“This facility is most impressive, Moff Patrice,†Queen Kylantha said with a slight bow towards the old man; she turned her gaze back to the expansive windows of the Observation Deck of the Ord Tanis Shipyards. “Those are Star Destroyers, are they not?â€
“Indeed they are, my Queen,†Moff Panaka replied before Patrice could utter a word. “I do not recognize the class, however, Moff Patrice. And I know my ships well.â€
“That is a new class of Star Destroyer, Moff Panaka,†Thom said with a smile. “New ships for new times, after all. We have designated them as the Stalwart-class,†he gestured towards a holographic display. “If the Queen wishes to see what they will appear as when complete . . .,†his voice trailed off, and the Queen of Naboo nodded regally.
“She would indeed,†Kylantha answered. The projection revealed a slowly rotating design of CEC’s fast Star Destroyer and Panaka whistled. “That is a lot of forward firepower, Patrice—Corellian?â€
“An in-house design by CEC-Cyralis. We project that she will be as fast and maneuverable in real-space as a Carrack-class light cruiser, yet possess nearly as much firepower as an Imperator-class Star Destroyer, on a smaller frame.â€
Panaka frowned. “By that scale she is a good bit smaller than an Imperator; what did you have to sacrifice? And those guns have to be lighter than the heavy turbolasers of the Imperators.â€
“She’s designed for local defensive operations—not offensive campaigns. She carries just twenty-four TIE Avengers and four shuttles in her hanger bay and her troop complement is limited to one company of Shock Troopers. The remainder of her internal volume is given over to shielding, armored bulkheads, and weapon systems. And yes, her guns are lighter, but she is to be outfitted with twice as many as Imperator-I, plus an overlapping battery of anti-starfighter armaments that makes a Lancer- or Tartan-class weep in shame. And taking a page from the old Victory-class, she carries six heavy anti-ship proton torpedo launchers arrayed to either side of the prow, along with two dozen star-fighter scale concussion missle tubes interspaced with her trench guns. Overall, she carries eleven quad turbolaser turrets on the center line, six heavy ion cannon set in the trenches, another twenty-four twin turbolasers in the trenches, six heavy twin tubolasers set in the trenches, the six capital torpedo tubes I menioned earlier, twenty-four light missle tubes, forty-eight quad anti-fighter laser turrets, and and four tractor beams.â€
“I can see where that might be useful—but why not just build Imperators?†Senator Pooja Naberrie asked, as the Queen nodded her head indicating that she had the question in mind.
“Several reasons, Your Majesty, Senator. First of all, KDY would rather upset if I simply started producing their design out here without purchasing them from their own shipyards,†Patrice said with a chuckle, and Panaka barked out a laugh as well. Kuat was renowned for the ferocity at which they defended their intellectual property—and was one of the few interstellar conglomerates which could pose a threat to any individual sector. “Second, Master Karyda,†and the CEC executive bowed again, his best customer smile fixed on his face, “assures me that in the time it would take to complete and fit out two Imperator-class vessels, he can deliver five of our new Stalwarts. Third, each of these ships will require a crew—including flight crews and troops—of just twelve thousand officers and men, compared to the forty-seven thousand plus aboard an Imperator.†Thom paused and he shook his head. “Cyralis has a great many people among the planets of this Sector, Your Majesty, but trained officers and crews for warships are not an inexhaustible resource. We must reduce the manpower requirements for our ships to meet our obligations in the future—after all, we do not have replacement crewmen coming from the Core any longer. And in the wake of the Battle at Coruscant, I doubt that any will be sent in the near future—to any of our Sectors. And the fourth reason is that while Cyralis is a wealthy Sector—Lamaredd as well—the chaos of this Civil War has caused economic disruptions with corresponding drop in revenue, which means we must carefully allocate our resources to what best serves our needs. I can build and maintain four Stalwarts for the cost associated with a single Imperator. And that is well worth a slight reduction in individual capabilities.â€
While the New Republic had momentarily seized the capital, they quickly discovered that they were unable to hold the system. Grand Moff Kaine—titular leader of Oversector Outer—and those who followed him had swooped in and driven them off; and then the infighting began at a truly hectic pace. Reinforcements summoned by Isard and the Council before their defeat arrived and once again Imperial fought Imperial in space over the Capital world. Two dozen Moffs and Admirals had laid claim to the throne—and each had engaged in a vicious no-holds barred death match for control of the capital. Kaine could have held the planet, but he was too smart to even try in the face of his opposition—he had withdrawn his Fleets in good order and with minimal casualties and instead struck out at the holdings Zsinj had left behind. From his central headquarters in what had become known as the Pentastar Alliance, he had taken nearly a third of the systems once loyal to Grand Moff Zsinj—and by far the lion’s share of his surviving ships and troops.
