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The Hunted (nBSG)
« on: December 29, 2012, 11:15:09 PM »

The Hunted

An original work of fiction set in the reimagined universe of Battlestar:  Galactica

By Stephen T. Bynum

I make no claim to BSG or to any of their work; this is a piece of fan-fiction not intended for publication or for monetary reward.  It is just a story that I am writing for your enjoyment.  And I hope that you do enjoy it.  And I hope that I write this story without upsetting too many canon apple-carts.

Episode I:  Homecoming

“Commander on deck!” the Marine posted in CIC barked as Commander Mathias Lorne entered the Combat Information Center of the Battlestar Scorpia.  The ranks of officers and men straightened slightly, but only those without essential duties turned to face the Commander, and Mathias silently nodded his approval.

“As you were,” he said, stepping up beside the central console and his executive officer.  “Colonel Jayne, is the ship ready to proceed with our scheduled FTL jump?”

Thomas Jayne—a native of Tauron with the dark skin and hair that colony produced in abundance—nodded in the affirmative with a relieved smile.  “All compartments have reported as ready to initiate jump Five Nine Nine, Commander.”

Mathias—a good half-foot shorter than his tall XO and stout where Jayne was whip-cord lean—smiled wryly back.  For two years now, Scorpia had been absent from the colonies; dispatched by the Quorum and Fleet Command to observe a very rare stellar phenomena in a distant nebula . . . the birth of a new star condensing from the gaseous clouds.  Although the Quorum had been concerned about the sheer distance involved—it had taken Scorpia six months to reach the system, far, far past the Red Line for a single safe jump—the fact that it lay in the opposite direction from the Cylons had led them to approve the mission; if they had not quite conveyed that fact to the general population.

Six months there, a year observing the nebula and the birth pains of a new star—which Mathias had, over the objections of the scientific research team, christened as Ishtar after the Goddess of Love, Sex, and War, second only to Dionysius in reverence by the people of his native colony of Scorpia, he thought with a smile—and now six months back home.  It had been a very long voyage for the Valkyrie-class Battlestar, just one of many cruisers and Battlestars that comprised the Colonial Fleet.  The choice of Scorpia on this assignment had struck him as a strange one at first; after all, at 725 meters in overall length she was just barely half the length of the old Jupiter-class, just 40% of the length of a modern Mercury-class vessel.  Needless to say, she was also far tighter on internal space than those two ships, and while she had more than enough room to fit aboard the research team and their gear, the long duration of the mission had eaten into her fuel tankage, provisions, air, and spare parts storage relentlessly. 

But Mathias understood the need for it; after all, the Valkyrie-class formed the lion’s share of the Fleet.  One simply could not take one of the larger and more closely watched Battlestars and send it off for two years without someone noticing—but the Quorum, the President, and the Fleet hoped that it might be possible with Scorpia.

She was long overdue for a refit at the Scorpia Fleet Yards, Mathias thought.  On the bright side, the engineers will have worked out the glitches and bugs in the new Command Navigation Program upgrade he had heard rumors about just before his departure.  It would be nice to have a tested system installed for once instead of being the lab rat that suffered to prove whether or not a new concept worked—or didn’t in many cases.

“Very well, Colonel Jayne, set coordinates for Typhon Station and start the clock,” Mathias said as he laid his hands on the table in the dimly lit CIC and leaned forward.

The Colonel picked up a radio-phone and switched it to ship-wide broadcast.  “All hands, this is the XO—prepare for jump.  Engineering bring  FTL Engines One and Two on-line, Navigation start the jump clock.”

“Starting jump clock for Typhon Station,” reported Captain Joan Danis from her station, “coordinates set, two minutes until drive activation.”

The Colonel listened to the phone for a moment and then racked it.  “Engineering reports all systems in the green, Commander.”

Mathias just grunted.  If this voyage had done one thing it had proved that the Colonial FTL designs were capable of operating far beyond what the engineers thought their limits were.  So far, Scorpia had logged five hundred and ninety eight jumps—and still the primary and second drives were functioning smoothly.  He looked up as a shadow fell across the table.  “Doctor Sarris,” he said with a warm smile at the head of the stellar sciences team embarked aboard the ship, “after this jump we have but one more before you are returning to Caprica in a heroes’ welcome with your data.”

