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SevenNew Caprica
The initial exploration of the caves had gone quickly Forge had reported finding the English letters and Anders had joined him on the surface while the Colonials continued to help the Spirit of Fire install an FTL drive. However things began to develop very quickly, the colonials continued to evacuate everything they could from the planet's surface however two ships carrying 1,200 civilians between them were still suffering from engine difficulties. Furthermore Cylon raiders had been detected jumping in scouting the area although none had approached the Colonial's Combat Air Patrol. Somehow Adama had found Colonial Engineers willing to work aboard the Spirit of Fire despite Serina's presence and the work was moving along. Cutter stood on the command bridge of his ship watching as the civilian ships moved around in formation slowly with both Pegasus and Galactica presenting their broadsides to the UNSC vessel. The speakers on the bridge crackled to life "Anders to Spirit of Fire, Captain it appears this is a record of some sort of Forerunner and Human meeting place." Professor Anders said triumphantly. "It appears that this was one of the sites that humanity and the forerunners first fought."
"First fought?" Cutter asked the Forerunners were thought to be the first evolution of life in the universe. Their technology was vaunted as being the most powerful and capable with the Covenant basing many of their weapons and technology on those of the Forerunners. The information Spirit of Fire had on the Forerunners from the shield world may be enough to turn the tide of the Covenant War if the ship ever made it home. Now Anders had discovered more information, perhaps even information of greater importance "Anders, are you saying humanity had the strength to oppose the Forerunners?"
"It appears at one point Captain, there was a branch of humanity that not only could rival the Forerunners but perhaps even surpassed them." Anders said surprised by the information herself "someone or something known as the Didact created a sub-species of Forerunner known as the Promethean Knights" she continued "these combat form Promethean Knights were beyond everything the humans had and were capable of defeating dozens of humans without loss. The war turned against the humans but the Forerunners were weakened by the battle, so weakened that they missed what the humans were running from." She said suddenly the line went quiet.
"Professor is there anything else?" Cutter asked intrigued by the developments
"They brought the Flood to the Forerunners doors Captain, humanity caused the fall of the Forerunners." Anders finished the Flood were parasites they fed on anything that was alive and they bread until they had consumed all food. The only way to stop the flood was to deny them a food source. "Somehow the Forerunners defeated the humans so completely that all their technology was destroyed but the Flood were too much. One of the Forerunners, the Librarian, took pity on our race and ensured we would evolve again."
"Professor bring it all up here." Cutter ordered however before Anders could reply there was the audible sound of a shotgun blast "what the hell was that!" Cutter shouted looking out the windows in a vain attempt to see the surface of New Caprica.
"Captain this is Forge!" The Sergeant shouted over several more shotgun blasts "we have flood contacts down here, Warthogs overrun we need back up!" He screamed Cutter had seen the flood in action and knew what they were capable of, they would consume all that Forge, Anders and the others were turning them into more flood who would consume all life on New Caprica.
"Serina!" Cutter snapped into action "have ODST squads to their pods and Pelicans ready for launch for hot extraction! Helm, re-position for Helljumper deployment!" He ordered his crew the ODST or Orbital Drop Shock Troopers had their own unique way of reaching a planet in single occupant exoatmspheric insertion vehicles, or drop pods. These pods were designed to take one trooper and all the gear they would need to fight a battle from space to the ground the fiery descent and often death that ODST's encountered had gained them the nickname Helljumpers, the Helljumpers were all volunteers and all trained to be the best. The development of the Spartans had put a shadow over the ODSTs but the Spartans were very few and still extremely capable. "Communications get me Galactica!" Cutter ordered thinking of the two Colonial civilian ships on the planet, the Flood would find them to be a prefect food source, and possibly a way off the planet, if need be he'd use Spirit of Fire's MAC to gun down the ships if Adama was unwilling, Cutter would not let the Flood escape New Caprica.
