"It is the actions, not words of a man that define him." - Admiral Alan "Alacameonous" Duinhir
UEF, Sector One,
Ocean was massive, even at a distance, the Captain could see remnants of the ship that was once part of the British Royal Navy before the world went to hell. He could see where Kixeye had added storage areas to the front and aft of the vessel where a shipyard was added to one side of the vessel and a docking area had been added to the other. These additions had made the ship nearly twice its previous size making its ancient engines unable to effectively move the vessel, and had resulted in Kixeye Corporation adding four Battle Barges two forward two aft to help move the vessel. Two Leviathans had been added along the sides of the shipyard and docking area adding armour and weapons to the middle of the fortress, the bulk of these vessels added to the size and width of the massive vessel. Finally along the vessel's huge flat topped hull there were additional missile, cannon and mortar turrets as well as flak emplacements. One side of Ocean was a large cargo carrier vessel half the size of Ocean but still massive, it carried hundreds of containers stacked up on the decks almost like bricks. The other vessel looked like a floating shipyard covered in cranes and gridders, everything one would need to build a ship at sea.
Their main target was as massive as the Captain had feared, and as heavily armed, a tough nut to crack. As the UEF approached from the upper deck of Ocean four attack helicopters raised into the air. Unlike the tilt-rotor aircraft previously seen these were traditional helicopters like those seen previously over Michaels Island a single rotor over a double cockpit, two stubby wings carrying missiles and a single large cannon under the cockpit.
"Task Force Omega, Alpha and Beta move to first stations. Task Force Gamma first targets in play." The Captain transmitted to the other formations. From the flanks of the Captain's force both Commodores Rick and Hell brought their forces forward engaging the Leviathans and Battle Barges along the flanks and at either ends of the Ocean's hull. Missiles and mortar fire engaged from both sides ships on both sides took hits as additional Leviathan, Battle Barge and Floating Fortresses moved to assist in the Ocean's defence. Ships commanded by Captains Buk and Alex War assigned to the two Task Forces fell out of formation or were completely destroyed by the Kixeye counter fire. Over them all missile fire from Alacamenous' Task Force Gamma filled the air cutting two of Kixeye's helicopters from the sky, the remaining two tried to keep as close to the waves as possible under Alacamenous' cover fire. The battle had just begun.
Sector 56, Command Fortress Electra
"We've had reports that the UEF have engaged Kixeye Corporation forces within Sector 1 possibly against Ocean itself. Our new high altitude recon aircraft are on their way." Admiral Joshua Holloway said entering the bridge, Duinhir almost smiled he hadn't been aware the special project aircraft were operational yet. "We've completed removal of all but one of the warheads on the missile, we can use them for other projects..." He said his voice trailing off as he saw Duinhir was staring at one of the monitors. "I assume Captan Rowen has refused to back down?"
"She has continued to remain against our plan to launch." Duinhir confirmed, Joshua shook his head remembering when they were all together in the Old Republic, thinking of Duinhir's plan for the future and what could happen. "She continues to hold position along with the other Forsaken Loyalists."
That could be a problem." Holloway said quietly "now that the missile is prepared, we can launch when ready." He said stepping in front of Duinhir "frighten her off." he urged.
"She's still my wife." Duinhir said quietly "I won't kill her unless I have to." It was a line he didn't want to cross "have our special squadron move into position." he ordered looking at Holloway, "I will try to reason with her again. Have launch control ready, as soon as we move they are to launch."
"If she doesn't move..." Holloway asked leaving the question asked
"I'll make her" he confirmed Holloway nodded and headed away from the Flag Admiral who reached up for the microphone it was still stange after so long on the Enterprise and his Draconian vessels to have a phone on a cord again. "Enterprise Actual to Captain Rowen."
"Rowan here"
"As a Flag officer of the Old Republican Guard, I order you to stand down."
"The Republic is gone Artan, stop living in the past, it fell most of its members dead and buried." She said it pained him to hear her speak in such a defeatest tone. "Our only chance is for Kixeye to be defeated by the UEF."
"And my plan guarantees it!" Artan screamed into the phone.
"At the cost of our son's life." Rowan reminded him.
"Did you know it was his Slayers that made finding the facility possible" Duinhir said "he knew all about the plan."
"Did he know about the part where you run away with Joshua?" Rowan taunted him, Duinhir had asked his son to join them but he'd refused. He coudn't convince him to abandon the UEF, he said it was his place to be and whatever Duinhir had to do would be done, Duinhir hated that this was the choice left to him but what needed to be done needed to be done.