“I hope not,” the Picon answered in apparent horror, with his crisp accent.  “Imagine if our children are inspired to strive for the sciences instead of the military—oh, such wailing and gnashing of teeth will result and you, good Commander, you will be to blame.”

“I was just following orders, Doctor Sarris.  The President and the Quorum approved this mission.”

“Quite right, Commander, but that will not matter.  They cannot allow themselves to be blamed for the situation, so they will look elsewhere.  And the Fleet Admirals are too highly connected—but you?  You are but a lowly Commander of the single Battlestar.  A good and capable ship to be certain,” he added hastily, “but you are just one Commander out of nearly two hundred.  You are expendable if it means that they get to keep their jobs, yes?”

“I hope not,” Mathias replied with a chuckle.

“Twenty seconds to jump,” reported Danis.

“Take DRADIS off-line,” ordered the Commander. 

“Shutting down DRADIS,” another officer answered and the screens flickered and died.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, JUMP!”

The sensation of Faste-than-Light jump was something that you never quite became accustomed to.  One moment the ship existed at a discrete coordinate of space and time; in a fraction of an instant, it felt as if the ship and all within it compressed to that single point before vanishing and expanding in a burst of light at another which may be many light-years distant. 

“FTL Jump complete, Commander,” Danis said.

“DRADIS coming back on-line . . . now,” reported Tom Jayne.

“Contact,” sang out Captain Paul Cook from the tactical console, but then his voice fell.  “I am reading no transponders.”

“Say again?” Mathias asked.

“No transponders—Colonial or otherwise; no emissions from the target . . . it is Typhon Station, Sir, but they are not emitting on any frequency.”

Mathias took the phone.  “Open a channel.”

“Channel open.”

“Typhon Station, this is the Battlestar Scorpia,” he broadcast but only silence and static answered him.  “Typhon Station, Scorpia, respond.”  But there was no response.

“Could their comms be down?” Mathias whispered to his XO.

Tom frowned and he shook his head.  “It is possible, but the transponders are on a different system—both down at the same time?”

“Any other contacts within range?”

“None, Sir.”

“This is damn peculiar,” Mathias said softly.  He lifted the phone again, “CAG, Scorpia Actual.”

“Go ahead, Actual,” the voice of the Commander of Scorpia’s Air Group replied over the intercom.  Major Jon Banacek, known by his call sign of Rambler among the crew, was in the flight operations center two decks below, at the junction of the thick struts connecting the two flight-pods to the main hull of the Battlestar.

“I want a Combat Air Patrol launched immediately and prep two Raptors for a look-see—with escorts.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.  Launching the ready Vipers . . . now.”

Scorpia bucked slightly as the six longitudinal launch tubes—unique to the Valkyrie-class—fired in quick sequence, sending a half-dozen Mk VI Vipers into space.  Not the most modern of fighters in the Colonial Fleet, Scorpia was scheduled to replace her complement with Mark VIIs on return to the Colonies; but while they may not be the latest generation of fighter, the Mark VIs remained capable and lethal.  Mathias watched as their icons appeared on DRADIS.  “Colonel Jayne . . . set Condition Two throughout the ship and warm the guns.”

His XO sucked in a breath and he nodded his agreement.  “Aye, aye, Sir,” he lifted his own phone.  “This is the XO, set Condition Two throughout the ship; secure all air-tight doors and compartments.  Tactical, begin warming procedures for primary, secondary, and point-defense batteries—do not arm.  Confirm.”

“Warming main turrets One through Fourteen, secondary turrets Fifteen through Forty, and point-defense batteries—safeties remain in place.”

“CIC, CAG.  Launching recon-sweep now.”

Again Scorpia quivered as she launched four more Vipers and two Raptors took off from the recovery deck of her port-side flight pod.  Mathias checked the clock and he smiled.  The deck gang was on the ball today—they had spotted the second launch of Vipers in under two minutes . . . and the pair of Raptors.

“Tom, remind me to tell the Chief well done,” Mathis whispered.

