, however, quite moot, because I said before, time does not allow for a full interrogation.  Now, if you will please excuse me, I have two hundred and seventy-three people to ask a question of.”


Seventeen hours later, the open-air compound yard surrounded by razor-wire was filled with detainees.  A door to one of the concrete blockhouses, separated from the prisoners by yet another wire fence opened, and Inquisitor Kim stepped out onto a small wooden platform, accompanied by Colonel Nash and Captain Stanley.  Another door opened, and nine battle-armor clad Imperial soldiers filed into the yard.

Kim tapped the microphone, and when he was sure it was working, he began.  “Good afternoon again, gentlemen; I would like the following prisoners to report to Staff Sergeant Hall,” one of the soldiers raised an armored-clad arm, “when I call out your name.”

He recited twenty-two names, and each of the white-clad prisoners came forward, shuffling their shackle-clad feet and looking as nervous as lambs going to slaughter.

“You gentlemen told me the truth when you denied having ever used a weapon.  With the apologies of Her Imperial Majesty for your confinement, gentlemen, you are free to go.  Caesar Julia has instructed me—with her own voice, no less—to give each of you compensation for your time here, and to extend to you an offer.  If you wish to remain here in your country, with your families, that is of course your right.  But if instead, you—and your family—wish to swear allegiance and fealty to Her Imperial Majesty, then we will accept you as subjects of the Empire.  Be warned gentlemen, such oaths are not given lightly, and if you lie to me, then, well, let us say that bad things will happen.”

“You will be given clothing, money, and a good filling meal before you leave—and if any of you have any medical needs, my staff will see to your care.  Think hard about our offer, gentlemen, and make the right decision for you, for your wives, and for your children.”

Kim nodded, and Sergeant Hall waved the twenty-two forward through the door.

“As for the rest of you—well, all but two of you lied to me.  Gentlemen, I do not care for being lied to; it presumes that you believe me incompetent at my job, which I assure you I am not.  Khalid Adjani and Pashmir Khan—the two of you told me the truth about killing Coalition troops and or unarmed civilians.  Thank you for having the honor to admit what you have done, for being men enough to take responsibility for your own actions.  I regret to tell you, however, that your punishment will be the same as those who lied to me.  Staff Sergeant Hall—you may execute your orders.”

“Sir!” the trooper replied with a salute, and then—as one—all nine members of the squad brought up their Reapers and opened fire on the crowded yard as Colonel Nash, United States Army watched—eyes wide with horror—the atrocity happening directly before him.


“The instructions from your government are quite simple, General Keller,” Miles snapped at the Frenchman commanding the NATO contingent.  “Return to your base camps immediately while my Legion neutralizes the insurgency.  Can you not follow your orders, sir?”

“Oui, Monsieur Generale, I understand my orders perfectly well.  But I will not stand by while you use these hell-rounds of yours upon the people of Afghanistan.  Such a thing is not needed.”

“I beg to differ, General,” Miles said as he lit another cigarette and took a long puff, which in turn caused Jagues Heller to frown again.  Bloody health-Nazis, Miles thought to himself.

“Point the first:  those are Taliban holed up in that old mountain fort—and you Frogs have failed repeatedly to remove them.”

“Point the second:  all sixty-three of those people are armed, so any idea that common Afghan people are there is bullshit; that flag ain’t gonna fly, not today.”

“Point the third:  as much as I detest Centurion Yarrow, he is quite right that sometimes you just gotta send a message.  And that message today, General Heller, is if you shoot at MY boys, then you are going to get slapped down pretty damned hard.”

The Frenchman waved his hand in dismissal.  “Using this weapon is not necessary—your infantry can clear that in fifteen minutes.”

“Of course they can,” Miles snorted.  “You think that is a concern of mine?  Please, General, worry about anything else—my boys could clear that place in five minutes flat.  But for right now, I need to put the fear of God-almighty and my Legion in everyone watching, insurgent and civilian alike.”

A kilometer away from the mobile command center, one of the mobile howitzers attached to the 501st fired; the boom of the shot echoing across the valley floor as a dull POMPH from this distance.  The French general’s shoulders sagged and he shook his head.

“This is not what warfare should be, mon Generale,” he said sadly, “where is the honor in this?”

“War is not about honor, General Keller,” Miles quietly replied as an immense fireball erupted against the flank of a distant mountain, the mushroom cloud rising high into the sky above, “nor about fair-play.  It is about kicking the other side so hard he cries uncle and hoping you survive in the process.  It is about keeping as many of your own alive for as long as you can, and killing as many of your foes as possible in the meantime.  War is Hell, Jacques; it has never been anything but.  If you plan to wage it, however, then you best damn well be prepared to do whatever it takes to win it.  Otherwise, why the hell even bother?”


Two dozen members of the Taliban shouted and yelled at the Imperial troopers standing in the middle of the village.  Each of the unkempt and ragged band held a screaming, crying woman—girls, really—before them as a shield against the soldiers.

Corporal Esteban Ramirez waited until his on-board computer finished uploading his instructions to the eight-men of his squad, listening to the demands of the hostage takers.

“. . . and you will leave, leave now,” the software in his armor translated the language into English.  “Leave, or we kill the whores!”

Ain’t gonna happen, you piece of shit, Ramirez thought.  “Ok, ok,” he said aloud, disengaging his Reaper and laying it on the ground, even as the remainder of his squad did the same.  “Let the girls go, and we will give you our armor.”

The Afghani’s eyes went wide, and Ramirez knew he had him hooked.  “NO.  You will give us the armor NOW; then we let the whores go.  With your armor, we will drive you into the desert and the Jihad will triumph!”

“Sure, helmets off, boys,” the squad leader said as the reached up to remove his helmet—and the preprogrammed computer command activated.  Nine suits fired eighteen forearm mounted sub-machines at the exact same instant; a three-round burst aimed by the computer directly into the face of one of the hostiles.  Ramirez and two of his men swiveled slightly and a second burst fired, dropping the last six Afghan insurgents before they could react.  Zero point eight seconds passed between the first shot and the last.

Corporal Ramirez knelt down and reattached the Reaper to his right arm, then cranked up his external loud-speaker.  “These assholes won’t be bothering you good folks again,” he said.  Reaching down to a compartment on the leg of his suit, he took out a small comm-link and handed it to the village head-man.  “Any others like them come back, then you just give us a call.  Fifteen minutes at most, and the Legion will be here to take care of your vermin problem.”

He switched channels.  “Hotel Three-Six, Hotel Three-Baker Six.  Village secured; zero civilian casualties.  Twenty-four enemy KIA.  Villagers look like they could use a doc and some hot food—some of the women and girls might need a shrink as well.”

“Roger that, Three-Baker Six,” the speaker in helmet crackled.  “Support and Service Brigade has elements en route.  Proceed on mission, Three-Six out.”

“You heard the man, Baker Squad.  Upwards and onwards and all of that,” he said as the squad began to move towards the next village on the list.


“You have got to be shitting me,” Captain Antonio Vargas whispered as his holotank aboard ISS Perth showed the incoming mortar rounds.  His ships sensors had detected the weapons the moment the first shell launched itself into the air on a ballistic arc towards the assault ships.

“Point-defense is ready, Captain,” his XO called out from his station.  Vargas snorted.  Point-defense was barely required—the mortars were only 81mm shells, and those paltry warheads would not even ding his hull.  Still, even if the odds were against the shells, stranger things had happened—and besides, there were friendlies on the ground below, unloading equipment, supplies, and munitions from the ships cavernous holds.

“Point-defense free, mass-drivers engage the shells,” he said.  “Guns, I want fire from every five-ce-em that can bear on the launch zone.  Saturate the entire area the bastards hid in.”

“Aye, aye, Sir,” the two men replied.  Vargas could feel the slight vibration as nine quad-mounted 3cm mass driver cannons went to rapid-fire mode, and the three shells displayed in the holotank vanished in mid-flight.  Then the 5cm plasma cannons opened fire—seven quad turrets each firing one round a second.   For sixteen seconds, the plasma guns hammered the area where the insurgents had launch the mortar shells, every bolt exploding with the force of ten metric tons of TNT.  One hundred and twelve plasma bolts impacted a grid almost a kilometer square, the heat of the detonations fusing the sand of the desert floor into glass, wherever it didn’t leave craters, that is.