"The Republic must continue!" Artan shouted finally losing patience with her "Captain Rowan, you and all Forsaken Loyalist forces get one chance, stand down or I open fire."
"We aren't going anywhere. Burn your last bridge." Rowan replied it was a defiant call that Duinhir understood if he fired she'd want nothing to do with him. Duinhir returned the phone to its holder.
"Sir, burst comm. signal from Rowan's flagship, unknown destination." The communication's officer warned
That broke it for Duinhir, one last betrayal from his wife. "Joshua, give the command weapons released, Helm all ships push forward." He ordered Joshua began to call our commands, behind and around Rowan's fleet four Dreadnoughts appeared from almost nowhere all four were equipped with a new weapon in Duinhir's arsenal high-speed rail-cannons the hyper-velocity slugs slammed into the rear of Rowan's formation as the Wolves and Fortresses of Duinhir's fleet pushed forward. To either side of the Loyalists Stalker and Slayer Submarines engaged the Loyalist forces. "I want any survivors recovered if possible." Duinhir said quietly as he watched Rowan's flagship torn open by a massive impact. The new weapon was developed to be housed on a base emplacement, only the Dreadnoughts from the Draconians captured by Joshua were capable of housing them, each weapon took up two conventional weapon turrets and they made it nearly impossible for the ship to move and fire at the same time but they were devastating weapons. Even with only four ships equipped with them Duinhir's forces would tear the Loyalists to pieces.
As Duinhir's forces pressed forward the Loyalists began to buckle and break, behind Duinhir's fleet the Peacemaker X Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launched from under the waves it's solid fuel booter pushing it out of the water on a ballistic tragectory towards Sector 1. The bridge if the Electra erupted into cheers and applause but the Admiral could not join them "Forgive me, my son." was all he could whisper watching the rear monitors.
UEF Fleet, Athens, Sector 1
Although he hated being in a reserve position Admiral Alacamenous understood the Captain's plan and could see wisdom in his Task Force's mission, so far they had swatted eight Kixeye aircraft from the sky and kept their enemies navy in position unable to flee. With Task Forces Alpha, Beta and the Legionaries helping there was no-way any of the Kixeye forces could escape.
Task Force Omega was pushing the attack now closing on the Sea Scorpion fleet they'd encountered in Sector 6 and the Ocean herself. The massive Behemoth was on fire in many places and couldn't move itself a sitting duck. Most of its defences had been damaged or disabled by the other Task Forces initial attacks. If the Sea Scorpion's could be stopped then Kixeye's Headquarters would fall, against the massed forces of the UEF they had no chance it was only time now. Even from his distant position Alacamenous could see that the Captain's plan had always been to safeguard as many as possible but still guarantee the end of Kixeye Corporation.
"Sir, burst communication from your mother." the Comm. officer called out passing it to Alacamenous' screens, he scanned the message quickly, which was brief, almost immediately he was on his feet.
"Helm, alter course fifteen degrees to starboard. Communications to all Task Force Gamma, cease fire. Reconfigure weapons to long range dispersal fire. Flak explosion, coordinates to follow." He said moving to the map table looking at Sector 56 then at Sector 1, He input some commands then send the coordinates to firing control. "Weapons coordinates sent, fire when ready. Communications distribute as needed." To his crew's credit no-one questioned his orders instead moving the massive Fortress to it's new position.
"How many barrages?" The crewmen asked still reconfiguring the weapons firing control.
"Until our magazines are dry, Communications copy to all." Alacamenous ordered hoping he'd been quick enough. He knew the plan, but his father didn't know how much they'd achomplished without Duinhir's final solution. Alacamenous wondered what it had cost his mother to send the message when she had, and how far his father had gone with his master plan. Had he seen the birth of the new tyrant of the waves or a saviour.
UEF Fleet, Task Force Omega, Sector 1
As Omega moved forward they moved as a pyramid of fire the Captain's augmented fleet of three Fortresses and four Leviathans leading the way, followed by four Dreadnoughts from Captain Nine-won-three and PBO, behind them Fortresses of Christopher Seaking and Mark Red and behind them dozens of Wolves, Battle Barges and even Marauders from nearly everyone of the 500 Sectors. The Captain had seen ships from all over the globe travel here to join them proving the UEF was not just one rebel sector, it was everyone raising up to say their oppressors could no longer continue down the same path. The Draconians were still powerful and numerous but the Forsaken could manage them now it was Kixeye's turn.