- - -
"Admiral! The Spirit of Fire is changing position!" Newly returned to service Lieutenant Felix Gaeta reported for the last year he had served as President Baltar's personal assistance and many saw him as much trouble as the missing president. Adama on the other hand still saw the promising young Officer of the Watch that had served aboard Galactica during the decommissioning period and the initial escape from the Cylons to New Caprica. Both Adama and Colonel Tigh stared at the DRADIS console watching the icon of the Spirit of Fire, the vessel of the Thirteenth Tribe dwarfed every vessel of the Colonial fleet it also carried a forward weapons array that could put a hole through Galactica's heavy armoured hull as a result Adama had ordered the Gun Captains to maintain a watch on the vessel and its movements.
"Get me Cutter!" Adama barked still staring at the screens.
"Sir, multiple objects dropping from the bottom of Spirit heading straight for the planet" Gaeta reported continuing to watch his screens "we have Cutter on wireless" he then reported as the Admiral picked up his table phone
"Spirit of Fire, this is Galactica Actual" Adama said addressing the UNSC vessel with the Spirit of Fire's AI they had installed translator systems aboard Galactica and Pegasus to help cut out communication errors between the two languages. "There is what?" Adama said shocked glancing from his monitors at Tigh "Captain, we have 1,200 people on that planet and two ships, how can you tell me this? Surely your people saw something?" Adama demanded he couldn't believe the UNSC Expedition on the Planet could be so careless. "I expect so Captain." Adama said placing down his phone thumping his fist against the desk.
"What is it?" Tigh asked, he was probably the only person on the bridge that could ask William Adama something when he was angry without a serious reaction. The two had known each other for so long it was almost impossible for them both to stay annoyed at each other long.
"The UNSC have discovered a life form on the planet known as "The Flood" it consumes living material converting it into mass that it can use and expand with. Cutter is deploying additional resources to contain the threat." Adama said quietly calming his temper "those pods were Human Entry Vehicles each carrying troopers to the planet's surface, Cutter is also deploying more of those ships known as Pelicans in support." Adama said quietly
"Human Entry Vehicles?" Tigh asked staring up at the DRADIS screen "they send people to a planet in those damned contraptions?" He asked shocked for a moment "what of our ships on the surface?"
"Cutter has warned that if the Flood is not contained he will initiate bombardment of the planet's surface including our ships and civilians if necessary."
"He'll lose his damned ship if he tries" Saul Tigh rebuffed showing the confidence a crew needed to see in their Executive Officer when facing a threat.
"He seems dedicated to the removal of the flood by any means." Adama said "Mister Gaeta get a hold of Tyrol and find out how many external weapons we have for the Vipers, have him coordinate with Laird on Pegasus I want as many Vipers outfitted for combat as possible. Prepare Raptors for immediate deployment with all weapons pods. Colonel Tigh set Condition One throughout the ship, have all Civilian ships that are able be prepared to make immediate emergency jump to the alternate coordinates." Adama ordered staring at the DRADIS.
- - -
On the ground the situation was just as chaotic as the flood began to swarm everywhere Anders, Forge and the two remaining marines stood back-to-back firing constantly. The other marines were all dead consumed by the flood several others had risen from the grave and were charging at them from various directions, their bodies mutated nearly beyond recognition, the humans they once were was long gone. Around them the three Spartans of Red Squad stood like giants their shields flaring as infection forms burst trying to infect the warriors. Each of the Spartans had removed a heavy machine gun from the rear of the disabled Warthogs using the weapons to hold the flood back. Forge heard the familiar "whirl-bang" sound of ODST Drop Pods arriving nearby "Hold tight people the cavalry have arrived!" He shouted as one of the remaining marines fell to the ground withering in pain as several flood forms lept onto him infecting his blood Forge reached out and pulled Anders away from the marine before shooting the fallen trooper twice in the back.
"Forge!" Anders shouted a warning as she saw several more flood forms jumped up behind the Sergeant. Battle Rifle fire cut through the air cutting down both Flood forms in a hail of bullets from the arriving ODSTs.
