OBT Forum
Off-Topic => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Ice Hellion on February 06, 2010, 02:52:20 PM
Since it is a new board, I will began a new topic ;D
And when I thought that Cyberpunk was only a game, I found this info:
Until now, corporations only influenced politics with high-paid lobbyists and backroom deals. But today, thanks to an enlightened Supreme Court, corporations now have all the rights the founding fathers meant for us. It was their dream to build the best democracy money can buy.
That's why Murray Hill Incorporated is taking democracy's next step — running for Congress. Join us and build a vision for the future we can all be proud of. Vote Murray Hill Incorporated for Congress!
Can anyone confirm this?
Sounds like a plan Ice.
That is someone's lame idea to motivate us idiotic Americans to support another stupid attempt at campaign finance reform. You see this is what politics in the United States has become. After you identify an issue you control it by talking past any possible opposition than cling to your ideology regardless of reality. Sad really.
Do you mean it is a plot to force Americans to accept a reform of the way campaigns are financed?
A plot! ;D No - people aren't that smart. Merely another Stalinist campaign to strangle opposition or even more dangerous the free market! :o Seriously though a recent Supreme Court ruling struck down campaign finance laws designed to limit corporate influence in our election system. DESIGNED TO being the key words there. The path to hell is paved with good intentions. I find it remarkable that for all our advancements humanity and indeed the once free-est country in the world still get off on imposing the dumbest limitations over every little thing they fear.
Rant over.
Merely another Stalinist campaign to strangle opposition or even more dangerous the free market! :o
Overreacting a little, no?
to limit corporate influence in our election system.
I do think it is a good thing to limit their influence on elections.
Otherwise, open political machine will become the rule and I don't think this is what democracy is supposed to be.
No, I think I'm more aware of my surroundings then others. Unfortunately Ice the political machine already rules and that status quo is what I'm out to disrupt or upset at the very least. It goes back to what I said in my previous post - good intentions vs. reality. It might seem like a good idea to limit corporate influence because corporate equals bad in today's knee jerk mind set. However can't corporations do good? Don't they deserve to have a say? You see there is a whole list of issues from outsourcing to migrant labor that are the toxic bye products of our broken social contract right now. We can keep up the whole class warfare angle but France was worse off after Louis chased away the Huguenots. See what I'm getting at?
Beware where you are going my friend.
I might be under my cyberpunk books influence but free reigns to corporations is not good for the public good.
And you are right about France and Louis XIV, it was probably one of its biggest mistakes (I am impressed that I find someone knowing about that).
A careful balance must be maintained but our economic system is best described as dysfunctional. Some areas are over regulated, other places seem to be in a state of anarchy, and unions have forgotten about their membership. Sadly they are vehicles for advancement of the enlightened few while again the social contract is cast aside (i.e. outsourcing and migrant labor).
Not all Americans have forgotten the lessons of history.
A careful balance must be maintained but our economic system is best described as dysfunctional. Some areas are over regulated, other places seem to be in a state of anarchy, and unions have forgotten about their membership. Sadly they are vehicles for advancement of the enlightened few while again the social contract is cast aside (i.e. outsourcing and migrant labor).
Good points and we agree on them (surprise, surprise).
Not all Americans have forgotten the lessons of history.
When they were taught...
As a side question, what kind of history is taught in classes?
I loved history so I delved deeper into the subject than most. Social Studies is the course name and that gives you an idea what they teach. Even the advance placement european history class I took as a senior in high school was uninteresting to say the least. The professor focused on madame bovary and Kafka skipped right over my favorite period in history 1870-1920.
The professor focused on madame bovary and Kafka skipped right over my favorite period in history 1870-1920.
This is not European history but European literature.
No wonder no one knows about history.
Agreed. :'( Ever notice how many things in life are outright mislabeled. ;)
I hope some of our friends got a better class than you had. ;D
I went to see Sherlock Holmes and I must say it is quite surprising.
This is not the usual Sherlock Holmes, it is something else.
I don't know - I liked the Jeremy Brett series so much anything else is second class at best.
I can only say that it is probably completely different and I don't think I saw that show.
I must have seen at least one of them as Jeremy Brett's picture is familiar but this is all.
When I saw it, I thought: the ending line must be "Watch it next Friday on ... (insert your favoured TV Network)."
And it seems the results were not really good.
The USA are vulnerable (probably as any other country but since they are the only one to publish such results...).
I'm sorry Ice, not following you. ??? I clicked on your link but got nothing couple of days ago.
I'm sorry Ice, not following you. ??? I clicked on your link but got nothing couple of days ago.
I just clicked on it and it worked.
Try again and if it doesn't work, I will find another way to put it here.
In China, people who want to create a website will have to go to the authorities with their identity papers and pictures of them.
Officially, this is a part of the Chinese fight against pornography.
Japanese scientists just developed a software to analyse the intensity and type of baby cries.
According to their tests, it works 96 times out of 100.
What happens the other 4 times?
Wrong interpretation I guess.
Did anyone go to the movies to see Shutter Island?
No but it is getting its share of interest here.
I saw it yesterday and the plot is interesting (I don't want to spoil your fun by saying too much 8))
I bought two days ago a netbook.
As I am now a Penguin convert, I want Windows to be taken off and my money given back.
There is a procedure for that.
First, call a call centre (via a taxed number and they were so good that it took them 30 minutes to do what should take 5 and they were not able to answer my only question).
Second, send the paper to a fax number (a funny thing is that they first gave me a wrong number before checking I "was" real and giving me the good one).
Third, receive a mail from these people requesting me to send a copy of my bill to the first wrong fax number.
Fourth (and where I stand now), receive another mail saying "your bill is not readable, send it to us via fax with a better resolution".
And we are living in an Internet age ::)
Today was election day (first turn of the regional election).
It seems non voting was rather high (what a shame).
How do the regional elections work in the 5th??? French Republic?
Who is the winner? Right? Left? Center?
Today was election day (first turn of the regional election).
Curious question: Am I correct to assume that this election is indeed for the regional council(e.g. the Alsace region)?
Hessian you are right.
The first round did not go well (in my eyes) as less than 47% of those on the lists went to vote.
I will give you national results but let's say that of the 22 regions of Metropolitan France, 21 are likely to stay/go on the left and 1 might be kept by the right.
Extreme left 3.40%
Communists (yes I know) 5.84%
Socialists 23,52%
Greens 12.18%
Other left 3.05%
Left Alliance 5.62 %
Others 1.88 %
Regional lists 0.75%
Centre-Right 4.20%
UMP (the Right movement leading the country for now) 26.02%
Other right 1.24%
National Front (extreme right) 11.24%
Other extreme right 0.89%
Second round, next Sunday.
Non voting is the 1st political movement and the only one who cannot be heard >:(
Have you heard about a new "green" area in Las Vegas?
I saw it in a newspaper here but I didn't read this article yet.
I find it hard to believe that this is anything but ecotopians continued pursuit of a perpatual motion machine. My cousin lived out there for a number of years and he told me it was so dry that growing grass was nearly forbidden. People did it but the water used for such growth was outrageous.
I will take a look at it and see if I can find anything.
And today was the 2nd round of the elections.
And for the record, I could not vote as I was away (I came back 1 hour after the closing time) and had no one available to vote for me.
Results are:
- non voting 49% (of the total).
- in the French Main Land, 20 Regions remain on the left side, 1 becomes left-sided and 1 remains on the right side.
- in the 4 overseas regions, 2 are on the left side and 2 on the right one.
The main problem in Europe is the lack of a common language.
It is a strenght too as it gives us diversity and all and it is the result of history and the building of nations but sometimes you should try to speak in a language understood by others.
I imagine given time that a lingual evolution would emerge but given the insane stratification of today's politically correct society that seems impossible.
I imagine given time that a lingual evolution would emerge but given the insane stratification of today's politically correct society that seems impossible.
I doubt it.
Language have been around for centuries and no one in his right mind would agree on letting it go away (just look at the Flemish or the Catalans).
I imagine given time that a lingual evolution would emerge but given the insane stratification of today's politically correct society that seems impossible.
I doubt it too.
For example many children and/or grandchildren of Gastarbeiter still speak the language of their forefathers(turkish, italian and so on).
Just a question for you both. Do you see a few common words creeping into your own culture that were previously absent? I'm not saying everyone is just going to decide hey we are speaking X but I wouldn't be surprised if a few elements (words or phrases) appear universally.
Just a question for you both. Do you see a few common words creeping into your own culture that were previously absent? I'm not saying everyone is just going to decide hey we are speaking X but I wouldn't be surprised if a few elements (words or phrases) appear universally.
This happens every day in all living languages. :P
I think that languages are in deed dynamic and develop constantly. Otherwise there would have been (for example) no evolution from Old High German to Middle High German to Early New High German to New High German.
And currently there are indeed words entering the German Language: often with a background from information technology, so most of those words come from the English Language.
In former times quite a few terms have been absorbed into German from French(like alarm or bivouac, although the last one is spelled biwak in German).
And it seems to me that the term "software" appears all around the globe nowadays. ;)
I think that languages coss-influence each other. For example such German Language terms like "Sturm and Drang" and "Realpolitik" have spread to other languages as well.
So ...
I think that languages evolve in such a way that certain terms are absorbed from other languages while other terms are exported into other languages.
So yes I think it is possible that certain loanwords may appear universally.
P.S.: Yes, as you can probably tell I find languages(and their development and history) to be a very fascinating topic. ;D
P.P.S.: While I was typing Ice Hellion summed it up in a much shorter way. ;)
P.P.S.: While I was typing Ice Hellion summed it up in a much shorter way. ;)
I am such a summary guy. ::)
P.S.: Yes, as you can probably tell I find languages(and their development and history) to be a very fascinating topic. ;D
Me too.
Just look at those three languages: Deutch, Dutch and English.
Why is it always the same people from the same companies that go on strike?
Why is it always the same people from the same companies that go on strike?
Do you care to elaborate?
P.P.S.: While I was typing Ice Hellion summed it up in a much shorter way. ;)
I am such a summary guy. ::)
P.S.: Yes, as you can probably tell I find languages(and their development and history) to be a very fascinating topic. ;D
Me too.
Just look at those three languages: Deutch, Dutch and English.
BTW: How are German classes going?
BTW: How are German classes going?
Up and down and up and...
It depends on the day.
Today we were asked to write a "novel" with 9 random words (I had romantic, computer, believe, student...).
My group made a "comic" philosophical love story.
And earlier on, I spoke about 3D movies.
Do you care to elaborate?
It is simple.
People from the national railroad company went on strike for the 3rd time in the trimester.
