It is interesting. I do vaguely remember the class being mentioned in one of Star Trek book I have. There were no canon details I believe but it looks like the Starship Design group has done a nice job. As for the Republic is it the second or third ship of its name in Starfleet. Think I remember a Constitution class ship with its name in the universe prior. Like what your doing with the discipline of the ship. It reminds me of that one Captain from Next Gen who took command of the Enterprise during Jean Luc's special op mission turned ambush.
Wish we got more details on Integrated vs. Non-integrated ships of Starfleet. Would always like to hear more about this as Singular member world ships seem to be the exception and not the rule in the Federation. I do like your setup of the Federation after the Dominion War and I'd like to hear more on other powers. Is the Klingon Empire the weakest of the Big 3 after the conflict with all the carnage they were involved in? Seems like they were the first ones into the war pool after all thanks to Gowron's invasion of Cardassia. Oh and is Cardassia occupied like Germany after WW2 at this time? How about the strength of the Romulan Empire? Seems they would be the strongest. And what is the Dominion up to??
Two Story Ideas
Fate of the Borg. With the destruction of the Central Nexus and the Queen thanks to Admiral Janeway (grumble grumble) I would love to see the appearance of some different Borg factions who are geared towards different pursuits. Are there warrior Borg out there looking to establish their own empire, Borg pirates raiding technologies from other powers, or freed Borg looking to start a Federation of their own. So many ideas here.
Alpha class. The Federation Alliance combines their technologies to create the ultimate starship during the Dominion War. Named for the Alpha Quadrant it combines the best of Federation, Romulan, and Klingon construction techniques. Munchy, yes I know, but I'd love to see this ship, its crew, and its fate after the war.