"Move move move!" Forge shouted at Anders, the remaining marine and the Spartans as the ODSTs arrival opened a hole in the Floods ranks Anders moved fast enough but the last remaining marine from the Warthog force did not, several flood infection forms swarmed his body as Forge and the Spartans finally began to retreat. "You gentlemen took your sweet time!" Forge shouted reaching the ODSTs.
"You know Helljumpers Sarge we do everything slow and easy except deployment!" The ODST shouted back spraying the Flood infection forms with assault rifle fire. Every infection form hit exploded with the touch of a single bullet but there were thousands of them spewing from the ground. "We've got Pelicans on the way for extraction sir, we need to keep heading east!" The ODST shouted over the noise of the weapons.
"Everyone on me staggered retreat formation!" Forge shouted with those words the first four ODSTs moved about ten feet back before turning and opening fire on the flood then another four followed suit, each squad turned and moved until only the three Spartans, Anders and Forge remained. Forge and Anders followed next then finally Red Team all still carrying their massive turrets walked back, the turrets accuracy was horrible but because the Spartans moved last they didn't have to worry about causing friendly casualties. As the Spartans approached the ODST line the last squad to move the first time around moved first this time spreading out the ammo usage by each group.
"We can't keep this up long Sarge, our ammo will run dry before too long." Jerome, Red Team's leader, reported just as the Spartan's machine gun turret ran dry. Ditching the weapon he pulled a shotgun from his back blasting a group of infection forms.
"I know" Forge replied he himself was down to twenty rounds for his own shotgun while Anders had long run out of bullets for her borrowed pistol. In the air above them there was another roar to begin with Forge thought it was more ODSTs but as the roar came closer he realized it was nothing like an ODST Entry pod instead several of the Colonial fighter craft known as Vipers flashed into view first strafing the flood with their cannons then dropping several canisters as they flew past the canisters landed right in the middle of the Flood, on contact with the ground the canisters exploded spreading a coat of fire over the flood each canister destroying dozens of Flood Infection forms. "Move move move clear out before then next group come in!" Forge screamed as more Vipers dived from the sky strafing the Flood before dropping more bomb canisters. Ahead nearly one hundred metres away three Pelicans swooped down towards the surface their rear mounted machine gun turrets spitting fire into the Flood adding to the carnage caused by the Vipers.
Clambering past the rear hatch gunner Forge immediately turned around helping an ODST aboard as another of the troopers was caught by the flood "pilot are the Colonial civilians clear?" He asked hitting the Pelican's internal intercom as one of the Red Team Spartans climbed aboard.
"Negative Sarge, one of the ships is clear but we've still got one ship and seven hundred people remaining." The pilot replied as the ship shook heavily with another explosion nearby from one of the Viper strafing runs.
"Pilot redirect take us there" Forge said as the last of the ODSTs boarded.
"Sarge my orders are to get you and Professor Anders back aboard Spirit..."
"Negative, we're not done until the last civilian gets away." Forge said defiantly grabbing a group of shotgun shells reloading his weapon "these guys pulled us from the fire, our turn!" He barked still looking at the swarming flood continuing to expand over New Caprica consuming the dead marines and any animal they came across.
- - -
"He's doing what?" Cutter said annoyed at Forge's bravery and defiance "Serina MAC bombardment protocol six gamma!" He ordered the Spirit of Fire unlike most UNSC vessels was not designed for space combat instead it was designed to support ground forces beyond everything else. The MAC cannons were so large they were designed to fire a far more varied weapons load than Destroyer or Frigate sized weapons, as a result it could support a variety of firing protocols.
"We don't have many gamma rounds left." Serina warned they had used such rounds on Arcadia and at the Forerunner Shield World.
"Lets hope we don't come across many more ground targets, fire as soon as loaded primary target is the original Flood emergence point." Cutter said as Spirit of Fire continued to orientate towards the surface.
"MAC Loaded... Firing Round One.... Firing Round Two" Serina called out as the Spirit of Fire's forward guns barked into life first one shot then a second. As soon as the MAC rounds hit the atmosphere.