The ships computer calculated the odds of the launch crew surviving and ran one final sensor sweep.  Satisfied with the results, the soft and sultry feminine voice that some unknown computer designer had given it spoke up, “Targets destroyed.”

Vargas smiled.  The computer may be an idiot-savant, but it was a damned sexy sounding idiot-savant.  “I hope it was good for you too, darling,” he drawled as his bridge crew erupted in a fit of laughter.

“Easy now, Skipper,” his XO said, “If you make Perth decide she wants to have a smoke and bask in the afterglow, I don’t want to be the one assigned to roll it!”

More laughter erupted, and Vargas too joined in.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #72 on: September 17, 2009, 01:37:39 PM »
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You should have written Oui, mon Général and Jacques Heller.
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
master arminas
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #73 on: September 17, 2009, 02:35:16 PM »
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“Thank you gentlemen for flying out here today; I fear that we are inconveniently placed in relation to the major financial centers here in Vancouver,” Julia said to the two dozen men (and four women) who stood when she entered the conference room overlooking the Pacific coast of the Island.

Two of her Praetorians stood either side of the door—in full uniform and not battle armor—while another six were spaced around the spacious gallery overhanging the rolling waves below.  One walked forward and pulled out a chair for the Empress, and she gave him a sparkling smile as she sat.  That Praetorian did not return to his post, but remained standing slightly behind her and to her right—giving his pistol arm a clear field of fire at the captains of industry gathered together.

“Now, then,” she said as she opened the black leather folder on the table before her.  “Each of your companies has signaled your intention to open offices here in the Empire—and that was even before you read about our tax laws.  There are, however, a few points of law that you may be unaware of that you will need to carefully consider before making a final decision.”

The head of the board of GE leaned forward.  “You Majesty, I am certain we can come to an arrangement that is mutually beneficial to both of us—you and your Empire will need raw materials, and I am quite certain that you do not want to make the global economy collapse.”

“Oh, dear.  Well,” she said as she closed the briefing folder and shook her head.  “We should go ahead and clear the air now, I guess.  You seem to mistake me and my government for everyone else on this planet, sir.  The Empire does not make accommodations in its laws—not for anyone.  They bind me just as they bind the lowest resident, subject, or citizen.  And if you choose to open offices here, they will bind you as well.  There is no amount of money, influence, or resources that you have which would in any way alter that.”

She smiled at the GE exec, and then turned her head to look over everyone at the table.  “To operate in the Empire, you must form a separate corporation that is headquartered in the Empire, ladies and gentlemen.  It may be affiliated with you, but will be a separate institution—perhaps something like General Electric Imperial, or Ford Motors Vancouver.  Your stock will be publicly traded, but the Imperial government will purchase fifteen percent at market price the day you open your doors.  I will—personally—purchase an additional ten percent that will belong to the throne.  That twenty-five of your corporation will remain in the hands of my family and this government in perpetuity, gentlemen.”

“I believe that such a large piece of your stock gives me and this government a seat on your board—I don’t need such a post, nor do I want it.  My own job keeps me quite busy.  However, as a major stake-holder, both I and my government will have full access to your books whenever we wish.  Expect a full audit at least once every quarter.”

Whispered murmurs down the table became audible as Caesar paused.  The additional start-up capital would be incredible, but the very idea of letting any government—especially this one!—have such a large stake was frightening.

“You do not have to agree, ladies and gentlemen,” the young lady who was the Empress of Humanity softly said.  “If you do not, however, then you will not be allowed to do business within the territories claimed or controlled by the Empire.  Nor will you be allowed to bid on any equipment that the Imperial armed forces wish to purchase.  Nor will I or my government make any investments with you, or for that matter allow you to hold our currency or our precious metal reserves.”

“You will find that our regulations are fairly quaint, particularly when compared to the quagmire of the United States confusing and complex codes.  We will insist on one thing and one thing only in your operation:  you WILL do what you promise my people.  If your corporation makes a statement, it had best be true, or you will bankrupt yourself making it so; that, ladies and gentlemen, is a promise.”

“Oh, and one little thing more,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes.  “The Empire does recognize that corporations were created to shield shareholders from liability.  And we firmly agree with that—individual shareholders have no day-to-day control over the corporation as a whole, so that will not change.  As for the board of directors and the chief executive officer; well, the Empire holds them personally responsible—fiscally, morally, and criminally—for the conduct and actions of their company.”

Jaws dropped around the table and eyes went wide.

“You play games in MY Empire, ladies and gentlemen, with MY people, and so help me God above I will put your collective ass in a sling and send you into orbit.”

She smiled at her guests again and stood, clasping her hands together.  “Why don’t you give this some thought; in the meantime, my chef has prepared a light afternoon brunch.  You all look as though you could use a drink or two,” she said cheerfully.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #74 on: September 17, 2009, 04:00:38 PM »
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LOL, now that is what I call some Trust Busting.  Wink


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2010, 11:31:30 PM »

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #75 on: September 18, 2009, 02:58:58 AM »
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Isn't this socialism?  Grin
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #76 on: September 18, 2009, 06:16:09 AM »
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No it is fear of air lockism. Grin
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #77 on: September 18, 2009, 12:36:56 PM »
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“Thank you for that report, Geraldo,” Bill Hemmer said as he turned back to face the camera on the set of Fox News.  “Have you given any thought to what you would do if radical Muslim extremists took offense at what you said or did, and declared a fatwa against you?  Well, we have the answer for what one group of people decided to do.  Megyn Kelly has the story.  Megyn?”

“Last week we all saw what the courageous Imperials did to bring justice to Osama bin-Ladin for the attacks of 9-11.  Within days of his execution, forty-seven mullahs across the globe had issued fatwa’s calling for the death of Major Jamil al-Saud in retaliation.  We are used to such threats being issued against politicians, authors, and journalists—it has become part of our daily lives.  But not so for the brave men of the Imperial armed forces that are determined to stamp out this terrorist threat world-wide.”

“Earlier this morning,” she continued as she shifted to look into the lens of another camera, “Imperial spokesman Nathan Serrano held a news conference on the matter.  Let’s listen in to some of what was said.”

On millions of television sets world-wide, the screen changed to a slim, dapper man wearing an Imperial navy uniform standing behind a podium, before an audience of reporters.

“Good morning,” he said, with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his lips.  “I am Captain Nathan Serrano, Imperial Navy.  Her Imperial Majesty asked that I brief you this morning on an operation conducted just a few minutes ago.  Seven days ago, Osama bin-Ladin was executed by Imperial forces after a military tribunal found him guilty of murder and attempted murder on a vast scale.  The officer who handled that execution—Major Jamil al-Saud—was then publicly threatened with calls for his death issued in the form of a fatwa from no less than forty-seven influential clerics, mullahs, and ayatollahs across the world.”

“Seventeen minutes ago, I received confirmation that every one of those intolerant bastards had been assassinated by Imperial special operations teams and so informed Her Majesty and Admiral Chandler.”

The room erupted with noise as every reporter stood and began to shout questions.  Serrano shook his head and chuckled, and then he motioned them back into their seats.

“I will answer questions, but can I first finish this statement?  The Imperial government—and Caesar—view this as unacceptable on its face.  Issuing a fatwa calling for the death of an Imperial officer, a member of the Imperial government, a member of the Royal and Imperial Household, or ANY Imperial citizen is considered by us to be an immediate and imminent threat upon the life of the individual named therein.  We will respond accordingly by terminating the man—or woman—who issues such a document or includes it within a public—or private—address.”

“This morning, Imperial special operations teams operating in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Algeria, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Indonesia carried out the will of Her Imperial Majesty simultaneously.  All targets were eliminated and there was no collateral damage to any innocent bystanders.  I will now take your questions.”

Every reporter stood and began jabbering, and Nathan smiled as he pointed to one of the crowd.

“Michael Gordan, BBC.  Were the governments of the nations where your teams operated informed of your actions ahead of time?”