"Helm all ahead" he ordered the entire formation began to move. Around them Kixeye helicopters buzzed Task Force Omega "see if Gamma can give us more cover." He called out as the ships continued to move forward, the two Thud Leviathans were torn to pieces by the defence barrages of the remaining core Kixeye formation the ships following them pushed through past the wrecks the Captain focused on the flame painted vessesls that had avoided him since Sector 6.
"Sir Task Force Gamma is ceased it's barrage!" Someone shouted as the Fortress rocked under fire "they are targetting the sky!" The Captain looked at the screens which confirmed the warning, he was tempted to counter-order Alacamenous but he knew the man must have a reason.
"Alacamenous knows what he's doing" the Captain said as the Fortress took further hits from the Helicopters and turrets of Ocean "Helm, we need more speed, weapons target those ships as soon as we are in range." He ordered pointing at the flame painted vessels. Fire from both sides intensified ships fell out of formation mangled beyond recoignition, others burned white covered in flame. Alongside them several Kixeye vessels also drifted no power taking on water.
Kixeye Defence Fleet, Sea Scorpion Prime, Sector 1
The entire battle had flashed past, Todd thought if you blinked you would have missed it. Now it was coming too close to home, directly opposite his forces. The front formation was led by the same ship that had pushed him in Sector 6, and now hounded them here. Behind them other forces of the UEF were arrayed Kixeye would fall today however Todd did not plan on following them. As the formation of UEF vessels continued to close Todd watched as the missile ships began to fire into the skys filling the sky with fire.
"There is out gap!" He said triumphantly, our ships can outstrech those against us, we have a chance to live..." Todd whispered however looking at their faces he could see that they were not willing to run, there were civilians aboard Ocean families of the crew. "I didn't want to live forever" he quickly added regaining his composure. "Helm, all ahead full, we'll tear through them." he ordered the Sea Scorpion was in effect a more armoured, better armed Sea Wolves and they acted like that shooting forward. Behind them the remaining Kixeye Floating Fortress guard fleets followed guns blazing.
Missiles, cannons and mortars from both sides slammed their opposition, the four Leviathans escorting the three Fortresses at the front of the UEF formation were tossed asside cut to pieces by missile and cannon fire from Todd's ships, their destruction exposed the remaining ships to fire however had cost Todd's force three of their Sea Scorpions. More fire from the UEF massing against them told all the story Todd needed to know, he was doomed to fail. Even as he ordered his ship into a suicidal charge against the lead fortress he knew then end was close. Behind this force was another, and another, and another...
Captain's Fortress, UEF, Sector 1
"Commodore the last ship is charging us! They are trying to ram!" one of the watch officers shouted across the bridge the Captain looked, the last battered flame painted Kixeye ship was supported by six Fortresses.
"Have PBO and Nine-won-three engage the starboard opponents, Seaking and Red to engage the port. We will take the last ship" the Captain said his ship was battered weapons and armour destroyed by weapons fire but he wouldn't back down not now, not this close. Ocean's guns had all but fallen silent now, long range missile fire from the Legionaries Reserve force had silenced them.
"Incoming airborne target!! It's massive." Another officer shouted, most of the Kixeye Helicopters were destroyed, maybe they had left their last surprise until the end.
"Show me" the Captain ordered, external cameras were down all the captain could see was a heat signature moving rapidly towards the centre of Sector 1, it's altitude was all wrong and its speed too fast for anything Kixeye had developed. "What on earth...?"
Over Sector 1, ICBM S137PMX
Launched from Sector 56 the Peacemaker X ICBM had flown in an arced tragectory, its booster engines slowly breaking of as it reached its peak altitude and began its decent. The small computer brain controlling the weapon went about its task without a care. The builders of the weapon had been careful and methodical in their programing of the intelligence that controlled the missile and its payload. Although not a true Artificial Intelligence it could adapt to make sure it hit its target. For many years the missile had been left untouched, unvisited, until recently where it had been brought back to life, finally the missile would forfill its purpose. For some reason the humans had modified the missiles payload removing several of the warheads encased in its nose cone, fortunately they had left enough for the computer to complete its primary mission nuclear detonation. They had finally decided to launch the missile hours after arming the warhead only for the missile to find itself launched through water instead of the air it had expected. The Solid Fuel Boosters had taken longer to force the missile through the thick water than it would thin air but then it had soon been airborne destined for its target.
"TARGET CHANGED POSITION - NEW COORDINATES 432,671" the sensors detected, within a nano-second the computer had deducted the corrections.
"Fire thruster 1, 2 second burst" the computer ordered, the missile followed it's commands and effortlessly slipped through the air.