When you look at who goes on strike in France, you have (most of the time) this company, students/pupils (don't ask me how they can go on strike) and public servants...
The majority is not going on strike and is enduring all and everything.
But my question was more a rhetorical one than a real one.
I learned that in Germany, public servants were not allowed to go on strike and that people from the private sector went on strike.
This is the exact opposite from the French situation.
Such a different country. :D
It is simple.
People from the national railroad company went on strike for the 3rd time in the trimester.
Oy! That doesn't sound good...
When you look at who goes on strike in France, you have (most of the time) this company, students/pupils (don't ask me how they can go on strike) and public servants...
The majority is not going on strike and is enduring all and everything.
There have been several cases when students went on strike here too.
But my question was more a rhetorical one than a real one.
I can see that now ;D
I learned that in Germany, public servants were not allowed to go on strike and that people from the private sector went on strike.
Well.... here in Germany we have two classes of public servants. Beamte(r) and Angestellte(r). An Angestellter may strike while a Beamter lacks the right to strike.
More information can be found here:
Oy! That doesn't sound good...
Same business as usual (I even managed to get to my meeting in Paris using the train).
I just learned that China now forbids play-back (following the Olympic Games) and that two singers have to pay around 5,000 $ for doing that in a concert.
Strange law, no?
it is official: we are nothing, a "little" amount of ashes and we can't fly any longer.
The funny thing is that I hope this eruption cools down as my summer holidays are supposed to be in Iceland.
What do you think of those results?
Interesting poll Ice, texting is so retro to me anyway.
Hope you like volcanic eruptions on your vacation. :o
I don't know if this is the right time to discover Iceland.
Two different people told me I should postpone it.
But to do so, I need to find another plan...
I would think it is a neat place. Can't imagine there is much to do there except take in the scenery which for the record I like to do.
You can walk, take hot baths...
But I think I will try something else for this summer.
Go on, go to Iceland, how bad could it be ::)
It's just that the country might be a little ashy and not as beautiful as it should be.
A rather funny post I found.
http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2010/04/oddball-grand-moff-tarkin-paints-minis.html (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2010/04/oddball-grand-moff-tarkin-paints-minis.html)
:o :o :o
Yes, you read it right: Grand Moff Tarkin paints minis.
Have you ever heard of Ritter Sport?
This is a German chocolate company that produces interesting things like chocolate squares (http://www.ritter-sport.com/ (http://www.ritter-sport.com/)).
Have you ever heard of Ritter Sport?
This is a German chocolate company that produces interesting things like chocolate squares (http://www.ritter-sport.com/ (http://www.ritter-sport.com/)).
And in a lot of varieties(each variety is recogniazable by its own wrapper color) too.
One of my favorites is: Trauben-Nuss – Milk chocolate with raisins and hazelnut pieces.
Yum! ;D
Trauben Nuss?
I didn't have the opportunity to try that one.
Strikes, strikes and again strikes.
But this time, it is in the sector I am working in...
It is sad when the only way to be heard is to go on strike and block everything.
Organized labor faces real challenges in the global market. Outsourcing and migrant labor have done much to undercut their membership salaries.
As most people in France, I am not in any labour organisation and the strike I am talking about did not originate in one of the big labour unions that do not represent the artisans, which are on strike.
As most people in France, I am not in any labour organisation and the strike I am talking about did not originate in one of the big labour unions that do not represent the artisans, which are on strike.
Artisans on strike? ??? Sounds odd...
True but such is the beauty of the system.
The events in Greece remind me of Argentina in the 80s-90s when the IFM ordered some specific measures.
This is a big question: what is more important? Financial markets or the people?
Let's talk about art.
What do you think about it? Do you have an idea on what it should be?...
Back from the Alps.
I am going to my place tomorrow as today is Mother's day and I decided to stay the whole day with my parents.
Welcome back Ice!
Welcome back Ice! Hope your vacation was enjoyable and relaxing.
A lot of walking and enjoying the sun.
Today it is raining and I still have to take the road >:(
Beautiful day here Ice maybe a tad humid hope it clears up for you over there.
It has been grey all along and I did already a trip for work today under the same sky.
It seems everyone and everything is going crazy.
I don't know if you have the same impression wherever you are living.
Such a laconic answer.
Do you have Spartan ancestors? ;)
I just finished watching on DVD Apocalypse, a French documentary of 6 hours on WWII full of "unknown" video footages and all in colour.
We all know the story and I could hear "some" small mistakes in the comment while some things were not explained but seeing everything with colour video footages are quite impressive.
I knew it: I have now found the only non Spartan that is as laconic as they were and guess what?
He is English 8)
This year, Captain Cousteau would have been 100 years old.
Check this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques-Yves_Cousteau (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques-Yves_Cousteau)
Some interesting ideas on warfare in the future but no BattleMechs :'( (they should have asked the Japanese ;D)
http://www.newamerica.net/events/2010/warring_futures_a_future_tense_event (http://www.newamerica.net/events/2010/warring_futures_a_future_tense_event)
Some interesting ideas on warfare in the future but no BattleMechs :'( (they should have asked the Japanese ;D)
http://www.newamerica.net/events/2010/warring_futures_a_future_tense_event (http://www.newamerica.net/events/2010/warring_futures_a_future_tense_event)
I wonder why no one ever gives a thought to creating our nice little toys (or those of WH40K for instance like the Reaver I have on my desk).
My new favourite movie quote:
- Are they trying to shoot down the other drone?
- No, they're trying to fly that tank.
from the A-Team movie, quiaff?
I want to see that one as well.
Don't know, I loved the show growing up but the movie ???
It is funny (and I guess this is what the show would look like if it was done today) but I still prefer some of the original actors.
I am watching the 3rd season of the Sopranos and I still enjoy it.
The Sopranos was alright but the mafia story line isn't my cup of tea. I liked the Godfather with its mobster honor concepts however it is overplayed to me.
The Sopranos was alright but the mafia story line isn't my cup of tea. I liked the Godfather with its mobster honor concepts however it is overplayed to me.
That's the origin of it: honour and respect.
The only ones able to tell us about it would not talk about it.
How much heat is too much to work in an office?
Not sure, never did office work before. ???
How much heat is too much to work in an office?
I don't know and to the best of my knowledge there is no formal regulation regarding temperatures in offices over here.
But for schools there is something called "hitzefrei": If the temperature reaches or exceeds 25° Celsius within a classroom at Eleven O' Clock then school is over for that day(at least in Hesse. I don't know about the other federal states or "Bundesländer" in Germany).
P.S.: Special service for Ice Hellion ;)
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitzefrei (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitzefrei)
I don't think there is a regulation and I guess if I were in Germany it would have been a day out of "class" for me :P
And we have air conditioning but we can't put it on all together as the power goes down and also most of the air conditioners are blowing air right on us so too much of it might get us sick.
I don't think there is a regulation and I guess if I were in Germany it would have been a day out of "class" for me :P
And we have air conditioning but we can't put it on all together as the power goes down and also most of the air conditioners are blowing air right on us so too much of it might get us sick.
You have air conditioning at work? I think I envy you...even if the air conditioning isn't properly installed.
You have air conditioning at work? I think I envy you...even if the air conditioning isn't properly installed.
We have for two years now.
Prior to that, we had old mobile air conditioners that needed the window to be open, letting more warm air in than the air conditioner was cooling.
And being in the middle of a report and having the power goes down because too many people put the air conditioners on is not funny.
You have air conditioning at work? I think I envy you...even if the air conditioning isn't properly installed.
And being in the middle of a report and having the power goes down because too many people put the air conditioners on is not funny.
I know. A few times I've been in such a situation myself(although for different reasons).
But in my whole career I've never had an office with air conditioning.
So I am quite impressed.
The office in which I work is air conditioned and has been for many years. Depending on the weather outside and the time of day I'm either cold or comfortable. Because my office area is west-facing, the morning is when I usually wear a light jacket; in the afternoon it's just right.
I took the worst highway I ever saw: no indication on where you should go, the road was partly melting due the heat...
Luckily, it is free.
Where is this and what is its name?
I took the worst highway I ever saw: no indication on where you should go, the road was partly melting due the heat...
Luckily, it is free.
Speaking of melting: How hot was it in France today, Ice?
Here in Hesse we had temperatures in excess of 35° Celsius, namely 37° Celsius.
I don't know as I was/am in Belgium ;D but I had more or less the same temperatures as you.
People are crazy.
Since June 30th until somewhere early August, it is the Summer Boxing Days.
I was in different shops on Saturday to ask a few questions around for my holidays and my cell phone (plus my regular shopping) and all day, I had to deal with rude people trying to get their hands on the salesman I was speaking to, driving right towards me in their car (and I was the one in the right direction), making a mess when they had to pay (with strange situations like I have a cheque but it is from my daughter and no I don't have her ID... you see the mess).
Consumption at its highest...
Very strange, i spent most of the day either working or being dragged around shops looking at beds.
All I can say it is hot here - since last week it is like somebody turned on the oven. We topped out at 107 degrees F last tuesday! :o
Maybe this is why all people seemed crazy.
All I can say it is hot here - since last week it is like somebody turned on the oven. We topped out at 107 degrees F last tuesday! :o
Wow that's even hotter than over here. And somewhere around 42 degrees C !!!
Beware of thunderstorms ::)
Same here at the moment.
Yeah it is a hot one this summer - last years monsoon summer has given way to a hot and muggy one.
I am about to watch on TV an old favourite of mine: A Fistful of Dynamite :D
While I was in the train getting back from Paris, I saw the harvest was going on.
It fascinated me to see all those engines and trucks moving in the fields while we were going through them with the High Speed Train (TGV).
Now it is official: madness is on all of us.
that is news? I thought all of us here were mad in one way or another. ;)
I would say speak for yourself 'rat but.... :-\
that is news? I thought all of us here were mad in one way or another. ;)
True but usually we hide it, whereas yesterday no one was hiding it.
Just a quick question: how is BP perceived right now in the USA?
Not well, some of the local stations that sell their gas were even boycotted. Then add in this whole Libyan deal and they are about as popular as {insert insulting figure here}.
Not well, some of the local stations that sell their gas were even boycotted. Then add in this whole Libyan deal and they are about as popular as {insert insulting figure here}.
Libyan deal?
Basically the US senate is saying BP used there influence to get the Libyan conviced of the lockerbie bombing released back to Libya, a charge both the UK and Scotish governments deny.
The scots have jurisdiction here and released him on human rights grounds (he has terminal cancer).
The Senate also want a number of British & Scotish politicians to go to washington to explain the decision, something they have all decided not to do as, in there own words 'it is an event that is not in US juridiction' and fair play to them after all would a US politician goto a commitie in another country if they were asked?