“No.  This matter did not—and does not—concern them.  The Empire acted to eliminate a threat against one of our own.”

“A follow-up, if I may,” the reporter pressed, and then continued as Nathan nodded assent.  “Will her Imperial Majesty hand over the members of these teams to stand trial if the sovereign nations whose territorial integrity you violated demand their extradition?”

“No.  These men were acting on the direct orders of her Imperial Majesty, and they will not be punished by the Empire or any other institution for carrying out her lawful orders.”

“Jake Tapper, ABC.  We have seen demonstrations across the planet in response to the massacre of Afghani prisoners handed over to the Imperial forces.  You use of force as well, seems to be disproportionate to the level of threat the insurgents—and these mullahs—represent.”

“Is there a question coming, are you just making a speech?” Nathan said acidly.

“Has your government no regard for the human rights of your victims?”

“Anyone who engages in indiscriminate bombings against men, women, and children who have done nothing wrong has NO rights.  Period.  If they have information we need, we will question them; otherwise they get a bullet.  These prisoners were armed men, caught in the act of violence against soldiers of the Coalition, who were not wearing uniforms.  Even under your own Geneva conventions, that means you could have just used summary execution against them.  And as for proportionate use of force; that is the dumbest idea I have ever heard of.  When someone hits you, you don’t hit them back using the same amount of force:  you do your damnedest to lay the son-of-a-bitch out for his stupidity at striking you to begin with.  Bullies and criminals alike understand only one thing:  force.  And this whole better start to understand real fast, we do not pull our punches; you piss us off and the hammer of God is coming down on your head.”

“But are you not concerned with the effect your treatment will have on your own captured troops.”

“First off, the Empire does not negotiate with criminals or terrorists.  If any of our people are captured, then we will move Heaven and earth to get them back—and whoever takes or mistreats our people will wish they were dead before we finish with them.  Against a civilized foe, then, yes, we will treat their people well—unless they deliberately and knowingly target civilian bystanders, or commit some other heinous crime, such as rape, and we expect them to do the same.   And that expectation will be enforced with the full might of the Imperial armed forces if need be.”

“Ed Henry, CNN.  The International Court of Justice has called for immediate meetings over the conduct of your troops in Afghanistan and the summary execution of bin-Ladin.  The events of this morning will certainly accelerate those cries.  How is Her Majesty planning to deal with this?”

“Unlike the governments, politicians, and leaders to which you are accustomed, the Imperial government will do what it says it will.  We will not promise you one thing and then give you something else entirely.  When Her Majesty said to the United Nations that she will wage war—on any portion of this planet—against terrorists, she meant it.  We are not now—nor will the Empire ever be—bound by your so-called International Court of Justice.  Quite frankly, it can hold all of the trials it wants to; we couldn’t care less.  Now, if they try to impose any sentence upon an Imperial citizen or subject, then we got problems—or rather, they have problems.”

“Major Garrett, Fox News.  Do you mean to say, sir, that the Empire considers the entirety of the world as its jurisdiction to impose its own principles and rules?  That you regard no state entity as sovereign?”

“The nation-states of this world are sovereign and should be able to deal with the problems they have on their own.  That is what governments are for—to deal with situations out of the reach of individual members of society.  Quite frankly, most of your governments are failures in that regard.  As far as Her Imperial Majesty and this government are concerned, we will work with anyone willing to work with us.  But if you say you are going to do something, we will expect you to keep your word.  If a particular government is unwilling or unable to take care of a situation that the Empire feels is a potential threat to our people, then we will intervene and handle it for them.”

“Even if they protest against a violation of their territory and sovereign rights?”

“Any government that is unable to maintain and protect its territorial integrity isn’t really very much of a government in the first place, now is it?”

The camera shifted back to Megyn and Bill in the studio.

“Governments and civil rights organizations across the world have responded in outrage to the actions of the Empire, and in horror to this press conference.  But there has been considerable support as well.”

The screen shifted to show statuary hall in the United States Capital building.  “It is about time,” the US Congressman on the screen said, “that someone takes the bull by the horns and does what has to be done; the consequences be damned.  I for one will vote against any attempt by this Congress to censure the Imperials for protecting all of us.”

Once again, the screen shifted to show the blonde sitting next to Bill.  “So far, while the Speaker of the House has strongly condemned the actions, there has been no reaction from the White House.”

“Thank you, Megyn.  Megyn Kelly, everyone.  And we will be back in ninety seconds after a brief commercial break.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #78 on: September 18, 2009, 12:55:56 PM »
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This has become an extremely fascinating story! Grin While the Imperials appear to be heaven-sent for a significant section of the world populace, I can't shake the feeling that there is more than meets the eye with them. On the surface they appear to have the perfect government and society, but no society is perfect. There has to be some sort of catch or hidden truth in the Empire. Undecided

I look forward to reading more. Thanks, master arminas!
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #79 on: September 18, 2009, 01:43:12 PM »
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Saul Yarrow sighed as he took another bite of the mint chocolate cookie ice-cream his double cone held.  The dry heat of Los Angeles was making the substance begin to melt and run, but that was alright by him.  How the hell had this Ben & Jerry’s place not managed to survive until his time, the asked himself as he licked some of the melt from his hand where it had dripped.

The Admiral had give Delta some time for R&R (rest and relaxation—or I&I, intoxication and intercourse, as the troopers tended to call it!) for their performance at the NTC.  He sat down on a small brick wall beside the boardwalk as the turned back towards the bright afternoon sun, the sandy white beach and rolling breakers, the songs of sea-gulls, and the many, many oh-so-very lovely and barely clad women!

I love this planet, he thought as yet another busty woman rolled by on a pair of skates, wearing little more than what she had been born in.  Even the native troopers weren’t too bad; once the NTC boys had got over being sore about their loss, he and his Marines had been feted like royalty by them.  Several had even asked him how to go about arranging for a transfer to Imperial service.

He snorted—damn that fight had been a close-run thing!  Yeah, he’d take any one of those boys (and girls) in his company any day of the week if he could get them.  And their reaction to how the Admiral had given the chop to Osama what’s-his-name; that had been priceless.  The soldiers had been delighted, even if their political masters were apoplectic.  And then came the news reports from The Rugged Sandbox, as the local troopers had called Afghanistan (since Iraq had been The Big Sandbox); reports of what the 501st was doing, and by God, the base had gone completely nuts!

The politicians might not be able to pull their shit together, but these troopers were a different story entirely.  Hell, give them gear even somewhere close to what he had, and Saul was convinced they could have taken him—although he would never admit that to anyone but himself and Admiral Chandler.

Even as he mused over the past few weeks, Saul’s instincts alerted him, and he turned his head as something make his hackles rise.  Twenty feet away, a young man shoved an elderly woman, grabbing her purse from her arm.  The thug spun and began to run—straight towards Saul.

Tapping the shoulder of a woman dressed in a business suit standing at the bus stop, he handed her the cone.  “Ma’am, could you hold this for me, for a moment?” he asked, and then he stood and brushed his hands together.

As the kid ran past him, Saul swung a haymaker that caught the thief square in the throat, sending him sprawling to the ground.  Saul picked up the woman’s purse and walked over to the old lady, and extended his hand to help her up from the ground.

“Here you are, grandmother,” he said gently.  “Sorry about that.”

“What are you sorry for,” she answered as she dusted herself off.  “You’re the only one here who was man enough to stop him.”  She opened her purse and began to count out some money, but Saul just smiled and shook his head.  He walked back over to the bus-stop and took his cone back from the business-woman, and then took another bite, feeling the mint and the cookies just dissolve in his mouth in a frigid wonderful satisfying instant.

The tattooed thug—the mugger—was wheezing on the ground as he grasped his throat, while a crowd gather.  “Yeah, I busted the crap out of your larynx, kid.  You got sixty seconds—maybe ninety if you are in good shape—before you black out from lack of oxygen, and then you are gonna die, son.  Tough luck, but that’s what you get for robbing someone right in front of Imperial Marine—and a woman old enough to be your grandmother, at that.  You really should be ashamed of yourself.  Oh well, make your peace with God, boy, because you are going to see him real quick.”

