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Author Topic: A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)  (Read 6113 times)

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A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)
« on: December 29, 2013, 10:52:22 PM »

A post by Arvanna over on BattleTech forums (see below) got me thinking about the outbreak of a FedCom Civil War in 3057 as Katherine secedes.


Now I don't see Victor ordering his troops home because that just isn't in his character but what if events beyond the control of the Steiner-Davions conspire to start a Civil War. I am still thinking out specifics and would love to hear what you guys think. Here are some of my key events;

1. Efforts to remove General Karl Halburg of the LIC prove difficult and he becomes the focal point of the Loyalist cause
2. A Lyran unit acting on lawful orders of the AFFC High Command attacks the Free Worlds League prompting a response
3. Heavy handed Lyran secessionists clash with FedCom loyalists in Steiner space possibly on the Clan border

   In the novel Bred for War Chapters 22 & 23 the national addresses by Katherine and Victor take place respectively. The dates are September 18th and 19th 3057. In his speech Victor dressed in the 10th Lyran Guard uniform announces his intention not to fight a civil war with his sister.

Commander In Chief, Lyran Intelligence Corps (as of July 14, 3055)
General Halburg embodies the physical stereotype of the military man: close-cropped hair, piercing blue eyes, and solid physique. A young man new to the ranks of the LlC when the Federated Commonwealth sealed its alliance, the General staunchly supported the union since its earliest days. He saw the consolidated state as an opportunity to help shape a new force in the Inner Sphere.
Halburg rose through the ranks of the Norns and then the Diplomatic Corps on his talent for diplomacy. He continues to use this well-honed skill to his advantage by traveling to meet personally with his counterparts in the MilO and the Department of Military Intelligence.
General Halburg is a well-respected and popular man who has managed to remain on good terms with everyone of his subordinate officers. This alone is no mean feat in view of the political quagmire that characterizes the Lyran command structure.
from Intelligence Operations Handbook page 25

When Katherine Steiner-Davion assumed control of the Lyran state in 3057 Alicia saw a chance to transfer her allegiance to the Archon’s daughter, and took it. As one would expect from the head of an organization that specializes in terrorism, Savinson quickly deposed the pro-Federated Commonwealth LIC director and took his place. Her close relationship with Archon Katherine—and her near-psychotic willingness to do whatever the Archon ordered—was one of the weapons Katherine used to assure her usurpation of power, and few doubt that the LIC under Alicia Savinson was active in the Federated Commonwealth, undermining the rule of Yvonne Steiner-Davion.
from Era Reports 3062, page 75


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Re: A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2013, 03:52:43 AM »

Savinson arranging for Halberg to leave office smoking boots first and then missing could well turn into a nasty. Most likely he has to run (probably into the arms of Heimdall) but he'd quickly be able to leave a network of loyal agents in the LIC and start investigating the cause of the attack on him. If that turns into a smoking gun on Savinson that he can deliver to the Estates-General then she and by extension Katherine have a problem. If he manages to implicate Katherine...

On the other side, it might be reasonable for Victor to jump in headfirst to the Sarna March situation. He's titular Duke of the Sarna March even if it is part of the Lyran State Commnand, so a counter-seccession there in his name is reasonably plausible and it would hardly be out of character for him to want to get involved in the fighting personally. While he's not got the shipping or the reserves of troops to turn the tide, it's reasonable he could score some local victories and swing the loyalties of units that might otherwise have retreated to the Lyran Alliance.

Some regiments in Skye March might even decide to get out of the Lyran Alliance and support him - looking at Objective Raids, which gives troops deployments a little before the secession, the 3rd NAIS Cadet Cadre is split between New Earth and Oliver and they're fanatically loyal. In canion they did wind up in Davion space, reposted to the Capellan March (or reformed out of new cadet classes). Less likely but still possible are the the 11th and 12th Federated Commonwealth RCTs, which in canon became part of the Alliance Guards. The 11th is probably more inclined to Skye but the 12th fought heroically against the FWLM and if Victor leads a relief force there's every probability that they'd swing to his camp.

Out of the rest of the FC corps, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 3rd, 5th and 8th were all in the Sarna March during the Liao-Marik invasion, with the 6th leaving the Clan front in order to return to Addicks. Having the 6th F-C's departure contested by Katrina-loyalists would be a possible flashpoint there, while Victor scoring victories with F-C RCTs against the FWL raises the prestige of the regiments, the Federated Commonwealth itself and Victor along the Marik border.


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Re: A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2013, 03:35:19 PM »

Savinson arranging for Halberg to leave office smoking boots first and then missing could well turn into a nasty. Most likely he has to run (probably into the arms of Heimdall) but he'd quickly be able to leave a network of loyal agents in the LIC and start investigating the cause of the attack on him. If that turns into a smoking gun on Savinson that he can deliver to the Estates-General then she and by extension Katherine have a problem. If he manages to implicate Katherine...

Some interesting suggestions drak. I never pictured that scene between Halburg and Savinson but it could be plausible. I was thinking that Halburg might have gotten wind of Katherine's plans to dissolve the Commonwealth before it happened. Such plotting with Sun Tzu and Thomas is clearly treason and evidence of dealings like this would motivate a Civil War. I'll have to take a look at Bred for War and see just what Katherine was up to and when for a specific plan of action.

