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Author Topic: Thunderbirds Redux - Crossover  (Read 94 times)

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Dragon Cat

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Thunderbirds Redux - Crossover
« on: September 27, 2024, 10:10:52 AM »

Right so this is way off topic but it kind of just fell out of me last night. I've always thought a crossover between all of the classic "Supermarionation" series. So Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Stingray  etc. Now to make things absolutely clear I'm going to be changing things there's just no way that anything would be flying in the atmosphere at Mach 19.7 like Thunderbird One apparently did, the rocket would go up into orbit and come back down again. I'm also going to incorporate new tech and styling so it makes sense, touch screen controls, smart materials and augmented reality tech. But the equipment will work mostly the same. Don't know if this is a one-shot it just came to me.

Former NASA astronaut and self-made Trillionaire Jeff Tracy greeted the South Pacific morning with a smile on his isolated and private island. He was in his sixties his dark hair was beginning to recede but he wasn't ready to retire today he planned to launch his newest endeavour.

Walking into his office through the outside door he was surprised to see the large round room was quite full all five of his adult sons Scott, Virgil, twins Alan and John and the youngest Gordon were present as was Alan's girlfriend Tin-Tin and Jeff Tracy's resident technical expert and all-round brilliant scientist Brains.

"Well good morning to all of you" he said smiling looking at them all in turn "you’re up early" it hadn't turned eight local time yet.

"Is today the day? Dad" Scott his eldest asked from one of the three couches, like Jeff he had a natural thick head of black hair and blue eyes.

"Simulation scores appear to be going well" he answered deciding to challenge them to want to take the next step.

"Com'on Dad, Brains told us all four of the first craft are ready for flight tests." Scott pushed back knowing his father, he glances at Brains for support.

"W-why y-yes m-Mr Tracy" Brains stuttered surprised he'd been called on "all craft and several of the support machines are ready for testing probably not operational use yet though" he cautioned.

"A flight test then of Thunderbird 1" he said agreeing naming the smallest of their machines which would be used as a fast response and scouting craft. He moved over to his desk and looked at the five folders on his desk.

"Who flies it?" Virgil asked unlike Scott he had inherited the deep chestnut brown hair of their late mother; he was a couple of years younger than Scott and had recently returned from service with Spectrum the multi-national military and security wing of the United Nations.

"Scott, you’re up" Jeff said picking up his eldest son's file. Scott had been a combat pilot with the American military for seven years before coming home to help his father get this project off the ground.

"Fabulous!" Scott said triumphantly standing up his brother's looked disappointed by the news but each knew they would get their chances. Scott wasted not a second and headed over to the door on the far side of the room. Standing against the door an electronic pad came out of the wall and Scott touched it "Thunderbird One!"

As he spoke the words the door began to turn, he heard the others wish him good luck as he entered the elevator on the other side. This wasn't a normal elevator it was capable of travelling across the way as well as up and down also inside were blue flight suits for all of the brothers and Tin-Tin technically any of them could pilot any of the craft but Scott liked Thunderbird One the most.

Within a few minutes the elevator doors opened again and Scott was at the launch gantry for his craft picking up his crash helmet he walked out towards the silver-blue-and-red painted rocket.

Climbing onboard he strapped himself into the forward-facing launch couch looking at the four massive touch screens in front of him. The craft was heavily automated, it needed to be. Once strapped on he pulled on and locked his crash helmet as he did additional systems displayed on the Heads Up Display of the helmet wearing it, he could technically see through the craft using augmented-reality technology which dispensed with the need of a canopy.

"Thunderbird 1 to base I'm ready for launch." He said activating the communicator.

"Retracting launch cover and activating electronic counter measures suites" Tin-Tin said from the office command console, he had met Alan when he was stationed in Japan the two had fell madly in love and once Jeff had met her, he knew she was brilliant and he needed her on his team, he offered both her and her father permanent residence on Tracy Island which they accepted. Because this project had the highest of secrecy the launch facilities were hidden within or under structures on the island for Thunderbird 1 its launch pad was hidden under the family swimming pool. "Blast screens deployed" she said ensuring no one on the island would be harmed as well as the Tracy family there were about one hundred others who were employed by Jeff Tracy. "Control transferred to probe craft, launch when ready!"

"Roger, THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!" Scott transmitted activating the crafts rocket engines. Thunderbird One looked like a massive rocket with a pointed nose, a thin body, and a massive rocket block at the rear of the craft that had 9 vectoring control thrusters. The craft blasted away from Tracy Island rapidly climbing through the atmosphere, the entire family and many of the island workers stood outside watching the machine climb

"WHOOOOOOOOO-HOO!" As screamed against the G-forces "tell Brains he built a kick ass ride!" He shouted on Tracy Island many of the family were clapping Brains on the back as Scott Tracy and Thunderbird One exited the atmosphere and entered low Earth orbit.

