Hessian you are right.
The first round did not go well (in my eyes) as less than 47% of those on the lists went to vote.
I will give you national results but let's say that of the 22 regions of Metropolitan France, 21 are likely to stay/go on the left and 1 might be kept by the right.
Extreme left 3.40%
Communists (yes I know) 5.84%
Socialists 23,52%
Greens 12.18%
Other left 3.05%
Left Alliance 5.62 %
Others 1.88 %
Regional lists 0.75%
Centre-Right 4.20%
UMP (the Right movement leading the country for now) 26.02%
Other right 1.24%
National Front (extreme right) 11.24%
Other extreme right 0.89%
Second round, next Sunday.