Several powerful Warlords—Teradoc, Harrsk, and Delvardus among them—had answered Kaine's call and formed a new Council based on Yaga Minor. Encompassing worlds as far distant as Bilbringi, Ord Trasi, Serenno, and Carida, the self-styled ‘Imperial Remnant’ claimed to be the legitimate successor of Palpatine’s New Order . . . but unlike most such successors, it appeared (for the moment) content with securing its borders and not launching new campaigns of expansion.
The New Republic might have had to withdraw from Coruscant, but the squabbling of Imperial officers was allowing them to expand geometrically in other areas. Indeed, the expansion of worlds professing fealty to Mon Mothma had all but severed the Corellian Run—and contact with the Imperial Rim from surviving Imperial Sectors in the Core and Colonies.
Panaka frowned, “They are imbeciles, Patrice. All of them. And because of their ambition the Empire will fall,†the Moff’s voice was bitter, and Patrice understood full well how the man felt. Panaka was not well loved by his people—many of whom considered his service with the Empire a betrayal of his former Queen—Amidala. And the Rebels—the New Republic—had not forgiven him for siding with Palpatine; if they won control of Naboo and the Chommell Sector, he would have to flee to remain alive.
“They are, Panaka,†Thom said soothingly. “And because they have thrown away the Empire, the time is coming when we, the Moffs of the Rim, must unite together to hold at bay the chaos engulfing this Galaxy. Together, we can preserve our way of life—and our beloved worlds. Separately, we will be consumed by the alien-loving Rebels and made to pay for Palpatine’s sins.â€
The dark-skinned Moff jerked his head up and his eyes flashed, but Thom pressed on. “Don’t lie to yourself, Moff Panaka—you know well that Palpatine and his methods created more Rebellion than they ever quashed. That isn’t to say that the Empire wasn’t a force for good—it was. And it can be again. But do not rewrite history to paint the Emperor as anything other than he was—an arrogant, ambitious, power-seeking, megalomaniac that sought to control everything and everyone using the harshest methods possible.â€
“Quite right, Moff Patrice,†the Queen said as she laid her hand on Panaka’s arm. “It is imperative that we address reality as it is; and not how we might desire it to be.â€
Thom bowed low. “Her Majesty is as wise as she is serene and lovely. Master Karyda has arranged a tour of the Yard; I regret that I will be occupied in preparing for the summit which begins tomorrow, so I must take my absence and return to Cyralis. Senator Naberrie, I believe that you are returning as well to prepare the Queen’s lodging?â€
“I am, Moff Patrice. Was that an invitation to share a shuttle?â€
“I would be honored, my dear—if the Queen permits it?â€
“Of course,†Kylantha answered. “Come, Panaka—let us ferret out the secrets of Corellia from this handsome young man.â€
Ran Karyda blushed and smiled his best saleman’s grin. “This way, Your Majesty, Moff Panaka. Ord Tanis is one of the oldest shipyards in the Outer Rim Reg-. . .,†his voice trailing off as the sliding doors closed behind the Queen and her party.
Thom held out one arm, and the Senator took it. “Such courtesy and chivalry—I thought that was long dead.â€
“Many things once thought dead still live on the Outer Rim, my dear,†Thom answered as they began to walk towards the shuttle bays—surrounded by Thom’s trooper escort at a discrete distance ahead and behind. “Have you an answer for me?†he whispered.