Your absolutely right Six. It is outrageous that our dumb arse politicians would have the nads to ask someone else to explain their actions. ::) Sovereignty aside.
I told you earlier, this is getting more and more official, the world is crazy.
I agree. It appears to me that the world is going to hell in an handbasket. I worry about what kind of world my children and grandchildren will inherit. :(
I agree. It appears to me that the world is going to hell in an handbasket. I worry about what kind of world my children and grandchildren will inherit. :(
I do understand that feeling.
Your absolutely right Six. It is outrageous that our dumb arse politicians would have the nads to ask someone else to explain their actions. ::) Sovereignty aside.
Yep, sounds like they're comming over to the UK to ask the questions now :)
Yep, sounds like they're comming over to the UK to ask the questions now :)
And someone is going to answer them?
I hope you will keep them.
Yep, sounds like they're comming over to the UK to ask the questions now :)
And someone is going to answer them?
Doubt it :D
I hope you will keep them.
Hope not :)
And someone is going to answer them?
Doubt it :D
Then what a waste of public money >:(
Now your getting it.
Now your getting it.
What do you think of Wikileaks?
Something wrong with that Asange guy. I think he needs an enema.
Something wrong with that Asange guy. I think he needs an enema.
I must have missed something in this story.
Julian Assange is the "director" of Wikileaks and class one blow hole. I don't appreciate his leftist nihilistic heroism as it is anything but righteous. Releasing state secrets hurts real people and he don't care.
I didn't know his name.
I don't know if you saw this movie but I just watched The Wave (a German movie) and it is quite good and it makes you question a lot of things (like American History X or Green Street Hooligans)
Think I saw that one a while ago. Isn't that about a teacher who tries to teach his students about the dangers of fascism and the whole thing takes on a life of its own?
What did you think of this movie?
Was required watching one day in high school or shall I more accurately say lesson of the day. From what I remember and this is eighteen years ago I saw the film in question some issues were dealt with too simplistically. The subtle changes of fascism and how it plays on your tendencies was a good underlying message. I had a problem with the perspective as you were an outside observer leading to "I'm smarter than that" view carried by most who went into the movie. "It couldn't happen to me!" ;D
this is eighteen years ago
The movie was broadcasted in 2008 ::)
Perhaps it was a remake. Looks like this is indeed the case Ice. Did a little research on IMDB and this is what I watched years ago.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083316/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083316/)
Here is your remake - how did it go over over there?
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1063669/ (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1063669/)
Germans making remakes of an American movie?
I must be dreaming :P
This is my last post as I am going into holidays :D
See you in a few weeks.
Have fun Ice!
Well, from what I can tell Ice Hellion indeed enjoys his holidays. ;)
After returning from my own holidays in the Black Forest a few days ago, I just met him personally when he made a short visit to the town where I live and fetched the dead tree copy of Operation Klondike I ordered for him a while back.
He is now going to embark on his holiday trip.
He asked me to greet all of you, so many greetings from Ice Hellion.
Awesome, glad to hear about this BTSD rendezvous. ;)
He is really going to enjoy Op Klondike.
I wonder how soon after he gets home Golden Century gets downloaded?
I wonder how soon after he gets home Golden Century gets downloaded?
Don't tempt me ;D
I am back and I must confess I really enjoyed biking and Germany.
Welcome back Ice!!
I am back and I must confess I really enjoyed biking and Germany.
Glad to hear.... ;)
90 km/day during 6 days. ::)
Southern Germany?? Like Bavaria??
No, mid Germany and North: Hesse, the Fulda, part of the Wesser, Hanover, Bremen and Hamburg.
Southern Germany?? Like Bavaria??
You have a special interest in Bavaria Takiro?
No, just guessing Hessian. Sounds like an interesting trip Ice.
You have a special interest in Bavaria Takiro?
Beer? :P
Sounds like an interesting trip Ice.
It was and for several reasons.
Please tell. ;)
Please tell. ;)
No. ;)
Who understand North Korea?
China's cats paw quite simply. They are the crazy cop that can rattle the saber while China can play the good guy.
That's an interesting idea but I don't think China really plays the good guy.
I was browsing through my pictures from Germany and I found out this one I wanted to share with you, guess why?
Rugby perhaps
Rugby perhaps
You are too clever for me :P
The game they play in heaven
The game they play in heaven
Not sure about that one but Heaven vs. Hell would be an interesting game.
With David Campese captaining the whites and Colin Meade Captaining the dark hordes.
And the winner being? ;D
Whoever rolls a 12
Americans and the future (40 years ahead)
http://newsdesk.si.edu/releases/smithsonian-magazine-looks-ahead-40-years-exclusive-contributions-president-barack-obama-ja (http://newsdesk.si.edu/releases/smithsonian-magazine-looks-ahead-40-years-exclusive-contributions-president-barack-obama-ja)
2050 the year of shadowrun and I will be 75 years old! :o
That's an interesting idea.
I read today that in France the authorisation to use medical diagnosis via Internet has been given.
I have troubles understanding how this could work, if anyone could help me understanding it...
I would surmise that a sick person would list his or her symptoms and a doctor would then diagnosis via the internet. Might actually be good for minor illness such as the common cold or flu.
I would surmise that a sick person would list his or her symptoms and a doctor would then diagnosis via the internet. Might actually be good for minor illness such as the common cold or flu.
Not even sure about that one since the symptoms might hide something bigger.
Is it me or is our language more and more akin to a kind of Newspeak?
I am sure I pasted the link to the explanation. :-[
Here it goes again. ;D
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspeak (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspeak)
The english language in america is in a bad state. I like big words and high vocabulary which I got from Daffy Duck and Word Power. ;D I usually throw out a few nuggets during the day and people are clueless.
Can you post an example for us to enjoy?
Well this week when we were trying to repair a toppled pillar I used the word Rube in commenting on some of the proposed solutions. I was pleasantly surprised to find that one person in the crew knew exactly what I was getting at. In fact he went onto to describe more details about Mr. Goldberg then I knew. Good stuff.
Would a better term be Foxspeak?
Not a bad play on words but one sided in the Age of Obama were both sides speak much but mean very little.
I had to look for this guy ::)
I just found something that links Dune and Battletech: In DUNE, Paul's home planet of Caladan was at Delta Pavonis (Gliese 780). Ecaz was Alpha Centauri B (Gliese 559), Richese was Epsilon Eridani (Gliese 144), Giedi Prime was 36 Ophiuchi (Gliese 663), and Dune itself is Canopus.
Funny, no?
What is funny is that Dune is linked to BattleTech forever to me cause there was a Muad'dib in my first campaign. ;D
What is funny is that Dune is linked to BattleTech forever to me cause there was a Muad'dib in my first campaign. ;D
The lack of imagination of people these days :P
I have a scoop ;D
Cold War is not over.
NATO planners just upgraded their war plans to protect Poland and the Baltic States from an unnamed opponent (but one that appears as the Red Team :P)
Just look at NATOs chief opponent. The Kalingrad Oblast is an interesting aside to this.
Screen it, both from land and sea, bomb its airfields, and ignore it until you have the lesuire to make the futility of its resistance clear.
Screen it, both from land and sea, bomb its airfields, and ignore it until you have the lesuire to make the futility of its resistance clear.
Where did I hear this resistance is futile thing? ;D
From me, when I set the Davions loose on you!
From me, when I set the Davions loose on you!
When? ;D
Last time I checked I was targeted by pirates not Davions.
You brash Ice Hellions are always making enemies. ::)
You brash Ice Hellions are always making enemies. ::)
Only because we are thinking too fast for all of you ;D
The new question is physicians and babies.
Are physicians (even children specialists) taking into account the specificities of a baby?
My own experience (my own niece today) would make me think that no but perhaps I am wrong or perhaps it is really country specific or hospital specific.
Could you be a little more specific Ice?
She went (not alone obviously :P) to the hospital yesterday morning and to the ER part of it.
She had to go through a scanner.
Yesterday evening, no scanner but a treatment for her and several tests (I guess blood ones).
Scanner this morning but tonight still no result (you have to wait for the physician in chief).
My brother manages to see someone "She will get out tomorrow", another one "she is going under surgery tomorrow". He finds the big guy (that was leaving): "she will go under surgery but we don't know when as she was not in our planning."
And I am not talking yet about the "you have to wait for a room in the corridor" part.
Yikes, health care in particular seems screwed up and not just in regards to kids. I think doctors and nurses have taken on a magic quality to their character when they are just human beings same as us all. Add in bureaucrats and people who think they know better - bingo.
Yikes, health care in particular seems screwed up and not just in regards to kids. I think doctors and nurses have taken on a magic quality to their character when they are just human beings same as us all. Add in bureaucrats and people who think they know better - bingo.
But this is true anywhere :(
Don't know what to say Ice people expect perfection outta a lot not realizing the ideal isn't real.
Don't know what to say Ice people expect perfection outta a lot not realizing the ideal isn't real.
What I meant was that everyone think they are special and unique but also that bureaucracy is everywhere.
Well you just said a lot right there. Kind of hard to treat someone as special if your a one size fits all bureaucrat.
Well you just said a lot right there. Kind of hard to treat someone as special if your a one size fits all bureaucrat.
Rhetorical question: how do you define a bureaucrat?
An egocentric paper pusher
An egocentric paper pusher
Should I ask about your opinion on Internet and secrets these days or is this too polemical? ;D
The are still secrets :o
The are still secrets :o
Ivory Coast is such a mess.
That's putting it mildly... ::)
That's putting it mildly... ::)
Yeah but using the right words to describe the situation would mean banning ourselves and i've had enough of that today lol
Ooo Burn. :D
Ooo Burn. :D
;D ::)
Yeah but using the right words to describe the situation would mean banning ourselves and i've had enough of that today lol
Like I said, a complete mess.
Great discovery: in December, it might snow.
It tends to get cold and icey to ::)
Great discovery: in December, it might snow.
Even In Paris! ;)
Even In Paris! ;)
The things that can happen in a so-called developed country:
1 train
600 passengers
15 hours of delay ::)
Yikes, what was the reason Ice?
Plenty of them but which ones do you want: the company ones, the union ones... :P
Am I the only one to think that this world is getting crazier and crazier?
No, you're not. I'm beginning to think the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Or maybe it's because of the easy access to tragic news around the world these days. :'(
Well the good news is it can't get much crazier. Things r a looney mess right now!
Well the good news is it can't get much crazier.
Are you sure? ;)
I'm certainly not sure.
I'm certainly not sure.