“Don’t I always?” his XO answered—but despite the grin he too was worried.  The Fleet knew that Scorpia had been scheduled to return today . . . and yet no one seemed to be home.  And while Typhon was an older station dating back to before the Cylon War, it should have had at least a skeleton crew—that had been the plan at least before he departed.  At the very least a message buoy should have been left floating in orbit.  Instead, there was nothing.

“Scorpia, Sidewinder,” hissed the voice of the lead Raptor pilot from the intercom, “the station appears cold and dead.  I am detecting no power sources, no emission of any kind—looks like the airlocks are open to vacuum and there is no internal heat.  No signs of weapon scoring on the outer hull; no hull breaches except the open locks.”

Mathias shook his head.  “This makes no sense, Tom.  Even if they decommissioned the station, someone should be out here to greet us.  Nothing on DRADIS?”

“Just the station and our own pilots, Commander,” Danis replied.

“Sidewinder, Scorpia Actual,” he spoke into the phone.  “Are the docking bays obstructed?”

“Negative, Scorpia Actual,” the pilot replied, and his voice held an element of surprise.  “The shuttles and Raptors are gone.”

“Maybe the Fleet forgot we were out here,” Tom growled.  “If so, I am going to kick the ass of someone at Picon Command.”

“Sidewinder.  Dock with the station and search the command deck; I am sending over a team of Marines and engineers.”

“Roger that, Scorpia Actual.”

“What is our current tylium status, Colonel?”

“Down to 22% on all tanks; damn good thing we stored those extra reserve tanks in the cargo hold on the outward voyage, otherwise we would be running on fumes.  We have more than enough to make the last jump, Commander.”

“Not yet, Tom.  I want the engineers to see how much fuel Typhon has—and we will dock and transfer what is left if they can get the pumps on-line.  And whatever other supplies she still has aboard—I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

“Aye, I know that feeling well,” Tom answered.  “Quickly, I presume?”

“As quickly as we can—I don’t want to get caught with our pants down around our ankles docked to the station if something has gone wrong.”

“But what?” asked Dr. Sarris.  “I just cannot believe that someone isn’t here—the Quorum and the Science Council would have sent someone to greet us at the least.”

“I don’t know, Doctor,” Mathias said.  “Tom, I want to keep us at Condition Two for now.  Have Rambler launch another flight and get an outer perimeter established—and hold another six Vipers in the tubes for launch.”

“That’s almost a third of our Vipers, Commander.”

“I know.  Consider it a drill if it makes you feel better—and I want the Raptors that are ferrying the Marines and technical crew to augment the outer perimeter once they make their delivery.”

“Aye, sir,” he said as he turned back to the phone.

And Commander Mathias Lorne tapped his fingernails against the surface of the command dais, a frown of worry upon his face.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 11:54:25 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2012, 11:20:17 PM »

Viper Mk VI

I am using this version of the Viper Mk VII seen late in the series as the earlier Mk VI.  It is shorter than the Mk VII and probably lacked some of the electronics, although it carried three KEWs just like the latter Viper.  I know that it is (in canon) technically just another (different) look of a Mk VII, but I am having it as Pegasus turning out the "simpler" Mk VI once their stocks of parts for the Mk VIIs start running low.

Valkyrie Images

This is what little data I've got on here:

Overall Length:  725 meters
Crew:  ~1500 (including 100 Marines and 120 flight crew)

Air Wing (at full strength):  60 Mk VI Vipers, 8 Raptors, 4 Shuttles (30 Vipers, 4 Raptors, and 2 Shuttles per Flight Pod)

Armament:  12 Twin Heavy KEW (Kinetic Energy Weapons) Turrets, 2 Twin Heavy KEW/Missile Launch Turrets, 26 Twin Light KEW Turrets, 60 Point-Defense Batteries (4 guns per battery), 6 VLS Missile Silos

I am not a Battlestar Galactica geek by any means.  I watched the shows, but I am no expert.  So if you see something wrong; tell me.  I don't mind advice.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 12:48:15 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2012, 08:43:51 AM »

Hm....  Not a bad take on the BSG..  Would your story keep with the main line or willl you have a something new?