Saul sat back down, even as emergency service vehicles pulled up and paramedics rushed to save the gang-bangers life, and witnesses told the police what they had seen.

Ten minutes later, Saul was handcuffed and placed in the back of a police car.  “What,” he said, “have I done besides stop a robbery?  Dumb-ass cops, as pissed off now as in my time when someone else does their job better they do.”  At least I managed to finish the cone, first, he thought as the door closed.


The desk sergeant heard the ding of the bell on his desk, but he kept his head down as he finished the piece of paper he was working on.  Then the bell rang again, and again, and again.  Finally, he lifted his head.

“Ring one more time, and I’ll lock you up,” he said to the three men standing before him.  All three were fit, well-muscled, and each was wearing a pair of shorts, a brightly colored flowered shirt, and tennis shoes without socks, along with a pair of sun-shades.  “What do you want?”

“We’re here to get our Centurion out of lock-up, Sergeant,” the blonde in the middle answered.  “Saul Yarrow—seems like one of you people screwed up and put him in with a bunch of criminals.”

“Yarrow, would that happen to be the crazy marine that killed a Latino over on the beach today?”

“Sounds like it.  We’re here to pick him up.”

The LAPD police officer sat back.  “Really?  Yarrow is charged with a homicide, he ain’t going nowhere.”

“Look, he was just getting back the woman’s purse.  So some scum thief got himself whacked while he was committing a crime; so what?  We’ve got to be back aboard by 2000 hours—that is two hours from now, so can we have our Centurion back or not?”

“The answer to that question would be NOT,” the officer replied; his expression torn somewhere between incredulousness and amusement.  “His arraignment is tomorrow morning at 10 am; the DA is going to ask for no bail, so he will probably be in county until his trial.”

“That doesn’t work for us, Sergeant.  Who do I need to speak with to get Centurion Yarrow back?”

“It ain’t happening—he killed man, he is going to jail.”

“Oh, you guys are so completely screwed,” another of the tough-looking guys said as he shook his head.

“Is that a threat?” the desk jockey asked, standing up and placing his hand on his pistol butt.

“No, it is a fact, flat-foot,” the third one said.  “Christ almighty, the only things the Centurion hates more than idle Marines, Gunny, are rapists, murderers, and thugs.  He is going to go freaking berserk in there.”

Gunnery Sergeant Jean Valjean shook his head as alarms began to sound.  “Sounds like he already has,” he muttered as police officers in riot gear began to stream towards the holding cells.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #80 on: September 18, 2009, 03:24:02 PM »
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The officer slammed the cell door shut and Saul shook his head.  It was not the first time—by far!—that he had been in lock-up, but never before for something so patently ridiculous.  Any Imperial court would order the arresting officers to face a dozen lashes for bringing this before them, after all.

He sighed, and rubbed his close-cropped scalp with one hand as he scanned the other occupants of the holding cell.  Must be a busy day, he thought to himself, there were almost thirty young men—white, black, Hispanic, and Asian alike—crammed inside the steel cage.  The steel benches—bolted to the floor—next to the bars were taken, and at least half of the two parallel inner ones were also filled with men and boys sitting or laying down.

He walked over to an empty spot and sat, resting his elbows on his bare knees and his forehead against his interlocked fingers.  Then he was shoved from behind.

“That is my seat, old man,” a loud voice said, followed by chuckles from a dozen or so throats.

“Funny,” Saul answered, not moving, “didn’t see your name engraved on it.”

“You just didn’t look.  Now move your ass before you get hurt.”

Saul stood and turned around to see a heavily-tattooed Hispanic sitting on the next bench back.  He snorted.  “Aren’t you a little young to be in jail, son?  I’m not sure your momma has you on solid foods yet.”

“Old enough to put paid to you,” replied the street tough.  “What they put you in here for, old man, trying to rob a denture store?”

The laughter rolled around the room, as others with the most of the same body art slapped hands and glared towards Saul.

“I wish it was something like that, but no, I had to be dumb enough and drunk enough to take your mother to bed—only it turned out it wasn’t your mother, it was a frakkin’ goat; I thought that gal was too attractive,” Saul finished as he shrugged.

The smile vanished from the gang-member’s face.  “You wanna get hurt, old man?  That what you want?  I’ll cut you from ear-to-ear, and give you a Columbian neck-tie to boot.”

“I’m just shaking and quaking, little boy.   If you had half the brains that you have balls—oh, wait you do.  That’s why you’re sitting down like some little pussy, mouthing off to your betters.  Tell me, do you have to pay your bitches to keep secret how small a dick you have, or do you just like taking it up the ass?”

The young tough flew from the bench towards Saul, and then he kept going towards the steel bars as the Marine used his body as a fulcrum to hurl the gang-banger through the air.  With a CLANG, the tough’s head slammed into the steel, and he collapsed unconscious to the concrete floor.

Like a wave parting, most of the people in the cell moved away from Saul towards the bars, leaving him standing alone in the middle.  The ones that didn’t move were wearing the same color clothes and the same tats.

“Old man, you just bought into a world of hurt,” one of the older ones said.

“Been there,” Saul snorted, “done that, got the god-damn t-shirt.  Why don’t you folks just sit back down and this too will pass.”

“Bit late to live and let live,” the leader answered.  “Of course, if you come here, kneel down, and beg me to let me use you like a bitch, I might not hurt you too much.”

Saul put his chin in one hand as he appeared to consider the offer.  “Well, it is tempting, but my bad knees make kneeling pretty much out of the question.  And for being your bitch, son, I give—I don’t take.”

Another one spoke up, “We are gonna mess you up worse than we did that white whore, old man.  But she was a tasty treat, at least at first—you are just gonna pay.”

Saul suddenly froze, and his eyes went cold.  “You mean you dickless assholes actually raped a woman?”

“Raped the shit out of her, old man, then cut up her face and titties.”

The marine let a breath he had been holding.  “Up until right now, this has been fun and games.  But now, you’ve screwed up, boys.  You see, I don’t like rapists.”

“Screw you, old man,” the leader snarled.  “Take him!”

Saul dropped into a fighting stance as three of them advanced; the first dropped when a right foot slammed into his solar plexus, the second when an elbow caught him on the temple, the third, well, the third died when Saul’s hand, fingers formed into a claw of flesh and bone ripped out the throat of the young gang-banger.

Blood splattered and pulsed across the holding cell, and many of the prisoners screamed for the guards, even as the torn jugular and carotid keep spraying everyone in the cell with hot salty blood.  Saul dropped the piece of bloody flesh, and spat on the ground.  “Come on, if you have the guts to take on a man and not just beat down a woman.  COME ON, YOU LITTLE BASTARDS!”

And then the Imperial Marine charged THEM.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #81 on: September 18, 2009, 07:13:20 PM »
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Some great stuff in there, thank you sir!
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #82 on: September 20, 2009, 08:39:52 AM »
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All Hail The Imperial Marines.  This is a very well written and engrossing story. Keep up the good work
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #83 on: September 21, 2009, 07:41:09 AM »
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An eye for an eye.  Angry
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #84 on: September 21, 2009, 09:37:08 AM »
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“Of all the bone-headed, dumb-ass things that you could have done, Centurion, you just had to go balls to the walls flank speed ahead and hand my wife this load of crap!” Jason snarled as the LAPD officer in riot gear let him into the isolation cell where they had moved Saul.

The grizzled Marine veteran snapped to attention as his Admiral entered the room.  “SIR!” he snapped as he locked his eyes on the cell wall.

“Sir, what?” Jason asked.  “Is that supposed to be sir, I’m sorry I screwed up and handed you a major diplomatic incident?  Or is it sir, I’m sorry I’ve put your ass in a frakking sling because I didn’t think about what I was doing ahead of time?  Which is it, Centurion?”

“Sir,” Saul answered crisply, “that would be both, sir.  And sir, I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to finish that filthy damned rapist bastards off before they pulled me off of them, SIR.”

Jason stepped directly in front of Saul Yarrow and glared directly into his eyes.  “That was not your job, Centurion; not today it sure as hell wasn’t.  Christ almighty, Saul, I’d expect this out of your fire-eaters and heart-breakers, but you I thought would show a bit more common sense.”