+1 but now I have to move quickly before you eat my 'Mech ;D
What do you think of the recent medicine or sugar substitutes scandals with our nice governmental agencies having given access to the market to potentially dangerous medicines and selling them as the next wonder?
Not sure what you are refering to ice, do you have a link?
In English?
I will have to look for it.
I was referring to the interdiction of one medicine that is supposed to have killed a lot of people and the interdiction or increased surveillance of some other 77 medicines by the Health Agency in France (Medicines that were sold and used up to the day before)...
How odd that they all got sold and used up the day before ::)
Or just another proof that money is more important than anything else.
Like Dioxin in animal feed. >:(
Some chemicals have a way of getting around. Unforeseen consequences.
Like Dioxin in animal feed. >:(
I heard about that too.
What is your opinion on so-called eco-terrorists?
Here is some pig arsery for you.
Massive floods in Brisbane, everyone pitches in to help in one of the country's largest acts of spontaneuos group help in our history.
One prick, who shall remain unnamed, leaves Brisbane, drives south to meet with local planners to demand that a new community safety project not be built out the front of his holiday house, because it might ruin the view.
SELFISH ******* *******!
Here is some pig arsery for you.
Massive floods in Brisbane, everyone pitches in to help in one of the countries largest acts of spontaneuos gropu help in our history.
One prick, who shall remains unnamed, leaves Brisbane, drives south to meet with local planners to demand that a new community safety project not be built out the front of his holiday house, because it might ruin the view.
SELFISH ******* *******!
There's always one.
Yeah I hate them folks.
Without forgetting the town officials allowing people to build on dangerous grounds because it brings money and citizens to the town.
Then when these people are flooded, they ask the State to help them...
Yep, never let a crisis go to waste. ::) >:(
Yep, never let a crisis go to waste. ::) >:(
Personal experience?
Not really Ice. It is a recent refrain from a certain political figure that I really think some people believe.
Not really Ice. It is a recent refrain from a certain political figure that I really think some people believe.
So cynical ;D
Has anyone ever heard of Otpor?
Er serbian anti-Milosovic youth movement?
You get a cookie.
Go me lol
I had to look it up myself Ice, why do you ask?
Because someone told me about this group and I wanted to know if it was known.
It is the first time I've heard of it - perhaps it is more of a regional renown then an international one.
It seems they are being used as a training school by "activists".
Could anyone tell me what is going on with Wisconsin public servants?
You mean between the Governor and the Unions?
The minority democrats have fled the state preventing a quorum in one of the (lower I believe) house legislatures. This political tactic has temporarily prevented legislative action that would defang public service unions, aka civil servants. It is a political war basically as these unions support democrat causes and receive ample benefits as a result.
It is gonna be a clusterfuck. In the interests of full disclosure I am a resident of Wisconsin and a liberal, but not too far, leaning person.
I generally do not discuss politics so this is likely about all I'll comment on things. Steps do need to be taken. Was this a valid place to make cuts? - yes. It did seem to kinda come outta the blue though. But lets be honest, anyplace the cuts would have come from would have angered someone.
Want more info, google it. Just be aware of the bias of any news source.
Want more info, google it. Just be aware of the bias of any news source.
I know.
I read something about it in a French newspaper and I preferred to first ask you guys before turning to the Internet.
Yeah i was reading about it in the economist. Its not good similar things happening here, lots of public jobs going due to the massive budget deficit.
And for more raging stupidity...we find a beautiful samoy pup, lost wandering and full of mange last night. We have taken it in and fed it and are calling the pound to see if anyone is looking for it. It really pisses me off to see people treat animals like this. We are going to foster the talkitive little maniac until a home can be found.
Well done sir!
Well done sir!
Well done sir!
Well done sir!
Well, she was microchipped and her name is Vanilla, stupid name if you ask me. However, thats all the vet/pound is allowed to tell you. Law over here is that she has to stay at the pound for 14 days before fostering if the owners cannot be found. Andrea will keep track of her as she works for Council and Council runs the pound.
Well, she was microchipped and her name is Vanilla, stupid name if you ask me. However, thats all the vet/pound is allowed to tell you. Law over here is that she has to stay at the pound for 14 days before fostering if the owners cannot be found. Andrea will keep track of her as she works for Council and Council runs the pound.
Perhaps she was born in the V year?
Don't follow?
Well, the pound obviously found the owners, however, she is back at our place for antoher sleep over, as she seems to have gotten out again. Back to the pound tomorrow and hoepfully they will pass on our contacts so we can get her to her owners next time without going via the pound again.
Don't follow?
This was an analogy based on dogs.
Pure blooded dogs don't get named in a random way but each year, a letter of the alphabet is selected to be used for their first name and the following, it is the next one.
Let's say this is the V year, a pure blooded dog would be named: Vanilla, Valkyrie... but not Romeo.
Next year would then be the W: Whisky, Winchester...
I just read that New York wants to reconquer its sea and river sides and that the mayor has big plans for that.
Just wait until he discovers the lack of control he has over those areas. Don't think they've thought of providing emergency services on the scale his water way development plan calls for.
What do you mean?
NYC is all about services Ice. If you need something just turn the corner and it is there at your finger tips. Not sure how New Yorkers will react to a slow boat ride or taking a swim to get somewhere. Instant gratification is the name of the game.
a slow boat ride or taking a swim to get somewhere. Instant gratification is the name of the game.
There are new ways of transporting people and things on water, faster ones.
But interesting point on New York.
Surprising: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703529004576160601149946420.html (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703529004576160601149946420.html)
Not much to talk about or too much...
What do you think about Obama going to Facebook to chat? Here it would be incredible and misunderstood but on the other side of the pond?
Why do I feel like there is nothing on the news and that the journalists are trying to overcome that by saying one thing and then the opposite?
Because Rupert told them to.
Is he really in all countries?
He is like the flu...maybe more like Syphilis.
He is like the flu...maybe more like Syphilis.
I won't ask you more about this man. :P
I am back. Did you miss me? :P
Who are you?
He comes and goes so quickly would we notice?
Who are you?
Your favourite punching-ball
He comes and goes so quickly would we notice?
Is it Road Runner, Speedy Gonzales or an Ice Hellion? :P
Road Runner obviously (BEEP!-BEEP!)
Road Runner obviously (BEEP!-BEEP!)
Perhaps we should make a poll out of it :P or ask our resident Coyotes what they think of it (do we have any?).
or that here in the US there always seems to be bad news, tragedy, or something of that ilk published, yet rarely anything good and positive?
or that here in the US there always seems to be bad news, tragedy, or something of that ilk published, yet rarely anything good and positive?
Like in all countries.
Tragedy, like sex, sells.
Chapter 1, the End.
Tragedy, like sex, sells.
Chapter 1, the End.
Yeah, stupid question... ::)
Yeah, stupid question... ::)
Chapter 0 The Beginning
There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. ;)
Yeah, stupid question... ::)
Chapter 0 The Beginning
There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. ;)
True. And the world is full of them.
What do you think of the Women Football World Championship?
So far I have seen all the matches(3) of the german team.
What about the News of the World scandal?
What I find pathetic, is that people are actually surprised that such gutter scraping, cad ridden and morally bankrupt organisation could do such a thing.
Humans really are the stupidest animal on the planet.
What I find pathetic, is that people are actually surprised that such gutter scraping, cad ridden and morally bankrupt organisation could do such a thing.
I had never heard of this tabloid before the scandal.
Same here. This tabloid was unknown to me.
It was the paper with the largest circulation in the Uk but it has the reputation for being scum and now this has just proved it, on the news today it sounds like another 'red top' (uk tabloid) has been caught as well.
It was the paper with the largest circulation in the Uk but it has the reputation for being scum and now this has just proved it
This is what I heard on the radio but I guess it was UK only ;)
Just out of curiosity, what do people in other countries think of the credit rating agencies?
Not sure what to think of them Ice, aside from their name I know little of them.
Not sure what to think of them Ice, aside from their name I know little of them.
They are so-called independent agencies that rate the credits of companies and States.
Paris Saint Germain - New York Red Bulls: 0-1
This news made me laugh for 10 minutes. ;D
Paris Saint Germain - New York Red Bulls: 0-1
This news made me laugh for 10 minutes. ;D
Not good for Arsenal though finishing 3rd in their own tournament ;D
Not good for Arsenal though finishing 3rd in their own tournament ;D
Is it the same tournament?
Not good for Arsenal though finishing 3rd in their own tournament ;D
Is it the same tournament?
If the losses are in friendly matches....
Over the last weekend and today was/is the first round of the german cup. Up to now 4 Bundesliga clubs were eliminated, all by clubs from lower leagues(2nd, 3rd and 4th). E.g. Bayer 04 Leverkusen, last year the second best team in the Bundesliga lost against Dynamo Dresden that have just been promoted to the second Bundesliga. And VfL Wolfsburg lost to 4th(regional)league team RB Leipzig.
True but their 'fans' still booed them off the pitch.
If you want to have fun, read this
On the other hand, you might as well sink in a true depression about how some "intelligent" people waste their time. ;)
Ha! That explains so much.
Ha! That explains so much.
The study or my comment?
That I leave up to you.
That I leave up to you.
Then it is quite obvious: my comment :P
The Statue of Liberty will close for a full year
I assume she is closing in disgust as a protest?
We might just have to sell Liberty to finance more debt! >:( ;D Sorry, yeah Ice they are making a few infrastructure improvements but Liberty Island will remain open just the statue is closed for upgrades.
We might just have to sell Liberty to finance more debt! >:( ;D
Who knows?
I assume she is closing in disgust as a protest?
No, she just wanted to go for a trip around the world. ;)
they are making a few infrastructure improvements but Liberty Island will remain open just the statue is closed for upgrades.
I should have written that down too.
Another example of this world going crazy
Just shows just how senstive some people canvbe. Doyle wrote that as a chararter point of view. Maybe I should throw a fit over Disney's Handy Many. Oh wait I'm a middle aged white male, I should'nt have any complaints and if I do 'who cares' right? Sorry Ice, some peoples stupidity (and that's what it amounts too) makes me mad.
Sorry Ice, some peoples stupidity (and that's what it amounts too) makes me mad.
No need to be sorry.
It seems they chose well their year to close the Statue of Liberty. ;D
More seriously, I hope all those along the hurricane way are/will be fine.
So far it has kind of ruined my vacation but the OT maybe a good thing.