- - -
In the atmosphere Starbuck had seen the three UNSC Pelicans evacuate their ground troops and instead of heading for space head directly for the still grounded Astral Queen she had to admit she was impressed the troopers hadn't just run without any further fight. These Flood life forms continued to swarm over the planet most were tiny smaller than a Viper DEW shell others, the mutated corpses of marines and various animals the Flood had already ingested were larger and faster moving. The Vipers continued to make strafing runs as their external payloads were expended the strafing runs were not doing much damage. After a year as a prisoner of the Cylons it felt good to be in a Viper again, to be doing something other than killing the same Cylon over and over. "All Vipers this is Kat" Louanne Katraine called out she'd been promoted to Captain during the colonization of New Caprica and was technically still Commander of the Air Group (or CAG) although Starbuck was determined to claim back the spot "Break Break Break!" She called out Starbuck instinctively jinked her fighter to the right just as nearly a dozen projectiles slammed into New Caprica's surface from orbit causing massive shock-waves that wiped out dozens and dozens of Flood Infection forms.
"Holy frak what the hell was that!" Hot Dog screamed as the shock-waves through up dozens of rocks higher than most of the Vipers, Starbuck slammed the thrusters to full and pushed above the impact. Moments later a second barrage slammed into the ground wiping out yet more Flood.
"Our new friends have some impressive firepower, All Vipers fall back to Astral Queen, fly CAP over the ship, we'll pick the flood off as they close" Kat ordered pulling her Viper away
"Tell Zarek to get the lead out his ass!" Starbuck screamed as she turned her Viper to follow the others away from the newly created impact craters and dust clouds thrown up by the MAC impacts.
"He's working on it Starbuck!" Kat replied without another word
- - -
The ODSTs had set up all around and over the Astral Queen placing rocket launchers and machine gun turrets all over the place most pulled off the backs of the three Pelicans. Despite the language difficulties the Colonials and the UNSC ODSTs had understood the threat posed and what they needed to do. Forge sat on the forward edge of Astral Queen's forward hull with a pair of binoculars watching as the Spirit of Fire's MAC rounds hit the ground causing massive explosions and dust clouds. A cheer was called out from the ODSTs and Colonials alike as the tremors caused by the MAC attack reached the still grounded ship. The Colonial Vipers soared overhead for a moment Forge thought the Flood had been wiped out but then slowly more began to appear. "All right people all you got!" He shouted pulling up a rocket launcher firing both of the weapons twin tubes into the Flood before pulling up an assault rifle spraying still incoming flood "Anders you tell that guy get his ship off the ground or we're dead!" Forge screamed into his communicator as more rockets and machine gun fire took out dozens of Flood.
"We're working on it, some sort of glitch in the main firing switch"
"This glitch is going to cause a lot more trouble than we can handle at this rate!" Forge screamed reloading his assault rifle he saw several of the ODSTs becoming over confident pushing forward "stay close to the damned ship!" He screamed at the men but it was too late, within moments all three men were being swarmed by the Flood "ANDERS!" Forge screamed his anger boiling. The Vipers flew back across the ship gunning down more Flood just as the Astral Queen's engines fired "about time! Everyone aboard" Forge ordered "Red Team you too!" he shouted seeing the three Spartans all still fighting through the Flood both on the ship and on the ground "RED TEAM now!" He screamed again spraying the flood around them with assault rifle fire. The Three Spartans turned and began to run towards Forge as he continued to lay down machine gun fire, all three passed by him entering Astral Queen just as the Flood began to swarm the ship "Anders get us out of here!" Forge called as he turned entering the ship, one of the infection forms jumped into the craft at Forge who dived out of the way just as one of the Spartans Alice stepped forward crushing the Flood spore. "Thanks Spartan" Forge said looking at the crushed Flood before collapsing backwards exhausted.
"Forge we've got more trouble" Anders called from the bridge, the Sergeant just stared at the roof above for a moment snapping out of it as a Spartan appeared over him. "Get up here!" She said forcing him to move.