BTW: How are German classes going?
Up and down and up and...
It depends on the day.
Today we were asked to write a "novel" with 9 random words (I had romantic, computer, believe, student...).
My group made a "comic" philosophical love story.
And earlier on, I spoke about 3D movies.
Do you care to elaborate?
It is simple.
People from the national railroad company went on strike for the 3rd time in the trimester.
When you look at who goes on strike in France, you have (most of the time) this company, students/pupils (don't ask me how they can go on strike) and public servants...
The majority is not going on strike and is enduring all and everything.
But my question was more a rhetorical one than a real one.
I learned that in Germany, public servants were not allowed to go on strike and that people from the private sector went on strike.
This is the exact opposite from the French situation.
Such a different country.