How to get everyone angry in one single post...
Lyran Commonwealth – Enlightened and liberal leaders, dedicated to the growth and prosperity of their people.
Draconis Combine – A society where common sense plays a distant second fiddle to blind obedience and often foolish acts of extreme violence
Federated Suns – A classic lesson in how a military thugocracy can appear, on the surface, to be a deeply caring and common man oriented government of the people.
Capellan Confederation – What happens when paranoid delusionals are consistently given the wheel of state
Free Worlds League – If it did not work for the closely packed Greek City States, why the hell is it going to work for societies separated by light years?
Taurian Concordat – What happens when paranoid delusionals are consistently given the wheel of state and then equipped with nuclear weapons
Magistracy of Canopus – Sex sells
Outworlds Alliance – Still exists for the same reason that Canada does: Who wants to conquer a backwater full of hicks?
Terran Hegemony – The Tall Poppy syndrome in action, or how to paint a really big target on yourself.
Clan Wolf – Ever the F****** apple polishers. See what happens when the class bullies get their hands on you, you pack or arse kissers!
Clan Jade Falcon – Why middle children should never be given power, of any kind, EVER!
Clan Ghost Bear – The reason why we should all fear the reclusives who live out in the forests; they all carry big guns.
Clan Smoke Jaguar – Whacked out blood junkies, with a mean streak.
Wolfs Dragoons, The Kell Hounds and the Gray Death Legion – Why Fiat should be banned!
The other Clans - Pack of Historical Foot Notes