Over time
Don't know what to make of this one yet ("this one" being Hurricane Irene). So far it looks more like a rainmaker, not a Cat3+ wind hammer with 20 ft storm surge (which is what we are used to down here on the Gulf Coast). It just so happened to dump feet of water on the most densely populated part of the country. Also people on the East Coast will now learn that the worst part of a hurricane is the 5 days to 1 week with no power, no stores open, and roads blocked by debris or work crews trying to clear the debris. Hurray for hurricane season! :P
which is what we are used to down here on the Gulf Coast
You are too though for us :P
You are too though for us
Dang straight. 8)
You are too though for us
Dang straight. 8)
And even more when I don't understand you ;)
If you want incomprehensible watch a show called "Swamp People". Its about alligator hunters in Louisiana and most of it is subtitled because no one can understand what the heck the Cajuns on the show are trying to say. I guess that's what you get after 225+ years of linguistic "development".
And talking about "reality" shows like Swamp People... Apparently the theme for all new "reality" shows is, "yes, all stereotypes are true". Cajuns are a bunch of pigeon-French speaking, toothless, backwoods bumpkins, Italians are a bunch of loud, dumb, classless gumbas, Southerners are a bunch of slow witted, mud riden, bigots, Californians are a bunch of souless, plastic surgery obsessed, money grubbers, it goes on and on. Please, can we bring back sitcoms.
Also, if you have any Apple products or Apple stock sell it NOW. The new CEO is from Robertsdale, Alabama, about a 15 minute drive from my house. Even in a (formally) rural county like Baldwin County it was always considered to be full of redneck hicks. Its main attraction used to be that it had the local livestock auction. Its now the main farming area in the county (since everyone else has given up on farming and fishing to make a living). Its biggest retail store is a new Tractor Supply Company store (I'm not kidding). And it has an astonomically high 4x4 to car ratio. So, if the iPad 3 and iPhone 5 come out and the only avaliable colors are John Deere green and yellow or a pattern that resembles the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia don't say you weren't warned.
If you want incomprehensible watch a show called "Swamp People". Its about alligator hunters in Louisiana and most of it is subtitled because no one can understand what the heck the Cajuns on the show are trying to say. I guess that's what you get after 225+ years of linguistic "development".
And talking about "reality" shows like Swamp People... Apparently the theme for all new "reality" shows is, "yes, all stereotypes are true". Cajuns are a bunch of pigeon-French speaking, t
I think I would understand them ;)
I can understand them most of the time. Course I was raised watching the cooking cajun. I forget his name. I live in Kansas, which most people think we all have hay in our hair and can't add 2+2 to get 4. I like to watch Swamp people. I have a lot of respect for all of those guys.
Justin Wilson. I gair-ron-tee.
Justin Wilson. I gair-ron-tee.
You know I missed your nonsense talks. 8)
I please to aim. Wait a second that's not right.
Yeah that's it. I remember he would measure the wine and then. Had to taste it to make sure it was good.
I know you don't speak French but I found this interview of a Yakuza boss that talks about their business model and that the government is making their life harder, that they have to recruit the right people and so on.
Too bad the article is French it could be useful in putting together Underworlds.
Do you want me to translate it?
Do you want me to translate it?
I for one would appreciate you doing so.
I have another translation going on but I should finish it soon and then I will try to translate the article before I leave for my cycling holidays :D
I know you don't speak French but I found this interview of a Yakuza boss that talks about their business model and that the government is making their life harder, that they have to recruit the right people and so on.
I would love to read that! And yes it would be great for the Underworlds as Tak suggested.
I would love to read that! And yes it would be great for the Underworlds as Tak suggested.
More people should read French :P
I would love to read that! And yes it would be great for the Underworlds as Tak suggested.
More people should read French :P
I agree with you, and I can read French enough to get the very basic concept of the sentence, but sadly not well enough to truly understand and enjoy what was written. I'm better at technical French and German, from reading engineering drawings as part of my job.
More people should read French :P
Unfortunately, I only kiss that way. :-*
Good hearing from you again MechRat. ;)
More people should read French :P
Good hearing from you again MechRat. ;)
Thanks Tak! It's good to be back and I hope to be visiting more often now.
Hope so bud - great seeing ya!!
I will try to work on it before I leave on Friday for my holidays :D :D :D
It is holidays time (at last). :D
I won't be here for two weeks.
Have fun while I am gone and do not trust the Swift ones :P
Enjoy yourself and be safe, Ice! We want you back here.
Does this mean I can watch your 'Mechs for you and keep them safe? I promise not to disassemble them! ;D
I am back and my alarms showed me that someone tried to eat my 'Mechs.
Who could it be?
Godzilla? No no no wait -- Mechagodzilla!
I am back and my alarms showed me that someone tried to eat my 'Mechs.
Who could it be?
It wasn't me! Really! :)
Well, maybe a little nibble here and there... but there was no real damage, honest! ;D OK, there was some on one of the lighter 'Mechs, but that's because those little Hellion 'Mechs have paper-thin armor. 8)
those little Hellion 'Mechs have paper-thin armor. 8)
but if you can't catch them, this is not a problem.
Today, strike at the railway company... Wait, it is not a strike, it is just that the railway workers are using their right to withdraw if they feel endangered...
All of this because one of them was stabbed 8 times by a crazy guy in a train.
Sad for him but why turn the customers into hostages?
You mean the railway company wasn't on strike before the stabbing? I thought the normal state of affairs in France was that everyone was on strike and occasionally they came back to work so they could decide on what to strike about next.
Someone in Wall Street said that what Americans needed were French people coming there to teach them how to bring people in the streets.
Put on free kegs, always works when I want to gather people.
Put on free kegs, always works when I want to gather people.
Or chicken wings.
Reading a book on Spain military history in the Middle Ages and guess what? There are some links to CBT ;D
Politicians are immune to the common sense as if it was a disease.
Politicians are immune to the common sense as if it was a disease.
I am officially worried because everyone seems to think I am right.
Your either right or no one has been around to comment (like me ;D).
Your either right or no one has been around to comment (like me ;D).
I knew you would be there ;)
I am back from a little Berlin trip.
You didn't miss me, did you?
How was your trip to Berlin, Ice?
And what were your impressions?
Too many French people out there ;)
More seriously, I liked it.
It is a capital city but without this impression of rush/hurry that you can find in other big cities I know.
And you have all kinds of things to do and see.
How are the Germans - still playing BattleTech?
Too many French people out there ;)
More seriously, I liked it.
It is a capital city but without this impression of rush/hurry that you can find in other big cities I know.
And you have all kinds of things to do and see.
Nice to hear! And I had the same impression the few times I have been to Berlin.
How are the Germans - still playing BattleTech?
I wasn't looking for that.
Perhaps Hessian could answer you.
How are the Germans - still playing BattleTech?
I wasn't looking for that.
Perhaps Hessian could answer you.
BattleTech is indeed still played over here. The Mechforce Germany(in I believe its third incarnation) is still alive and active. Especially Berlin seems to have an active community.
And with Ulisses Spiele the new German BattleTech licensee new German product has been anounced(The new German Box Set has run into similar problems as the latest box set by CGL, though), which will hopefully increase the number of players.
On a personal level I have the chance to play BattleTech only once or twice a year. With only two other players. The reasons for this are manyfold, but mostly personal, coupled with some developments in the history of BattleTech that decreased the number of players in the region where I live:
a) The intoduction of the Clans.
b) The dissolution of the Federated Commonwealth
c) The demise of FASA
d) The Jihad(and the fact that its outcome was known beforehand)
I think those reasons were the reason a lot of people stopped playing :'(
A) Clans?::)
B) The FedCom never dissolved! It was just a case of miscommunication.
C) FASA is just in a protracted restructoring. It should be back up and running in notime.
D) What's the jihad? >:(
A) Clans?::)
Yes, you know the people like me :P
A) Clans?::)
Yes, you know the people like me :P
Or me ;)
See Cestusrex, we are more numerous than you first thought. ;D
You do realize that FASA as a license holding entity still exists right? FASA technical still exists in a couple of places, the least of which is the third version of Earthdawn produced by Redbrick. (Which by the way is pretty good.)
Hopefully, german players will appreciate the new BTech game (specifically the QS) and gain some new ground.
I sent two packages to Germany and it seems they might be lost :( Let's cross fingers.
It seems I am becoming the local post office best consumer.
Do you think they will make fidelity cards?
It seems I am becoming the local post office best consumer.
Do you think they will make fidelity cards?
Na, never happen ::)
Too bad :P
I know about the reputation of the US postal service and the British post but I've never heard anything about the French postal system.
Reputation? About what?
Good, bad, or indifferent. The USPS is known for hiring the unhirable to make work jobs that you can't be fired from. Inside that bloated workforce is the real workforce who actually does a good job; letters and packages get where they're supposed to when they're supposed to. But because of the decades of overstaffing, huge benefits packages, and retirement plans that would make an EU bureaucrat blush the USPS is on the verge of bankruptcy. The British post is known (atleast what I know about it) for what it used to be; overly organized by little old men and women and a few young wannabe-uberbureaucrats with an office on every street and tiny spot on the map. So what's the story with the French postal system?
It depends.
Most of the times, it works pretty well and other times, it won't.
I just made a little social experimentation that shows that the prisoner dilemma (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_dilemma) is wrong: the winning solution was for me not to send my ticket and on the other hand, the winning solution was for him not to send me a check.
We both sent what we had to and we both won (and it is an one shot exchange).
I see stars on the ground.
Am I mad or something?
Are you at the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
I didn't think of it that way.
Watching Season 5 of Spooks :D
Watching Season 5 of Spooks :D
Good series.
Good series.
Exactly what I think.
Shame its ended now though.
It's official. Men and women are now equal.
News to me, when did this happen?
I showed this to Andrea and she just laughed.
Women started producing sperm and men started producing eggs? What are we now, frogs? (No pun intended, Ice) ;D
"Women and men will be equal when they will start promoting incompetent women at high ranking and decision taking jobs"
Bad translation of what I had in mind (but this isn't from me).
And we are no frogs, we eat them. :P
"Women and men will be equal when they will start promoting incompetent women at high ranking and decision taking jobs"
They have. Their names are Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton.
They have. Their names are Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton.
Perhaps it started earlier than I thought at first.
What is the definition of famous?
Nowadays, everybody seems to be famous...
Except me.
Working on a video project:
time spent dealing with requests made by bosses: 20%
time spent dealing with "political problems": 20%
time spent waiting for the right data/picture/video: 20%
time spent having to explain why things are not going faster: 20%
time spent working on the project: 20%
What is the definition of famous?
Nowadays, everybody seems to be famous...
Except me.
I'm not famous, and i intend to keep it that way ;)
A few snow flakes and it is total chaos.
It took me more than 30 minutes to drive from work to home where it takes me 10 minutes under normal weather.
You could think that people here are used to snow but no.
A few snow flakes and it is total chaos.