“I do. Mon Mothma says if you arrange for Veers to no longer command the assault on Ryloth, she will leave Cyralis—and Lamaredd—alone. But she is concerned that your grasp exceeds your ability with this summit. That you might wind up posing a threat to the survival of the New Republic, Thom.â€
“In other words, she doesn’t mind if two small and insignificant Sectors remain neutral—but thirty? That are nominally part of the Empire? The Bothans and Rodians are pushing her aren’t they? Their home worlds lie not far away, and their leadership is scared to death of what I might do.â€
“There is an . . . element . . . among Mon Mothma’s advisors who believe that any compromise which leaves part of the Empire—whether in name only or otherwise—to be a mistake. And while they applaud your change in the laws of Cyralis, they are vehemently opposed to retaining any of the Imperial trappings that you have wrapped yourself in.â€
“Make no mistake, Pooja. I believe in the Empire—the Old Republic was corrupt and your New Republic will do nothing more than repeat the sins of its fathers. We must have central control to a greater extent than a bloated Senate that agrees on nothing. Individual systems should be allowed a greater freedom in determining their own course, but at levels above that? The times require a leader, not a debating society.â€
“Let us set this aside for now,†the young former Senator from Naboo replied. “Do you believe that you can unite thirty-six Sectors under your rule?â€
“Of course not. There are too many players, all of whom have their own ambitions. I do think that Bitrose, Pelgrin, Dalchon, and Gaulus—after Veers meets with his tragic fate—will come onboard. Arkanis is a hot-bed of Rebel activity that has all but declared itself for the New Republic and Moff Anar in Savareen is too blatantly a specist to allow my reforms; which is a pity because he will be deposed within the year if he does not, probably by a Rebel special operations team. Moff Ravik in Tolonda is insane.â€
Patrice shook his head. “The man is gone around one bend to many, and many of his officers know it—I might well be forced to intervene there and remove Ravik regardless of his decision; leaving him alone might be worse than a short war.â€
Pooja shuddered. “I agree; Ravik scares me—I’ve heard rumors he worships a Death Cult.â€
“That is the least of his insanities, my dear. Karthakk, Kibilini, and Cadavine are open to the idea of joining a larger union; if only to keep their Moffs in power. But there is a strong rebel presence in Karthakk, and that might bring us into conflict with Mon Mothma if Moff Charlys joins."
"Ryndellian is very interested in an alliance, if not an outright union. Admiral Lynisan has assumed control after his Moff abandoned the capital last year. He and Kell have been having candid and fruitful talks; that would give us a toe-hold on the Middle Rim and brings us to . . . Alui and Chommell. If Alui doesn't join, we will not have a corridor to Chommell and Naboo; at the moment, however, I think the odds are fifty-fifty that Moff Eisley will choose to stand with us. He's a veteran of the Clone Wars and despairs at the current levels of chaos and insurrection. Panaka? His decision will depend on you and the Queen, I think, Pooja."
She nodded as they reached the blast doors to the shuttle hanger, the Shock Troopers standing as an honor guard to either side. “Leave Panaka to me and the Queen, Thom. Her Majesty is . . . intrigued by the idea, and she is rather more questioning of the New Republic than I. I will do what is best for Naboo, however.â€
“That I do not question.â€
"Of the rest? Astal, Bajic, and Juris might join; their leaders are sitting on the fence and want to see how the summit plays out. Lol, Dail, Portmoak, Cor'ric, Sarin, The Hook Nebula, Sanbra, Toblain, Tamarin, Svivreni, Khuiumin, Parmel, Quence, Parmic, Sjuimis, The Torch Nebula, Thuris, Skine, Merel, and Samix . . . their leaders are big fish in a small pond, or they have a large Rebel presence, or they have ambitions that do not allow them to see themselves as subordinates or even equals. Worst case scenario for Mon Mothma is that fourteen other Sectors join with Cyralis-Lamaredd. For the rest to agree would take a Jedi using mind-control.â€
“Less than half,†Pooja mused. “That agrees fairly well with my own evaluation—and it will make Mon Mothma slightly happier than if they all joined. But what of Ryloth? It will be squarely within your territory?â€
“Senator Naberrie, tell Mon Mothma not to worry herself about Ryloth. The Twi’lek leadership and I have discussed this matter and they have endorsed my suggestion—that is all she needs to know at this time.â€
“She will not be pleased if the Twi’lek homeworld remains part of the Empire—even this small rump of an Empire, Thom.â€
“Politics is the art of the possible, my dear. Remind Mon Mothma of that,†Thom stopped at the base the shuttle ramp. “And I presume that you mean to grill me for the remainder of the flight back to Cyralis?â€
“Unless you have a better suggestion of how to spend the time,†Pooja said with a laugh and a wink as she walked up the ramp with a sashay of her hips.