Dragon Cat

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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2012, 10:41:19 AM »

My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2012, 10:42:29 AM »

Hm....  Not a bad take on the BSG..  Would your story keep with the main line or willl you have a something new?

What?  You want the complete synopsis this early?   ;)



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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2012, 12:04:05 PM »

Working on call-signs for the pilots.  Right now I have got the following:

Angel, Arclight, Axe, Backfire, Blaster, Bones, Breaker, Candyman, Chainsaw, Chutes, Cocktail, Digger, Doghouse, Dutch, Eight-Ball, Firefly, Ghost, Hard-Six, Heater, Juggler, Jammer, Jester, Kaboose, Mace, Maddog, Packrat, Pancake, Pappy, Poacher, Rambler, Rattler, Razor, Redeye, Reverend, Ripcord, Ruffles, Saint, Scorch, Shaft, Showboat, Sidewinder, Skids, Slapshot, Spitfire, Sweets, Tally, Tassels, Thumper, Thunder, Torch, Trigger, Vandal, Voodoo, Whiplash, Wrongway, and Zipper.

Now, I've got 60 Viper Pilots, 8 Raptor Pilots, 8 Raptor EWOs, and 12 Shuttle crew to get call-signs for.  That is 88 in total.  I've got 56, so I need another 34 (at least another 35; Commander Lorne and Colonel Jayne are former pilots as well and there are others among the crew as well).  Any suggestions?  Any that you hate?  Any not fit the universe?  No duplicates of ones from BSG, Razor, The Plan, or Blood & Chrome, please.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 12:09:03 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2012, 12:33:08 PM »

Snips  ;)

Interesting to see where this goes...
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451


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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2012, 12:50:12 PM »

Big list of call signs there...  I noticed some of the names are similar to fighter aircraft names, if this is unintentional then you may want to look at combat craft nicknames/identification names.  I would also consider using code names from bombers and/or recon craft, particularly for the raptors and shuttles.

I don't know all the call signs BSG used off the top of my head, so there may be some replications/invalid names in this list.  Gotha(WWI German bomber), Stuka, Warthog, Dart/Arrow,  'Skeeter(short for mosquito), Condor, Bear, Betty, Saber(Sabre?), T-Bolt(short for thunderbolt), Phantom, Invader, Corsair, Hellcat, Avenger, Apache, Comanche, Huey, Chinook, Alligator, Fulcrum, Foxbat, Flogger(?). I am specifically NOT including Zero or Mustang.   These are all aircraft(or helicopter) names/nicknames/code names just off the top of my head.   It's driving me nuts that I cant remember the name of the Vietnam era Marine Corp Attack Helicopter... getting an S...

Hope it helps.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 12:58:23 PM by XaosGorilla »


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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2012, 03:04:03 PM »


Has a really interesting list.

Dragon Cat

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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2012, 03:29:37 PM »

Working on call-signs for the pilots.  Right now I have got the following:

Angel, Arclight, Axe, Backfire, Blaster, Bones, Breaker, Candyman, Chainsaw, Chutes, Cocktail, Digger, Doghouse, Dutch, Eight-Ball, Firefly, Ghost, Hard-Six, Heater, Juggler, Jammer, Jester, Kaboose, Mace, Maddog, Packrat, Pancake, Pappy, Poacher, Rambler, Rattler, Razor, Redeye, Reverend, Ripcord, Ruffles, Saint, Scorch, Shaft, Showboat, Sidewinder, Skids, Slapshot, Spitfire, Sweets, Tally, Tassels, Thumper, Thunder, Torch, Trigger, Vandal, Voodoo, Whiplash, Wrongway, and Zipper.

 Any suggestions?  Any that you hate?  Any not fit the universe?  No duplicates of ones from BSG, Razor, The Plan, or Blood & Chrome, please.


Don't like Spitfire or Voodoo doesn't seem to fit Jammer was the guy from BSG wasn't it?  The one that got executed for working for New Caprica Police


Crusher, Crusader, Warden (Raptor), Slammer
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2012, 03:49:15 PM »

Lieutenant (junior-grade) Michael Jamussa (known the pilots and EWOs by his call sign of Kaboose) knelt beside the window in the Raptor’s hatch.  “Looking good, Sidewinder,” he said to the command pilot (and senior Raptor pilot aboard Scorpia) Captain Stefan ‘Sidewinder’ Greene.  “Two more meters . . . back a nudge . . . good, good, CONTACT!”  The EWO toggled a switch beside the hatch and there was a dull thud.  “Hard dock, Sidewinder.  Magnetic grapples secured and locked.”