"Look at the speed of that thing!" Alan remarked "he's the fastest man in history!" He realised looking at the figures.

"Not that he can tell anyone" John his twin said glancing at Brains "sorry Brains" the twins both shared natural blonde hair and brown eyes they had a lighter complexion then the others. Unlikely Scott and Virgil they hadn't entered the military instead both were accomplished scientists and NASA astronauts like Jeff had been.

"That's quite alright j-John" Brains stammered "w-we are going to do great things w-with these machines."

Onboard Thunderbird One Scott was more comfortable now the main engine had cut off as the craft continued around the planet, he fiddled with the controls activating the emergency frequency scanner.

"Mayday, Mayday, this is Bullet-train 14 we are out of control can anyone help us we will impact Tokyo Station in forty-two minutes. Repeat..." Scott silenced the message looking at his ETA, he could make it just.

"Thunderbird One to base, emergency!"

"Damn, go ahead Scott are you alright?" Jeff asked responding quicker than anyone else.

"Affirmative" he then played the emergency broadcast "they need help I'm in range."

"We aren't ready for that yet Scott!" Jeff said not wanting to see Scott respond to something he couldn't help.

"Dad, we created this to help people, Thunderbird One is the only craft capable of catching that craft in time. I won't go without your say but I can do it."

Jeff looked at each of his sons this was what they had all agreed to, they were ready he needed to get ready and work with them to make it work. "Thunderbird One, Godspeed!" He transmitted turning towards the office’s computer wall "Sonja, find Tokyo local satellite overview!" He called out to the AI which ran his office moments later Tokyo and the incoming bullet train were displayed. Even from the satellite's limited zoom they could tell people were evacuating the station.

"Roger" Scott said reaching forward to push the joystick forward in turn pushing the nose into the atmosphere before stopping "no..." He whispered "don't burn up on your first flight" he said instead he activated the re-entry sequence which would bring him into range of Tokyo. Activating the main thrusters at de-burn power the craft fell back into the atmosphere rapidly rendering Earth's gravity. In the atmosphere falling virtually Scott manipulated the controls which essentially knocked the rocked onto its side on and breaking thrusters fired.

As Thunderbird One slowed he activated another control which deployed two delta shaped wings one from either side of the thin body. The wings were made of self-healing intelligent nano-metal which learned as it encountered new scenarios. At the end of both winds were additional control thrusters and built into the wing itself were engines which when activated could match the performance characteristics of the best fighters in the world.

"Oh my god Brains this machine is beautiful" Scott called in to the base "ETA, two minutes, active counter measures online" he said they had decided for now their organisation would be a secret one, their new technology their own.

"Scott, what's your plan?" Virgil asked

"EMP Disruptor, I'll take out all their power then grapple them and slow them using my engines."

"Scott that's risky they've already built up a lot of momentum if you get pulled into the city you could be crippled or worse." Gordon pointed out

"I just need to be good" Scott replied to the others "very good and lucky" he said to himself as Thunderbird One closed on the out-of-control train "Bullet-train 14, I'm here to help." He said activating the train intercom as he brought Thunderbird one over the train his aircraft's bottom thrusters maintaining altitude as much as his speed. "Firstly, get yourself as secure as you can on a seat and hold on.” He said throughout the train people rushed back to their seats grasping hold of the chairs and tables, families huddling together. “I'm going to fry the trains electronics, everything will go off suddenly, do not panic it is part of my plan." He explained to them "I'll snare your train like a bull and bring it under control, there will be an initial burst of breaking followed by more, hold on until the train comes to a full stop." He said to them. "Thirty seconds to EMP" at this range he'd likely knock out some of the outskirts of Tokyo as well but that couldn't be helped.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1 firing EMP!" within moments everything on the train from internal lighting to the endings went off all at once, a total blackout. "Grapple targeted" he said on the underside of the craft behind the nose a door opened and two electromagnetic harpoons were revealed "FIRING!" He called out for his and got Tracy Islands benefit. One of the harpoons hit its target the other missed. "Cutting harpoon one, firing harpoon three and four!" He said releasing one and firing two more this time both hits. Bingo."

"Two minutes until Tokyo Station Scott" John warned from Tracy Island. On the monitors they could see Thunderbird One hovering over the train.