The Admiral shook his head, and then forced himself to relax.  “What happened today, Saul?  Just give me the straight story and don’t worry about making any excuses.”

“Sir.  I witnessed a crime on the boardwalk—a mugger shoving down an old lady and stealing her purse.  I stopped it, sir, but I got a little carried away and the asshole died.  Apparently, they frown upon citizens stopping crime in these here parts, sir, because next thing I know the local cops are putting steel bracelets on me and hauling my ass off to jail.”

“Then they put me in a great big cage with a bunch of other criminals—real dirt-bag scum criminals, sir, the kind that brag about raping women.  I didn’t start that one, but I finished it—or would have if they hadn’t come in to break it up.  After that they put me here in a cell by myself, sir, and then you came in.”

“Seven dead, Centurion, and another four in surgery at the hospital that may not make it out alive; with five more that you somehow failed to cripple or maim,” Jason interrupted.  “Sounds like you didn’t leave them much to clean up afterwards.”

“No sir.”

“Well, the shit has royally hit the fan, Saul.  These locals want your balls in a vise—and there is no way in hell their President is going to order you released, not after they have seen how we are dealing with their problem in Afghanistan.  My problem is this:  we promised these sons-of-bitches that we would follow their laws in their territory.  Luckily, this state doesn’t allow its civilian government to execute prisoners . . .”

“What?” blurted the Marine.  “Have all of their governing officials just lost their ever-loving minds, Sir?”

“Maybe, Saul, maybe.  But count your lucky stars you are not going to be standing trial facing capital charges.  We will get you the best legal representation available, don’t worry about that.  And if things go belly-up in the trial, I won’t leave you to rot in one of their prisons—damn the consequences.  My boys will not be sharing a cell with people who find rape and child molestation humorous.  Until then, however, you need to stay frosty, Marine—you understand me?”

“Sir, YES, Sir!”

“Good.  We are going to push them hard to try this fast—I want you back in charge of Delta ASAP, Saul; but it will take some time.  Apparently, their legal system is as screwed up as everything else they are doing—seems like normally this might take two years before it came down to a trial.  I’ll move heaven and earth to see that it doesn’t, but you have to stay out of any more trouble; and for god’s sake Saul, whatever you do, don’t kill any of the prison guards!”

“Sir, no, Sir!  The very thought had never even crossed my mind, Sir.”

“Right; I know you Centurion,” Jason said with a slight smile on his face.  “And Saul?”


“Try not to kill any more of their prisoners until we get this cleared up, ok?”

“I’ll try, Sir.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #85 on: September 21, 2009, 01:20:55 PM »
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With our legal system, he might escape.
But I think they are missing the point, the problem is not stopping a crime but the excessive use of force to do so.
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #86 on: September 21, 2009, 01:57:18 PM »
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Quote from: Ice Hellion on September 21, 2009, 01:20:55 PM
With our legal system, he might escape.

If this goes to a trial, then it would depend on the jurors selected. If they have a liberal tendency, then he would be convicted (but not necessarily serve time in prison Wink ), if they have a conservative tendency, then he might go free. It will be interesting to see where our author takes us... Grin

Quote from: Ice Hellion on September 21, 2009, 01:20:55 PM
But I think they are missing the point, the problem is not stopping a crime but the excessive use of force to do so.

I agree with you there, Ice, but there are those outside of the Empire who would applaud the Centurion's efforts to "take a bite out of crime".
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #87 on: September 22, 2009, 12:04:44 AM »
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Rapists and Child Molesters deserve death. He should be rewarded not punished.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #88 on: September 22, 2009, 08:53:17 AM »
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“OK, people, quiet down,” Robert Schaeffer said as he walked out onto an auditorium stage.  “Find a seat and shut your traps if you want to find out exactly why we are assembled here today.”

Slowly, the crowd of nearly one thousand engineers, scientists, administrators, mission specialists, and astronauts finished milling around and the auditorium quieted.  The lights over the audience dimmed, allowing all within to see the stage—and the NASA logo on the wall behind—clearly.

“All right then, most of you—probably all of you—have heard this before, but let’s keep it traditional:  welcome to Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.  Mission control.  Kennedy may be the launch point, but Houston has been—and always will be—where we plan, execute, and direct our manned and unmanned exploration programs.  To anyone here from the Cape, sorry about you being second-best, but hey, at least you are better than Vandenberg.”

A mixed set of sounds came from the audience; some people clapping and whistling and laughing, the minority booing and making cat-calls.

Schaeffer smiled at the men and women he knew well.  As Director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration it was his job to know them and to lead them.  The past year had sorely tried his—and his people’s—nerves, what with the administration canceling the return to the Moon—and the projected Mars mission still more than two decades away.  Money had been siphoned away from NASA, and with the retirement of the shuttle fleet coming up fast, the very future of manned missions was suddenly in doubt.  NASA had lost many of its best and brightest as hope slowly faded away; they left their government jobs—with paychecks restricted by law to less than that of a congressman—for more lucrative private sector employment.  Still, the ones who remained were the ones that still dreamed, who wanted to follow in the footsteps of Glenn and Armstrong and Lovell.  They were the best America had to offer, even in a time of tight budgets, and collectively were the most brilliant collection of men and women on the face of the planet.

“I’m not going to bore you with a long introduction,” Schaeffer began, but had to stop as a standing ovation interrupted him.  Waving them back down into their seats, he shook his head and started over.  “The recent arrival of our guests has really upset the apple cart.  Not only are they far more advanced, with hundreds of years of knowledge that we have only just begun to plumb, they have a functional faster-than-light means of travel and working single-stage-to-orbit lift vehicles.”

The crowd went utterly quiet.  Most had thought that this was what the conference would be about, but they had not known for certain.  It was uncommon for NASA to summon the cream of the crop for a conference with no published topic, but it had happened before.  Only rarely in the past had the attendees been ordered to leave all lap-top computers, digital recorders, cameras, cell phones, and blackberries outside, but even that had occurred.  But to have both—at the same time—and for armed NASA security to be present at all doors?  That was highly unusual.  But when they had walked through the doors and saw the EM scramblers mounted on the walls and ceiling of the auditorium, they knew they were in for something very secretive and very, very special.  The electro-magnetic scramblers prevented anyone outside from using listening devices to record or transmit the session—and the devices would erase any magnetic or digital tape that passed through their field.  This particular auditorium was of the cold-war era, and it showed in the construction.  There were no windows for laser whisker microphones to hear the conversations through, only four-foot thick concrete walls.

Their curiosity was raised, so the normally boisterous crowd simply waited for the Director to continue.

“First of all—the Administration, the White House—has not approved of this meeting, or its topic.  I will take full and complete responsibility if they find out.  We all know they want to kill manned flight; replace it with probes and sensor packages to make it safer and cheaper.  But we are not going to go to the stars without taking risks—even with the help of our long-lost cousins.”

Schaeffer turned to the wing and nodded, and then an Imperial navy officer stepped out onto the stage and took the Director’s place at the microphone.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen.  My name is Dan Moore, and I hold the rank of commander in Her Imperial Majesty’s naval service.  I am an engineer, and am currently assigned to the flag staff of Commodore Liu Teng-Hui, commanding officer of Cruiser Division 342.  Today, I want to share with you some of our—the Empire of Humanity’s—plans for the continued exploration and colonization of space.”

From somewhere in the crowd, a voice floated out on the ether.  “A damned grease-monkey; we came here to listen to a wrench-puller?”

More voices, some agreeing and some disagreeing began to fill the air.  Schaeffer walked back over to the microphone.  “Stow that shit, people.  For the record, DOCTOR Moore holds three Ph.D.’s—in physics, astrophysics, and computer science.  He attended and graduated from M.I.T.—yes, it still exists in their time, and it is still one of the best schools around—and then volunteered for service in the Imperial Fleet to earn his citizenship.  Add to that the fact that he knows how to build the engine for a SSTO, and I think it will be worth your while to listen to what he has to say.  Doctor Moore?”

