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Author Topic: Star Fleet Universe  (Read 4549 times)

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Star Fleet Universe
« on: January 02, 2013, 09:47:11 PM »

In a similar vein to this thread I set up over on the Catalyst BT boards, I was wondering if it was okay to have a place to talk about ADB's alternate take on Trek.

For my own part, I've recently been trying to break out the paintbrush after a long hiatus, and having a go at painting some of the Starline 2500 minis I picked up last year:

(I'm still getting used to the we're-now-in-2013 bit.)

Actually, one of the trickiest parts for me so far has been trying to work out how to actually photograph the minis. Below are a few examples of where (and when) I've been taking sample pics lately; the first pair were in the evening on a kitchen countertop, the second duo in daylight on the coffee table, and the third set on a plain sheet of printer paper laid out in the lid of my notebook:

Do any of the image sets turn out better than the others?

(The mini is a Romulan FastHawk, which I dubbed the RIS Æstus Estus; named after the sword you see in one of the pics, which belongs to a character of note from an RPG on the PlayStation Portable.)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 09:50:00 PM by Nerroth »


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Re: Star Fleet Universe
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2013, 02:10:44 PM »

Nice stuff Nerroth!

I've never had the patience to paint so while I got minis I've never considered coloring them up.

Being something of a Trekker (yeah I know there is a difference between StarFleet and Star Trek even though I'm not exactly sure why or when they split off) I always think green when I think Romulans. I like the whole Bird of Prey underneath but it makes me think of the Jade Falcons.

Painted Ship Images 1 and 5 are the best to me.

Hope my ranting has helped.  ;)


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Re: Star Fleet Universe
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2013, 03:24:04 PM »

Thanks for the feedback!

I should note that the scheme of the FastHawk is one I chose myself, meant to be based on the sword; it's not a common scheme for them in-universe or anything.

ADB have a short description of the Star Fleet/Star Trek divergence over here, as well as a free intro pdf over on DriveThru that might help you get your bearings in the SFU.

Most of the new Romulan minis in the Starline 2500 range have etched birds on the bottom; which makes it easier to paint them. (You can see a few examples on Mongoose's Romulan faction page.)

In the SFU, the Roms have three generations of ships; the "Eagle" series of old hulls, the "Kestrels" bought from the Klingons and converted to Romulan technology, and the "Hawks" built from the keel up to make the most out of the Empire's upgraded technology base. From a mini perspective, the Eagle- and Hawk-series minis all have the bird etches on them; the Kestrels use the same minis as the Klingons, so you have to add the birds on yourself. (There may or may not be proper "Kestrel" minis, complete with etched birds, at some later point, but it's not confirmed or denied just yet.)
« Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 03:38:42 PM by Nerroth »


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Re: Star Fleet Universe
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2013, 09:29:36 PM »

Interesting stuff, thanks Nerroth!


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Re: Star Fleet Universe
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2013, 11:54:25 PM »

The 2500-series minis are being co-developed by ADB and Mongoose Publishing; they are being worked up in order to support A Call to Arms: Star Fleet, but are usable for the likes of SFB and FC, too.

Generally what happens is that one of Mongoose's 3D artists works up a mould, sends it over to ADB for approval, and eventually (once a version emerges behind the scenes that is deemed worth asking for outside feedback on) a thread gets created over on ADB'S Discus board where people can post their comments/corrections/issues/etc. Once the final design is nailed down, it gets sent to be turned into minis.

Unfortunately, the first wave of minis ran into a few issues, mainly stemming from an attempt to do the entire line in resin, instead of metal. Looking back, that proved to be overly optimistic. However, the current production setup has the line in metal for all but the very largest of minis, like dreadnoughts and battleships (most of which are, or will be, in resin). The number of problems being reported since the switch "back" to metal has dropped considerably, and will hopefully be a good sign of what kind of quality to expect as the line moves forward.
Right now, there is a set of Orion Pirate ships which just went up recently; Orion Battle Raider and Battlecruiser, along with a new edition of the Heavy Cruiser (which had had an earlier version of the WIP 3D file talked about in an older thread).

The plan is to have the ships intended for the next ACtA:SF book done a few at a time, so that the models (and rules) will be in a fit enough state for publication by the time the ink hits the paper. (Which isn't too far removed from how Mongoose had handled the second wave of releases for A Call to Arms: Noble Armada, as it happens. Actually, the "high-low" metal/resin split had been done for ACtA:NA first, too. Hindsight being 20:20, and all that.)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 12:00:13 AM by Nerroth »


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Re: Star Fleet Universe
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2013, 01:26:31 PM »

ADB and Ad Astra Games (founded by Ken Burnside, the creator of the Lesser Magellanic Cloud setting seen in SFB Module C5) have provisionally agreed to develop a Star Fleet Universe adaptation of Ad Astra's Squadron Strike 3D combat engine. There are threads discussing the deal over in this corner of the ADB BBS.

This is the third such agreement with another game company that ADB has made, after the deals with Majestic 12 and Mongoose.

News flash! SVC writes: Star Fleet Squadron Strike: Leanna has given a green light to an e23 project that would be a series of PDF modules. A paper product might follow if there is support for it.

Ken Burnside adds: FAQ:

Q1) Will this product require Squadron Strike or will the product include Squadron Strike baked in?

A1) The product will require that you own the Squadron Strike game. It will not have an "abbrevated" rule set as part of the product.

Q2) Is ADB going to PoD Squadron Strike now?

A2) No, Ad Astra has that covered.

Q3) Will this be a 3D fighter dogfight game?

A3) No. It will be SFU spaceships converted to Squadron Strike.

Q4) What's the version of the SFU you're working from?

A4) I'm basing the designs off of Federation Commander. There may be a few things from SFB that migrate back in, like suicide overloaded fusion beams.

Q5) How close will it be?

A5) Very. There will be overloadable weapons, and action point management (think Fed Commander power management). Plasma torpedoes chase ships across the map. Drones may be a fire-and-shoot-down, rather than chase ships. Box counts will (mostly) match the Fed Commander ships.

Q6) What will the differences be?

A6) Squadron Strike ships will move about 8-15 hexes per turn; weapon ranges will be based on Fed Commander. Overloads go to range 9, due to some decisions made about the base game.

Q7) How close is this to being done?

A7) As of 19 MAR 2013, I have designs for 45 ships. I have a rough conversion notes document that can be sliced into a set of race specific "this is why this was done this way" document.

I need art assets to finish off the SSDs. There are some things I'm playtesting yet. If you've got a group of SS players and know the SFU, and are NOT CURRENTLY WORKING on something for ADB already, contact me. I do have some fairly active playtesters in Toronto and Vancouver I can hook interested people up with.
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