It took me more than 30 minutes to drive from work to home where it takes me 10 minutes under normal weather.
You could think that people here are used to snow but no.
The same here.
Its only icey here :-\
Its only icey here :-\
No, I am not there ;)
It's finally getting cold here (I don't think it topped 50 degrees F today). However, my brother-in-law in Texas has been dealing with up to half a foot of snow off and on since before Christmas. Of course it never snows here (well, maybe a quarter inch once every winter or ten). That shuts things down. But people that should be able to deal with snow (like people who live in the Rocky Mountains) seem to be totally unable. My cousin, who grew up next door to me here on the Gulf Coast of Alabama, spent several years in Colorado Springs, Colorado when he first got in the Air Force. He said every time it snowed there were dozens of cars run off in ditches with Colorado tags on them. He was driving a 2 wheel drive Ford Ranger without snow tires and never had a problem. Either they were over confident, stupid, or both (aka Yankees ;D).
And here, I don't have to worry about ice and snow- this week saw 39°C
It has become rather warm here. :D
At noon it was only -2°C compared to last saturday where it had been -12°C at noon.
It was so cold that France-Ireland was cancelled on Saturday evening because the grass was frozen.
And the League didn't dare to move the time of the game because of the sponsors >:(
The magical of the railway transportation companies: two trains become one and everybody has to fit in.
And everyone in the world wonders why the US doesn't go in for mass transit. Trains and buses = slavery. :P
Well they do lack personal freedom wouldn't you say. Your not even touching on airline travel.
Airlines are indentured servitude. You should only fly if you can't drive there.
And everyone in the world wonders why the US doesn't go in for mass transit. Trains and buses = slavery. :P
Or freedom.
TGV travel time: 1h30
Car travel time: more than 4 hours
Price: cheaper by train.
Or freedom.
TGV travel time: 1h30
Car travel time: more than 4 hours
Of course you forgot railroad worker strikes, farmer strikes (blocking tracks with their tractors), railroad worker sympathy strikes for said farmer strikes, behind schedule trains, misscheduled trains, brake downs, transfers, cows on tracks, etc. so those times become
TGV travel time: 1h30 scheduled, 5h reality
Car travel time: more than 4 hours
Check out Top Gear for car vs train travel. The car wins everytime, even against the vaunted Japanese Bullet Train.
Price: cheaper by train.
That's if you don't figure in your tax dollars (or Euros in this case) that go to subsidize the railroads. No railroad system has ever made money, they have all relied on government subsidizes (either free land, tax brakes, and/or direct cash infusions) to stay in business. Of course the auto makers haven't been much better in many countries (I'm looking at you Renault, Pugeuot Citroen, Fiat/Chrysler, GM, etc.).
I think you are overestimating things a little (I agree with the price part but then again who adds being tired, aging of the car, pollution... to the overall equation?).
Strikes happen and trains get delayed but on this peculiar line, I had once in 4 years (and I take this train at least once a month) a 30 minutes delay and it was because someone committed suicide on the train line and the train had to take another line.
As for strikes, no meetings when one is scheduled (cleverness :P).
And for the 4 hours in car, I forgot to add traffic jams since my meetings are near a railway station in Paris, town known for its traffic jams and lack of park places.
My life is a train frenzy during the week-ends.
Choo choo??
Or I could take that completely out of context. ;D
Choo choo??
Tchou Tchou :P
Only a few hours left before I leave for the Alps for one week. 8)
Have fun Ice!
French, German, Swiss, Liechtensteinian (sp?), Austrian, Italian, or Slovenian?
Probably French. Though he might be coming from Brussels, so who knows with Ice. He's a jet-setter that one.
He is a Gypsy.
I thought he was only part Gypsy. ;D
Hope you've had a good one Ice, I just got back from Tenerife, a very nice week in the sun but now back to england and work tomorrow morning.
He is that is why he wanders around so much. If he was full gypsy the places he visits would be missing national treasures
He is that is why he wanders around so much. If he was full gypsy the places he visits would be missing national treasures
Just for that I'd check your wallet...AND watch your back. The Roma do not take kindly to such talk. Be careful. Their curses have bite.
He is that is why he wanders around so much. If he was full gypsy the places he visits would be missing national treasures
Who knows? 8)
And I really like Hudson Hawk with the chrono songs.
Love Hudson Hawk! :D
He is that is why he wanders around so much.
I am in wandering mood/mode once more. 8)
Tomorrow is the last election of the year (about time).
Vote for Hudson Hawk
Ah the EU and all its parts. One step forward, 8,257 backward.
Vote for Hudson Hawk
He doesn't want to be recognised (he is a thief after all).
That hasn't stopped other thieves ::) :P
That hasn't stopped other thieves ::) :P
Ah the EU and all its parts. One step forward, 8,257 backward.
Yeah but its still probably better than Cameron's 'we're all in it together'
I am leaving tomorrow for my holidays.
See you when I come back and behave when I will be away.
Who us?
*points at the two murderous looking clowns in the corner* Them, I hope.
Lord help us all when dealing with Dread Mores and Rainbow 6.
Don't look at me. I haven't done anything ban worthy since this morning. :o
Don't look at me. I haven't done anything ban worthy since this morning. :o
Still early...
I think you found out who you are.
Don't look at me. I haven't done anything ban worthy since this morning. :o
Still early...
Now thats relitive to what part of the world you're in at the time ;)
I think you found out who you are.
Oh :'(
Have fun Ice, and get us some pictures this time!
Don't look at me. I haven't done anything ban worthy since this morning. :o
Still early...
Now that's relative to what part of the world you're in at the time ;)
The inter web recognizes no time, or world. It only recognizes troubling, troublesome, troublemakers. It's pure truth man. ;)
I am leaving tomorrow for my holidays.
See you when I come back and behave when I will be away.
Have fun Ice!
Enjoy but do not drink too much
Enjoy but do not drink too much
But make sure to drink enough. *toasts with some vodka way too early on a Sunday morning, like a good and proper heretic*
I am back.
What did I miss (apart from the obvious everything)?
I am back.
What did I miss (apart from the obvious everything)?
You have answered your own question ;)
That's a lot. :D
And the holidays were nice.
If you behave, I might post a couple of pics.
Guess what? I am not at home again.
Perhaps you were right.
That was short. How you doing Ice, other than being a travelholic?
I am not a travelholic.
I just happen to know and have people in several places.
People who need a 'visit' from the 'management' from time to time?
Not really (well only during my working hours).
People who are glad to welcome me (I am a nice gypsy wanderer :P).
People who are glad to welcome me (I am a nice gypsy wanderer :P).
Which reminds me to ask: Were you hiking again?
Not this time, I was visiting relatives.
I did some hiking in Norway.
What is your favourite tea or don't you drink this strange drink?
Russian Caravan
Sweet iced. Its a southern thing.
I've heard about these iced teas but they are too full of sugar for me.
Russian caravan... Interesting.
What is your favourite tea or don't you drink this strange drink?
Darjeeling (Black Tea)
Hessian, I read that Germans are really fond of Darjeeling (except for the Frisians).
I am wondering why.
I've heard about these iced teas but they are too full of sugar for me.
What you mean is that it has too much tea in your sugar. ;D We used to grow our own sugarcane and make our own sugarcane syrup in the South, but we had to import the tea.
Hessian, I read that Germans are really fond of Darjeeling (except for the Frisians).
I am wondering why.
Well, obviously I can only speak for myself and not for all of my countrymen. I like Darjeeling tea because of its floral aroma.
P.S.: Will you tell us what your favorite tea is Ice?
I don't have one but there are some things I dislike (like mint).
I move from one tea to another depending on the mood, their names and my findings.
Hearing translated movies/series can be really funny sometimes.
Especially if they've been translated into another language and then translated back into the original language. There's a very funny episode of News Radio from about 15 years ago centered around Jimmy James', the owner of the radio station, autobiography that was a dud in the US years before but had become a hit in Japan. He had decided to rerelease the book in the US by retranslating the Japanese edition back into English. Hilarity ensued at the book reading at the big release party.
Ah poor Phil Hartman. Funniest guy ever.
Especially if they've been translated into another language and then translated back into the original language.
Why am I always wandering?
Because your parents were Kender.
Or because I need something aside from the regular Chaos.
I know I wouldn't mind a bit of regular chaos over what I'm being given... I'm still trying to find the time to get back here on a regular basis... ::)
You could always try irregular chaos, but some fiber usually clears that right up. :o
I keep hearing from people "this too shall pass"... well life's been constipated for a while and I sure could use some of that fiber. :o
You could always try irregular chaos,
An interesting concept.
Irregular chaos!? Isn't that a double negative or something??
Irregular chaos!? Isn't that a double negative or something??
Can you find regular chaos?
Can you find regular chaos?
I have my two daughters living with me, one of whom is a teenager, and as a single father I live regular chaos... :o
Irregular chaos!? Isn't that a double negative or something??
Can you find regular chaos?
Same isle as irregular chaos. Right next to the detergent.
Irregular chaos!? Isn't that a double negative or something??
Ah, the double negative. That most despised of grammatical errors... until now. Be warned for I have created a more foul and despicable grammatical demon... THE TRIPLE NEGATIVE! All quake and tremble at its utterance... AIN'T NOT NO! I'm hoping to cause an English professor's head to explode with that one.
Ain't, not, no! Never happen.
Is "irregular chaotic chaos" good enough?
I am so using this!
I read an English newspaper article about France and the UK and it made me wonder why are clichés (even if they are wrong) always a good selling point.
I read an English newspaper article about France and the UK and it made me wonder why are clichés (even if they are wrong) always a good selling point.
Because such cliches are very persistent.
Did you read any Pern book?
Did you read any Pern book?
As in the Dragonriders of Anne McCaffrey fame? Yes, every one of them. One of my most favorite series.
Read the first one but never got into them.
Did you read any Pern book?
As in the Dragonriders of Anne McCaffrey fame? Yes, every one of them. One of my most favorite series.
Yes this one.
I am reading (in French) the compiled books, so that made me read 8 of the 9 books in this series.
And Blacknova, I found them quite interesting.
I had a great week-end with a birthday "party" and meeting in real life, people I only knew through Internet (not CBT related).
Sounds like you had lots of fun!
When I am in my travelling/gipsy mood? Always ;D
On the move again.
I am going tomorrow to Paris to see my 15 days old second niece.
Yes, you read it right Uncle Ice got promoted to Star Captain 8)
Congrats on the new niece Ice, hope the weather in Paris is better than it is here.
Congratulations Ice! Have fun in Paris!