“Thank you, Director.  I understand your skepticism, really I do.  What you have to understand is that I—and the majority of the Fleet, both enlisted and officer alike—are in awe of what you have done over the past forty years.  My god,” he said, shaking his head and grabbing the sides of the lectern, “from this room, from this Space Center, you people put Armstrong and Young on the Moon.  You began all of this.  And you have our deepest thanks for your sacrifices and your struggles.  Her Imperial Majesty instructed me to come here, and to offer you all a place in what we will be doing.  We would be honored to serve alongside you heroes.”

The room was quiet once again, as the Commander’s quiet and sincere words touched the heart of everyone present.  Thinking of themselves as heroes was viewed as anachronistic and old fashioned; certainly the current President and his cabinet did not think of them in that way.  Sometimes it seemed he thought of them only as a budgetary obstacle, in fact.

“Three months from now, the destroyers Seydlitz and Wallenstein will escort the auxiliary merchantman Preston Little from Earth orbit to Luna orbit.  Little will be carrying supplies and equipment to construct the first permanent lunar settlement.  This site—which will become Heinlein Base—will be primarily a fuel processing station, extracting lithium hydride from the lunar crust for use by the Fleet.  However, it will also serve as a scientific research facility and an astronomical observatory.  Plus, there are a few other strategic minerals nearby the area where we plan to build that will be eventually mined.  Heinlein will also serve as the gateway to Luna City, which we expect will attract men, women, and children caught by the lure of space.  This twin city complex will become Man’s first extra-planetary refugee.”

“The problem is,” the navy officer continued, “we lack one critical resource—numbers.  Numbers of people.  Trained and skilled and motivated people who want to press outwards and onwards.  We intend to ask for volunteers from every nation on this planet—but those volunteers will need to have skills and training and the sheer guts to carve out a settlement in a hostile setting.  As we expand our construction to Luna City, we want to bring families to the Moon, allowing the miners and researchers and hundreds of other required professions to be near their loved ones.”

“Both Heinlein—and eventually Luna City—will be equipped with our contra-gravity generators, which means that the installations will feature the same gravity as Earth itself, so there will be no need to worry about the health risks of prolonged exposure to a low-gravity environment, and our anti-radiation shielding is a lot better than what you have right now, so that concern can also be set aside.”

“Heinlein will also serve as the primary planetary defense facility for Earth.  There are races out there that mean the people of Earth harm, ladies and gentlemen.  Even if you object philosophically to weapons in space, I can assure you that those races will not applaud your decisions to make war no more; they will devour you and your children.  The defense facilities will remain under the control of the Imperial Fleet and will be manned and commanded by our personnel—to include men and women from this time who volunteer for service.  When completed, Heinlein will have more firepower at its disposal than Admiral Chandlers entire Battle Squadron, enough to smash any Ordan-Kraal culling fleet that ventures too close to the Moon and Earth.”

“Once we have the beginnings of Heinlein up and running, we will begin work on a Lunar Station to match the upgrades we are planning for Freedom Station.  That station will be named Apollo, after your own lunar exploration program, while two more stations will begin construction to complete Earths orbital infrastructure.”

“Within five years, Admiral Chandler, myself, and—most important of all—Her Imperial Majesty, hope that we can launch the first extra-solar colonization mission, using Little and Lindsey Santiago—our other merchant auxiliary—to transport colonists to the Alpha Centauri system.  There is a habitable world there, ladies and gentlemen, untouched by any sentient hands.  It has oxygen, it has chlorophyll, it has both plant and animal life that we can digest.  Within a decade, we want to transplant a million humans to New Earth, and start colonies at Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani, and a score of other pristine and virgin worlds waiting for us.”

“Within twenty years, we hope to have colonies on Mars and Titan as well—and we intend to construct a massive ship-yard orbiting Titan.  The moons of Saturn will provide us—as they did in our past, your future—with incredible quantities of material to build the Fleet that will defend our race, our home, and our people.”

“That is what we hope and dream of accomplishing; God willing and the Ordan-Kraal don’t come early.  But we can’t do it without you.  And that is why I am here to today; to ask the heroes of my childhood to help us save all of Humanity from the threat that wants nothing less than our enslavement or extinction.”

Commander Moore released the podium and stepped back and to the side as Director Schaeffer walked forward again.  The silence was overwhelming—a single dropped pin would have deafening.

“Now you know what this conference is about,” Schaeffer said with a sad voice.  “My contacts within the White House tell me that the President will not be diverting any funds to this effort—he hopes to force the Imperials to foot the bill and join later on the cheap.  But we didn’t sign up to sit on the sidelines, people.  WE didn’t join NASA to let someone else—even heroes from our future—boldly go where no one has gone before and make history.  We didn’t study and work and dream to see other brave men and women do the job we have trained to do.”

“Caesar Julia has spoken privately with me, and has offered full Imperial citizenship to any member of NASA that wishes to ask for it—along with a place in their program described today.  I am submitting my resignation to the President a week from Friday afternoon in order to accept her offer.  I want you to think about this—think about this hard.  Go back to your departments and divisions, and let your people know as well.  We have to keep this quiet, however.  Regardless of what the President agreed to, do you really think he is going to let this entire agency leave en masse if he knows about it ahead of time?”

“Talk to your families, and make the choice for yourself.  If you decide to accept the offer, there will be Imperial shuttles at Kennedy, Johnson, and Vandenberg on Friday of next week to take you to Vancouver.  Have no doubt about this, people; if we do this, there are some that will call us traitors to the United States of America.  I can live with that to accomplish what these people are offering.  As for you, the choice is yours.”

The lights in the auditorium came up as Schaeffer stepped back from the microphone.  And then, from the crowd, one astronaut stood and began to clap, the sound echoing across the chamber.  And then a second, and a third, and it became a wave ripping through the crowd until every one of the thousand was on their feet and the sound was thunderous.

NASA had made its decision.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #89 on: September 22, 2009, 10:06:43 AM »
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Makes me wonder what the Imperials will offer to the other scientific sectors of the US and other world powers. There could be a mass exodus of scientists from around the world flocking to the Empire. Shocked


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #90 on: September 22, 2009, 10:15:46 AM »
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You mean something like this, MechRat?  LOL

"Look, you have fusion engines, right?"

"Yes, but . . ."

"And you have the computer systems that can handle the problems with balance and orientation?"

"YES, BUT . . ."

"And with your contra-gravity, they can even Fly!" the Japanese scientist finished, his eyes glazed over with the possibilities.

"NO.  We are NOT going to fund your research into these 'Mecha' as you call them," Caesar Julia finally finished saying.

"But they would be so cool, your Majesty," another of her visitors--this one a famous animator--said.


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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #91 on: September 22, 2009, 11:26:43 AM »
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Well, it could happen. Grin Nothing is impossible, just highly improbable. Wink

If it did happen, that would be so awesome!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 11:28:16 AM by MechRat »    Report to moderator (?)
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #92 on: September 22, 2009, 12:15:47 PM »
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Strange that Americans (so patriotic usually) would go against their government and nation...
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #93 on: September 22, 2009, 01:32:52 PM »
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For years, NASA has been viewed with mistrust by the US government--ever since the end of the Apollo program, in fact.  They ARE Americans and--by and large--are patriots.  BUT, many of them tend to view space exploration first and any domestic or international government policy as strictly secondary.  It's true.

Now, the military officers who become astronauts would be torn between the two callings, but for many of the engineers and scientists and hands-on technicians, they would jump at the chance to go to Mars or the Moon--or ALPHA CENTAURI--even if it meant doing so under a different flag.  Even the sworn officers of NASA from the USAF, USN, and USMC would be tempted, I think--because they are ALL true believers in the cause of manned exploration.

Arminas tar Valantil
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2009, 02:01:25 PM »
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I agree with master arminas that there are many at NASA that are interested in the pursuit of science for science's sake rather than for the advancement of the nation. However I would not be surprised if there were a few within NASA that would try to stop the mass defection, possibly tipping off the government ahead of time.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #95 on: September 23, 2009, 09:22:27 AM »
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(FINALLY I can post here!!!!!!)

I agree that MANY members of NASA would JUMP at the chance. However, SOMEONE along the way will decide that their DUTY requires them to report what is going on in time to mess everything up.