"This thing can turn on a dime" he remarked to himself with the thrusters under the craft holding it up the nose and rear manoeuvring thrusters made the craft turn swiftly one hundred and eighty degrees. "Beautiful baby” he said, his first flight onboard Thunderbird One and already he was in love with the craft. “Atmospheric engines firing forty percent" he called out, those on the train couldn’t hear him but it kept everything straight in his head, he didn’t want to slow the train too quickly, seeing Tokyo appearing around him he activated the ship's external speakers. "Prepare for heavy de-acceleration!" He warned hoping those inside were still braced boosting the thrusters to eighty percent one of the harpoons failed tearing away a lump from the train’s roof, Scott released the harpoon and it bounced away from the train, but the other two held keeping Thunderbird One attached to the train they had slowed but still they continue backwards. "Final push" he warned the passengers bringing the engines to full power. He could see through the visor’s augmented vision the train’s structure was buckling under the strain of the breaking but that couldn't be helped, the main thing was it was no longer a bullet which could potentially kill hundreds. Slowly it came to a rest just sixty-three metres short of the main terminal entry tunnel. Thunderbird Ones thrust began to lift up the train now it wasn't fighting the built-up momentum.

Scott cut the ship's thrust and then severed the cables. Through the ship's hull he could see people were climbing free out of the broken train, they looked like it was mostly bumps and bruises but no serious injuries. He activated the speakers "Ladies and Gentlemen, I represent International Rescue. We go where people are in need and where we are welcome, we will not cause harm but we will defend ourselves and we value our confidentiality.” He said making a statement for International Rescue they didn’t need outsiders poking their noses in where it wasn’t needed. “I have notified local fire and rescue services they will be with you soon, fair well." He said gently accelerating the craft away from the people below. Thunderbird One blasted into the sky rising through the atmosphere quickly gaining thirty thousand feet in height.

"Scott Tracy on scrambler to Tracy Island, mission accomplished!" He called out proud of his accomplishments easing Thunderbird One to the right and then to the left testing the aircraft enjoying his moment of triumph.

"Thunderbird One, alert you have incoming four fast moving aircraft seventy degrees to your south east!" Tracy called out as their satellites tracked Thunderbird One.

"Only one craft can go that fast" Scott said marveling knowing what he was seeing as four white painted sleek T-tailed Delta Wing Multi-Role fighters flew up into formation beside him. Spectrum Security Agency’s Angel Interceptors he'd heard of them but never seen one in person. Because his craft lacked a canopy, they couldn't see him but with the augmented reality headset he could see into the cockpits of the aircraft confirming a rumour he'd heard that all Angel Interceptor pilots were women, that was at least true here.

"Unknown craft, this is Destiny Angel of Spectrum. You are requested to heave too and accompany us to CloudBase for questioning." She said naming the mobile airbase operated by Spectrum. Scott couldn't make out her features but she had the smoothest voice with a hint of a French accent she sounded beautiful.

"Thank you for your invitation, Destiny, I'm Scott..." He stopped himself realising his first name was too much information already, he'd been taken in by her voice "International Rescue is no threat to Spectrum or anyone else we will help people who need it, I'd like to accompany you to prove that..."

"Then please do, Scott, you are very welcome to join us." She interrupted him, obviously trying to gain more information "Angel flight does not like being made to chase..." She said two of the fights began slowing into attack positions.

"Good luck keeping up” he said confidently “until next time Destiny" he said kicking in his main rocket scramjets sending Thunderbird One straight up at hypersonic speeds taking the craft into orbit far out of reach of the stunned Angel Flight pilots.

Scott made two further orbits to throw off pursuit before bringing Thunderbird One back into the atmosphere and down towards Tracy Island. By the time he landed it was night time, with all the habitats on the island there was plenty light for him to slip down to the landing strip. He brought the craft down in its horizontal flight mode making a perfect landing outside the island’s main hanger. Like the island’s other launching and recovery features the main hanger was concealed behind a rock face which opened revealing other equipment and vehicles undergoing maintenance. Quickly the ground support crew brought the craft inside with massive cheers for a job well done from the hundred or so personnel present.

He made his way back to the family residence he was greeted by his brother's and Tin-Tin. Jeff Tracy stood off for a moment before shaking Scott's hand "let that be a lesson, one slip and you almost let out our secret" he said looking at them making sure they all understood "otherwise a perfect operation" he said pulling his son into a hug. "Well done, International Rescue is officially on the map!"
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Thunderbirds Redux - Crossover
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2024, 06:28:30 PM »

Nice DC! I remember watching this as a kid.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Thunderbirds Redux - Crossover
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2024, 08:08:12 PM »

Yeah me too it's an MCU style shared universe for those shows I've got ideas for other stories I'll see if I get inspiration
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Thunderbirds Redux - Crossover
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2024, 08:32:18 PM »

Good luck bud, look forward to seeing more!
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