As I keep doing these fan projects, my wife absolutely refuses to even discuss any of them with a vehemence I reserve for telephone solicitors. One of her particular phrases is, "Will you make any money at it?".
Since I'm on vacation and away from the normal attention sinks, the sheer amount of time spent at forums, etc., and on projects has become apparent. So it occurs to me, why not do something new, taking the core elements of Battle tech (such as providing construction rules) and leaving the tired old Battle tech Universe behind, and try to make some money off it?
Note, I'm not talking about ripping off the BT rule set or anything, but creating a new sci-fi setting, units, physics,, and all. Heck, aliens, too.
Is anybody already doing, or is interested in doing this for financial gain? I don't know about you guys, but I might be. Mind you, I know zero about this kind of thing.