Great story Master Arminas. I hope you can get it published.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #96 on: September 23, 2009, 02:20:58 PM »
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Quote from: master arminas on September 22, 2009, 10:15:46 AM
"NO.  We are NOT going to fund your research into these 'Mecha' as you call them," Caesar Julia finally finished saying.

"But they would be so cool, your Majesty," another of her visitors--this one a famous animator--said.

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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #97 on: September 23, 2009, 03:04:43 PM »
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I totally agree with you, Ice! Just don't hold your breath waiting for master arminas to write them into the story... Sad
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All I want is just a nibble of 'Mech armor & myomer... is that so wrong? Wink
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #98 on: September 23, 2009, 04:12:02 PM »
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“Their general is here to see you, Your Excellency,” Hamid Karzai’s major-domo said to the newly reelected President of Afghanistan.  The President sat back in his seat as he savored the title once again.  Let the West say his election—his reelection—was corrupt; it was no matter.  They needed him to retain the little stability they had in his country.  And so what if his extended family had become Ministers of state and judges and chiefs of police?  The best government was kept in the family, was it not?

“Yes, Jamil, show him in please—and offer him some chilled pomegranate juice.”

“General Tuturola, mister President,” the man announced a moment later as he held the door open for the Imperial.  The Westerner was short and stocky, Karzai saw, and accompanied by another of the Imperials, though this one was darker skinned, with a thick neatly trimmed black beard.  That one could have passed for any one of the president’s tribal leaders, if he had a bit more dirt and grim scattered on his uniform.  Both of the men wore field camo, and each carried a sidearm; holstered in the presence of the President of Afghanistan, of course.

“Ah, thank you for coming, General Tuturola,” Karzai said with a beaming smile after both of his guests turned down the offer of the juice—or even of water.  “Your troops are making excellent progress against the rebels, and I have wanted to speak with you in private.”

“Well, go on, Mister President,” the general said amicably.  “Major Khan is a member of my staff at the moment, and since he grew up in Kabul—in our time—has been an invaluable source on the region.”

“Quite,” the Afghani said, and then paused as he carefully decided on his next words.  “There are some in the tribes who lack a certain amount of respect for our central government, General.  Now that your Legion has dealt with the warlords who sided with Mullah Omar and the Taliban has fled into Pakistan, we must set our house in order to assure that chaos does not return.”

“You got that right, Mister President,” the General replied with a smile of his own, “which is why you will announce within the next twenty-four hours that you are voluntarily stepping down as President and going into foreign exile.  So that your countries wounds can heal without a leader present many regard as illegitimate.”

Karzai blinked once, then twice, and he emitted a short bark of laughter.  “I had not known for you to have such a lively sense of humor, General,” he said, but his eyes were not laughing; his skin had turned a pale white, and his hands were shaking slightly.

“I have a very good sense of humor, Mister President, don’t I Amir?”

“As the General says,” his aide replied.

“Only, I’m not joking today, Mister Karzai,” the General finished as he lit one of his cigarettes and inhaled deeply, releasing the smoke through his nose.

“WHY?” Karzai wailed.

“You stole the election, which means that at heart you have become nothing more a fraud, sir.  Maybe others play that way, but we don’t.  I’m sure you were fairly honest and wanted the best for your country when you began this, but when you just asked me to break the heads and hearts of people politically opposed to you—rather than people who are actually pointing guns at you—that only confirmed the Empress’s decision for me.  No, Mister Karzai, you gotta go.”

“And if I decide not to?” the seething almost-former President managed to utter past clenched jaws.

“In that case, I will bury you myself.  The choice is between going into exile and spending the rest of your natural life in luxury, Mister Karzai, and being carried out of this palace in a body bag.  I’ll let you make your own decision.”

“And who replaces me?  That flea-bitten son of a whore I ran against . . .”

“No.  Right now, Mister Karzai, there is NO ONE in this country—from this time—either I or the Empress will trust with putting the Afghani people first.”

“From this time,” Karzai whispered.  And then he grew red in the face, and stood to shout, “You intend to install one of your own as President?”

“SIT DOWN, Mister Karzai,” Miles said in a forceful voice, dangerous and flat.  Even as angered as he was, Karzai still retained enough sense to follow that instruction.

“There will not be a President.  Quite frankly, your people are not ready for democracy; not without corruption and whole-sale incompetence.  You are still a tribal people, not a united society by any stretch of the imagination.  Major Khan is a direct descendent of Amanullah Khan, the last legitimate King of Afghanistan.  You, having discovered that he is in fact the last son of Shah Khan, will announce tomorrow along with your chief rivals for the presidency that you are all going into exile, renouncing all claims of future power among the tribes of Afghanistan in favor of crowning Amir Khan as King in Kabul.”

“His ascension to that ancestral throne will calm the pashtun tribesman; his being an Imperial and our even-handed treatment of men and women in the north will calm the teljik and uzbek tribesmen that the Taliban will not be returning as well.  The rest will learn to accept your new King—and so will Pakistan.”

“What of the mullahs,” Karzai asked sourly.

“What of them?” replied Miles.

“They remember Amanullah Khan—they deposed him for lightening the restrictions of shariah law, for letting women decide whether or not to wear the veil, to learn to read and write, for taking away their role in the courts.  They will oppose your man.”

Major—soon-to-be King—Amir Khan smiled at the now-former in all but name President.  “Let them try, Hamid.  Let the bastards try.”
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #99 on: September 23, 2009, 04:34:01 PM »
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You should rename this story, too good to be true. Grin I loved the "you gotta to go" and your mixing of the fantastic with real time fact is truly interesting for those interested in some fun escapism.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #100 on: September 24, 2009, 09:24:26 AM »
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“What have they done now?” asked the President as Rahm entered the Oval Office, his face pinched and narrow.

“They just restored the Kingdom of Afghanistan—Karzai and those who opposed him in the campaign are all going into exile, supposedly voluntarily,” his Chief of Staff answered bluntly.

Barak’s jaw dropped and his eyes grew wide.  “They overthrew the government?”

Rahm nodded.  “Turns out one of their people is direct descendant of one of the Afghan Kings deposed back in the ‘20s, they just finished crowning him a few minutes ago.”

The President opened a small drawer on his desk, and took out a pack of cigarettes and a book of matches along with an ashtray.  Striking a match, he lit one of the smokes and took a deep inhalation, holding it for several seconds before releasing the cloud of smoke into the air.

“Did they give a reason?”

“Speaking to Her Majesty’s spokesman, he said that the Karzai government recognized their legitimacy was in question, and after having—serendipitously—discovered that one Major Amir Khan was in fact the great-great-great-great-great-and-so-on grandson of Amanullah Khan, he and all of his opponents in the recent race decided that the people of Afghanistan needed to be united behind a monarch that none could accuse of corruption.  On the bright side, the new King—although his official title is Shah—declared that he would retain the national assembly, but he would not tolerate any corruption among the delegates, or his police, or his army.  He pledged to serve the people of Afghanistan, regardless of tribe, and offered amnesty to any member of the Taliban or any member of the various militias run by local Warlords who are willing to lay down arms and swear allegiance to the throne.  Then he said that anyone continuing to bear arms against his government would be staked out in the desert for women to mutilate.”

Barak’s eyes goggled, but Rahm shook his head.  “It sounds more poetic in Pashtun, Mister President.  It is a traditional form of punishment that most Afghanis take to mean any type of death sentence.  I’m not at all certain he actually meant it.”

“After this past week, Rahm, I won’t bet the farm on it,” the President replied coldly as he rapidly finished with the cigarette and crushed out the lit coal.

“Will the Afghans accept this—I mean the Imperials putting one of their own on the throne?”

Rahm shrugged.  “Amir Khan was born and raised in the Kabul of their time—he IS an Afghan.  He knows the people, the culture, their society, their history, and shares their religion.  The question is, Mister President, will the Afghans see him as an outsider or as a knight in shining armor come to rescue them from their nightmare?”

Barak nodded.  “And the down-side?”