"TARGET REAQUIRED." Moments later however another sensor beeped "OBSTRUCTION IN PATH, ALTER COURSE OR RISK DAMAGE TO PAYLOAD, TARGET LOST. REAQUIRE, REAQUIRE." The computer analysed the obstruction hundreds of detonating warheads in the atmosphere, probably not enough to damage the missile but maybe enough to spoilt the direct hit. The computer quickly made a choice.
"Fire thruster 3, 3 seconds, reaquire target and compansate." The missile began to shift but something went wrong Thruster 3 refused to fire, damaged during the missile's ascent through the water during launch. The computer brain compansated ordering the missile to roll and use another thruster but it was too late the missile plowed through the exploding missiles. The Computer lost all connection to the missile, the tiny brain unable to control its decent had only one option. "Fire final stage."
"FIRING, IMPACT SIXTY SECONDS, FIFTY-NINE..." the countdown began, if the missile had been human it would have felt the massive G-forces being put on the missile by the firing of the last booster, instead the computer had nothing to do but wait.
The seconds ticked down slowly and finally impact. Water! The computer controlling the missile would have screamed if it had lungs and could understand, it had missed its target instead hitting water. As it plunged into the water the engines cut out, the missile could detonate now anytime instead it would follow its orders and wait thirty seconds after impact. The missile was designed to burrow deeply into the ground before detonating, it would have likely torn through its target and exploded in water anyway but now sinking into the water the computer only had one thing to do.
"Execute final sequence authorization: GOODNIGHT" the computer ordered it was a simple code for a brain controlling a weapon intended for so much destruction. Roughly sixty metres below the water, less than one hundred metres from its target, the 300-kiloton warhead exploded.
"We have been called many things friends, allies, family, enemies, nemisis, but in then end we're all just... Pirates" The Captain
15 Years later, Senior Classroom, Michaels Island, Sector 73
Everyone had heard this story a thousand times from a thousand mouths however this was the first time that it had come from someone who was so closely connected to the origin of Michaels Island's introduction to the world they lived in, so close to those who had made the decsisions that had shaped the early Draconian and the Kixeye Corporation conflicts. The classroom sat stunned, the teacher almost smiled his star pupil had pulled off a masterclass presentation, it was easily the highest mark of the day for presentation now he wondered how she would deal with the questions. Presenting a story was important being able to justify it was another matter.
"What happened to them?" Paul asked sitting near the front the ginger headed boy always ready for a quick comment or to bring someone down, this time asking an honest question. "I mean to the Duinhirs, Dr Rachel and the others... were they all killed."
"Some were." Steven said smiling "they died horrible deaths, burned alive by radiation and fire that would not go out." He said there were screams from other students as Steven began to become more graphic.
"Steven, be quiet, your presentation was yesterday. It is Jaylen's turn to answer questions." The teacher said looking back to the young woman standing at the front of the class "please continue."
"Thank you" she said graciously "as Steven said, some died. The explosion was massive beyond anything anyone had seen since the world war, the water had dampened the explosion but not by much. Instead it created somewhere for the pressure to build up. The explosion created a tidal wave the washed over all the remaining kixeye and UEF forces present. The water outright sank some ships smashing them to pieces others it crippled beyond repair, hundreds upon hundreds died, some just washed completely off their vessels. Ocean Kixeye's massive base ship was crippled by the explosion and wave half overturned by the blast the ship took on so much water that Kixeye abandoned her to the sea. Admiral Dredge head of Kixeye's defence was killed, on the UEF's side both Mark Red and Christopher Seaking, the Captain's who had supported the Captain's ship to the end, were killed, Captain Alex War and Sub-master Angelique both supporting Alacameonous's forces were also killed as the wave carried on snapping Angelique's subs like twigs while sinking Alex War's entire warfleet none of them to be seen again.
"The wave continued on swamping multiple Forsaken islands, Kixeye bases and Draconian Outposts as it went. The biggest wave known to mankind devastated the area, thousands paid for it not just our enemies." She said raising her arms to take them all in. "As for the Duinhirs, Admiral Artan Bacius Duinhir formed the New Republic based on O'ahu island. The Ancient Hawaian Islands had raised during a massive volcanic explosion during the great flood. He quickly imprisoned Rowen Duinhir as a traitor to the Republic and installed Joshua Holloway as his Warlord commander while Duinhir styles himself as President of the New Republic."
"And Alacamenous?" Another asked "he didn't die? He was my favorite character!"