“Scorpia, Sidewinder,” the pilot broadcast.  “We are docked with Typhon and are opening up now.”

“Roger Sidewinder, report in at five minute intervals.  ETA on Marines and tech team four minutes.”

“Copy, Scorpia,” he answered as he unbuckled his harness and carefully made his way back into the small troop/EWO bay.  “Ready, Kaboose?”

“If I said no,” the EWO answered sourly, “would you wait on the Marines to arrive?”

“That’s a negative, Kaboose.”

“Thought so,” he answered as he drew his sidearm and chambered a round before sliding the weapon back in its holster.  “Well, in that case, Captain Sir, we cocked, locked, and ready to rock.”

“Open her up, wiseass.”

“By your command,” Kaboose said in a monotone voice reverberating into his helmet.

The hatch opened outwards without a sound in the vacuum.  Sidewinder took the lead and he jumped across the one-meter gap between the Raptor and the open hatch, and he bounced back into the air on the far side.  “Internal gravity is down, Kaboose.  Watch your step.”

“Scorpia, Sidewinder.  Emergency lights are on in power conservation mode—batteries must be low.  Negative internal atmosphere and gravity—en route to command deck.”

“Roger, Sidewinder.  Watch yourself,” the radio broadcast.

“What?  No kind words for me?” Kaboose lamented, and a chuckle came over the radio.  “Kaboose, Scorpia.  Nope.  Not a one.”

“I get no respect at all,” the EWO muttered.

“Respect is earned, Kaboose,” Sidewinder said as he swept the hand-held battery-powered torch he carried down the corridor.  “You haven’t so far,” the pilot paused.  “Is that what I think it is?” He asked as the torch illuminated a rust-red smear along one bulkhead—and a matching icy pool on the deck.

“Frack,” whispered the junior officer.  “Is that blood?  Frozen congealed blood?”

“And bullet impacts on the bulkhead,” the pilot said slowly.  “Scorpia, Sidewinder.  Signs of an internal firefight—no bodies.  We are at the access ladders and climbing to the command deck.”


Colonel Jayne shook his head.  “Smugglers?  Could the Fleet have decommissioned the station and then criminals had a fire-fight?  Even scraps of supplies could be valuable—let alone the tylium stores and munitions.”

Mathias nodded.  “There are no indications of kinetic or missile strikes on the exterior—Typhon was only lightly armed, but any hostile ship should have alerted the crew and there would be some evidence of a fight.  There is another possibility, Tom,” he said quietly.

“Mutiny,” the XO snarled.

“It is not unknown,” the commander answered.  “Sidewinder, Scorpia Actual.  Try to find the station logs when you reach the command deck—they might be in the commander’s quarters on Deck Four if they are not in CIC.”

“Roger, Scorpia Actual.”


The two pilots slowly made their up the core of the station along the access ladders—steeply sloped stairs as civilians referred to them.  They passed more blood stains on the way and in the dark cold interior, the sound of their breathing was thunderous.

“All this blood, and not a body to be found,” Kaboose said in a quavering voice.  “Where are the bodies?”

“Easy, Lieutenant,” Sidewinder ordered.  “Someone policed the station afterwards; no way they all got sucked out to vacuum.”

“But what happened?”

“That’s what we are here to find out.”

“Sidewinder, Arclight.  I am docking at the port bay with a team of Marines and techs; Jester is delivering a second team to engineering.”

“Roger, Arclight.  Scorpia, we are at the command deck.”

“Sidewinder, Scorpia.  Confirm you have reached the command deck.”

The command deck was as silent and lifeless and frozen as the remainder of the station had been—but there were a large number of patches of blood-red ice on the deck and bulkheads and consoles.  Sidewinder approached the engineering console and he scrapped off the ice with his gloved hands.  “Scorpia, Sidewinder.  Power plant and environmental controls were manually shut down from the command deck.  I have emergency power only—batteries at . . . 8.7%; we have the juice for a system restart.  Request instructions.”