Congrats Ice! Another Hellion to worry about!! :o
Congrats Ice! Another Hellion to worry about!! :o
Thanks all and Takiro, don't worry about that, CBT is not "princess" enough for the daughters of my brother and his wife :P
I am back online 8)
Welcome back!
Why are politicians so good at denying what is evident (even more when their party has the power).
Real life problems are hard to deal with. Lets face it people try to weasel out of unpleasant stuff all day. I do may best to avoid such stuff however politicians are the best. They can take all of society's ill and just not acknowledge it.
I said this because of the Depardieu's thing (ridiculous but anyway).
Other silly question: what do you do when you had too many chocolates for Christmas/New Year?
I said this because of the Depardieu's thing (ridiculous but anyway).
Other silly question: what do you do when you had too many chocolates for Christmas/New Year?
Well, I try to reduce my food consumption and increase my activity level, but when working eight to six that is easier said than done(especially regarding the activity part). :(
I saw yesterday a member of the gang of the Santa Claus thieves.
You know them, don't you? Those who are hanging from windows with a rope.
Finding an easy way for seniors to go from one place to another is really a nightmare.
The solution? To live on both ends in big towns.
I just saw today in the book shop, two hilarious comics: Vader'sâ„¢ Little Princess and Darth Vaderâ„¢ and Son
While going through them, I laughed alone in the middle of the alleys.
Hi guys,
I am back from biking.
I hope you had a great time while I was away.
What did I miss?
Good holiday Ice?
Nothing much.
Really great.
Why did I feel like a thief or a criminal when I passed the security controls at the airport?
Because the TSA is trained to treat everyone as a threat. It's why I refuse to fly should I ever be able to afford a 'real' vacation.
I don't believe in Friday the 13th but today was a complete disaster at work for a lot of people.
I don't believe in Friday the 13th but today was a complete disaster at work for a lot of people.
I know what you mean, Ice. It wasn't all that great here for me either... ::)
I know what you mean, Ice. It wasn't all that great here for me either... ::)
Could it be that this day has something about it?
For your info, in Spain, Tuesday the 13th brings back luck and not Friday.
I know what you mean, Ice. It wasn't all that great here for me either... ::)
Could it be that this day has something about it?
For your info, in Spain, Tuesday the 13th brings back luck and not Friday.
It could, or maybe our perceptions of the significance of the day is coloring our attitudes and causing most of the problems?
I had the impression that Friday the 13th superstitions were mainly an American thing.
I had the impression that Friday the 13th superstitions were mainly an American thing.
No, it is an Western thing
Here's a story that has a few superstitions and phobias mixed in...
http://azstarnet.com/news/weird-news/would-you-board-flight-to-hel/article_5eabae72-2f17-5c0d-8f28-358857d31b1c.html (http://azstarnet.com/news/weird-news/would-you-board-flight-to-hel/article_5eabae72-2f17-5c0d-8f28-358857d31b1c.html)
Everything is for yesterday and without any thoughts at what could/should be done.
Weeks are flying and I don't see them.
Home made pizza are the best!
That brings me back to the days of Appian Way Pizza. Ah memories....
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Thanks bud, and the same to you!
Merry Christmas everyone. ;)
Merry Christmas guys.
I know it's a day late, but I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and for those that celebrate, Happy Boxing Day. 8)
Mechrat, you have an entire day to celebrate boxers? ::)
Me? No, I'd rather leave them be. But maybe someone else here does? ;)
And on that note, I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's Eve and Day. May 2014 be a lot better than 2013 was. 8)
Me? No, I'd rather leave them be. But maybe someone else here does? ;)
Then why make a Boxer day?
Because the boxers said so. Did you want to tell them no? Haven't you played Punch-out? We all know how this ends.
Because the boxers said so. Did you want to tell them no? Haven't you played Punch-out? We all know how this ends.
Just bring a Ghost Bear Elemental to the game and you know how it will end.
I saw yesterday for the first time The Karate Kid and I prefer the original one
Life is too short and when you think about it, we are nothing.
Well there is a cheery thought to start the day with.
Well there is a cheery thought to start the day with.
I think Ice has realised that the six nations starts next weekend and the French are on a hiding to nothing ;)
Well there is a cheery thought to start the day with.
I think Ice has realised that the six nations starts next weekend and the French are on a hiding to nothing ;)
Sorry for the sad thought but I had to write it somewhere.
I think it was King Solomon that said, "Useless, useless, all is useless." You add to that Socrates', "All that I know is that I know nothing." and you have the words that I live by. :P
I think it was King Solomon that said, "Useless, useless, all is useless." You add to that Socrates', "All that I know is that I know nothing." and you have the words that I live by. :P
It was the Preacher and it seems you are going to launch a crusade on the all known Universe for the sake of controlling the all spice business.
Spice? Never touch the stuff.
It seems it is too late for you ;)
I finished reading the last of the Harry Potter's books and I found something.
The truth is that these books are all about BattleTech.
We have a school with 4 Houses:
- the Griffin,
- the Wolverine (aka badger),
- the Shadow Hawk,
- the Dragon (or Snake).
And yes, you have a 55-60 tons classical Lance. 8)
I finished reading the last of the Harry Potter's books and I found something.
The truth is that these books are all about BattleTech.
We have a school with 4 Houses:
- the Griffin,
- the Wolverine (aka badger),
- the Shadow Hawk,
- the Dragon (or Snake).
And yes, you have a 55-60 tons classical Lance. 8)
We need a like button. :)
Sunday is town hall elections.
Strangely enough, politicians are all trying to get elected and there has never been so much defiance.
They are lucky the weather forecast is not good.
Local politics is the dirtiest kind. Get informed Ice and make the best decision you can as a voter. Also remember to change politicians frequently. They all start to stink after a while in office. ;)
Local politics is the dirtiest kind. Get informed Ice and make the best decision you can as a voter. Also remember to change politicians frequently. They all start to stink after a while in office. ;)
I am in a "small" town (under 10,000 inhabitants).
As always I will go and vote (I am a citizen).
I am in a "small" town (under 10,000 inhabitants).
And I just saw that in 1866, there were 430 of them and 3,000 in 1911.
I just found out why I was never able to finish the last adventure gamebook of the Way of the Tiger series...
There is none.
To quote Wikipedia, "The sixth book, Inferno!, ends on a cliffhanger with Avenger trapped in the web of the Black Widow, Orb's darkest blight. As no new books have been released, the fate of Avenger and Orb is unknown."
Sometimes, life is really great 8)
Sometimes, life is really great 8)
Especially now that spring has arrived and it's no longer below freezing! 8)
Sometimes, life is really great 8)
Especially now that spring has arrived and it's no longer below freezing! 8)
I'm just happy it's stopped raining all the time.
I love taking part in the democratic process but from the inside 8)
Fun times in the EU Parliamentary elections, especially in France and the UK. Fun times
Not a surprise for the UK though, not sure they will do so well next year in the general election.
Tell guys what kind of pull does the EU have over there?
A fair amount and its been creeping up over the last few years, some people see it as an attempt to create a federal Europe, given the results from last week the way its being seen in the UK press is that its the chance to regain powers from the EU, or its time for the EU to end and each nation go its own way.
Tell guys what kind of pull does the EU have over there?
What the different States let it have and then blame it when everything fails and congratulate themselves when everything works.
Ah good wouldn't want to think scape goating or sacrificial lambs are an American only political move. ;) Still though it sounds like the States have most of the power while in the US the states are almost irrelevant.
Ah good wouldn't want to think scape goating or sacrificial lambs are an American only political move. ;) Still though it sounds like the States have most of the power while in the US the states are almost irrelevant.
Logical as the United States are a country while the EU is not one but 27 ones.
No football? What is happening to us?
Stunned. The beating Spain took at the hands of the Dutch has shocked many, myself included.
Stunned. The beating Spain took at the hands of the Dutch has shocked many, myself included.
Stunned? Wait until the end to be stinned ;)
I have the annoying feeling France may make the final.
I have the annoying feeling France may make the final.
Who knows? But I won't watch it (I don't watch football).
But I won't watch it (I don't watch football).
I do, though. ;)
And I must admit that yesterday's World Cup final was nerve-wrecking for me. But eventually die Nationalmannschaft won.
Been smiling ever since :)
Congrats Hessian, soccer ain't my sport but the winning goal was absolutely amazing.
But eventually die Nationalmannschaft won.
You know what Linebacker said about it ;)
And yes I am back online.
I read during this break a book called The Measure of Civilization by Ian Morris, which is basically an analysis of the figures behind his other book (which I didn't read) Why the West Rules - for Now.
There are lots of different and interesting figures but I would like to point one that might interest all of us (either as RPG players or BT ones).
Pre-estate agrarian societies seem to be able to support settlements of no more than 10,000 people.
For agrarian states, it is 100 000 people ; for agrarian empires, 1,000,000 and the industrial societies are for now (since the growh didn't end yet) at 25,000;000 people.
Anyone watched/watches the Women Rugby World Cup?
I don't (mostly because almost all the matches, except for the French ones are on paid channel) but it seems full of surprises.
Happy birthday!
Thanks Takiro.
I just read that there will be a Hello Kitty Con in Los Angeles.
A Hello Kitty Con?
Don't ask me bro. That's on the other side of the continental divide
Don't ask me bro. That's on the other side of the continental divide
Solidarity ;)
I actually heard via the news (A SAD COMMENT ON OUR SOCIETY) that hello kitty is not a cat! WTF?!?!?!?! ???
It looks like a cat and it smells like, therefore it must be a cat
I actually heard via the news (A SAD COMMENT ON OUR SOCIETY) that hello kitty is not a cat! WTF?!?!?!?! ???
I read it too. And you are right, in the news?
I just saw Divergent.
Am I the only one to have thought "Wars of Reaving" while seeing it?
Obviously more for the plot than for the 'Mechs and technology.
I thought Wars of Reaving was better than the whole Jihad plot. I did not agree with everything that happened (How did the Coyotes avoid annihilation, only one new Clan) but I could live with it. Where as the Jihad (which had some cool parts) I never cared for.
Here we are again. People publishing things that no one really bothers about with other people reacting and the customers buying it "just in case there is something in it."
Here we are again. People publishing things that no one really bothers about with other people reacting and the customers buying it "just in case there is something in it."
You just described every Michael Bay film.
You just described every Michael Bay film.
Every single one of them?
Yep, every Michael Bay film.
Working on a new CBT project 8)
awesome, any details?
awesome, any details?
Not yet as for now it is rather sketchy but it somehow links my latest vehicles, the Spanish Civil War and some parts of the Rim Worlds Republic
Without electricity, we are nothing...
Lagging, lagging and more lagging :P
Let's keep calm and drink tea.
A jab at the English?