"Alacamenous survived the tsunami however his warship fleets were crippled, he disappeared for a about three years. Some believe he joined his father's New Republic, however he was never seen, instead when he returned he reformed his mother's Forsaken Loyalists which continues to oppose many of the things his father's New Republic tries to put in place. Soon after Alacamenous' return his mother also reappeared in public giving up all claims to a pirate fleet she joined Alacamenous on his island and attempted to organise efforts to oppose the Republic." She said pausing briefly "ever since a cold war..." she glanced at the teacher making sure it was the right term when he nodded she continued "a cold war has exsited between the Loyalists and the Republic. Although they rarely come to blows they are opposed to each other's policies. We and other forces of Sector 73 have found ourselves in the middle of their conflict." Another student raised his hand a question already playing on his features "Yes Allan?" She asked ready for the next question already she'd been asked more questions than anyone else during their talk however the teacher had not stopped them.
"Dr Rachel McManus" he began Jaylen remained silent "she is your mother?" It was part a statement part a question Jaylen blushed slightly as the truth was revealed "you were the baby." He said this time a statement of fact, not one Jaylen could deny "and that would mean" he said continuing to his conclusion "that The Captain, and later Commodore, was your father." Jaylen could feel the tears forming at the corner of her eyes as she remained silent "but the Captain's ship and crew..." he said breaking off mid-sentence. For so many years Jaylen's true past had been obscured, her mother had ordered it following the Battle of Sector 1. Her daughter would be treated no differently than other children, and nor would others treat her wrongly because of the past. Before anyone else in the room could speak and before the tears ran from Jaylen's eyes there was a clapping from the rear of the room all eyes turned to see the newcomer.
"You did well." Senator Rachel McManus said "a more true telling of our history and of our sacrifice than I think anyone else has told" she said moving gracefully past the tables around the room "Mr McKenna may I be allowed to address the class?"
"Please Madam Senator" he said stepping back away, he and other teachers had known about this story, and about Jaylen's true past but few had spoken of it or questioned the commands from the Senator. "I hope you all listened well to this tale." She said quietly "our people paid dearly for Jaylen to be able to tell the story and for you to live the lives you do now." She said looking at them all, Michaels Island was rarely attacked by pirates or Draconians. Neither the Republic or the Loyalists bothered them for the most part despite their very active pirate fleet. "As the story tells the battle ended unresolved both the Forsaken and Kixeye existed beyond it, Kixeye a diminished force continues to exist in forms we see every day." She said refering to the slow but steady return of airpower to the skies and the Forsaken forces begining to act with Draconian Imperial Forces. "If you take nothing from this story other than this please remember, everythng in life costs something. We all pay the costs of who came before us, their mistakes their actions, make sure your children don't regret what you do with your life." She said as she finished Allan rose his hand again.
"Senator, your husband the Captain..." He began but couldn't finish
"My husband, his crew and his ship are still listed missing to the waves" she said quietly "when the remaining Legionaries arrived from Sector 6, it was a mop-up and Search and Rescue Operation. They found us" she said putting her arm around Jaylen "in a life raft, the marines my husband had assigned to us had made sure we escaped the ship before it disappeared. No sign or trace of the Fortress was ever found nor was any sign of Todd's vessel both lost to us forever, His disappearance made me choose to return to a more active role after the war had ended, when I returned I became a Senator and was determined that all of you would be prepared for our future." She said looking at them all meeting each's gaze "Senator Michaels chose to become commander of our ships at sea carrying on the Captain's work until his daughter Laura could take over. We have all agreed that past differences no longer matter, the Future is what is important to our people." She said finishing from one side Mr McKenna was the first to start clapping, however he was quickly joined by everyone else in the room from the door others could be seen clapping as well, the story had gained much attention.
"I think, that is it fior today." Mr McKenna said as the applause slowly died down "we'll see to the grades tomorrow. Class dismissed" there was a cheer the class as everyone piled out of the room as quickly as possible Senator McManus slowly guided her daughter from the room steering her from the school suite of the outpost down towards the Shipyard docks.
"Where are we going?" Jaylen asked curious, she was rarely allowed into the docks on her mother's explicit order now she was being taken there. Slowly entering Owen's office which hadn't changed in years she saw the old Tech Captain sitting in his mobility chair, he'd given up using his artificial leg years ago now content to using the chair, something he detested in his youth.
"Ah, our star storyteller." He said smiling as she entered with her mother out of the window Jaylen could see a massive vessel under construction. "So you finally finished the story was it worth it?"
"It felt nice." Jaylen admitted, for years she'd hidden her true history her father's true story. No longer was he another pirate name on the board of rememberance, finally he would have the acknowlegement he deserved at least in her mind.
The End
Thanks for reading