“Sidewinder, Scorpia Actual.  Fuel status?”

“Tanks read seventeen thousand five hundred and forty-four tons of processed and refined tylium, Scorpia Actual.  Just over 13% of her total capacity.”

Mathias exchanged a look with Tom who nodded.  “That would top off our tanks, as well as the reserve storage for the Vipers and Raptors, with some to spare.”

He lifted the phone.  “Fire her up, Sidewinder.  Warm the tanks to reduce the slush and have the engineering teams check the status of the fuel transfer pumps and lines—when everything is on-line we will bring the ship to dock and transfer fuel.”

“Roger that.”

The commander adjusted the dial next to the phone.  “CIC to Chief Sinclair,” he broadcast, and then waited.

“Go CIC.”

“Chief, I want a team assembled for fuel transfer and a second to inspect any spare parts and munitions aboard that station—bring over everything we can use, and what will fit in our holds.  If the Fleet did decommission Typhon, I’m not about to leave ordnance sitting out here for criminals to get their hands on.”

“Our magazines are over two-thirds as is, Commander.  We won’t be able to fit all of it aboard if Typhon has a full load.”

“Understood, get what you can, and get it safely stowed.”

“I’ll get a crew cracking on it Commander.”

“Sidewinder, Scorpia Actual,” he continued as he switched the phone back to that channel.  “Any progress on those logs?”

“Affirmative, Scorpia Actual.  Final entry was . . . seven months and ten days ago.  Shows a Fleet shuttle arriving in system with cargo for the station.  Nothing after that.  No mention of the Fleet mothballing the station either, at least none that I can find.”

“Get the logs back here ASAP, Scorpia Actual out.”

Mathias racked the phone and he shook his head.  For several moments he said nothing and then he nodded.  “For now, Tom, we are going to concentrate on getting those pumps working and the fuel piped aboard—as well as whatever supplies and spares we can salvage.  I’ll be in my quarters—dock the ship once the Marines and engineers complete their sweep and the pumps have checked out.  Once that operation is complete, we will jump into Cyrannus and find out just what the frack is going on.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 12:16:18 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2012, 06:58:29 PM »

Thinking ahead about Marines.  I have decided that Scorpia will be carrying a full Marine Company.  Looking at modern USMC organization, that is a bit bigger than I thought, but I think it includes everything that should be included.  Anyway, there is a difference between this organization and USMC, but this was what I was thinking about for the marine contingent in this story.

Colonial Marine Rifle Company Scorpia

Company Headquarters (2 officers, 5 enlisted):  Captain (CO), Lieutenant (XO), First Sergeant (Company NCO), 2 Gunnery Sergeants (Company Quartermaster and Company Armorer), Corporal (Corpsman), Lance Corporal (Company Clerk)

Scout/Sniper Section (6 enlisted):  3 two-man scout/sniper teams (Gunnery Sergeant, Sergeant, Corporal, 3 Lance Corporal)

3 x Rifle Platoon (1 officer, 42 enlisted):  Lieutenant, j.g. (CO), Gunnery Sergeant (Platoon NCO), 2 Lance Corporal (RTO operator, Corpsman) plus 3 Rifle Squad (Sergeant, 3 Corporal, 3 Lance Corporal, 6 Private)

Weapons Platoon (1 officer, 40 enlisted):  Lieutenant, j.g. (CO), Gunnery Sergeant (Platoon NCO), Corporal (Forward Air Controller), 2 Lance Corporal (RTO operator, Corpsman) plus
Anti-Tank Section (9 enlisted):  Sergeant (Section Leader) and 2 Assault Team (Corporal, Lance Corporal, 2 Privates, 2 man-portable AT rocket launchers)
Combat Engineer Section (9 enlisted):  Sergeant (Section Leader) and 2 Combat Engineer Team (Corporal, Lance Corporal, 2 Privates)
Machine-gun Section (9 enlisted):  Sergeant (Section Leader) and 2 MG Team (Corporal, Lance Corporal, 2 Privates, 2 medium MGs)
Mortar Section (9 enlisted):  Sergeant (Section Leader) and 2 Mortar Team (Corporal, Lance Corporal, 2 Privates, 60mm mortar)