More one at online gaming companies.
Some days are good and others are bad.
I hear that.
I hear that.
I hope yours was good.
Some days are good and others are bad.
Very true, and I believe that overall, life is good. ;D
Very true, and I believe that overall, life is good. ;D
But sometimes you have to look for the good part of it ;)
Very true, and I believe that overall, life is good. ;D
But sometimes you have to look for the good part of it ;)
And some days it's harder to find the good in it. :-\
This morning, it's 17F/-8C and as much as I really, really don't like the cold, at least I'm not in Buffalo, NY where they just received 70"/178cm of snow. :o So today is a good day... ;)
Nothing like a family gathering (even a small one).
Today I look a bit like Rocky at the end of the movies (all of them).
Today I look a bit like Rocky at the end of the movies (all of them).
Ow... What happened?
Today I look a bit like Rocky at the end of the movies (all of them).
That's what you get for going to Ferguson, Missouri ;) j/k
Today I look a bit like Rocky at the end of the movies (all of them).
That's what you get for going to Ferguson, Missouri ;) j/k
I never went there. I have a skin bacteria that got into my eyes and they just went big.
This morning, I only had a small horizontal opening in my eyes but thanks to the pills I am taking it is getting better.
Now I only look like Rocky at the end of the 1st round. :P
I never went there. I have a skin bacteria that got into my eyes and they just went big.
This morning, I only had a small horizontal opening in my eyes but thanks to the pills I am taking it is getting better.
Now I only look like Rocky at the end of the 1st round. :P
Good to hear it is getting better :)
Yikes bud, glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.
Yikes Ice! I hope you're doing better.
Don't worry Knightmare I am back to normal for quite some days.
And you own me an answer :P
Happy New Year everyone.
Let 2015 may be a good Battletech year!!!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Anyone in for more tea?
I love tea!
On these cold winter mornings, tea or hot chocolate is a great way to start the day. ;D
I'm still counting the days until spring.
Anyone in for more tea?
yes please, just plain black tea for me
On these cold winter mornings, tea or hot chocolate is a great way to start the day. ;D
I'm still counting the days until spring.
I don't have myomer heavy tea. Sorry.
Anyone in for more tea?
yes please, just plain black tea for me
You can have on my account.
On these cold winter mornings, tea or hot chocolate is a great way to start the day. ;D
I'm still counting the days until spring.
I don't have myomer heavy tea. Sorry.
I figured as much... ::) Oh well, I'll have to do without. I'll survive. ;)
Th epic blizzard that was supposed to have hit me has passed to the east so it's just a normal snowstorm. But because of the blizzard warnings, I do have a paid day off from work! 8)
It's official, I hate Windows.
So far, the results on my new laptop is Ice Hellion : 1 - Windows 8 : 0
But I need to score a second goal to win that match.
I've had a decent experience with Windows 8.1 on my tablet. I'm not sure I'd want to try it without a touch screen though...
I've had a decent experience with Windows 8.1 on my tablet. I'm not sure I'd want to try it without a touch screen though...
The problem is trying to run something else on a computer.
It was so simple before but nowadays, they turn it into a difficult experience (and you have to install Windows 8 to allow you to try to install something else).
It's official, I hate Windows.
So far, the results on my new laptop is Ice Hellion : 1 - Windows 8 : 0
But I need to score a second goal to win that match.
I just scored the second goal and won the match. ;D
And I read a good book on the US Army logistics in Europe in 1944-1945 with a comparison with the German and Soviet ones.
Really interesting and some ideas/concepts for more realistic units.
And today is election days. I wonder how many people will vote.
In France? Who is running for what office? And what multinational owns them? :D
In France? Who is running for what office? And what multinational owns them? :D
It was the first turn of the departement (somewhere between a town and a region).
And for the results, you can check any good European newspaper (I don't trust American or English ones for their political analysis on Europe).
Political people are always so funny when they say "oh my God, our friend did that to us? Friends should not do that to another" while voting a law that allows their own people to do it and while it happened in another country months ago.
You ever notice Ice that there are so many people on the Earth but so few are aware of what is going on?
True Takiro but I think they were forced to admit it by the release of data saying they were spied on.
And I must admit I am not sure to fully know 1% of what is really going on.
I hear ya Ice but between the Know It All and Willfully Clueless I'd bet your at a Happy Medium. ;)
I hear ya Ice but between the Know It All and Willfully Clueless I'd bet your at a Happy Medium. ;)
Happiness is always in the road of the middle :P
Hot, it is hot. 8)
Happy fireworks. ;D
Ah yes, hope you enjoyed Bastille Day!
Ah yes, hope you enjoyed Bastille Day!
On the road from one place to my place but I came home and could see the fireworks.
Media frenzy...
Sun, bike, work, bike, sun.
;D ;D ;D
Somebody is all smiles!
Somebody is all smiles!
Did you miss me?
Did you miss me?
yes you and a good red wine
yes you and a good red wine
Here is one glass, although where I was, it was more cider.
This world is mad.
Yes it is
And only getting madder
And only getting madder
I got the confirmation today, it's a mad world.
No, it's a mad, mad, mad, mad world (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057193/).
No, it's a mad, mad, mad, mad world (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057193/).
Ah, ah, ah.
I never heard of this movie before.
Living here in Colorado Springs CO (where some fucknut killed a cop and two others at a Planned Parenthood) I can testify that this world is definitely getting madder.
No, it's a mad, mad, mad, mad world (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057193/).
which one the 60's movie or the remake
The 60s movie. It's a classic. There's a remake?
The 60s movie. It's a classic. There's a remake?
yes but goes by another name as I have just found out
I believe your speaking about Rat Race, no comparison really.
Question to my English speakers friends, am I right when I say "a cracked voice"?
Give me some context please. Really not enough to go on. Unless it is flying over my head. Which occasionally happens.
A character of mine has been heavily injured to his face and vocal folds and I want to describe his voice after that.
'Gravelly' could work here as well
ah, he swallowed razor blades got you.
Abele is quite correct for a gravelly voice then a cracked or cracking voice describes a male going through puberty.
Happy to help.
I am a bit too early but I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, both full of BattleTech and Alternative Universes.
Cracked is often used as a past pejorative, i.e. "Under all that stress his voice cracked."
Cracked is often used as a past pejorative, i.e. "Under all that stress his voice cracked."
You are back!!!
8) 8) 8)
The magic of Internet, getting train tickets for a price I never saw and all this on the official websites.
The magic of Internet, getting train tickets for a price I never saw and all this on the official websites.
always good to save money to buy more battletech.....
always good to save money to buy more battletech.....
Or having the capacity to pay more for the first kilometres that are much, much more expensive.
I was nasty. I locked 3 cars in our parking that had nothing to do there and I took pictures before sending them to our juridical service.
I was nasty. I locked 3 cars in our parking that had nothing to do there and I took pictures before sending them to our juridical service.
Serves them right! I hope it teaches them a lesson.
I was nasty. I locked 3 cars in our parking that had nothing to do there and I took pictures before sending them to our juridical service.
Serves them right! I hope it teaches them a lesson.
They vanished... I think I know why.
I was nasty. I locked 3 cars in our parking that had nothing to do there and I took pictures before sending them to our juridical service.
Serves them right! I hope it teaches them a lesson.
They vanished... I think I know why.
They vanished? The cars or the people?
They vanished? The cars or the people?
The cars.
They vanished? The cars or the people?
The cars.
With luck they were impounded by the authorities. ;D And from there you don't have any more problems with it.
With luck they were impounded by the authorities. ;D And from there you don't have any more problems with it.
No. I think they somehow (and I know that somehow) had the keys.
With luck they were impounded by the authorities. ;D And from there you don't have any more problems with it.
No. I think they somehow (and I know that somehow) had the keys.
Well, let's hope that's the end of it and you have no future problems.
With luck they were impounded by the authorities. ;D And from there you don't have any more problems with it.
No. I think they somehow (and I know that somehow) had the keys.
Well, let's hope that's the end of it and you have no future problems.
agreed, very much
As always... So many things to do and so little time to do them.
No one has stock of anything these days... :o
Planning interstellar attacks while drinking a cup of tea and enjoying the sun. 8)
Travelling to the mustard town and not having a single drop of mustard :(
Having planned an expo months ago with my job and having a rainy and stormy week-end the exact week-end it is supposed to happen (to be honest, the weather has been bad in the last weeks).
Luckily for us, we are/were inside a building but still people won't come outside.
Guess what? When it rains, it rains. Some people had forgotten that.
Guess what? When it rains, it rains. Some people had forgotten that.
Also forgetting how much can come down at one time
Football is going on but it sounds and looks more like moneyball is going on.
Isn't that true of the vast majority of professional sports?
Isn't that true of the vast majority of professional sports?
Not all of them.
And the sport/show goes on and on.
I just found out that it lasts so long.
I really like customer services.
:'( :'( :'(
Yeah, I hear ya bud.
I really understand why "May you live in interesting times" is a Chinese curse.
Give me boring any day for the rest of my days.
And now Turkey has an attempted coup. SMH
It seems there is something called the Olympic Games going on... Incredible.
Back online after some holidays.
What are you all up to?
Not much, work....
Not much, work....
I am reading a book on siege war in Louis XIV's time.
It seems the rule was : we get somewhere, we ask the town to disband its walls at its own expense; we reoccupy it, we ask the town to build them again and so on and so on.
Did I mention that each time they had to do it quickly?
"I am going slightly mad, just slightly mad..."
Or is this world going slightly mad?
If you ask me, the world is going batshit insane
I'd have to agree with Abele... :o :'(
I'd have to agree with Abele... :o :'(
Then it is not me? I am relieved.
It could still be you, as well. The rest of the world is losing its mind around you and you're just joining in ;D
It could still be you, as well. The rest of the world is losing its mind around you and you're just joining in ;D
Never. There can be only one ME :P
I read earlier today that the Centurion tank was the first British tank to have a boiler inside it as it was found that 37 percent of all armored regiment casualties from March 1945 until the end of the war some months later were crew members outside their vehicles.
Interesting factoid, thank you!
Interesting factoid, thank you!
Here is the link
A link that might interest us all
Let me know what you think of this ranking.
Interesting list. Its very narrow it seems in scope as its mainly Star Wars, Star Trek and few other shows here and there. I'd have to sit down and think of movies and such that might be better.
Dune is one that I think definitely should be on the list on though.
That is a great list of sci-fi battle scenes Ice! Some out of order for sure but I would have included Yesterday's Enterprise from ST:TNG as one and I didn't see Space Above and Beyond there either. However some very good picks here tough to nudge any out even the Flash Gordon cheese fest. ;D