As a practical matter I was thinking Halburg could deny Lyran secessionists the use of the FedCom Intelligence Command Network (FCIC Network) or the Black Boxes. Using a special encryption he could lock them out of the system while providing efficient means of communication for the Loyalists.

If you notice Halburg began his career as one of the Norns before transferring to the Diplomatic Corps. The Norns are in charge of the FCIC Network in the Lyran State. Oh and by the way Halburg as the head of LIC reports to Victor not Katherine. I'm also thinking he and Heimdall might be able to escape Tharkad with someone from the AFFC who is key to the chain of command.

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Re: A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2013, 08:31:23 PM »

Did have a response then I re read thread start again...

Never really considered it always seemed to be Katherine's people who were pushing for a war

I don't think Victor would have taken the fight to the FWL he was trying to set himself up as the peacemaker after the Clan War showing his contrast from his sister

I think if he had an asset like Halberg in play Katherine would have had far bigger problems than she had.  I think the other Davions would have been bigger problems over a far shorter period and some of Katherine's plots wouldn't even have got off the ground

This could actually have delayed or stopped a Civil War if Katherine can't effectively play the propoganda game her plans pretty puch fall on their face quickly that opposition could have seen her peaceful removal from New Avalon and could have given Kell the ammunition to take her out on Tharkad as well.  She was all about politics and propoganda she needed every intelligence asset on her side or dead.  Halberg in the position he was would have been a big problem for Katherine
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2013, 12:44:17 AM »

I don't think Victor would have taken the fight to the FWL he was trying to set himself up as the peacemaker after the Clan War showing his contrast from his sister

No doubt Dragon Cat, in this alternate Victor is pushed by events into action. The reluctant warrior. Once more into the breach dear friends. I can certainly as drakensis proposed see him leading the charge in the Sarna March while others fight for the Lyran State.

I think if he had an asset like Halberg in play Katherine would have had far bigger problems than she had.  I think the other Davions would have been bigger problems over a far shorter period and some of Katherine's plots wouldn't even have got off the ground

This could actually have delayed or stopped a Civil War if Katherine can't effectively play the propoganda game her plans pretty puch fall on their face quickly that opposition could have seen her peaceful removal from New Avalon and could have given Kell the ammunition to take her out on Tharkad as well.  She was all about politics and propoganda she needed every intelligence asset on her side or dead.  Halberg in the position he was would have been a big problem for Katherine

Halburg is my key figure here so far but with Nondi and Savinson in her corner Katrina's call to arms will be hard for Lyran nationalists to ignore. I think Victor has to win back their hearts and minds. Heavy handed Loki crack downs, hard evidence of Katherine's treason, and some olde fashioned goodwill might win the day.


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Re: A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2014, 09:26:54 PM »

All you have to do is remind people the Katherine is the Duchess of New Avalon an is upsurping all Steiner Family who have Lyran side Titles for rule like her little brother Peter who's the Duke of Tharkad


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Re: A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2014, 10:23:50 PM »

Additionally, if Victor moved quickly and decisively, both overtly and covertly, it would have forced Kat to move fast to cover her tracks, perhaps providing Victor the opportunity to get the information he needed quickly.

The one thing he would be to apolitical to do would be to make a deal with the Devil (Ryan Steiner) and get Skye to back his claim.  With the industrial heart of the Commonwealth and half the AFFS on the Clan border protecting the Lyran people, little Kat is suddenly in some peril.

Ryan could be dealt with later, though that would be a major undertaking.

Unfortunately, Victor had the political acumen of a drunken frat boy and would never follow such a path.
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2014, 11:45:57 PM »

Welcome Knightowl, tis true that originally Peter was to be the Regent of Tharkad before he got used by both Ryan Steiner and Tormano Liao before escaping to the St. Marinus House on Zaniah. He is pretty much a monk at this time wrestling with the consequences of his actions leaving Katherine in power on the Tharkan throne since Victor elected to rule from New Avalon.

I agree with you Blacknova but Victor is Victor which has led me to make Halburg the point man of the Lyran loyalists for this alternate. Free Skye in 3057 is an organization in transition. The Second Skye Rebellion and the assassination of Ryan Steiner took place just last year, 3056. Quelling the rebellion cost Victor a lot of good will there and allowed Katherine to use the Rebellion as the anti-Davion event preceding her secession.


Now in this alternate how does the Draconis occupation of the Lyons Thumb go? Does Victor accept it or does he fight it? Can Halburg find other Lyran pro-FedCom loyalists to back him either in Free Skye or the newborn Alliance?



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Re: A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2014, 01:57:26 AM »

Katherine is still the Duchess of New Avalon she never let go of tgat Title Noble Rank.


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Re: A House Divided... (FedCom Civil War 3057)
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2014, 03:12:59 AM »

Fight it, as not doing so undermines his legitimacy as the protector of the Lyran State. If Kat sent in even 1 infantry unit to fight there and Vic did not, he would lose a lot of credibility.
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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.
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