Total Personnel:  183 (6 officers, 177 enlisted)

Captain:  1
Lieutenant:  1
LT (jg):  4
First Sergeant:  1
Gunnery Sergeant:  7
Sergeant:  14
Corporal:  38
Lance Corporal:  47
Private:  70

Uniforms and equipment are basically as we see them, with the addition of anti-tank missiles, mortars, and machine-guns.  One big change, however, is that every Marine is provided with a sealed combat uniform and helmet like those of the Viper and Raptor pilots (only in either basic black or camo).  The reason?  If you fight in space, you need to be able to survive decompression.  Your thoughts?

« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 07:06:27 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2012, 10:50:01 PM »

“. . . furthermore, the Raptors have searched this system exhaustively in the last twenty-four hours,” Major Jon Banacek said.  “We have detected no ships or debris indicative of combat.  Whatever happened here is long over, ladies and gentlemen.”

“Except that while we know the final log entry was made two hundred and twenty one days ago,” Major Denise Church said in a very sour voice, “we know from those same logs that Typhon had six times the amount of fuel we found on-hand at that time.  The pumps have been activated at least four times since that final log entry and a massive amount of tylium transferred; enough to fuel two Mercury-class Battlestars running on empty.”

“And not one body has been discovered aboard the station,” Mathias mused.  “The corpses were removed—it strains credibility that they all floated away into vacuum.  Sensor logs?”

“Erased, Commander.  Even the back-up disks were wiped clean—and those are supposed to be secure from tampering,” added Captain Joan Danis, the ship’s DRADIS, communications, and computer systems officer added.

“Munitions stores aboard Typhon were also broken into,” chimed in Captain Paul Cook, the chief of Scorpia’s tactical section.  “Almost all of the Viper and Raptor munitions—shells, missiles, and drones—were removed, along with the contents of the secure nuclear warhead storage facility.  Chief Sinclair found enough ordnance remaining though to fill our magazines to capacity, both for the Air Wing and the gun mounts.”

“Food?  Air?  Spare parts?” asked Mathias. 

“Untouched, Commander,” answered Major Marius Tyche, the ship’s operations officer and third in chain of command.  “We have stripped Typhon’s holds bare of anything we can possibly use, but there are still tons of supplies on-hand.  We might squeeze in a bit more, but for now we are fully stocked, Sir; atmosphere has been exchanged and our water supply topped off, along with frozen provisions from the station for our pantries.  I instructed the Chief to kill the power plant again and vent the station to vacuum—just like when we found it.”

“Colonel?” the Commander asked, and the XO nodded.

“We aren’t going to find anymore answers here . . . but I’ve got an itch between my shoulder-blades something fierce, Commander.  Rambler and I have been speaking, and we would like to send a recon patrol of Raptors into Cyrannus before we put the ship at risk.  Jon?”

The CAG stood again.  “Commander, I asked my pilots for volunteers—they all stepped forward.  Admittedly, a Raptor is bit more vulnerable than Scorpia herself, but if there is trouble back home, we won’t be risking the crew jumping in absolutely blind.  At the moment, we are planning for four Raptors on the mission, one each for the planetary systems around each of the four stars our colonies orbit.”

“That is half our complement, Captain,” Mathias said, but the tone of voice was one of question, not objection.

“Yes, Sir.  However, we should know by the traffic pretty fast whether or not anything is wrong.  Raptor 101 will deploy into the Erebos Asteroid Field in the Helios Alpha sub-system; from there, it should be able to get a good look at Caprica, Picon, Gemenon, and Tauron.  104 is tasked with Helios Beta, with a destination of the Ouranos Belt for a look at Leonis and Virgon.   105 has been assigned to Helios Gamma, destination of the Acheron Belt.  That should allow the crew a good look at Scorpia—but Saggitaron and Libran are on the opposite side of the system.   And finally, 107 will enter the rings of Hestia, which shares an orbit with Aerilon and Canceron.  From there, they can take a good view of Aquaria as well.”  The pilot paused and he shook his head.  “This has to be some snafu, Commander; a mix-up with orders mothballing the station.  I think we are going to send the Raptors ahead and have the rest of the Fleet laughing at us—but on the off chance that something has happened, this is our best chance for a getting a first look without putting the ship in harm’s way.”