“Other than they just installed one of their own as a head-of-state and deposed the standing government?  Other than they have given up on democracy and returned to a monarchy?” the advisor shrugged.  “Your guess is as good as mine, sir.  The left will scream bloody murder—if they haven’t already screamed themselves hoarse, that is—and if Shah Amir pledges his fealty to Her Imperial Majesty, bringing Afghanistan into the Empire of Humanity as a province, it will cause a lot of tension in the region.  Especially with China and Iran.”

The Chinese were already upset with the Empress over the casual use of nukes in Afghanistan—as were the majority of countries across the globe, Barak thought.  That, and the way which they dealt with the terrorists they captured—or got from us—had threatened to split his own party in twain.  The left had gone completely nuts, calling for the renouncement of all points of agreement for the multiple human rights violations, while the more moderate center had condemned it but espoused the don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater philosophy.  The right-wing (of course) had thrown celebrations over how—in their words—the Imps were kicking ass and taking names.  Iran, well, he wanted Iran to be nervous, it could be a lever to use against their pursuit of nuclear weapons.  Although having a neighbor who had them—and used them, no less—might have the opposite effect.

China, on the other hand, could be a major problem.  China had been thoroughly rebuffed by Her Majesty and her husband after they had insisted on being given access to the Imperial military technology.  And when China’s leadership had coldly lectured the Empress that a third of the world’s population looked to China for leadership, she had smiled and replied that can change in a heart-beat.  Whether or not she meant to imply that her ships could bombard mainland China back to the Stone Age from orbit, the government in Beijing choose to interpret it that way.

And when the Empress had visited Taipei last week, the People’s Republic went ballistic.  She emerged from her meetings with the Taiwanese Prime Minister with signed contracts for those fusion plants, along with a basing agreement—and Taiwan had forged a defensive treaty with her as well.  Any attack on the island or people of the Republic of China would be considered an attack on the Empire, she oh-so-sweetly had announced on live TV from the Prime Minister’s front lawn in Taipei.

To call the Chinese government miffed would be like saying the Pacific Ocean was just a little bit bigger than your average back-yard puddle.

And the distraction of everything these all-go no-stop Imperials were doing had—once again—put a hold on pushing heath care reform through the Congress.  The Speaker had seemingly forgot about the domestic legislation, calling for hearing after hearing on the actions of the Imperials—and the devil’s bargain he had made them with them.  The Senate was not much better, but with fewer young and idealistic firebrands in office there, at least it was more restrained.

The phone on his desk buzzed, stirring the President out of his momentary reverie.  He hit the speaker button.  “Yes, Margaret?”

“Mister President, the Attorney General is here—and he says it is urgent.”

Barak and Rahm exchanged a worried look, and then he answered, “Send him directly in, Margaret.”

The curved door set into the wall of the Oval opened and Alvin Holder, Attorney General of the United States stepped into the President’s office.

“Afternoon, Alvin,” Barak said as he stood, extending his hand to the man.  “What brings you to this part of town today?”

“Mister President, we have a situation with NASA that requires your immediate attention.”


The Empress groaned with pleasure as she lay back on the couch, her eyes closed.  “That’s the spot,” she whispered to Jason as he massaged her bare feet.  “Right—ooph—there; press just a little harder.”

She sighed, as the day’s tension began to ebb away.  A flash of lightning from the storm clouds still far out over the Pacific lit the room around them for a moment; already, the breakers below the house overlooking the ocean were white-capped and rough.  Soon enough, the storm would be here.  She sighed again, and then sat up, tucking her feet beneath her legs.

“Jas,” she whispered, as he bent over to kiss her, “we need to talk first.”

The Admiral—her Admiral—smiled.  “After all that work, I get nothing?”

“Spoilsport!  You are supposed to like doing that for me!” she laughed.

“What’s on your mind, love?”

Her smile faded.  “We can’t do this—there aren’t enough of us, Jas.”

“Of course we can; we show them how the Empire works, better than any government they have—we help them out, and they will eventually join us.”

“Eventually, they will join us.  But will it be before the Ordan-Kraal come?  We don’t know when they will expand in this direction—we know when they did in OUR TIME, but everything is changed now.  What if they detected our time-jump?  What if they come looking NOW?”

“Then we fight.  The 342nd can handle their initial expedition alone—and the effects of that battle might force everyone to unite behind us to resist the main force when they arrive later.”

“It isn’t enough, Jas,” the young woman said.  “I know you—and your men—want to keep as much tech as possible out of these people’s hands.  That’s why we are setting things up here so that Vancouver—and Heinlein, when that gets up and running—will produce our weapons.  But there is only so much room here, and there is so much to do.”

“What do you want?” her husband asked, the warmth in his voice fading away.

“We can’t have a, oh, call it a bunker mentality, love.  These people are smart, they are industrious—it’s just their governments that are utterly unworkable.  Give it to them, Jason, give them the entire data-base—all of our technology, except for the weapons tech.  THEY will set up the means to produce what we need, and who knows, some young genius out there might come up with something we haven’t thought of.”

“You are serious about this?”

“Dead serious, Jas.  There are TOO FEW of us to hoard this information.  But there are SIX BILLION of them, and their own interests will drive them to produce what they can themselves—for them and for us.  You can keep the weapons tech, and we can produce it here and on the Moon, but if we get them to do the rest, that means we can concentrate on preparing for the confrontation.  We aren’t businessmen and women, Jason, we aren’t magnates of industry; I’m just Caesar’s daughter with a degree in political science, and you—and your people—are soldiers and sailors.  We have to bring everyone on this planet to the table, or we risk losing everything, husband.”

“You are not Caesar’s daughter, Julia, you are Caesar,” the man she loved said softly.  “I swore an oath to obey you, and I will hold to that oath.”

“Even if you don’t agree with me?” she asked sadly.

“Even if I don’t agree with you, love,” he replied gently.  “It would help us boot-strap them to modern times a bit faster,” he mused.

“And it would let you get your engineers back to the Fleet, instead of running around trying to explain how to construct this or that widget,” she said with a little smile.

“How many of the NASA people do you think we will wind up getting?”

“Half,” she answered, after considering the question.  “At least half, and about the same again from the ESA, the Russians, and the Japanese.”

“That will help ease some of the pressure on my people.  Are you certain you want to do this?  With all of these new men and women . . .”

“They don’t know how to build factories anymore than you or I do, Jas.  We HAVE to incorporate a LOT more people, or we will come up short when the balloon goes up.”

“All right, then we do it your way.  When do you want to make the announcement?”

“Tomorrow, if we can.  If you can have copies of the data-base ready by then,” she paused as she chewed on her lower lip.  “This is really the first command decision I’ve had to make, Jas—I mean where you and I don’t agree.”

“Yes.  But you—not I, not anyone else—are Caesar.  You are.  I will support you, now and later in public—and so will my officers.  So will the men.”

“Have I told you today how much I love you?” she whispered as she fell into his arms, tears trickling down from her cheeks.

“After all that work I put into your feet, I would certainly hope so,” he answered with a chuckle, as the Empress joined in.  “You are, of course, free to tell me again what a great catch you made.”

Against the angled windows set in the wall, the first heavy drops of the rain began to splatter.  The storm had arrived.
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #101 on: September 24, 2009, 09:29:43 AM »
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about the idea of Mecha..... with what the Imperial forces have for weaponry.... who needs them in this timeline? I love the idea of Mecha (after all I am a long time BTech fan from 2nd edition) I just do not see where they would fit in properly. That is up to Master Arminas though. If he wants to include them, then he will do so.
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"Know thy Friends and Enemies alike. What is an Enemy today may be a Friend tomorrow..... as long as your Friends are NOT in the category of 'with friends like this, who needs enemies?' you should be ok" Col. T. Jackson 51st Heavy Brigade, Outreach may 1, 3051
Ice Hellion
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #102 on: September 24, 2009, 02:43:12 PM »
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Changing their minds...
Lucky for them that the military obeys to the political power.
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In Turn they tested each Clan namesake in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle. Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down. All failed to match the predator's speed and grace. Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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Re: In Harm's Way
« Reply #103 on: October 20, 2009, 07:55:37 PM »
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Wow, just found this, excelent work master a, i'm looking forward to the next part.
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