“Two problems with that, gentlemen,” Mathias said as he stood.  “A recon patrol will have to jump in without their transponders active—and their DRADIS will be off-line—in order to try and avoid detection.  The sensor network we emplaced in the asteroid fields, will, however detect their emergence from FTL.  What, if there is nothing wrong, will the Fleet do upon detecting one or more vessels in Cyrannus jumping in with zero emissions and without a transponder?”

Silence answered his question and both Tom and Jon winced, their faces pinched and tight; the Commander confirmed their thoughts with his own nod.  “Exactly, they will shoot first and investigate later; and since we have one hundred and nineteen active Battlestars and their escorts patrolling all four of our sub-systems, we will be sending those pilots and birds into a potential shooting gallery.”

“The second problem is that if something is wrong, if the Cylons have crossed the Armistice Line, they could well be patrolling the same areas of space to keep the Fleet from relieving their ground assault on our worlds.  And have seeded the belts with their own sensor buoys.”

Six ashen faces jerked as the Commander uttered those words that everyone in the room was thinking.

“We haven’t even detected a Cylon ship in forty years, Commander,” Major Tyche whispered. 

“True, and I agree with Rambler that this entire situation is probably a major snafu that is going to cost someone his career,” Mathias said.  “But we are examining all of the possibilities.  No, gentlemen, the Raptors will jump in—all eight of them—but they will do so in formation with Scorpia.  And we will make our FTL jump at Condition One with the guns on-line and hot.”

“What exit coordinates?” asked Tom.

“Damn if I don’t want to jump straight into Picon orbit so I can lambast whatever idiot is behind this,” Mathias said.  And then he sighed.  “But that might end my service career rather abruptly, if everything back home is nominal.  Our orders are to return to the Scorpia Fleet Yards, and that is what we are going to do . . . or close enough to that destination for government work.”

“Sir?” asked Joan.

Mathias bent down and activated the tables map feature, pulling up the Helios Gamma sub-system.  “We will exit jump here,” he said pointing to the space outside of the orbit of Scorpia, “point one SU outside of planetary orbit.  Fifteen million klicks should give ample room to detect any hostiles—and if the situation is normal, all fracked up, no one in the Fleet will blame us for exercising caution on our return.”

One by one, the officers nodded their agreement.  “Good.  Major Church, what is the minimum time required to recalibrate the FTL drives between jumps?”

“By the book?  Five minutes is the absolute minimum under regulations, Commander,” she smiled and held up her hand as the Commander started to open his mouth.  “I can get it done in two.”

“I knew there was a reason I wanted you on this ship, Denise,” Mathias said with a chuckle.  “Final prep for FTL jump in thirty minutes—I want this ship prepared in case we are emerging in the midst of a hostile Fleet.  Vipers in the launch tubes and pre-spotted on the elevators for a second launch.  Jon, are your pilots capable of doing an unassisted flight deck launch from the pods as well?”

“Yes, Sir.  I can have another ten Vipers spotted and magnetically grappled to the deck in each pod—that will give us twenty-six in the air immediately after launch, with six more in under a minute.”

“Get with the Chief and spot the Vipers—but we will NOT launch unless I give the order.  If we have to turn and run, I don’t want to be slowed down with recovery operations—and our pods are not large enough to land our entire complement in a single combat recovery.”

“Understood, Sir.”

“Good.  Then to your stations, gentlemen.  Colonel Jayne, I think it is high time we disconnected from the station and moved to a safe distance for FTL operations.  Make it so.”

“Aye, aye, Sir.”
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 11:35:23 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2012, 09:51:06 AM »

 :) Nice!

Dragon Cat

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Re: The Hunted (nBSG)
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2012, 10:33:31 AM »


EDIT MA were you using the data from BSG Wiki for the Valkyrie (not the class name I don't think but its not listed so maybe)

Info from Wiki
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 10:39:49 AM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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